Friday, November 10, 2017

Paul, Vegas, The Motivationless Human

Rand Paul’s neighbors dispute “property dispute” reports | Power Line:

One of the big problems with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is motivation. What is it that AI would be motivated by? We sincerely hope it would not be stamping out competitors in the field of "intelligence" -- - our parochial view being "we have some of that!".

Perhaps AI would question if our existence was actually "real"  ... sort of like many humans like to question the existence of a creator and assume they "just happened" ... but I digress.

The Vegas shooting, and now the attack on Rand Paul seem to be somewhat of a watershed in "action without motivation". Even more amazing, the speed with which our media can determine with complete certainty that the action at least lacked any POLITICAL motivation is a scientific breakthrough! We can understand human motivation instantly -- I'm guessing it is a new kind of brain scan? Perhaps the "MET" rather then the "PET"? "Motivation Emission Tomography".

It has gotta be extra special technology -- given Vegas, it must work even on a deceased brain! Wonderful!

I've heard of people being friends, or even married for years, and not having complete awareness of their political thoughts. I once questioned how the powers that be were so able to get people to work in the "NON-PARTISAN CBO"! Where did all these non-partisans come from?  and why don't we meet more of them? How did they become non-partisan? Were they raised by wolves in an apolitical family? Were they sequestered from mass media at birth?

There MUST be a way -- because NPR (in whom we trust) never says "CBO" without the non-partisan label!

Now, we have a Vegas shooter who was certified to have no political or religious motivations less than 24 hours after anyone at the national level had become aware of his existence! Then, only a little over a month later, Rand Paul is attacked by a neighbor who has posted MANY vehement political opinions on social media, however, he suddenly decided to blindside his neighbor over a "long standing minor (non-political) issue" with enough force to break 5 ribs.

The biggest news to me is that 5 broken ribs is a "minor injury". I've had a mere 3 broken ribs and found it extremely debilitating for over 2 months. Reporters are so strong. I'd enjoy breaking 5 ribs on one of them so they could confirm to me that it was a "minor injury" ... nothing here folks, move along.

I'm trying to imagine if a Democrat Congressman had been gunned down over the summer by a Republican voter who was specifically targeting Republicans (Scalaise), and then a Republican neighbor of a sitting  Democrat US Senator attacked them on their lawn and broke 5 ribs, what the media outcry would look like?

We have a pretty good idea -- some of us can remember back to Gabby Giffords and the "chilling" effect of the Tea Party having the gall to protest people being forced by law to purchase health insurance, and yearly deficits of $1.5+ Trillion dollars! The idea of opposing the policies of the duly elected president was nigh on treason in '09-'10!

I wonder what changed? Perhaps we could "MET scan" a couple reporters?
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Thursday, November 09, 2017

Killing Children, Oh the Humanity

What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer - The New York Times:

It amazing how much honesty you can find even in the NY Times. The rest of the article is typical trash that mixes suicide and murder, doesn't even consider the effect of the big US Democrat controlled murder cities. We don't really have a gun or a murder problem, in GENERAL, we have a Democrat problem.

Here is the unexpected (and unintended) honesty:

"“In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate,” Dan Hodges, a British journalist, wrote in a post on Twitter two years ago, referring to the 2012 attack that killed 20 young students at an elementary school in Connecticut. “Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over.”"
Indeed it was ... Roe V Wade, January 22, 1973.

Once the government sanctioned the killing of children and went  so far to DEMAND by law that all 50 states participate, and then increasingly pay for it, "it was over".  Roe marked the end of the debate on respect for life -- the SCOTUS decided NOT to respect life, and demanded that every state participate in the mass slaughter on the altar of convienience. Respect for life was NOT ALLOWED!

When you are willing to kill the completely innocent for convienience, and even celebrate it as essentially a secular human sacrament, there are no remaining acts too evil to contemplate.

Roe is one of the major milestones on the way to BOistan. A "Christian Nation" would never allow such evil to consume 60 million innocent babes with the endless death toll rising every day. Hitler was a complete amatuer, and actually much more decent than BOistan. Hitler KNEW that what he was doing was wrong and worked very hard to hide it -- BOistan celebrates it's Holocaust!

