Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Perfect Ride
Makes it a two workout day. One at noon at the health club, and a nice ride in the evening. Do a bit more of that and maybe I can get my weight going down again. Hope to light a fire in the pit and spend some time out there enjoying the evening before bedtime.
I ride down the old railroad bed trail on blacktop on the Trek 24-speed with the digital speedo reading 14-17 and think about how nice it all is. I do remember the old Schwinn Collegiate 5-speed that I got in Jr High and riding that on the gravel drive. It was pretty cool to get, but it was something like getting my first Honda CB-500-T motorcycle and discovering that wind and vibration were pretty big factors in a motorcycle. Gravel, a heavy frame, a narrow seat, and 5-speeds were just not how a bicycle was "supposed to be".
I remember the night I drove my new Honda CX-500 with the full Vetter fairing back from the dealer down the interstate and said "wow, this is motorcycling". I suspect if I had ever driven a big Gold-Wing or BMW touring bike I would have had even more of an "ah-ha".
Some folks look back that the old days and seem to think them better. I suspect that lots of it is personality, and some of it may be the issue of if life unfolded in anything like the way that you envisioned. In by far the most ways, life has exceeded my expectations. Somehow, enjoying the changes and the advancements just seems like a better idea in any case. We are a ways away from the time machine, and if one constantly finds the old days to be better, it seems unlikely that they will enjoy the future.
Congress Backed in Veto Battle
When a D President (Clinton) vetoed a bill it was the fault of the R Congress that sent up a bad bill, and they were punished in the press(Shutdown of '95). When an R President vetoed a bill sent up by a D congress (Bush 1, '92), then it is was the fault of the R President and he was punished in the press.
The algorithm is pretty easy here ... D wins, R loses. So we know the media position, but gee, doesn't a "poll" mean that it is REALLY just the position of Americans? Well, maybe not. They actually let you LOOK at the poll they used if you are willing to dig.
Hmm, they failed to even ask if anyone favored Congress sending up a clean bill with no timetables or benchmarks and the most favored position was the most favorable for Bush that they asked. Benchmarks only was favored over benchmarks and timetables.
Even stranger, they "somehow" fail to mention at all that right now the public says it is CONGRESS that is most responsible for the problem 44-34%. Even worse, only 41% of the people have gotten the message that the war is lost like Harry Reid thinks. 55% say No, the war is not lost. Somehow those numbers aren't mentioned and the only message the headline readers get is "Most Back Congress Over Bush In War Funding Fight".
This is what is called "creating the news". Anytime a poll is used, it should be suspect because the person using the poll is able to manipulate what kind of results they get in many ways. In this case, they take it a step farther and selectively ask and report exactly what they want to get the slant that they want. The majority of the sheep have no principles and want to be "on the winning side". The MSM knows this well, so keeps hammering away to move public opinion to where they want it.
Here we see where the "seasoned observer" can tell that the war actually IS lost even though most Americans are more hopeful than that. Most Americans don't realize that our enemies are primarily fighting against public opinion, and that is primarily controlled by the MSM. We have slipped as a nation far enough that VERY few understand that ideas have consequences, but unfortunately, far less than a majority even believe that ACTIONS have consequences.
They answer a poll that "the war is not lost", which is true in the "technical sense", that of course if America had the will, Iraq would eventually be stabilized and not end up as "Taliban 2". However; since a majority now say "they don't support the war", even though they don't think of what it actually mean to LOSE, the war is lost.
We will eventually take the consequences of that action, to which even though 80% supported the original action, the response will be "it was the fault of Bush". How many will die in future 9-11 like attacks before people rise up and say "I don't really care who was at fault, we have to do something about these attacks"? I'm guessing 100's of thousands, but I may be an optimist.
Well, at least the headline is true. Congress IS "backed", they are backed by the MSM, and that is what is going to count for the foreeable future.
