Wednesday, April 10, 2013

CNN Headline: Why is Gun Grabbing Hard

Why is this so hard? The disconnect on background checks and guns -

It is nice when the MSM is up front that they are telling you what to think rather than reporting.

One reason it may be hard is that gun ownership is clearly stated as an UNALIENABLE right in the 2nd amendment of the constitution. Sure CNN, BO and Democrats feel the constitution is nothing to be counted on except for the sacrement of abortion, freedom from religion and not having to have an ID to vote. None of which are of course in the constitution at all -- but THEY are "unalienable" to Democrats, therefore "sacred".

Partially because they have no clue what they are talking about:
Though FBI background checks are required for commercial sales, the proposal being considered would expand them to gun shows and internet sales, but they would not require checks for other private transactions, according to multiple sources familiar with the talks.
The "loophole" is relative to PRIVATE sales of guns, at most one or two sales a year, the VAST preponderance of them done by serious gun sportsmen where the person getting the gun is explicitly known, and EVEN THEN, the standard is to keep a copy of their drivers license and either carry permit or permit to purchase on file. 

ALL commercial sales -- which are 90% of sales have background checks -- over the internet, at gun shows, etc. There IS NO "Gun Show / Internet "!!! 

The "private sales" that I described above are 5%, 5% are inheritance, transfers to kids, spouses and relatives. 

The REASON that BO and Democrats want this law is that it will allow them to DOCUMENT ALL SALES AND TRANSFERS by law abiding citizens! The current background check is de-facto registration. The gun dealer has your information and the serial number of the gun. However, TODAY, one could always say "I sold it" if the feds come knocking at your door for confiscation. To date, registration has ALWAYS led to confiscation in all other cases where it has happened. 

The REAL "loophole" is the legal private sale or transfer of a firearm. If they want to confiscate, they will be stuck if you refuse to give them the gun they have listed as being owned by you and can't find it on your premises. Pass this, and you have the THIN veneer of "it was stolen" (and you didn't report it), or "I lost it" -- very easily made into crimes in themselves, thus solving the problem of confiscation from law abiding citizens. 

Criminals of course don't follow laws -- that goes for the ones on the street and the ones in Washington as well. 

Oh, and BTW, we are STILL not a DEMOCRACY, we are a REPUBLIC!! If 100% of the people really want gun control, then doing a Constitutional Amendment to remove the 2nd ought to be EASY!! So just do it. Listen to the Pledge next time and consider what you are pledging allegiance to -- it makes things like removing rights based on the will of the mob HARD! It was intended to!!

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BO Pushes Grandma off Cliff

Seniors would see smaller Social Security checks under Obama budget due to chained CPI - Apr. 10, 2013: "inflation"

... or that is how it was treated when Paul Ryan had a much more realistic and fair proposal. One in which benefits for YOUNGER FICA beneficiaries WHO HAD A HIGHER INCOME were "cut" (meaning the rate of growth was slowed).

How different it is when BO proposes hitting the OLDEST and likely POOREST of beneficiaries? Naturally, after directly promising that HE would "protect FICA". We get the liars we so richly deserve.

Why does he do it? Because he will be out of office in the future and there are less voters over 80 than under 80. The entire Democrat created Ponzi scheme called FICA is about buying votes today with the money of future generations and then leaving those generations holding the bag -- and from the Democrat view, so impoverished they will be unable to vote for anything but whatever remaining crumbs future Democrats can scrape from the dried husk of a once great nation.

As the fecal material has begun to hit the fan and it becomes obvious, as it does in all Ponzi schemes, that the vast majority of folks that put the money in will not be getting it out, it is important to hold the reckoning off as long as possible ... thus, fake a little longer that you are going to give the hit ONLY to the oldest of the recipients.

Actually giving a damn about people as opposed to merely political power would require taking action so the most vulnerable were LEAST hit, and the young people quickly realized that there would be no FICA for them unless they were POOR when they retire -- so they ought to SAVE!

People that work hard, save, invest and pay attention to things like "actual need" rather than just "where the votes are" are typically not Democrats ... which makes it imperative for BO and the MSM to demagogue any real proposal that might save the truly needy under FICA in order to preserve the vote getting fantasy that everyone is going to get way more out than they put in!!

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Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Thatcher and Enemies

Opinion: Why Thatcher made so many enemies -

Good little column that pretty much states the obvious without stating it ... so I'll translate.

  • There are ALWAYS winners and losers, the question is just "who". 
  • When the winners are the hard working, the investors, the innovators, the risk takers, the investors, then the entire country moves forward -- even the "losers", although not nearly as fast as those that strive, so the "gap" gets larger. 
  • Those that don't want to compete, believe that competition can be "managed, avoided, blunted, leveled, etc" are ALWAYS unhappy ... when they "win", then everyone goes down as in the former USSR, and England, Europe, Japan and the US today. Scarcity becomes the rule, but from their perspective -- until they starve, it is "better", because the field is more level, and they like that. 
  • Media, major educational institutions, nearly all of the non self made wealthy and of course government and unions are ALWAYS going to STRONGLY oppose someone like Thatcher or Reagan. They literally HATE them, because they represent a world view that they despise.

