Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Republicans Get Weiner Seat

Republican wins Democratic district in New York race to replace Weiner -

When Kathy Hochul won a special election in the 26th congressional district in north-west New York state in May after the Democrats spent heavily on scare ads of the Republicans pushing grandma off a cliff, the Democrats and the MSM were gleefully certain that the winning combination for 2012 had been found.

Yesterdays sweep by Republicans of two special elections in NYC and Nevada would seem to indicate a somewhat simpler message can be used?? Perhaps "One and Done", or "No BO!".

I suppose it is "dirty politics" to bring up BO's actual record though -- commercials pushing grandma off a cliff is so much more "civil and factual".

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

BO To Double August Job Growth!

Late-night jokes: Obama vows to double August's job growth of zero -

Some of these are pretty funny. Guess late night TV has decided it is OK to make fun of BO after all!!!

Saint's be praised -- if they could have figured that out when he was running, it is possible that we would have wised up enough to spare the disaster!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wanna Bet??

RealClearPolitics - Perry Can't Beat Obama:

It reminds me of '79 ... Reagan was WAY too far out and the Republicans would HAVE to go for a moderate like HW Bush. They didn't, Carter WAS beatable, and the rest is history.

Perry-Rubio ... The end of BO!!! 


PBS Covers Up Obama Joint Session Gaffe? - President Obama - Fox Nation:

I only mention this because the left has been going nuts with ANY Michelle Bachman "mis-statement" possible. John Wayne being from IA rather than Waterloo, saying "USSR" rather than Russian, etc.

BO got mixed up between "First Republican President" and "Founder of the Party". So what?? Well, NOTHING, except this is EXACTLY how "Stupid Republicans" are made.

If BO was a Republican this would be pointed out as egregious "failure" ... but as it is, it is only mildly covered by the more moderate to RW press and the illusion of BO "intelligence" lives on.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


B Zero.Zero ... The Blutarski President (Animal House).

ZERO jobs created in August!!!

Three years ago "The One" was being hailed around the world and speaking in front of faux Grecian pillars to his adoring zombies. Now our nation sits stagnant, bankrupt and waiting for yet another teleprompter read from the former "One" oops, off by 1! ... now ZERO!

A worthy though depressing read. The Government doesn't create jobs, it destroys them. Unions don't create jobs, they destroy them. Handing out money to the poor, the unemployed, even the middle class neither creates wealth or jobs, it destroys both ... along with the drive to succeed.

One doesn't have to be "hard hearted" to say that all forms of assistance need to stop at some point for all but the most gravely needy -- the bird must leave the nest, the child the home, the student eventually graduate, and thus the unemployed eventually work -- even if at a lower wage. 

Our nation must get to work making something that can be sold at a profit and investing part of that profit as well as part of our time in "delayed gratification" so that the future is brighter than the past. It makes not one whit of difference how low the wages at the competing nations are -- they are what they are. Playing the hand one is dealt is the only way to keep playing, and at the game of survival, the choice is keep playing or DIE! 

Policies that incent that happening -- the best approximation possible of
zero taxes on investment, zero taxes on employing people, low and flat taxes on income, minimal Federal government doing little more than defense and interstate commerce, minimal FEDERAL government regulation of all kinds. Government needs to be in the business of ENABLING  business, invention and GROWTH -- not burdening it!

It really is simple, and BO is simply a failure.

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Tuesday, September 06, 2011


John Yoo: Ten Years Without an Attack -

Remember when Reagan took office and was considered "dangerous and deluded" about the thought that the USSR could be defeated? A bit more than 10 years after he took office, the USSR was no more. Results.

Remember all the concerns of civil liberties, it was "impossible to win in Iraq", Bush was destroying the very fabric of the country he was supposedly trying to save? No terrorist attacks in 10 years + victory in Iraq. Those are results.

Remember BO saying that he was going to close Gitmo, try terrorists in Manhattan, and unemployment would stay below 8% if he got his stimulus? He got "results" too ... Gitmo is still open, no terrorist trials in NYC, and unemployment is at 9.1% with 0.0 job growth.

Those results are called failure!

Monday, September 05, 2011

BO Punishes Gibson Chicago Style

I know, this breaks the maxim "Never assert malice when stupidity can account for it". I really can't believe that an administration that is already overstressed pursuing the likes of Boeing for trying to create non-union jobs would be so stupid to be prosecuting small but well known AMERICAN companies on the dubius grounds that they may have gotten a few scraps of some wood that China uses by the boat load.

OTOH, this is classic Chicago politics -- punish your enemies and reward your friends with pork and patronage. It is the old Democrat machine standard operation, one that is still rampant in Chicago, and I fear also in the WH.

Please tell me that at least a few Democrats are starting to understand "uncertainty" under BO??

The case is much like our cats playing with a mouse claiming "he appears to have died from uncertainty" as they watch for any sign of movement and then pounce when they see it.

"Regulation and taxes delayed" are in many ways worse than in place -- **IF** one could assume; "we took that hit, now we just need to deal with it" it would be more palatable,  but an administration sitting and waiting for any sign of improvement and all ready and waiting to pounce when they see, or imagine that they see it is simply too much!!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

B Zero Get's One??

One and Done? -

When Down abandons "The One", is it is time to stick a fork in him?

Obama is still suffering from the Speech Illusion, the idea that he can come down from the mountain, read from a Teleprompter, cast a magic spell with his words and climb back up the mountain, while we scurry around and do what he proclaimed.

The days of spinning illusions in a Greek temple in a football stadium are done. The One is dancing on the edge of one term.

