Showing posts with label climate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate. Show all posts

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Snow / Cold Batters Europe

Heaviest Snow in Decades Batters U.K., Ireland and the Continent - The New York Times:

Europe is being battered by winter weather ... the UK, snow in Rome, cold on the French Riveara. This is of course WEATHER,

Naturally, this cold and snowy weather is due to ACC  (Anthropogenic Climate Change) the settled science formerly known as AGW ... as is all current weather according to the concept of "settled science".
The cold weather in Britain and northwestern Europe is to some extent a mirror image of the “sudden stratospheric warming” in the arctic, experts say, referring to a disturbance in the polar jet stream that has alarmed scientists and forced some to reconsider even the most pessimistic forecasts for climate change.
 The main science that has been settled relative to climate is that "carbon dioxide determines climate".

The cycles of CO2 in the atmosphere over the last 400K+ years have been determined through looking at air trapped in ice cores from Antarctica. ... you can spend the rest of your life studying ice core data if you are interested ... it all looks similar in some ways -- roughly 100K year cycles of lots of cold and glaciers  punctuated by relatively tiny warm interglacial periods of 10-20K years like the one that we and all of human history are in ... the Holocene.

The when coupled with temperature, the charts certainly show a CORRELATION between temperature and CO2, but as any High School statistician will tell you, correlation is NOT causality -- ice cream sales and drowning deaths are definitely correlated, but that is do to a common causal factor (warm days) rather than one causing the other. The correlation between CO2 and temperature could run either way -- warmer temps release more CO2 from oceans so number goes up, OR "something else" ... more animal life, termites, ocean life, fires, SOMETHING raises the CO2 levels to cause the temperature to rise.

Freeman Dyson and myself are the sort of idiots that point out that unless one postulates past human carbon burning civilizations at roughly 120K BC, 240K BC, etc, warming can clearly happen without human causes, so ACC is WAY short of an "explanation".

There is however one rather large object 93 million miles away that just possibly might have some effect on temperature cycles on earth. Strangely, that object ALSO appears to have variation in it's output and we are heading into a projected 500 year low in solar output.

From the linked article quote above, it is clear that climate scientists ASSUME that warm temps at the N pole show that we are still warming. Since the N pole is ocean, the best we can hope for as a proxy is cores from Greenland -- interestingly, it appears that the oldest core data from Greenland is only aout 150K years old  ... meaning that when it gets as warm as it did in the last interglacial, the ice on Greenland melts.

Since record keeping humans have never lived through the ending of a warm period, the LONG period of cold and continental glaciers, followed by the start of a new warm period in 100K years or so, my assertion is that the ONLY thing about climate that is actually "settled" is a lot like what is settled about the Stock Market ... "it fluctuates".

While everyone else is apocalyptic about the perils of a few degrees of extra warmth, I've long had a fascination with what it will be like the next time the planet leaves the interglacial we are in now and enters a new glacial. My best guess is that the  weather will fluctuate wildly and we will begin to see more events like what we see in Europe right now -- in my mind, solar output is likely a LARGE factor, along with ever greater and longer lasting snow cover on the continents. For a good long while, the oceans might actually remain or even increase in warmth -- thus keeping the N pole ice free while the continents start to develop larger and larger continental glaciers.

When I was in college in the '70s, concern about an upcoming ice age was the primary "climate issue", although it was much more a pure science discussion ... the ice core data shows that we SEEM to be "overdue" for an ice age, however, given the length of these cycles, we don't really know if the last "million years" are "typical" relative to frequency and length of glacials / interglacials. Geologists think we have been in an "ice age" for the last 60 million years or so, meaning that there is SOME ice on the planet, which there isn't in the truly warm periods.

Although it will no doubt make a LARGE change in human life on the planet, I must admit that even though it would certainly be WAY more challenging than warming, living through something like the "Little Ice Age" where lakes in this part of the world stayed mostly frozen year around ... back in 2014 we had ice floating around Lake Superior in the middle of June ... events like that and this one in Europe fit my idea of what early cooling might look like.

Other than my religious faith, I tend to enjoy things that are NOT "settled"!

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Friday, December 29, 2017

-36, It's Toasted

International Falls, Minnesota drops to record low -36F - Story | KMSP:

Frostbite Falls broke it's previous cold record set in 1924. It's coldest ever was -55 in 1909, and the coldest ever in MN was -60 February 2, 1996.

Naturally, I tend to remember -60 in Cameron WI on January 7, 1977

I'm sure this fits into Climate Change with no problem ... after all, "It's Settled", which is exactly like "It's Toasted".