If sanity, empathy, morality, law, decency, etc ever rise again, everyone will look at videos like this, build memorials to the 10's of millions slaughtered, and celebrate the few survivors! We might even re-create something like America if this ever comes to pass!

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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Sutherland Springs , I Don't Understand, But I Know My God Does!

A few powerful words from Pastor Frank Pomeroy after 26 people in his church are killed by a gunman, including his 14 year old daughter.

Christ is going to be lifted up
And that’s what I am telling everyone.

You lean in to what you don’t understand,
You lean into the Lord.

I would submit this to everyone—my family here and you guys there
Whatever life brings to you, lean on the Lord, rather than your own understanding.

I don’t understand….but I know my God does.
And that’s where I’ll leave that.

Pastor Frank Pomeroy, First Baptist Church

The sermon  from the week before was on Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;"

It starts about 28 min in ...

I don't understand, and I know that my God does. Strong words to both live and die by. 

The DNC, Our True Leadership

The Blabbermouth angle | Power Line:

The Donna Brazile book gives us more insight into how BOistan actually runs.

The "narrative" is that BOistan was "attacked" by the nefarious Russians working in concert with the Trump campaign to subvert our previously sacrosanct elections -- you know, the ones you don't need to show an ID to vote in because ... er, well, because it might be "chilling" to show an ID to vote even though you have to show one to get on a plane, check into a hotel, get a cell phone, send something UPS, cash a check, etc, etc.

Our Deep State is totally controlled by "The Party" (TP-D), and they are major players in this "plot". How do we know they are controlled by TP?
Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified to the House Intelligence Committee this past June that the DNC declined help from the FBI after it was hacked.
Got that? The Deep State is hot on getting to the bottom of this nefarious Russian plot, but the DNC "declined help", so the FBI never looked at the servers that the horrible Russians hacked.

So who does the FBI work for? Obviously, it works for TP -- as all of us do. TP said no, so the answer is no, and not the media, nor certainly the Deep State is even remotely interested in changing the way things work. We are all "wet fish" and have no idea we are wet with TP corruption.When TP speaks, we all just listen -- but some of us like to pretend otherwise.

"Elections"?   I would be completely unsurprised if the Russians, the Chinese, or just about anyone had hacked our elections (especially the DNC) -- my guess is that TP has had their finger heavily on the outcomes for a long time and trying to make a case for "Russian interference" makes the obvious conclusion a bit foggy. Good thing if you are cheating! 

I covered the excellent "Stealing Elections" by John Fund back in 2005. It explains how Gore nearly "won" FL quite nicely. In Palm Beach county, 15k Republicans apparently came out and voted a Republican ticket, yet failed to vote for Bush -- OR, someone took a bunch of ballots and shoved a rod through the Gore punch. When you do that, you either insure a vote for Gore, **OR** you create an "overvote" if the voter voted for someone else. There were 19K "overvotes" in Palm Beach county.

"Stealing Elections" documents a pretty good case that Democrats have been stealing elections for a LONG time. Naturally, their efforts are heavily centered in urban areas, so when you look at the BOistan red/blue maps, it is easy to understand why you see what you see. Their weakness -- as is so often the case, is the Constitution and the founders wisdom in not making this a "pure Democracy" (The electoral college, congressional districts, 2 senators from each state).

The point is that if stealing elections is possible, it is possible in a lot of ways -- including ways that even TP is not aware of.

The really funny part is that TP is so powerful and embedded in all our alphabet agencies, the media, education, etc, that the DNC just said no and that was that. 99.9% of us don't question what we see relative to things like this because "that is just the way things are".

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Borking, The History Of Ending America

The Wages of Borking | Power Line:

An excellent column that helps us remember that killing America had a history -- Bork was 30 years ago this fall, in 2019 it will be 50 years since Chappaquiddick, which should have ended Teddy Kennedy and prevented the "Borking" wound to America from ever happening. React to Chappaquiddick as a nation with any morals, and Borking never happens -- perhaps the horror of Roe is even overturned 30 years ago, millions of unborn survive, law, decency and life are honored, Slick and BO never happen, and America lives. My thesis is that America didn't HAVE to die, it died by CHOICE ... a number of them, with Roe being a gigantic one.

