Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Zimmerman, Law, Aristocracy

In Zimmerman's trial, it's a jury of millions - CNN.com:

Edmund Burke and many of our founding fathers fully understood how to prevent the kind of mess that we see in things like the OJ trial and now the Zimmerman trial.

We were to be a nation ruled by LAW, not by MOB!!

One only needs to read through the sad linked article to see that we have left that path by so far that we no longer even recall what law means.

ALL people feel, ALL the time ... only a FEW people can reason well at any time, and even then, they can only reason for a limited time about limited things. It is terribly difficult for any of us to make reason win out over emotion!!

Which is why we once had religion, civilization and "aristocracy".

 I use the last word in quotes, since it is such a problematic word today. It does NOT mean "wealth", although many in the "aristocratic class" will be wealthy ... it means virtuous, intelligent, well bred, well spoken, well educated, reasonable, mature, wise, moral, etc ... the "best of humanity". It means that although we have equal OPPORTUNITY and we are EQUAL UNDER THE LAW, and EQUAL IN THE SIGHT OF GOD, not all of us play basketball as well as Michael Jordan ... or even LeBron James.

Even harder for modern man to swallow, far from all of us are "of equal ability and use to mankind" as Plato, Cicero, Da Vinci, Newton, Washington, Lincoln, Churchill ... well you get the picture. I know such thinking is difficult for modern man, but trust me, in the words of Josie Wales "A man's got to know his limitations" ... and he is always better for knowing.

Is this REALLY that hard to understand?? Have we been so indoctrinated with the idea that "everyone has their own view, and they all have their points", and that "we are all special",  that we don't understand the basic fact that there are real events that happen, and they MUST be decided by Rule of Law vs Rule of Mob, or the very quick result will be a bloodbath and subsequent dictatorship. Is it REALLY that long since Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, Stalin and the French Revolution??? Are humans really not trainable and doomed to another thousand years or so of "Dark Age"??

Law, Judgement and Judges require that we have respected people and respected institutions that step outside of the emotional attachments that all of us have and RULE ON THE BASIS OF LAW!

Either Martin knocked Zimmerman to the ground and was wailing on him well enough so Zimmerman had REASONABLE CAUSE to believe that:


or, it can be PROVEN that the above was NOT the case.

It is ZIMMERMAN who is on trial ... under the system we supposedly believe in and pledge allegiance to, he is PRESUMED INNOCENT!!! The burden is on the state to PROVE that Zimmerman DID NOT have REASONABLE cause ... note. REASONABLE. The jury should simply be asked if a REASONABLE PERSON when on their back with a large young man on top of them wailing away and pounding their head into the pavement saying they were going to kill them could REASONABLY come to the conclusions above!!

If we operated under the Rule of Law, that would mean that this going to trial would never happen. The burden of proof required by the state for 2nd degree MURDER in FL is that Zimmerman acted "with a depraved mind"  to kill this kid!!! Usually that means that Zimmerman knew Martin well, and "something happened" to cause the "depraved mind".

In this case, there was no legitimate way for the state to prosecute Zimmerman, so a charge had to be created due to public outcry. The only path that they really had was to try to "prove" that a mixed Hispanic - Caucasian - Black was motivated by "racism" to stalk and kill a black kid ... who pushed him to the ground and started wailing on him with marital arts blows.

But since we DON'T live under the Rule of Law, it goes to trial and we write long articles trying to make claims that "all sides have a point" and virtually demanding that if "your side" ... "loses", then there really ought to be at least outcry if not violence!!



We have lost the Rule of Law. We no longer respect God, our history, our institutions, our "betters" (or even believe that there are such), and most of all we don't respect ourselves. How could we?? We have abandoned the entire structure of Western Civilization which gave us a framework within which to have such respect.

We have no "right" when we see someone that we don't know walking around our neighborhood to walk and ask them "Can I help you? Are you lost?" ... and if they turn and attack us we have no right to defend ourselves??? Or is it just if they are not of the same race as is normally in our neighborhood that this right is suspended?

or is it ONLY if our neighborhood is predominately caucasian and the person is what? black, hispanic? indian? oriental? Do they all have to be treated differently? Is that what "equality before the law" has come down to??

I strongly suspect that if I am walking around N Minneapolis at night, the "rules" are just a tiny bit different!

We need God, "Betters" ("aristocrats"), and Law. Without these, we are just a bunch of tribes lost in the jungle.