We live in the age of marketing -- Hope and Change, MAGA, BLM, Russia, Fake News, etc, etc ... there is more behind some of them than others, however they are all very much about marketing. They have to be -- the masses only react to marketing. The one liner, the slogan, the elevator pitch ... get your creed, cause, candidate, charity or celebrity packaged and tagged with a short label ... #metoo! and you are off to the vain and vacuous races of having your meme embedded in the shallow brains of modern man.

It took us a while to get here -- "Mad Men" is about the early '60's when Madison Avenue was rising. When society starts to slip it's moorings, the paths to destruction are legion.

Humans have always been prone to manipulation -- "Bread and Circuses" comes to mind. The issue is if their core is "settled" on something that is "a little bit more" than slogans and shallowness. GOD used to be that foundation -- here in the US, it was a solid Christian God that at the core pretty much everyone agreed on. I've written on this enough so I'll use some words from a National Review article to make the point:

In short, America is in the process of replacing a general worldview that prioritized love, hope, and truth with an individualized moral buffet that prioritizes personal satisfaction. We’re giving man back to his human nature — a nature beset by original sin and prone to tribalism. No one should assume that America can survive the change.
Civilization has understood these issues for thousands of years -- certainly very well in the few hundred years prior to the birth of Christ. Even the revolutionaries of the left now occasionally look around with alarm at what we have become, although they tend to have no understanding of what has happened.

Perhaps we need to think just a tiny bit deeper before WE'RE TOASTED!

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Friday, May 26, 2017

The Office Of Ecclesiastical Purity

Reading this article gives a little bit of insight into why even SKIMMING the swamp in DC is a task of difficulty levels that defy imagination.

There are few better examples than the EPA post of Scientific Integrity Official. (Yes, that is an actual job title.) The position is a legacy of Barack Obama, who at his 2009 inaugural promised to “restore science to its rightful place”—his way of warning Republicans that there’d be no more debate on climate change or other liberal environmental priorities.
When the State **IS** the "church" and one of it's major tenets is faith in "Anthropogenic Climate Change" (ACC) ...  I still await the "official encyclical" which replaces AGW "Anthropogenic Global Warming" with the more current ACC, since ANY difference in "weather or climate" (interchangeable when used by proper "scientists") is now assumed to be anthropogenic.

The huge CA drought was due to ACC, now the heavy rains are also due to ACC. We assured that AGW caused Katrina and that we would be breaking hurricane records until it cooled -- only then we broke records for NOT having hurricanes, which was also attributed to ACC. From heavy snows to no snows, or from record breaking cold to record breaking warmth are due to ACC. What part of "change" is it that you are missing?

More weather instability is due to ACC as is more stability (like droughts lasting years). ACC explains everything!

When you run a religion (especially one without a Living God) keeping your message pure is critical. Apostates, heretics, deniers, and other vermin must be rooted out at all costs, and if possible made to suffer. Certainly this has been well understood since ancient times, so it is no real surprise to see it ongoing in the case of "The Party" (TP-D) and its State Religion of "Progressivism (regressivism)".

You have to love the left -- they pull no punches and there is no amount of other people's money that they will not spend in their cause -- and why not. It has always been so for true believers.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

US Debt vs Global Warming

The Problem No One in DC Wants to Talk About  |  Ricochet:

Does anyone want to bet what the biggest problem for the US will be for the next 20 years? Global Warming or Debt?

Well, we are still closer to an ice age than a record warm period accoring to the Greenland ice cores.

BOistanis in their wisdom however find that Climate Change is more important than the economy ... they don't really care if they are poor comparted to if they are cold. They want to be cold rather than warm at all costs!

I'm betting that they really haven't thought cold and poor through as much as they think they have, and that after a few brown outs, 50% inflation, 60% unemployment and such vs a few tenths of a climate degree, they will have second thoughts.

Let's hope it isn't too late.

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Sunday, April 02, 2017

Coal, Climate, Arguing the 100ths

The Climate Yawns - WSJ:

Last week, "The Party", the Greens, and the MSM (but I repeat myself), went ape over Trump rolling back BO's "climate legacy". THIS is his "climate legacy":

Gina McCarthy, Mr. Obama’s EPA administrator, admitted as much when confronted, during a 2015 House hearing, with the fact that, by the agency’s own climate models, the effect would be only 1/100th of a degree Celsius. Instead, she said success should be measured in terms of “positioning the U.S. for leadership in an international discussion.”

Mind you, those models are only considered accurate to a few TENTHS of a degree. It's like getting on a scale each AM that only registers in 100s of pounds and asserting "my weight is the same". Or, to carry the analogy farther, "I've lost weight". You could also of course say that you had gained weight! The scale isn't measuring any change less than 100lbs, so it is entirely up to you!

