The image below is a screen grab from Google News this AM as the "top story".

We know that f
ar more unarmed and armed whites are killed by police, but that isn't the narrative here. "An unarmed black man is 2.5x times more likely to be killed by police than a white man".
What headlines do is make you forget PERSPECTIVE.
Two hundred and fifty thousand Americans are thought to die each year due to medical errors. Not likely to see any headlines about that.
The linked article says that in a year and a half, 1,500 TOTAL people were shot and killed by police, so you have roughly a 200x chance of dying of a medical error vs having the police shoot and kill you. Clearly, if you were "rational" (according to TP), you ought to be FAR more concerned about dying from a medical error than of being shot by police ... black, yellow, white, lime green, or whatever.
But what you need to pay attention to is what "The Party" (TP-D) WANTS you to think. On terrorism, they work fairly hard to let you know that "
in perspective", you have "more chance of furniture falling on you" than you do of dying in a terrorist attack. We are somewhat regularly told how irrational it is to be concerned about terrorism, while TP and their media arm ACTIVELY wants to give you the perception that police shooting blacks is a HUGE problem!
As we cover in this blog regularly, they are doing this because they have an agenda -- they want to control you, and they know that humans are bad at math, driven by emotion, and prone to believe what others say to them ... especially if the "others" are seen as "authority".
We all have parents, who are our first authority, then teachers, then bosses, then wives (well, close to half of us) ... so we are used to being told what to do, and in general we are compliant. Even better (if you are TP or Trump), we tend not to think about what we are being influenced by. We just "have a feeling" that something is badly wrong relative to police shootings of blacks, and the problem is racist police.
What is really going on here is BO and Hildebeast working to get the black vote energized and out. BO has stated that it would be a
"personal insult" if they did not turn out. Black votes are critical because they are the
"fuel" for the big city fraud machines that are a major part of TP "winning" elections.
Their VOTES matter to TP,
but their LIVES do not -- else TP would be FAR more worried about the chances of a black man being killed by another black man, but that does not fit their narrative. In fact, the big cities where that black on black violence happens are all under TP control and the policies of TP keep the violent cycle going. Which is just FINE with TP, because it is POWER, not anyone's life about which they care.