Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Sadness of the Liberals

Our local paper graced it’s Op Ed page with an editorial from Ellen Goodman and one from Paul Krugman this evening. Nothing like having some balance! Neither editorial was really worth the waste of good trees and ink. Ellen was lamenting that Bush has “co-opted symbols”, and her special ire was directed at the yellow ribbons on the backs of vehicles, and of course ESPECAILLY those on the backs of SUVs. I don’t have one at this point, but if they bother Ellen that much, they might we worth sticking on.

She sees “support the troops” as a proxy for “support their commander in chief”. She wants to be clear that she supports the troops, is very patriotic, she just doesn’t support what they are doing … and of course even though we live in a democracy where we have elections and Bush won, she doesn’t support him either. He keeps talking about “War on Terror”, and “911”, and he should just stop, it is awful and disgraceful, and it just bothers Ellen SO much!

I think can understand. It would be like if I had a “Support the NEA” sticker on my vehicle, but my real position was that public schools are a disaster, the only thing they are good at is teaching kids gay sex, rap music, and crime, and any student wasting their time going there was doomed to failure. Oh, and I hate the Democrats saying “it’s all about the children”. BUT, I’m really pro-public school, and VERY pro-teacher. All my criticism is based on “support for teachers and public education”. I support them, I just don’t support what they are doing. Not that many teachers die in the line of duty though, so I guess the analogy isn’t quite exact.

Krugman was in his usual “all is lost mode” relative to Iraq. It is wrong, it was always wrong, there isn’t anything right about it, it can’t get better, it can only get worse, Bush is stupid, Bush is a liar, we should get out ASAP, we have lost, lost big, the sky has fallen, might as well just kill ourselves as wait for the terrorists that we are creating to come and do it for us. There just isn’t any doom and gloom dark enough for Paul. I’ve always been against assisted suicide, but if only we could elect Bush to a 3rd term I’d say that would have to be the best idea for Paul.

I think holidays bring out the worst in liberals. Thanksgiving and Christmas are always hard on them … things like God and family involved. They don’t believe in the God part, don’t like the fact that some people that celebrate the holiday DO believe. Usually don’t like the family thing … lots of imperfection, probably some idiot relative that watches Fox and listens to talk radio, nobody should have to be exposed to that. People aren’t genuine, how can anyone be happy when Bush is President? Holidays make no sense.

July 4th is a really tough one. Patriotism and liberals is always a touchy subject. They are absolutely sure that they are really the only TRUE patriotic Americans. They just don’t like flags (too showy), or fireworks (pollution and noise), or grilling (pollution, People Eating Tasty Animals (PETA)), marching bands (too military, too regimented, too “Red State”) and most of all, that whole “rockets red glare” thing. The idea that America was born in war and war is often required to preserve their freedom to constantly find the worst in the country. That is a tough concept for them. They have a hard time really coming to grips with what they like the least, but the whole experience is very uncomfortable, and doesn’t feel like a holiday to them.

Liberals like MLK day. They can march in the streets and talk about how bad it still is in America, it is a celebration of badness and struggle. It is a celebration of the flaws of America, and those they love to celebrate. They love Earth Day. Again, they can point to pollution and all that isn’t right. We haven’t signed Kyoto. Labor Day is probably the most major holiday that liberals love. It celebrates labor, how hard labor has it, and how much we all need unions. More unions, more union dues, more money for Democrats. They like Halloween; witches worship nature, and trying to scare the weak is the favorite liberal strategy of all.

The plight of liberals is tragic. All those holidays celebrating God, home and hearth … Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and those celebrating country in a positive light … Memorial Day and July 4th tend to get much more attention than the liberal holidays. Yet another part of an unfair world in which liberals are forced to make their sad way.