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Saturday, July 06, 2013

I Lust, Therefore I Am

The Future of Religious Liberty - Ricochet.com:

One of the reasons that transcendence, especially religious transcendence, and I would argue superlatively Christianity moves man to a higher plane is because of where the vision is focused. Fail to "aim high", and the genitals or lower are often the target that is hit.

Is sex something we do, or is it who we are?
During the sexual revolution, we crossed a line from sex being something you do to defining who you are. When it enters into that territory, we move beyond the possibility of having a society in which sex acts were tolerated, in the Mrs. Patrick Campbell sense – "I don't care what they do, so long as they don't do it in the street and frighten the horses" – and one where it is insufficient to be anything but a cheerleader for sexual persuasion of all manner and type, because to be any less so is to hate the person themselves. Sex stopped being an aspect of a person, and became their lodestar – in much the same way religion is for others. As Walker Percy wrote, "Pascal told only half the story. He said man was a thinking reed. What man is, is a thinking reed and a walking genital."
People do a lot of things ... art, poetry, prayer, mathematics, macrame ... and yes, we urinate, defecate, and copulate ... or "piss, shit and fuck" in the more earthy modern vernacular.

What defines us as humans? For thousands of years, Western Civilization worked to crawl up from the latrine or the bed of marital or purely lustful carnality to the planes of reason, logic, philosophy, religion, culture, etc.

No longer. Now you are DEFINED by what your genitals desire!!

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Thursday, July 04, 2013

Still Sparks of Freedom

Reporting From the Land of the Free [UPDATED With Firearms and Fireworks] | Power Line:

I recall my dad fondly remembering his dad LEGALLY setting off a stick of dynamite to initiate the day of celebrating the birthday of what used to be a proudly FREE COUNTRY with all sorts of LEGAL fireworks.

When I was a kid, scrounging up a few ILLEGAL firecrackers, and yes, in those days M-80s and Cherry Bombs was the only illegal activity that my parents condoned, It was the 60s ... we were still a nation that was willing to take great risk, effort and expense to go to the moon, but letting kids legally shoot off fireworks was beyond the pale nationally -- TOO RISKY! The all powerful State had to step in and limit freedom to "protect us from ourselves".

By the time I was a father, SPARKLERS were illegal in MN ... although the "nutcase", Jessie the Bod, did get those and a few fountains legalized. My most major brush with the law came when 3 police cruisers showed up to shut down our fireworks display ... we did go just a bit overboard, purchasing wholesale in WI.

At this point it looks like the America of 1776 is LONG over ... and it looks grim for the future. BUT ... there are still some bastions of freedom like South Dakota covered in the linked PL post.

Sometimes the actual sparks of fireworks ... legal or illegal, mean more than all the lofty works. Go out and shoot and blow things up! That is at least as much what it means to be American than any lofty words!

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Flat Earth or Flatly Fraudulent?

Global Warming in a Few Slides | Power Line:

Here are some charts of data and some other charts of data vs projections. BO has declared it -- this is a case where you MUST believe in projections, even if those projections have not matched actual data to date!

Believe, or you are a "Flat Earther" ... likely to be watched and audited. The freedom you have remaining is the freedom to "get your mind right" or suffer the consequences!

"The One" has spoken. Why is there any discussion??

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Liberals are God

Articles: Why Liberals Kill:

I'm a Christian, so I believe this is a question of ETERNAL life vs simply "this life", but make no mistake, World View is very much a huge question of life and death for millions in THIS LIFE!

If you read this blog regularly, you have been exposed to all these points, but the author expresses them very well, if it is a choice, just ignore my words and go read the link. It is EXCELLENT!!

One caveat, he uses the word "liberal" to mean "statist", not it's original "open minded, accepting of diverse thought, favorable  to individual liberty", which can be confusing.

As Orwell warned us, the left LOVES to take words and change the meanings ... thus changing not just current meanings, but the meaning of history and the memories of older people still living,  thereby seeking to invalidate their life experience. The left seeks to invalidate civilization and life itself in the cause of "progress" toward "heaven on earth". This quest invalidates all other morality -- God, Country, Family, Love, Tradition, etc.

