Showing posts with label Trump Restoration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Restoration. Show all posts

Sunday, March 04, 2018

NPR, Straight Up Gridiron

At Gridiron Dinner, Trump Trades Jabs With His 'Opposition Party' : The Two-Way : NPR:

 This is worth a read -- I'd rate it 100% down the middle straight up unbiased reporting from NPR. I complain when I see them as telling us how to think vs reporting, I need to applaud them when I see them doing well.

My belief is that some of the major fault our general modern glumness is the 24x7 news stations where everything is "Special Report", "The Crisis in ... (our minds?)", "ALERT!" ...

We are on this rock for "three score and 10" give or take, and pretty much ALL of us take ourselves WAY too seriously for WAY too much of that time. At least by age 60, we have all generally had broken parts of our body, our lives, our plans, our dreams and lots of embarrassing, even humiliating experiences ... social, medical and otherwise. My belief is that one of the tasks the Good Lord gives  us in this life is to realize that ALL of it is in the blessing column ... maybe especially the parts that we judge to be "bad".

As Joseph told the brothers who sold him into slavery in Genesis 50:20 "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."

Or even better (on laughter) ... God promising Sarah she would bear a son in Genesis 18
Then they said to him, “Where is Sarah your wife?” And he said, “There, in the tent.” 10 He said, “I will surely return to you at this time next year; and behold, Sarah your wife will  have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent door, which was behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; Sarah was past childbearing. 12 Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?” 13 And the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I indeed bear a child, when I am so old?’ 14 “Is anything too difficult for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” 15 Sarah denied it however, saying, “I did not laugh”; for she was afraid. And He said, “No, but you did laugh.”
How impossible it is for old Abram becoming "Father Abraham", the root of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam? We are created in God's image, so we know that the Lord of all knows and understands laughter.

The linked isn't very long, and "feels nice" ... a flavor:
There was Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a favorite object of Trump's biting comments on Twitter, getting one this time in person: "You know, it's weird, I offered him a ride over — and he recused himself!"
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Saturday, February 03, 2018

Facing The Democrat State, FBI Edition

A Reckoning for the FBI - WSJ:

It is sad to see that truths that I have been talking about since the '80's have been fully validated and even at this late date, are being summarily denied by "The Party" (TP-D) and it's fully controlled media and Deep/Administrative State.

The point needs to be made loud and very clear. ALL of our federal, state and local agencies have been completely corrupted by the unholy connection of unionization and single party partisan politics! If you are not able to see this to be true, you are willfully blind to it, or have simply paid no attention to events for a VERY long time! ("willfull blindness" in my book includes using only "mainstream media news" as your information source, and "news" in this context must be taken VERY lightly)

Whatever your opinion on unions, one thing is very very clear, they are a construction of left wing ideology. They assert that "workers of the world must unite!", no matter who they work for! The original idea was "labor vs capital" -- employers were "capitalists", thus "expoiting" workers making a free choice to work for pay, so the workers needed to unite to "collectively" become a greater "force".

That force involves strikes and often violence. Picket lines are created; people who are more than willing to work at the jobs which the strikers are refusing to do are called "scabs", threatened and sometimes even killed. How you feel about unions is strongly influenced by what you have been taught -- as you think of that, realize that pretty much 100% of the teachers at all grade levels including university in the US are union members. Unless you have had a VERY unusual teacher, or done some significant work on your own, you no doubt believe at a minium that "unions are neccessary".

I'm not going to make a full treatsie of the whole history of unions here -- they are left wing, they are collectivist, I think we can leave it at that. As long as it was "capital vs unions", it was a battle that was at least understandable, but "government vs unions"? Government is ALREADY a collective, and at least in theory, working for the government was once a matter of "service". Like becoming a missionary for your church, you "believed" in "the call" of government service, so you unselfishly signed up, knowing that you would be living on your neighbors dime, and would thus always be on the lower side of a middle class lifestyle.

No longer.
Overall, total compensation for federal workers was 17 percent higher, on average, than for comparable workers in the private sector during 2011-2015, CBO found. It was 16 percent higher for the period of 2005-2010, the budget office found in its earlier study.
There is no question that "collective action" can work, and work extremely well ... organized crime, drug cartels, OPEC, The International Communist Workers Party, and our subject for today, The FBI Agents Association , have been and are, EXTREMELY effective! The question is how many different organizations should be allowed to do collective shakedowns, and if those shakedowns should have any limits.

Who do unions support? According to Open Secrets, DEMOCRATS ... $60 millon to $8 million in 2016, but anyone that doesn't know that already is so willfully blind that they have stopped reading by now.

How about the media? According to Politico, a not particularly partisan news outlet, 7% of journalists identify has Republican. BTW, the linked article is very good on WHY the media bubble has swung more and more leftward, even recently -- answer, more efficency do to cost constraint, so localizing media people in big urban centers has increased, with expected results.

Nothing in "the memo" is new to people that have been paying attention. The FBI went out of it's way to not prosecute it's own candidate Hillary, then moved many of the same hyperpartisan "investigators" over as "insurance" that Trump would not be elected, and if he was, they could at least hamstring him with being put under immediate "investigation", if not impeached. The memo is another piece of documentation of the obvious -- TP controls the internal structure of the government and 90%+ of the media that "reports" on it. TP is at war with Trump and anyone who fails to bend their knee to TP.

The ONLY way out of this is:

  1. SMALLER GOVERNMENT -- government is inherently left leaning. Our founders created a constitution to resist the constant growth of government until if choked out the last vestiges of liberty. 
  2. Outlaw government unions -- Even FDR was not a fan of public unions. If government workers don't trust the government to be "just", then they really ought not work there. 
  3. Re-establish a strong centrist media -- people that ACTUALLY believe that an informed rather than propagandized public is critical to returning to a Democratic Republic from the failed state of BOistan. This is a HUGE undertaking!
  4. Kill the "consumer" identity and establish our core value as excellence, competitiveness, goodness .,.. something, ANYTHING other than "consumers". 

If there is hope, it is hope of the very long haul! Much as the election of Trump, let us hope that "the memo" is one more small step on the trail.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Way Of The Toady

Expected Clinton Victory Explains Federal Employee Wrongdoing | National Review:

The original "toady" was supposedly the assistant who ate a toad asserted to be poisonous, so his master could display his acumen at "bringing the toady back to life". I'd rate the true magic as eating the toad and keeping it down ... ribbit!

The linked article is a litany of how each action that appears "strange" to us as taken by various syncophants, boot lickers, ass kissers, and other assorted bureaucratic vermin from the Deep State of the BO years, would merely have been "smart career moves" -- if wicked witch Hillary had just taken over the BO swamp as expected.
How could Lynch in the middle of an election have been so silly as to allow even the appearance of impropriety? Answer: There would have been no impropriety had Hillary won — an assumption reflected in the Page-Strzok text trove when Page texted, about Lynch, “She knows no charges will be brought.” In fact, after a Clinton victory, Lynch’s obsequiousness in devising such a clandestine meeting with Bill Clinton may well have been rewarded: Clinton allies leaked to the New York Times that Clinton was considering keeping Lynch on as the attorney general.
Things were going GREAT in the middle of '16 for BO, the Clintons and the entire Adminstrative / Deep State .... Trump was the candidate they WANTED to run against. They PICKED HIM ... in the judgement of the apparatus of "The Party" (TP-D) , running against Trump was a GIFT! My view is that Slick met with Lynch in Phoenix to show off the power of the Clinton machine. "Yes we CAN have a meeting between the former president and the sitting AG who is (supposedly)  investigating the former first lady now running for president! See what kind of POWER we Clintons have? It is only going to grow when the Hildebeast wins, so PAY YOUR BRIBES NOW! to the "Clinton Fund" ... funds, for Clintons!"