America was a great nation, so it didn't die suddenly. The following paragraph shows the lie that Bork was "out of the mainstream", no matter what Teddy Kennedy thought -- Teddy was wrong on a lot of things beyond where he last left his car parked upside down under water with his young secretary in it.
During his tenure on the DC Circuit Bork had written or joined 416 opinions, many of them on the same side as fellow DC Circuit Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Bork’s three-judge panels were unanimous 90 percent of the time, and Bork was in the majority 95 percent of the time. The Supreme Court had reversed not a single majority opinion Bork wrote or joined, while in six cases the Supreme Court had adopted a dissenting opinion of Bork’s. Bork’s critics said he was hostile to minorities and civil rights, yet he sided with minority plaintiffs in seven out of eight cases that came before him as a judge. As political scientist Aaron Wildavsky noted, “How could a superb legal craftsman be outside the mainstream when he was one of the leaders in determining what constituted excellence in legal reasoning [as a professor at Yale Law School and Solicitor General of the United States]? How could a judge who had written some 150 opinions, and had never been reversed by a higher court, be outside the mainstream?”
The whole concise column is well worth the read -- "Borking" was a point at which "The Party" (TP-D) flexed it's connection with the corrupt groups whose thirst for sexual gratification was partially slaked by the sacrifice of millions of unborn on the altar of "choice". The Constitution said that the president was allowed to appoint qualified men to the court, but Teddy and the TP cabal said otherwise, and they won!

The application of TP power to trump law, decency, comity, tradition, etc was a giant step toward BOistan. Evil won the day, and the soul of America turned blacker.

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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

The Solipsistic Sanity Bubble, Cab Kitty Speaks

Democratic National Committee & Hillary Clinton -- Democrats Still Making the Same Mistakes | National Review:

Solipsism is the theory that only The Ferocious Cabadocious Kitty can be proven to exist -- sometimes generalized by foolish humans to be "the self is all that can be proven to exist", which Cab will promptly DISprove by biting the fool who asserts that!

Cab exists, and you are a figment of his rather fertile imagination. He is the foremost feline authority on all topics philosophical, with epistemology -- the study of why Cab knows everything, and how he knows it, being his foremost area of expertise!

BO now has his own "Foundation", or as I like to call them ... "funds", because what they really do is provide massive amounts of tax free cash, living expenses, private jets, etc for those whose name heads up the "foundation", or "fund".  The linked article touches on a nice kickoff meeting in Chicago with BO himself there -- a place for the elite self-satisfied to believe they were in the "sanity bubble"

The sanity bubble! What a perfect label for the environs of the self-satisfied and righteous, the elegantly appointed ballrooms where the high and mighty, silhouetted in magenta up-lighting, nod reverentially at clichés mouthed by the latest faddish “thought leader,” before tucking into, say, a caprese salad with arugula and pesto, followed by spinach and gorgonzola tortelloni with caramelized pears and bleu cheese cream. Within the sanity bubble life is pleasant, comfortable, and agreeable, its niceties and pleasures and fixed ideas interrupted by only the maelstrom of political and economic change outside.
I live in the bubble. Always have, even if I have come to disagree with what my college professors would call the “hegemonic discourse” of postmodern liberalism, and to gag at the vanity and solipsism of many of my fellow residents. But never, especially after the 2016 campaign, would I mistake the confines of the bubble for the whole of reality. That is the mistake Hillary Clinton made when she decided that she could win the presidency without the support of a white working class mangled by economic stagnation, family breakdown, and drug addiction. And it is the same mistake the Democrats at the Obama Foundation and on Capitol Hill are making now, in real time, as they wrap themselves in the illusions that growing minority populations will carry them ineluctably to power, and that identity politics is somehow an electoral winner.
The Davos controlled beltway denizens and the Administrative State have no time for the "Bitter Clingers" or "Basket of Deplorables" ... they only acknowledge the existence of such people through denigration. While Cab is picky, he will tend to acknowledge all who feed him or properly pet him -- although, he may well bite the in the next second -- Cab and fate have that in common.

The elite are certain they are of ultimate importance, but Cab would be happy to bite them to make their "sanity bubble" just a tiny bit more "sane"!

