Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Sunday, April 08, 2018

Disinformation, Ion Mihai Pacepa

For those that care, the end of the USSR gave us an open window into Communism, the  USSR, and the culture of Russia, which still lives on today. One of the authors, Pacepa, was a 3 star general in Romanian security who was privy to the absolute top of the Soviet KGB. He worked with Kruschev and Soviet leaders after him up until he defected in 1978 ... he was a personal advisor to Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu, and accompanied on all his trips abroad.

The book is required reading for CIA personnel, and the title tells us what readers of this blog certainly have known for a long time -- the ability to dupe the west via "disinformation" has been a cornerstone of Soviet and now Russian operations since Stalin. The art of creating fake stories and getting the rest of the world to see them as "facts" is an art form honed to precision and used effectively by the USSR.

As Churchill said about Russia in a 1939 broadcast, it was then and seems will always be "A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma". The idea of the "Potemikin Village" and the "Russian Dolls" of close to infinite regress is core to Russian culture and history. It is no accident that Russian Chess Masters are some of the greatest ever.

Among he "big lies" of Soviet Disinformation are it's numerous framings of Popes and Cardinals as "Hitler's Popes" or other lies involved in their war on religion. Keeping the world view of Jews as "Zionist puppeteers" pulling the strings of any non-communist governments is another of the ongoing Disinformation programs.

The book makes the case that Lee Harvey Oswald provided the KGB with critical espionage on the U-2 that allowed it to be shot down -- there is also more detail on Oswald's connections to the USSR, and the likelihood that we ended up knowing that the USSR was behind killing JFK, however LBJ thought the risk of nuclear war to great to admit what was done. Pulling strings behind the curtain and leaving the West with a bunch of wispy conspiracy theories has always been a Russian favorite.

Surprising to nobody that has read much at all, "Ramparts" magazine and later "Mother Jones" were KGB funded to influence politics in the US -- David Horowitz, was raised as a "Red Diaper Baby" (a child raised in the US whose parents were communists dedicated to overthrow of the US government) and was later editor of "Ramparts" until the Black Panthers (also with KGB connections) killed one of his friends and he became a supporter of the US and conservative principles. I read his book "Radical Son" long before I started blogging.

It is a hard read -- there is a LOT of detail, and a lot of the names are Russian / Eastern European, so it is hard to keep track of it all. I found too much time spent on only marginally successful attempts to claim the Catholic Church supported Hitler ... yes,  there are a number of people on the left that like to make that claim because of the importance of making it seem that "National Socialism" was an ideology of the RIGHT ... I cover this in detail here.

Data Mining Evil Genius

The article does a great job of explaining what anyone with a moderate level of memory remembers about 2012...
What, exactly, would Obama be doing? According to The Guardian, Obama’s new database would be gathered by asking individual volunteers to log into Obama’s reelection site using their Facebook credentials. “Consciously or otherwise,” The Guardian states, “the individual volunteer will be injecting all the information they store publicly on their Facebook page — home location, date of birth, interests and, crucially, network of friends — directly into the central Obama database.”
Naturally, that was "genius, innovative, etc".
Facebook had no problem with such activity then. They do now. There’s a reason for that. The former Obama director of integration and media analytics stated that, during the 2012 campaign, Facebook allowed the Obama team to “suck out the whole social graph”; Facebook “was surprised we were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn’t stop us once they realized that was what we were doing.” She added, “They came to [the] office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”
Is there even one of us that doesn't TOTALLY understand this? What is good for "our side" is GREAT, what is good for "the other side" is TERRIBLE! Human nature, as natural as breathing -- what CULTURE was once to do was modify human nature to allow that culture to survive and flourish above tribalism, the natural state of man. To understand that "the rules" were there for ALL ... not just "our tribe".

"The Hill" is a slightly left of center media bias rating ... apparently, for a mostly center media outlet, the contrast was just too recent and too glaring to not notice and they gave at least some lip service with the article.

These sorts of dichotomies are nearly daily issue on NPR. Trump had the audacity to congratulate Putin on his victory! Horrors. Naturally Obama congratulated Putin on his victory in 2012 and it was not a problem. That is what it means to be tribal -- when your tribe does it, it is fine, when the other side does it, it is a crime. Oh, and memory is the first thing to go.

At this point, I believe something over 70% of the population understands that we are politically tribal today  -- however my contention is that something like 90% of those people believe that "their tribe is right" (meaning correct).  They are wrong ... and any that still believe we have not fallen to tribalism are also wrong.

I voted for Trump because he was the most non-party / non-tribal candidate possible to win in 2016   -- however he is FAR from non-tribal enough to get us out of the mess we are in. And naturally, a new tribe of rabid supporters has formed around him.

  1. Nobody in Washington, and very very few people nationally have any idea of what it meant to be "America" -- I cover this here.
  2. Those that don't have shared transcendent values can only have tribalism -- so they fight, often at great cost to their selves, families, and even their own tribe, because they have no measure of "the good". Life is a constant tribal argument.
  3. As we see in the recent budget agreement, people see a victory" when "everyone" gets "something", even though what they "get" is charged to their children and grandchildren, and many parts of the "get" are things they don't even want, but some other tribe does.

I'm a God/meaning loyalist -- the budget "deal" was terrible. The "Stormy Affair" isn't as bad as a boss having sex with an employee at the office (especially the Oval Office), but it is also just one more sign that we are in Sodom and Gomorrah territory -- but we have known that since Chappaquiddick.

The choices are actually very simple. We will either return to a point where "70-80%" of people in this territory agree on a set of values that transcend tribe / party, and thus have something like what America was, OR, one of the current, or some other tribal view will "win", and exterminate, re-educate, etc the "losers" as happened in the USSR, National Socialist Germany, Mao's China, Vietnam,  etc and those of the "victorius" tribe will live on in something like "The Lives of Others".

Naturally, none of the tribes study history, so they are absolutely certain that if THEY win, they will do it "right" this time!

Sunday, March 04, 2018

NPR, Straight Up Gridiron

At Gridiron Dinner, Trump Trades Jabs With His 'Opposition Party' : The Two-Way : NPR:

 This is worth a read -- I'd rate it 100% down the middle straight up unbiased reporting from NPR. I complain when I see them as telling us how to think vs reporting, I need to applaud them when I see them doing well.

My belief is that some of the major fault our general modern glumness is the 24x7 news stations where everything is "Special Report", "The Crisis in ... (our minds?)", "ALERT!" ...

We are on this rock for "three score and 10" give or take, and pretty much ALL of us take ourselves WAY too seriously for WAY too much of that time. At least by age 60, we have all generally had broken parts of our body, our lives, our plans, our dreams and lots of embarrassing, even humiliating experiences ... social, medical and otherwise. My belief is that one of the tasks the Good Lord gives  us in this life is to realize that ALL of it is in the blessing column ... maybe especially the parts that we judge to be "bad".

As Joseph told the brothers who sold him into slavery in Genesis 50:20 "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

Or even better (on laughter) ... God promising Sarah she would bear a son in Genesis 18
Then they said to him, “Where is Sarah your wife?” And he said, “There, in the tent.” 10 He said, “I will surely return to you at this time next year; and behold, Sarah your wife will  have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent door, which was behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; Sarah was past childbearing. 12 Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?” 13 And the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I indeed bear a child, when I am so old?’ 14 “Is anything too difficult for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” 15 Sarah denied it however, saying, “I did not laugh”; for she was afraid. And He said, “No, but you did laugh.”
How impossible it is for old Abram becoming "Father Abraham", the root of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam? We are created in God's image, so we know that the Lord of all knows and understands laughter.

The linked isn't very long, and "feels nice" ... a flavor:
There was Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a favorite object of Trump's biting comments on Twitter, getting one this time in person: "You know, it's weird, I offered him a ride over — and he recused himself!"
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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Barbie, Legos, Open Source, and "Assault Rifles"

Why millions of Americans — including me — own the AR-15 - Vox:

A rather long but well done article that will clue you in on in on all (and maybe more than all) you want to know about "Assault Rifles".