"Herself" winning was a forgone conclusion, settled science, a metaphysical certainty ... EVERYONE who "had a brain" and was a member in good standing of TP "knew it to be so".
Needlessly weaponizing the Obama FBI and the DOJ was akin to Hillary Clinton’s insanely campaigning in the last days of the 2016 campaign in red-state Arizona, the supposed “cherry atop a pleasing electoral map.” 
In short, such hubris was not just what Peter Strzok in August 2016 termed an “insurance policy” against an unlikely Trump victory. Instead, the Clinton and Obama officials believed that it was within the administrative state’s grasp and their perceived political interest not just to beat but to destroy and humiliate Donald Trump — and by extension all the distasteful deplorables and irredeemables he supposedly had galvanized.

I don't believe that BO so much did the "weaponization" as he allowed it to beconme obvious. There was no need to hide it anymore. He was "The One", and his handpicked successor was taking the reins of power from his royal hand. He and the Clintons pulled all the strings and the folks in the Adminstrative / Deep State were just manuvering for better jobs under the new assumed new Dark Lord.

So is Trump the "anti-TP"? Able to actually win over the  "Agents" of the Deep State? No idea ... but it is an idea worth savoring once in awhile.

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Monday, January 29, 2018

Single Party Rule, Sultan Knish

Sultan Knish: This Civil War - My South Carolina Tea Party Convention Speech:

Readers of this blog know we are in a civil war and it isn't going very well for those of who are not card carrying members of "The Party" (TP-D). I think the linked blog post is excellent and generally on target -- it is weak on the true power of the Administrative / Deep State and the true power of TP ... but it gets the basics right.

Yes, I realize it is going much better than if Hillary had been elected -- If Hillary had been elected, the corpse of America would have been immolated and the ashes scattered by now. As it is, maybe it is lying comatose after having no pulse for way too long and Trump is going to give it a try with the paddles and hope for a restart / minimal brain damage.

TP is done honoring elections that they don't win.

The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this.
The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There’s a pattern here.

Trump didn’t really win the election. Bush didn’t really win the election. Every time a Republican president won an election this century, the Democrats insist he didn’t really win.
As Reagan said "Liberals will defend your right to agree with them to their dying breath".

Oh, and while they are trying to remove the duly elected president, neither he nor the other branches of government that they don't control ought to have any power.

Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that’s not the system that runs this country. 
The left’s system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country. 
If it’s in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is unlimited. 
He’s a dictator. 
But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented.
As I've said before, the Constitution has been DEAD for the left since at least Wilson -- the only thing they "honor" is POWER ... forget "truth, decency, the American way, etc". Rightist bullshit -- like saying your prayers, honoring your father and mother, working hard, integrity, etc -- the kind of thing that TP and it's NEA / alphabet government agencies work day and night to stamp out.

The columnist thinks that Trump has a chance -- I sure hope so. because BOistan is VERY close to being CA already!

I live in the state of Ronald Reagan. I can go visit the Ronald Reagan Library any time I want to. But today California has one party elections. There are lots of elections and propositions. There’s all the theater of democracy, but none of the substance. Its political system is as free and open as the Soviet Union. 
And that can be America.

The Trump years are going to decide if America survives. When his time in office is done, we’re either going to be California or a free nation once again.
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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Enemies Attest To Trump Effectiveness

55 Ways Donald Trump Structurally Changed America in 2017:

One of the problems with "narratives" (stories) is that they tend to select and embellish some factual elements while totally ignoring or being very quiet on others. The "Trump hasn't accomplished anything" (well except for Neil Gorsuch and more judicial appointments than any other president in their first year, a tax bill that repealed the worst piece of BOcare (the mandate), exploding a million liberals heads ... oh well, you get the picture).

NY Magazine is no friend of anything remotely conservative or Chrisitian, so they find all of these 55 things that "structurally changed America" (BOistan) to be really really bad. I scanned them, find most of them to be "good news" or "OK news" in general ... the "structural changes" are mostly undoing BO strokes of his pen that were at best marginally Constitutional, or telling congress to do it's job (eg. DACA)

The point is that the media will tell you that Trump is a terribly INeffective executive, while here they tell you that he is a fabulously EFFECTIVE executive -- getting things done is what exectutives do. You not liking what they accomplish means you don't like their direction, not that they are not effective!

Much as with any R presideent (Reagan and W come to mind), Trump is BOTH an evil genius and an insane fool with a myriad of mental health isses, a totally ineffective president making 10's of "structural changes" in BOistan in a single year ... consistency is a word that never even registers with the left.

Actually, there are quite a number of opponents of Trump that can attest to his effectiveness ... Mitt Romney, Little Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Jebbie Bush, Ted Cruz, Megyn Kelly, CNN ...

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Nikki Haley 2024

Tweet of the Year | Power Line:

We are a LONG way away from 2024, so I know this is total rank speculation.

Having ended 2017 with "The Stupid Party" (TSP-R) barely getting it's sorry act together enough to pass a decent tax bill that included the removal of the individual mandate, along with a booming economy and stock market, one starts to imagine that the Trump Restoration has real potential.

Certainly, being a realist, there is still the Administrative/Deep State plus the entire media, educational, legal complex arrayed against Trump, with only TSP to provide a Keystone Cop political defense. Someone REALLY needs to give them lessons in how to FIGHT! However, as Scott Adams has covered relentlessly, one master communicator with a Twitter account seems to be more than equal to the arrayed forces of TP (The Party-D).

Nikki strikes me as one of the front runners for a future run. Imagine TP pointing out that NOBODY ought to vote for her "just because she is a woman", where the only reason that anyone would vote against Hildebeast was "misogyny", the most important word of 2016!

Pretty much all TP speech is really just about political gain.

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Saturday, December 09, 2017

Faith and Reality Trumps Hate

Schumer says he advised Trump to declare Jerusalem Israel's 'undivided' capital | TheHill:

Naturally the MSM is downplaying NY Senator Schumer's support for Trump declaring the fact that we have all known for a few thousand years -- Jerusalem is the capital of Israel!

Schumer is of course a left winger, however for him, it appears that his faith in God, as well as his acceptance of reality actually "Trumps" his hatred of Trump! My hat is off to Chuck Schumer, and that is not something I say very often!

As we close on the season that we mark our years by (BC/AD), it might be a great time to reflect on what is more important to many than politics! Since the MSM will not generally allow you to remember, it is important to know that the congress of the US overwelmingly recognized the truth that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel in '95.

“We differ in our opinions, left and right,” he said as the speech concluded. “We disagree on the means and the objective. In Israel, we all agree on one issue: the wholeness of Jerusalem, the continuation of its existence as capital of the State of Israel. There are no two Jerusalems. There is only one Jerusalem. For us, Jerusalem is not subject to compromise, and there is no peace without Jerusalem.” 
That speech was given Oct. 25, 1995. On Nov. 4, a far-right student fatally shot him.
The evening before his speech, the Congress of the United States passed a law echoing Rabin’s assertions about the city. Spurred by the desire to act before Rabin’s visit, the House and Senate passed a bill called the “Jerusalem Embassy Act,” which formally recognized the city as the country’s capital and called for the U.S. Embassy in Israel to be moved there from Tel Aviv by 1999. 
Support for the bill was overwhelming. It passed the Senate by a 93 to 5 vote, with four Republicans and one Democrat voting no. It passed the House 374 to 37, with 153 Democrats joining most of the new Republican majority that had swept into power in 1994.
Jesus will return to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel -- if you are a Christian, you believe that. If you accept reality, you know that Israel is the capital of Israel.

