Showing posts with label #FakeMedia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #FakeMedia. Show all posts

Sunday, December 10, 2017

#fakenews Is Losing

The End of Media History and the Last Honest Man | Unexamined Premises:

In the last couple of weeks we have had a a couple of major #fakenews stories that were not just glaringly wrong, they were obviously due to reporters so extremely biased that they seized what they saw as an opportunity to have a devastating "scoop" that might even take down Trump -- in whom they hate.

First we had the ABC Brian Ross report that Flynn was going to testify to being directed to talk to the Russians during the campaign by Trump -- which set twitter on fire, caused the markets to tank, and had all sorts of news outlets screaming "This is IT! We have got Trump!" !!!!!!!

Oops, Never Mind, he was directed to start talking to Russians AFTER Trump was elected -- which is of course exactly the stuff that an incoming administration does! I remember well that one of the common "news" items during the Clinton Impeachment was that "this is really really stupid, the right wingers are roiling the markets over SEX! A "private matter", even at the office, if your name is Slick Wille! Try that at YOUR place of employment and see if it flies. 

The entire "" was set up to "just drop it and MOVE ON" -- nobody cared about sexual harassment, rape, perjury, obstruction of justice, etc when it applied to Slick Willie. "You will scare the markets"!!!! (or maybe the horses).

No concern for that in the MSM these days -- get Trump at ALL costs!

Then, we just had the CNN report that "there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks"! ... oops, there wasn't, the Trump campaign got the access over a week AFTER everyone else had gotten it! Again, CNN, the leader in Fake News is the one doing the retraction this time.

Is there anything that somebody that is a critical thinker is likely to believe the MSM on these days? Certainly nothing I can think of if it is supposed to reflect badly on Trump -- their track record is just too bad!

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

The "Dunuciad", Who BOistanis Are

The Modern Epic of Denunciation - WSJ:

A good little summary of one of the Fake News techniques to fill dead air  -- usually with an extremely partisan bent -- ah, the "fire hydrant of youth"! Pissing on each others tennis shoes and calling it "virtue"!

"What mainly drives the events of the “Denunciad,” as the gods do the “Odyssey,” is the media, which has discovered an endless fount of news—a sort of fire hydrant of youth. Suppose that Person X makes an inappropriate remark, and you are a news director charged with covering the story. By itself, it’s liable to fade pretty quickly, yet there are 24 hours of live updates to fill. But there is hope: Did President Trump denounce the remark by Person X? Did he do so quickly enough? Did he do so in the rigidly mechanical terms demanded? What about Senator Y? Did he denounce it full-throatedly? Did he say, verbatim, that “this is not who we are as Americans”?"
It is laughable how this scam works ... there are 100's of entertainers, rap artists, athletes, criminals, etc that are staunch supporters of "The Party" (TP-D) ... in fact, nearly every felon and certainly the vast majority of illegals in BOistan in general support TP. If you are a "D", you can say anything you want as long as it doesn't very directly go against TP doctrine, it is "A OK". And even if it does, as long as you are say black, female, a criminal, or some combination of that above, it is still OK.

Even if it isn't, the powers that be NEVER call on a TP politician of any level to repudiate it -- unless of course it is show for a "Sister Solja moment" as executed so smoothly by Slick Willie.

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

How Many Genders Are There?

Trump’s Road to 2024 - The New York Times:

There are two answers to that. The scientific answer;  TWO ... women have two X chromosomes and men have an X and a Y, and the "socially constructed" answer which is somewhere north of 50 as we write this with FB still clinging to 58 genders and other gender sites north of 70 and rising.

Can a Democratic candidate for president answer to how many genders there are? I doubt it.
Coughlin went on: “A Democratic Party that can’t tell me how many genders there are, that ain’t flying in this country.”
I'm not so sure of that claim -- we DO have gay "marriage", and there is a whole bunch of "transgender" stuff floating around in a lot of states. Is it more "anti-science" to believe in 50+ genders, or to imagine that there could be other things responsible for climate change on planet earth given ice core data?

The columnist informs us that there are NOW two definitions of truth in the US.

There are now two definitions of truth in the United States. The first is that a truthful statement is one that conforms to facts or reality. By this standard, President Trump is a serial liar. 
The second is that truth is “telling it like it is,” or speaking in a direct, unvarnished way without regard to political correctness or the offense it may give. By this measure, for millions of supporters, Trump is the most honest president ever.
So which standard would a media that reports there are 50+ genders and that Anthropogenic Global Warming is "settled science" be adhereing to? "facts/reality", or "speaking directly"?  How about "If you like your health insurance you can keep it?"

Trump winks at white supremacists, thrives on confrontation and debases the Oval Office.
I remain completely baffled how anyone could "debase the Oval Office" after Slick Willie stained it indellibly and the same sort of folks as the guy writing the column defended his right to ejaculation at the office with a female employee -- a "right" shared in very few offices in the US. It has been well debased already, I've seen no "debasement" from Trump that even holds a candle to Slick. I found BO's "apology tour" to well exceed anything from Trump so far.