Like most things on the left, "Assault Rifle" is a complete misnomer, the AR stands for "Armalite Rifle" and was designed by Eugene Stoner ... who one of my old neighbors got to work with at one point. "Assault" vs "Defense" is also a ridiculous distinction. The AR is THE modern sporting rifle platform, as the article goes into in detail. It is NOT "full auto", but rather semi-auto like pretty much all modern hunting rifles (and handguns).

I own a Bushmaster AR as well as a Kel Tec that are "black guns". I also own a couple Ruger 10-22s (one of the most common .22s) as well as a Remington 742 woodsmaster 30-06. Other than "styling", they are all the same, but as any current or previous owner of a Barbie will tell you, styling IS important!

As in Legos or Open Source software, the "styling" lets one mix and match parts between ARs allowing one platform to be used for a brush gun, long range prairie dog gun, or with a different caliber barrel setup, even a real BIG game rifle like grizzly. PLUS, since it "feels the same", you have the muscle memory to be at home with any of them as soon as you pick them up ... my 742 30-06 "feels" a lot different than an AR, but I can put a 30 round or more magazine in it just like my Bushmaster.

"Why does anyone want to own an AR?" ... like why do you want to own a flat screen TV or a car with a backup camera? The AR is the standard modern sporting arm for very good reasons -- MODULARITY being a huge one. The article covers all that if you care. If you don't shoot, or just shoot trap or deer hunt with your pops 30-30, you may just not know -- like your typical Windows user has no clue about Open Source.

News at 11, the current "discussion" is all politics and virtue signalling, which are increasingly the same thing. No such discussion after Vegas, because let's face it, Country Music fans are largely "deplorable", so nobody really cares. Drug ODs and suicides are at record highs, but again, nobody cares -- "The Party" (TP-D) and it's wholly owned media could care less about those deaths, let alone the 4-6K black youth who kill each other in our 20 or so TP controlled major cities each year. No story there folks, move along ... instead, we have a bunch of kids being used as props rather than eating Tide Pods this week.

Is it a tragedy that 17 kids are killed by a mentally ill kid that did pretty much everything up to and including screaming to authorities "I'm really sick and I'm going to shoot up a school!!!". Well yes, but when we live in a country where the cops wait in the parking lot for the gunfire to die out,  and the FBI is too busy texting about how much they hate Trump, it doesn't really seem that we REALLY need to blame the NRA for any reason other than they are "the usual suspects" for the left.

If TP cared about lives, they could stop abortion and have a few more million kids to trot out and whimper about how much they care ... oops, those kids are dead already, but we don't care about them!

Keep your minds right sheeple!

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Wednesday, February 07, 2018

BO In The Know

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything' | Fox News:

Watergate was about "What did the president know and when did he know it?" ... Since there was 20 min of tape missing it was ASSUMED that he was covering up that "he knew". Oh, and the media as well as the then much less willing to be obvious Democrat State hated Nixon, so he just had to go.

At least we don't have to wonder if BO was inolved in using the FBI to attack the opposition party during the 2016 election ... we have it on text!

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."
Naturally, anyone paying attention has only know that the FBI (and all government) - media collaboration is "business as usual". No reason to call it "collusion" -- come on, it has been obvious since Watergate, but if you are old enough to remember Dan Rather destroying his career using fake documents to "prove" the fake story about how good a fighter pilot W may have been 30 years ago.

The BO birth certificate and the story that W was supposedly not a very good fighter pilot  were similar, however one is NOT requiured to be a "good fighter pilot" to be president, but one at least used to have to be an American citizen to be president!

In the world of fake government agencies and fake news however, "what difference, at this point, does it make?" That was "Herself" Hillary responding to a question about 4 dead, including the US Ambassador to Libya being killed on her watch. Let's face it, relative to the government bureaucracy and the US media, she was right! Nobody cares about US Ambassadors and Navy Seals relative to Hildebeast getting what she wants -- the elite having their way is what BOistan stands for.

What is "new" is how obviously it is now all done. They are STILL certain they hold all the cards and have all the power, players like HillBilly and BO. So they broke all sorts of secrecy laws, obstructed justice, and used federal law enforcement agencies to attack their political opponents? Why not? "Rules" are for the little people ... not the Hillarys and BOs of the world!

The biggest "news" in all of this to me is that we all KNOW how Democrat Party, Administrative State and Media collaboration work against the opposition party. It happens EVERY DAY! Just look at the markets the past few days and think back to '09.

In '09, BAD news was always due to W and GOOD news was always due to BO. Market down, BUSH! Market or anthing else up/good, BO!

Now it is simply the opposite. Markets DOWN (or anything bad), TRUMP! Markets UP (or anything good), BO!

Try to even imagine Trump ordering the FBI to investigate the Democrat candidate in 2020. First of all, like Nixon trying to use the IRS against his political enemies, they would REFUSE ... as well they should! But when BO had the IRS attack conservative groups, they did not refuse -- they DID IT, and then took the 5th and everybody walked away.

Between Watergate and BO, at least the Democrat - Deep State - Media triumvirate had the decency to throw some fig leafs on and deny that they were collaborating! It's in the open now, and neither Democrats at the party or support level care -- they WANT a one party state. They no longer see any advantages in any diversity of ideas -- they are openly shutting down any dissenting ideas being discussed even at a university.

We are ALL largely brainwashed at this point. As evidence, I ask you; What exactly did the Russians **DO** to influence the election????

A few fake Facebook Accounts? Some fake news stories more fake then the many 10's of fake stories that have been exposed on CNN? Which and how many people saw those and were "influenced by them"? Trump supposedly "colluded" to do what? To get more emails from some unsecure Hillary or DNC server released? The Democrat/Deep State/Media triumvirate tells us that "Russian influence in our 2016 election" is a most grevious FACT!

What was that influence, and how many votes did it affect?

The base charge is a JOKE, it is like making an issue about how good a fighter pilot W was. It's a McG
uffin! ... a device to create a story that all the brainwashed will follow.

Here is what REALLY happened!

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Can Blacks Be Friends With Whites?

Can My Children Be Friends With White People? - The New York Times:

The content of the column is really not that surprising (I'm months behind on my blogging), nor really is the fact that it is published in what was supposed to be the "paper of record" in the old "America" ... the nation that was "Under God", and "endowned by it's creator". We don't live there, this is BOistan.
I do not write this with liberal condescension or glee. My heart is unbearably heavy when I assure you we cannot be friends.
The column is quite standard racial posturing -- forget all the multi-millionaire and even billionaire blacks. Take Oprah ... $2.8 billion and maybe running for president. Somebody is "afraid for their kids" -- we all know that if you live in a major BOistan city and you are white, you sure as hell tell your kids which parts of the city to stay out of entirely, and CERTAINLY after dark!

You may certainly be afraid for your kids if you are black as well -- but by far the most likely way for them to be killed is at the hands of another black!

So how "racist" can a nation that elects a black president (twice), and in which a black female multi-billionaire is considered by many a legitimate candidate for the same office on the basis of one speech on an awards show? Well, according to the author of the times column, VERY! Because, well, TRUMP!
Of course, the rise of this president has broken bonds on all sides. But for people of color the stakes are different. Imagining we can now be friends across this political line is asking us to ignore our safety and that of our children, to abandon personal regard and self-worth.
See Oprah can be an immediate legitimate candidate in the same nation in which Trump being elected means that blacks who imagine they might be "friends" with a white person would be "abandoning personal regard and self-worth". Got that?

This is what counts as "opinion" in the NY Times. Not just a random brain fart in a drunken stupor, but "opinion".

Does this person have any sort of thought that is NOT "liberal condescension"? I have my doubts.
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Faked Out In BOistan

Cory Booker hurts | Power Line:

I have no interest in the "shithole" controversy because it came from "unnamed sources" in a "closed meeting". Respectable media and people ignore those who traffic in rumor and innuendo from a "closed meeting". When they don't, there is no trust or truth, and fake manipulation wins out over reality. To wit:

  1. The meeting was CLOSED -- **IF** it was said, it should not have left the meeting.
  2. CERTAINLY, the "leaker(s)" and the media that spread it had and have an agenda and it is to manipulate the sheep against Trump.
  3. **IF** it was said, it was denied, both by Trump and others at the meeting, then it was CERTAINLY not some "important policy position". **IF** it was said, it might have been a "slip", it may have been just "tough talk you can use in closed meetings", OR, it could have been Trump putting something out to play the media cycle ... (**IF** he said it, that is my guess. He was sick of hearing about "the book" ). 

