David Brooks, the supposed "conservative" has a new book out called "The Road to Character". Since he just dumped his old wife and 3 kids for a woman 23 years his junior, the arduoous path to "character" must lead through the arduous challenge of marrying younger women. Among the wealthy and powerful male, this path is well trod.
I really think David picked the wrong title -- so I helped him out with the blog title, which was the motto of the creator of Nautilus equipment, Arthur Jones. If Jones was to write a book, it would be aobut BEING a "character" -- as in having a runway that you can land a 747 on at your compound, lots of crocodiles, elephants and snakes, and of course 6 wives, all married when they were aged between 16 and 20. Arthur definitely practiced what he preached!
There will be no rush to buy Brooks current book, however I'm not saying "never". Both King David and Solomon had "many women", King David famously resorting to murder to satisfy his sexual desire.
While the left has suddenly found "virtue" to be very important in leadership, and finds Trump wanting, the scolds seem to have a hard time setting themselves up as paragons.
Monday, June 26, 2017
Times, Logs, Specks; And the Left Will Become Right
All humans who have any standards are hypocites, this author hopefully included. To be a Christian is to have standards, while I certainly want to limit my hypocrisy, I am happy to have it rather than no standards.
Matt 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
The Times believes that protesting from the right is a sign of "thin skin". Apparently they have missed stories of Berkley, Middlebury and nearly every college campus in the country relative to "safe spaces", etc.
In the world of gender and race bending, why can't we call communism "right wing"?
Communism’s failure of humor is the subject of Milan Kundera’s first novel, “The Joke.” For writing the words “Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!” on the back of a postcard to a girlfriend, Ludvik Jahn is expelled from the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and sent to work in the mines.The more monocratic the regime, the less it can bear criticism. And of all criticism, satire — with its single ambition of ridiculing vanity and delusion — is the most potent.
"The more monocratic the regime"? Last I checked, the Deep State was in full attack mode against Trump. While "The Party" (TP-D) hasn't done that swimmingly in elections of late, it seems to be very willing and able to execute maximum obstruction in Congress, through the court system, through the media, and through the judiciary. We were a LOT closer to "moncratic" with BO in the WH, even with both lapdog houses of Congress in scaredy R hands!
When BO was first elected, even the entertainment media could not find a way to make fun of the pompous gasbag. Why, even getting a Nobel Prize for getting elected wasn't funny! Even as late as 2013, a Rodeo Clown with a BO mask was too much for the media! For Trump? Nothing is "too much" for the media to deride Trump.
The fact of human is that we find those who disagree with us far more worthy of being the butt of jokes than we find ourselves and those we agree with. We all know that to be true -- the fact you can get away with a column like this in a paper just says how far left that paper really is.
They are so far left that the old USSR seems "right" to them!
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Friday, June 23, 2017
Eternal Basement
Zuckerberg’s Opiate for the Masses - WSJ:
Modern billionaires lack of understanding of both the human condition and economics is breathtaking. Automation keeps on happening -- let's just give everyone a guaranteed minimum income! Say $3K a month, that ought to make people happy! Let them eat cake.
Upon reflection, it isn't really that hard to understand though. Going back to the Reformation of 1517 (this year is the 500th anniversary), the English Revolution of 1688, our Revolution - Constitution of 1776-1789, and the French Revolution of 1789-1799, we see the shape of the discussions of government and the nature of man.
Where does the authority to rule come from? God, as in the divine right of kings? Inheretence as in family name for both monarch and aristocracy? Is there authority at all, or is pure chaos the best "government"? Does merit matter? Does it exist? Does being rich make you an authority on anything but money? (we know Zuckerbert's take on that).
There are a lot of very deep questions here, but I think the author of the article subtley told us how much thought current billionaires and socialists are putting into their thinking for the masses ...
We now know from plenty of time studying human behavior that people are NOT in general happy living in their parents basements and entertaining themselves. In fact, they are quite commonly suicidal.
We could put all the power lines ... and maybe trains for that matter, under ground. We could explore space, or even the oceans -- there have only been four dives to the bottom of the Challenger Deep, like 35K feet deep, deepest ocean spot on earth. Hooking up the major cities of the earth with super high speed mag-lev or other tech speed units in say, vacum tunnels could take a bit of engineering and work ... the list is infinite.
Yes, for all these things there needs to be thought on how it becomes economically value producing -- however, compared to funding vido games and net surfing from basements, the bar is not very high!
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Modern billionaires lack of understanding of both the human condition and economics is breathtaking. Automation keeps on happening -- let's just give everyone a guaranteed minimum income! Say $3K a month, that ought to make people happy! Let them eat cake.
Upon reflection, it isn't really that hard to understand though. Going back to the Reformation of 1517 (this year is the 500th anniversary), the English Revolution of 1688, our Revolution - Constitution of 1776-1789, and the French Revolution of 1789-1799, we see the shape of the discussions of government and the nature of man.
Where does the authority to rule come from? God, as in the divine right of kings? Inheretence as in family name for both monarch and aristocracy? Is there authority at all, or is pure chaos the best "government"? Does merit matter? Does it exist? Does being rich make you an authority on anything but money? (we know Zuckerbert's take on that).
There are a lot of very deep questions here, but I think the author of the article subtley told us how much thought current billionaires and socialists are putting into their thinking for the masses ...
We now know from plenty of time studying human behavior that people are NOT in general happy living in their parents basements and entertaining themselves. In fact, they are quite commonly suicidal.
We could put all the power lines ... and maybe trains for that matter, under ground. We could explore space, or even the oceans -- there have only been four dives to the bottom of the Challenger Deep, like 35K feet deep, deepest ocean spot on earth. Hooking up the major cities of the earth with super high speed mag-lev or other tech speed units in say, vacum tunnels could take a bit of engineering and work ... the list is infinite.
Yes, for all these things there needs to be thought on how it becomes economically value producing -- however, compared to funding vido games and net surfing from basements, the bar is not very high!
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Thursday, June 22, 2017
Can't They Both Lose?