This is for course whey we have been having "warmest months and years, EVER" quite regularly ... "warmer" (than some new "baseline") by 100ths of a degree!

 "Pile up all the government policies enacted or seriously on the table, and their net effect is zilch. A new McKinsey study, that would be hilarious if it weren’t so sad, points out that Germany’s switch to renewables has been a success by almost every metric except CO 2 output—which is up instead of down.

Rising energy prices to support this energy transition have had one measurable effect—more than 330,000 German households have had their electricity shut off in the past year from nonpayment of bills almost three times as high as those paid by U.S. households."
There was a time when Democrats would be concerned about policies that raised prices of basic commodities like power so hundreds of thousands of people were resorting to candles, but that time is past.

As the article points out, the Democrats have been screaming in unison that the Trump changes "don't save any jobs!" ... market forces, fracked natural gas, global production and other factors are squeezing the coal miners anyway. So one might ask them why it was important to "declare war on coal" and promise to "shut all the mines down" if it was going to happen anyway?

I'm certain that the Hillary's vote calculators assured her that the symbolism of "the war on coal" was FAR more important to her inevitable win than a few 10's of thousands of hick coal miners, and maybe a few more million red deplorable red state "coal sympathizers" that were just too stupid to understand that coal could not be saved, even if Hillary didn't murder it to rake in a few more green campaign dollars and big city votes!

Why, those coal people and those that sympathize with them are just as stupid as the fools that thought we would ever see sub-$2 gas by fracking. Those red staters are just plain idiots, and they just NEVER seem to be able to get it!

And now, the vermin seem to have lost faith in our brilliant elites! How could this happen?

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Sunday, March 05, 2017

Climate Change, Insanity, Why We Fight

Tucker Carlson & Bill Nye Debate Climate Change | National Review:

Attempting to watch the video is insanity inducing. Bill Nye assumes the the position of the Oracle of Delphi to present wisdom from on high to Tucker Carlson. The "oracle", like the "GOREacle" before him is clueless. ALL of the "rate of change" is caused by humans. HUH?

In simple terms, the "rate of change" is the slope of the graph showing warming / cooling / speed / etc. So Carlson asks an obvious question ... "If I grant you that it is settled science that climate is changing, what % of that change is human caused?". If it is "settled", then it is an easy question ... 20% is due to natural causes, 80% is due to humans, etc.

NR likes this a lot better than I do, it is a classic of "let's shout over each other" -- the reason I gave up the "shout shows". As we sat in Ole's in Paxon last night having a wondrous bone-in ribeye, I noticed all the TVs tuned to Fox or CNN.Proof that we now live in BOistan. Politics? It's something that ought to be done in closed smoke filled rooms and STRICTLY limited! Let them screw up 15% of the economy but NO MORE!  (it is like 35% today) Just keep it out of sight and don't scare the horses.

Because government is no longer limited, it is ALL about government all the time. EVERYTHING becomes a "political fight" because the State BECAME the Church -- there is no "separation" for 50% of the country because they believe there is no god, long live the state as god!

The old rule used to be "don't talk about religion or politics", now politics IS the religion of nearly half our population, and EVERYTHING is political!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Climate Dump

The article has a lot of nice charts, some of which I've read books on and am somewhat convinced of. The bottom line is that C02 doesn't historically correlate with temprature, climate has been cycling for millions of years, and all the climate models have and continue to be spectacularly wrong.

Some thoughts on this issue in this time of everyone on every side being certain.

First, Our lives are but an instant. Our childrens lives a bare 20-30 years longer, our grandchildren another 20-30. Predictions made for a century or more into the future have been laughed at for generations as the current generation looks back at the predictions of the last. Global famine, flying cars, living on the moon and mars, artificially intelligent computers, everyone dead of nuclear war, the petroleum supply of the planet utterly depleted, Christ returning,  the USSR controlling the entire planet, Japan ruling the planet economically, a new ice age and now the inverse. Such are the predictions made over the course of just my lifetime.

Some of them are still out there, and some of them I believe. I certainly believe that Christ will return. Everthing I know aobout climate (covered in some of the charts above) indicates that we WILL have another ice age at some point. We have been warming since the last one (in general, it is like the stock market, ups and downs but generally up (we HOPE in the case of the market!), the only real big picture climate questions are how warm it will get before the next ice age, and when will it start.

Second, Argument with "true believers" on predictions is futile at best and often downright nasty. If you wanted to convince me that I was a fool for believing that Christ will return, what would you use as evidence? As Yogi Berra supposedly intoned "Predictions are hard to make, especially about the future".