Trump certainly DOES thrive on confrontation -- many politicians have, BO certainly did, as well as Slick Willie and to some degree Reagan. "Winks at white supremacists"? Yes, I understand the media sorely wants that to be the Trump MO, however that doesn't really fit under the "conforms to facts or reality" rubric, does it?

Fake News has been the coin of the left for longer than my lifetime. Certainly once the "Fairness Doctrine" (only left wing news allowed!) was dropped, Fox and talk radio started doing it as well, but this is much like teens discovering, OMG! Mom and Dad must have had sex!

The bottom line here is that at least some folks on the left are starting to figure out that their odds of impeaching Trump are not what they had hoped, and their odds of beating him are certainly not a dead certainty.

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Sunday, October 08, 2017

Video Media Manipulation

We are bombarded by media manipulation every day. The video at the end uses standard manipulation techniques turned against BO this time  ... HIS gaffes, the boot licking media comments, his lies, his mis-statements, etc are interepersed with music / cuts / etc to make him look bad ... essentially what the MSM did against W, and now Trump every day.

As I covered here, we live inside a media manipulation machine, including late night TV, awards shows, standard musicians ... here is Roger Waters attacking Trump.

The following is a tiny example, but instructive ... my guess is that just "57 states so far" would have sunk any Republican as "potato" killed Dan Quayle.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Clothes Look Better On The Hanger

The media’s martyr complex is embarrassing - The Washington Post:

Good column, worth reading -- nothing I haven't covered a few thousand times. MSM heavily biased, thin skinned, ignores anything good about a conservative, piles on them with trivia and fake news. We know all that, and even though it is just one guest editorial at the WaPo before they return to their  own regularly scheduled martyrdom, it is never the less refreshing.

Coverage of the president’s overseas trip and participation in the Group of 20 summit offered numerous examples, with major media outlets focused more on minutiae — Ivanka sat in the president’s chair! — than on substance, giving comparatively short shrift to his powerful remarksin Poland and the important Syrian cease-fire agreementbrokered between Trump and Russian President Vladi­mir Putin. 
And later, the wall-to-wall coverage regarding Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a private Russian attorney was the definition of overkill, considering no one has brought forward any evidence to contradict the accounts of the participants that no substantive information was exchanged and there was no follow-up by anyone. But it was another opportunity to repeat “Russia, Russia, Russia,” the media’s magic words for conjuring, Beetlejuice-fashion, the genie they hope will vanquish their bogeyman.

After the MSM tells you for months that the sun doesn't rise in the east, it is at least refreshing when they have a guest stop by and give one editorial column letting us know that that yes, even though their biases and emotions won't let them recognize it these days, it is STILL rising in the east, and all their reporting of fake news (which will continue) actually is fake, and they have no choice but to keep reporting the fake news.

It is like the old guy whose wife keeps asking him how she looks in that dress and he responds "great honey!". Unlike my 90 year old father reported about someone at the nursing home he was at, that "Like pretty much everyone our age, the clothes look better on the hanger than when we are wearing them".

For much of the left, fake news is really all they can possibly handle at this point! Just like an elderly person whose clothes would look better on the hanger, the MSM just can't accept that Trump is having a good deal of success!

Even if their stories would look better if they just reported from the hanger of reality vs the fetid imagination between their ears.

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Friday, October 21, 2016

Politifact Mostly Biased

Got that?

Now if you are a "liberal",  here are some of the thoughts probably going through your head:

  • If I go look at the two articles I could find SOME reason that it really isn't biased! 
  • "Conservatives" really HATE fact checking -- simple mistake, not big enough to matter, doesn't prove anything. 
  • Pure anger -- I'm not going to look at this stuff! People that put up things like this purely to cast doubt on people who deal in FACTS are NOT the kind of people that I choose to associate with! 
There are thousands of ways to ignore, discount and rationalize things we don't like. We ALL do that -- I certainly don't trust myself to be unbiased, because I KNOW I am biased. By realizing that universal fact -- that ALL are biased, we can possibly barely begin to "all get along". 

My view is that is not actually possible without belief in a "higher power" that puts the issues of this world in perspective. In my case, that is Christ, and I really can't imagine another that would be even so close in being effective to eliciting the desire to love even our enemies. 

Having a belief in SOMETHING that transcends "you in this moment" is worthy, even if it can't be Christ. Without such a belief, our current culture is all about me, me, me, and now, now, now.  

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dark Nostalgia For Creased Pants

The Dark Knight - The New York Times:

In this surrealistic universe of BOistan it is hard to recall things like "logic" or "reason". David Brooks is supposed to be the CONSERVATIVE columnist for the NY Times. He voted for BO twice, and famously "like the crease of his pants".

