Friday, April 01, 2016

Chicago Police Stops Drop 90%, Dirty Laundry

CHICAGO police stops plummet 90% -- CPS teachers walk out today -- Van Dyke rehire ‘slap in the face’ - POLITICO:

Chicago is on track for 700 murders this year under BO crony Rahm Emanuel.
Chicago police stops have dropped 90 percent -- from more than 157,000 up to this point last year to roughly 21,000 so far this year. No coincidence that the city is experiencing its bloodiest start in nearly two decades. The latest data shows violence has not relented since January, with both shootings and murders sharply rising.
BO is pardoning criminals and police forces around the nation are battening down the hatches as they are hyper-scrutinized for even protecting their own lives from the rising tide of increasingly violent thugs.

"The Party" (TP-D) is pretty certain they have successfully wired the demographics this time by immigration and killing any form of voter ID, thus allowing massive vote fraud, that they will be able to prevent any rise in the "law and order voter".

Even discipline in school is now "racist", and on the mean streets, cops are far better served to just stay in their cars and let the thugs kill each other -- hoping that the collateral damage will be minimized and they can just move in after the fact and pick up the bodies.

Detroit is the model for the the "TP city" -- DC, Baltimore, St Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and Chicago are cities on the way to "The Detroit Model" -- here in Minnesota, our own N Minneapolis is a local version.

I'll take my chances in Emmetsburg Iowa, I don't need a front row seat like the liquor store owner in this little promo for the ObamaNation. (abomination)

Eventually, even a very slow nation will learn the difference between "justice" and "punishment".

'via Blog this'

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