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100 Years, 100 Million Dead

100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead - WSJ:

Godless Communism, merciless killing -- 100 years of it, and we still have China, North Korea and Cuba.

I've covered this a lot, however anniversaries of disasters that kill 100 million people should not be forgotten. Would legalized abortion ever have happened in this country without the influence of Godless Communism? I doubt it ... add 60 million of the most innocent of lives there, plus not doubt a coulpe hundred million more across China and the old USSR.

Communism -- destroyer of life, morality, faith, families, intellectual honesty, and so much more. A grim anniversary indeed.

But the Bolsheviks’ influence was not limited to these countries. In the West, communism inverted society’s understanding of the source of its values, creating political confusion that persists to this day. 
In a 1920 speech to the Komsomol, Lenin said that communists subordinate morality to the class struggle. Good was anything that destroyed “the old exploiting society” and helped to build a “new communist society.” 
This approach separated guilt from responsibility. Martyn Latsis, an official of the Cheka, Lenin’s secret police, in a 1918 instruction to interrogators, wrote: “We are not waging war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class. . . . Do not look for evidence that the accused acted in word or deed against Soviet power. The first question should be to what class does he belong. . . . It is this that should determine his fate.”
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The Russian Insanity Summarized

Donald Trump & Mueller Investigation – Embarrassment to America | National Review:

I've covered the insanity of the Urainium 1, Fusion GPS, Clinton, Comey and Mueller gyrations -- the following paragraph is about as good a summary of the tangled web as I have seen.

Even the most febrile conspiracy theorist could not make up such a convoluted story. It is bunk, rubbish, a Babylonian ziggurat of pompous and officious suppositions and confections that, when it is explained in its correct sequence as above and as simply as possible, no sane person could take seriously. One candidate paid for a smear job by a group of foreigners on her opponent, lost the election, and now screams of collusion by the foreigners she has been paying to defame her opponent; the FBI chief who saved her candidacy by not prosecuting her for serious offenses, when fired, after leaking an unprobative and self-serving memo, secures the appointment of a special counsel to investigate her opponent’s relations with the country with which she has collaborated, and that investigation is conducted by the very same mentor of the fired FBI chief who whitewashed her in her latest and greatest controversy (emails), after he and the person who appointed him had whitewashed the losing candidate in the greatest previous controversy of her career (Uranium One). (This leaves out of contention for that distinction the latest allegations that Mrs. Clinton arranged her selection as Democratic nominee by violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act in rigged primaries, as claimed by a former party chairman: the imposing but unfeasible Donna Brazile, who had been such a fervent supporter that — while acting in a journalistic capacity — she passed Mrs. Clinton questions in advance of a presidential debate.)

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Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Gelernter’s Trump

Gelernter’s Trump | Power Line:

I have a huge respect for Gelernter and his work. He is a brilliant and world renouned computer scientist who was injured by the unibomber, has written a number of excellent books, and who I have a 2nd hand personal connection with (covered here if you have an interest).

To anyone with intelligence that is left wing, Gelernter is a big problem -- he is brilliant, AND he generally supports Trump, for the simple reason that if you care about freedom, you had and have no rational other choice.

I'll copy the transcript of the Gelernter comments in an interview with Bill Bennet here ... it is self explanatory.

People on the left find Trump not merely objectionable on principle but they hate him as a person. They find him grating and annoying and he drives them crazy. I understand that. He often drives me crazy. Obama had the same properties….He was such a pain. I think there is nothing worse than a combination of patronizing arrogance and insincerity. Whenever he opened his mouth, your stomach turned over. It was painful to hear him talk. Now I understand that people — my friends on the left — have the same reaction to Trump, but the remarkable thing is what this says about the way the country swings and why did we elect Trump? The left and academia [are] too busy hating him to ask why their countrymen were

The American people know perfectly well what is due to the office of the presidency. I think Trump is undignified in a lot of ways. I think Trump falls short in a lot of ways and I think that is absolutely as clear to a farmer in Alabama or a cowboy in Wyoming as it is to the Washington Post.