Russian Interference Doesn’t Require Trump’s Involvement | National Review:
Football season is close. When two NFC N teams that are not the Packers square off against each other, my typical hope is that they both lose. I DON'T wish for them to both have a lot of injuries because I love football, I played football, and I was injured in football -- injuries are part of the game, but I can't bring myself to hope for them.
I can however applaud the Crips and the Bloods shooting each other -- it's pretty much guaranteed to reduce overall violence. If China and North Korea want to get into a shooting war, or China and Russia for that matter, worse things could happen. I STRONGLY suspect that the Rusians, like me and pretty much everyone else in the world -- including Trump and Hillary, assumed that Hillary was going to win.
That is why BO (and the entire MSM) was on record even in late October telling us that any concerns about the elections being manipulated or "rigged" were totally false! He assumed Hillary would win, Democrats would win or come close to winning the Senate, and he wanted to be sure that Hillaries likely "landslide" was duly noted by what he expected to be a much diminished opposition. Hey, the weekend before the elction, Ron Johnson was dead in WI according to polls -- he won by nearly 4 points and I doubt the Russians did it. Ooops.
I think the Russians similarly erred -- they assumed they would get a weakened Hillary, but one that could clearly be purchased as they had done with the N American urainium payoff to the Clinton Fund. Nobody is perfect -- however, damaging Americans faith in our own elections is definitely positive for Russia, no matter who wins. We really don't need any help destroying ourselves, but one can't blame the Russians for doing what they can.
Naturally, the Democrats and a whole lot of the Republican party as well as 99% of the folks inside the beltway in DC are more than happy to play into the Russians hands if they can ever IMAGINE it hurts Trump! They have a pretty darned good scam going, and keeping it going is their HIGHEST priority by a REALLY long shot!
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Football season is close. When two NFC N teams that are not the Packers square off against each other, my typical hope is that they both lose. I DON'T wish for them to both have a lot of injuries because I love football, I played football, and I was injured in football -- injuries are part of the game, but I can't bring myself to hope for them.
I can however applaud the Crips and the Bloods shooting each other -- it's pretty much guaranteed to reduce overall violence. If China and North Korea want to get into a shooting war, or China and Russia for that matter, worse things could happen. I STRONGLY suspect that the Rusians, like me and pretty much everyone else in the world -- including Trump and Hillary, assumed that Hillary was going to win.
That is why BO (and the entire MSM) was on record even in late October telling us that any concerns about the elections being manipulated or "rigged" were totally false! He assumed Hillary would win, Democrats would win or come close to winning the Senate, and he wanted to be sure that Hillaries likely "landslide" was duly noted by what he expected to be a much diminished opposition. Hey, the weekend before the elction, Ron Johnson was dead in WI according to polls -- he won by nearly 4 points and I doubt the Russians did it. Ooops.
I think the Russians similarly erred -- they assumed they would get a weakened Hillary, but one that could clearly be purchased as they had done with the N American urainium payoff to the Clinton Fund. Nobody is perfect -- however, damaging Americans faith in our own elections is definitely positive for Russia, no matter who wins. We really don't need any help destroying ourselves, but one can't blame the Russians for doing what they can.
Some Russia-watchers believe that the goal of the 2016 Russian campaign shenanigans was not to elect Trump but to damage Clinton before her election. That would make a certain kind of sense: Putin does not want a President Trump or a President Clinton — he wants an American president so hamstrung by political rancor, personal weakness, and petty venality that American leadership around the world is compromised. Mission accomplished.
Naturally, the Democrats and a whole lot of the Republican party as well as 99% of the folks inside the beltway in DC are more than happy to play into the Russians hands if they can ever IMAGINE it hurts Trump! They have a pretty darned good scam going, and keeping it going is their HIGHEST priority by a REALLY long shot!
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Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Lake Woebegone Morality
It is human nature to believe that we are "better than average" at things that it is hard to really calculate a ranking on. Spouse, friend, driver, etc are just good examples. Like Lake Woebegone, where all the children are above average, we find it comfortable to believe the same about many things -- morality just being one.
Just as wheels, gears and eventually engines allowed us to move faster and farther, modern internet tooling allows us to display our sense of moral outrage and whatever we want, whenever we want, making us feel very superior indeed.
So the technology makes is much easier to show moral outrage and become a "moral grandstander":
The world isn’t really getting worse. But people have incentives to act like it is. New technologies give virtually anyone, at any given moment, a platform to express anger. These new ways of communication, from Twitter to Facebook, allow anyone to express outrage at the newest political dust-up or celebrity gaffe. And by expressing anger in this way, people are able to communicate something about themselves – that they are morally sensitive, that they care about injustice – so much so that they are willing to accept the cost of being upset to show it.
Here is the basic idea. Grandstanders use talk about justice, rights or morality in general to show that they are good people. Grandstanders want others to think that they care more about justice, or empathize more deeply with the poor, or more clearly understand the plight of the factory worker than the average person. Some are more modest, and just want to show that they are on the right side of history. For grandstanders, moral and political discourse is a vanity project.
Other ways to temper our natural bent for seeing ourselves as "above average" or even "superior" would be philosophy, literature, or even better, regular CIVIL discussions with people who are roughly as intelligent and well-informed as we are, but are of "the other" moral tribe.
In such discussions, "status" is gained being calm and civil, and display of umbrage is NOT a signal of morality, but rather a signal of a lack of maturity. If our nation seeks to stave off a nasty divorce that we seem headed toward, such discussions are the only likely way back to being one nation.
Trump, Freedom To Be Free
Trump poses no major dilemma for genuine conservatives | Power Line:
As I read this solid column, something whacked me upside the head. Many "conservatives" today sound exactly like what the people in the Baptist church I grew up in sounded -- "Chrisitan" was all about what you DIDN'T DO ... don't drink, don't smoke, don't dance, don't go to movies, don't wear pants (women), don't swim with opposite sex (in pool), etc, etc
The list was LONG and someone was always "better" ... some had no TV, playing cards were a no no in many familes including ours. "Separation" was how you signalled your virtue to fellow church people.
Is that what it means to be a political "conservative" today?