Sometimes in that blood-drenched world a dark knight arises. You don’t have to admire or like this knight. But you need this knight. He is your muscle and your voice in a dark, corrupt and malevolent world. 
Such has been the argument of nearly every demagogue since the dawn of time. Aaron Burr claimed Spain threatened the U.S in 1806. A. Mitchell Palmer exaggerated the Red Scare in 1919 and Joe McCarthy did it in 1950.
It was also the argument of every actual protector of the people from real vermin since the dawn of time  -- Demosthenes, Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan.  Let's look at Demosthenes in 342 BC

It is this fate, I solemnly assure you, that I dread for you, when the time comes that you make your reckoning, and realize that there is no longer anything that can be done. May you never find yourselves, men of Athens, in such a position! Yet in any case, it were better to die ten thousand deaths, than to do anything out of servility towards Philip [or to sacrifice any of those who speak for your good]. A noble recompense did the people in Oreus receive, for entrusting themselves to Philip’s friends, and thrusting Euphraeus aside! And a noble recompense the democracy of Eretria, for driving away your envoys, and surrendering to Cleitarchus! They are slaves, scourged and butchered! A noble clemency did he show to the Olynthians, who elected Lasthenes to command the cavalry, and banished Apollonides! It is folly, and it is cowardice, to cherish hopes like these, to give way to evil counsels, to refuse to do anything that you should do, to listen to the advocates of the enemy’s cause, and to fancy that you dwell in so great a city that, whatever happens, you will not suffer any harm.
Brooks seems to argue that even after BO, "we dwell in so great a city that, whatever happens, you will not suffer any harm".

Brooks obviously believes that there is no such thing as "too much government". Were EVERYTHING -- each sentence and glance, scripted by "experts" in Washington, or presumably by such icons of wisdom as himself, the world would be a "better place".

There is no danger in the path we have trod the last 8 years to Brooks. Churchill was a FOOL for the better part of a decade for speaking out against Hitler and what Churchill saw as "rising peril". He was a pariah! Indeed, a "demagogue", as was Reagan for claiming that the USSR would be consigned to "the ash heap of history".

I have to allusions that Trump will be seen as anything like Demosthenes, Churchill or Reagan, HOWEVER, to argue that those who point out that there is danger in the rise of government / Deep State and the destruction of the Constitution are somehow demagogues merely for the FORM  of their argument is intellectual malpractice at least and most probably pure calumny.

BTW ... McCarthy was RIGHT! He may not have been as "smooth" about it as BO and Hildebeast locking up the guy that made the movie that they blamed for Benghazi, but he was WAY more CORRECT about the "Communist Menace" than they were about "Benghazi being caused by a movie!".

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Hildebeast, Lerner, Corruption

Hillary Embodies Washington’s Decadence - WSJ:

Peggy scores a good one here on the rise of Trump. Things like the buried IRS scandal tell us something of how far the culture of corruption in DC has sunk.

A high official in the IRS named Lois Lerner targets those she finds politically hateful. IRS officials are in the White House a lot, which oddly enough finds the same people hateful. News of the IRS targeting is about to break because an inspector general is on the case, so Ms. Lerner plants a question at a conference, answers with a rehearsed lie, tries to pin the scandal on workers in a cubicle farm in Cincinnati, lies some more, gets called into Congress, takes the Fifth—and then retires with full pension and benefits, bonuses intact. Taxpayers will be footing the bill for years for the woman who in some cases targeted them, and blew up the reputation of the IRS.
Nixon WANTED to use the IRS to go after his "enemies" -- even then, the IRS employees where all Democrats, so they squealed. Today, they don't squeal ... they do the job, then a coverup, then take the 5th and retire with full benefits and BO's eternal gratitude.

Which brings us to the State Department Office of Inspector General’s report involving Hillary Clinton’s emails. It reveals one big thing: Almost everything she has said publicly about her private server was a lie. She lied brazenly, coolly, as one who is practiced in lying would, as one who always gets away with it could.
When Nixon was impeached, the BIG issue was "lying to the American people". During Iran Contra, the task was to catch Reagan in a lie and do another impeachment. Then came Slick Willie -- suddenly, lies by the president were OK. While D's brought back the "Special Prosecutor" for the Plame affair during W's administration  and constantly talked of "Bush lied, ...", after Slick Willie, the idea of "truth in the presidency" was a bit wistful at best. BO made lying and lips moving the same thing -- nobody expects truth from the presidency or all of DC for that matter.

So DC became a certified cesspool, so why would anyone expect Hildebeast to NOT get away with lying?

It is widely assumed that Mrs. Clinton will pay no price for misbehavior because the Democratic president’s Justice Department is not going to proceed with charges against the likely Democratic presidential nominee. 
This is what everyone thinks, and not only because they watch “Scandal.” Because they watch the news. 
That is the civic decadence they want to see blown up. And there’s this orange-colored bomb . . .

Should Trump shock all and win, both parties, the entire Deep / Administrative State, and 90% of the media will be out for his skin the day after the election. There are WAY too many bodies buried WAY too shallowly around our hypercorrupt government -- it is going to take a BIG bomb!

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