So far, all the climate models have been very wrong (plenty of info on that in the dump if you want to look), but has that really changed any minds? Do you expect it to? We are talking about FAITH here, not anything remotely related to "science". The fact that the continued failure of the predictions on Global Warming forced a branding change to "Climate Change" have changed few minds tells us that we are dealing with FAITH. There were few people that gave up on Christ's return after the "Great Dissappointmnet of 1844" as well.

So third, We ALL live by faith, the only difference is if we want to acknowldge that fact or not. We also are all going to DIE, as is everyone we love -- either before or after us ... yet another fact we choose to ignore. BOTH of these facts are facts like 2+2=4. They are irrefuteable. You might think you could refute the first, but what is your evidence? How would you "prove" that you are a human that DOES NOT live by faith? You might "believe" it, but, like well ... that is just your opinion man!

Like I believe that I'm going to have dinner in Des Moines tonight -- I BELIEVE that, but since it is the future, I may die, the vehicle might break, I might have an accident that prevents me from getting there, or any of the people that are to be at the dinner might have something come up that prevents it -- sickness, sickness of a loved one or child, THEY might have an accident or die, Des Moines might be wiped out by a meteor ... we could go on and on to events both great and small that would destroy my "factual prediction about the future".

Our beliefs about the future are useful if they help us live our lives today. Believing in Christ's return helps me deal with the fact of death for myself and loved ones. It gives my temporal life eternal purpose  -- eternity makes the next moment, year, decade, millineum small in comparison to my hope for the future.

"Climate Change" provides much the same purpose for the secularist today. It gives their life meaning -- they are "saving the world" by being "believers", voting accordingly, maybe even saving a bit of energy themselves when it is convienient. Their belief in Climate Change allows them to have a "shared transcendent value" that puts them on the side of "good" and allows them to contrast themselves with "deniers" who obviously are evil and have no concern for the future of the planet. All the while being able to convince themselves that their "belief" is "truth" -- which of course everyone always does with all their beliefs, just don't tell secularists that!

Their beliefs are not beliefs, but rather FACTS and TRUTH to them -- and in that, they prove their humanity while they try to deny it. Don't expect that any sort of "data" will have any effect on them but to increase their resolve. That is how faith works -- look into your own soul, you know it to be true.

I'm certain of it!

Monday, August 15, 2016

BOistan Divided, Drowning vs Abortion

DIVIDED AMERICA: Global warming polarizes more than abortion - The Washington Post:
The more people connect on a human level, the more people can “overcome these tribal attitudes,” Anna Jane Joyner says. “We really do have a lot more in common than we think.”

I read an article like this and wonder how the author would answer the following question;

Do you think the natural state of human society is:
A. Tribes
B. Plato's Republic
C. Marxist Communism or Socialism
D. Some yet unknown scientifically based advanced culture?

I'm assuming he thinks "D", but then HOW does one get there? Force?

We once overcame tribalism by believing in a set of transcendent truths that we called "Western Civilization" which was largely rooted in Christian values. Justice, equality of opportunity, individual responsibility, freedom, etc ... that kind of trash.

Science is like engineering on the starship Enterprise .... it lets you go fast, blow things up and make the doors go "whoosh"! It tells you NOTHING about what you "should" do. Annihilate the aliens or go down and see if you can have sex with them like Kirk and Riker might prefer -- those are NOT scientific questions!

On  a "human level", we are all tribalists. On a scientific level, we apparently take a lot of surveys and marvel that we are tribalists -- but somehow believe that if we all get together on a "human level", we will reach a decision that killing off the next generation is better than them drowning in the rising oceans. Or something.

Is the "fastest growing segment" of the population "young earth warmists" that believe that man arrived in the last 10K years after the most recent ice age, thus missing the last warming period equivalent to now 120K years ago, or the previous three other comparable periods in the past 500K years? Will appropriate surveys make the last 500K of geologic and climate history go away?

Science is WHOLLY unable to produce the "myths" on which to base a human society. It may well help a reasonable society, or even "tribes", have more "stuff", move around more, kill each other more efficiently, or distract themselves more completely, but that is ALL it is capably of doing.

No matter how many surveys you send out!

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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Xiuhtezcatl vs $146 Trillion

Meet the teens leading an unprecedented lawsuit against the U.S. government.:

Imagine naming your child "Xiuhtezcatl... pronounced "shu-TEZ-cuht".

We live in a world without any semblance of reason, so this "cuht" has spoken  before the United Nations . In Biblical times, David killed Goliath and cut off his head when he was probably younger than "Xiuhtezcat", and Goliath was 9' 9" tall! Today you get a lot of coverage for suing the US government -- or rather the broken and bankrupt facsimile remaining.