Arabs don't accept Israel as even existing. Can you imagine being in a fight with someone that refuses to accept your existence? How about if your supposed ally refused to accept that your capital city from time immemorial was your capital city?

Perhaps it is too early for hatred to be "trumped", however recognizing reality is an important step in the path toward truth.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

The "Standards" Gambit

Matt Lauer’s Roast: Tom Cruise, Katie Couric, and 3 Hours of Dick Jokes | Village Voice:

We live in an age of amoral insanity, and have for a good long while. My assertion is that it is completely foolish to think of this current Democrat / media round of faux puritanism as anything other than a desperate political ploy to steal a senate seat and at least imagine they will make headway toward causing Trump to resign or be removed "somehow". If it wasn't for the stupidity of the Republican party, they would have no chance.

As a Christian, I also want to point out that there is no Biblical injunction on who you vote for -- "Democracy" was pretty much unknown in biblical times, Policy seems different. Voting for candidates that support abortion, let alone gay "marriage", or "gender" equality seems to be going out on a limb. None of us as Christians get to decide if it is "too far" for others, however (judgement is beyond our pay grade).

The supposed idea that you as a Christian "vote for the most virtuous candidate" rather than for a candidate that supports Christian policy seems doctrinally indefensible. Christians know that ALL of us are totally sinful, and that the difference between "lusting with your eyes" and actually committing adultery isn't so large in God's eyes as ours because he sees the spirit, while we only see the flesh.

The idea that "Christians must vote for a virtuous candidate" pretty much crept in with with the effort to impeach Nixon ( He SWORE on tape! that killed him in the church I grew up in). It continued with Reagan -- "how can you vote for Reagan when he is DIVORCED and rarely attends church!!!", then obviously became a "theme" as Bob Packwood and other R's were drummed out for "sexual harassment", a weapon to be used by the left without any fear of collateral damage because OBVIOUSLY, "Christians" HAD  to "vote their moral conscience" (and Democrats of course did not!).

Really? And Teddy, Slick, Gary Studds, etc, etc were then "proof" that there were no "Christian Democrats"? A sad part of modern Christianity is that MANY people who want to be identified as "christian", and apparently a BUNCH of the sort that rarely grace a church or open a Bible, like to "virtue signal" about how much they are against the "sins" of Trump, Moore, Clarence Thomas, or the next R to get the scarlet "sexual harassment" letter. It's an odd development -- they are OK with very old and serious problems on the D side, yet they are exceedingly proud of their "virtue" when the MSM tells them to tar and feather one of their supposed "own".

You know that Teddy Kennedy left his car parked upside down under water with his soon to be deceased secretary in it in '69, yet the Democrat party kept him seated as the "lyin of the Senate" until his death in 2009. He never changed his MO ... drinking, wild parties, sex with young staffers, rape accusations for his nephew when out with "uncle Ted" in FL ... Teddy set the moral standard for Democrats -- kill the unborn, kill young women if they cause you trouble, have your way with any of them that you want with impunity ... 40 years in the Senate AFTER an actual dead body in your car! The proud Democrat standard has been "If it feels good DO IT!" since the '60s.

The linked column from the Village Voice in 2008 needs to be read by all BOistanis so we can be "on the same page". Once you read it and realize it was PUBLISHED in 2008, you will know that our "sophisticated coastal elites" live to a set of "standards" like  the "standards" of Sodom and Gomorrah, Babylon, Rome, etc. The behavior covered in the Voice  is simply not something to which the term "standards" apply.

Here is Katie Couric at the roast of Lauer doing a top ten about Matt ...
10. According to his wife, he’s not really an early riser, if you know what I mean.
7. When Katie did the colonoscopy live on television, doctors found Matt’s head.
“2. He loves to eat Curry.”
The room loved that one, and Ann Curry blanched. Great moment.
Here is Gilbert Gottfried ...
He had recently given Today’s Asian-American co-host Ann Curry some lessons in stand-up comedy. “People ask me, does Ann Curry’s pussy go sideways?” Gilbert said to gasps. But he was just getting warmed up.
He finished with: “How do you get a faggot to fuck a woman? Fill up her cunt with shit. Thank you.”
 Nice to know what our "betters" really think of Asian women, women in general, and gays isn't it? You probably think those lines sound "bad", which just shows that you are more of a fly-over country prude than a true sophisticated coastal elite! Remember, there were over 1500 people there and this was PUBLISHED in the Village Voice -- they figured that the "lower classes" would "take it wrong", so the blessed TP controlled MSM didn't bother to say anything -- hell, NBC did the roast!

Certainly the people "in the know" in our great Democrat / media complex fully understand that this kind of stuff goes on pretty regularly. Those people are the ELITE! They are above mere petty prurient "morals" --- they MAKE the rules! Let the flyover prudish idiots with their bourgeois values eat cake! (or maybe drink light beer in modern parlance)

So after having a guy that drowned his secretary in the senate for over 40 years AFTER drowning her, they want to tell us there is some "question" about a guy they managed to dig up some 35+ year old "charges" on being SEATED in the same senate???? Hello? This whole sorry nation sat by while Teddy sat in that body for FORTY YEARS after screwing up and ACTUALLY leaving a cold dead body of a young woman in his car!

Show me a body, or at least a 35 year old "love child" that passes the DNA test on Moore! These "accusers" are WAY old enough to be grandmas now and they didn't see fit to bring this up for 40 years? People that had even a minute sense of morality had to live with Teddy sitting in the Senate for 40 years after Chappaquiddick, and the NEW "standard" is supposed to be unsubstantiated CHARGES the same age class as Teddy's aqua parking ticket, and he stayed in the Senate after actually leaving a body?

In a sane world, NOBODY would take that seriously at all. They want the Stupid Party (R) to buy into 40 year old charges as the "new standard"? Let's see, we were supposed to believe forged documents on the "important issue" of how good a fighter pilot W was supposed to have been 30 years prior. OTOH, the fact that BO wrote a book that originally indicated he was a Kenyan, and contained lots of discussion about how his "real roots" were in Kenya and he had dedicated his life to "destroying the colonial powers" along with a few gems about "pussy", "niggers", and "filtering white blood", was not even an issue that needed covering? "Dreams" was just not something that needed to be even talked about! (old news! ... a week old if you are a D, MORE THAN 40 years if you are an R)

Here is a nice article from February of '98 when the elites were protecting Slick Willie -- you think they "care" about actual morality?
It’s easy to see how both Hoke and Clinton might have been imbued with a foolhardy fearlessness and a flatfooted misperception that they were untouchable. Washington was like summer camp, providing a suspension of certain rules and self-consciousness. If a guy knew how to play it, it was a pretty good place to swing.
Those to the manner born who’ve been in trouble -- Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd, for instance, who participated in the famous “waitress sandwich” at La Brasserie in 1985, while their dates were in the bathroom -- have tended to get out of it by claiming that their boyish high jinks had simply gotten out of hand.

Here is a little more detail on the "waitress sandwich".

