My eldest son's Eagle Scout ceremony was this past Saturday. I've been busy this spring doing digital slide shows to music for both his high school graduation and this ceremony on my Mac previous using iPhoto. Very impressive software, the "Ken Burns effect", done automatically by the program really does a lot, and the ability of the Mac to hook up to a projector, get the resolution right, ask you if you want to clone your screen, and "just work" is very impressive. Very much more impressive than all the time I've spent setting resolutions, hitting Alt-PF7 over and over, and then looking at a micro screen on the laptop while projecting off my Thinkpad.
Since I put the slides together and picked the music, one would think that a grown man without a reputation for emotion could avoid tears during the ceremony, but apparently not. It seems to be a pretty common problem, when we see pictures of our children growing up over a short period along with some evocative music like Pachelbel Canon in D, the sweeping realization of love, pride, shortness of time, blessing, our finitude, the joy of having been a part of their lives and a host of other things too difficult to name just comes flooding over me. It is enough to make me believe there is more to life than the material world, but apparently not for some. It gives me a shiver of awareness for the infinite.
As I reflect on the Scouts and the rank of Eagle, I'm utterly amazed at what percentage of our country has decided that "the Scouts have got to conform or go" on two issues. The first being that gay men ought to able to be scout leaders. Simply brilliant, and straight men would seem to be great girl scout leaders for girls from 12-17. Sure. "North American Man-Boy Camping Association"?
Second issue of course is that a scout is "reverent". Can't have that with about 50% of our current society, can we? Well, they haven't won yet. Another Eagle Scout goes into the fray. Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Brave, Thrifty, Clean, and Reverent. The liberal ranks used to like to fog the issues, but when they take on the scouts, their true colors become more visible.
The left lie of what they ACTUALLY think of real freedom and diversity of thought is laid bare.
I was never an scout at all, let alone an Eagle, so the path of exceeding dear old Dad is well under way and I couldn't be happier. Apparently I missed bursting with pride, but the thought crossed my mind. On new wings and our fervent prayers, a young eagle prepares to leave the nest for college come fall.
I pray he can stand strong for the values that can give him a wonderful life and eternity!