Democrats Walk Out on Benghazi Victims | Power Line:
The right answer is really "No F**king comment".
One's heart aches for men of honor like the Seals who die alone in foreign lands while our worthless elected slugs won't even expend the effort to sit and listen to testimony.
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Thursday, September 19, 2013
Totalitarian Anarchy
The March to Anarchy -
As I've covered many times, far left is complete state control, far right is anarchy ... no government.
I see that our "progress" to totalitarianism has gone so far that our current left media now sees not having government healthcare 100% as they want it ... no matter how poorly defined, understood, expensive, and damaging to the economy, as "anarchy".
When "Leviathan" and other such treatises were written, "anarchy" was the "state of nature, tooth and claw". Apparently we have "progressed" so far that an argument about the funding of state controlled health care can be proffered with a straight face by a major MSM outlet as "anarchy".
Orwell let us know that the slide to totalitarianism meant that the meanings of words would be changed.
"Marriage" for example can now be between two people of the same sex, a concept that has no meaning relative to the term as used for thousands of years.
"Anarchy" has gone from "no government" to "a bit less government".
The march of "progress" to it's totalitarian conclusion quickens.
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As I've covered many times, far left is complete state control, far right is anarchy ... no government.
I see that our "progress" to totalitarianism has gone so far that our current left media now sees not having government healthcare 100% as they want it ... no matter how poorly defined, understood, expensive, and damaging to the economy, as "anarchy".
When "Leviathan" and other such treatises were written, "anarchy" was the "state of nature, tooth and claw". Apparently we have "progressed" so far that an argument about the funding of state controlled health care can be proffered with a straight face by a major MSM outlet as "anarchy".
Orwell let us know that the slide to totalitarianism meant that the meanings of words would be changed.
"Marriage" for example can now be between two people of the same sex, a concept that has no meaning relative to the term as used for thousands of years.
"Anarchy" has gone from "no government" to "a bit less government".
The march of "progress" to it's totalitarian conclusion quickens.
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Military Intelligence, Government Control
Vetting military contractors: How did Navy Yard gunman get in? -
and other oxymorons.
Good and decent people can be "controlled" ... or more basically harassed, restricted, regimented and generally oppressed. They WANT to "do what's right" ... bludgeon 50-70% of the population with enough propaganda ... "We need more gun control". "The problem is Republican intransigence". (there has never been another non-dictatorship with an opposition, right?) "The government will guarantee your retirement, security, healthcare, education, safety, happiness, self-esteem ... eternal life"??
Those that trade freedom for security get neither!!!!!
How gullible are the masses? VERY!
This was a controlled access military installation folks! This guy was ALREADY ineligible to purchase a firearm, but he DID, through legal channels AND got government security clearance!!
The government that some people want to trust with their health care, all sorts of controls on their right of self defense, management of the economy, their retirement, controlling the borders of the nation, and basically controlling every single aspect of their pitifully shrinking lives, can't control access to it's own facilities, and safety of personnel at THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT WORKPLACE!!
Note also that he primarily used a SHOTGUN, Slow Joe Biden's favorite weapon!
The fact that ANYONE can with a straight face claim that this is a new reason for "gun control" is proof that many in our nation have TOTALLY lost the capability for reason and independent thought.
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and other oxymorons.
Good and decent people can be "controlled" ... or more basically harassed, restricted, regimented and generally oppressed. They WANT to "do what's right" ... bludgeon 50-70% of the population with enough propaganda ... "We need more gun control". "The problem is Republican intransigence". (there has never been another non-dictatorship with an opposition, right?) "The government will guarantee your retirement, security, healthcare, education, safety, happiness, self-esteem ... eternal life"??
Those that trade freedom for security get neither!!!!!
How gullible are the masses? VERY!
This was a controlled access military installation folks! This guy was ALREADY ineligible to purchase a firearm, but he DID, through legal channels AND got government security clearance!!
The government that some people want to trust with their health care, all sorts of controls on their right of self defense, management of the economy, their retirement, controlling the borders of the nation, and basically controlling every single aspect of their pitifully shrinking lives, can't control access to it's own facilities, and safety of personnel at THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT WORKPLACE!!
Note also that he primarily used a SHOTGUN, Slow Joe Biden's favorite weapon!
The fact that ANYONE can with a straight face claim that this is a new reason for "gun control" is proof that many in our nation have TOTALLY lost the capability for reason and independent thought.