As Gaviglio enters the room, the six-foot-two, 225-plus-pound Kennedy grabs the five-foot-three, 103-pound waitress and throws her on the table. She lands on her back, scattering crystal, plates and cutlery and the lit candles. Several glasses and a crystal candlestick are broken. Kennedy then picks her up from the table and throws her on Dodd, who is sprawled in a chair. With Gaviglio on Dodd's lap, Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair. As he is doing this, Loh enters the room. She and Gaviglio both scream, drawing one or two dishwashers. Startled, Kennedy leaps up. He laughs. Bruised, shaken and angry over what she considered a sexual assault, Gaviglio runs from the room. Kennedy, Dodd and their dates leave shortly thereafter, following a friendly argument between the senators over the check.
The '98 Slick defense article closes with this ...
Now and forever, whatever is happening behind closed doors, what Washingtonians constantly emphasize is the city’s sexless environment, a notion that is partly fact, partly fig leaf. Last week, a giggling Democratic congressman was heard telling a lobbyist that part of him wanted to condemn Clinton. “On the other hand,” he said, “I want a blood transfusion from him.”
 At least since Chappaquiddick, the DC ethos has been a very seedy "summer camp". As the article makes clear, lots of Republicans tried to hide out, got caught, and lost their jobs. Democrats didn't bother to hide -- as long as the "Teddy Standard" was in place, there was no reason to. Once the "Slick Standard" came in, it is certainly no wonder that guys like Franken just "grabbed away" -- hell, even perjury in the supposed "highest office" (all be it stained with presidential "emissions") could be excused!

A lot of the "Stupid Party" (R) is happy to go for this sort of scharade, hey, at least they get to "virtue signal". The D's know all about WINNING ... they are going to "sacrifice" the village clown dwarf from loony MN who likes to actually grab private parts (not talk about it like Trump) in order to get another baby killing D in the senate. How many baby killers does it take to make a "moral quorum"?
We don't like to admit where we live. We still like to imagine we live in "America" which once even had CHRISTIAN morals! We don't live there! This has been a disgusting amoral declining state since at least Chappaquiddick, through Roe V Wade, "Borking", the Clarence Thomas Lynching, Slick Willie, gay "marriage", 57 genders ... There really has never been a "culture war", only a cultural retreat so far!

Read the Village Voice article and tell me that the "elites" in BOistan have ANY sort of "morals" beyond POWER -- WINNING--PLEASURE!!! If you find "moral people" in that article, you need to take a long sniff for brimstone and a careful listen for demonic laughter!

The ONLY thing that is going to return us to morality is a Christian revival -- and then, from our knees, we can pray that God restores "America"! DON'T let the Republican party get stuck with the "Moore Standard" -- 40 year old "accusations" never heard before with no other accusations of misbehavior over 40 years are "disqualifying", while the D party returns to the "Teddy / Slick Standard" after their short little virtue signalling scharade!

Never trust the "morality" of a party that believes that killing babies in their mothers womb is "moral". "The Party" (TP-D) is as out of power as they have been since FDR. Both the SCOTUS and the Administrative/Deep State are being attacked by Trump. They are DESPERATE, and amoral desperate people will do ANYTHING!! They still own the Administrative State (the most powerful branch of government that was never supposed to be a branch of government!), most of the media, the popular culture, academia, and even most of corporate BOistan!

Worse, there are a number of RINO R's that rather like the amoral world of TP and the Administrative State -- Trump is very much a threat to them as well, so they would love nothing better than to take him down in some sort of manufactured "scandal". If 30-40 year old "charges" are all it takes, then TP and the MSM (but I repeat myself) will be back on top and forcing you to be celebrating gay "marriage" and 57 genders again VERY soon!

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Sunday, December 03, 2017

Trump Restoration Status

The Method to Trump’s ‘Madness’ – American Greatness:

First, a good explanatory article from Victor Davis Hanson; a quote:

What can possibly be Trump’s purpose in appearing so thin-skinned and petty? 
Likely it is twofold. Most obviously he seeks to reestablish deterrence: don’t dare attack Trump unless you are willing to be dragged down with him into a netherworld whose rules he has mastered. Just ask Low Energy Jeb, Little Marco, or Lyin’ Ted. 
If we have never seen a president stoop to fight with the NFL, we have also never seen the NFL kneel to self-destruct by offending millions of its fans. If the president cannot defend a national tradition of standing in honor during the National Anthem, who else could? 
Second, he knows the politicians, media hacks, and celebrities who attack him are sanctimonious bullies by nature. Their professions traffic in self-righteous invective, with the expectation that they will be never be attacked in kind.

Many people are confused by Trump -- "thin skinned, immature, non-presidential", etc. All might be true, however, HE FIGHTS ... he is the first fighting president in the culture wars, and he has done a lot of fighting and a good deal of winning this past year. See Gorsuch as well as court appointments in general, as well as making headway against the Deep State.

The big Christmas gift to all productive BOistanis is Tax Reform. The exact parameters are still in doubt, however if SALT is removed or restricted, the corporate rate drops significantly, AMT is removed or the threshold raised, and there is SOME movement toward lower rates, I think we can expect at least a couple percent of GDP growth to be added on so that they could even quit faking the numbers if they wanted and show REAL GDP GROWTH! 

It's been a LONG time since there was much of anything like "optimism" in ether the old America, or BOistan ... like 17 years ago in 2K.

Certainly the constant attacks from "The Party" (TP-D), the Deep State, and of course the media will continue, however in their attempts to get Trump, they are causing themselves a lot of collateral damage, and not only in the area of "Sexual Correctness" ... ABC has suspended Brian Ross for 4 weeks for the Fake News that Trump had ordered Flynn to work with the Russians while a candidate. In fact, he was instructed to work with them AFTER the election when Trump was president elect -- a completely normal and expected interaction. Not that private citizens can't talk to Russians -- the Clinton Fund did A LOT of it for MONEY while transferring 20% of our urainium to them in the Urainium One deal!

Lot's of smoke coming out of the TP and media houses, BOcare at least heavily wounded as part of Tax Reform, SCOTUS, judicial appointments, bleeding from the Deep State, and the constant spectacle of lefty heads exploding.

2017 has been a very good year! 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Franken Trojan or Tipping Creep?

It wasn’t “the times” that caused feminists to give Bill Clinton a pass | Power Line:

The important thing to remember about "sexual harassment" starting in the '90s is that "the standard" is supposed to be that  "if the woman feels harassed, then she was harassed" ... it could be words, could be looks, could be something that you wore, displayed, had tattooed, etc, could be ANYTHING! Including of course ANY sort of touching, bumping into, etc. I covered my personal experience with this here, as well as some discussion on who got off, and who didn't.

The most famous guy that got off totally is Bill Clinton. Clarence Thomas narrowly managed to make it onto the SCOTUS after being accused of ... well, "talking" ... mentioning some x-rated films and a potential pubic hair on a can of coke. Those were the CHARGES, and they almost did take him down, except that:

1). The charges were old (a decade or so when made)
2). The "victim" had followed him to multiple jobs since the charges supposedly happened
3). They could not get anyone else to come forth and make similar charges.

#4, and probably most important, Teddy Kennedy, who famously left his car parked upside down underwater with his soon to be deceased secretary in it, and Gropin Joe Biden were on the committee that was trying to lynch "the wrong kind of black man" (a conservative) to prevent him from being on the court. The D's still don't cotton to blacks leaving their thought reservation)!