No question that Ronald Reagan was my favorite politician of my life so far, but even he was divorced and rarely attended church.
As the article points out after a couple paragraph screed on all Trump's "faults" is aired, there is nothing about POLICY! To me, POLICY that works in a conservative direction -- ie. smaller government, less control by Deep State, more individual freedoms, more state freedom, control of our borders, etc. is THE big deal!
I'm in nearly complete agreement with Trump on his policies -- is that not what actually matters to a CONSERVATIVE? When it comes to the leader of the Republican Party, must we have some sort of urbane sophistication of the William F Buckley or George Will nature? Absolutely I enjoy watching that detatched, eloquent, educated, sophisticated, morally upright, somewhat prudish or even snobbish manner more than I enjoy the NYC street fighter swagger of Trump. I "prefer it", but can I be a "conservative" and NOT prefer pragmatic success over elegance?
I'm not about seeing how small a tent we can make "conservatism" or the Republican Party. The strategy of "being more selective" in your constiuency has it's downside when votes count!
Is FREEDOM not about ACTUAL tolerance of others who think and behave differently being part of your political group, not just the country? The idea of purging the Republican Party of Trump and his voters seems ill-advised to the point of suicide when pragmatics are considered. My bottom line of conservatism is that diversity in thought, style, manner, etc actually IS to be honored, and even celebrated! I had a close freind from NYC 35 years ago. I learned that NYC manners and Barron WI manners are NOT the same -- however, there can be a lot to appreciate about another perspective!
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As I read this solid column, something whacked me upside the head. Many "conservatives" today sound exactly like what the people in the Baptist church I grew up in sounded -- "Chrisitan" was all about what you DIDN'T DO ... don't drink, don't smoke, don't dance, don't go to movies, don't wear pants (women), don't swim with opposite sex (in pool), etc, etc
The list was LONG and someone was always "better" ... some had no TV, playing cards were a no no in many familes including ours. "Separation" was how you signalled your virtue to fellow church people.
Is that what it means to be a political "conservative" today?
No question that Ronald Reagan was my favorite politician of my life so far, but even he was divorced and rarely attended church.
As the article points out after a couple paragraph screed on all Trump's "faults" is aired, there is nothing about POLICY! To me, POLICY that works in a conservative direction -- ie. smaller government, less control by Deep State, more individual freedoms, more state freedom, control of our borders, etc. is THE big deal!
I'm in nearly complete agreement with Trump on his policies -- is that not what actually matters to a CONSERVATIVE? When it comes to the leader of the Republican Party, must we have some sort of urbane sophistication of the William F Buckley or George Will nature? Absolutely I enjoy watching that detatched, eloquent, educated, sophisticated, morally upright, somewhat prudish or even snobbish manner more than I enjoy the NYC street fighter swagger of Trump. I "prefer it", but can I be a "conservative" and NOT prefer pragmatic success over elegance?
I'm not about seeing how small a tent we can make "conservatism" or the Republican Party. The strategy of "being more selective" in your constiuency has it's downside when votes count!
Is FREEDOM not about ACTUAL tolerance of others who think and behave differently being part of your political group, not just the country? The idea of purging the Republican Party of Trump and his voters seems ill-advised to the point of suicide when pragmatics are considered. My bottom line of conservatism is that diversity in thought, style, manner, etc actually IS to be honored, and even celebrated! I had a close freind from NYC 35 years ago. I learned that NYC manners and Barron WI manners are NOT the same -- however, there can be a lot to appreciate about another perspective!
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Georgia, Most Important Election Since Watergate ... Isn't
As Democrats rolled millions into Georgia 6, NPR, NY Times, WaPo and the rest of the media media became positively giddy that THIS was the point and which the tide really turned against the evil Trump.
Today, it isn't important at all, because, well, the Demcrat lost. The "importance" only worked one direction because the MSM was all set to use the Democrat winning result to put out thousands of stories about how "this proved Trump is WEAK", "The tide has turned against him", "Now Republicans will abandon him to save their own skins in 2018", "The Democrats will take the House in 2018!", "Trump will be impeached"! ... and so it would have gone.
Tuesday’s runoff between Karen Handel and Jon Ossoff in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District will decide what has become the most expensive House campaign in history — and quite possibly the most consequential special election since Watergate.
So how is it possible that an event has meaning only in one political direction? The answer of course is that in the real world, it ISN'T! If it was really true that the R's losing GA 6 would have all sorts of meaning, then it is ALSO true that them winning has the OPPOSITE meaning.
But we don't live in the "real world", we live in "The Party" (TP-D) world ... BOistan, where "reality" is just what TP says it is -- nothing more, nothing less. Only ... maybe not! That is the true message of Trump. Even though TP still controls the MSM and the Deep State, and both are in constant war with Trump, in the actual real world, Trump is STILL winning! There is still a tiny ray of hope that the Deep State isn't as deep as they thought they were, and the MSM doesn't have as many people buying their fake reality as they thought they did!
It is constantly obvious that reality is simply not something TP deals in if you pay just a little attention.
And while Democrats badly wanted a win, coming close four times should be enough to spook Republicans facing competitive re-election battles, said Zac Petkanas, who ran Hillary Clinton's rapid response team.
"The fact that all these races were close should have any member of the GOP who won by less than 15 points absolutely terrified," he said.When your team goes 0-4, the kind of "confidence" you exude tends to be a bit hollow. Your "facts" have the strong scent of fake news. That your opponents are "absolutely terrified" is maybe just a tiny bit on the wishful side.
TP keeps bringing up Watergate for good reason. It was the point at which the Deep State and MSM first flexed their muscles and took down a sitting president over nothing. They were confident in what they thought was the unlikely event that Republicans ever took the presidency again, they could easily repeat their coup. Presidential elections no longer really mattered -- they would simply impeach any R that didn't dance as a Deep State marionette. In '74, TP was CONFIDENT that the US was really a single party state already, and "cleanup" is all they had left.