Sadly, this sort of "shit" is what we deal with in BOistan ... the vast majority of the sheeple play the stupid media games, so prima donnas like Cory Booker shreik about what is "unacceptable" -- cry me a river Booker, this is why Trump was elected.

How this stuff plays out in the tribal media is really sad to watch. NPR has already converted this "leak" to a "fact" --  with multiple stories asking "What do YOU think of the RACIST LANGUAGE used by Trump to refer to PEOPLE from these countries!". It's classic "Dog Whistling" ... you manufacture a "controversy" that is essentially about nothing (The Seinfeld schtick), but makes some sort of marketing (or negative marketing) "point". You could just as well say "Trump is a crude racist unqualified to be president" ... which they do, frequently, but saying the same thing over and over gets old, you need "variety". Why not call your "variety" a "fact"? It's all marketing.

The Homeland Security Secretary happened to deny under oath that Trump said the supposedly offensive comment in a meeting that was supposed to be closed -- I would have preferred that she would have said "I don't comment on what is said in closed meetings", but we don't live in America anymore. We live in BOistan, where AMAZINGLY, Cory Booker is actually a SENATOR! I guess NJ must really be a "shithole"!

"Shit" is certainly a lowest common denominator human substance -- the issue is what does one DO with it? In the "shithole countries", one doesn't bother to keep it separate from drinking water, which means that Cholera is a major isssue, and humans literally shit themselves to death. Both shit and Cholera are completely color blind. Shit happens to all people, and Cholera is a completely color blind killer. Drink water contaminated with shit, and you have a really really high chance of dying! We ARE all equal in SOME ways -- the idea of America vs BOistan is that we were once able to realize that we really don't want to be equal in ALL ways!

In America, the idea was that we would ADVANCE from that lowest common denominator and aspire to levels where we wouldn't drink our own (and others) shit. Clearly NPR and Cory Booker are appalled that there are still people hanging around BOistan that believe in ridiculous things like "closed meetings", "honoring oaths", and even attempting to have some sort of "standards".  Get rid of those "standards", and it tends to be not very long before you are literally drinking shit, rather than just drinking it figurativly since you have bought into things like this whole "shithole controversy".`

And so I get exposed to a lot of fecal material when I listen to NPR ... I just hope that I have enough other media sources and character to innoculate me against catching any diseases!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Shining Cities, Shitholes, Shinola

I'm not a lover of coarse language. BOistan however is a place where we hear the previously "wash your mouth out with soap" word "f*ck" constantly. To be offended by "words" in BOistan, a country where nobody is able to name the total number of "genders" -- let alone what each might mean, is to carry on some sort of charade that is so foolish as to make one question where and when such a person thinks they are living. (assuming they are serious, which most aren't)

One of Reagan's statements about the previous nation of America was that we were once a "Shining city on a hill". I was honored to call that nation home -- a lot of people knew what was "trump" in that nation.

There once was a time when people believed that closed meetings were closed. If people could not be trusted to even keep to themselves what was said in a closed meetings, those people were completely not trustworthy in word or deed. They and what they said was to be ignored. 

If they talked to media sources, the reputable media would not publish it -- they did not want to publish the words of dishonorable people because it primarily reflected more negatively on the media rather than on whomever or whatever was to be stabbed in the back by the calumny. 

If what was supposedly said got out and was denied by someone in the meeting, their word was accepted without question -- the meeting was closed. Whomever claimed somethng was said had already proven themselves untrustworthy. Others at the meeting had a right to expect that what they said at the meeting was private. The person betraying that expectation had already proven their mendacity. 

The media outlets that would carry things said by those not honoring the meeting rules were "gossip rags", purveyors of "yelllow journalism". People that had any sort of standards at all knew that things were often said in closed meetings that were not intended for wider dispersal. Here is an example of something LBJ is supposed to have said hoping he could hear "someone deny it"

I'm sure that history has LOTS of examples of presidents saying all sorts of things in "closed meetings", "off the record", etc ... here is LBJ being quite earthy ordering pants if you want some entertainment. LBJ could be VERY "earthy" ... and very racist as well, with a lot of use of the "N-word". I can't even imagine what US Grant might have said as president -- nor do I care. I certainly found W to be more "presidential" than Trump, however even his enemies give Trump credit for getting more done in his first year of office than W did in 8 ... that counts with me as well. 

"Unpresidential" is a synomym for "I don't like them" today ... we are in the presidential semen on blue dresses era -- even worse, we came close to making the "semenizer" the "First Masher". 

Anyone that knows "shit from shinola" knows what this is about -- we are in a 24x7 media, democrat and Deep State war to weaken, remove, destroy, or in any manner possible "resist" the duly elected president of BOistan. Naturally, those "resisting" groups had HUGE problems with anyone who even questioned a policy of BO ("racism" was the charge for disagreeing with a BO action). BOistan is not a failed tribal state that honors elections! 

The problem is that in BOistan, nearly nobody knows shit from shinola. The masses are generally so ill-informed and over marketed that the old derogatory term "rabble" would be a compliment. Sad back and forth sniping between tribal camps on "social media" over the latest media created "story" is what counts as "discourse". 

My personal policy is that I always replace the term "anonymous sources" with "space aliens" , and when I see "CNN" I replace it with "as reported in The National Enquirer" to determine my level of "trust". 

If you still hold a shred of sanity, this entire "story" is meaningless.

 In case Trump did say it, I too wonder why we take so many people from actual "shitholes" ... do some searches on "cholera" and countries like Hati, Yemen, etc and you may wonder as well ... "shit happens", and when you live in a "shithole", cholera also happens. Spending money so they could keep fecal material and drinking water separate would be WAY more "humanitarian" than whatever number of "refugees" we might take in. 

Sadly, if you have such sanity, I suspect you also already know the answer -- refugees vote democrat! That is why it is so important that we NOT have voter ID! While dead BOistanis often vote democrat as well, dead Hatians, Yemenis, etc don't, and thus we do actually know the sad reason why we take so many rather than fix the plumbing. 

Shut off  EVERYTHING ... America marketed itself a long way to BOistan. It will take more than marketing to get us out! 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Lowest And Highest

Charles Blow is clearly a theologian in his own mind.
That is because Trump is man-as-message, man-as-messiah. Trump support isn’t philosophical but theological.

Trumpism is a religion founded on patriarchy and white supremacy.

It is the belief that even the least qualified man is a better choice than the most qualified woman and a belief that the most vile, anti-intellectual, scandal-plagued simpleton of a white man is sufficient to follow in the presidential footsteps of the best educated, most eloquent, most affable black man.
Our nation was founded on the idea that all men were created equal before God -- equal in opportunity rather than result. Yes, blacks and women for that matter, were not included in that declaration -- we are talking the late 1700's. The idea of equality before God vs the Divine Right of Kings, aristocracy, etc was a new and very exceptional idea, it needed a few revisions.

The part that is really hard for Mr Blow is the idea that one is required to "love their neighbor as themselves" and even to "love their enemies". Outside of Christianity, such thinking borders on the insane -- POWER, and "worthiness" as defined by Mr Blow are what "ought to count". I personally would find Thomas Sowell to be FAR more "educated, eloquent and affable" than Obama, but since we live in a political system where the selections for president are made by voting under the rules of the Constitution, neither Mr Blow's or my opinions really matter for that office.

"Trumpism" like "BOisnm" is indeed more of a "religion" than anything else -- since we have largely abandoned the ideals of "endowed by our Creator", the past two presidencies have very much been Nietzchean attempts at allegiance to value creating "supermen". When the coin of the realm is POWER as opposed to historical religion, philosophy, tradition, standards, etc, then "black power" or "white supremacy" are as good a basis as any other. When you throw out all that "old stuff", you are left with NO RULES ... which can seem pretty great when "your side" is in power, but not so great otherwise.

