Tuesday, November 04, 2008

View From the Top

Took my Max up to the top of the big hill behind the house that lets me look over the whole city and thought a bit about 30 years ago on election day. My recollection is that I didn't vote, nor did I watch anything on TV. I'd voted for Carter in '76, but by 1978 it was already pretty obvious that he wasn't a good president and that the future of the US wasn't looking very bright under his policies. I still didn't care much about politics though, but I probably had picked up my first National Review and started to consider that maybe there were "other views" than the MSM, standard man in the street outlook.

So, 30 years later on a nice warm evening with a stiff breeze from the south I sat and looked back at city lights of which a large majority would not have existed in '78. The two years that followed '78 proved that Carter was a REALLY bad choice. Reagan was elected in '80, the direction of the country changed and we went through the longest and largest piece of growth in American history. It was a great time to have a career, get married and raise a family. I'm very thankful to Ronald Reagan.

In '33 the Dems took over big, the market tanked shortly and it never got back to it's '29 highs until '53. They similarly took over in '65, the last market peak in '66 was not exceeded until '83. So does anybody expect the Democrats to do better this time around? My guess is that most of the voters either don't know the history or don't care. I think a lot of folks have simply bought the MSM view that "Bush has been a disaster and we need change"--they weren't in any mood to look any deeper than that. I also suspect that a significant number of folks at least think that they are now "anti-business" or "anti-market". They apparently believe that America can somehow have "prosperity without productivity", or that we can somehow have productivity wihtout business, markets and profits. I believe they are horribly wrong, but we will get a chance to see if I learn something .

10 Reasons to Vote For McCain

David Frum: 10 reasons to vote for John McCain - Full Comment

Nice article, I suspect that in two years we will wish we had another shot at this vote. I loved his #1 reason, but the whole list is well thought.

1) John McCain is white, the son and grandson of admirals, married
to a wealthy heiress – and yet he has experienced degrees of suffering,
despair, and defeat that not one in a million of us can imagine. Barack
Obama wears a black skin and carries an exotic name. In the United
States, people of darker color have faced oppression and discrimination
for centuries. But in Barack Obama's own life, he has known nothing but
an easy and welcoming path to success since he was 18 years old.
Privileged John McCain has known more absolute degradation than any man
ever to contest the presidency. Obama was born in adversity, but he has
smoothly risen to a place where he is most comfortable with those for
whom things are most easy.

Thanking Bush

RealClearPolitics - Articles - An Election Day Note: Thanks, President Bush

Andy Brietbart gets my vote as the most courageous words for election day. Like Andy, I too still like Bush. I think Bush has honestly done what he thought was right to the best of his ability at every step, and I believe his ability is far superior to what the vast majority think it is. I have long argued that if Al Gore had been elected and by some miracle had done exactly what Bush has done, he would be viewed as a heroic and excellent President by the MSM. For one thing, they would have HAILED the perscription drug legislation as a hugely wonderful thing!

Nice Buck!

Goofball For President

Unfortunately, it is probably too late for you to change your mind by the time you see this.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Talk About Timely!

Palin didn't violate ethics law, 2nd probe finds - CNN.com

Golly, they completed the investigation the night BEFORE the election! How timely! I have to give them credit for not doing the day after the election. Now, we must remember, Democrats never do "dirty politics" -- Bush's DWI showed up the Friday before the 2K election, and just last week there was a lawsuit against Norm Coleman's wife in MN. Both were COMPLETELY UNRELATED to "Democrats or politics"! Now I'm not sure who "proved this" or how they did it, but it must be a fact since the MSM has never indicated that either had anything to do with politics or the Democrats, so I'm sure they didn't!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

A Positive Spin On the BO Presidency!


It really needs to be read to be appreciated, but it does the heart of someone who listens to a lot of NPR good. I suspect that we will be able to listen to this kind of "insight" in ALL media in the next couple of years -- heck, they have a really good start already! 

Our relations with the Muslim world have rarely, if ever, been better.
The current $320 per barrel price of oil allows long-oppressed states
to develop themselves without the yoke of neo-colonialism or invasive
efforts to force democracy upon their populations. As UN Ambassador
Ayers noted, "We can state with pride that the US not only respects,
but embraces cultural differences."

All Saints Day Scare

Anne Rice comes to Jesus - CNN.com

One doesn't need to read this with much care to see how non-serious the journalist and reviewers see a noted vampire author turning Christian. The idea of "redemption" so goes against the popular culture; "You are what you are", the best you can do is "be authentic". How the random universe managed to somehow give each person this "are" is not explained, but randomness is very witty in in the popular view.

