Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Documenting Democrats

Governor Goofy wants to add MN to the 12 states that document Undocumented Democrats for at least driving. Naturally, requiring ANY id for voting is still not to be required, so this is just to make it easier for them to get welfare, healthcare, housing, education, cable tv, cell phones, mail packages, etc.

He wanted the same thing last year, but he may well have forgotten that.

"It's very distressing that they would try to make a political case out of this," Dayton said. "If they'd acted last year as I suggested in the legislative session this would all be resolved and we'd be underway. So, this is entirely their creation and any delays that are occurring now are entirely their responsibility."
I'm sure many and various things are both distressing and not distressing to Gov Goofy -- pretty much dependent on the dosage / content of his meds, the phase of the moon, and any voices or visions flowing through his head.  Politics in government! The horror!

It will be interesting to see if they can manage to get anything worked out that allows the Undocumented Democrats to improve their standing even more, while still allow actual Minnesotans to get on airplanes and such.

My thought is that the Undocumented Democrats (maybe ALL Democrats?) just get a Real ID that has a chip for charging things to it at the government expense. That could save them filling out a whole bunch of forms.

Based on my MPR listening, the Ds seem to be betting that they can hold this off demanding ID for their undocumented Democrat voters, and the Republicans will be blamed. Could be, it's a crazy state. Does Read ID and "ID for illegals" HAVE to be linked? It does in D minds, because they don't want to have to pass a bill providing IDs for illegals, so they are putting their money on forcing Republicans to sign off on the linkage out of fear that "they will be blamed".
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Monday, February 06, 2017

Daily Bible Reading On Immigration

I'm in the book of the Bible about the shortest man "Knee High Miah".

Neh 13:3 So it came about when they heard the law, they excluded all foreigners from Israel.
I've noted that all sorts of left wing denominations have suddenly discovered selective Biblical texts relative to immigration in light of Trump's temporary restrictions on travel to the US from 7 majority Islamic countries specially identified by the BO administration as sponsors of terror. It is quite refreshing to hear the ELCA quoting from Leviticus.

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. – Leviticus 19:34
I await their quote and declaration of importance for our lives of other Leviticus scripture.
20:13 "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
The media calls it "Trump's Muslim ban" ... usually presented as permanent (wink, wink, nod, nod). I've heard that the media even in Christ's day tended to use "Trumped up charges" to crucify people.

We could talk for hours about "who is your neighbor", and the difference between "Caesar" (the government), vs you as an individual. If "Caesar" decides a nation needs borders. and they need to be controlled, does that make Christians immoral for being citizens? Acts 22:25 -- As they stretched him out to flog him, Paul said to the centurion standing there, “Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty?”

That sounds strangely like Christians that happened to be Roman citizens were not treated equally to non-citizens, and that was fine. 

The bottom line is pretty much that:

  1. VERY few of the admonishments to New Testament Christians (none?) are about taking on the government. You pay your taxes, you fight as a soldier if you are drafted, you act as a "good citizen". If the government asks you to directly deny Christ or similar, you stand up, refuse,  and take your punishment.
  2. Outsourcing to the government isn't a "good work". YOU are to be neighborly, provide charity, etc. Voting for for someone that promises to take other people's money and give it to "the poor" is not "helping the poor"in a Christian sense. Forcing the other guy to help non-citizens isn't a "good work" either.
  3. "Caesar" defines the borders of the country, the enforcement of those borders, etc.
  4. YOU, help "the poor" as YOU  find them in your community ... and yes, you are admonished to love them if they are Islamic, atheist, gay, democrat, Vikings fans, etc  Your task is to help,  not to preach others about how THEY ought to love them and the form that love should take. Not judging means you don't get to judge ANYONE as bad, nor even good ... that is above your pay grade. Your mission  (which you pray to the Holy Spirit to aid you in accepting) is about LOVE.
I've come to appreciate the Old Testament more as life has gone on. To me, the Old Testament is clear on "God's ways are not our ways", and God is SOVEREIGN ... "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom". It aids in making human pronouncements "less certain".

For OT attacking tribes / nations, the word can also be taken as "clear": I Sam 15:3
"Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"
That would be a hard one for my wife, she really likes donkeys! I find "the least of these" in the US to be the 60 million murdered in their mothers wombs. I believe that once our nation and churches are right with God on that, our ability to understand God's love will radically improve.