I'm not really sure what "perfect" means in a world with no God, no meaning, no love and certainly no shame, but it would seem Mr Blow has never heard of Matt 25:40, "The least of these'. My personal pick would be the sixty million and rising innocent unborn babies, not Trump.

No matter, to be a Christian is to say with Paul as in first Timothy 1:15.
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
I'll take the place of Trump as the chief of sinners -- the lowest. In his theological language, Blow seems to think that Trump somehow makes "white supremacy perfect". Can either white or black supremacy be "perfect"? I guess in the world of Blow it is so.
For white supremacy to be made perfect, the lowest white man must be exalted above those who are black.

Friday, December 29, 2017

-36, It's Toasted

International Falls, Minnesota drops to record low -36F - Story | KMSP:

Frostbite Falls broke it's previous cold record set in 1924. It's coldest ever was -55 in 1909, and the coldest ever in MN was -60 February 2, 1996.

Naturally, I tend to remember -60 in Cameron WI on January 7, 1977

I'm sure this fits into Climate Change with no problem ... after all, "It's Settled", which is exactly like "It's Toasted".

We live in the age of marketing -- Hope and Change, MAGA, BLM, Russia, Fake News, etc, etc ... there is more behind some of them than others, however they are all very much about marketing. They have to be -- the masses only react to marketing. The one liner, the slogan, the elevator pitch ... get your creed, cause, candidate, charity or celebrity packaged and tagged with a short label ... #metoo! and you are off to the vain and vacuous races of having your meme embedded in the shallow brains of modern man.

It took us a while to get here -- "Mad Men" is about the early '60's when Madison Avenue was rising. When society starts to slip it's moorings, the paths to destruction are legion.

Humans have always been prone to manipulation -- "Bread and Circuses" comes to mind. The issue is if their core is "settled" on something that is "a little bit more" than slogans and shallowness. GOD used to be that foundation -- here in the US, it was a solid Christian God that at the core pretty much everyone agreed on. I've written on this enough so I'll use some words from a National Review article to make the point:

In short, America is in the process of replacing a general worldview that prioritized love, hope, and truth with an individualized moral buffet that prioritizes personal satisfaction. We’re giving man back to his human nature — a nature beset by original sin and prone to tribalism. No one should assume that America can survive the change.
Civilization has understood these issues for thousands of years -- certainly very well in the few hundred years prior to the birth of Christ. Even the revolutionaries of the left now occasionally look around with alarm at what we have become, although they tend to have no understanding of what has happened.

Perhaps we need to think just a tiny bit deeper before WE'RE TOASTED!

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Massive Call For Moore Prosecution Today!

I assume that all BOistanis except a cynical few are rising up today in unison to call for the prosecution of failed Senate candidate Roy Moore! Clearly a ton of people found the evidence amassed against him to be terribly damning to the extent that he has been referred to as a pedophile by many mainstream media outlets and high minded social media posters (poseurs?).

I took the position that their charges were "all about political gain", which certainly many on FB found to be "cynical" as they virtue signaled their high minded morals on Moore's "crimes". Unless they were and are in fact the cynical ones,  I would expect a massive wave of demands from media outlets, Democrats and easily led Republicans alike for immediate prosecution! We all know that child molesters are nearly always repeat offenders, so there is little doubt that the prosecution will find a seamy string of sad victims over the past 40 years according to those who only did this for "justice".

OTOH, if there is no outcry -- or even a complete lack of concern for any investigation after this supposed awful man who many said would be "impossible for a Christian to support" just because the election is over,  what would that mean? Why would sane people virtue signal about how "good" they were to come out against Moore, even to the point of questioning others religious beliefs if they did not sign on to what they saw as the completely damning nature of these 40 year old charges?

My belief is that we live in an amoral age where actual standards are becoming exceedingly rare. Today's world is ruled by the left wing "Scribes and Pharisees" who are ALL about judgment and virtue signalling, however are in fact "whitewashed sepulchers" -- their only goal is POWER, political and otherwise, and they seek to make their idea of power synonymous with "virtue".

If all those who wasted time virtue signalling on FB and in the media do NOT seek to put this known (to them) child molester behind bars, I think we have pretty solid evidence what BOistan is REALLY about! Same thing with all the fake virtue signalling relative to Trump -- as the link I put above (repeat) makes very clear in the linked Village Voice article, the supposed virtuous elites are anything but!

The BEGINNING of wisdom is the fear of God! Only by constant devotion to Bible, prayer, sacraments, etc, can any of us hope to escape the snare of "the wide road" of being in agreement with the MSM, elites, "the popular ones" through the constant bombarding of media manipulation from all corners.

Perhaps I will be proven wrong and a huge outcry for Moore's prosecution is about to rise. If I'm correct however that it is not happening, do we not all KNOW that the charges were actually just a political smear job? How could they NOT be if the supposedly sanctimonious believers in those charges don't even have a twinge of thought about all the children that they MUST believe that Moore molested over 40 years, and is no doubt molesting today?

Search your heart, you KNOW it to be true at a visceral level that if denied puts your soul in eternal peril!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

#fakenews Is Losing

The End of Media History and the Last Honest Man | Unexamined Premises:

In the last couple of weeks we have had a a couple of major #fakenews stories that were not just glaringly wrong, they were obviously due to reporters so extremely biased that they seized what they saw as an opportunity to have a devastating "scoop" that might even take down Trump -- in whom they hate.

First we had the ABC Brian Ross report that Flynn was going to testify to being directed to talk to the Russians during the campaign by Trump -- which set twitter on fire, caused the markets to tank, and had all sorts of news outlets screaming "This is IT! We have got Trump!" !!!!!!!

Oops, Never Mind, he was directed to start talking to Russians AFTER Trump was elected -- which is of course exactly the stuff that an incoming administration does! I remember well that one of the common "news" items during the Clinton Impeachment was that "this is really really stupid, the right wingers are roiling the markets over SEX! A "private matter", even at the office, if your name is Slick Wille! Try that at YOUR place of employment and see if it flies. 

The entire "" was set up to "just drop it and MOVE ON" -- nobody cared about sexual harassment, rape, perjury, obstruction of justice, etc when it applied to Slick Willie. "You will scare the markets"!!!! (or maybe the horses).

No concern for that in the MSM these days -- get Trump at ALL costs!

Then, we just had the CNN report that "there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks"! ... oops, there wasn't, the Trump campaign got the access over a week AFTER everyone else had gotten it! Again, CNN, the leader in Fake News is the one doing the retraction this time.

Is there anything that somebody that is a critical thinker is likely to believe the MSM on these days? Certainly nothing I can think of if it is supposed to reflect badly on Trump -- their track record is just too bad!

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Friday, December 01, 2017

News From Lake Hebegone

Down Next. . . Garrison Keillor!?!? | Power Line:

The human tendency for anyone but a hard lefty is to look at guys like Franken and Keillor and be flooded with schadenfreude -- these are guys that have attacked anyone remotely conservative with the darkest venom they could muster with never a thought of mercy. They were SMUG in capital letters,  and that was that. They were on the "right" (meaning left) side of history, goodness, intelligence, wealth, power, privilege, etc, etc  ... absolutely qualified to put down ANYONE -- as Franken does my Lord Jesus here.  Hey, it's "humor"! Add into that the general tone of the callers to an MPR show this AM -- "I'm SHOCKED that you would not stand by good men like Garrison, while TRUMP get's off! I'm done with MPR, you will never see another dime!" In the tribal state of BOistan, we love our own and ONLY our own!

The odd thing is that if Garrson is telling the truth -- and no matter how far left and smug one is, that is always a possibility, then he is out because he put his hand on a woman's exposed back and apologized. AFAIK, that is all that is widely known at this point -- I can't really blame his left wing defenders to be losing an "icon" over a hand on a back.

Do I "believe him"? Well, no, the fact that MPR would "sever all ties" with a man that has been THE face of MPR since I've been able to listen, means to me that we are likely to find that there are LOTS of other tales to be told. He has a giant sense of entitlement and his personal power that "taking a few liberties" would HARDLY be unexpected -- this is BOistan after all, the land of "no controlling moral authority".