The W Stock Market Boom
Gee, the market is breaking all-time high after all-time high. Our expansion is into 6 years and pushing to be longer than the Clinton expansion. Why isn't the "Bush Economy" or "Bush Market" on the tip of every tongue?
This really ought not take explanation, but to review. A "D" means that good things are due to you and bad things are due to something that some "R" did--either in the past, or currently if the public was foolish enough to give any political power to any "Rs". If something good happens with an "R" in power, it had nothing to do with them, or it happened in spite of them--however if it happens with a "D" in power, they are DIRECTLY responsible no matter what kind of "negative R stuff" might have been done in the past or concurrently.
Reaganomics was a failure and the USSR folded on its own. Bill Clinton kept us peaceful and secure, did a great job with the economy, and balanced the budget (the Republican Congress had no budget authority during the Clinton administration). While he was at it, he even found time to make oral sex with employees a good thing for the office and extend the definition of "is" by a bunch. The only decent President we have had since Carter.
That is the world of the left wing, and they are determined that is REALITY!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Demographics Is Destiny
This is something few would have predicted 20 years ago. Americans are now moving out of, not into, coastal California and South Florida, and in very large numbers they're moving out of our largest metro areas. They're fleeing hip Boston and San Francisco, and after eight decades of moving to Washington they're moving out. The domestic outflow from these metro areas is 3.9 million people, 650,000 a year. High housing costs, high taxes, a distaste in some cases for the burgeoning immigrant populations--these are driving many Americans elsewhere.
The result is that these Coastal Megalopolises are increasingly a two-tiered society, with large affluent populations happily contemplating (at least until recently) their rapidly rising housing values, and a large, mostly immigrant working class working at low wages and struggling to move up the economic ladder. The economic divide in New York and Los Angeles is starting to look like the economic divide in Mexico City and São Paulo.
Today it is clear that we live in a land of opportunity, look at the immigration problem that we have. We didn't see that level of problem until we got into the 80's and the economic boom. Not so many folks want to migrate to a country where it is time to put on a sweater, turn off the Christmas lights and hunker down for a cold future of decline with Jimmuh Carter!
The nice thing about being a lefty is that opportunity isn't all that hard to get rid of. Raise the tax rates, add some tariffs, make it harder for workers to be laid off (like in Europe and Japan, that is one of the big reasons their economies are in trouble) and before you know it, opportunity gone, immigration problem gone! Who says Democrats can't solve problems, there are two down without even thinking hard. Dead old folks don't collect payments, and nobody wants to immigrate if there aren't any jobs!
I suspect that Michael is right in the long term, but I'm guessing that we will do a slide to at least "Carter Depth", and unfortunately probably lower before we have a chance to pull out this time. We lucked out after Vietnam and only a few million Cambodians and Vietnamese had to pay with their tortured lives for our lack of national resolve. As we see in Iraq, Somalia, Rwanda and of course the holocaust, Americans can be pretty sanguine about the loss of "other folks" ... we wring our hands well after the fact, but stopping Saddam from killing 100's of thousands just isn't worth single digit thousands of US lives ... even with the supposed big "oil pay-off". I still enjoy the low oil prices that blood for oil as bought us. I gotta hand it to the left that they had it pegged there!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I Was Lied To
It is interesting to understand that George Tenant was a CLINTON appointee to the CIA, and GW Bush, who in reality is very much of a bi-partisan kept him on. Clinton kept on no director level people--not that he should have, it was his right as president to replace them all and presidents normally do. Were an MSM to actually give credit where credit was due, they commonly like to claim "bi-partisanship is a good thing", but we know what that really means; Republicans voting as Democrats, not vice-versa.
Clinton decided to fire all of the US attorneys; heavy handed and more than is usually done, but still his prerogative. Bush kept on many more than is normal and fired 8 during his 2nd term. Again, no story at all if one was going to look at things objectively, but "objectivity" isn't one of those common traits in the MSM.