So the US combined unfunded liabilities and debt are $146 TRILLION according to the Star Tribune ... but both "Xiuhtezcat" and BO agree that the issue of our time is "Climate Change".

I guess that makes sense in some universe. During the next ice age, perhaps the "intelligent" can reflect on wisdom and priority.

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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Climate Change Summary

The "Experts" mantra -- "Never in doubt, frequently wrong". 

I'd put some of the headings differently -- 2005, Katrina was the PEAK year for "we can expect an ever increasing number of larger hurricanes" ... after which we have had basically NONE. Even large storms like Sandy had to be "uprated to hurricanes", and PREDICTIONS had to be more and more dire as in last falls "strongest hurricane EVER!

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Going Medieval, Let Them Burn Wood!

Climate Alarmism versus Energy Reality:

Not a bad article mostly covering old ground on the questionable nature of the whole warmist industry -- who it hurts (common people), who it benefits (folks like Al Gore, government bureaucracies, etc), how much it costs, how there is no way to square rapid growth in electrical demand with wind and solar. I covered the fact that in the US, solar can be counted for only 8% of maximum power need and wind for only 14% -- so there MUST be HUGE  "backup" generation for night, cloudy and or calm days!

The new news was the UK has shifted power plants over from coal to WOOD! Yes, it is REALLY true -- it HAS to be, it is covered in the NY Times, they wouldn't lie would they?

The incoherence of the policies spawned by the U.N.’s earlier Kyoto climate accord is increasingly undeniable. Germany is subsidizing the construction of coal-fired power plants as necessary backups to renewables, and Britain is burning wood imported from the United States to generate electricity on a massive scale. Renamed “biomass” and declared “carbon neutral,” wood is no less polluting than coal. Headlines in the Daily Mail excoriate the retrofit of Britain’s largest coal plant to burn wood as a “forest-destroying symbol of the shameful absurdity of European energy policies.”
"Progressivism" displaying it's true result as "regressivism" -- we once advanced forward from wood and wind to coal, gas and even nuclear, and now we are regressing back to ancient times. Wicca is even the fastest growing "religion" in N America!

When "liberals" claim that conservatives want to "turn back the clock", they are a very very black pot casting aspersions on the color of the kettle -- "liberalism" is an bullet train back to living in caves with no power!

They are going all medieval on us! ... although, perhaps is in may cases of "liberal thought" (the worlds greatest oxymoron), they should just reconsider a bit!

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Teachers Imperfect Climate Indoctrinators

How teachers are getting it wrong on climate change - The Washington Post:
Thirty-one percent of teachers also said that they include both the scientific consensus position — that global warming is human-caused — but then also a “natural causes” position that contradicts it, thus presenting “both sides,” in the study’s words.
I've covered before how our current school systems were engineered to create at the start of the 20th century using principles from guys like Taylor and Dewey to make "compliant workers and consumers" for the industrial manufacturing world.

The fact that such people operate best in totalitarian systems was just a bonus!

The linked article is not "in your face", but it makes it pretty clear that there needs to be a national top-down agenda for getting our "numbers" up to "where they need to be" on Climate Change.
The study also found that most teachers are unaware of the strength of the scientific consensus about the human causes of climate change. The survey asked them “what proportion of climate scientists think that global warming is caused mostly by human activities?” For middle school teachers, 30 percent chose the option “81 to 100%,” which the researchers identified as the correct answer. High school teachers were only a little better, at 45 percent.
The highlight is the big "tell" that we are dealing with totalitarian ideology. In teaching "science", polls of how many people believe whatever would have been SCIENTIFIC SACRILEGE even back when I was in school. We were far too close to the Nazi politicization of science and Lysenkoism in the USSR, PLUS, we were a country GOING TO THE MOON! Things like going to the Moon require REAL SCIENCE, not political ideology.

The "correct answer" was 81-100% ... but the REAL answer is closer to 40%! However, the REAL PROBLEM is that we are doing "Family Feud Science" ( Survey Says!) indoctrination.

Which brings us to:
Teachers who espoused conservative ideological beliefs about government’s role in people’s lives tended to be more likely to present an “on the one hand, on the other hand” version of the climate issue in class.
I'd love to see that percentage ... I'm guessing it wasn't very high!

The ideology which may not be named as "ideology" because it is the dominant one we are soaking in ("liberalism"), is actively working to stamp out any presentation of an alternate view. Meanwhile that which is strongly labeled as "ideology" is in the business of presenting facts and alternatives and allowing for a public to think and make up their own minds!