Are we really going to sit here and let the whole BOistani system of "Power is all that counts, corruption is king, and if it feels good, DO IT" be called into question? The MPR callers were certainly not -- they want their "icon" back! BOistan is supposed to be the land of ZERO morals, what is going on? (for THEIR side stupid, the conservative side is supposed to be concerned with 38 year old "charges")

"Sexual Harassment" is such a broad term that it includes what Clarence Thomas was ACCUSED  of (mentioning an x rated movie and suggesting that there might be a pubic hair on a can of Coke), after which Anita Hill followed him to two different jobs. It also includes charges of rape and attempted rape against Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein, as well as LONG lists of grabbing, exposing themselves, masturbating, etc, etc. Justice Thomas will never be forgiven for his ALLEGED words, while Slick is still an "icon" to many today, and if Hillary had been elected, would be functioning as "First Man" with no outcry from the MSM. (clearly, no Trump, no lefty puritanical purge!)

My contention is that "Sexual Harassment" was purposely created to be a weapon for women, with the assumption being that "liberal men" would largely be exempt, and it would be a way to take "sexually repressed, nasty conservative hypocrites" out of public life.  The law on Sexual Harassment is that "if she feels she was harassed, she was harassed"! Words, pictures, attitudes, staring too long, etc, etc are ALL part of Sexual Harassment! It might better be called "Sexual Correctness" (SC), since it's enforcement is done very much like "Political Correctness". I cover some more detail here if you have interest.

Take "Pocahontas" in the PC case ...  the word could denote a  wonderful Disney character, or if used by Trump it could be a "racial slur" -- it is all up to what "The Party" (TP-D) and it's wholly owned media say! What sexual behavior is and is not problematic is up to the same powers. (it's POWER baby!) The busty young lass with the low cut top bends over to pick something up, and the male is caught looking, that can EASILY be "SC"! She can wear whatever she wants, he is not allowed to look if it makes her OR some other woman "feel uncomfortable".

Gays are completely unable to control their sexual desires -- "it's their nature", heterosexual men are completely able to control their notice of exposed cleavage. If you want to stay in good standing with TP, you MUST agree!

Since the early '90s, the SC genie worked pretty much as intended -- when it showed it's face relative to a lefty politician, it was quickly ordered back in the bottle by the MSM and "feminist" women. When it attacked a conservative -- no matter how mild (or ancient) the "charges" as in the case of Clarence Thomas, it was a fearsome genie indeed, destroying many men's careers and political aspirations. (men on the WRONG (right) side!)

In an adult and civil society,  women would be well able to deliver a knee to the scrotum, a scratch to the face, a nice scream, or other "scene stealer", and go off to the supervisor, a large male friend, or something similar, and the cad would be put in his place. Slick Willie would have had his famous index finger broken so many times it would  crookedly point back at his oft beaten pulpy face in an adult world.

Alas, we live in a feminized society of back room gossip and palace intrigue in the media as well as the halls of government and business. Both manly and womanly honor and virtue are dead, replaced by sneaky, snide, slimy interactions and "cat-fight hissy fits" of the sort that Obama excelled at. The "end of life" for once great cultures is always thus -- Athens, Rome, Britannia ... all ended with deep corruption of all types ... sexual just being one example.

In a world of even minimal honor and virtue, "Sexual Harassment" would leave a "mark" -- the perpetrator bent double, nursing an embarrassing scratch on the face, a black eye, etc. It would be "out" in an instant, because the woman would find her personal honor and reputation to be worth far more than some "career" ... and indeed, the sorts of women that moved up the ladder in that world would be those that were known to be more than capable of standing up for themselves in any situation, as well as likely having male friends that any "masher" would seek to avoid a visit from at all costs.

I continue to detest the world that has been created by the gutless, godless, double talking politically correct vermin that generally hold power in this kindergarten swamp society. Apparently they are often "mean to women", and the women largely take it and stew in their juices for years, thus creating more such incidents for their sisters. One can't feel awfully sorry for them however, since Teddy Kennedy set the standard by killing his secretary and getting off scot free in '69, and then Slick Willie cemented the standard in '99 -- we are left with an amoral feminized society where the slimy tend to prevail. Nearly half the female population has been willing to trade their "virtue" to protect the right to sacrifice their children to the Moloch of "convenience" in abortion.

There seem to be two prospects here as to what's going on?, of the kind that allow a mixture of both:
  1. TP decided that Weinstein was no longer worth protecting with Trump in the WH and the Clinton machine derailed. They gave him up knowing that there would be SOME collateral damage, but grossly miscalculated as to the extent.
  2. TP, the Deep State and the RINO Swampies are in a TRUE balls to the wall panic as the swamp has begun to drain and things are becoming exposed. Strong evidence for this is the ADMITTED $17 million in public funds paid out to cover up sexual harassment since '97! The fact that a group of our congressmen sat down and set up a "slush fund" using public money to protect their own proves what readers of this blog well know -- DC in BOistan is corrupt beyond belief, and that corruption is DEEP in both parties!

    Certainly many on the left knew that mustering up 38 year old "charges" to try to steal a long-shot Senate seat reeked of desperation -- however, at least at the WaPo, they figured out that desperation is just where they are at  -- tax reform goes through, economy keeps humming, judicial appointments keep rolling, Deep State keeps taking hits ... they feel the icy grip of panic. They have been hammering Trump 24x7 since August of 2016, and he is STILL STANDING! They felt they had to fire all they had at Moore, and they set their own smouldering house fully aflame! It is a bit tough not to feel a LITTLE schadenfreude

I find the MPR / Keillor case to be likely a similar sort of exposure. The fact that they "cut all ties" reminds me of the exit of Bill Kling in 2010 ... this excerpt is from a 2009 article on his $600K salary ...

"Topping the list, of course, is Bill Kling, the president and CEO of the entity officially known as Minnesota Public Radio-American Public Media. He made $373,254 in compensation and benefits from MPR/APM, which for the year grossed $82.2 million. Kling's total take swelled to $606,753, including approximately $180,000 from American Public Media Group (APMG), which controls MPR, and $48,000 from Greenspring, MPR's for-profit arm."

"Non-profit" doesn't mean that certain people like Garrison and Kling don't make LOTS of money ... "officially", Kling took $48K from the "for profit arm" Greenspring. "Follow the money" is often a great piece of advice ... I expect part of the reason for the very quick and very clean separation is that the tax money soaking NPR and MPR (we send money to MPR as part of a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT here in the land of Loons) ... my guess is that someone looking closer at "Pretty Good Goods" and such might find some interesting finances.

I started out on #1, but am shifting toward  #2 ... it certainly isn't that Matt Lauer and Charlie Wrangle were not well known abusers.Here is Katie on Matt in 2012 on air ...

Here is Cokie Roberts letting us know that women DC reporters for YEARS knew not to get in an elevator with Charlie ...

What sort of people / organization installs a remote door lock in an office so Lauer can lock victims in? Would you listen to "news" from such an organization?

"Situational Morals" are NOT morals! For ALL unrepentant humans, the ONLY sort of "standards" are DOUBLE STANDARDS!  **ONLY*** by recognition that we are ALL filthy sinners in need of REGULAR repentance and participation in Holy Communion, can we even hope to do better.

Up until the '60's, America was largely a Christian Nation. In a Christian Nation, real standards matter! There was even an expectation that leadership needed to be held to a "higher standard". Starting in the '60s, we seriously abandoned God. Pick your poison ... Chappaquiddick, Watergate, Roe V Wade, "Borking", the Clarence Thomas lynching, Slick Willie, gay "marriage", 58 genders ... your list may well be different from mine, but America gave way to BOistan ... and thus Trump (well covered here).

Political Correctness (PC), Sexual Correctness(SC) are all symptoms of our migration to the sick tribal backwater of BOistan. Trump has barely dented the swamp, but he HAS begun ... some of the measures he is taking are hitting them very hard! Will the current tempest raise public outrage that our own "swamp congress" has spent $17 million of our money to protect themselves, when the protection is SUPPOSED to be that we get a chance to vote them out every two years???? I suppose that largely depends on the media -- we live in a nation where individuals don't dare feel "outrage" unless their favorite media outlet tells them it is OK.