When they went after Harvey Weinstein, I was shocked -- having your way with women has been one of the perks of being a lefty in good standing for a LONG time. Situations like Slick Willie where the accusers were mercilessly abused and castigated by the press and Democrats made it clear that powerful lefty men were allowed "favors" without retribution. If a woman complained, she was destroyed.

The big choice in human life has always been first and foremost GOD ... and from thence, morality.

A shared belief in a God that was always watching and would sort things out for eternity has always been the gold standard for morals. It is what we do when we think we are going to get away with it that is problematic! Do morals backed up by an infinite all knowing God that will ultimately judge you ensure moral turpitude? Of course not! We are talking odds here -- strong religiously backed morals put you in the "80-90th percent reliable" area. FAR from perfect, but a high standard for this fallen world.

In a world with God as the standard, women would have come out EVEN IF their careers were going to be destroyed because IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO ... for your eternal soul, for your current female sisters, and for any female offspring you might care about. When you drop God, and especially if you start killing the unborn, "your career" is quickly the only thing that counts!

When morals fail, the next backstop is law and justice. It isn't nearly as good, because it requires some sort of "enforcers", "evidence", and if you don't get caught, then you are as good as guilt free. For all but murder if you are a D (see Chappaquiddick), there is going to be some sort of statute of limitations -- because the trail goes cold, and "proving" things after a decade or more can be really difficult. Oh, and especially nasty, law and justice require that they are applied EQUALLY in order to be respected -- power doesn't get to play.

 That has always been a problem for Ds ... see Roy Moore. No way such "charges" would even arise against a D. "Old News" ... which in D parlance means that "we heard it before, maybe just last week". Thirty+ years for a D? Oh please!

As I've argued elsewhere, Chappaquiddick is as good a place as any to select as a point where pure POWER became the coin of our realm. That the incident included both sex and murder in one not very tidy tidal pool, along with America's most powerful political family, and a man who would become the "Lyin" Of the Senate, made it it especially full of damnation for America. Chappaquiddick established the "Democrat Standard" or rather "The Democrat Non-standard" relative to morals, law and justice. POWER is the godless Democrat standard.

The moral calculus since Mary Jo Kopechne as been that if a Democrat decides to have his way with a woman, just be glad and very quiet if he doesn't kill you (it is easy to be quiet if he does! Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment!) In the Slick Willie years the D sisterhood worked to establish a level of pride in providing services to prominent D's like Slick, -- "taking it for the right to kill babies", the ultimate sacrament of the Democrat party. It is hard to imagine that this sort of attitude did not engender more entitlement on the part of D men -- so most likely we are just seeing the very tip of the iceberg now.

The assumption was that the Democrats would always have enough power so that such sacrifices would be worth making to insure that the blood of the unborn continued to flow freely on the altar of Molech - Democrats. The whole idea of the sexual revolution was to give women POWER over their bodies -- certainly to murder their young, but also so that they could bestow sexual favors for their own pleasure, advancement, gain, etc -- for whatever suited them. That is what POWER is about! The charge of sexual harassment was the female equivalent of male physical power.

If Hillary had won, none of this would be happening -- as this column shows clearly:
As Janice Min, the former editor of The Hollywood Reporter, told me, when Barack Obama stepped off a stage and into Weinstein’s arms for a big hug after giving a $400,000 speech as an ex-president in the spring, it sent a signal that the ogre was in a protected magic circle.
He was, but the power behind the "magic" had already evaporated -- the ogre was exposed as an ogre. The D's are even all claiming to be having moral buyers remorse over protecting Slick Willie! As this column tries to tell us, "Hell froze over" ...

If the ground beneath your feet feels cold, it’s because hell froze over the other day. It happened at 8:02 p.m. on Monday, when The New York Times published an op-ed called “I Believe Juanita.

Written by Michelle Goldberg, it was a piece that, 20 years ago, likely would have inflamed the readership of the paper and scandalized its editors. Reviewing the credibility of Broaddrick’s claim, Goldberg wrote that “five witnesses said she confided in them about the assault right after it happened,” an important standard in reviewing the veracity of claims of past sex crimes.
As any minor student of history, theology and philosophy, let alone a Christian believer will tell you, without God, there are no morals, no love, no consistency. The current calculus is very easy -- Roy Moore is a warm up for taking down Trump -- the D's seek to trade a sudden attack of feigned morality about an EX president for the hide of a sitting president.

It is not for nothing that the Republican party is known as "The Stupid Party" -- while there are actual honorable Republicans with principles, Reagan being a great example, and the party is the last refuge of people of faith in BOistan, it too has been corrupted by the loss of religious faith and the power of DC and Davos. Trump is shaking the DC foundations -- the R's may well go along with his removal,  since Pence is FAR more to their liking! There are no morals left in the leadership of the R party either.

Many will be confused by the seemingly "honest" shedding of tears over Slick's victims 20+ years too late. Heck, I would not be shocked at this point to see the D's throw BOTH Slick and Hillary under the bus, and maybe BO as well! Any intelligent Democrat has to see the courts being mightily moved away from them and even their "firewall", the Deep State, now being assailed by Trump!

Power MUST be completely ruthless to survive unless it is divine! Communism killed over 100 million in the 20th century, abortion has killed 60 million and rising. One thing that Islam is right about is submission -- the word Islam means "submission", and the basic fact of human life is that peace requires submission. Submission to God, or submission to an all powerful state.

Don't be confused -- there is zero chance of the current Democrat party having an attack of actual morals (a Democrat getting morals would be like a vampire getting a tan!), what you see is what has been obvious since at least Wilson, Democrat = the worship of godless power!

Expect A LOT of bodies as the D's try to appear to "come clean" to have the "moral standing" to take down Trump!

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Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Gelernter’s Trump

Gelernter’s Trump | Power Line:

I have a huge respect for Gelernter and his work. He is a brilliant and world renouned computer scientist who was injured by the unibomber, has written a number of excellent books, and who I have a 2nd hand personal connection with (covered here if you have an interest).

To anyone with intelligence that is left wing, Gelernter is a big problem -- he is brilliant, AND he generally supports Trump, for the simple reason that if you care about freedom, you had and have no rational other choice.

I'll copy the transcript of the Gelernter comments in an interview with Bill Bennet here ... it is self explanatory.

People on the left find Trump not merely objectionable on principle but they hate him as a person. They find him grating and annoying and he drives them crazy. I understand that. He often drives me crazy. Obama had the same properties….He was such a pain. I think there is nothing worse than a combination of patronizing arrogance and insincerity. Whenever he opened his mouth, your stomach turned over. It was painful to hear him talk. Now I understand that people — my friends on the left — have the same reaction to Trump, but the remarkable thing is what this says about the way the country swings and why did we elect Trump? The left and academia [are] too busy hating him to ask why their countrymen were

The American people know perfectly well what is due to the office of the presidency. I think Trump is undignified in a lot of ways. I think Trump falls short in a lot of ways and I think that is absolutely as clear to a farmer in Alabama or a cowboy in Wyoming as it is to the Washington Post.

People were driven to elect Trump not because they deemed him a perfect candidate to be president but because they were angry, they were incensed, they couldn’t stand where the country was going and the analysis that should follow upon that isn’t there. I mean, it goes on in conservative circles but it ought to be the number one topic in the study of American government, in the study of American history all over the world, and it’s not, of course. Needless to say.