    So Thatcher and Reagan are seen as "evil". Those that run "the establishment", are quite happy with the EXISTING class structure thank you very much! The idea that people can succeed  on merit and pull themselves up in class flies in the face of both their positions and the views of their captive masses, trudging along in what they hope to be a completely predictable somnolent life with no hope of advancement or fear of loss.  ("You didn't build that!")

She was THE Lady! To have lived at a time where both her and Reagan were able to show mankind once more what is possible when liberty is unleashed against the forces of tyranny and corruption was a rare privilege.

So the forces of tyranny and corruption hated her and they enjoy her death. Naturally they do. If they were willing to take a small glance in the mirror, perhaps they could increase their understanding of "evil" (something ALL of us share) to a much greater degree!

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Monday, April 08, 2013

Another Senseless Gun Death

Woman killed by 4-year-old in Tennessee cookout - least that is what you are SUPPOSED to think. If one looks inside though, while CERTAINLY "senseless and preventable",  I doubt if even the most rabid of current gun grabbers is seriously talking about removing firearms from the police!!

... killing the wife of a Tennessee sheriff's deputy who was showing his guns to a relative, state police said Monday.

Why oh why is this national news? Is there ANY other possible reason to put it out there with a headline like this just to have the gun grabbers shake their heads and cluck about how it is "senseless"??

Yes, cars, stairs, bicycles ... there are LOTS of "senseless" (to us) deaths.

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Rick Warren and Civility

First Take: Vitriol infests Warren family grief:

First, my deepest condolences to Rick Warren and family -- if he was the very embodiment of evil in the modern world,  to not feel his pain at all makes one wonder if the prevalence of sociopaths in our society is understated.

How often we hear how "coarse" things have become in this country. Can it be ANY more "coarse" than attacking a man whose son has committed suicide?

To believe in Christ is to always have hope. One feels more sorry for those hopeless enough to attack anyone in such pain, but such is what happens for those who leave positive hope behind and replace it with the negative hope for immediate annihilation upon death.

It is not Gods will that any should perish, but for those that choose that path, they seem driven to prove that God truly is just in his eternal judgement.

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Sunday, April 07, 2013

The Axis of Education

University of Minnesota's bloat must end |

Wow, Arnie and at Strib being worried about UofM spending in ANY way is definitely like the fox wanting to add safety measures to the hen house!

The numbers are suitably obscene, abut somehow the "solutions" don't look likely to do very much to me ... this and that "commission", and DFLer from here or there. Ho-hum, the U is ground zero for filling the skulls of the young with statist claptrap de jour, are they REALLY surprised that some of the folks riding the perpetual gravy train may have gotten a little greedy and pudgy?

US education is in almost as bad a shape as we are governmentally, financially and economically. It is dedicated to the ancient "kids in a room with an ossified union driving the show in bed with big government" from "Dead Start" giving the those just out of the cradle indoctrination to the majesty of the state, all the way up to having the "BS" piled higher and deeper to MS and PHD via rigorous goose-step head bobbing agreement with the socialist, anti-competitive, politically correct mantra that happens to be the current theme of the "Axis of Education ". Really more than "3" though ...  government, unions, lawyers, big education.

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Friday, April 05, 2013

Back to the '70s

Unemployment Drops to 7.6%, Mass Jobs Exodus Puts America Back at Pre-Reagan Labor Force Levels | Independent Journal Review:

Well, at least we don't have to wonder anymore what it would have been like if Jimmy Carter had gotten a 2nd term. We are living it!!

I also LOVE how SURPRISED the economists are! At least the ones the MSM consults tend to be SHOCKED by bad economic numbers when a Dem is in the WH and good economic numbers when a Republican is in there -- any good number during the W years was "surprising", and any bad number now is positively unbelievable for them. Duh!

When your models keep making the wrong predictions it is time to CHANGE YOUR MODELS!

Insanity is doing the same stuff and expecting different results!

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Progressives on Hypocrisy

Forward Progressives — Paul Ryan: The Ultimate Hypocrite:

Ran into this nice little screed on Paul Ryan that is a pretty good example of the "alternate universe" that "progressives" live in. To be "Progressive" or "liberal" is to have a keen sense of "hypocrisy" in others, but no mirror at all.

For a "progressive", the W deficits were horrible, but BO's are fine. Any use of military power under W was worthy of a protest, where under BO any military use, even without congressional approval is fine. Gitmo was a constant source of animus under W, now it is fine. Killing even Americans with drones? No problem with BO in the WH, under W? Killing ANYONE was "chilling" ... even terrorists deserved "constitutional rights", now not even Americans do if BO decides against it.