Here are a couple teaser quotes, but PLESE, just read it. It does an EXCELLENT job of covering why "liberals think" the way they do, and why thinking people are in grave danger.
This brings us to a truth about the modern left. Generally speaking, like all relativistic people, liberals don't have principles. 
They have feelings. 
And feelings change with the wind. 
Of course, some have learned the hard way - mostly through debating liberals, only to find they're virtually immune to reason - that the left isn't intellect-oriented but emotion-oriented. But the question is, why do liberals deify their own feelings?
"Liberals" are NOT thinkers ... they are feelers!! Which we ALL are, it is just if we let God or an extreme devotion to something outside ourselves we consider transcendent (eg. The Constitution) help us, we can SLIGHTLY modify that!  "Liberal" thinking is ONLY to rationalize what they FEEL as being ultimate morality and truth! This difference explains why conservatives and liberals have a GREAT deal of difficulty communicating!

I've long pointed out that the most basic difference between the people we today call liberals and traditionalists [conservatives] isn't the apparent ideological divide. It is that the latter tend to believe in Moral Truth whereas liberals are almost universally moral relativists.

This is nothing less than an issue of operating in two completely different universes of reality. When you believe in Truth, morality is something objectively real to you, like matter itself. And most significantly, you view it as what it is: unchanging. This means that your yardstick for morality is the same whether convenient or inconvenient, whether you're out of power - or in power. It is unbending and non-negotiable. Oh, this doesn't mean absolutists can't betray their principles; man is weak and we all falter. But in the aggregate, it serves as a "controlling power upon will and appetite," to quote Edmund Burke, and thus mitigates man's do-what-thou-wilt default.
So liberals are moral relativists, which ends up meaning that each person and how they feel is the ultimate arbiter of morals.
Why should I subordinate my feelings to yours, especially since mine are the only ones truly real to me? This is, mind you, what contributes to the deification of the self. Liberals' feelings do for them what God does for people of faith. They tell them how to behave.
And thus they are god!! If there is no external god, if there is nothing "sacred", then the ultimate authority is **ME**!!!

and thus, "consistency is not an issue" ... ONLY HOW **I** FEEL, that is the only divinity there is!
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Government Healthcare Works in Sweden!

Obamacare in Sweden | National Review Online:

It is hard to read through something like this and even imagine how a PHD could think such thoughts.

Sweden is 3% the size of the US. Uh, lets see ... the technique I use for mailing 3 invitations will work perfectly for 100 (at least THAT scales linearly!).

I had 3 beers, it will be fine if I have 100. We have been managing our 3 person business using Quicken Home, is there any reason to suspect that we will need to make any changes as our business grows to 100 employees?

I'm hoping that SOME PHD economists might look at things a little differently ... or maybe our educational system is even worse than I think.

But as you read through this, it isn't even plain that Nationalized Healthcare does work, even in Sweden, even removing the obvious but unstated scaling fallacy.

Throw out accidental death, and the US has BETTER life expectancy than Sweden ... even as obese as we are.

The point he DOESN"T make is even worse. Consider how good your fire insurance is. You probably think "good", unless you had a recent price increase, because all you have experience with is paying it. A very very small percentage of us ever test it by having a fire.

So when you ask people in any country that has National Health about "how well they like it", because the vast majority of people are healthy, they will say "fine". Something like 70% of people will have little to no experience with it, and since it's cost is buried in taxes, it SEEMS "cheap". So it is "good".

I'm fairly convinced that for a significant percentage of the population (1/3? 40%?) they would really rather die than for there to be "expensive options" and "tough choices" rather than "standard for everyone, no choices possible" healthcare, no matter what the quality. Their views are similar for the economy ... it is more painful for some to excel than it is for the population to be "leveled" so that they need not have any thoughts about "why do I have less" ... even though, for that group, those thoughts always are at least outwardly answered by "because the system is rigged against the little guy", "because I never had a decent shot", "because life is UNFAIR!".

Which from a human perspective it often is! If you believe that is your personal case, please read this, and then reflect on "unfairness" ...  http://www.lifewithoutlimbs.org/.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wishful Warmnism Admits Defeat

Global Warming Hiatus: Where Did the Heat Go | New Republic:

 "The exception proves that the rule is wrong." That is the principle of science. If there is an exception to any rule, and if it can be proved by observation, that rule is wrong." Richard Feynman

I'm not going to look up any Karl Popper right now, but you can if you want to ... Feynman is of course right, but it is really even WORSE than that!  NONE of our theories are "provabile", but they are ALL falseifiable! Even E=MC**2!! One "Black Swan" and your theory is not "settled". 