I remain absolutely a supporter and a sympathizer of Trump. And you know, no president checks every box. I think his virtues far outweigh his faults. I do wish he would take the office and the history of the office more seriously than he does…

Just the fact of getting elected was an extraordinary accomplishment. I mean, you could say it was the most culturally democratic moment in the history of the world. Never before has a great power spurned everything the elite — the intellectual and the social elite — knows, left and right, about who should be running the country. Never before has a great power said to hell with that. The dignity of the country is important and has a lot to do with the power of the country, but this is an emergency and we’re going to make use of the best candidate who’s out there. And the implications are enormous. The left believes that, since it refuses to report on the right, the right doesn’t really exist, that it’s just a bunch of uncollected morons with no serious thought.

We all know this. We’ve reached a point where the left’s blindness is aiding the collapse of the intellectual structure built up since the rise of Marxism….The left is too arrogant, too complacent, too self-satisfied to notice it or do anything about it — I hope.
And I pray ...

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Adminstrative State, "Sue and Settle" Trumped !

The Important Story You’re Not Hearing Much About | Power Line:

To quote Brer Rabbit "Please don't throw me into that briar patch!".

Most people will have never heard of this technique, but it is blindingly simple. You run a federal agency like EPA. You want more power so you can get more money, employees, etc, AND you can attack political enemies and write allowances for poltical friends.

SO, you contact a freindly interest group, say "The Sierra Club", and have them SUE YOUR AGENCY because they claim that you have not regulated something enough! Maybe you go to court and "lose", thus meaning you now "must" do the extra regulation you wanted to do, OR, you just settle out of court with the friendly interest group that sued you, gaining the power you wanted -- AND, maybe giving them + your and their lawyers a nice monetary settlement. SWEET!

Not any more. TRUMPED!

This of course will get VERY little coverage since the agencies / groups involved don't really want this looked at, however it is certainly one of the real reasons they absolutely hate Trump!

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Friday, September 22, 2017

Anti-Trump Meme Apologetics

This highly reasoned meme showed up on a persons FB feed who had unfriended me long ago, but was commented on by someone who is still a "friend", so I got to see it and comment. The lefty who had unfriended me lives in a tidy world where all leftward positions are 100% truth, and anyone in disagreement is either misinformed or willfully evil. Our world is essentially juvenile -- FaceBook is so much like junior high. 

The following is my response which I thought I would capture for future reference when confronted with the "well, certainly, nobody with any intelligence could POSSIBLY support Trump at this point!". 

The simplest answer for me though is always "Henny Youngman". Who when asked "How is your wife"? Would say "Compared to what?". This vale of tears is and always will be a Henny Youngman world of COMPARED TO WHAT! (relative)

So how is Trump compared to ??? impeachment? Pence? Paul Ryan? An imaginary perfect president? Rocket Man? ... The entire line of reasoning is simply fallicious. Even Hillary seems to be beginning to recognize that she didn't win the election, even though she is still working to list ALL of the other people and situations responsible for that ... no doubt a list that will extend into eternity as she sits in her own private space of hell working to explain how others failed her in this life. 

Anyway ... a few simple reasons for Trump, although, if you follow the links, it is "War and Peace". Enjoy. 

1). I saw 8 years of BO as the end of "America". I now live in BOistan, and 2016 was a "Russian Roulette" election for me ... absolute political death vs a good chance of political death. This is well covered here

2).Other than "deploreables", the main reason that Trump won is that Christians finally accepted that BOistan is not a Christian nation. We can't expect a Christian in the WH, but we can at least hope for representation that doesn't try to put us in jail for not celebrating gay "marriage"

3). Remotely traditional values, Christian old time independent hard working Americans have no representation in BOistan. It certainly isn't the "Republican" party as seen by their failure to repeal the main thing they lied about to gain power the past 8 years (BOcare).

They want to WORK, they see the state corrupting their rural values, culture and most of all their FAMILIES as it did the inner cities since the '60s, and they see Trump as the only thin reed of hope they have.

For me, Trump is the ONLY mild alternative to steady decline that we have had since Reagan -- Reagan "resisted", Trump fights!

If anything like America is ever to be restored, it is going to be a VAST undertaking ... Buckley called the decline in "God and Man At Yale"

I'll support Trump until there is an alternative. BOistan is politically enemy territory to me -- politically blowing it up is eminently preferable to seeing a lawless, amoral, secular humanist, financially bankrupt, ever more intrusive state increasingly become incapable of even understanding what it was that made it so.

The tribes that make up BOistan are now so far apart that communication is increasingly impossible, thus we have "memes", which are just extended name calling in pictures. My guess is that this impasse ends in "divorce" vs "civil war" ... I don't see either side "winning", and I very much doubt that either side really cares enough for an actual war. 

Adams said it best ... America was only possible with shared religious values, when we lost those, we lost America.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Chappaquiddick Kopechne Kennedy BOistan

A Chappaquiddick Reckoning At Last? [With Comment by John] | Power Line:

There are lots of points that could be argued as the true point at which the decline of America into BOistan was sealed, but Chappaquiddick is certainly an obvious one. As Buckley foreshadowed with  "God and Man At Yale", the seeds were carefully sown -- it was just a matter of time before they bore their noxious fruit. The fact that the Moon Landing was happening as the essence of the corruption of the American system was playing out lends a Biblical cast to the events of that day. We reached our peak ... but we were falling as we reached it.

Forty-eight years later, let’s be clear on what the meaning of Chappaquiddick is. Ted Kennedy should, by all rights, have stood trial for involuntary manslaughter, which would likely have ended his political career. The fact that the Kennedy family — the original postwar dynasty of the one percent — possessed, and exerted, the influence to squash the case is the essence of what Chappaquiddick means. The Kennedy's lived outside the law; the one documented instance in American history of an illegally stolen presidential election was the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960. He lost the race to Richard Nixon, but his father sealed the presidency for him by manipulating the vote tallies in Illinois. That’s the meaning of Chappaquiddick. too.
The Kennedy Crime Family was a family founded on bootlegging. It gained power through stealing the presidency in the 1960 election, and it bore poisonous fruit on July 18th 1969.

The fact that the dominant political party in the old "United States", THE PARTY (TP-D) was able to allow a sitting US Senator to effectively murder a young woman in his employ and yet continue on as a Senator showed that morality was a dead issue for TP. POWER was the only coin that mattered, and it would be 30 years later before the Clinton Crime Family would make it clear that TP POWER was able to hold even the White House in the face of any breech of law, standards, or morality as Slick Wille stained the blue dress and the oval office with it.

TP established the death of morality, law, and even decency in the old "America", and the culmination of that "victory" was the ascension of BO to power. BO established the end of the Constitution and the Separation of Powers, ushering in BOistan and the age of Trump.

A good video explaining what may have happened :

We still have no clue as to the direction which Trump may move this failed tribal state, however we ought to all understand how we got to this point.

I don’t say any of this as a right-wing troll. But those are the facts, and they are facts that liberals, too often, have been willing to shove under the carpet. And they have paid the price. Ted Kennedy became known as “the Lion of the Senate,” and did a lot of good, but when you try to build a governing philosophy on top of lies, one way or another those lies will come back to haunt you. (Hello, Donald Trump! He’s an incompetent bully, but his middle name might be “Liberal Karma.”) As a movie, “Chappaquiddick” doesn’t embellish the incidents it shows us, because it doesn’t have to. It simply delivers the truth of what happened: the logistical truth of the accident, and also the squirmy truth of what went on in Ted Kennedy’s soul. The result may play like avid prose rather than investigative cinema poetry, but it still adds up to a movie that achieves what too few American political dramas do: a reckoning.
I still hope that Trump may want to bring us back to "America" ... "greatness" is a long way off. That is very likely wishful thinking, but it was TP that took us down the path of lawlessness and amorality. That much is very clear to anyone that pays attention.