Their assumption in those days was that the House would NEVER fall into Republican hands again -- they felt they had gerrymandered, locked in pork and constituencies to the level where it just could not be pulled from their hands. They bever thought of Newt Gingrich however! GA 6 is Newt's old district -- believe me, EVERYONE would know that today if the D's had prevailed!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Blaming Victim OK for TP ("The Party" D)
Self-inflicted stupidity | Power Line:
We have all been lectured plenty that if a woman goes dead drunk and naked into a frat party with "F ME!" written on her chest, she is in no way "asking for it", and if notarized consent forms are not filled out in triplicate, "rape" is a legitimate charge.
Congressman shot while practicing for baseball game? Well, FIRST you have to ask "D or R" ... it if is a "D", we are talking major major league inexcusable crime, no doubt caused by R's!!
Oh, R shot? Well as CBS says:
In "The Party's" world, the R's are ALWAYS responsible -- even when they get shot by a BS supporter!
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We have all been lectured plenty that if a woman goes dead drunk and naked into a frat party with "F ME!" written on her chest, she is in no way "asking for it", and if notarized consent forms are not filled out in triplicate, "rape" is a legitimate charge.
Congressman shot while practicing for baseball game? Well, FIRST you have to ask "D or R" ... it if is a "D", we are talking major major league inexcusable crime, no doubt caused by R's!!
Oh, R shot? Well as CBS says:
“It’s time to ask whether the attack on the United States Congress, yesterday, was foreseeable, predictable and, to some degree, self-inflicted”Let's face if, if you have an R next to your name you are basically ASKING to be shot!
In "The Party's" world, the R's are ALWAYS responsible -- even when they get shot by a BS supporter!
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Monday, June 19, 2017
Nada On Nadir
Left’s Anti Donald Trump Political Violence Reaches Its Peak | National Review:
The linked is a decent cataloging of leftist violence since the election. I will be TOTALLY shocked if this is the "nadir", or "bottom". We have been on a runaway train of anger and violence since the election, and I don't see the Sclaise shooting as even a whistle stop -- the TP nasty train is a running, and it certainly appears to be gathering speed to me,
It's a sick list -- nearly certain to get sicker. Lock and load.
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The linked is a decent cataloging of leftist violence since the election. I will be TOTALLY shocked if this is the "nadir", or "bottom". We have been on a runaway train of anger and violence since the election, and I don't see the Sclaise shooting as even a whistle stop -- the TP nasty train is a running, and it certainly appears to be gathering speed to me,
It's a sick list -- nearly certain to get sicker. Lock and load.
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Eat The Rich 1%! (... And The Next 19% Too)
Stop Pretending You’re Not Rich -
As someone that grew up in the lower 50% income strata and now fits in the upper 20% most of the time, this article is great reading. Socialism is never really satisfied until the 99% are "minimally fed, minimally housed, minimally educated (indoctrinated), minimally entertained, and maximally indentured to the perpetual service of the state. Hope is the eternal enemy of socialism, and the left is already WELL down the road to killing it.
The chattering classes and elite assume that they will be in that top 1% with ALL the power, privilege and perks, while the rest of the vermin will be suitably "classless" in all meanings of the word. Turns out that most of them are wrong about making the 1%, but typically they will find that out with a bullet to back of the head, so at least they will never have to admit they were wrong.
This article makes it VERY clear that the top 1% of the current "corrupt system" are not the only ones that have to give, and give mightily -- the other 19% that make up the top 20% have got to surrender as well! Viva La Sameness!
When I was growing up, my father told me that us little people never had a chance -- it was not possible to move up the economic ladder, it was rigged. Many people I knew in my youth believed that, and they likely still do -- such prophecies tend to have a way of being VERY self fullfilling. The elite would like to convince you that the only "just" society is one where only the elite gets to "have their cake and eat it to". And, naturally castigate even their fellow "20%ers" for not being pure enough comrades ... obviously those fools thinking that they can send their kids to expensive private schools and still retain full comrade status are not true to the cause and will be purged.
The only "merit" socialists recognize is being smart and ruthless enough to become one of the overlords like a BO or the Clinton Crime Family. You make any money outside of politics, and you ought not be able to lead because of the "emouluments clause" of the Constitution (man they LOVE obscure pieces of that document when they feel they suit them!) Why "emouluments" is almost as popular with the puppetmasters this year as "misogyny" was last year!
If you are above the bottom 20%, they will be coming for you -- just give them time. Ah, the smell urine, untreated sewage and miscellaneous smoke -- the smell of SOCIALISM!
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As someone that grew up in the lower 50% income strata and now fits in the upper 20% most of the time, this article is great reading. Socialism is never really satisfied until the 99% are "minimally fed, minimally housed, minimally educated (indoctrinated), minimally entertained, and maximally indentured to the perpetual service of the state. Hope is the eternal enemy of socialism, and the left is already WELL down the road to killing it.
The chattering classes and elite assume that they will be in that top 1% with ALL the power, privilege and perks, while the rest of the vermin will be suitably "classless" in all meanings of the word. Turns out that most of them are wrong about making the 1%, but typically they will find that out with a bullet to back of the head, so at least they will never have to admit they were wrong.
This article makes it VERY clear that the top 1% of the current "corrupt system" are not the only ones that have to give, and give mightily -- the other 19% that make up the top 20% have got to surrender as well! Viva La Sameness!
This article of course targets the "top 20%", but lets face it, the maw of socialism is not satisfied until there is an absolutely flat hopeless 99% totally unarmed and totally under "public" (1%) control. "Progressive" (regressive) policies have not run their course until 99% of the population is living in concrete mauseleums reeking of urine and standing slack jawed in line waiting the days vodka or weed ration and whatever meager scraps the state feels are a decent diet.
Progressive policies, whether on zoning or school admissions or tax reform, all too often run into the wall of upper-middle-class opposition. Self-interest is natural enough. But the people who make up the American upper middle class don’t just want to keep their advantages; armed with their faith in a classless, meritocratic society, they think they deserve them. The strong whiff of entitlement coming from the top 20 percent has not been lost on everyone else.