People were driven to elect Trump not because they deemed him a perfect candidate to be president but because they were angry, they were incensed, they couldn’t stand where the country was going and the analysis that should follow upon that isn’t there. I mean, it goes on in conservative circles but it ought to be the number one topic in the study of American government, in the study of American history all over the world, and it’s not, of course. Needless to say.

I remain absolutely a supporter and a sympathizer of Trump. And you know, no president checks every box. I think his virtues far outweigh his faults. I do wish he would take the office and the history of the office more seriously than he does…

Just the fact of getting elected was an extraordinary accomplishment. I mean, you could say it was the most culturally democratic moment in the history of the world. Never before has a great power spurned everything the elite — the intellectual and the social elite — knows, left and right, about who should be running the country. Never before has a great power said to hell with that. The dignity of the country is important and has a lot to do with the power of the country, but this is an emergency and we’re going to make use of the best candidate who’s out there. And the implications are enormous. The left believes that, since it refuses to report on the right, the right doesn’t really exist, that it’s just a bunch of uncollected morons with no serious thought.

We all know this. We’ve reached a point where the left’s blindness is aiding the collapse of the intellectual structure built up since the rise of Marxism….The left is too arrogant, too complacent, too self-satisfied to notice it or do anything about it — I hope.
And I pray ...

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Sunday, October 29, 2017

No Family, No Country, Identity Politics

The Primal Scream of Identity Politics | The Weekly Standard:

This one is definitely worth the read -- it falls one "parent" short, GOD, but it hits the earthly target very well. I'd argue that killing "god" in the Nietzchean sense was definitely on the road to killing daddy, mommy, and family in general. A people that still honored God could not have legalized abortion, dishonored their parents, and abandoned their children in the name of earthly sexual pleasure and other "progress".

I'm about 1/3 of the way through "The Secular Age" by Charles Taylor. It tells the story of how the west went from a fully enchanted world at the time of the Reformation, to the nearly totally DISenchanted world we live in today. Everyone believed that the Cosmos was ordered with a sacred purpose that included each of us -- embedded in our family, church, community, nation, and yes, an ordered cosmos where everything included elements of the spiritual, the sacred.

Today, we are DISembedded and disenchanted --
The legalization of same-sex marriage, as observers both for and against the 2015 Obergefell decision came to agree, owed most to one factor: empathy for the moral claim that attraction to one’s own sex is like pigmentation or DNA, immutable and immune to change. Yet a split cultural second later, exactly the opposite case has come to be made for the intersex, transgendered, and other sexual minorities: that identity is fluid, indeterminate, perhaps even recalcitrant, rather than born that way
In this head-on collision of purported creation stories about sexual and gender identity that cannot possibly both be true, we see once more that the question Who am I? is the most fraught of our time. It has become like a second skin: something that can’t be sloughed off, or even scratched, without excruciating pain to the subject—reason and logic and the rest of persuasion-as-usual be damned.
As we have attempted to make "meaning" a material thing, it is not all that surprising that we would have completely incompatable "required views" on one of the most basic elements of our identity, our gender. Science says there are two genders, society says there are 50 some and more every day.

So why have we become "tribal"?
It’s not that “America Wasn’t Built for Humans,” as the title of Sullivan’s piece has it. It’s rather that America, like other civilizations, was built for humans who learned community not from roving bands of unrelated nomads, but from those around them—beginning in the small civilization of the family.
Our macro-politics have gone tribal because our micro-politics are no longer familial. This, above all, is what’s happened during the five decades in which identity politics went from being unheard of to ubiquitous.
Pretty much all of us understand this at some level. Our "families" almost all now involved 2nd, 3rd, etc marriages, and often many sorts of other relations. In the Bible we hear "who is my neighbor", today we hear "Who is my Daddy? my Mommy? my Sister? my Grandparent ... etc, etc". Clearly, lots of the people we know have decided that "what THEIR heart says" is what must be truth.

Jerimiah 17:9 says "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

Naturally, when God was supposedly killed, such ancient wisdom became foolish. Today we "follow our hearts", and attack those who fail to agree with our own godlike view of "truth".