Now, let it be said that ANYONE with ANY standards is in fact a hypocrite -- or else your standards are so low as to not be worthy of being called "standards". ALL sin -- in many and various ways, so the only true non-hypocrites are guys like Slick Willie that never claimed to have any standards and did an excellent job of proving it!

The big difference here is that Ryan nor any Republican I know of ever said NO government!! Smaller than it is now, yes ... but maybe 15-20% of GDP vs the 25% it is today. Dealing with government is more like dieting than quitting smoking or drinking. Unless someone starts talking ZERO government or railing against having public schools, or benefits for children whose parents have died it is ridiculous to bring them into the discussion.

FICA **IS** a Ponzi scheme -- it just hasn't crashed yet. If we don't fix it, there will be no money for ANY. What Ryan wants to do is means test it to keep it helping those that truly need it and to characterize his approach otherwise is either stupid or disingenuous.

On budgets, spending and deficits, it is a discussion of degree. It is certainly hypocrisy to have railed against W deficits that were less than half BOs smallest to date at WORST, and in some cases 10% of BOs, and now be completely unconcerned and in fact cheering for larger deficits as is the case with Paul Krugman. Being OK with deficits that are smaller but concerned with those that are larger seems quite reasonable in may contexts -- two beers vs 12 for example makes a difference.

Do I believe that Ryan, W, and many Republicans were in the wrong to do medicare part D? Yes, I thought it was a fools errand at then and still do. I believe that their much smaller, but still excessive government spending was wrong. The problem is that government is often a "lesser of two evils" problem, ESPECIALLY if you are a conservative. The only folks that are going to be elected and be at all effective are POLITICIANS, so one is always hiring the equivalent of the fox to guard the henhouse!

To be a Christian means that I need to recognize that **I** am the "ultimate pile of garbage" ... but reading columns like this does provide the temptation to believe that some folks are worse! ;-)

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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Unsettled Science?

Climate science: A sensitive matter | The Economist:

Few concepts are as abhorrent to a thinking person as "Settled Science". Science is never "settled", because although one of it's base theories is that we live in a stable universe where experiments are likely to be repeatable, the very strength of the scientific method is that it is ALWAYS open to discovery!

Somewhere along the way, Science decided that technical "success" translated to thinking that it was well armed to comment on topics vastly beyond it's pay grade. Science and it's step-child Engineering can give us the plans for nuclear reaction -- but cannot by it's methods provide even a hint as to the values of using that knowledge for a weapon, power source, or to lock it away and look at it no farther.

The topic is "sensitive" because to the Economist  and all "intelligent people that follow as good liberal sheep", the very idea there could be a "question" on what was declared "settled" is "sensitive" in the extreme.

To actual Scientists and people of reason, the "news" that the multi-billion year old earth is more complicated than Al Gore and friends believed is not even remotely surprising.
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Saturday, March 30, 2013


Mark Steyn: Real 'modern family' not so funny | marriage, most, american - Opinion - The Orange County Register:

Ladies and gentlemen, ... or I guess "indeterminates",  we proudly continue our descent into PostCivilizationistan. Please return your Burkas and Chinese language learning earphones to the proper positions. Many of you will be under the ground shortly,  have a nice afterlife!

Thanks for flying Decadence Airlines -- we love to make certain that you all get what you deserve!

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Last Call On Carrey

I'm over my limit on the Carrey / Heston / Guns / Fox News "create some news", but I never imagined he was a vaccine denier, and this video is pretty well done.  Remember when Reagan was considered by the left to be too stupid to be listened to because not only had he been an actor (gasp), he had played a role in the movie "Bedtime for Bonzo".

My how we have progressed! A glance at the Carrey curriculum vitae would lead one to believe we would be inoculated against Jimmy's opinion forever by comparison!

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Give Us Gay Marriage!

The reducio ad absurdum of American constitutional jurisprudence | Power Line:

The irony of Gay "marriage" being argued before the SCOTUS during Holy Week struck me a number of times this past week, but it really dawned on me during the tenebrae service last night. "Give Us Barabas"!! The cry has changed slightly, but the spirit is identical.  All the FB pages turning color might just as well as been the crowd as Pilate passed judgment.

What shall be done with the Christians??  Crucify Them! Crucify Them! Not quite yet, but they will get around to it, they always do.

God's law must be thrown down for the desires of man. What then? Well, as Strauss said, "Once everything is relative, then cannibalism is only a matter of taste".