I find the credulity that the MSM gives the Democrats unilateral surrender plan very amazing. Prior to Reagan, they were always in favor of unilateral surrender to the Soviet Union as well. It just seems very odd to set a "this is when we will give up" timetable though. Cut and run may be a foolish strategy, but it is positively genius next to "announce when you will quit".
One strains with incredulity at the idea that this even has to be explained, but telling your competition that you are going to go out of business on a specific date in the future just insures that you are going to suffer maximum loss between now and then, plus your customers are going to want to get rid of your products because somebody lacking that much sense can't be trusted in any fashion. If you are losing and there is no way to turn it around, then you stop. If there is still some question and it is important; you keep going. Setting a date in the future is simply bark at the moon insanity.
Democrats have been certain that America was lost / losing / not worth saving since at least the 60's, so there is nothing new there. They were worried about Grenada and Panama. If the French talked crossly they would no doubt be in favor of immediate and abject surrender to them, but this idea of "surrender at a future date" is a new twist. The only thing that I can figure is that this time they want to make CERTAIN that no matter what happens to the US there is NO WAY that we will ever be so foolish to attempt to defend ourselves again. They want to be sure that things go as badly as possible between now and their surrender date.
Hillary Threatened By Black Man
clipped from
Monday, April 30, 2007
Terrorism by the Numbers
"Even if one counts our dead in Iraq and Afghanistan as casualties of the war against terrorism, which brings us to about 6,500, we should remember that roughly the same number of Americans die every two months in automobile accidents."This comparison of terrorism deaths with automobile accidents is an interesting one which the left seems to find very applicable. The WSJ Best of the Web included a link to the number of lynchings from 1882-1964, which turns out to be 4,742 people, and asks if the left would then come to the conclusion that lynching was not a serious problem?
I think the answer is pretty clear; situational ethics. The left was in fact "OK with lynchings" from 1882-1964, and only when they determined that it was politically possible to turn support for civil rights into a net win did they change their stripes. To the left there are no moral issues, only issues of popularity and the push for complete rule by the masses--bereft of meaning beyond popularity.
The materialist finds no meaning beyond measurement. Lives are calculated like any other number, with no distinction as to person, nor any as to cause of death. While the calculation to consider "lynching bad" turned out to be a good political calculation for the left post '64, it is a mistake to think that it makes any real difference to Bob Byrd or Teddy Kennedy to be a racist or a champion of civil rights. The only difference is what calculation has been made to gain the most power ... in that calculation, they DO display consistency.
I disagree with the WSJ. They mistake the left as actually thinking that lynching would be identified as a problem "universally". I think the evidence shows that to not be the case, and to realize that the left will always seek a solution to gain power. Any claim of "morality" for the left is always situational.
Unfortunately, such is usually the case more most politicians.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Litter Bit Better
I suppose if he was Lee Iaccoca he might have done something more helpful like write a book castigating our leadership, but he decided to work with the city and a number of local organizations, Kwik Trip, the trash haulers, neighborhood associations, churches, schools scouts, and many others to perform a city-wide cleanup in connection with earth day. Something over 20K lbs of garbage was picked up over the week-long effort.
My wife organized our own neighborhood effort, and on Saturday AM out of a neighborhood of a few thousand people, in perfect weather, there were FIVE that showed up to work. In talking with the guy that organized it, he said that was not uncommon at all ... while a TON (10 tons to be more exact) of work was done, the vast bulk was done by a very small percentage of people. The 5 of us picked up 20+ bags of garbage in the 3 hours we worked.
The Pareto Principle, was originally the "80/20 rule" and it means that in many human endeavors, 20% of the group is responsible for 80% of the significance ... good and bad. There is a LOT of evidence that Pareto is moving to 90/10, and beyond. Where 20% used to do 80% of the work, now 10% are doing 90% and it apparently keeps getting narrower. The sad thing is that the negative is true as well ... it is nearly a certainty that 90% of the litter was put there by less than 10% of the population. If you map the giving in your church, the volunteerism in the community, and the production of the nation, the same thing is true, and increasingly, the set of people that provide that "get it done" are conservative in political leaning. Why?
