Thursday, July 31, 2008
How Bad Can Presidents Be? (malaise)
Inflating Tires With BO
My God, inflating our tires is going to save as much as we could pump by drilling! If Bush said this, the MSM and all the comedians would be HOWLING about how stupid he was! Thank God for YouTube! and the net! This stuff would never see the light of day without it.
Yeah sure, that could happen ... in 11 thousand years or so!!!
Hollywood Courage That Makes You Say WOW!
A Hollywood guy that has kept completely mum on his obvious conversion over a lifetime from the propaganda the left. No doubt this will cause him a loss of friends and maybe worse, but it is the kind of courage that is going to be needed in MUCH larger amounts to prevent this country from being lost forever to fascism / socialism / nihilism if the likely election of BO comes to pass.
Worth reading it all, but here is a teaser:
The Democrats have targeted young people, knowing how easy it is to
bring forth whatever is needed to program their minds. I know this
process well. I was caught up in the hysteria during the Vietnam era,
which was brought about through Marxist propaganda underlying the
so-called peace movement. The radicals of that era were successful in
giving the communists power to bring forth the killing fields and
slaughter 2.5 million people in Cambodia and South Vietnam. Did they
stop the war, or did they bring the war to those innocent people? In
the end, they turned their backs on all the horror and suffering they
helped create and walked away.
Maybe I WILL Vote for BO?
While I strongly believe that Republicans failed to realize that actually GOVERNING was less pure than being the opposition, and thus assisted in the MSM / Democrat dismantling of the Bush administration post Katrina, I'm starting to think the the logic Mr Beck comes close to here is actually right.
I think the odds of McCain being elected are slim in the extreme in any case, but if he WERE elected, wouldn't that really just give the forces of the left a scapegoat to point to while they did most of what they wanted anyway with both houses of congress strongly in their corner? Billy C fought a lot of the policies of the Republican congress when they were elected, but after those policies started to work, he took the "high road" and claimed credit for every success that he could. Triangulation from the left worked great for Billy and the Dems, not so good for Republicans. The Republican congress took all the heat for the controls on spending and Slick took all the credit for the balanced budget that resulted -- really good if you are a Democrat.
McCain is sort of a much less conservative Bush, and Bush was a more moderate conservative than Slick Willie was a moderate liberal. The last "conservative" we had was Reagan, and he was pretty darned moderate on everything but the USSR as well. So, we STILL haven't even REALLY tried conservative policies, even given all the howling of the media and the Democrats. Right now it is obvious that there isn't ANY potential for us to try conservative policies, SO, do we want to have the band-aid peeled fast or slow?
I remain worried that the big issue here is that BO may not be recoverable at all--we may slip into a fascist "nanny police state" where you MUST do what the state says is good for you, which includes no freedom of conservative media, no armed populace, no real individual control of finance, loss of more at least Christian religious freedom, etc. ... essentially, we all become "wards of the state" -- or incarcerated/dead. BUT, even if McCain somehow miraculously got elected, that would likely mean that the fascist risk just got held off another 4 years and got worse while being held off.
Being conservative means being reality based. It strongly appears that the best we can do given the current mood of the country is to give the left their heads, suffer the likely economic disaster, and hope and pray that the backbone of the American people still has enough mettle left so we will be able to ward off a descent into fascism.
While the Carter years were a nasty time that took until '83 to recover from, we DID recover! Without Carter, we would likely never have had Reagan and the world could be a lot sadder. Conservatism means optimism, BO may be bad enough to usher in a whole new golden age in as little as 4 years, but more likely, more like a decade.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Democrat Change I Believe In
Hey, they got rid of the Evil Republican Rudy G in NYC and that nasty 3-term Republican Pataki. Went through huge stock market downturns in 2K and 9-11, but the finanaces didn't tank then.
Now we know that Spitzer was a financial genius, I'm sure those $4K an hour hookers were real bargains, but somehow the state and city finances don't seem to be doing very well.
Ah yes, shades of Jimmy Carter and a lot of the NYC 70's and early 80's "disaster Mayors" ... Koch, Dinkins, etc. One thing I'm sure of, it is NEVER the Democrats fault. They just aren't big on that "Responsibility thing".
The problem with Democrat "change" is that if one actually considers what they are saying, it is EASY to "believe in", in fact, there is very little that their policies possibly COULD create other than financial disaster. They have done it over and over and over--but I guess nearly 30 years of pretty much solid economic good was all that we could handle. Time to see what REAL recession if not depression looks like--the kind with MANY quarters of lower GDP, high inflation, high unemployment ... not low to mid single digits. Nice big juicy double digits 10%+ unemployed, 15%+ inflation, maybe even 10%+ declines in GDP. Gas lines, maybe even food lines. THOSE are the kinds of "changes" that Democrats EXCEL at!