Christianity is not popular with the elite -- believers are fools, they don't "get it", and the secular intelligentsia in every age KNOW that THEY have "got it". The "it" of that age is always "the latest it"--so therefore it must be "best". Even though evolution for example says NOTHING at all about "perpetual improvement", and we well know that natural systems in which something that at least WE currently "explain" as "randomness" is at work are just as happy to kill as to cure. To the random system as a whole, even "survival" would only be "it happens to work as long as it works" kind of thing--a random universe has no "desire" or "bias" for there to be life at all, let alone our assumed individual "random self to be true to".

The idea that there are no guarantees whatsoever that "the latest knowledge is best" doesn't fit very well-the fact that we are "here now" seems like it OUGHT to mean that this is the best time we could have been here! The idea of any "discoverable transcendence" or even worse, the idea that lives could be changed by this "thing that doesn't exist" is especially scary to the vast secular world. I still argue that one of the core hatreds of Bush is that a late bloomer with a drinking problem could find Jesus, change, and become President. Right off, it hits most secular folks as "phony and simple minded". If such redemption is possible, wouldn't we have a better secular pill or procedure to pull it off without resorting to the messiness of God?

Maybe Ann Rice sought out Jesus because she "had hard times"--her husband died and she got diabetes. Well, maybe so--I suspect that even the most secular of reporters will note that all humans face the "hard times" of death. Some of us need something to make us realize that and some of us don't. Life is very short and death is very long, whatever the circumstances that help one realize that fact, it seems that it is worth giving some thought. You will be dead much longer than your career, marriage or how long you live in your current home. Probably you spent some time thinking about those decisions, some people never own a home, get married, or have a job, but I gaurantee you that death will not be avoided.

Arrogance and Inexperience

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Ego and Mouth

Thomas Sowell on what we are getting into.

Anyone who has actually had to take responsibility for consequences by running any kind of enterprise-- whether economic or academic, or even just managing a sports team-- is likely at some point to be chastened by either the setbacks brought on by his own mistakes or by seeing his successes followed by negative consequences that he never anticipate

The kind of self-righteous self-confidence that has become Obama's trademark is usually found in sophomores in Ivy League colleges-- very bright and articulate students, utterly untempered by experience in real world.

The signs of Barack Obama's self-centered immaturity are painfully obvious, though ignored by true believers who have poured their hopes into him, and by the media who just want the symbolism and the ideology that Obama represents.

Friday, October 31, 2008

MSM Bias As Editor Career Extender?

ABC News: Media's Presidential Bias and Decline

This is a good short story on media bias, The fact of bias is obvious to all but the most ardent and credulous lefty and covered in nearly excruciating (though recommended) detail in the "Bias" books by Bernie Goldberg, but this is still well written and much shorter than the books.

It has a twist at the end that I hadn't fully considered relative to the "perfect storm" that seems intent on electing BO. I'm sure that much like major corporations, the average age in the news room is getting a bit long in tooth and there are too many folks "running out the clock". The "Fairness Doctrine / Return of Unions for 50+ers in the newsroom" is an interesting angle--especially to a 50+er at a corporation.

Gee, maybe I need to look on the "bright side"--protect my job for another decade with a union? Sure, it would destroy the company, but so what? Don't I have a RIGHT to employment in my golden years?

Special thanks to the Vegas readership for pointing this one out.
In other words, you are facing career catastrophe -- and desperate times call for desperate measures. Even if you have to risk everything on a single Hail Mary play. Even if you have to compromise the principles that got you here. After all, newspapers and network news are doomed anyway -- all that counts is keeping them on life support until you can retire.

And then the opportunity presents itself -- an attractive young candidate whose politics likely matches yours, but more important, he offers the prospect of a transformed Washington with the power to fix everything that has gone wrong in your career.

With luck, this monolithic, single-party government will crush the alternative media via a revived fairness doctrine, re-invigorate unions by getting rid of secret votes, and just maybe be beholden to people like you in the traditional media for getting it there.

And besides, you tell yourself, it's all for the good of the country …

The Cloward-Piven Strategy

American Thinker: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

One of my maxims on understanding the left --- When they accuse the right of something, it usually means that the gambit that they are making accusations of is well known and heavily used by the left already.

One of the accusations by a surprising number of lefties was that "The War On Terror"  is a manufactured crisis to keep the right in power. It seems a little hard to imagine that 9-11 was an "inside job", but a shocking number of lefties buy that, or the only slightly less harder to swallow idea that "Bush lied about WMD" -- since the "lie" would have involved Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Colin Powell, the entire CIA and DOD and only about 90% of all intelligence agencies in the world plus the UN. They agreed Saddam had WMD, they just disagreed over the US doing something about it.