When a mob of young men attack a 74-year-old man and a middle-aged woman, as happened at Middlebury College in March in the case of Charles Murray and Allison Stanger, something deeper is afoot than American individualism run amok. When debate after campus debate is preemptively shut down due to social media threats of violence, reasoned talk of a “Reagan Dispensation” doesn’t begin to capture the menace there. Berkeley spent $600,000 on “security” for a visit by the conservative author and pundit Ben Shapiro. Non-progressive speakers who have nothing to do with racism or supremacism are regularly harassed, threatened, disinvited, and shouted down on campuses across the country. To ascribe these transgressions to identitarian narcissism alone is to miss what’s truly novel about them. And most chilling.
Many of the 4500 and rising posts in this blog call out the horror that we have (mostly) unwittingly unleashed. I could link you to MANY, however, I think "Darwin's Cathedral" is key ... a short excerpt from that post, all from page 228 of that book.
" It is true that many religious beliefs are false as literal descriptions of the real world, but this merely forces us to recognize two forms of realism; a factual realism based on literal correspondence, and a practical realism based on behavioral adaptiveness."  
"Rationality is not the gold standard on which all other forms of thought are to be judged. Adaptation is the gold standard against which rationality must be judged, along with all other forms of thought."  
and then ... "... factual realists detached from practical reality were not among our ancestors. It is the person who elevates factual truth above practical truth who must be accused of mental weakness from an evolutionary perspective". 
We pretty much all actually operate on a practical realism based on adaptiveness ... and we pretty much all think that OUR tribe really operates on a factual realism based on literal correspondence, and the other tribe is a bunch of evil lying "progressives", or "deploreables" depending on which tribe we identify with. The core problem is that without any transcendent meaning in our lives, "pleasure" tends to cloud our judgement, and any perceived threat to our determination of "truth" becomes ever harder for us to face with maturity.

Maybe that cultural scream of “mine!” is issuing from souls who did have something taken from them—only something more elemental than the totemic objects now functioning as figurative blankies for lost and angry former children. As of today, less than 65 percent of American children live with both biological parents, even as other familial boughs have broken via external forces like the opioid crisis, criminality and incarceration, and globalization. Maybe depression and anxiety have been rising steadily among children and teenagers for a reason. Maybe the furor over “appropriation” unveils the true foundation of identity politics, which is pathos.
The columns closing paragraph is powerful, and WAY too true in the world I see around me. I'll be reading some of the links and I'll continue to howl at the despair of our broken modern world with the only thing which I believe can save us individually or collectively -- The Grace of Jesus Christ through Faith Alone! On this 500th year of the Reformation, revive us again Lord Jesus!
Anyone who’s ever heard a coyote in the desert, separated at night from the pack, knows the sound. Maybe the otherwise-unexplained hysteria of today’s identity politics is just that: the collective human howl of our time, sent up by inescapably communal creatures who can no longer identify their own.
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The Final Days of Trump, Halloween 2016

The Final Days of Trump’s Unprecedented Campaign:

Unless you are really really into history, schadenfreude or both, reading the whole thing is useless. A year ago the MSM was as confident as they are today that they knew and know everything. They are never wrong -- what they count on is this ...

“His view is the American public has a two-to-three-week attention span. He may be right about that."

Well, yes, the 24x7 media spin machine, mass marketing, shallow, inane "entertainment" that is closer to mind control than anything else, the media certainly, and maybe even Trump, count on the reality that most of the BOistan public has AT BEST a couple of weeks of attention span.

So most people still believe a lot of what they read in the "news" ... like this paragraph, from a year ago this week.

"In recent weeks, the mood at Trump Tower has veered between despair and denial—with a hit of resurgent glee when the news broke that the FBI was looking into more of Clinton’s emails. When I asked one senior Trump adviser to describe the scene inside, he responded: “Think of the bunker right before Hitler killed himself. Donald’s in denial. They’re all in denial.” (As Times columnist Ross Douthat put it, in a tweet, “In Trumpworld as Hitler’s Bunker terms,” the FBI investigation is “like when Goebbels thought FDR’s death would save the Nazi regime.”)"
Yes folks, that is "real news", from the mainstream media -- it's WRONG to call it "Fake News", your attention span is supposed to be MUCH shorter than this!

Hey, and Ross "Doubt That" is still writing NY Times columns!