Can we continue to live in a nation where any woman can "feel harassed" and make accusations decades after the fact and be taken seriously? I'll close with this from Power Line ...

Men lie. Women lie. Children lie like rugs. Rose McGowan I believe. Ms. Tweeden I believe, even without the grotesque photographic evidence. But I have grave doubts about some of the #MeTooers. Mark my words: Turning America into a perpetual Salem Witch Hunt where any man can be destroyed just by accusations of incidents that allegedly happened 40 years earlier and can never be disproved will not end well. Ask not for whom the 10, 20, 30-year-old sexual assault accusation tolls, my brothers; it tolls for thee.

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Monday, November 20, 2017

Franken Trojan or Tipping Creep?

It wasn’t “the times” that caused feminists to give Bill Clinton a pass | Power Line:

The important thing to remember about "sexual harassment" starting in the '90s is that "the standard" is supposed to be that  "if the woman feels harassed, then she was harassed" ... it could be words, could be looks, could be something that you wore, displayed, had tattooed, etc, could be ANYTHING! Including of course ANY sort of touching, bumping into, etc. I covered my personal experience with this here, as well as some discussion on who got off, and who didn't.

The most famous guy that got off totally is Bill Clinton. Clarence Thomas narrowly managed to make it onto the SCOTUS after being accused of ... well, "talking" ... mentioning some x-rated films and a potential pubic hair on a can of coke. Those were the CHARGES, and they almost did take him down, except that:

1). The charges were old (a decade or so when made)
2). The "victim" had followed him to multiple jobs since the charges supposedly happened
3). They could not get anyone else to come forth and make similar charges.

#4, and probably most important, Teddy Kennedy, who famously left his car parked upside down underwater with his soon to be deceased secretary in it, and Gropin Joe Biden were on the committee that was trying to lynch "the wrong kind of black man" (a conservative) to prevent him from being on the court. The D's still don't cotton to blacks leaving their thought reservation)!

When they went after Harvey Weinstein, I was shocked -- having your way with women has been one of the perks of being a lefty in good standing for a LONG time. Situations like Slick Willie where the accusers were mercilessly abused and castigated by the press and Democrats made it clear that powerful lefty men were allowed "favors" without retribution. If a woman complained, she was destroyed.

The big choice in human life has always been first and foremost GOD ... and from thence, morality.

A shared belief in a God that was always watching and would sort things out for eternity has always been the gold standard for morals. It is what we do when we think we are going to get away with it that is problematic! Do morals backed up by an infinite all knowing God that will ultimately judge you ensure moral turpitude? Of course not! We are talking odds here -- strong religiously backed morals put you in the "80-90th percent reliable" area. FAR from perfect, but a high standard for this fallen world.

In a world with God as the standard, women would have come out EVEN IF their careers were going to be destroyed because IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO ... for your eternal soul, for your current female sisters, and for any female offspring you might care about. When you drop God, and especially if you start killing the unborn, "your career" is quickly the only thing that counts!

When morals fail, the next backstop is law and justice. It isn't nearly as good, because it requires some sort of "enforcers", "evidence", and if you don't get caught, then you are as good as guilt free. For all but murder if you are a D (see Chappaquiddick), there is going to be some sort of statute of limitations -- because the trail goes cold, and "proving" things after a decade or more can be really difficult. Oh, and especially nasty, law and justice require that they are applied EQUALLY in order to be respected -- power doesn't get to play.

 That has always been a problem for Ds ... see Roy Moore. No way such "charges" would even arise against a D. "Old News" ... which in D parlance means that "we heard it before, maybe just last week". Thirty+ years for a D? Oh please!

As I've argued elsewhere, Chappaquiddick is as good a place as any to select as a point where pure POWER became the coin of our realm. That the incident included both sex and murder in one not very tidy tidal pool, along with America's most powerful political family, and a man who would become the "Lyin" Of the Senate, made it it especially full of damnation for America. Chappaquiddick established the "Democrat Standard" or rather "The Democrat Non-standard" relative to morals, law and justice. POWER is the godless Democrat standard.

The moral calculus since Mary Jo Kopechne as been that if a Democrat decides to have his way with a woman, just be glad and very quiet if he doesn't kill you (it is easy to be quiet if he does! Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment!) In the Slick Willie years the D sisterhood worked to establish a level of pride in providing services to prominent D's like Slick, -- "taking it for the right to kill babies", the ultimate sacrament of the Democrat party. It is hard to imagine that this sort of attitude did not engender more entitlement on the part of D men -- so most likely we are just seeing the very tip of the iceberg now.

The assumption was that the Democrats would always have enough power so that such sacrifices would be worth making to insure that the blood of the unborn continued to flow freely on the altar of Molech - Democrats. The whole idea of the sexual revolution was to give women POWER over their bodies -- certainly to murder their young, but also so that they could bestow sexual favors for their own pleasure, advancement, gain, etc -- for whatever suited them. That is what POWER is about! The charge of sexual harassment was the female equivalent of male physical power.

If Hillary had won, none of this would be happening -- as this column shows clearly:
As Janice Min, the former editor of The Hollywood Reporter, told me, when Barack Obama stepped off a stage and into Weinstein’s arms for a big hug after giving a $400,000 speech as an ex-president in the spring, it sent a signal that the ogre was in a protected magic circle.
He was, but the power behind the "magic" had already evaporated -- the ogre was exposed as an ogre. The D's are even all claiming to be having moral buyers remorse over protecting Slick Willie! As this column tries to tell us, "Hell froze over" ...

If the ground beneath your feet feels cold, it’s because hell froze over the other day. It happened at 8:02 p.m. on Monday, when The New York Times published an op-ed called “I Believe Juanita.

Written by Michelle Goldberg, it was a piece that, 20 years ago, likely would have inflamed the readership of the paper and scandalized its editors. Reviewing the credibility of Broaddrick’s claim, Goldberg wrote that “five witnesses said she confided in them about the assault right after it happened,” an important standard in reviewing the veracity of claims of past sex crimes.
As any minor student of history, theology and philosophy, let alone a Christian believer will tell you, without God, there are no morals, no love, no consistency. The current calculus is very easy -- Roy Moore is a warm up for taking down Trump -- the D's seek to trade a sudden attack of feigned morality about an EX president for the hide of a sitting president.

It is not for nothing that the Republican party is known as "The Stupid Party" -- while there are actual honorable Republicans with principles, Reagan being a great example, and the party is the last refuge of people of faith in BOistan, it too has been corrupted by the loss of religious faith and the power of DC and Davos. Trump is shaking the DC foundations -- the R's may well go along with his removal,  since Pence is FAR more to their liking! There are no morals left in the leadership of the R party either.

Many will be confused by the seemingly "honest" shedding of tears over Slick's victims 20+ years too late. Heck, I would not be shocked at this point to see the D's throw BOTH Slick and Hillary under the bus, and maybe BO as well! Any intelligent Democrat has to see the courts being mightily moved away from them and even their "firewall", the Deep State, now being assailed by Trump!

Power MUST be completely ruthless to survive unless it is divine! Communism killed over 100 million in the 20th century, abortion has killed 60 million and rising. One thing that Islam is right about is submission -- the word Islam means "submission", and the basic fact of human life is that peace requires submission. Submission to God, or submission to an all powerful state.

Don't be confused -- there is zero chance of the current Democrat party having an attack of actual morals (a Democrat getting morals would be like a vampire getting a tan!), what you see is what has been obvious since at least Wilson, Democrat = the worship of godless power!

Expect A LOT of bodies as the D's try to appear to "come clean" to have the "moral standing" to take down Trump!