Ah, but you say "that has been repeatedly PROVED true!". Indeed, it is like the guy that jumps off a 100 story building with the theory that he will survive. You ask him how his test is going as he passes the 20th floor and he says "pretty good so far". 

**IF** the warmist models had been right on the money for the past 15 years, or even if they had been right for 100 years, that doesn't "prove" anything. Newton's laws were "laws" from 1687 until the early 20th century when Einstein showed they failed at the very small, the very fast and the very high mass. 

As this article explains, the warmist models HAVE NOT been supported by observation. Even the hard core warmists are forced to admit that now ... so what they have is EXCUSES. "Well, it could be this, or that, or something else ... BUT, you had all damned well quit using carbon ANYWAY!!!" 

That part is just human wishful thinking, desire for power/control, lack of willingness to admit mistakes. There is NOTHING "new" in the "current political climate". When the rule of law and the rules of science are abandoned, this is the kind of thinking that we ALWAYS get ... see back to Lamark, Lord Kelvin talking about the age of the earth, Lysenko in the USSR, "Cold Fusion" ... and on it goes. 

Newtonian Physics was never "settled science" ... and it is very clear that Quantum Mechanics is DEFINITELY not "settled". 

So, all the things that are built on top of the Quantum Universe ... which is EVERYTHING is NOT "settled". 

When this guy talks about "today's political climate" he is completely showing his human vs his scientific stripes. 

There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING NEW about folks with "sacred theories" doing a tap-dance about how their theory that doesn't match with OBSERVED RESULTS should be "given a 2nd chance". 2nd chances are for criminals, not scientific theories. 

The warmists, the progressives, the atheists and many more should at least pay heed to what was on Feynman's blackboard when he died: 

"What I cannot create, I do not understand."

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MSM on IRS etc, Get Your Mind Right!

Shifting IRS polls contradict key deposition - CNN.com:

The right message is that the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS was "accidental due to LACK of political interest".

PLEASE, get with the program! Don't be questioning IRS officials that are testifying! Have we not told you enough (wink, wink) so you KNOW what can happen to you if you get the "wrong message". The government keeps a lot of data on you, and if some of those bored $120K a year union employees would start "making mistakes" with it, well, there is really no predicting what kind of "accident" could happen!

Please, please, get your mind right!

BTW, Pravda, the old USSR "news leader", meant "Truth".

See, back when W was president, the administration did a lot of lying ... it was made fun of as "the age of truthiness" by some comics. See, Bush lied, people died. THAT administration could not be trusted. We needed a Special Prosecutor to investigate someone breaking the cover of a lady that drove to CIA headquarters every day ... I mean that is no reason to suspect she worked at the CIA just because she went there. There are LOTS of government workers that drive to buildings every day and pay a lot of union dues for whole careers, but never really "work there". In Washington, we call driving to work at the CIA every day but having it be a state secret that you "work there" to be Deep Cover!

Did I mention that we have a lot of data on you and mistakes are often made?

"Torture" (the kind we do to every one of our own Special Forces guys) NEVER works ... see, we are just wasting our time doing that to our own guys. Nobody would actually do that, because they know it is ineffective -- oh, and our Special Forces? Just bored government workers that have forgotten to stop putting the screws to their charges as part of training. Government changes slowly.

REMEMBER, the little tiny bit of data collection that we do on you foiled FIFTY (50!)+ nefarious terrorist attacks! These days we blow away suspected "terrorists" (er, well, "suspects") with drones. There is no need to ask them any questions ... asking questions never solves anything and can be confusing. Besides, we are closing Gitmo ... "soon". It was going to be day 1 of BO's first term, but it has somehow been held open by evil Republicans that clouded the minds of the patriotic Party Members when we held control of both houses in '09-'10 including the 60 votes in the Senate.  Heil BO! ... oops, strike that ... don't even think that, we would NEVER demand a loyalty oath.

 The "War on Terror" has come to an end! BO won! Personally, single handedly .... just like he killed Obama ... oh, uh, OSama. You can tell it is over because the Boston Marathon thing was a "bombing" and those poor misguided youth were NOT "terrorists". The most likely explanation for that "accident" is that we provide insufficient welfare support to our foreign guests and it is hard for nice Islamic guys to meet friends!