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Russians, The Party, BOistan

Hillary’s dossier | Power Line:

There is a good deal of reading in those links, the bottom line is a sad one that we now have a bunch more proof for. "The Party" (TP-D) has been colluding with the "Russians" since WAY back ... even when they were the USSR.

The second link does a good job of some summary ...
  • The Hillary Clinton "Russian Reset"
  • BO cancelling missile defence for Poland
  • BO assuring Medvedev on an open mike about "flexibility" after 2012 election
  • BO laughing at Romney about the "1980's want their foreign policy back"
  • BO trusting the Russians to enforce his "Red Line"
  • Urainium One
  • The DNC funded "Trump Dossier" 
As the second link closes with ...

America is facing an existential crisis, one where it appears the same institutions designed to provide law and order and national security are guilty of wholesale corruption — and possible treason. Either the Trump administration will root out the rot, or the electorate will be faced with the undeniable reality we live in a nation where “justice” consists of one set of laws for the rich and powerful, and another for everyone else. A nation where Congress conducts toothless hearings, those who should be investigated conduct the investigations, and utterly corrupt media censoranything inimical to their own interests and those of their ideological allies.

Absolutely no one can justify the sale of the main ingredient used in nuclear weapons to the Russians. Either the swamp gets drained — or the entire nation drowns in it.

Readers of this blog know this already -- 2016 was the Flight 93 Election, wether or not Trump can turn us back from BOistan is highly in doubt. The "double standard" is really TP vs non-TP. It wasn't that Weinstein was wealthy and powerful, Bill Cosby was that at one point too -- it was that although Harvey was safe as long as TP controlled ALL the levers --- Hillary Lost.

We live in such a corrupt tribal state that news that the DNC / Clintons funded the "Dossier" that kicked off the Special Counsel attacking Trump is not front page blaring headline news like Watergate, Iran Contra, or what Scooter Libby did or did not know about a "covert" CIA operative named Valerie Plame who drove into Langley every day and had her husband write Op Eds for major news outlets to maintain her "deep cover".

This ought to be flashing along the bottom of every screen on every network in BOistan!

After much pain — after much lying, Clinton style — the Washington Post reported on Tuesday evening that the Trump Dossier was commissioned by the smear outfit GPS Fusion at the behest of the Clinton campaign. It was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. 
Tom Perez, the current chairman of the Democratic National Committee wants it to be known that the DNC’s “new [post-election] leadership” (Perez and Minnesota’s own fast-talking hustler Keith Ellison) know nothing. They all sound like Mafia types. Nobody knows anything.
NOTE, the Washington F*ing Post is reporting this! The DNC has ADMITTED IT!

In the last two weeks we have found smoking guns proving that the Clinton Fund and the BO administration knowingly sold 20% of our urainium reserves to Russia for bribes and kickbacks, AND the DNC has ADMITTED that they colluded with the Russians to smear Trump!

Oh, and as a bonus, we now know for certain the IRS in fact targeted conservative groups for political reasons under BO.  That was always obvious to anyone that was awake though -- and the sleepers are not going to be concerned about it anyway. As long as they get their "free stuff" or stay on the Administrative State gravy train, why in the world would they care if the Administrative State is a weapon against those that disagree with it politically?

"Sauce for the goose" ...

But never mind -- nobody cares in BOistan. We are through the looking glass, down the rabbit hole and LOST IN SPACE! 90% of the public just knows what their tribe is, and "justice" is when their side wins!

We have indicted Manafort for "lying to the FBI and money laundering"? SERIOUSLY? We all know the Clinton Fund (Funds for Clintons) was a direct shakedown operation that amoung other things took 10's of millions DIRECTLY from Russian sources. How about being endicted for not even bothering to TRY to launder your bribes?

Here is Hillary lying under oath 3 times -- I'm sure that if we did a family compilation, we could find at least 10s of examples ... "I never had sex with that woman ..."

BOTH sides either follow the law or THERE IS NO LAW! Which is one of the mottos of BOistan.

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Weinstein, Fighting The "System"

Facing Down the Network That Protected Harvey Weinstein - The New York Times:

We all live within our own networks, systems, communities, clans, tribes, etc. Usually we don't really think about it much -- they "just are" ... like fish talking about being wet.