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Monday, September 16, 2013
Benefit to the Poor, Reagan vs BO
The poor: Reagan vs. Obama | TribLIVE:
Oh, but the GAP got worse under Reagan!! Indeed ... zero has the strange property of staying at zero, so when "the richest" get richer, it tends to increase the income gap. It is just that the poor did much much better under Reagan if one can tear their brain away from envy for a just a second.
The left is much more concerned about envy than results, so everyone being at zero would theoretically be fine with them -- it is "inequality' that bothers them. In a lefty NFL, all the games would be zero zero ties all the time.
Golly, I just can't wait until those Regressives get everything their way!
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Oh, but the GAP got worse under Reagan!! Indeed ... zero has the strange property of staying at zero, so when "the richest" get richer, it tends to increase the income gap. It is just that the poor did much much better under Reagan if one can tear their brain away from envy for a just a second.
The left is much more concerned about envy than results, so everyone being at zero would theoretically be fine with them -- it is "inequality' that bothers them. In a lefty NFL, all the games would be zero zero ties all the time.
Golly, I just can't wait until those Regressives get everything their way!
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Benefit to the Poor, Reagan vs BO
The poor: Reagan vs. Obama | TribLIVE:
Oh, but the GAP got worse under Reagan!! Indeed ... zero has the strange property of staying at zero, so when "the richest" get richer, it tends to increase the income gap. It is just that the poor did much much better under Reagan if one can tear their brain away from envy for a just a second.
The left is much more concerned about envy than results, so everyone being at zero would theoretically be fine with them -- it is "inequality' that bothers them. In a lefty NFL, all the games would be zero zero ties all the time.
Golly, I just can't wait until those Regressives get everything their way!
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Oh, but the GAP got worse under Reagan!! Indeed ... zero has the strange property of staying at zero, so when "the richest" get richer, it tends to increase the income gap. It is just that the poor did much much better under Reagan if one can tear their brain away from envy for a just a second.
The left is much more concerned about envy than results, so everyone being at zero would theoretically be fine with them -- it is "inequality' that bothers them. In a lefty NFL, all the games would be zero zero ties all the time.
Golly, I just can't wait until those Regressives get everything their way!
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Sunday, September 15, 2013
TIME: America Weak and Waffling
Ace of Spades HQ:
Well, for the rest of the world at least. See how much attention our MSM thinks the man in the street pays to the news of the world? Sort of like when Arafat would say one thing in English and another in Arabic ... he assumed that the Western MSM would never bother to xlate, since he told them what they wanted to hear.
Sure, it is hard to keep up, but Forrest Gump had it pretty right, "Stupid is as stupid does". We richly deserve what we are getting from BO.
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Well, for the rest of the world at least. See how much attention our MSM thinks the man in the street pays to the news of the world? Sort of like when Arafat would say one thing in English and another in Arabic ... he assumed that the Western MSM would never bother to xlate, since he told them what they wanted to hear.
Sure, it is hard to keep up, but Forrest Gump had it pretty right, "Stupid is as stupid does". We richly deserve what we are getting from BO.
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Friday, September 13, 2013
Syria : Ever Hear of Vietnam?
James P. Rubin: With the Syria Crisis, America’s Role in the World Is Steadily Shrinking - Newsweek and The Daily Beast:
So NOT LOSING in Iraq due to the virtually single handed W "Surge" was what killed "liberal internationalism"?
Let's see, we lost over 50K troops in Vietnam and < 5K in Iraq ... I'm thinking that is a 10x ratio, and we exited Vietnam with our tails firmly between our legs, but exited Iraq under BO with at least a ton of our objectives accomplished -- where in Vietnam it was ZIP! If LBJ could have done as well in Vietnam as W did in Iraq, he would have been canonized as "the greatest since FDR".
There is "bias", then there is abject blindness of the sort that can't tell shit from shinola!
So after the MSM and the Democrats spend YEARS convincing themselves that Iraq is a "loss", and Vietnam never happened, they look around and wonder "where did American confidence and capability go?".
Our role is shrinking because we have completely lost touch with what it means to be "American" vs "Progressive" ... and in fact, "progressive" is REGRESSIVE, thus we shrink!
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So NOT LOSING in Iraq due to the virtually single handed W "Surge" was what killed "liberal internationalism"?
Let's see, we lost over 50K troops in Vietnam and < 5K in Iraq ... I'm thinking that is a 10x ratio, and we exited Vietnam with our tails firmly between our legs, but exited Iraq under BO with at least a ton of our objectives accomplished -- where in Vietnam it was ZIP! If LBJ could have done as well in Vietnam as W did in Iraq, he would have been canonized as "the greatest since FDR".