I picked up one clue along the road. A little "ticket" that had apparently been left under the wiper of an SUV by a person of the left "doing something good". The "ticket" said "SUV Owner: Citation for driving a wasteful vehicle". It had a lot of other stuff on it, but one of the organizations was "earth on empty". My guess is that some lefty was able to feel very smug for a good long time by putting the piece of litter under a wiper blade. They most likely felt that they had done a great deed for the day or even the week or month.
Most likely the ticketer felt much more smug than I was able to feel picking up the garbage, since to their mental calculation, pointing a finger at someone and feeling "outraged" is a HUGE good deed, and they bear no other responsibility. Things like "doing and responsibility" are something for OTHERS to do ... "leadership", "the wealthy", "corporate America" ... someone, but certainly not them. When one accepts even a tiny amount of personal responsibility, then "outrage" isn't nearly as fun, because it often means that you are required to do something other than complain.
The sheep have been marketed to, entertained, and manipulated with generally no connection to God or even history for at least the TV age, and even before. It is little wonder that they buy into the idea of "feeling good without cost". Picking up litter is harder than complaining about global warming, but global warming is mostly about "good feelings" rather than anything scientific. A great little George Will column points out that a Big Mac is more "greenhouse costly" than a BMW (manure and cow flatulence creating the greater problem of methane as opposed to the BMWs CO2) and that a Prius is actually environmentally WORSE than a Hummer because of the environmental effects of creation and usage of two sets of batteries over the life of the car.
Feeling smug while driving your Prius, ticketing a SUV, or while riding on a jet to a "green vacation" are easier than picking up sodden garbage from steep road embankments. Telling someone else that they ought to pay more taxes to provide whatever you want is much easier than getting more education, taking more responsibility in your job, or saving and investing. As a technologist, I lament that technology--TV, movies, internet, music, etc is certainly the "mainline" through which the drug of meaningless feeling is pumped into our culture. Technology is neither good or evil in itself, but creates leverage that is unfortunately able to be used in negative ways.
Technology allows the 90% to wallow in more "good feelings", and increasingly link up with only the information that fits what makes them feel best, while the 10% use the leverage to learn and do at an ever increasing rate. Unfortunately, Ayn Rand seems to have been right about the phenomenon of "looting". The 90% have an insatiable appetite for outrage, emotion, and less responsibility. No matter how much "better" in terms of mindless consumption and ease their lives are made, the fact that the 10% increasingly "have more" is a constant irritant.
The phenomenon is as old as "killing the goose that laid the golden egg", and it is very much a part of human nature. My sense is that '06 was a tipping point--the goose chase has begun.
Democrat Intelligence on Iraq
Since 80% of people supported going into Iraq and removing Saddam, they apparently want to have a "simple answer" to absolve themselves of responsibility. The combination of the MSM and the Democrats with the "Bush lied" mantra must just be too convenient. Complex problems often require simple answers for the masses, and the idea that Saddam certainly DESIRED to be seen as having WMD in order to increase his stature, and the fact that "absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence" must just be too complex compared to "Bush lied".
The belief of Saddam having WMD was never a "minority position" ... certainly there were folks that disagreed, but there are flat earthers and holocaust deniers as well. The unusual case is that a failure to find evidence has caused a majority to fall into actual denial of their own past thinking. PROVING a negative is one of the hardest things to do ... as evidenced by UFOs, Bigfoot, and Loch Ness. When scads of leaders, including former President Clinton, candidates Kerry and Gore, and virtually everyone else decide to contradict their own historical on-record quotes, and somehow "blame Bush" (who in many of the cases in the Clinton administration case was YEARS from office), the mind wanders at the ability of the lefty brain to deny simple reality.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Mission Accomplished
Harry Reid has come out in agreement with George Bush on Iraq relative to winning of the military action part of the war; "The military mission has long since been accomplished. The failure has been political. It has been policy. It has been presidential"
Of course the "other part of the war" is lost according to Harry; "I believe ... that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week,"The fundamental liberal fallacy is that worthwhile things should be easy, quick and natural.