I guess the official MSM and easily led sheep position is "bring it on".
Monday, July 28, 2008
Deer Stand Envy

Man, Just imagine the spending a hard day on the hunt in that beauty! There are more pictures out here ... I think the hot tub is a bit much myself. Lots to keep up, very heavy, and I really don't think the visibility out of that scope is going to work out with all that steam. I'm also not a fan of beer and guns ... but, one can't be too judgmental.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Does the Future Affect Speculation?
The Democrats are all against any form of domestic energy production because "it won't have any effect for 10 years or more". They are also against speculation on oil prices ... so they want to "regulate" that.
Last I checked, speculation is all about the future. If you expect energy to be in short supply in the future, then you will tend to up the price today. That is sort of the basics on how any sort of investment works. Scarce things are worth more, less scarce things are worth less. In the case of speculation, expectations DEFINITELY matter (in fact, that is what it is all about).
For Democrat, drilling, refineries, nuclear, oil shale and coal are all too risky for the environment. They have been making those decisions for 40 years and they have been VERY proud of them. Now that the chickens have come home to roost, why is it that they are just "ducking and covering"? Aren't they proud of the "environmentally friendly" gas prices that they have created? Seems that they certainly ought to be, it may take Democrats a long time to "make something happen", but they have certainly been successful in raising gas prices!
For anyone that has listened to anything Kucinich has ever had to say, this is no surprise at all. We have an obvious alien in congress!
Look closely at BO the next time you see him. Those ears look like a bad cartoon of Bush's ears, only larger. There is something just "not right" about the whole package the way the face "fits together", or maybe doesn't fit together. The way it seems that he has no principles in any matter, and even if it seems he does, he is willing to just change in an instant (his church of 20 years, his pastor).
Then, there is that weird thing about supposedly he has no birth certificate? This might explain a lot of stuff! Maybe he should prove that he is NOT an alien!
Friday, July 25, 2008
BO Fails to Intoxicate all of Europe?
At one level, this is a pure hoot, at another it shows how much of a lapdog the MSM is for BO.
A little "teaser":
And it came to pass, in the eighth year of the reign of the evil Bush the
Younger (The Ignorant), when the whole land from the Arabian desert to the
shores of the Great Lakes had been laid barren, that a Child appeared in the
The Child was blessed in looks and intellect. Scion of a simple family,
offspring of a miraculous union, grandson of a typical white person and an
African peasant. And yea, as he grew, the Child walked in the path of
righteousness, with only the occasional detour into the odd weed and a
little blow.
When he was twelve years old, they found him in the temple in the City of
Chicago, arguing the finer points of community organisation with the Prophet
Jeremiah and the Elders. And the Elders were astonished at what they heard
and said among themselves: “Verily, who is this Child that he opens our
hearts and minds to the audacity of hope?”
I thought this pretty much summed up the Surge analysis of late:
It appears that those across the pond may not see BO as QUITE as much a "saviour" as those in the US media.
And lo, in Mesopotamia, a miracle occurred. Even though the Great Surge of
Armour that the evil Bush had ordered had been a terrible mistake, a waste
of vital military resources and doomed to end in disaster, the Child's very
presence suddenly brought forth a great victory for the forces of the light.
Last Lecture Proffessor Dies
One of the things you notice about age is that "all of a sudden" there are a lot of "young" people dying. Very sad to see that Dr. Pausch couldn't "pull a Farve" and say he was terminal and then go and "fool us all" by living. He said a lot of important things anyway, and we know that he was very much one that believed in "playing the hand you were dealt" with every ounce of wit, effort and fun that you could muster and being thankful you got to play. I'm thankful that was able to "live his death" with passion and openness and the web allowed it to be shared by millions.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
MSM Operation in a Nutshell
The NYT prints Obama's essay a week before ... gee, they love it! Quite unsurprising because the editor doing the accepting and rejecting is one of Slick Willies old speech writers. (naturally, it is VERY bad when any of those folks that are Republicans get a position at Fox, and is pointed out by guys like the NYT as bias).
Reading between the lines of what they say, one gets the classic MSM view. Unless McCain wants to write an essay that agrees with them on main points, it just isn't "interesting", and thus doesn't need to be published!
If they can just get the fairness doctrine back, then we will be back to a great country with LOTS of "freedom" to say exactly the same thing in a slightly different way.
Monday, July 21, 2008
BO Visits Scene of "Failed Surge"
We all know that Bush is one of the worst Presidents in US history and that the Iraq war has been lost for years now, as was correctly called out by Harry Reid, April 19 2007:
"I believe ... that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything, as is shown by the extreme violence in Iraq this week," Reid told journalists.We know the surge in fact did not work, because that was predicted by the greatest most intelligent politician in the history of the planet, a designation that no doubt sells his messianic qualities short to many of his ardent followers in the media. His worshipfulness BO declared on Jan 10 2007 that:
"I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there," the Illinois senator said that night, a month before announcing his presidential bid. "In fact, I think it will do the reverse."We know that Bush, McCain, Lieberman and all Americans who believe that defeating terrorists in Iraq are completely wrong and that Reid, the MSM, and of course the all-knowing BO are NEVER wrong!