When I was growing up, my father told me that us little people never had a chance -- it was not possible to move up the economic ladder, it was rigged. Many people I knew in my youth believed that, and they likely still do -- such prophecies tend to have a way of being VERY self fullfilling. The elite would like to convince you that the only "just" society is one where only the elite gets to "have their cake and eat it to". And, naturally castigate even their fellow "20%ers" for not being pure enough comrades ... obviously those fools thinking that they can send their kids to expensive private schools and still retain full comrade status are not true to the cause and will be purged.
The only "merit" socialists recognize is being smart and ruthless enough to become one of the overlords like a BO or the Clinton Crime Family. You make any money outside of politics, and you ought not be able to lead because of the "emouluments clause" of the Constitution (man they LOVE obscure pieces of that document when they feel they suit them!) Why "emouluments" is almost as popular with the puppetmasters this year as "misogyny" was last year!
If you are above the bottom 20%, they will be coming for you -- just give them time. Ah, the smell urine, untreated sewage and miscellaneous smoke -- the smell of SOCIALISM!
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You Don't Want To Make My Partner Mad
During Gang Attack, Cop Hit 1 Button That Released K-9 Lifesaver:
This one turns out just as it should have, except maybe the assailants appear to have lived ... worth a read. Officers and their dogs are a team, and thankfully, the law considers a threat to the dog as a threat to an officer -- threaten my partners life and I kill you. Simple solution? Don't threaten the K9 partner!
I've got to see police work their dogs a couple of times and the excitement and agression when they are commanded to attack is totally impressive and just a little bit frightening. The dogs LOVE their work -- total and complete fearless dedication. The 3 guys were overmatched.
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This one turns out just as it should have, except maybe the assailants appear to have lived ... worth a read. Officers and their dogs are a team, and thankfully, the law considers a threat to the dog as a threat to an officer -- threaten my partners life and I kill you. Simple solution? Don't threaten the K9 partner!
I've got to see police work their dogs a couple of times and the excitement and agression when they are commanded to attack is totally impressive and just a little bit frightening. The dogs LOVE their work -- total and complete fearless dedication. The 3 guys were overmatched.
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Yanez, The Memory of America Fades
In America, we had a court system that included "juries of our peers" and we honored that system because we agreed that was far more just than mob dscisions or some "pronouncement of the elite". In BOistan, everyone believes their opinion is "as good as the jury" who took 6 days from their lives to sit through testimony, then another 5 days to deliberate. They pull their favorite snippet from the proceedings and declare the jury wrong / racist / stupid / etc.
And even though any of us could be asked to sit on a similar jury, we assume we won't, and amazingly it is broadly OK to disparage the decision made by a jury of our peers, that was once cornerstone of America's legal system. That is what is shocking about the linked post above, it is from NATIONAL REVIEW, an ostensively conservative source, yet totally fails to understand that our criminal justice system is based on honoring a jury of our peers ... they cherry pick their "evidence", draw their conclusion, and decare "the jury is wrong", where in America, the jury was honored and RIGHT unless it could be overturned by new evidence / procedure.
America had a population educated enough in civics to understand that without respect for basic civil government and a legal system, anarchy or tyranny are the only possible outcomes.
Most of our population has no idea of what America even was. The idea of respecting ANY institution over their own "fresh off social media" meme level opinion simply never crosses their mind. They are "god", and they have an opinion, and with apologies to Baron Von Raschke, "that is all the people need to know". I covered this lack of knowledge here.
I do know that MPR really wanted this officers hide in the worst way. One comentator this week from one of the lefty schools in the twin cities (Hamline I think) felt that "the good of the community" should overshadow mere evidence here. They have been running excerpts from "74 seconds" a lot over the last 6 months.
You get impaired on weed, go drive around with a kid in the car, get stopped, have a gun on your person, and then -- likely because of the impairment, fail to follow police orders relative to the gun EXPLICITLY and ... ??? Up to that point, the decisions are all yours, and you can take your time deciding the correct course.
I put myself standing outside that window, smell of weed reeking in nostrils, obviously stoned driver, says "I have a gun" and rather than leaving hands solidly on wheel in plain sight starts reaching in his pocket where I can likely see the gun ... what would **I** do?
I really can't imagine ANYONE that would not "fear for your life" -- do you shoot? I'm not sure that any of us know that answer for ourselves, and likely it will vary "depending on" a huge set of variables along the lines of ; do you miss the deer that jumps out? lose control? ??? ... the real "action" wasn't in "74 seconds", it was in 1 or 2 tops.
A courageous, and I think honest jury. One guy is dead, destroying another life more than it has been won't bring him back. Unless you believe that he needed to go to prison "for the good of the community". It has seemed peferectly clear all along that Yanez was forced by Castile's decisions into a split second life and death call. There is no reason for anyone, permit or not, to put an officer in that situtation and hope they decide to risk their sober life for your impaired one.
In America, we had a court system that included "juries of our peers" and we honored that system because we agreed that was far more just than mob dscisions or some "pronouncement of the elite". In BOistan, everyone believes their opinion is "as good as the jury" who took 6 days from their lives to sit through testimony, then another 5 days to deliberate. They pull their favorite snippet from the proceedings and declare the jury wrong / racist / stupid / etc.
And even though any of us could be asked to sit on a similar jury, we assume we won't, and amazingly it is broadly OK to disparage the decision made by a jury of our peers, that was once cornerstone of America's legal system. That is what is shocking about the linked post above, it is from NATIONAL REVIEW, an ostensively conservative source, yet totally fails to understand that our criminal justice system is based on honoring a jury of our peers ... they cherry pick their "evidence", draw their conclusion, and decare "the jury is wrong", where in America, the jury was honored and RIGHT unless it could be overturned by new evidence / procedure.
America had a population educated enough in civics to understand that without respect for basic civil government and a legal system, anarchy or tyranny are the only possible outcomes.
Most of our population has no idea of what America even was. The idea of respecting ANY institution over their own "fresh off social media" meme level opinion simply never crosses their mind. They are "god", and they have an opinion, and with apologies to Baron Von Raschke, "that is all the people need to know". I covered this lack of knowledge here.