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Living In A Rape Culture

I’m a feminist. I study rape culture. And I don’t want Al Franken to resign. - The Washington Post:

The column is a worthy read for understanding how minds in power based culture that can't conceive of an alternative MUST operate.
Isn’t that hypocritical? I hear you asking, Because Republicans won’t do the right thing, we shouldn’t, either? But if the short-term “right thing” leads to long-term political catastrophe for American women, I think we need to reconsider our definition of the right thing. I am in no way suggesting that we decline to hold Franken accountable for his offenses — only that we think in terms of consequences that might actually improve women’s lives going forward.
Sentient people in such a culture MUST use the calculus that "sure they are evil terrible guys, BUT there are evil terrible guys on OUR side!".  When POWER is the only thing that counts, that is the tribal calculus that operated for thousands of years prior to the rise of religion, and will continue to operate for pagans now unless religion revives. WE MUST PROTECT OUR TRIBE AND **W I N** THAT IS THE ONLY "MORALITY" THAT MATTERS!

Naturally, this woman is not going to accept Chrisitanity as a source of morals -- her reference to "Atwoodian Dystopia" would be to the show "The Handmaid's Tale" of a sort of Old Testament takeover of "America" by "Christians". Both the fact that this show is on current media, and that this column is being published in the WaPo would give sane people solid information that BOistan is FAR from such a portrayal. The rest of the column makes the author's limited connection with reality even more plain.

Without reference to a transcendent power however, one view is as good as another -- what differentiates them is how much power one can garner in support of your view. By argument, force, subterfuge, mass murder, sexual favors, or any means you can successfully gain power with. You might even want to claim your point of view is "good" and try to be "nice" ... whatever that means in a godless universe.

The author is correct on one thing however; we no longer live in a remotely Chrisitan Culture, so "Rape Culture" is as good a designation as any for BOistan. The Administrative State and media like the WaPo hold the bulk of the power, and they "have their way with" all who fail to kneel to their power. Sexual rape is just one use of power. In a godless world, there are no morals or meaning, so "rape" is simply what one without power might decide happened in a sex act -- the label is up to them, however their power will determine if they can speak it.

In Godly universe, such as the one which created the civilization that preceeded BOistan, discussions of things like "morals, consistency, hypocrisy, right/wrong, good/evil, purpose, calling, honor, agape, family, etc" are all topics which are reified ("made real") by the Grace of God and people living in his service.

Those of us who remember the last days of an America under God have that rememberance. Accepting the rape culture of BOistan has been difficult for us. however one wonders what the author of the column believes will happen, since men actually DO have more physical power than women.

I'd argue that a "Hugh Heffner Culture" is likely the best that women can hope for in BOistan, and I'd also argue that I have FAR more reality evidence on my side that the author does for her "Atwoodian Dystopia".  (see Hugh Heffner, Ted Kennedy, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken ... they are all actual people, Handmaiden's Tale? Not so much)

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Friday, November 10, 2017

Moore, The Wet Paper Bag Party

The Moore miasma | Power Line:

Either  more of the the Republican party will eventually "grow a set", or it will continue to fade. I sat in a cafe this AM and the TV was 100% various hand wringing about the 35+ year old "acusations" aginst Roy Moore. A couple of weeks ago we had FBI documentation that the Clinton's and BO sold 20% of our urainum reserves to the Russians for north of $100 million to the Clintons alone, plus a bunch of sordid kickbacks, payoffs, etc. Not really MSM newsworthy -- certainly no wall to wall coverage.

Then we had other FBI information showing that the DNC paid to work with Russians to dig up dirt on Trump to influence the election -- the DNC in fact admitted it. Not really newsworthy -- certainly not a "scandal".

Slick Willie received much fresher charges of RAPE, along with all sorts of groping, dropping trou, etc, etc, but all those were of no concern because they were "just sex". God only knows what he did decades prior to being Arkansas governor -- nobody really cares. He is a D. Oh ... and he as been on the "Lolita Express" a whole bunch, but that is just "circumstantial" ... he has certainly never shown any pattern of liking younger women! Oh, the Lolita Express thing isn't really "news", because it is only on "biased sites" .... and we KNOW that the MSM is not biased!

Can Trump manage to fashion a party that at least folds like damp cardboard rather than like a wet paper bag? Certainly I don't expect that one would even want to create a party as shameless as the D's, but does it REALLY damage you to AT LEAST question accusations that are over 35 years old and have never surfaced before?

The ONLY thing that the RNC ought to care about in Alabama is JUST WIN BABY! Trump campaigned for Moore's primary opponent. Look at the charges, decide if Moore still has the best chance or not, and then DECIDE!

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES however does it make sense to run like 14 year old girls from 35+ year old charges. What were Democrat Senators doing 35 years ago? Hey, go out and at least make up a charge so they can deny it! Politics is STILL not bean bag!

Remember, Teddy Kennedy left his soon to be deceased secretary in his car parked upside down under water and didn't bother to report it until morning,  **AND** HE STAYED IN THE SENATE AND WAS RE-ELECTED MULTIPLE TIMES. **THAT** is the Democrat "standard" -- + Slick Willie + a whole bunch of others that we hardly hear about.

Should Republicans have "higher standards"? SURE! But unless they are killing their current young secretaries, that really isn't much of a bar to get over is it?

Oh the sanctimony --- you CAN'T be a "Christian / Conservative / principled / etc" if you don't rush out and gratuiously castigate Roy Moore even if you don't live within a thousand miles of Alabama! Really? Do Republican idiots REALLY want to subscribe to the "standard" that 35 year old charges that have never shown up before and can't possibly be "proven" are an appropirate litmus test for a candidate???

Who amoung us is secure from some woman coming forward and making such a charge? Remember, she would be a DEMOCRAT -- the sort of women that said they would be happy to give Bill Clinton a blow job anytime while he was being charged with a long list of harrassment charges. Do you REALLY think that such a woman is going to pause for one second to make an old charge against an R to take them down? Who is even going to run for a party stupid enough to throw in the towel because "the charges sound bad" ?

The Democrat party is PROUD to have ZERO standards other than WIN! We just need an opposition party that sets the bar higher than proven sex at the office, killing your secretary,  and not selling major US assets to our enemies for payoffs.

Is that really somehow hard to understand?

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Russians, The Party, BOistan

Hillary’s dossier | Power Line:

There is a good deal of reading in those links, the bottom line is a sad one that we now have a bunch more proof for. "The Party" (TP-D) has been colluding with the "Russians" since WAY back ... even when they were the USSR.

The second link does a good job of some summary ...
  • The Hillary Clinton "Russian Reset"
  • BO cancelling missile defence for Poland
  • BO assuring Medvedev on an open mike about "flexibility" after 2012 election
  • BO laughing at Romney about the "1980's want their foreign policy back"
  • BO trusting the Russians to enforce his "Red Line"
  • Urainium One
  • The DNC funded "Trump Dossier" 
As the second link closes with ...

America is facing an existential crisis, one where it appears the same institutions designed to provide law and order and national security are guilty of wholesale corruption — and possible treason. Either the Trump administration will root out the rot, or the electorate will be faced with the undeniable reality we live in a nation where “justice” consists of one set of laws for the rich and powerful, and another for everyone else. A nation where Congress conducts toothless hearings, those who should be investigated conduct the investigations, and utterly corrupt media censoranything inimical to their own interests and those of their ideological allies.

Absolutely no one can justify the sale of the main ingredient used in nuclear weapons to the Russians. Either the swamp gets drained — or the entire nation drowns in it.

Readers of this blog know this already -- 2016 was the Flight 93 Election, wether or not Trump can turn us back from BOistan is highly in doubt. The "double standard" is really TP vs non-TP. It wasn't that Weinstein was wealthy and powerful, Bill Cosby was that at one point too -- it was that although Harvey was safe as long as TP controlled ALL the levers --- Hillary Lost.

We live in such a corrupt tribal state that news that the DNC / Clintons funded the "Dossier" that kicked off the Special Counsel attacking Trump is not front page blaring headline news like Watergate, Iran Contra, or what Scooter Libby did or did not know about a "covert" CIA operative named Valerie Plame who drove into Langley every day and had her husband write Op Eds for major news outlets to maintain her "deep cover".

This ought to be flashing along the bottom of every screen on every network in BOistan!