That is however only what **I** believe ... I'm not a bishop or anything, it is just what is in my soul. If we as Christians can search the scriptures on that issue alone and have general agreement, I believe the strength of our voice on other policies will increase tremendously.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Promised Immigration Order, Demonstrating Ignorance

Over the weekend, Trump made good on his promise to restrict Muslim immigration and increase vetting. As with most of what he did in week one, this was following through on clearly made campaign promises. The nation has become so expectant in campaign promises being completely meaningless, or just out and out lies, following through on them is shocking!  (eg BO, "I'll close Gitmo on day one!". "If you like your health insurance you can keep it!"). It's now a shock to the nation to see a successful candidate do what they said they would do.

There were demonstrators out in Rochester and accross the country, special call in shows on NPR, and the lefties on Facebook blew up in anger, sadness, fear, etc. Over?

So what do we need to know about this order?

  1. Like anything in the first week or two of a new president's adminstration, it is largely based on things that BO either did or did not do during his administration. He did a similar ban on Iraqi refugees in 2011, he discriminated against Christians (Trump is mildly reversing that).
  2. The "ban" is TEMPORARY, and the kinds of numbers Trump is talking about are very much in line with historic US immigration. Yes, BO was opening the floodgates to Muslims and excluding Christians ... and the left loved it. This is one of the reasons Trump won.

    "On the whole, 2016 was the first time in a decade when the United States let in more Muslim than Christian refugees, 38,901 overall, 75 percent of them from Syria, Somalia, and Iraq, all countries on Trump’s list — and all countries in which the United States has been actively engaged in drone strikes or ground combat over the past year. Obama had been planning to dramatically expand that number, to 110,000, in 2017 — only after he was safely out of office."
  3. What he is doing is in line with what he has done all through the campaign, written about in his books, and used during his business career -- staking out a position beyond what he expects to get and negotiating. Scott Adams covers that in detail here

Most people are completely unaware that BO executed a similar order in 2011 because BO did it, so it HAD to be good!

I highly recommend to read the Adams link. While I am still not convinced that Trump is playing 3-dimensional chess while the rest of the world is stuck on Tic-Tac-Toe, it IS possible.

  1. You start the negotiation by throwing a cherry bomb into the room -- because it puts everyone off guard and it makes them LOOK at you.
  2. You take a position that 70-80% will think is "crazy", but 20-30% will think "did not go far enough" -- eg, why not Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries as well? The 20-30% will see the rest of the world going nuts over what they think is not enough and realize that Trump tried very hard to give them what they wanted, but it was a bridge too far.
  3. Because everyone is looking at you and thinks you are crazy, things will come out that would not have otherwise; BO's Iraq order, the discrimination against Christians, the fact that BO had radically increased Muslim immigration on the books for this year, what our historic rates have been, etc. 

I would like Trump to do a speech focused on the the 40K over the last decade and the over 100K planned for this year alone and say; "BO pulled the pin on an immigration bomb and left it in the Oval Office. I fell on it as soon as I found it and there is collateral damage. I can live with that, my mission is to protect the American Peoople."

Much like during the campaign, the most entertaining thing about Trump is to watch the fireworks. I've always enjoyed fireworks!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Immigration Drive of '65

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 -- Its Effect Today | National Review Online:

Excellent article covering the 1965 Immigration Reform that I covered here ... losing America to cultural and racial overrun was not inevitable. The left claims one of its favorite reasons for the outcome "unintended consequences" -- like their poverty programs destroying the inner city family, their economic programs destroying the economy, their social programs driving the nation to destruction by debt -- the programs of the left are FAMOUS for "unintended consequences". They always find them "surprising", but if you read of some of their leaders, like Saul Alinsky, it certainly looks like the damage they do is actually by design!

A worthy though somewhat pedantic read on how our culture was changed by legal invasion.

The article seems to think it can be fixed now -- unfortunately, looking at the demographics and birth rate,  that hardly seems likely.

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Thursday, October 01, 2015

50 Years of Democrats Selecting Voters

Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act: The War On America Turns 50 | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform:

Fifty years ago this week Teddy Kennedy and the Democrats passed legislation that moved America from being a predominantly European ancestry, to a nation that looked more like the rest of the planet  (other than Europe) -- predominantly non-white.

The fact of the legislation having the effect of changing American demographics and thereby culture is not in question -- "The Party" (TP-D) would say that "we were just unaware what would happen". Ignorance is always possible, but it was certainly willful ignorance if so, Customs and Immigration Services knew what was going to happen.
In 1965, the political elite on Capitol Hill may not have predicted a mass increase in immigration. But Marian Smith, the historian for Customs and Immigration Services, showed me a small agency booklet from 1966 that certainly did. It explains how each provision in the new law would lead to a rapid increase in applications and a big jump in workload — more and more so as word trickled out to those newly eligible to come.

