Saturday, June 10, 2006


For regular NPR and general MSM followers, there was a lot of anticipation for the special election in Californias 50th congressional district, formerly held by Randy "Duke" Cunningham, forced to resign after admitting to taking bribes. The MSM and the Democrats have done all they can to create "a culture of corruption" around Cunningham,Jack Abramoff, and Tom DeLay. Not neccesarily all related in any way, or even "corrupt", but facts have never been huge issues for either the MSM or Democrats.

Prior to Tuesday the chops were being licked over the prospect that Francine Busby would defeat Brian Bilbray in this heavily Republican district. Wednesday AM, the hopes had all been dashed and the story was gone, no "bellweather" here, no need to look at the story anymore. Yet another evil Republican took the district, even with a conviction on the previous congressman, and the MSM telling us every single day that everyone should hate Bush. A sad day for America.

Some MSM definitions need to be kept straght:

"Bellweather" - An election going in a way that looks bad for Republicans.

"Stolen" - Any election closer than double digits that a Republican wins.

"Whistle Blower" - Anyone that says anything that ought to be a secret but looks bad a Republicans.

"Leaker" - Anyone that says anything that is bad for a Democrat. Even if it was public knowledge before, soemone ought to go to jail for saying something bad about a Democrat.

Good - See Democrat

Evil - See Republican

Swiftboating - Anything said by a military person that isn't complimentaty to a Democrat.

Keeping the definitions straight can really help the understanding of the news!

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