Ft Hood ... just "Workplace Violence" ... the idea that it had ANYTHING to do with "Terrorism" is foolish. It is like looking at the number of murders in Chicago and thinking that Gun Control doesn't work! Are you remembering the part about the data we have and "accidents"? Good.

BO is a guy you can trust!  When he says he only knows what he reads in the papers or sometimes mouths on the teleprompter. HE MEANS IT!! When he says the "War on Terror" is over, HE MEANS IT!

... and if you know what is good for you, you will remember what he tells you!!

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1,350 Weeks of WH Tours

White House defends high bills for Africa trip - Washington Times:

For the BO family trip to their homeland (as presented in "Dreams From My Father"), Americans get to spend $100M.

My thoughts:

  • I'm OK with this, AS LONG AS if there ever is another Republican president, they are treated the same. W wasn't ... any sort of vacation, trip, etc was talked about as "wrong in a time of war", expensive, etc. THE SAME STANDARD needs to be applied to all presidents!! 
  • However, when a president is claiming that "Sequester has crippled the government", and canceling WH tours because of it, the media needs to point out the hypocrisy of that! They can certainly do the same if an R is talking about "cutting the budget", making specific cuts that are noticed,  and then doing extravagant travel like this. NOT, usual presidential day to day including spending time at a residence, etc ... that is "part of the cost of the job". This is clearly optional, so given the position taken on WH tours, the press ought to be at least pointing out that BO is prioritizing his own stuff higher than things which might be useful to average Americans. 

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Embracing the Multiverse

Why Some Scientists Embrace the 'Multiverse' | RealClearPolitics:

I reference this mostly because it showed up ... and I'm fascinated by physics, especially the quantum stuff and the multiverse theories.

My thinking in this is as follows:

  1. One will have faith in either God or in randomness and there will never be a "proof" either way from a material perspective. As this article covers however, to ignore the evidence on the side of intelligence requires a HUGE level of randomness. Note also, that God may well do "creation" through the use of "genetic algorithms" ... directed randomness. It is hard to beat the human hubris of setting up "rules" as to the boundaries in which an all-powerful, eternal and all-knowing God can operate! You WILL have faith ... it is as innate (and I'd say MORE so, because it deals with your spirit) as your heart pumping and breath being drawn.
  2. Humans are inherently untrustworthy and especially able to fool themselves into thinking they are not  -- maybe because of random evolution, maybe because of a fall to evil ala Genesis, again, no way to know that answer scientifically/philosophically, or to believe it can be "educated away". We DO all believe something, and we act on the basis of those beliefs.
  3. We arrived where we are today in Western Civilization either because Judaism, Christianity and Greek thought were the ordained design of God to arrive at this point, or because they were the most successful "memes" (genetic and conscious)  relative to human life and civilization. Again, only faith can select.
  4. Since the west has rejected it's prime roots -- both classical thought and Christianity, it has already committed suicide -- low birth rate, massive debt, soaring suicide rates, exploding corruption, loss of any future direction / shared cultural vision, etc, etc. In my view, whatever happens is STILL "God's Will" ... but if one is an atheist, it would seem a really good time to check the metaphysical compass, because the current results of your belief system are not looking good. 

So every once in awhile, a monkey somewhere in some multiverse randomly plays Beethoven's 5th on a randomly created piano, but even MORE amazing, sometimes Joe Biden utters something that makes sense ... "Gird your loins"!

Where do we go from here? God, guns, gold, canned food?  I think we we need at least a "remnant" that can survive and carry the few worthwhile artifacts of Western Civilization into the future -- AND I believe that God has a definite plan, even when it seems VERY unclear!

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Skylines" vs Ice

xkcd: Ice Sheets:

This is a great little graphic to put just a TINY smudge on the patina of human hubris. Man, those "skyscrapers" are REALLY something ... er, well, maybe not so really magnificent when compared with the continental ice sheets of a mere 21K years ago ... less than a heartbeat in geological time!

Oh how man's imaginary majesty pales next to even the tiny scale of the earth, let alone an infinite and eternal God!!

No doubt the next glaciation will be W's fault ... although I kinda like "The Gore Ice Age" if future humans have a little better sense of irony and humor!