The opposite is usually true--from success in life, education, finances, thought, freedom, health and certainly war. Consistency, persistence, not giving up, focus on higher values and meanings, adapting but not wavering, understanding that there is no "over"--especially if you believe in eternity, but even if you only believe that the sun will rise tomorrow.
No, unfortunately there is no dogmatic "always right", only tendencies. There are always valid reasons to consider other courses of action, but it is very hard to see how specific dates of pull out play into any hands but those of the terrorists. Such things mean little to guys like Reid. It is obvious that he will say what he thinks will appeal to the most people on a given day.
Consistency, commitment, discipline--very hard to believe in if one is without values that transcend how they feel. The ability of our minds to see beyond the moment, the year, the "next bend", to project a better future--even a future that is hard. All progress forward demands that uniquely human capability that is an important part of our higher selves, but in order to follow that part, we have to often forgo what we want today. We have to bypass the easy for the hard.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Infant Baptism
The pastor today touched on the classic story of daddy holding the little child's hand as opposed to the little child holding daddy's hand. The story is somewhat instructive, but I believe the orders of magnitude to be off in the region of "ten to infinity". The God we worship is beyond material, so beyond our measurement. My faith, my "grasping for God's hand" is of little significance. Yes, he does allow me free will, so I can "get away", but otherwise my efforts at "holding on" are of little use.
The fundamentalists often point out that "infant baptism isn't in the bible". Partially true, but less true than for Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter celebration, or nearly anything else about our modern worship. There are a number of places that when a man believes, he and his household are baptized. Children aren't explicitly called out, but they are not excluded either. Is there a case where a woman is explicitly baptized? I don't recall, but I believe not. It would be in keeping with the time the Gospels were written to not bother to report on the baptism of women and children.
After raising two boys through confirmation, having been young once myself, and from everything I have seen in interacting with other families and children, the pragmatism of "suffer the little children unto me" is at least clear. Baptism begins a journey of faith that we pray lasts a lifetime. The "fathers' hand" through confirmation, communion, the word, church fellowship and prayer are always there as long as we don't "push away" in refusal, our hope is secure. We pray for ourselves, those we love, and especially fervently for our kids.
The bible says that the "road is narrow", and it is also quite clear that there are ditches on both sides ... legalism and works righteousness on one hand, loss of truth and meaning on the other. The stakes are very high, and the standard isn't our standard, our parent's standard, or the standard of an opinion poll. The best path seems to be "humble confidence in God". It isn't clear that any denomination has a corner on that, but it seems that finding a congregation is a critical part of walking that road.
Again, it wasn't declared to be easy, but the symbolism of the first step having been taken on our behalf before we were able to understand always wells up in my breast on seeing a new child of God welcomed to the father's hand.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Getting It Right
The book is historical fiction about the late '50s and early '60s when Buckley and the National Review are working in the realm of ideas on the Republican Party. The fiction is told in the context of a romance between Woodroe Raynor a young John Bircher, and Lenora Goldstein, a follower of the Ayn Rand camp of "Objectivists". By virtue of his National Review magazine, as well as his intellect and developing connections, WFB was very involved in dealing with the conflicting sometimes conflicting forces of the Birchers and the Randians.
It stuck me how both groups fell prey to "reductionism/fundamentalism" and became "doctrinaire" in their own limited point of view. As regular readers of this Blog are aware, I continue to search for "the perfect word" to describe that path. Tonight I'm going with "dogmatic and doctrinaire" to see how they fit. As humans, we always operate far from perfection, the issues are just "how far and which way". The scribe and pharisee types fall in the ditch on the dogmatic path, the general lefty veers into the "whatever I do (today) is right" ditch.