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    LIBERAlS CREATE GOOD THINGS. Conservatives create debt.---------------
    ----- SHOCK & AWE--------


    1.From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003
    2.Democrats held White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
    3.Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs -- Republicans 36,440,000.
    4.Per Year Average—Democrats 1,825,200---Republicans 856,400.
    5.Republicans had 9 presidents during the period and 6 had depression or recession.
    6.Republicans had a recession/depression in 177 months and Democrats in 32 months.
    7.DOW—grew by 52% more under Democrats.
    8.GDP—grew by 43% more under Democrats.
    clarence swinney
    political historian
    burlington nc

  2. Anonymous12:00 PM

    LIBERALS GREAT -----------84 good things done by Democrats-----------------

    Can anyone name ten for Republicans

    Credit for this information goes my friend, a great mind, and his terrific site

    Ray Dubuque—www.liberalslike Christ.org-----------------

    1.civilian conservation corps
    2.public works adm.--works progress adm
    3.unemployment relief act
    4.national industrial recovery act
    5.national housing act
    6.federal communications act
    7.national labor relations act
    8.fair labor standards act (min wage & max hours laws)
    9.GI bill of rights
    10.social security act
    11.Tennessee valley (power) authority
    12.rural electrification act
    13.full employment act
    14.permanent school lunch program
    15.integration of armed forces
    16.veterans emergency housing act
    17.public health service act
    18.national housing act
    19.marshall plan
    20.peace corps
    21.aid to dependent children program
    22.small business investment act
    23.establishment of arms control and disarmament agency
    24.consumer drug protection laws
    25.equal pay act
    26.manpower development and retraining act
    27.clean air act
    28.mental health and mental retardation act
    29.college and vocational education act
    30.civil rights act
    31.voting rights act
    32.mass transportation act
    33.omnibus poverty act (office of economic opportunity, vista, job corps and public assistance programs)
    34.war on poverty
    35.head start (for pre-school children)
    36.land conservation fund
    37.permanent food stamp program
    38.appalachia regional development act
    39.elementary and secondary education act
    40.higher education act
    41.older Americans act (medicare and medicaid)
    42.law enforcement assistance act
    43.immigration reform act
    44.freedom of information act
    45.fair housing act
    46.housing and urban development (low income housing )
    47.clean water restoration act
    48.coal mine health and safety act
    49.child protection
    50.federal ethics code
    51.civil service reform
    52.creation of superfund (cleanup of toxic waste)
    53.secretary of health joseph califano(fight tobacco health threat)
    54.votings rights act extension
    55.highway and mass transit funding bill
    56.civil rights restoration act
    57.head start expansion
    58.Americans with disabilities act
    59.major tax increase on the wealthy to fight deficits created by Reagan and Bush
    60.family medical leave act
    61.attempted to extend/or improve health insurance coverage for millions of Americans
    62.restoration of democracy to haiti
    63.restoration of peace to bosnia
    64.promotion of peace in south Africa
    65.promotion of peace in northern Ireland
    66.promotion of peace in Israel and Palestine
    67.increases in minimum wage
    68.promotion of spending on inner-city schools
    69.opposition to abolition of safety net for the poor
    70.protection of social security and medicare
    71.promotion of justice for victims of racism
    72.protection of children from cancer inducing tobacco industry
    73.constantly frustrated efforts to enact thorough campaign finance
    74.appointment of many minorities and women to cabinet positions
    75.resolution of long-standing black farmers discrimination issues
    76.leadership role in nato’s campaign to stop ethnic cleansing in kosovo.
    77.major efforts to challenge the dangerous proliferation of guns in America
    79. pay their way party—1960 to 1980—National Income grew 418%--Debt grew 210%
    1980 to 1992National Income grew 102%--Debt grew 300%.
    Democrats pay their way-Republicans party of spend and borrow-our kids pay

    80. party for strong defense—carter increased defense spending by 50%--Clinton spent 273 Billion per year to Reagan’s 249 Billion per year.
    Nixon-Ford cut Army troops by 41% and Reagan-Bush cut by 11%
    81. Party of Integrity---Reagan had more(137) charged with crimes than cumulative total for all presidents of 20th century.
    82. vacation with pay
    83.trade union schools—forerunner to community colleges
    84.worker retirement pensions
    Clarence Swinney—Political Historian—Burlington nc—www.cwswinney@netzero.net