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Space, The Superpower Frontier

Chinese Astronauts Dock With Tiangong 1 Space Platform | News & Opinion | PCMag.com:

When I was a kid the USSR put Sputnik in orbit as the first manned satellite and people in the US were shocked, outraged, and DEMANDED that we keep pace and exceed the USSR on the "high frontier".

Today? We are barely aware that that the Chinese Space Program is moving forward while we have to hitch rides to the "Dying Western Civilization Station".

We are so out of touch and so in decline that we completely lack any sense at all of our condition.

Sad how quickly a great nation fades from the world stage.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yellow Cake, Meaningless Facts, Stained Glass

The WikiLeaks Vindication of George W. Bush - Larry Elder - Page 1:

This article goes through a topic that I've covered before with some new data. Saddam either had WMD, or everyone thought he did. This article says that Yellowcake was acquired and was there -- to which the left will say one of two things; 1). It's a lie 2). It doesn't matter, because it isn't severe enough to go to war (with hindsight).

To which Elder tries to say "But you SAID that talking about Yellowcake WAS the "lie" ... and we had a special prosecutor and everything based on the "proof" that was a lie!"

To which the left replies "Consistency is NOT an issue ... WINNING is the issue and we already WON! BO is in power, we spy on you at will, we target you when we want to for audits or other government harassment! W is long discredited as "Bush lied, people died", the America you fought for is history, SHUT the F UP!!!!

They are "right" in the sense that "might is right". Note how unpopular "speaking truth to power" is now! The rule of law has been destroyed, our poor bankrupt children have been brainwashed to servitude and each day we realize new revelations of how we now live in a new "changed" nation, no longer America. BOville.

We have been running down this road for a century now. First slowly ... "Progressive" became "liberal" because "progressive" was tied to "Socialists" and "National Socialism" didn't turn out very well. Fascism was identified as "right" (as in "libertarian fascists") ... so the people no longer knew the difference between political left and right (statism vs extreme liberty or 'anarchy").

The "New Deal" was the "Raw Deal" for what was America. FICA was a massive assault on future generations by the current -- a time bomb that only now is becoming somewhat visible.  The various government progroms  converted the once great engine of growth into a geriatric nation with hardening arteries and gout. We live today in that sad shadow.

WMD in Iraq is just one more in a long tired litany of these topics. The Alger Hiss / McCarthy smear was a big one -- Watergate was really the left just finally getting around to punishing Nixon for being right. The release of KGB papers after the end of the USSR proved that Hiss WAS a spy and Chambers was right -- but no matter, for 90%+ of Americans, the left still won.

The whole myth of the USSR was a huge left scam. Even in the early '80s I listened to NPR breathlessly describe their "free health care", their "full employment", their "state education" ... to listen to our own Public Media, one would have thought that the USSR was heaven on earth. In the early '80s, Reagan was a MADMAN for ever suggesting that the USSR had ANY potential of ending. By the end of the '80s, the lefty message was that it had been obvious for a long time the USSR was in real trouble, and the foolish Reagan likely slowed their demise with his bellicose posturing.

It **IS** true that the winners write history -- and the left has been writing and re-writing our history for nearly 100 years.

Such is the looking glass world we live in. Acid rain, DDT, impending global starvation, the ozone hole, Japan taking over the world economy and the planet being "out of oil" in the late '70s, an impending global ice age in the early '70s, are all examples of massive "total truths" that one was once a fool to not be in agreement with. What it takes many years to learn is that from the perspective of those that purveyed and believed in those "truths", "deniers" are STILL fools, or at least "weird scary odd ducks".

When your mother asked "If all your friends jumped over a cliff, would you just follow along?", it was a trick question! The right answer is that if it was "the whole school", then YES!!! You are a social animal, and since we have thrown religion and the constitution into "the ash heap of history", a current "smart person" WILL follow the crowd -- and if tomorrow it turns out that the crowd was "wrong", that view will be completely forgotten as if it never happens. It is part of what makes it VERY uncomfortable for members in good standing of the Dominant Party (Democrat / liberal) to even TALK to someone that might bring up heresy ... The Dominant Party Message has replaced both God, the Constitution, and "foolish reality".

It looks pretty obvious from both economic and climate data that two current liberal myths that are not going to survive reality are Progressive Economics and  Global Warming, **BUT** as in the elements above, one needs to realize that DOES NOT mean that "facts, the truth, common sense, reality, etc" are going to "win".

