Sunday, March 14, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Lincoln to BO to Roberts
Short and pithy. How a statesman talks and acts vs a Luo.
How sad it is to recall that just over a year ago the left thought BO might be "another Lincoln". Was he going to free anyone? or just our pocketbooks?
Rahmbo for President
Good summary of the Rahm / Milbank column lefty tempest. I like his last paragraph:
Beyond the disloyalty and all that, the real reason the Milbank column has enraged so many left-wing bloggers and liberal columnists is that Emanuel's understanding of the political landscape puts him in the reality-based community. And that is a community the Obama cult refuses to join.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Wisdom Vs Krugman
Just read it. I especially liked this "Only if you think that hitting the most productive portions of the population is the right way to instill a sense of national unity would you want to keep this ship afloat.".
Of course, time after time we find out two things:
1). The left does not believe that the folks with the most money are "the most productive". While markets are certainly not perfect, they believe that they are FAR from even close to right and those that have the most money ought to be punished -- in life and in death.
2). Any talk of "unity" is a sham. They absolutely hate the rich -- even if you could 100% scientifically prove to them that letting the top 10% of the income range keep 75%+ of their income, they would want 50, 60, 70 or more % to be taken. The idea that high progressive tax rates are for the purpose of "helping the little man" is a smoke screen.
At least after 1980, it is as clear as anything in the economic universe that LOWER tax rates help EVERYONE -- but don't expect any on the left to be making any changes. Even if the bottom 90% of the income earners DIED as they took 70% of the top 10% income, they would do it because kind of like the old story of the scorpion and the camel**, "that is their nature".
** Scorpion and Camel, Both the scorpion and the camel needed to cross a river. There were difficult rocks that needed to be navigated around, but when the camel swam, he was not able to see well. The scorpion suggested that they team up. The camel was of course concerned about being stung, but the scorpion assured him "that would be foolish, I'd drown". Finally convinced, they set out. 3/4 of the way to the other side, the scorpion stings him. Gasping his last and going down, the camel asks "why did you do that, now you will die too". The scorpion replied "it's my nature".
Moral; you really can deal with someone that is driven by greed, lust for power, etc. What you can't deal with is the equivalent of a suicide bomber -- someone that is willing to die for their "cause" even if it helps nobody. The left in this country has grudging respect for Islamic fascists as they did for Hitler because "they get the job done". They tend to be the reverse of the guy walking on the beach throwing starfish back into the sea. When asked "You don't really think you can help them all do you?", he responds, "I can help that one". If they can't ALL be helped, then NONE will be!!
Many "liberals" would rather that one rich person be "shown the light" of how awful it is to not have money, then have 10K people have 20% more income. The vast majority of "the rich" would likely be happier in poverty than your typical liberal is in plenty, because they long ago figured it out that it wasn't about money anyway.
Different Goals Than Stated
Good little short segment on BOs attacks against insurance companies and how the "rising rate problem" could be easily fixed. Of course, if it WAS fixed, that would remove the need for BOcare, which is NOT something this president would find useful.
Parable of the Prius
Even though with it's batteries made in 3 countries and the need to replace them to get to 100K miles, the Prius has a 100K mile environmental footprint worse than a Hummer, liberals love it. It became THE "Statement Car". Liberals love "statements" -- the real world, not so much. Hope and change and stuff.
When faced with a problem, the typical liberal answer is "let the government solve it", and indeed in this case it took a lot of officers, cell phone and radio to bring the brilliant liberal statement car to rest. In the end, he finally shut it off.
The tactic worked, and the car slowed to about 50 mph. Sikes said he was able to shut off the car, and it rolled to a stop. The responding officer, Todd Neibert, positioned his patrol car in front of the Prius as a precaution to prevent it from moving again.
How much braying have we listened to about the brilliance of the Prius? How many simple examples does it take before we finallly realize that hubris, wishful thinking and having a hissy fit when things don't go our way is a really poor substitute for a rational appraisal of problems, solutions and taking simple but effective actions?
The answer here is the same as in BOcare, shut the damned thing off in the first place, before it takes the high speed joy ride that is going to hurt 300 million people.
Monday, March 08, 2010
TX beats CA
Good article for the reality based. Unfortunately, don't expect any of the left including the current powers in DC to take any notice!
Republicans Over the Top
I agree completely, BO as "The Joker", Nancy P as "Cruella" and especially Harry Reid as "Scooby". These innocent cartoon characters never did anything that should cause them to be compared to these vermin! Cruella has both a larger heart and is much better looking, Scooby is twice as smart as Harry, not to mention far more courageous and of course trustworthy.