**IF** we were ever to return to being a nation of freemen, one of the highest priorities would be to demand and constantly monitor so that our schools turn out INDEPENDENT, reality-based,  CRITICAL THINKING students rather than mindless totalitarian ideological automatons!

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

36% Of Climate Related Scientists Say "Comply With Kyoto"

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes:

This will get a LOT less coverage than the "97% of Scientist agree" on AGW!

Surveys and Science are like "Lutherans and eelpout" .. Huh? If 100% of scientists think that space is expanding at a fixed rate (which they pretty much did) and data shows that it is expanding at an accelerating rate, then, until the next data, 100% of scientists were WRONG! Pretty much all of them thought that  space was Static as well prior to  Edwin Hubble showing it was expanding!

Science is driven by data, surveys are driven by opinion.

It's probably WORSE for AGW that what the survey shows. Experiments have now been done where you put the survey taker in a PET scanner which is pretty much a lie detector that actually works! Ask people a question like "Blacks are inherently better basketball players than whites", which 90%+ will answer NO!!! Because they have been socialized to KNOW that is what they SHOUD answer, but nearly all of them (including blacks) are LYING!

No doubt a goodly number of climate related scientists are NOT going to answer this one in the socially acceptable "wrong way" ... even though is was supposed to be anonymous, many could lose their jobs for being a "denier".

The electrical power exec at the meeting I was at this AM was VERY uncomfortable with AGW being questioned in the room, and made basically a "statement of faith" that "they had children, cared about the planet, and this was a settled area in the industry that was not useful to discuss!".

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Monday, February 08, 2016

Young Earth Warmists

Climate Change, the Long View | Power Line:

Mostly just posting to have these charts in one place for future reference.

This has been well covered in this Blog, but sometimes a little repetition is good, a little repetition is good ... Marco Rubio ;-)

Young Earth Creationists tend to put the age of the earth at 6-10K years.

Compared to them, our current warmists are like fruit flies compared to elephants! In order to reach their "scientific conclusions", they restrict their data to AT MOST 155-160 years (1860 to now), and in many cases MUCH less ... like "since 1979" for satellite data.

The linked article is short and has three excellent charts to give a little perspective. A scientist would take 160 years of climate data next to 100's of thousands of years ( I find the "billions" to be spurious, no real climate data available on those ranges) is far MORE laughable than your typical scientist likes to consider Young Earth Creation!

They want to show a "trend" on a couple hundred year scale when they have data from thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years to answer for?

Here is the last 10K years of climate data, in GENERAL it has been getting warmer, seas have been rising and C02 levels have been getting higher that whole time. That is what it means to be in one of the 5 "interglacials" in the last 500K years. If you wanted to point out something "scientific" rather than political, the fact that the peaks of warmth seem to be getting lower and the length of the cold periods getting longer MIGHT give a bit of a pause if you also looked at the 500K data.

The following chart is the last 500K data of Vostok data ... the fact that the last 10K shows that while it HAS been getting warmer since the "little ice age", we are only in a "warm period" relative to that cool period ... which is why "climate scientists" talk "avg temp vs baseline" ... the "baseline" is 1981 - 2010.  (Gee, I wonder why they picked THAT?)

At least Young Earth Creationists COMPLETELY admit that they are acting with religion in mind -- but hey, at least it is an OLD religion! The Climate Faith is at best only been holding worship services since 1980!

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

AL-Mageddon Has Arrived! We're Cooked!

Michelle Malkin | » Al-mageddon hath arrived: A decade ago today, Gore issued his 10-year doomsday warning:

Ten years ago today Nobel Prize winner Al Gore predicted that unless "drastic measures" were taken by this date on CO2, it would be "past the point of no return".

Whew! It's OVER! We can party like it is the end of the world because it IS the end of the world!

I'm not in a mood to re-hash any climate stuff this week other than to say that I'm really not in any doubt at all about 2016 being, "The Warmest Year EVER"! ... where "ever" is REALLY hard to pin down. Maybe since 1860 .. but likely even more recently "ever" than that ... for a little background, I covered 2014 being the warmest EVER here ...

But hey, no more need to worry -- Al Gore says it is too late to fix it now anyway!

Party on!
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Monday, December 07, 2015

Funding The Climate Church

Unearthing America's Deep Network of Climate Change Deniers - Bloomberg Business:

Here we have a lot of attention being paid to how scientists that look at climate and weather as an area of legitimate scientific research are funded. ( not accepting that climate is "settled" is labeled as being a "denier" by the Climate Church).

We already know how the high priests of the Climate Church are funded -- through the State, like the Church of England, Church of Norway, etc. ... we don't need to study that, we know how linkage of Church and State works. There used to be a country in N America that had stamped out having a State Church until the Climate Church came along, but I forget it's name. "Obamination" I think.

