Another assumption that was briskly dismantled, was the idea that religion offers certainty. On the contrary, argued Gray: "In an age of secular dogmatism, churches have become sanctuaries of doubt." It's a statement that will horrify Dawkins's many fans, but given so few of them ever grace a church's doorstep, how would they know?
Armstrong was offering no certainty even on the existence of God. Existence is far too limited a human concept to apply to God – even the great 12th-century Jewish philosopher Maimonides knew that. Yet modernity has lost this understanding of the limits to human reasoning and our incapacity to describe God, which was evident in all the monotheistic traditions in the past. Uncertainty has, traditionally, always been part of faith.Mostly had to put this out here so I remember to get the book and read it. I'm convinced that we are beset by people that know "too much" and "too little" about everything from God to Government to Humanity.
Everyone has "their angle", "their group" and their "secret sauce" that THEY are certain is the smartest , best, most rational, fairest, most caring, correct and innovative -- along with a never ending host of other positive adjectives. The "other folks", the inverse -- stupid, worst, irrational, unfair, mean spirited .... etc.
"The truth" ... NOT "half way in between" and not "relative" either. More like the X-files "The Truth is Out There". Outside human reach and grasp, but close enough for our spirit to sense when we are very very quiet and very very humble.
The truth is out there, but it isn't human.