As a parent, and now a grandparent of the most beautiful granddaughter in the history of the universe, I can't imagine my anguish if she had died in the back of Teddy's car at Chappaquiddick. I strongly suspect my Christianity would not have been enough to have prevented my taking Teddy's life in as horrible a fashion as possible, but I am not proud of that sentiment ... it is just true.

We need to remember the name of Mary Jo Kopechne with honor and reverence. Her death was a greater loss to America than all the wars fought with honor. This was the moral 911 of America ... look, think, and imagine your daughter, wife, or granddaughter as Mary Jo. You know the truth, ACT! It is NEVER too late if you can swallow your pride and see the evil for what it is!

How can you run when you see her dead ....?

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Thursday, September 07, 2017

Trump Genius! STAY DOWN!

The Daily 202: Trump’s triangulation shows what might have been - The Washington Post:

The biggest takeaway from the rather longish and confused linked column is "the beltway is confused". I thought the following was instructive ...

"The path of least resistance, the path of popularity for him, is to dismiss the demands of Congressional Republicans on virtually everything except abortion, judges, education, free speech, and regulations.”
I love the "free speech" one ... WaPo definitely recognizes that if there is any constituency at all for the 1st Amendment, it is the Republican party. It sure isn't "The Party" (TP-D) and it's captive media including the WaPo! Life as the US version of "Pravda" is MUCH simpler!

As far as Ryan and McConnell go, I'm not buying the "free speech" interest -- they are totally swamp creatures, and they failed Trump and his voters MASSIVELY on BOcare. BOcare has been the BIG kick in the balls to working people. It has allowed them to see in very vivid numbers how a small but significant increase in earned income can move them from "free" healthcare that is gold plated to unaffordable MANDATORY healthcare that they can't afford in either premiums or deductables.

The message from TP is STAY DOWN! We BEAT YOU! Just STAY DOWN! Are you people really so stupid that you can't just pop another cold one, flip on daytime TV and ride the gravy train? Have we not made it completely and totally clear that you are NOT GOING TO MAKE IT up any income ladder?

Certainly the WaPo, the beltway Republicans, the Adminstrative State and TP have been certain since the second term of BO that America was defeated and BOistan would move on in blessed totalitarianism (from their POV). Much like when Rocky came out in '76, TP and the Davos rulers are certain that "it's over".

And it certainly may be, but Trump is definitely the wild card! He clearly has the WaPo completely confused. They LOVE seeing him work with their gang Schumer and Pelosi, but of course they HATE TRUMP! Is it "brilliant triangulation", or is it another Trump head fake? They don't know, and neither do I.

I loved this ...

Trump is toxic to most Democrats because of his personal behavior and his reaction to events like Charlottesville. Not to mention rescinding DACA, instituting the travel ban, pardoning Joe Arpaio, firing James Comey, etc., etc.

"Toxic" to a DEMOCRAT? That is a lot like Charlie Manson suddenly lecturing on "personal behavior". You mean after Slick Willie, Harry Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Hildebeast and that paragon of ball kicking, BO ... "if you like your healthcare you can keep it", the D's have "principles"? Dear God, what they have is chutzpah! (well, not really, they just really really know how to lie BIG)

It took a long time to corrupt America to BOistan, Chappaquiddick is my pick for a good place to start getting worried about "toxic behavior" in leadership.

I loved Paul Ryan getting caught with his pants way around his ankles today ...

A "bi-partisan moment" with two hurricans to deal with? Ya think? After congress screwed Trump and all his voters over royally on BOcare? Duh. The RINOs used the debt ceiling as a fake issue to make it seem like they might stand up to BO ... when they were itching to use it with Trump as well, they showed their true colors.

NPR was completely flumoxed today ... they HATE Trump. They "tolerate" Ryan and McConnell as long as they stay RINOs. Naturally they LOVE Schumer and Pelosi,  but wait!,  Chuckie and Nancy made a deal with TRUMP! So what to do? Let's see, the debt ceiling is raised, a bunch of money is going to Harvey victims,  and Chuck and Nancy are heroes --- but WAIT! It't CAN'T BE! That makes Trump look GOOD !!!!! ... and there stands weenie Ryan with his bi-partisan pants around his ankles.

Today is of those days that makes Trump seem to be a complete GENIUS ... or so lucky that having that much luck is BETTER than being a genius!

Can Trump make America exist again (MAEA)? Today made it look like it was possible!

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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Clothes Look Better On The Hanger

The media’s martyr complex is embarrassing - The Washington Post:

Good column, worth reading -- nothing I haven't covered a few thousand times. MSM heavily biased, thin skinned, ignores anything good about a conservative, piles on them with trivia and fake news. We know all that, and even though it is just one guest editorial at the WaPo before they return to their  own regularly scheduled martyrdom, it is never the less refreshing.

Coverage of the president’s overseas trip and participation in the Group of 20 summit offered numerous examples, with major media outlets focused more on minutiae — Ivanka sat in the president’s chair! — than on substance, giving comparatively short shrift to his powerful remarksin Poland and the important Syrian cease-fire agreementbrokered between Trump and Russian President Vladi­mir Putin. 
And later, the wall-to-wall coverage regarding Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a private Russian attorney was the definition of overkill, considering no one has brought forward any evidence to contradict the accounts of the participants that no substantive information was exchanged and there was no follow-up by anyone. But it was another opportunity to repeat “Russia, Russia, Russia,” the media’s magic words for conjuring, Beetlejuice-fashion, the genie they hope will vanquish their bogeyman.

After the MSM tells you for months that the sun doesn't rise in the east, it is at least refreshing when they have a guest stop by and give one editorial column letting us know that that yes, even though their biases and emotions won't let them recognize it these days, it is STILL rising in the east, and all their reporting of fake news (which will continue) actually is fake, and they have no choice but to keep reporting the fake news.

It is like the old guy whose wife keeps asking him how she looks in that dress and he responds "great honey!". Unlike my 90 year old father reported about someone at the nursing home he was at, that "Like pretty much everyone our age, the clothes look better on the hanger than when we are wearing them".

For much of the left, fake news is really all they can possibly handle at this point! Just like an elderly person whose clothes would look better on the hanger, the MSM just can't accept that Trump is having a good deal of success!

Even if their stories would look better if they just reported from the hanger of reality vs the fetid imagination between their ears.

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Sunday, July 09, 2017

Gettysburg, Brandenburg, Warsaw -- Historic Speeches

Remarks by President Trump to the People of Poland | July 6, 2017 |

When we live through history, we tend to not notice the major mileposts until they are well in the rear view mirror. I'm not going back to Gettysburg today, although I have been there both physically and intellectually. I will return to Brandenburg for a bit, because I think it is the most recent model that helps us understand the potential parallels to Trumps speech in Warsaw.