The left and the atheists often trot out the "God is Dead!" cry of Nietzsche as if it was a cry of triumph on the order of "The wicked witch is dead!".  No, it was a LAMENT, like the women wailing as Christ was on the cross. If God is dead, then there is no moral order. Morals are relative, which means they are controlled by the STRONG! (the pure Aryan Superman for Nietzsche)  Gay "marriage" is as strong a cry as possible for NO LIMITS to our desires! The re-election of "Yes We Can!" BO was another recent example.

As this all unravels, nobody ought to be surprised when no limits turns out to mean no limits!

Naturally, the left assumes that will either be "the people", or "the benevolent elite" ... as in SCOTUS, Federal Government and Bureaucracy. Game over, match, set, point -- the "progressive" project has won and utopia has arrived. Long live utopia!  

Nietzsche knew, and all of us should have figured it out after Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc and 100's of millions dead, that "the strong" are really not at all guaranteed to be "benevolent". Our founders knew it well ... they had just escaped from oppression by government.

The US Constitution says NOTHING about Marriage for ANYONE. Nor should it. It doesn't say anything about parenting, gardening or nutrition either. The basic idea of the US was LIMITED government. It freed people from oppressive government to give them equal opportunity  to do all sorts of things. It once worked extremely well!

Gay "marriage" for the bankrupt lotus eaters in CA? Sure, it's their funeral. An idea so good it has to be mandatory for all 50 states?? It ought not even be a topic of serious discussion by anyone that would pledge allegiance to something called America.

The FIRST modern Gay "marriage" recognized as "marriage" was in Netherlands in 2001. The institution of Marriage as being between a man and one or more women is thousands of years old! As nearly as we understand culture, it is based off memes  / epigenetic rules that take at least many hundreds of years to develop. The planet has handled all manner of shocks for the past few Billion  years, yet the left feigns terror over the "fragile" climate -- compared to culture, the climate is robust, emergent even -- actually getting BETTER when challenged. Just like our bodies do (try laying in bed for a month).

We are operating in 100% the opposite way we need to operate on multiple fronts -- commonly called a Death Spiral!  It has been seen before -- the last time someone in a culture flaunted Gay "marriage", it was Nero, and the Roman Empire was due to fall. Why??

People and economies are emergent. They get better with stress, in fact they only live within bounded stress!! If you remove their stress, they die. Stop moving, stop facing emotional tests, stop learning, and you will shortly die. Attempt to take  away risk in an economy, attempt to make it more "predictable", and it will die! So, we as a nation are hell bent to make our lives and our economy SAFE and PREDICTABLE. We will, that answer is called DEATH!

Society and culture are fragile. They they are products of lots of trial and error and full of "unintended consequences" when meddled with.

People and economies are like liquor sales during prohibition. Culture is like your wife's favorite china plate. We have figuratively legalized liquor and are in fact supplying free booze to all -- so the virtual "rum runners" of working people and businesses aren't doing very well. Meanwhile, gay "marriage" is the cultural equivalent of playing frisbee with the favorite china plate!

Our prospects suck.

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cold Dead Civility

Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Music Video Spoofs Gun Enthusiasts Like Charlton Heston (VIDEO):

I don't recommend watching this, it completely lacks in comedic or redeeming value.

It won't be long now before someone on the right "insensitively" mentions "targeted something", or "binders of women", or questions the "patriotism"of burning the flag, or some new "hate laced and uncivil statement" and we will all be treated to a discussion of the how "coarse the debate has become in this country", and "why can't we come together".

The Jim Carrey wing of the "lefty popular" culture has always had plenty to say -- usually  in as raucous,  nasty, irreverent and sophomoric an approach as they can possibly muster. They feel great as they bravely poke one in the eye of the dead! Oh, and for the living, Carrey has an armed bodyguard -- no need to prove your proud manhood with the living!

What is new, and disturbing to the left is that on occasion there are folks like Beck, or Limbaugh, or maybe even "once or somewhat current" stars like Heston, Eastwood, etc that leave the reservation and stand for something that they believe in that isn't in lock step with the Statist Establishment.

When they speak, HuffPo lectures them and us. When Carrey spews,  we get the snide "The NRA won't like this".

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Stomp on Jesus

'Stomp On Jesus' Controversy At Florida Atlantic University Draws Gov. Rick Scott's Involvement (VIDEO):

This didn't get a lot of coverage, although I suspect if it had been "Stomp on Mohammad" or "Stomp on N-wordS" at a Christian affiliated school, we would ALL know about it in EXTREME detail!!

Uh, "the point" ... apparently, words and symbols have power! News at 11!

Perhaps a discussion of how many millions of dollars a commercial costs at the Superbowl and some other SLIGHTLY less offensive exercise could have sufficed? Like maybe write YOUR NAME ... or your favorite team's name? ... or maybe just "Obama"? No wait, THAT would be BOTH racist and HORRIBLY offensive!!

I imagine the MSM is convinced that the name "Jesus" was just a random choice?

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