The Subprime debacle and subsequent financial meltdown doesn't require a lot of imagination to fan into a "conspiracy theory", but more accurately it fits into a whole series of overall left activities that had the objective of "breaking the capitalist system". They didn't know exactly which one would malfunction, but they were pretty sure that one or more of them eventually would. A look at this site can be a bit scary. The specifics of the Cloward-Piven Strategy are here. In short, "manufactured crisis to achieve a result".

The whole idea of the "radical left" is something that the MSM would have you believe doesn't exist in this country. In their narrative, the "far right" (America's constant danger) chased communist spies that never existed in the McCarthy era, hung around with "The Military Industrial Complex" to manufacture a cold war with the benevolent USSR and hideously morphed into the "Religious Right", "Neocons" and other "well documented" elements of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy"--an organization so well known and factual that a First Lady could talk about it in all seriousness on NBC's Today Show in the '90s and still be elected Senator from NY.

The "organized right" with all it's nefarious connections to "The Trilateral Commission" and all manner of corporate and religious connections involving "Jews", "The Pope", "The Military" and all other elements is well known by the MSM. Utter the phrase "Un-American" --  as Michelle Bachmann was led into doing by Chris Matthews, and the specter of "McCarthyism" is roused from its grave in an instant.

Strangely, one can go through a bunch of schooling and live a long MSM fed life and come to the conclusion that "there is no organized left". Strange.

I'd argue that the main reason that Americans don't realize anything about "the left" is the same reason that a fish is going to have a hard time telling you what it means to be "wet". Post FDR, we have been so far toward the left and fed by a MSM that finds the views of the left to be way more factual than the average "Sunday Christian" finds the teachings of Christ, so that like the fish, we just don't know about being "left".

We live in the "Obamanation", that I often refer to as BOistan.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

False Optimism Based on Facts

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Obama's Economic Mythology

Great article that covers the fact that the MSM, BO and the Democrats are lying about what has happened to the poor and middle class over the past 30 years. ALL Americans have had stunning success in that time, BUT, since the MSM / Democrats have managed to convince everyone that they HAVEN't had good times, a bunch of actions that are nearly certain to kill prosperity are going to happen.

How To Create More Democrats

Why Democrats Will Target the Investor Class in 2009 - Capital Commerce (usnews.com)

We pretty much know what creates Republicans--belief in God, Family, personal responsibility, hard work, thrift, etc

So what will Democrats likely do once they get in? Well, naturally:
  • replace religion with "unity and support for BO"
  • replace family with "domestic partners", mandatory head start, "youth programs"
  • replace responsibility with government "rights" of all sorts so there is no sense of responsibility to work
  • replace hard work with union seniority, government restrictions / incentives / disincentives for job actions
  • and thrift ... well, that is the subject of the linked column, the coming attack on the investor class.

I'd say there are 3 things that give you an 80%+ odds of being Republican:
  1. Practicing Christian (you go to church, do your best to follow Christ)
  2. Married with kids--especially one marriage.
  3. You have consistently invested something from say 5-10% of your income in the stock market

The linked article covers what Democrats are likely to do to try to destroy #3. Essentially, increase taxes on investing at the front end and at the back end and provide incentives to take government alternatives that create more dependency on the government. They will go further by putting "government money" into business to crowd out private capital ... socialism/fascism that politicises business so business becomes just one more part of an oppressive and inefficient state.

Why does #3 tend to make you a Republican? He touches on this in the article. If you actually believe in the ideal of America, you believe in WE THE PEOPLE ... NOT, "We the Government". Free people freely interacting in a free market has created the greatest standard of living for the greatest number of people in world history. If you believe in that, then you invest in it and discover the truths of the real world of which markets are just a part.
  • It is HARD (in fact impossible) to predict what will go up and when and when it all will go up
  • Nobody is "in control" ... not the rich, not labor, not the government, NOBODY. The force of human ingenuity is greater than the comprehension of any person or persons if it is allowed to operate relatively freely.
  • Markets ... and luck, weather, business, prices, opinion, sports teams, etc WILL "fluctuate" ... the only way to rid yourself of the fluctuation is "least common denominator, little or no growth or opportunity"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How To Judge BO


Joe the Plumber "Public Notoriety"

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Ohio official OK’d records search on Joe the Plumber

If you are Bill Clinton, BO, or John Edwards, then the media has so little curiosity about looking at your background or activities that even when obvious difficulties arise, it is difficult to see the MSM cover them. If you are Sarah Palin or even Joe the Plumber, then the MSM is going to dredge through all sorts of stuff including "sealed records" finding whatever dirt they can.