In any case, it produced the country that used to be America that now sits between Canada and Mexico. A country with no identifiable people, culture, religion or shared values. A country whose only definition is geography and the fact that it is divided.
Republicans should be sweeping the country, but they aren’t, because of Kennedy’s immigration law. Without post-1965 immigrants bloc-voting for the Democrats, Obama never would have been elected president, and Romney would have won a bigger landslide against him in 2012 than Reagan did against Carter in 1980.
In 1965, TP was in total control of the country. I consider myself pretty well read, but I never understood exactly why my old home town is heavily Somalian, why the Twin Cities and even Rochester have large Somali populations, nor why every small town in IA has a decent Mexican restaurant. I thought it was somehow "unavoidable" given very long term US immigration policy -- as if the same laws that brought Germans, Swedes, Irish, etc just naturally allowed the Mexican, Somali, etc immigration we have seen in the last 50 years.

It wasn't, it was a specific decision made by specific people -- the Kennedy's being chief among them. Like a lot of TP actions, it was promised to be completely different than what happened, but in a rational world, we would evaluate politicians by what actually happens rather than what they promise will happen.

Here is what LBJ had to say when he signed the bill.
"This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions," Johnson said at the signing ceremony. "It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives or add importantly to either our wealth or our power."
I guess he was right about it not adding to our wealth or power!

TP firmly tells us through media and education that there is nothing that can be done about this now. It is over -- what was once America is dead and gone, and they and the people they have selected as voters are fast creating whatever they want to call the new nation. The culture will be what they say it is -- atheist, Muslim, totalitarian, 3rd world -- whatever. Those of us anachronisms that remember the old America need to just sit back and accept it. 

They may well be right -- but at least it is good to know exactly who it was, and when it was that they decided to stick the knife in the eagle.

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Melting Pot to Piss Pot

Jorge Ramos: 'I've Never Ceased to Be Mexican and I Vote in Elections in Both Countries" - The Gateway Pundit:

Much like the current occupant of the Oval Office who is a "Proud Luo Tribesman" (in his own words from his own book!), or our "Wise Latina Woman" on the SCOTUS, it seems that "Americans" are in short supply -- even in the voting booth.

In the words of Jorge Ramos -- he of recent dust-up with Trump:
I’ve never ceased to be Mexican. I have two passports, and I vote in elections in both countries. I’m deeply proud of this privileged duality. The best thing about America is its embrace of diversity. 
The worst thing about America, of course, is the racist and xenophobic attitudes that tend to emerge now and then — Arizona’s anti-immigrant laws, for example. I hope that one day soon Americans will treat all immigrants, including the 11 million undocumented residents already living in the United States, with the same largess that I experienced when I arrived here.
We used to be a "Melting Pot" ... as evidenced in San Francisco, we are now pretty much a "Piss Pot".

One of the obvious problems with our descent is that it is simply not possible to provide the level of "largess" that Jorge found so appealing to ALL "immigrants" -- legal and illegal. You have to have an old fashioned thing called "a country" with arcane things like borders, citizenship, a budget, solvency, semi-sane policies, etc in order to "provide largesse", and the area of territory between Canada and Mexico is sadly lacking in all of those at this point.

Oh, Whoregay's  daughter works for Hillary's 2016 campaign ... what else is new?

I was driving and listening to the radio a lot yesterday -- Trump has already been castigated heavily in the MSM for his treatment of Ramos and his idea that we ought to actually deport illegals. I'm pretty much of the opinion that "it's over" these days ...

My base opinion would be the old rule of holes "When you find out you are in a hole, stop digging". In this case CLOSE THE FREAKIN BORDER!!! I have no idea what we do with 11 million illegals already here -- it is the kind of problem a sane nation doesn't get into, but while it is probably not reasonable to send ALL of them back as Trump says, I'd say "all" is closer to the right answer than "none". Maybe send "60%" of the less desirable back? I mean, it is ILLEGAL immigration, they ARE criminals.

But closing the border and sending illegals back is considered "impossible" by what passes for "reasonable people" these days -- so I guess the idea of having a "country" in at least this piece of territory is no longer reasonable. Like having a budget, economic policies that produce growth, not cooking the books on the economy, enforcing basic laws / Constitution on people like BO and Hillary, etc, etc.  We just don't have the ability to do what needs to be done to have a country anymore. Which seems like "it's over" to me -- but I guess I'm just a pessimist.