State Churches tend to have Inquisitions to hunt down and prosecute Heretics that refuse to submit to the authority of the State Church -- which is one in the same as the State, and enjoys the power and the funding of the State.

The State Religion and the State work together to hunt down and remove any opposition -- the purpose of the "research" cited in the linked column is just that. Pointing out that that there are still guys actng like Copernicus out there trying to claim that the Earth goes around the Sun -- rounding them up and maybe burning them at the stake is the sort of thing that State Churches are quite good at.

Money that comes from the State is holy ... money that comes from the private sector is SINFUL! Thus saith the State and it's Church!

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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Paris, Religion, Money and Temperature

Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming | Watts Up With That?:

The linked article is to a new book by three PHDs that points out what the disagreement on AGW (Anthropogenic ("Human Caused") Global Warming) is and why. In summary:
The authors point to four reasons why scientists disagree about global warming: a conflict among scientists in different and often competing disciplines; fundamental scientific uncertainties concerning how the global climate responds to the human presence; failure of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to provide objective guidance to the complex science; and bias among researchers.
To a normal person, saddled with the burdens of reason and common sense, such conclusions appear obvious, inescapable even. To AGW believers however, the existence of such a book is immediate cause for anger, and quite possibly criminal proceedings to be taken up against the authors. AGW is a religion ... a very dogmatic and jealous one (thou shalt serve no god but government and AGW is it's holy word!).  It proves it's religious vs scientific credentials by falsely (and constantly) asserting the provably bogus religious claim that "97% of scientists agree". (science doesn't make "x% of people" claims, because it relies on experiment not opinion)

The main argument against the book from AGW will no doubt be that it is funded by "The Heartland Institute", a think tank dedicated to finding and implementing free market solutions to problems. Just their mission statement is enough for "The Party" (TP-D) and their media minions to break out the torches and pitchforks for a good witchhunt! Such groups are EVIL first because of the apostasy of claiming that a market might be better than central planning and control for achieving results!  Much like AGW, this has been PROVEN wrong! (see, N Korea is more successful than S Korea, and E Germany was WAY better than W Germany prior to the wall coming down -- oh, and the USSR was so darn successful that ... well, you have to BELIEVE to understand it! )

On top of this, Heartland is FUNDED BY CORPORATIONS! See The New York Times, CBS, NBC, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, etc, might actually BE corporations, have documents that claim they are corporations, etc, but they are just, moral, pure and most of all "Wholly Approved by TP!". They are "good guys" ... white hats, halos, etc.

Heartland is an evil NGO, meaning NON Government Organization! See, the billions of dollars that flow from GOVERNMENTS are like mothers milk ... pure, wholesome completely immune to causing any "bias" on the part of those that receive it! The taking of money by force from evil corporations, "the rich", or printing it on the holy government printing press (counterfeiting)  has the effect of sanctifying it (making it pure, or "laundering" it in coarser terms).

Once sanctified, this holy government money (Batman)! ... has no influence on those that receive it! So they remain completely pure in their "science", having no motivation whatsoever to arrive at conclusions that support increased government funding or adding power to the climate change industry! Note, there are many "corporations" in that industry (Solyndra comes to mind) as well, but just as the left wing media, they too have received the miracle of government sanctification!

This week, the college of climate cardinals is meeting in Paris to decree a new encyclical on temperature. As we know, his Stenchfulness BO has decreed that warming is "THE BIGGEST PROBLEM FACING THE PLANET!" ... yea verily, hubba hubba.

Choose ye which religion you follow, but know thee that no matter how much the oceans rise (or don't) in a century or millennium, the AGW religion will be of no import to you whatsoever when those days come to pass! Even the malodorousness of BO will no longer pollute this mortal plane in those days. Praise be to God!

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Monday, November 02, 2015

NASA Says Antarctica Gaining Ice, Packers Lose

I very much question how any person with a hint of a scientific bent rather than a pure ideological, financial, or quasi-religious commitment to AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming)  could look at this information and call AGW "settled". It would be very similar to a Packer fan getting up this AM after the drubbing by Denver and saying that a prediction that Green Bay will win Super Bowl 50 is settled! 

The "fact" of rapid Antarctic ice loss has been a cornerstone of AGW orthodoxy. NASA is and has been a significant source of data presented as "proving" AGW. I find this quote to be especially telling:
"The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away," said Dr. Zwally. 
"But this is also bad news,” he added. “If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some other contribution to sea level rise that is not accounted for."
So if you admit you haven't accurately measured the ice in Antarctica in the past, what makes it certain that you are accurately measuring it or global sea level NOW?