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Friday, September 02, 2011

Let Me Explain "BO Uncertainty"

Obama Asks EPA to Withdraw Proposed Ozone Rule -

Many lefties seem mystified by business not rushing to invest billions of dollars in new capital expenditures and hiring under the thumb of the BO regime. This isn't rocket science.

BO has decided to "delay a Proposed Ozone Rule". He may stop raiding little manufacturers like Gibson that run afoul of obscure wood importation laws. He might give you an exemption to BOcare if you grease the proper palms -- he has given out thousands, I leave it up to you to figure out why anyone would want an exemption from such a great boon as BOcare. He might allow Boeing to use the $1B plant they thoughtlessly built in SC where there aren't as many BO supporting union folks as he likes ... but there is still "a reasonable chance" that he might allow Boeing to employ 5K non-union folks if the job picture keeps looking really bad (again, those lefties that think there ought be no "uncertainty" can decide what BO will consider "really bad"). Who knows, someday he may even allow more drilling for oil and maybe even more refineries.

But then again, he may not. In fact, if things were to start looking "better", than we can assume the ozone regs come back, more healthcare stuff gets enforced vs exempted, prosecutions on businesses that don't support BOs campaigns go up (and who knows, the required fees may even go up), shutting down non-union shops and higher taxes on business and individuals will come to pass -- oh, and no new drilling or refineries, our energy supply will continue to become more and more uncertain.

Business is ALWAYS about making investments that can result in losses with the best business plans you can create to try to insure profits. BO is out there INCREASING uncertainty, even when he "delays something" ... in fact, that is now "known uncertainty". We hang at the whim of BO, and he has made it clear he rewards his friends and punishes his enemies -- "the Chicago Way".
And how does anyone know when BO is going to decide that you are his enemy??? Heck, KaDaffy was just minding his own business, cross dressing and hanging out with his fembots and favorite camel while killing a few thousand rebels like he has done for 30 years at least, and all of a sudden BO goes all PMS on him. Wassup wid dat??? Heck, when KaDaffy blew up the jet over Lockerbie and some discos in the 80's and Ronnie bombed his compound, you would have thought that he was the UN and US Left's Nobel Prize Funny Farmer. Now all of a sudden he is personna non-grata, and nobody likes his party dresses anymore. The left is just so darned fickle.

Lefty's can't see any "uncertainty"??? Earth to MSM and left, BO has more problems than just not having control of his teleprompter reading schedule!!!

"Green Jobs" Debacle

Solyndra, Solar-Panel Company Visited by Obama in 2010, Suspends Operation - Bloomberg

Another $500 Million of money from the productive pissed away by the arrogant incompetency of BO.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Darth Cheney Wins!

Dick Cheney Defends his Legacy in New Book 'In My Time' - The Daily Beast:

I've always liked the guy. I love anyone that can make liberals that totally insanely angry. If anyone in politics makes you as angry as he made the left, it is time to get a life!!

The cool thing about reality is that it has a remarkable tendency to reward the wise and bring down the foolishly proud.

Looking forward to reading the book.

Way to go Dick Cheney!

US Debt to GDP

John Steele Gordon: A Short Primer on the National Debt -

I just went in debt by $50K. Is that an important statement? Well if I make $10K a year, yes, very -- I borrowed 5x my yearly income. If I make $500K, it is nearly meaningless -- I make 10x that figure, assuming that it is my only debt, I can pay if off with a couple months income.

So too, the only way to understand the US debt is as a % or multiple of GDP. This article does a good job of giving a history of the US debt in that context and makes the problem understandable -- the problem is SPENDING, and the only way to deal with the problem is to cut spending and increase GROWTH.

Oh, and the Reagan or Bush tax cut myths are just that ... myths ... cut spending, create jobs, grow the economy (repeat) ... that is mantra we all need to get on !!!
"That decline ended in 2001 following the collapse of the dot-com bubble and rising unemployment in the resulting recession. By 2003 the debt-to-GDP ratio had risen to 61.7%. Many blame the Bush tax cuts for adversely impacting federal revenues, causing the debt to spiral upwards. But that is just not true. Federal revenues declined by almost 12% in the early years of the decade, but when the tax cuts fully kicked in in 2003, the economy began to grow strongly again and federal revenues increased 44% in the next four years, while unemployment fell to 4.2% from 6.2%. Federal outlays in those four years increased by only 26.4%, and while the debt-to-GDP ratio increased to 64.8% by 2007, that was still well below what it had been in 1994."

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Fear This! BO

Articles: The Ticket Obama Fears Most:

Perry-Rubio is my dream team for 2012. PLEASE Make it so!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

BO: Miserable Failure

Answering Jonathan Alter’s Challenge « Commentary Magazine:

Not that any of this is surprising at all to anyone that reads this Blog -- BO is worse than Carter. But we knew that already ...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Technocratic Saint

Text of Steve Jobs' Commencement address (2005)

In the pantheon of computer technology in the modern world, Gates is the Devil and Jobs is god. One might contrast the attached commencement address to the book "The Purpose Driven Life" as to how an aspiring Christian might view life as opposed to Jobs view.

George Thorogood pretty much has the question down; "Who do you love?" ... Jobs translates it as "find what you love and do it". A gigantic amount of faith that the universe of random selection has randomly endowed each human with an "inner love" of something to do that will "make us happy, fulfilled, etc"

Christ says "Love God with all your heart and with all your soul" ... and since that is impossible for a sinful human, he died to give us the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion to draw us to our eventual heavenly home.

I have a lot of respect for Jobs and I like his products. I hope he finds both health and Christ, but Christ is much more important. All of us live under a death sentence.

It is gratifying to see however that every Christian meets Seve's ultimate advice; "stay hungry, stay foolish". To the secularist, nothing is more foolish than Christian Faith, and every Christian is hungry for more of it.