I still don't like Trump and I don't believe in him at all, but it gets easier and easier to see why he stays high in the polls. There are still too many Americans that don't like being a Piss Pot vs a Melting Pot. They are BEGGING for a politician that stands up to somebody like Ramos rather than licks his boots. Hell, I agree with them!

What I'm still having a hard time with -- even though I really ought not to, is actually accepting how far we have fallen. I once sat mesmerized and in awe as Americans walked on the moon, felt a chill rise up my spine as the Berlin Wall fell, I stood proudly on top of the World Trade Center in 1999, and even still felt that pride in being an American when we all pulled together for that short span after 9-11. As late as '09, when Iraq was stable, the US knew success. We are coming up on the five year anniversary of BO handing it over to the terrorists in Aug 31, 2010.

But listening to NPR, CBS, and other MSM radio outlets yesterday, I realize it is GONE!!!  To even THINK that we can have borders and control our citizenship is now "racist and insane" -- we already have Spanish as a de facto second language, our president is most proud of his Luo blood, and we are surrendering to a nuclear Iran without even raising our voice.

I don't believe that Trump can save us, and that is a shame. It would be great of there was an identifiable "America" (one with borders) ... or at least some hoope of their being one.  

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Demographics Is Destiny

Readers of this Blog will recognize Michael Barone as one of my favorite geniuses. He is fun to watch on TV as he quotes demographics from counties and districts across the nation from memory. That kind of genius is somewhat "savantish", but what makes him unique is that he combines that kind of statistical horsepower with concise and insightful writing. A RARE combination that I would love to emulate more. The whole article is here. He points out some detail of how Americans are moving around and immigrants are moving in:

This is something few would have predicted 20 years ago. Americans are now moving out of, not into, coastal California and South Florida, and in very large numbers they're moving out of our largest metro areas. They're fleeing hip Boston and San Francisco, and after eight decades of moving to Washington they're moving out. The domestic outflow from these metro areas is 3.9 million people, 650,000 a year. High housing costs, high taxes, a distaste in some cases for the burgeoning immigrant populations--these are driving many Americans elsewhere. 

The result is that these Coastal Megalopolises are increasingly a two-tiered society, with large affluent populations happily contemplating (at least until recently) their rapidly rising housing values, and a large, mostly immigrant working class working at low wages and struggling to move up the economic ladder. The economic divide in New York and Los Angeles is starting to look like the economic divide in Mexico City and São Paulo.
The bottom line for Republicans is that as long as freedom still exists, people will generally move to where they can have what THEY see as the best life. The wealthy want to live in a class society with low income immigrants doing their menial work, and very few middle class families going to church and trying to provide them with family values. They have already achieved financial security, they want to limit the number of others that can achieve it, and live their lives with no moral rules applied to them. The limousine liberals -- Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Pelosi, etc. are examples.

The task will be to try to preserve as much freedom as possible against the coming onslaught. There are always many more well people than sick people, so national health seems like a great idea. It is much better when you don't have to use it! It may even help reduce the retirement problem since once all competition is removed from the medical system, the government will be free to go to lowest common denominator medicine. Early deaths aren't that bad a thing for reducing Social Security payments.

Today it is clear that we live in a land of opportunity, look at the immigration problem that we have. We didn't see that level of problem until we got into the 80's and the economic boom. Not so many folks want to migrate to a country where it is time to put on a sweater, turn off the Christmas lights and hunker down for a cold future of decline with Jimmuh Carter!

The nice thing about being a lefty is that opportunity isn't all that hard to get rid of. Raise the tax rates, add some tariffs, make it harder for workers to be laid off (like in Europe and Japan, that is one of the big reasons their economies are in trouble) and before you know it, opportunity gone, immigration problem gone! Who says Democrats can't solve problems, there are two down without even thinking hard. Dead old folks don't collect payments, and nobody wants to immigrate if there aren't any jobs!

I suspect that Michael is right in the long term, but I'm guessing that we will do a slide to at least "Carter Depth", and unfortunately probably lower before we have a chance to pull out this time. We lucked out after Vietnam and only a few million Cambodians and Vietnamese had to pay with their tortured lives for our lack of national resolve. As we see in Iraq, Somalia, Rwanda and of course the holocaust, Americans can be pretty sanguine about the loss of "other folks" ... we wring our hands well after the fact, but stopping Saddam from killing 100's of thousands just isn't worth single digit thousands of US lives ... even with the supposed big "oil pay-off". I still enjoy the low oil prices that blood for oil as bought us. I gotta hand it to the left that they had it pegged there!