After much pain — after much lying, Clinton style — the Washington Post reported on Tuesday evening that the Trump Dossier was commissioned by the smear outfit GPS Fusion at the behest of the Clinton campaign. It was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. 
Tom Perez, the current chairman of the Democratic National Committee wants it to be known that the DNC’s “new [post-election] leadership” (Perez and Minnesota’s own fast-talking hustler Keith Ellison) know nothing. They all sound like Mafia types. Nobody knows anything.
NOTE, the Washington F*ing Post is reporting this! The DNC has ADMITTED IT!

In the last two weeks we have found smoking guns proving that the Clinton Fund and the BO administration knowingly sold 20% of our urainium reserves to Russia for bribes and kickbacks, AND the DNC has ADMITTED that they colluded with the Russians to smear Trump!

Oh, and as a bonus, we now know for certain the IRS in fact targeted conservative groups for political reasons under BO.  That was always obvious to anyone that was awake though -- and the sleepers are not going to be concerned about it anyway. As long as they get their "free stuff" or stay on the Administrative State gravy train, why in the world would they care if the Administrative State is a weapon against those that disagree with it politically?

"Sauce for the goose" ...

But never mind -- nobody cares in BOistan. We are through the looking glass, down the rabbit hole and LOST IN SPACE! 90% of the public just knows what their tribe is, and "justice" is when their side wins!

We have indicted Manafort for "lying to the FBI and money laundering"? SERIOUSLY? We all know the Clinton Fund (Funds for Clintons) was a direct shakedown operation that amoung other things took 10's of millions DIRECTLY from Russian sources. How about being endicted for not even bothering to TRY to launder your bribes?

Here is Hillary lying under oath 3 times -- I'm sure that if we did a family compilation, we could find at least 10s of examples ... "I never had sex with that woman ..."

BOTH sides either follow the law or THERE IS NO LAW! Which is one of the mottos of BOistan.

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Weinstein, Fighting The "System"

Facing Down the Network That Protected Harvey Weinstein - The New York Times:

We all live within our own networks, systems, communities, clans, tribes, etc. Usually we don't really think about it much -- they "just are" ... like fish talking about being wet.

Hollywood, the Main Stream Media, the professionals, the "elite", they are all part of "The Party" (TP-D) ... you have to be if you want to be "elite". It is like the old USSR, or NAZI Germany, there is ONE real party of power, and membership is required if you want to be a power player. Sure, the US still has the ILLUSION of two parties, but the biggest service Trump has given us is smoking out that fantasy ... McCain, Flake, Corker, Snow ... and in many ways Ryan, McConnel and many others are more TP than the official TP folks with Ds next to their names!

They do the bidding of The Swamp ... the Administrative State, Davos, etc, and going against them gets you attacked "Bigly" ... see Trump!

The article doesn't mean to tell you how TP operates, but it does. We all know that the NY Times was sitting on Weinstein dirt for over a decade -- they were a major PART of the "racket" they suddenly claim to stand boldly against in this teary little column.
The racket is a formidable opponent for anyone who is trying to expose the truth. It uses everything at its disposal to wear down reporters or break their wills, either by wooing them with invitations to premieres, access to stars and, in some cases, possible book and movie deals.
TP is the BIG "racket", and it's tentacles include the Deep / Administrative State! See "Trump Dossier", courtesy of the DNC now ADMITTING to funding it ... with some level of complicity from the FBI, and likely CIA. Now THAT is a "racket", and the NY Times is right in the middle of that one as well!

As I've said before, the ability of Trump to take these folks on is AMAZING!

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Safari In BOistan, Wisconsin

At one level, this article is extremely funny -- although it is also sad. Some left coast liberals took a "safari" to of all places, Western Wisconsin .. places I'm very familar with. The following paragraph is what I believe the BOistan "Declaration of Government Dependence" to replace the old American one might be ...

We hold these truths to be self evident; Uncreated, randomly evolved humans can be educated, indoctrinated,  or forced to believe in the true way of centralized all powerful government proscribing their every thought and action." (The New Preamble of BOistan, Year ONE of No god but Government)

So after some crying time after the election, the "Third Way" decided to go on safari in this strange land they did not understand.
Third Way, for its part, announced in January it would spend $20 million on what it called the “New Blue” campaign to “provide Democrats with a path out of the wilderness.” Like many of their peers, the think tank’s brain trust had been stunned by the election. On November 9, too devastated to work, its staff had simply sat together and cried.
Here we have the premises of their trip ...

The trip was predicated on the optimistic notion that if Americans would only listen to each other, they would find more that united than divided them. This notion—the idea that, beyond our polarized politics, lies a middle, or third, path on which most can come together in agreement—is Third Way’s raison d’etre. It is premised on the idea that partisanship is bad, consensus is good, and that most Americans would like to meet in the middle.
One shudders to think what "the middle" in the minds of these people is -- they built a lot of Hillary's strategy, so clearly, HILLARY was a fairly "non-partisan, consensus meet in the middle" candidate in their minds.

In the old country of America, politics was usually well down the list of things of importance ... God, Family, Friends, Vocation, Community, Hobbies, Pets ... and then somewhere on the 2nd set of fingers, the priority of politics might pop up. Crying about politics was generally unthinkable in America unless you or someone close to you was a losing candidate.

In Ellsworth WI, a local farmer explained to the anthropologists what was wrong  -- he could just as well have been talking to the elite in ancient Summeria, Egypt, Greece, Rome, or Victorian England -- bureaucracy, parasites, vampires, syncophants, toadies, lackeys, etc  are anything but a new problem for humanity.
“You’ve got all these parasites making a living off the bureaucracy,” the farmer declared, “like leeches pulling you down, bleeding you dry.” We had been in the state for just a few hours, and already the researchers’ quest for mutual understanding seemed to be hitting a snag.
 Certainly Hillary strategists are positive that "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" is a completely sensible statement. To the extent the "Third Way" makes any sense at all, is to forget left and right, let's have one huge single party government where we ALL think alike -- you know, CORRECTLY. It's the TP ("The Party - D) way!

It isn't that they could not find broad consensus, it is just that the only example of such was that young people no longer wanted to work ...

As we proceeded to meetings with diverse groups of community representatives, this sort of blame-casting was a common refrain. Disdain for the young, in particular, was a constant, across demographic, socio-economic, and generational lines: Even young people complained about young people. “They don’t want to do the work, and they always feel like they’re being picked on,” a recent graduate of a technical school in Chippewa Falls said of his fellow Millennials.
The low point for at least one of the 3rd Way folks was with a group of organic farming hippies who she thought would be dedicated consensus builders like themselves.
“I had a very hard time with that meeting,” she finally said. “The longer the meeting went on, the more it started to feel to me like just another community that had isolated itself, and it was right and everybody else wasn’t, you know?” The hippies should have been her kind of people, but the attitudes they’d expressed had offended her sense of the way America ought to be. She had come seeking mutual understanding, only to find that some people were not the least bit interested in meeting in the middle. And now she was at a crossroads: Would she have to revise her whole worldview to account for this troubling reality?

In the end, the safari found that BOistan was just like what they thought it was ... strong work ethic, lots of agreement, 70% of the people are "in the middle", meaning the "I'm with IT" -- Hillary, transgender, kneeling for the anthem, DC is great. In short, the BOistan that they expected to find. Confirmation Bias is alive and well. The 3rd way turned out to be "just another group that isolated itself, and it was right and everybody else wasn't, you know?" 

I'm thinking that a good many folks in previous nations that went from being successful to being sucked dry by a blood sucking leech of an Adminstrative State bureaucracy and large parts of the population paid off in one way or another to at least be quiet, would find more than a little of "deja vu all over again". Isolated elites living off the fruits of the little guys and surrounded with a bubble that tells them that all is A-OK would not be "new news" in the time of the Akkadian Empire over 2K years BC ... a glance through all the empires that have risen and fallen through history is theraputic from time to time.

How would someone come to agreement on some value, ANY value that "70%" of BOistani's are in agreement on? People need to stand for the flag / anthem? Nah.  "Hard Work"??? Seriously? Over half of the population is is drawing funds from the federal government in one way or another. God? Not likely ... I maintain there is not a single value that 70% of BOistanis agree on.

How SHOULD "America" be? It would be nice to agree on what America even WAS before it's destruction to BOistan before we try to think about that!

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