There MUST be another contributor? Just as measuring the total ice on a continent is way less certain than measuring the ice in your drink, precise measurement of global sea level is not the same as measuring out a shot of bourbon no matter how many times you claim to people that such measurements are "infallible". Infallibility is a stance of religion, not science. 

Of course, NASA could be wrong on this measurement and ice may being lost, or maybe it turns out that sea level is not in fact rising -- such is ALWAYS the case with actual science which is only called science because EVERY claim is "falsifiable", but never settled because of the problem of induction ... The Thanksgiving Turkey problem

Religion says that we live in a meaningful universe with a sovereign and all knowing God having ultimate and correct reasons and purpose for all, since he created it and us, it is perfectly reasonable that at least parts of it should be validly knowable by human minds. 

Science says that we have no clue on the knowability or repeatability of a completely random and capricious universe -- other than faith that it is knowable and repeatable. Which most scientists choose to believe for the same reasons that religious people believe in God ... "it makes sense to them", "it seems it HAS to be that way", "I feel it in my very core",  etc. Scientists are humans too -- their brains need a "reasonable story" (for them) to operate with so they naturally postulate a clockwork universe "just happened" if they decide that God is "too simplistic / imaginary". 

We can find "useful guesses that work over some domain of time and space" (hypothesis and theories), but like the turkey, we will never know what we don't know. There is no scientific reason to believe in "order", or even that what randomly selected or designed human minds happen to see as "order" is even meaningful -- unless we postulate some sense of "something" (meaning, order, rules, etc) beyond the physical artifacts that we perceive. 

We will never "prove" the existence or non-existence of "god" via science -- but we need look no further than AGW to know that man must have religion! 

BTW, my certainty in the Pack is a bit tattered this AM! 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Predictions, Strongest Hurricane Ever

CHART: Is Hurricane Patricia The Strongest Hurricane Ever? : The Two-Way : NPR:

We awoke yesterday AM to news that "the strongest hurricane ever" was bearing down on Mexico. Those of us with some skepticism always have the thought cross our mind ... "ever"? Just how long is that?

Turns out "ever" in this case is sometime in the 1970's.
"To make things easier, Klotzbach looked at just U.S. data, and he came to the conclusion that this is the strongest hurricane since the 1970s, when wind measurements are reliable."
Patricia formed very rapidly, it was not predicted to be nearly that strong, so we only had to deal with a single day of maximum hype as to it's likely devastation -- "catastrophic" was a word prominently displayed. Some might question our ability to predict climate decades and even centuries in advance when within a 48 hour period our current weather prediction capability goes from "storm" to "worst ever" to "tropical depression".

We awoke today to discover that there was no loss of life at all, very little property damage, and Patricia is no longer even a hurricane, but has been downgraded to a lowly "Tropical Depression", not even worthy of being a "Tropical Storm".
Patricia, which at its peak was a massive Category 5 storm with 200-mph winds before making landfall, quickly tapered as it crossed mountainous terrain and withered into a tropical storm early Saturday. By mid-morning, it had been downgraded further to a tropical depression.
As always with stories like this, there are two explanations -- incompetence and/or having an agenda. I'm sure this story has lots of both -- the rapid rise of the storm shows how little we really know about even weather, let alone climate. The hype shows how starved the media is to report "massive strong storms" that we were assured would be commonplace after Katrina. The ease with which these are foisted on a largely compliant population shows the extent to which the vast majority of people are simply pawns being told what to think by the dominant political party.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Nearing "The Day After Tomorrow"

We’re closer to a ‘Day After Tomorrow’ ice age than we thought - The Washington Post:

The article is worth a read for at least entertainment value, but the bottom line is that the Warmists are hedging their bets with the idea that the "pause" in warming now nearing 20 years in length might quickly slip into COOLING! ... ****BUT**** !!!!!

Yup, you guessed it, that cooling will be CAUSED by warming, which is caused by humans and CO2. Such has been "settled". As Karl Popper pretty much tautologically said: "A theory that explains everything explains nothing".

That used to be trotted out by atheists against God for obvious reasons, but if "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" explains ALL things that happen to the climate, then it really explains nothing.

If you look at the tired old Vostok ice core data, our temps have peaked 4 times previous to this time in the last 500K years and then plunged. None of our current historical models include advanced carbon burning civilizations in the previous peaks, so while it is possible we are having an effect, it seems pretty clear that the planet warms in 100K year cycles and spends most of it's time far cooler than it is now.

As least future generations will have the satisfacting of knowing that in this case, the cooling was caused by humans!

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