I do know that MPR really wanted this officers hide in the worst way. One comentator this week from one of the lefty schools in the twin cities (Hamline I think) felt that "the good of the community" should overshadow mere evidence here. They have been running excerpts from "74 seconds" a lot over the last 6 months.
You get impaired on weed, go drive around with a kid in the car, get stopped, have a gun on your person, and then -- likely because of the impairment, fail to follow police orders relative to the gun EXPLICITLY and ... ??? Up to that point, the decisions are all yours, and you can take your time deciding the correct course.
I put myself standing outside that window, smell of weed reeking in nostrils, obviously stoned driver, says "I have a gun" and rather than leaving hands solidly on wheel in plain sight starts reaching in his pocket where I can likely see the gun ... what would **I** do?
I really can't imagine ANYONE that would not "fear for your life" -- do you shoot? I'm not sure that any of us know that answer for ourselves, and likely it will vary "depending on" a huge set of variables along the lines of ; do you miss the deer that jumps out? lose control? ??? ... the real "action" wasn't in "74 seconds", it was in 1 or 2 tops.
A courageous, and I think honest jury. One guy is dead, destroying another life more than it has been won't bring him back. Unless you believe that he needed to go to prison "for the good of the community". It has seemed peferectly clear all along that Yanez was forced by Castile's decisions into a split second life and death call. There is no reason for anyone, permit or not, to put an officer in that situtation and hope they decide to risk their sober life for your impaired one.
What TP ("The Party" TP-D) wants to happen is that cases like this give the State more power. No more jury trial -- "the State", meaning the Administrative State, decides what outcome best meets their current political, economic, social engineering, etc objectives. The very idea of a "Jury of your peers" is totally out of line with TP anyway. The sad thing is to see that even NR has forgotten what America was, and are willing to disparage the decision of the jury without even a moment to honor their sacrifice and the system.
Poor Marxmanship
Why You Can't Trust A Socialist With A Gun | The Federalist Papers:
Thanks be to God! Squeeky Fromme, John Hinkley, and now Hodgkinson, the disease ... Hodgkinson takes a booby prize though ... 50 some rounds with a RIFLE! If Socialists were talented in anything, we'd all be speaking German ... or at least Russian for sure.
I've not heard the term "Assault Weapon" used even once in the meda this time! -- no calls for bans on these horrible weapons, basically NOTHING! Was the gun not black? Why do we not know the brand, capacity of the weapon, etc? It nearly HAD to be effectively an "Assault Weapon", since it was semi-auto with apparently a hi cap mag in order to get off as many rounds as he did.
I think we all know that the level of "outrage" in the media is low for a good reason -- "their side" did some shooting at someone they basically believe ought to be shot, though they can't say it directly. He kind of "deserves what he got" in their mind -- "mean policies", pro-gun, hell, he probably STILL will not vote for a ban on the very weapon that grieviously wounded him -- the very definition of "stupid and evil" as seen from the left.
As the article points out, there is no evidence at all of "mental illness" in the shooter, other than being a Bernie Sanders supporter. He had been in the area a month, he was on Facebook groups that talked of killing Republicans and he had a list of some he wanted dead.
You have to love a media and political party (but I repeat myself) that is pretty much unconcerned when you see hashtags like #HuntRepublicanCongressman AFTER the shooting. Imagine if the Democrats had .0001% of the level of concern that they would have over #HuntMuslimTerrorists for such a hashtag? Why, if such a concern even registered at all with "The Party" (TP-D), we might actually be on the road to some sort of "comity".
We are ALL driven by emotion, and we seek to protect our tribe unless we worship a higher power -- say one that makes the truely hard command that we love our enemies. (and all of us fall short of that goal even when we pray and try) Hodgkinson is one of "The Party" and he gunned down one of their enemies. They know they can't cheer, but they are unable to display much in the way of concern -- in their hearts, it is "what do Republicans expect? They are evil racist people trying to harm others, how can they be surprised when violence results?".
"The Chicago way" is the TP way ... punish your enemies and reward your friends. Until Jesus hung on the cross, that was the ONLY way -- that is human nature, and the very thought of "loving your enemies" is INHUMAN (as in divine) in the extreme. TP seeks to celebrate the "natural angels" ... lust, hate, fear, pride, anger, etc. and to deny the existence of Christ and "higher angles". The leadership of TP fully understands that when those bitter angels take over, the chaos demands authoritarian rule, and that is fine with them -- that is why they are fine with Islam as well. When you believe man must be ruled by an iron hand, it makes no difference if it is Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Ayatolla whatever, Kim Jong whatever, etc ... or Satan.
Either there is an ulimate authority and morality, or there is not. If there is not, then might makes right and power IS "morality". You agree, or you die ... #HuntTPdeniers would be an honest hashtag.
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Thanks be to God! Squeeky Fromme, John Hinkley, and now Hodgkinson, the disease ... Hodgkinson takes a booby prize though ... 50 some rounds with a RIFLE! If Socialists were talented in anything, we'd all be speaking German ... or at least Russian for sure.
I've not heard the term "Assault Weapon" used even once in the meda this time! -- no calls for bans on these horrible weapons, basically NOTHING! Was the gun not black? Why do we not know the brand, capacity of the weapon, etc? It nearly HAD to be effectively an "Assault Weapon", since it was semi-auto with apparently a hi cap mag in order to get off as many rounds as he did.
I think we all know that the level of "outrage" in the media is low for a good reason -- "their side" did some shooting at someone they basically believe ought to be shot, though they can't say it directly. He kind of "deserves what he got" in their mind -- "mean policies", pro-gun, hell, he probably STILL will not vote for a ban on the very weapon that grieviously wounded him -- the very definition of "stupid and evil" as seen from the left.
As the article points out, there is no evidence at all of "mental illness" in the shooter, other than being a Bernie Sanders supporter. He had been in the area a month, he was on Facebook groups that talked of killing Republicans and he had a list of some he wanted dead.
You have to love a media and political party (but I repeat myself) that is pretty much unconcerned when you see hashtags like #HuntRepublicanCongressman AFTER the shooting. Imagine if the Democrats had .0001% of the level of concern that they would have over #HuntMuslimTerrorists for such a hashtag? Why, if such a concern even registered at all with "The Party" (TP-D), we might actually be on the road to some sort of "comity".