The Birchers found a "communist conspiracy" everywhere all the time ... including Eisenhower and National Review. The Randians pretty much just "worshiped Ayn". The total inability for them to tolerate religion made them "less than compatible" with the conservative movement. I've always had respect for Buckley as an "intellectual pragmatist". He is extremely intelligent and educated, but keeps the "Dirty Harry Dictum" (A man has got to know his limitations") solidly in mind. Movements and people in general have far too much of a tendency to assume that "they have found the answer, leader or secret".
The biggest insight to form in my brain from this book was that when comparing integration in the South with sending in Federal troops to force it, many Conservatives found that to be "too big a cost in freedom for states rights". Interestingly, to the extent that the Kennedy wing of the Democrat party was representative, their position had moved 180 degrees in the 100 years since 1860, and coersion was now the way to go. Too big a question to even attempt to answer in this blog, but the book drew the fact of the dilemma out clearly.
It was simply a fun book to read, and it was great to get this picture of some of the people of this very eventful time ... Ayn Rand and her group, Kennedy, Robert Welch, Goldwater, and others.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Gettysburg, Stephen W Sears
I read this book before and during the trip out to Gettysburg and DC. What a marvelous opportunity for education; to be able to read an excellent book, and then take in the sights of the actual battlefield, having the history and geography come to life in that special way. If I had such an opportunity as a youth, I may well have been a historian today ... or who knows what else. We have a desperate need to find ways to leverage our computer and video technology as well as travel to improve the quality of education. How sad that for all the advances since since the Civil War, the most common method of education is STILL to put a bunch of kids in a room with a teacher. Other than the dress and the quality of the building, they may as well be in Civil War Times. Maybe it was better then? Only the children of the North had to deal with "Union Teachers" ;-).
The book is very well written and focuses mostly on the actual events leading up to, during, and immediately after the battle. Lee and his army were very confident after whipping the Yankees at Chancellorsville, but it appears that the loss of Stonewall Jackson may have been more grave than they realized. They came north to beat the Union on their own turf and turn public opinion against the Republicans and the war. Some things really do stay the same.
As a business person, one of the items that jumps out are the managerial, political and logistical problems of a war effort the size of two 80-100K armies maneuvering, being supplied, planning, communicating and acting. Naturally there are vast differences in style between generals, and all of them make mistakes. Even "St Lincoln" seemed to be unable to understand the difficulties involved. I had not remembered that Hooker was replaced with Meade 3 days before the fighting began on July 1, 1863. Jeb Stuart set off to "ride around Hooker's army" and ended up having a new general named while he was riding.
The issue of Jeb Stuart and the missing cavalry is a topic made well known during the book, but never fully made clear what really caused it. It is clear that Stuart picked up a Union wagon train that slowed up down, and just seemed to run into a lot of bad luck, but the fact that he was not there to provide intelligence and screen the movements of the Rebels was a critical factor in Lee's poor showing.
At least in this battle, not dealing with Stuart being missing was one of the many areas in which Lee seemed to lack the flexibility to adapt to the situation that he found himself in. Lee is considered almost a God in the south, and Pickett is often blamed for the failure of the charge, but it is clear in this book that the primary responsibility rests squarely with Lee. Had Longstreet's advice been taken and the Confederates flanked Meade and got on high ground between Gettysburg and Washington, Meade would have been forced to attack, and the Democrats would have most likely had their day.
Gettysburg is the point where rifled gun barrels and precision cannon fire made defense of a position a real advantage. We can see today where air power makes staying stationary pretty much suicidal. Prior to Gettysburg, the inaccuracy and difficulty in reloading of the smooth bore musket gave the advantage to the rapid charge. The movie characters like "Outlaw Josie Wales" give some idea of the technique -- 4, 6, or even more loaded pistols on a brave horseman charging into the line and killing numbers at close range, then galloping behind the lines to cover, reloading, and killing more -- including unarmed supply workers, horses, etc.