Hollywood, the Main Stream Media, the professionals, the "elite", they are all part of "The Party" (TP-D) ... you have to be if you want to be "elite". It is like the old USSR, or NAZI Germany, there is ONE real party of power, and membership is required if you want to be a power player. Sure, the US still has the ILLUSION of two parties, but the biggest service Trump has given us is smoking out that fantasy ... McCain, Flake, Corker, Snow ... and in many ways Ryan, McConnel and many others are more TP than the official TP folks with Ds next to their names!

They do the bidding of The Swamp ... the Administrative State, Davos, etc, and going against them gets you attacked "Bigly" ... see Trump!

The article doesn't mean to tell you how TP operates, but it does. We all know that the NY Times was sitting on Weinstein dirt for over a decade -- they were a major PART of the "racket" they suddenly claim to stand boldly against in this teary little column.
The racket is a formidable opponent for anyone who is trying to expose the truth. It uses everything at its disposal to wear down reporters or break their wills, either by wooing them with invitations to premieres, access to stars and, in some cases, possible book and movie deals.
TP is the BIG "racket", and it's tentacles include the Deep / Administrative State! See "Trump Dossier", courtesy of the DNC now ADMITTING to funding it ... with some level of complicity from the FBI, and likely CIA. Now THAT is a "racket", and the NY Times is right in the middle of that one as well!

As I've said before, the ability of Trump to take these folks on is AMAZING!

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How Many Genders Are There?

Trump’s Road to 2024 - The New York Times:

There are two answers to that. The scientific answer;  TWO ... women have two X chromosomes and men have an X and a Y, and the "socially constructed" answer which is somewhere north of 50 as we write this with FB still clinging to 58 genders and other gender sites north of 70 and rising.

Can a Democratic candidate for president answer to how many genders there are? I doubt it.
Coughlin went on: “A Democratic Party that can’t tell me how many genders there are, that ain’t flying in this country.”
I'm not so sure of that claim -- we DO have gay "marriage", and there is a whole bunch of "transgender" stuff floating around in a lot of states. Is it more "anti-science" to believe in 50+ genders, or to imagine that there could be other things responsible for climate change on planet earth given ice core data?

The columnist informs us that there are NOW two definitions of truth in the US.

There are now two definitions of truth in the United States. The first is that a truthful statement is one that conforms to facts or reality. By this standard, President Trump is a serial liar. 
The second is that truth is “telling it like it is,” or speaking in a direct, unvarnished way without regard to political correctness or the offense it may give. By this measure, for millions of supporters, Trump is the most honest president ever.
So which standard would a media that reports there are 50+ genders and that Anthropogenic Global Warming is "settled science" be adhereing to? "facts/reality", or "speaking directly"?  How about "If you like your health insurance you can keep it?"

Trump winks at white supremacists, thrives on confrontation and debases the Oval Office.
I remain completely baffled how anyone could "debase the Oval Office" after Slick Willie stained it indellibly and the same sort of folks as the guy writing the column defended his right to ejaculation at the office with a female employee -- a "right" shared in very few offices in the US. It has been well debased already, I've seen no "debasement" from Trump that even holds a candle to Slick. I found BO's "apology tour" to well exceed anything from Trump so far.

Trump certainly DOES thrive on confrontation -- many politicians have, BO certainly did, as well as Slick Willie and to some degree Reagan. "Winks at white supremacists"? Yes, I understand the media sorely wants that to be the Trump MO, however that doesn't really fit under the "conforms to facts or reality" rubric, does it?

Fake News has been the coin of the left for longer than my lifetime. Certainly once the "Fairness Doctrine" (only left wing news allowed!) was dropped, Fox and talk radio started doing it as well, but this is much like teens discovering, OMG! Mom and Dad must have had sex!

The bottom line here is that at least some folks on the left are starting to figure out that their odds of impeaching Trump are not what they had hoped, and their odds of beating him are certainly not a dead certainty.

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The Kennedy 1984 Russian Collusion

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit:

I've embedded this in a couple other posts, but it bears remembering. "The Party" (TP-D) was in the business of Russian/USSR collusion LONG ago!

"Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. “The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,” the memorandum stated. “These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign.”"
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