We are ALL driven by emotion, and we seek to protect our tribe unless we worship a higher power -- say one that makes the truely hard command that we love our enemies. (and all of us fall short of that goal even when we pray and try) Hodgkinson is one of "The Party" and he gunned down one of their enemies. They know they can't cheer, but they are unable to display much in the way of concern -- in their hearts, it is "what do Republicans expect? They are evil racist people trying to harm others, how can they be surprised when violence results?".
"The Chicago way" is the TP way ... punish your enemies and reward your friends. Until Jesus hung on the cross, that was the ONLY way -- that is human nature, and the very thought of "loving your enemies" is INHUMAN (as in divine) in the extreme. TP seeks to celebrate the "natural angels" ... lust, hate, fear, pride, anger, etc. and to deny the existence of Christ and "higher angles". The leadership of TP fully understands that when those bitter angels take over, the chaos demands authoritarian rule, and that is fine with them -- that is why they are fine with Islam as well. When you believe man must be ruled by an iron hand, it makes no difference if it is Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Ayatolla whatever, Kim Jong whatever, etc ... or Satan.
Either there is an ulimate authority and morality, or there is not. If there is not, then might makes right and power IS "morality". You agree, or you die ... #HuntTPdeniers would be an honest hashtag.
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Sunday, June 18, 2017
Killing A Black Icon
Men have sexual appetites that get us into all sorts of trouble. I'd wager that there is really not a SINGLE man in history beyond Christ who has not done SOMETHING stupid to get sex. Given into a demand he never should have, failed to address some family issue, dated the wrong woman too long, dated a woman he never should have dated at all, etc, etc -- the list is infinite.
The problem with powerful men goes back to King David and byond ... JFK, Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Bill O'Reilly ... long list, nuff said. Power tends to make the problem worse, but it is a problem that all men understand, but sometimes claim they don't.
So most likely Bill Cosby was a bad actor for many decades. His fame allowed him to get all sorts of access to attractive women, and at some point he started "stacking the deck" with alcohol and drugs. Most likely. We will likely never have a "proven case", because for a long long time the women never came forward. They most likely willingly went to a private location with him, all of them knowing he was a married man because he was so famous, and "things happened" -- and he was famous, married, and it was "he said, she said".
At one point Bill Cosby was the "Jackie Robinson of television".
“Let the message be known to bigots and racists that they don’t count,” Cosby said after winning his third Emmy.
Thompson said in many ways Cosby was to television what Jackie Robinson was to baseball.
“Most people don’t realize now how important Cosby’s role on ‘I Spy’ was,” the pop culture expert said. “He wasn’t singing or dancing or doing an 'Amos ‘n’ Andy' routine. He was an attractive, Princeton–educated character and he was the star, something most Americans had never seen before.”"The Cosby Show" however drove him to true icon status.
Cosby became a living, breathing rebuff to the stereotype of fatherless African-American families. But he also had to contend with tragedy when his son Ennis was murdered in 1997, the victim of a botched robbery. He had been the model for Theo Huxtable, the underachieving young charmer Malcolm-Jamal Warner played on "The Cosby Show."He was awarded the Medal of Freedom by W in 2002, and the left started to dislike him A LOT. He was talking about blacks having "personal responsibility", and THAT is something that "The Party" (TP-D) can't allow. Blacks killing blacks at horrendous rates is A-ok, and blacks rioting about a handful of blacks killed by police in the line of duty is GREAT since it asserts that blacks are "oppressed", and "not redeemable", and must therefore be wards of TP for all eternity. Just what TP wants!
Bill Clinton was not destroyed by raping Juanita Broderick because he remained in good standing with TP. Cosby crossed the line and attempted to become some sort of "role model" that could have actually helped black culture, lifting it out of the slavery to TP, and THAT could not be allowed, so Cosby had to be destroyed.
Did he deserve it? Maybe, however certainly no more than Bill Clinton deserved the same sort of destruction. You, your race, your religion, your culture, EVERYTHING lives or dies at the pleasure of TP. You may have sown the seeds of your own destruction, but there is certainly no requirement that you be destroyed, AS LONG AS YOU MARCH TO THE TP TUNE! How hard is it to get some set of women to come forward and make accusations? Pretty much all the media and the Clinton Crime Family told us it was HIGHLY probable if such accusations were against Slick Willie.
Cosby had to be destroyed, and getting a conviction in court is beside the point. He left the TP plantation and talked about blacks being full fledged responsible citizens. For TP to remain in power, that can't happen, blacks MUST stay on the TP plantation! For Cosby's sin of thinking he was a full citizen, he had to be destroyed!
"Truth" is totally irrelevant when TP decides to have it's way with you.
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"Truth" is totally irrelevant when TP decides to have it's way with you.
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Friday, June 16, 2017
Political Violence, When It Matters and Doesn't
New York Times Hits a New Low | Power Line:
Yesterday was our 32nd anniversary, and it was one of those days that it is clear that we don't live in America anymore.
There has been plenty of poltical violence in my lifetime; JFK, RFK, MLK, there was an attempt on Gerald Ford, Reagan was wounded, Gabby Giffords was grieviously wounded, and now Steve Sclaise.
The left wing worked very hard to make JFK a victim of southern racism -- SOMEHOW it HAD to be there was a conspiracy of southern racists / John Birch Society / CIA / ??? that did it rather than an ex-Marine defector to the USSR that they didn't want who had visited the KGB in Mexico city a month before. Hey, the USSR were the GOOD guys from a left wing view after all!
Sure there were all sorts of racial shootings in the south -- all by Democrats. Kind of like Muslims, BLM, the folks in black ski masks, the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, etc. Democrats making common cause with totalitarian groups that have very violent tendencies is not new at all. From a media perspective, the right is so evil that violent revolution is always an option that bubbles close to the surface -- it pretty much HAS to given the existential threat of there being people that don't agree with Democrats!