Buried in this article there is some false information that must have been planted by the Bush admin:
The trip will be Obama's second to Iraq, but conditions are quite different from when he visited in January 2006. Obama's first tour was treated as a footnote, while the country was caught in a growing Sunni insurgency and was moving toward a flood of sectarian violence. But the bloodshed has declined significantly since Bush sent thousands more troops last year to help quell the rising violence.
It is a good thing this is buried deep in the article. Some radical right wingers might think that a president that went against the MSM, Democrats and even brilliant first term foreign policy expert Senators like BO and went ahead with a surge of troops that saved Iraq and America from a military and political failure that would have cost Iraq millions of lives impacted us worse than allowing ourselves to be defeated in Vietnam might be a cause for some level of at least national "relief" if not celebration. They would of course be WRONG, for the MSM and Democrats around the country the only desirable outcome for Iraq is the worst defeat for the US possible.
Clearly though, since BO said that the surge would not work and in fact would make things worse, then it must be so!! BO is brilliant, Bush is an idiot. If the MSM has made ANYTHING clear over the past year or so, it is this fact, so it really must be true, since we have an unbiased and brilliant MSM!! To believe otherwise would cast the whole world view of something like 70% of the American population and a huge portion of the world into the land of fantasy.
This tidbit that I KNOW that we can ignore was at the VERY end of the article:
Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, told the AP on Saturday that after intense U.S. assaults there, al-Qaida may be considering shifting focus to its original home base in Afghanistan, where American casualties are running higher than in Iraq.We know that Gen Petraeus was called a liar by Hillary (she was nice enough to say one would have to "suspend disbelief" to say the surge was working last September), and BO failed to react to the "General Betray Us" Ad from last September until a few weeks ago as he is now making a few "reasonable political moves" to appeal to radical right voters that don't approve of claiming that our military commanders are lying to us.
Certainly the reason that violence is on the rise in Afghanistan CAN'T because the "front line on terror" had moved to Iraq after our attack in Afghanistan, and now, since the coalition forces have the clear upper hand there, the vermin are fleeing back to Afghanistan.
NO! That CAN'T be true!!! It would simply make too many people wrong and the WRONG people right! No matter what the cost, that is a view that the MSM and the left can NEVER accept!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The Messiah Heads to Europe
Read the whole Krauthammer piece, it is well worth it. I thought this summed it up well though:
For the first few months of the campaign, the question about Obama was:
Who is he? The question now is: Who does he think he is?
We are getting to know. Redeemer of our uninvolved, uninformed
lives. Lord of the seas. And more. As he said on victory night, his
rise marks the moment when "our planet began to heal." As I recall --
I'm no expert on this -- Jesus practiced his healing just on the sick.
Obama operates on a larger canvas.
So BO has headed to Afghanistan, and then Europe. He is a guy that is all about "change". Eight years ago would an American presidential candidate be able to go to Afghanistan and Iraq? How in the world is it possible that he can go to Iraq? Less than a year ago the entire MSM and all the Democrats told us beyond any shadow of a doubt that "Iraq is lost to civil war with no hope of improvement, the surge is a failure". To make the claim that the surge was working and there was progress there required "a suspension of disbelief" as Hillary put it in telling our commander there essentially that he was lying to congress. Who is it that was lying? How is it that BO can walk into what MUST be a seething caldron of civil war, since by his OWN statements all during 2007, the surge was "a problem", "making things worse", etc. How can this be? One would almost think that the great and supreme BO is WRONG!?
Friday, July 18, 2008
AP Notices BO Re-Write
So what is so different about BO? He takes a position that is popular to get votes and when it turns out that he is wrong, he just changes his story and claims he never said what he said before.
This is "new"?
Fictional Yellowcake Sold to Canada
The ability of the MSM to keep even things reported by the AP a secret is way amazing. Our high risk, devil may care neighbors to the North are going to use some of Saddams old "WMD in waiting" to make ELECTRICITY!! Wow, them and the French who get like 75% from nuke.
Good thing we have smart Democrats in this country that know that Saddam never had any WMD designs, Iraq is "lost", nuclear power is too dangerous, drilling for oil is too dangerous, using oil shale is too dangerous, coal is too dirty and refining petroleum is too dirty!! If we didn't have those smartie Democrats, we might end up taking grave risks like Canada, although it seems like a really bad deal to buy fictitious yellowcake.