Massed infantry with cartridge rifled barrel firearms and coordinated cannon fire turned the infantry and cavalry charge into a slaughter.
Over 50K soldiers died in 3 days of fighting at Gettysburg. With all that people have in this country today, most can't think of anything worth dying for, yet Muslims living in a culture that is the antithesis of what the left calls "good" are willing to die either individually or in large groups. The soldiers from the South died to preserve a way of life--a way of life that included slavery to be sure, but also honor, tradition and the right of states to exert political control greater than the federal government. We ALL paid a high price for the South's loss.
The main factor that aligns Lincoln with modern Republican ideas is "principal over popularity". He was forced to make a decision between conflicting principles--the value of the freedom of the Southerners to govern themselves, vs the huge loss of individual freedom caused by slavery. The Democrats were of course the party of "the easy way", the way of public opinion. As political opportunists they picked up the pieces of the civil war and presided over the "little slavery" of blacks in the south under Jim Crow for 100 years.
It is a book that I will long remember having walked the streets of Gettysburg and toured Little Round Top, The Wheat-field, The Peach Orchard, Cemetery Hill and stared at The High Water Mark. I hope to have more opportunity to mix book and maybe even classroom study with other areas of the world. The Panama Canal and parts of Europe are a couple that leap to mind.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Your God Is Too Small
A whole series of models including resident policeman, parental hangover, grand old man, meek-and-mild, absolute perfection, pale Galilean, etc are covered. All are well done, but given my fundamentalist youth, I especially liked "Absolute Perfection" with the discussion of Christ saying "Be ye perfect". Ever met any perfect Christians? I liked this section; "The modern high-pressure Christian of certain circles would like to impose perfection of one hundred percent as a set of rules to be immediately enforced, instead of as a shining ideal to be faithfully pursued. His short cut, in effect, makes the unimaginative satisfied before he ought to be and drives the imaginative to despair."
Many fundamentalists make Christianity a game of on-upmanship on rules. "I don't listen to rock music" ... "Well, I don't watch TV" ... "I read my bible an hour every day". Does God appreciate our efforts? Certainly, to the extent that they are efforts of response and we don't believe that we have improved our position because of them, but do them out of simple love. I like to think of our efforts as artwork done by a 3-year old for their parent. Nothing could be loved more, but nothing is farther from actual valuable art. So too the "sins" of the 3-year old -- the only ones that make us jump out of our skin are the ones like dashing away into traffic that could harm them. Naturally, like all nice little human models, mine is as childish as any other, and probably worse.
The bottom line is that those in the most danger are those that are sure they have arrived. Jesus attacked the Pharisees with the most bitter scorn. The "arrived / correct / certain" religious, atheist, or some other stripe, are "the rich man" and in grave danger. " is a mistake to think that Pharisaism disappeared after the death of Christ. The danger of such a system, and the reason that Christ attacked it so violently, is that its values are artificial. The proud and correct feel "right with God" just when they are not, and the sensitive humble man feels hopeless and overburdened for the wrong reasons."
I appreciated the end of the book, but it is hard to summarize. I liked this section: "Now if it is true that God is both Truth and Love it will readily be seen that the greatest sins will be unreality, hypocrisy, deceit, lying, or whatever else we choose to call sins against truth, and self-love, which makes fellowship with other people and their proper treatment impossible. Forgiveness must then consist in a restoration to Reality, i.e. Truth and Love."
My "youthful religious scars" were of the "if you aren't good enough, then you can't REALLY be a Christian, so get ready to burn" kind, so those passages spoke to me. The book goes after people in the "once saved always saved" ditch as well ... find someone that grew up Unitarian if you want that review!
The book is a small book, only 140 pages, and very readable. It is certain to "expand your God". I am often struck that a major part of wisdom is the recognition of what we don't know. Ignorance is often far too confident.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Franken Support
clipped from