To compare BO to the Joker? Great actors like Jack and Ledger have played the Joker. The Joker is a character with depth to go with his malevolence, BO is just a smooth tongued villain with a crooked smile. Those are a dime a dozen, he isn't that much more evil than Harry and Nancy. Hopefully Jack will stand up for the Joker, he would make a far better president than BO. More creative, and with a much firmer grasp on reality.
For Want of A Prince
Little bit long, but I think a pretty reasonable discussion of Friedman, a journalist that has slipped the surly bonds of his profession and become a cause celeb. No question that Friedman is very smart, he seems to have gotten to that level of smartness where he believes that he looks at the "little people" and sees that if only this anchor called democracy could be removed, then potentially much greater things could be achieved.
Ah yes, springtime in Munich!
Friday, March 05, 2010
Ten Cents on the Dollar
Essentially, we all want to live forever. This makes health care a very desirable good. At the same time, the normal restraints imposed by price are frequently lacking. Today, of every dollar spent on health care in this country, just 13 cents is paid for by the person actually consuming the goods or services. Roughly half is paid for by government, and the remainder is covered by private insurance. And, as long as someone else is paying, consumers have every reason to consume as much health care as is available.
How likely is it that people will make smart purchasing decisions when they are only paying 13 cents on every dollar being spent for a good? What would happen if food bills were covered that way? Bar tabs? Women's clothing? I think we all realize that prices in all those areas would rise rapidly.
So what would make sense for health care? It would seem pretty obvious that an INCREASE in the deductibles, and instituting some form of mandatory health savings accounts would be a superb idea. So what do BO and company want to do? Well, the opposite of course! They are out to make the situation WORSE!
The president actually denounced high-deductible insurance and greater consumer cost sharing as "not real insurance." Both the House and Senate versions of health reform reduce co-payments and all but eliminate policies with high-deductibles. No co-payments at all are allowed for a wide variety of broadly-defined "preventive" services. The consumer share of health spending will actually decline to just ten cents of every dollar by 2019.
This all but guarantees that health care costs and spending will continue their unsustainable path. And that is a path leading to more debt, higher taxes, fewer jobs and a reduced standard of living for all Americans.
Health care reform cannot just be about giving more stuff to more people. It should be about actually "reforming" the system. That means scrapping the current bills, and crafting the type of reform that makes consumers responsible for their health care decisions.
Never Illusioned
I love Charles summation: "Surprised? You can only be disillusioned if you were once illusioned."
It is the part of conservatism that is actually quite sad, the only antidote that I have ever found is religious faith and hope for a better life to come beyond the grave. Sad because at it's core, conservatism is acceptance that the "human condition" is permanent, and not significantly perfectible. We are terminal, and in even the quite short run in terms of even well understood human history, attempts at improvement are at best mildly palliative, and more commonly disastrous to the point of mass killing (see communism and fascism, final chapters still being written on socialism / liberalism).
Democrat programs are the kind of program that sound a far happier note, with the exception of one small item. As Charles puts it, "the disagreeable fact of no free lunch". Well, yes, sort of like death, taxes, and too many calories, the "Party of having a party", that agreeable jackass, seems to always forget about the hangover.
Don't read me, go read Charles, he is much better.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Gun Insanity
One definition of insanity is not being in touch with reality.
Chicago passed its ban on handguns in 1982, one of the most restrictive in the U.S. It is that law that is being challenged in the Supreme Court.
A study last year by economist Carl Moody of William & Mary College found that after the ban was imposed, city crime rates rose significantly, almost immediately. The city is more dangerous now than it was before the ban, the study concluded, relative to the 24 largest American cities.
Chicago passed a ban in '82 and crime rates ROSE. GUNS ARE BANNED IN CHICAGO!!!! When guns are banned, criminals have MORE reason to use a gun, it gives them greater leverage. What part of this is hard to understand?
This 53-year-old mother of eight says the city has to do something to stop the fear and pain of the violence. "We have enough guns in our communities already, you know, that we're afraid of, and now we've got to worry about everybody living next door to each other with guns and more guns" if the ban is repealed. "Our children are traumatized by the violence, and it's mostly gun violence."
So, here we have a woman who knows the situation today with guns banned is WORSE than in communities where they are not banned. She knows that there are plenty of guns in Chicago, because if you are a criminal, you do crime -- a "ban" doesn't apply to you, it applies to law abiding citizens. So the criminals have guns and the law abiding citizens do not, unsurprisingly, the criminals increasingly make use of that advantage.
