Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The US Education Cartel Centennial

One of the MANY areas that I'm aware of severe problems in, but unable to spend the time to really go in depth is the sorry state of education in the US. I have to admit that given the level of union / "The Party" (D-TP) control, the only viable alternatives seem to be private schools and home schooling to keep some TINY semblance of a few minds that have had a background for critical thought, values and independence. Here is a post that covers how hard the left fights even the TINY amount of choice there is in education today.

The linked article covers the travesty of 20K education "researchers" of the "American Education Researchers Association" (AERA) descending on Washington for their century conference. As the linked article states:

In fact, AERA has a long history of scholarship that seems more interested in promoting personal political agendas than in actually researching education.

Right. The article is worthy of a read if you are not familiar with some of the tripe that counts as "research" for this group of propagandists, here is a sample:
More than a decade ago, we started occasionally highlighting some of the work on display at AERA’s annual fête. Many of the scholarly offerings were so sad they were funny. Over the years, we flagged such priceless gems as “Cyber-Sista Cipher: Black Female Students’ Color Consciousness and Counterstories as Hush Harbor in and for Universities” and “The Formation of the Subjectivity of Mail-Order Brides in Taiwan and Their Educational Strategies Toward Their Children.” If that is not the American academy at its finest and most relevant, it’s hard to know what would be.

I have a post that covers ONLY the fact that our schools are completely wired for the WRONG ECONOMY. Yet another area we are in terrible shape!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Teachers Imperfect Climate Indoctrinators

How teachers are getting it wrong on climate change - The Washington Post:
Thirty-one percent of teachers also said that they include both the scientific consensus position — that global warming is human-caused — but then also a “natural causes” position that contradicts it, thus presenting “both sides,” in the study’s words.
I've covered before how our current school systems were engineered to create at the start of the 20th century using principles from guys like Taylor and Dewey to make "compliant workers and consumers" for the industrial manufacturing world.

The fact that such people operate best in totalitarian systems was just a bonus!

The linked article is not "in your face", but it makes it pretty clear that there needs to be a national top-down agenda for getting our "numbers" up to "where they need to be" on Climate Change.
The study also found that most teachers are unaware of the strength of the scientific consensus about the human causes of climate change. The survey asked them “what proportion of climate scientists think that global warming is caused mostly by human activities?” For middle school teachers, 30 percent chose the option “81 to 100%,” which the researchers identified as the correct answer. High school teachers were only a little better, at 45 percent.
The highlight is the big "tell" that we are dealing with totalitarian ideology. In teaching "science", polls of how many people believe whatever would have been SCIENTIFIC SACRILEGE even back when I was in school. We were far too close to the Nazi politicization of science and Lysenkoism in the USSR, PLUS, we were a country GOING TO THE MOON! Things like going to the Moon require REAL SCIENCE, not political ideology.

The "correct answer" was 81-100% ... but the REAL answer is closer to 40%! However, the REAL PROBLEM is that we are doing "Family Feud Science" ( Survey Says!) indoctrination.

Which brings us to:
Teachers who espoused conservative ideological beliefs about government’s role in people’s lives tended to be more likely to present an “on the one hand, on the other hand” version of the climate issue in class.
I'd love to see that percentage ... I'm guessing it wasn't very high!

The ideology which may not be named as "ideology" because it is the dominant one we are soaking in ("liberalism"), is actively working to stamp out any presentation of an alternate view. Meanwhile that which is strongly labeled as "ideology" is in the business of presenting facts and alternatives and allowing for a public to think and make up their own minds!

**IF** we were ever to return to being a nation of freemen, one of the highest priorities would be to demand and constantly monitor so that our schools turn out INDEPENDENT, reality-based,  CRITICAL THINKING students rather than mindless totalitarian ideological automatons!

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Monday, February 01, 2016

Frightened By Choice, Education

‘What passes for acceptable school choice rhetoric is frightening’ - The Washington Post:

The linked piece is not long and it is worth reading to see just how angry the left is at ANY idea of actual "choice" in school. The left in this nation knows and has well taken to heart the words of Lenin: "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

Conservative parents are lulled, bullied, shamed and subsidized to send their children off to a socialist Democrat party indoctrination camp for TWELVE years, SIXTEEN if they go to college. The teachers are 90%+ Democrat and union, and by law the school will indoctrinate the children in a completely secular world view antithetical to Christian life.

The fact however that there exist A TINY FEW areas of where parents and have some level of choice, and that in some cases, vouchers are allowed, is positively frightening to the giant grinding wheel of the socialist political, media and union mechanism of the "The Party" (TP-D).
What I found instead was appalling to me. The Humphrey School’s event was billed as “bipartisan,” but I quickly realized how thoroughly that word has become cover for groupthink. If both Democrats and Republicans support the dismantling of our public institutions, then shouldn’t you, too?
Refreshing to see what the ruling elite of TP ACTUALLY think of "bipartisan"! The left view of "bipartisan" is you can call yourself anything you like as long as you either completely agree with the left position or SHUT UP! ... anything else is "appalling", "frightening", etc.
That’s it. This is the framework I have been looking for. What would our education policy discussions be like today, if America had turned out “less Reaganite” and “more Humphreyish”? The hammering narrative of failure, applied with force to our nation’s public school system, found fertile ground in the Reagan era, of course, through the hyped “Nation at Risk” report. That report helped propel America away from further investment in public schools, and towards school choice schemes (hint: privatization).
Here we sit, seven years into an administration farther left than Carter, the Constitution shredded, massive debt and taxation, government tentacles reaching into every aspect of life, a cratered economy with food stamps and welfare being the closest things we have to "growth industries", and it would STILL be much better if American and turned out LESS "Reaganite"!!!!

TP demands TOTAL CONTROL because it's programs DEMAND that none have any choice! How much choice is there? As of 2013 all of 5% of students were in publicly funded Charter Schools, and 10% were in private schools, largely Catholic, paying average tuition of $13,640 per student on top of their property taxes.

Fifteen percent of American youth not being 100% indoctrinated by TP. THAT is what TP finds "frightening"!

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stop Stealing Dreams

Take the 20 min and watch this, it is critical to our future as a nation.

I agree with most of what he says, but it is much worse than he thinks. For all his brilliance, Seth seems to have an anti-industrialist bias. It is true that "industrialists" like compliant workers and consumers, but it is even MORE true that growing and potentially oppressive governments love them even more.

They want compliant and predictable voters so it seems like a "Democracy". What is more, the unions that support them want predictable and non-competitive jobs that they can sleepwalk through to a lucrative retirement, and are willing to provide millions in campaign contributions and vocal support to keep that gravy train running.

YES! We must get out of the 19th century in education, but we are not going to do it with the vested interests of teachers and government UNION employees + the existing university elite calling the shots!

Harvard and Yale will definitely agree that losing their status as "elite" is a VERY bad thing!!

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