I'm no longer certain that there exists any level of reality breaking through on these people -- we could easily be down to a few thousand people in hemp clothes shivering and starving in a cave somewhere with the onset of the next ice age, blathering away about "Global Warming", "Overpopulation", and "excessive consumption".

It seems that the best we can do is have a nicer cave somewhere with some reactors, hydroponics, connection to the sea for ice fishing and maybe some cloned woolly mammoths on the surface for steaks!  Going to have to have a REALLY good library, computer systems, AND a very nice chapel with a lot of stained glass.

We will have a lot of history to write and re-write.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

IRS, Outing Enemies

The Information-Revealing Service | National Review Online:

For you Non-Dominant Party members out there, this is the sound of the ratchet of tyranny taking a few more clicks.

We have been told what to believe about traditional marriage. The marriage of Christianity, of thousands of years of human culture. The foundation of Western Civilization. Defending traditional marriage is WRONG!

So here we have The National Organization for Marriage (NOM). An organization that already has 501c3 status

Their donor list, taken off their tax form, shows up on the website of a competing organization. There are really only two scenarios outside of space aliens that account for this. Either the IRS just leaked it as an organization, or an IRS employee committed a felony and leaked it.

This is very bad for freedom, but what is WORSE is that it is obvious that the Democrats in congress thought "NOM deserves it" ... they are a "hate organization" after all, right?? By wanting to keep marriage between one man and one woman, they have failed to leap on the current "progressive" train that first left the station in the Netherlands on April 1, 2001. (note, the first thing to go once one goes "progressive" is your sense of irony. April Fools Day in the "NETHERlands" ... "A fool says there is no God")

Marriage was marriage for millennia, then the "progressives" decide that it isn't one fine April Fools Day, and then it is downright evil to not have gotten the new word from the nether regions.

Now it is legitimate for a government agency to actively work to see that you are punished for not having your mind right on this issue.

When I was a kid, Americans discussed how the ACLU protected the rights of Nazis to march in Skokie IL even though in those days, everyone hated the Nazis.The Skokie marches were so well known that they included IL Nazis in the 1980 "Blues Brothers" movie.  The standard "end of the discussion" in those days  was "well, freedom of speech means that the rights of UNpopular speech have to be strongly protected".

People often ask, "how could something like Hitler happen"? It is pretty easy from where we are now.

  • Give away power to your government.
  • Let your government control which groups are "in" and which are "out". It felt "right" ... morally justified to be anti-semetic in 1930's Germany. The Jews had too much money. The Jews had strange religious ideas. The Jews exploited others. The Jews were bad.

    In the US today, "the Jews" are "The 1%", "The Religious Right", "The NRA", "Climate Deniers" or in this case "NOM".
  • Make sure your education, media and popular culture are all "on message". People need to be made to feel uncomfortable about discussing anything that is "off message". Eg, questioning climate change when it is cold out, talking about "scandals" like the IRS, being overtly Christian, owning guns, etc

    Probably even MORE important is to make people feel positive, part of the group, "moral and patriotic" when supporting the "proper" policies ... supporting gay "marriage", removing gun rights, sanctioning groups that are not "correctly patriotic" (eg Tea Party)
  • Increase the dependence on the government for daily life. People need to feel that the government is their only real protector and they need to feel a strong sense of unease if they are not in alignment with the government thought. It is CRITICAL that this be an every day thing -- their food, their medical care, their education, their information. All aspects of their life need to be seen as being tied to the goodness and approval of their benevolent government. 

Be your own judge of where we are at right now. "It can't happen here"?? I'd argue that it already has ... the 2nd Amendment and gun owners being the chief stumbling block to a "final solution".

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Sunday, June 09, 2013

Worst Economic Performance in North America!

How Bad Is Obama’s Record on the Economy? This Bad | Power Line:

It is hard to overstate how damning of BO policies the chart in the linked article is. The once great US is underperforming Canada and Mexico!!

What is even harder to take is that like the various BO scandals, the "Dominant Party" absolutely does not care! One doesn't need to listen to very many of them for very long to realize that they are just fine with these results -- providing at least that "The Koch Brothers", "The Rich", "The 1%", the "Bitter Clingers", the "Haters" or whatever the whipping boy of the day "gets hurt the worst"!

It will take real loss of power, water and sewer and some hungry bellies before todays fully indoctrinated Sheeple start to realize that it is time for the people to rise up and throw off the new shackles of Bad King BO!

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