BUT, she believes that removing a ban which made crime worse is going to make crime worse yet again. What will make it better? She doesn't know. Insanity?
BTW, if there is a question on the constitution applying to states, then what about abortion? Roe V Wade at the Federal level ought to have only applied to DC.
Monday, March 01, 2010
First Do No Harm
Dionne of course writes it to make it seem like Republicans are just heartless lovers of the rich, but he comes to this conclusion that is at least on the path to the truth:
Obama concluded: "We can debate whether or not we can afford to help them, but we shouldn't pretend somehow that they don't need help."
As neatly as anything I have seen, this exchange captured the philosophical and emotional difference between the two parties.
The point is not that Republicans are heartless and Democrats are compassionate. It's that Democrats on the whole believe in using government to correct the inequities and inefficiencies the market creates, while Republicans on the whole think market outcomes are almost always better than anything government can produce.
That's not cheap partisanship. It's a fundamental divide. The paradox is that our understanding of politics would be more realistic if we were less cynical and came to see the battle for what it really is.
The big missing thing in EJ's analysis is that Democrats (and many big government Republicans) assume that any condition CAN be dealt with on this earth -- it is just a matter of "money, smarts, technology, leadership, laws, growth, etc". They disagree with Jesus who said "the poor will always be with us".
I like to trot out death as an example of something that we can't fix, nor would we know what to do if we did--overpopulation of the starving diseased undead would make us pray fervently for death to return. Death is the big obvious item, the list is never ending -- the common cold, fat, rainy days, baldness--take them away (if we could) and we would almost certainly find that we were mistaken in our quest. The ASSUMPTION that all it takes is "government" or "markets" or whatever human construction that we can come up with to fix it is false, expensive, and often the "cure" is far worse than the "disease".
No, the BIG difference between Dionne and a great many of Republicans that are far closer to him than I or many of the truly conservative is that they believe in the ultimate perfectibility of man, and conservatives don't. What is more, Dionne, and most like him would say "at least you have to try"!!!
That is like me trying to do surgery on someone with appendicitis -- actually, worse than that. I realize it IS very possible to do such surgery, it is just that I don't know how to do it. For many of the problems that EJ and his band of do-gooders take on, they have no concept of the cost of the methods nor the llikelihood of a positive outlook (if any). They are more often than not attempting to mandate the mass butchery of one sort of thing or another by government, and feeling smug because they aren't like those evil Republicans who would try to let people decide if they wanted to be butchered, but would also try to convince them they did and make a profit off the butchery. EJ thinks he is a saint because he removes both the choice and the profit from the equation and calls butchery "a good try"!!!
The prime directive of conservatism is just like medicine; FIRST, do no harm!!!
Civility In Politics
Frank Rich of course writes for a far left blood soaked idiot of an outlet that nobody but a completely out to lunch leftist would give the time of day, so I know I ought not pay attention. (The New York Times).
"Obsessed and Deranged" seems like a very valid title, but before one starts pulling it out, it is often good to take a really good look close to home.
Representative Steve King, Republican of Iowa, even rationalized Stack’s crime. “It’s sad the incident in Texas happened,” he said, “but by the same token, it’s an agency that is unnecessary. And when the day comes when that is over and we abolish the I.R.S., it’s going to be a happy day for America.” No one in King’s caucus condemned these remarks. Then again, what King euphemized as “the incident” took out just 1 of the 200 workers in the Austin building: Vernon Hunter, a 68-year-old Vietnam veteran nearing his I.R.S. retirement. Had Stack the devastating weaponry and timing to match the death toll of 168 inflicted by Timothy McVeigh on a federal building in Oklahoma in 1995, maybe a few of the congressman’s peers would have cried foul.
So Stack, McVeigh, Tea Partiers, Glenn Beck, Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are all "connected". The Republican party has "no constituency" (who won in Virginia, NJ and MA recently? Hmm). What we have is a dangerous fringe movement that is bent on violence and the overthrow of the BO Kingdom. Many of these unwashed have failed to bow to King BO with the appropriate subservience, why many of them are not even aware that we live in a Monarchy, and King BO holds ultimate power. Oh wait ... is that true?? I know Frank is brilliant, it MUST be true!
The NYT would never be wrong.
Gore Not So Popular, Even at Apple
I'm sure when they put the Inventor of the Internet on the board, it seemed like a great idea -- Nobel Price, Oscar, 100' Houseboat -- great guy. But suddenly, the "climate of climate" has soured. Snow piled up everywhere, things freezing in Florida, leaked e-mails on fraud, numbers that don't add up.
Hard to think of anyone more worthy of a bit of a reality check!