Reagan and his battle against the forces of socialism and communism had a very happy ending for those of us who believe in God, Family and limited government. I covered a good book on the subject here, a key quote from that book is a message between an East German leader and the leader of the USSR, Khruschev:

"The experience of the last years have proven that it is not possible for a socialist country, such as the GDR to cary out peaceful competition with an imperialist country such as West Germany with open borders".
My contentiion is that the forces of "progressiveism" are generally intelligent, (or at least their leadership is). There have been WAY too many historic (USSR, East Germany) and current (Venezuela,  North Korea) examples of the failure of Godless Socialism to provide anything but both physical and spirital poverty to the bulk of the people under its control, but they feel their superior intellects are just too great a blessing to deny the masses their" benevolent" authoritarian rule. They know what the common man needs, FAR more thant he common man.

Trump calls out these adversaries here:

Finally, on both sides of the Atlantic, our citizens are confronted by yet another danger -- one firmly within our control. This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles: the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people. The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies. 
Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty. We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. (Applause.) If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit, and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.
Trump is making Trumpism, which is essentially a return to Western civilization, very clear in the above -- and here as well:

We have to remember that our defense is not just a commitment of money, it is a commitment of will. Because as the Polish experience reminds us, the defense of the West ultimately rests not only on means but also on the will of its people to prevail and be successful and get what you have to have. The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?   

 Our elite generally hates Western civilization, covered well here. Their attacks on this speech are largely along the lines of "Western civilization is Christian and white, and therefore exclusionary and racist, and it, along with Trump, must be repudiated".

The whole speech is WELL worth taking the (fairly short) time needed to read it. It also covers the little reported fact that we are now deploying Patriot missles in Poland.

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Saturday, July 08, 2017

Defending Civilization

I'll start out with two quotes from the linked article:

"The West is a racial and religious term. To be considered Western, a country must be largely Christian (preferably Protestant or Catholic) and largely white. "
The most shocking sentence in Trump’s speech—perhaps the most shocking sentence in any presidential speech delivered on foreign soil in my lifetime—was his claim that “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.”
This is the Atlantic, so naturally the conclusion is that Trump is a racist using religion to increase paranoia. If you want that view, go read the article.

First, what is "Western"? At one time we would have all agreed it was "Western Civilization" ... Judeao-Christian, Greek, Roman, Enlightenment, England followed by the US as leadership in it's latter centuries. Now? Well, we will get to that, but "the modern enlightened" ("liberal", "progressive", etc)  know they hate it. This is from this excellent article, "Yes They Really DO Despise Their Civilization".

I mean, really, how ignorant and provincial do you have to be, Messrs. Beinart and Bouie, to hear Trump’s speech and think of it as a #MAGA version of a Nuremberg Rally Address? Is the degree of self-hatred of the West required to be a virtuous, woke person such that you cannot tell the difference between Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus and the Horst Wessel Song? Do they really think Kenneth Clark’s Civilisation (all of which is available on YouTube, starting here) is a plummy version of Triumph of the Will? If standing against this kind of liberal insanity means I have to stand with Donald Trump, well, okay, I’ll stand with Donald Trump. I won’t like it, but at least Donald Trump doesn’t hate his own civilization.
So if you hate your own civilization,  where do you go? We need a cartoon reminder:

What "other civilization" are they after? One without Trump and his "supporters"? They make it pretty clear that it IS NOT "Western Civilization", because that is "Christian and white". So what is it? Islam? Marxism? Black Lives Matter? I suspect they would vaguely say it is "A new fully tolerant, equal, secure, well educated (with progressive education), environmentally friendly, gender free, priviledge free, moral judgement free, etc ... culture/civilization".

I've not really heard them say in any detail though, and certainly not with any discussion of "how" -- essentially, the message of the left continues to be "pull the trigger, we will figure something out on our descent into the abyss" ... trust us. The police are playing the role of Western Civilization, the Terminator is "progressivism" ... they don't tend to honor their "promises", and they have some BAD feelings about Western Civilization!

As the quoted paragraph says -- it is pretty damned easy to support Trump as opposed to people that hate their own civilization, and maybe worse, consider civilization to be their enemy, and VERY disposeable in  order to reach their goals.

The Trump Warsaw speech is WELL worth reading the whole thing -- here is my take on it (Hint, think Reagan at Brandenburg gate!)

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

The TP Coup

My view is that this is not new -- the coup completed sometime in BO's second term and this is BOistan -- no law, no Consitution, no morals, nothing but warfare for raw power, currently being fought in the streets, the judiciary and the Administrative State.

The battle lines are clearly drawn. What Watson has done has nothing to do with the law. It is a partisan coup, and must be resisted.

Welcome to the fight John (Hinderaker) ...

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Saturday, March 04, 2017

Lock SOMEBODY Up! (at least)

The story so far | Power Line:

Readers of this blog realize that I'm at least a few years into my belief that we no longer live in "America", but rather in BOistan. Or, to give it a bit more color, "Toto, I have the feeling we are not in Kansas anymore".

Thus, it really isn't surprising at all that while "The Party" (TP-D) and it's propoganda arm, the "Fake Media" (FM) was busy lamenting Trump supporters saying "Lock her up" about Hillary, the BO adminstration and the Administrative State was actively investigating Trump and his campaign for 8 months trying to lock HIM up! Nixon was at least running for office when "The Plumbers" tried to bug the Dems campaign and he helped cover it up. BO wasn't even on the ticket -- he went crimial for the Wicked Witch.

Never fear, as the linked article points out:

 "Bottom line: The Obama Justice Department and the FBI spent at least eight months searching for Trump–Russia ties. They found nothing criminal, and clearly nothing connecting Trump to Russian hacking…."
Anyone that is paying attention knows that we no longer live in a "Christian nation", or even a nation with a Consitutution or laws -- we live in a totalitarian failed tribal state called BOistan, and if we ever want to get back to "Kansas", we better melt the damned witch of totalitarianism!

We got VERY lucky, or in my belief VERY blessed in the Old Testament Esther - Haman sort of blessing, and we better impale a few folks if we want to return to justice. When a nation returns to pre-Christian, pre-law times, even an "eye for an eye" is completely optional. (that was a LIMITING law instituted by God) BO, Hildebeast and Slick would look great on a pike, and as Ester makes clear, justice needs to have some real TEETH in a tribal state.

If it wasn't extremely obvious before, it certainly is now. Anyone that thought that "the election would put it behind us" was WAY too optimisitc. TP is not giving up, and their only remaining power is the illegitimate one of the Administrative State -- they have been, and they intend to keep using it overturn the results of the election. They MUST be shut down! HARD!

Once morality and rule of law has been abandoned as it clearly has in BOistan, the ONLY thing left is MIGHT IS RIGHT, and Trump gave the forces of "bad, but not the worst" a chance to prevail over "absolute godless destruction of anything remotely decent". It still isn't much of a choice, but at least it is "Old Testament clear" -- it's definitely eye for an eye (or worse) time. From Esther 7

8 Just as the king returned from the palace garden to the banquet hall, Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was reclining.
The king exclaimed, “Will he even molest the queen while she is with me in the house?”
As soon as the word left the king’s mouth, they covered Haman’s face. 
9 Then Harbona, one of the eunuchs attending the king, said, “A pole reaching to a height of fifty cubits[b]stands by Haman’s house. He had it set up for Mordecai, who spoke up to help the king.” 
The king said, “Impale him on it!” 
10 So they impaled Hamanon on the pole he had set up for Mordecai. Then the king’s fury subsided.
BO, Hildebeast and Slick impaled on a 75' pole next to the Washington Monument with Ester 7 quoted in giant letters saying "One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!"

And America would be made great again. It is absolutely clear that "voting" and whatever was supposedly "law" in BOistan is long gone -- blood is going to be shed. Better a few examples than civil war.