There is "bias", then there is abject blindness of the sort that can't tell shit from shinola!
So after the MSM and the Democrats spend YEARS convincing themselves that Iraq is a "loss", and Vietnam never happened, they look around and wonder "where did American confidence and capability go?".
Our role is shrinking because we have completely lost touch with what it means to be "American" vs "Progressive" ... and in fact, "progressive" is REGRESSIVE, thus we shrink!
It was George W. Bush who set in motion the events that caused the American consensus on liberal internationalism to splinter and finally collapse. Although his goal of promoting democratic change echoed Kennedy, the methods and the incompetence were unique to his administration. In trying to pursue nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq with few international allies, and then failing so spectacularly, Bush shattered America’s confidence in its international leadership. It is worth recalling how tall America stood after the fall of the Taliban in 2001: our adversaries—North Korea, Iran, even China—feared not only our overwhelming military power, but also our skill at leading the world into action. Soon enough, however, that sense of American strength and leadership was gone.So the problem in Syria is "Bush". Why did we ever bother to elect BO? Is he ever responsible for ANYTHING!!?
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Thursday, September 12, 2013
Colorado Stealth Gun Recall
Waking a Sleeping Giant in Colorado | National Review Online:
Expect this to get less coverage that an Aussie shot in the back and killed by bored black kids.
Big liberal districts, two state legislators (first in CO history) go down in a recall election because of getting overly aggressive on gun control.
As the Democrats say "voter suppression" ... ah yes, each Democrat victory is precious, real and laudable. Victories for Constitutional and Natural Rights are "suppression".
Even in a rapidly dying nation, there are still pockets of people that didn't get the complete Statist memo ...
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Expect this to get less coverage that an Aussie shot in the back and killed by bored black kids.
Big liberal districts, two state legislators (first in CO history) go down in a recall election because of getting overly aggressive on gun control.
As the Democrats say "voter suppression" ... ah yes, each Democrat victory is precious, real and laudable. Victories for Constitutional and Natural Rights are "suppression".
Even in a rapidly dying nation, there are still pockets of people that didn't get the complete Statist memo ...
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Hurricane Meaning
Hurricane Humberto ruins shot at a 2013 record -
So we came within hours of breaking the "latest in the season for a hurricane since records were kept". I looked that up ... 1851.
We can't say ANYTHING about "Climate" based on records since 1851 and a one year happening, so I won't. "Climate" happens over thousands and tens of thousands of years, as in glacial and inter-glacial periods that have been happening on 10-20Kish intervals for at least the entire Quaternary period of 2.5 million years that we are currently in the Holocene epoch of.
We certainly CAN however say that those that confidently predicted more hurricanes due to Global Warming, with the crescendo in that area being reached for Katrina in '05 have been proven completely and totally WRONG!
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So we came within hours of breaking the "latest in the season for a hurricane since records were kept". I looked that up ... 1851.
We can't say ANYTHING about "Climate" based on records since 1851 and a one year happening, so I won't. "Climate" happens over thousands and tens of thousands of years, as in glacial and inter-glacial periods that have been happening on 10-20Kish intervals for at least the entire Quaternary period of 2.5 million years that we are currently in the Holocene epoch of.
We certainly CAN however say that those that confidently predicted more hurricanes due to Global Warming, with the crescendo in that area being reached for Katrina in '05 have been proven completely and totally WRONG!
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Supporting WWIII!
Heh: Kickstarting World War III: “Not Like Those Other Republican Wars” | Power Line:
Hey, a war for the 99%! Grass fed bomb and hybrid Prius Tanks! Really puts the "liberal" in "Neo-liberal" ... it's good because Obama is for this one!
Damned funny little video, perhaps America can come back some day from even Obama??
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Hey, a war for the 99%! Grass fed bomb and hybrid Prius Tanks! Really puts the "liberal" in "Neo-liberal" ... it's good because Obama is for this one!
Damned funny little video, perhaps America can come back some day from even Obama??
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Worse Than "Jenjis Kahn?
"Flipper" in the past ... his pronunciation may be correct for all I know, but in America the harder "G" is usually the way it is heard. So is Assad on the same level as Genghis Khan, and thus similar to US troops in Vietnam, or is he worse?
Monday, September 09, 2013
The World Is Going to End On ...
The Ice Is Cracking . . . Er | Power Line:
As late as '07 we were going to be "ice free by 2013" ... oops, the ice has ADVANCED since last year.
