Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bumper Ballistics

I saw the following bumper sticker on a lefty vehicle along with a stack of the standard "Impeach Bush", "Wellstone", yada yada:

"Yellow Ribbons are not Bulletproof"

My first thought was; "Neither are Bumper Stickers", followed shortly by the more general thought that the entire concept of "bulletproof" really shows a lack of ballistic imagination. I'd argue that very few civilian constructs, even likely including armored trucks are really "bulletproof" against a .50 BMG in armor piercing. Something available to civilians. Once one moves into military rounds, a 155mm howitzer is likely to pretty much dispose of any "proofing" attempts by sticker applicators.

Naturally, a couple more seconds produced the probably correct meaning of the sticker; "Hey you right wing idiots with your yellow ribbons on your cars, those ribbons aren't going to protect any troops, so %$^&*^ you!" Ah yes, liberal "civility". It is rather nice to see the leftys at least feigning concern for the troops this time rather than always just calling them war criminals, baby killers and spitting on them. While the treatment of Abu Girab and some of the other coverage has shown the general hatred of the military lying just slightly below the surface, it is nice to see them at least realize that open acknowledgment of disrespect for US soldiers doesn't play that well.

I'm always amazed at the lefty propensity for bumper stickers. It is just something that never appeals to me that much - maybe a candidate one during the core months of the election, but those seem purposeful. There are occasional counter examples from the right, but it has to be almost 80% left, 20% right in the bumper sticker world. I guess from the POV of a lefty, having a bumper sticker on your vehicle that says "HATE is not a family value" is a way to show how nice you are and how much respect you have for folks with different views than you.

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