The Times re-states the fable that Gabby Giffords shooter, Loughner was somehow "right wing", or Sarah Palin's rehotoric somehow "influenced him" ... as Power Line points out, simply another fake news scurriloous lie. Where has the Times been while "commedians" have been holding lifelike severed heads of the president, and facism, Hitler, etc have become the daily diet of not just left wing polticians and assorted loonies, but the whole MSM as well? Conservatives are being attacked on campuses and in the streets by thugs in black ski masks. Earth to BOistan, hello?
When I got up yesterday and looked at news, Google still had the critical condition of Scalaise at the top and discussion of the shooting. CNN had moved over to Comey's friend Mueller now "widening" the "investigation" to to included "obstruction of justice" using all lawyers who made contributions to the Clinton Fund -- "Cash, for Clintons".
What a surprise. MPR had an hour with Paula Poundstone on "being happy" ... not much reason to talk about an evil R being gunned down. When Gabby was hit, it was wall to wall news, which was appropriate, but it was also the constant assertion (unknown at that point) that it was all due to "Sarah Palin and the Tea Party". That was incorrect, however there is nothing like making Democratic propaganda before the light of truth shines on anything!
A sitting majority whip in critical condition after being shot by a Bernie Sanders political activist didn't make it into day two at the top of the Clinton News Network mast -- we return you to regularly scheduled efforts to overturn the election!
I wrote about this in 2012 as "The Right of the Left" ... they find resorting to violence to be "understandable" given how nasty the R's are (yet try to pretend they don't), while they go to ANY length to try to make it seem like the "right" is violent.
It isn't enough to lie about Tuscon. The Tines has to take this opportunity to lie about the results of armed citizens protecting themselves saying "studies say they usually hit bystanders". Really? Name one CASE, let alone "study". Our lovely left wing media is on a hair trigger to identifiy ANY failing of concealed permit holders or other armed citizens. Other then in Nowhere Nevada or something, we would all KNOW of the case(s). Take a look at this.
If you are going to do fake news, one would think you would at least TRY to do a reasonable job of the fakery ... find some bogus poorly written "study" that is impossible to follow and link it. Hell, you might as well link to the left wing fever swamp of the Daily Kos or something as a "source" that Loughner was an avid Tea Partier in perfect mental health. Why, just the day before he shot Gabby he worked the Time's crossword puzzle! Please prove he DIDN'T!
Here is a good NR column covering the same ground and more. The left has been looking for the right wing equivalent of James Hodgskinson for DECADES! Eventually they will likely find one so they can quit faking it. Can we all just yawn now?
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Yesterday was our 32nd anniversary, and it was one of those days that it is clear that we don't live in America anymore.
There has been plenty of poltical violence in my lifetime; JFK, RFK, MLK, there was an attempt on Gerald Ford, Reagan was wounded, Gabby Giffords was grieviously wounded, and now Steve Sclaise.
The left wing worked very hard to make JFK a victim of southern racism -- SOMEHOW it HAD to be there was a conspiracy of southern racists / John Birch Society / CIA / ??? that did it rather than an ex-Marine defector to the USSR that they didn't want who had visited the KGB in Mexico city a month before. Hey, the USSR were the GOOD guys from a left wing view after all!
Sure there were all sorts of racial shootings in the south -- all by Democrats. Kind of like Muslims, BLM, the folks in black ski masks, the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, etc. Democrats making common cause with totalitarian groups that have very violent tendencies is not new at all. From a media perspective, the right is so evil that violent revolution is always an option that bubbles close to the surface -- it pretty much HAS to given the existential threat of there being people that don't agree with Democrats!
The Times re-states the fable that Gabby Giffords shooter, Loughner was somehow "right wing", or Sarah Palin's rehotoric somehow "influenced him" ... as Power Line points out, simply another fake news scurriloous lie. Where has the Times been while "commedians" have been holding lifelike severed heads of the president, and facism, Hitler, etc have become the daily diet of not just left wing polticians and assorted loonies, but the whole MSM as well? Conservatives are being attacked on campuses and in the streets by thugs in black ski masks. Earth to BOistan, hello?
When I got up yesterday and looked at news, Google still had the critical condition of Scalaise at the top and discussion of the shooting. CNN had moved over to Comey's friend Mueller now "widening" the "investigation" to to included "obstruction of justice" using all lawyers who made contributions to the Clinton Fund -- "Cash, for Clintons".
What a surprise. MPR had an hour with Paula Poundstone on "being happy" ... not much reason to talk about an evil R being gunned down. When Gabby was hit, it was wall to wall news, which was appropriate, but it was also the constant assertion (unknown at that point) that it was all due to "Sarah Palin and the Tea Party". That was incorrect, however there is nothing like making Democratic propaganda before the light of truth shines on anything!
A sitting majority whip in critical condition after being shot by a Bernie Sanders political activist didn't make it into day two at the top of the Clinton News Network mast -- we return you to regularly scheduled efforts to overturn the election!
I wrote about this in 2012 as "The Right of the Left" ... they find resorting to violence to be "understandable" given how nasty the R's are (yet try to pretend they don't), while they go to ANY length to try to make it seem like the "right" is violent.
It isn't enough to lie about Tuscon. The Tines has to take this opportunity to lie about the results of armed citizens protecting themselves saying "studies say they usually hit bystanders". Really? Name one CASE, let alone "study". Our lovely left wing media is on a hair trigger to identifiy ANY failing of concealed permit holders or other armed citizens. Other then in Nowhere Nevada or something, we would all KNOW of the case(s). Take a look at this.
If you are going to do fake news, one would think you would at least TRY to do a reasonable job of the fakery ... find some bogus poorly written "study" that is impossible to follow and link it. Hell, you might as well link to the left wing fever swamp of the Daily Kos or something as a "source" that Loughner was an avid Tea Partier in perfect mental health. Why, just the day before he shot Gabby he worked the Time's crossword puzzle! Please prove he DIDN'T!
Here is a good NR column covering the same ground and more. The left has been looking for the right wing equivalent of James Hodgskinson for DECADES! Eventually they will likely find one so they can quit faking it. Can we all just yawn now?
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