Back in 2006 I wrote about how far off the very confident post Katrina predictions on how OBVIOUS it was that there would be more "Superstorms" like Katrina than ever before due to Global Warming, and how Katrina was kind of W's "just desserts", since he was somewhat of a "denier".
Katrina was PROOF of Global Warming ... but wait, if there are LESS storms, what is that "proof" of??
The mark of science is CORRECT and REPEATABLE predictions. So far the warmist predictors are no more successful than the religious "the world is going to end on ..." guys.
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As late as '07 we were going to be "ice free by 2013" ... oops, the ice has ADVANCED since last year.
Back in 2006 I wrote about how far off the very confident post Katrina predictions on how OBVIOUS it was that there would be more "Superstorms" like Katrina than ever before due to Global Warming, and how Katrina was kind of W's "just desserts", since he was somewhat of a "denier".
Katrina was PROOF of Global Warming ... but wait, if there are LESS storms, what is that "proof" of??
The mark of science is CORRECT and REPEATABLE predictions. So far the warmist predictors are no more successful than the religious "the world is going to end on ..." guys.
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Sunday, September 08, 2013
Canadian Perspective on Collapse of US
Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of France - The New York Sun
Good to hear what our formerly more "progressive" neighbors to the north think about us.
Back when W was in office, the opinion of anybody else in the world with a negative view of W or US policy was very important to be shared widely and prominently! Wonder whatever happened to that attitude?
I fear he is WAY too optimistic about how easily this might be "fixed". I sincerely doubt that BO and the warmist fanatics will allow the US to become energy independent, and even if we did, two elections of BO are proof positive that our problems are much deeper than that.
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Good to hear what our formerly more "progressive" neighbors to the north think about us.
Back when W was in office, the opinion of anybody else in the world with a negative view of W or US policy was very important to be shared widely and prominently! Wonder whatever happened to that attitude?
I fear he is WAY too optimistic about how easily this might be "fixed". I sincerely doubt that BO and the warmist fanatics will allow the US to become energy independent, and even if we did, two elections of BO are proof positive that our problems are much deeper than that.
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Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics
Police: Missouri man secretly exposed partner, maybe 300 more, to HIV -
Or COYOTE, which was a legalize prostitution group back when things were really just starting to roll on the "let's just throw God out and have fun ... especially with sex". A short perusal of this article reminds us of just how well that works.
Oh, but there have been problems with Catholic Priests, so religion is no answer. Right.
Brilliant logic ... there are still problems with infections caught in hospitals, so why don't we just throw out the whole ridiculous sterile protocol stuff? It definitely doesn't stop all infections!
Ah, the wise ways of man left to his own very limited devices.
I'm always mystified why the "progressives" believe that sex, drugs, abortion and the related "marriage" now, need to be "completely free choices", but soft drink containers, wages, work rules, seat belts, having more money than they think proper, how much water your toilet uses when it flushes and pretty much any other detail of life needs to be controlled to within a gnat's eyelash.
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Or COYOTE, which was a legalize prostitution group back when things were really just starting to roll on the "let's just throw God out and have fun ... especially with sex". A short perusal of this article reminds us of just how well that works.
Oh, but there have been problems with Catholic Priests, so religion is no answer. Right.
Brilliant logic ... there are still problems with infections caught in hospitals, so why don't we just throw out the whole ridiculous sterile protocol stuff? It definitely doesn't stop all infections!
Ah, the wise ways of man left to his own very limited devices.
I'm always mystified why the "progressives" believe that sex, drugs, abortion and the related "marriage" now, need to be "completely free choices", but soft drink containers, wages, work rules, seat belts, having more money than they think proper, how much water your toilet uses when it flushes and pretty much any other detail of life needs to be controlled to within a gnat's eyelash.
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Friday, September 06, 2013
Putin Declares the Obvious
Putin: John Kerry Is A “Liar” | Power Line:
I remember the MSM glee when some schmuck threw a shoe at W. I imagine that they would want nuclear retaliation were the same to happen to BO. Oh for just a tiny hint of balance.
So Putin knows that Kerry is a liar and is willing to say it? Good, gives me more confidence at least some world leaders still have a handle on reality!
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I remember the MSM glee when some schmuck threw a shoe at W. I imagine that they would want nuclear retaliation were the same to happen to BO. Oh for just a tiny hint of balance.
So Putin knows that Kerry is a liar and is willing to say it? Good, gives me more confidence at least some world leaders still have a handle on reality!
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