Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Understanding the Liberal Mind

As I live, read and study, the more I come to the conclusion that there are some basic mental model differences that make it extremely hard for liberals and conservatives to understand one another. Here are what I believe to be the top characteristics of the liberal mind:

  1. Consistency is not an issue. If you are a liberal, there is no ultimate truth, or higher power, so "truth" is always relative and situational. A liberal has no second thoughts when one day they defend Bill Clinton’s behavior with employees, and the next day they demand a corporate CEO that has a dalliance with an employee should lose their job. They like Bill Clinton, they don’t like CEOs. What is the problem?

    The concept of equal treatment doesn’t even occur to them, because CONSISTENCY IS NOT AN ISSUE. A conservative will never really fully understand this principle, because while it is true that there isn’t such a thing as a fully consistent human, conservatives see it as a virtue to be attempted and liberals see it as meaningless.
  2. They are totalitarians.  What they see as "good" must be mandatory, what they see as "bad" must be criminal. Whatever the issue, if liberals like it, it must be forced upon you, if they don't like it, it must be criminal. Take guns -- conservatives that like them buy them if they have the money. Liberals don't like them (because they represent individual freedom), so they make every attempt to take them away from everyone. Campaign finance? Liberals know exactly the right amount to be spent, want it provided by the state, and want to put anyone who tries to spend more in jail! ... perhaps the perfect summary of liberal thought in a single issue!
  3. They are NOT RESPONSIBLE! They believe they are “driven” by forces beyond their control and  there is really nothing that they can do that they can honestly be blamed for. There is always an excuse that must be considered; bad childhood, poverty, "tendencies", other people, big business, the rich, the Devil made them do it, … the list is endless. For liberals in power, anything bad is always due to SOME conservative -- some past administration, the congress, etc Even if the Democrats have both houses of congress and the presidency, there is always "the vast right wing conspiracy", "talk radio" or "big business". Nothing that has a less than positive result can be "their fault".
  4. Envy is a virtue; greed (in others) is a sin. A liberal can’t stand others doing better than them, and would rather have the offending “successful person” lowered to a level equivalent with the liberal, EVEN IF THE NET EFFECT OF DOING THAT REDUCED THE POSITION OF THE LIBERAL. Conservatives typically don’t even believe that people can think this way, and thus they stare in disbelief as a liberal starts down some line of class warfare reasoning. A conservative will care little how much success someone else has, in fact they often find the success of others to be wonderful, since it means it is more likely that they too can be successful!
  5. Government is their god. "The government is great, the government is good, we thank it for our daily bread." would be a good liberal prayer (if they prayed). Most conservatives recognize something beyond present humanity as "transcendent" -- usually the Christian God, but sometimes just "tradition" or "culture" or some other transcendent ideal. 

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