Showing posts with label Trump Restoration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Restoration. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2017

Fake News, Pornography

Fallen SEAL's dad slams Trump -

The "worst flub in Oscar History" barely edged out the return of the "let's have bereaved parents say bad things about the Commander in Chief" gambit.  In BOistan, even our admittedly fake tinseltown can't get it's known to be manufactured awards show right. Somehow it seems fitting that our fake news media stacks that failure on top of the old "bereaved parents" pornographic fakery.

In review, pornography is direct presentation of that which should be hidden for civilization to exist. "Obscenity" is an even better word -- showing what ought to be "off stage".  Sexual porn is just the most familiar. Showing extreme violence, pain, emotion, etc publicly is also pornography -- the killing of the Christians in the Roman colosseum was pornography. We are DAILY hammered with emotional, violent and painful porn, that is far more damaging than the sexual porn because:

  • We are primarily emotional and rational beings, not merely sexual, violent, abusive, etc.
  • The fact that our population is not SCREAMING to shut down the daily pornographic manipulation shows that the media manipulators have been so successful, most don't even realize it is pornographic and destroying their natural desire for the proper distancing required to have a civilization.
  • When combined with constant direct manipulation for profit and political purposes, the human capability to know what is REAL and what is fake / created / dramatic / voyeuristic is damaged to the point where the basic ability to detect "propriety / distance / wisdom / decency" is lost.  

Bereaved parents are bereaved. They are in great pain, they can be prompted to say lots of things. Their emotions are raw, open ... when pushed, it is possible to get nearly any angry statement you would like against ANYONE they remotely see as responsible for the death of their child from many if not most of them.

As of last spring, over 2500 soldiers had died during the BO administration. Our fake media would like you to believe that NOT ONE bereaved parent could be induced to say something bad about BO by a professional fake media pornographer out of over 2500. Not ONE, and this is when the WaPo believes that the military voted 2 to 1 for Trump!

When Trump got going on his "Fake News" campaign, I thought he was way out on a beach head too far. Now I am beginning to really wonder if he isn't actually at the heart of the matter. I've railed agains the level of media bias and how they use that bias to shape public opinion on  daily basis way too often, but only after Trump picked up the Fake News battle did I really start to see the true scope.

It took the media awhile to get the upper hand on Reagan, but they did. They had HW from the git-go, and then did all they could to cheerlead Slick Willie. W was a punching bag from day 1 and never really got his footing, and then we had the 8 years of hyperdrive cheerleading for BO.

I too often forget how we are bombarded with selective tear jerking stores if bereaved military parents, families affected by immigration policy, selected sexual perversions and of course the house fire, car wreck, starving child, etc.

Our humanity has been increasingly damaged by living in the largely fake, always pornographic UNreality show of the BOistan fake news machine. Perhaps it takes a "reality star" to see just how damaged we all are.

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Skidmark Stops Here

Tonight, the Sun Sets on the Obama Administration for the Last Time | National Review:

Male or female, we have all experienced the noxious skidmark on the skivies. Our national skidmark ends tomorrow, saints be praised!

We didn't end up eating roasted rat as I suspected we would -- Gods mercy is indeed beyond measure. BOistan is a failed state wholly undeserving of that mercy -- yet as evidenced by Christ, Gods mercy flows to the totally undeserving. Praise be to God!

We know that the stench of BO will linger -- but it's power has received a major freshening blast. Can the noxious stench ever be removed? Through God all things are possible!

Will Trump be an improvement? I really have no idea -- he will be DIFFERENT, and that is to be praised at this low point!

In the old military saw, the good news is that everyone is getting a change of underware. The bad news is that you change with the person on your left.

At worst we just pick up a new skidmark. Given the past 8 yars, that is wonderfully positive news!

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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Walker, Wisconsin Not Washington

I wanted Scott Walker to be president, I think he would have been great, but he would never have had a chance against Hillary. If Trump can take Walkers advice on States Rights as given  here, as well as breaking up government workers unions, maybe Walker can win in 2024.

The separation of state and federal authority is one of the most essential principles of our Constitution. It explains the Constitution’s structural allocation of powers as much as the division between legislative, executive, and judicial functions. If we lose the separate and independent existence of state governments, we will lose our Constitution. 
Hence the potentially historic importance of the initiative just announced by Governor Scott Walker, under the heading “Wisconsin, Not Washington.” This morning Governor Walker sent a letter to President-elect Trump, asking for Trump’s help in restoring the federal structure of the Constitution.
The natural order for human society is intended for power to flow from God ->Family (people) -> Church/Community -> State -> Federal.

As a nation shifts to the Satanic, we naturally see another inversion -- all power  moves to the Federal level , and it seeks to destroy all authority "below" it, especially God.

The question is not what functions the federal government should give back to the states, but what functions should the federal government have in the first place. The federal government was originally created to be a small, central government of limited powers, with everything else left to the states. Through years of federal overreach, this model has been turned on its head, and now is the time to right the ship. Power flows from the people to the government, not the other way around.
It is a great time to do this because Democrats in their typically inconsistent fashion have weirdly started it already with "sanctuary cities" that thumb their noses at existing immigration laws and marijuana havens that invalidate federal drug laws. At the same time, a state trying to declare that men and women should use bathrooms and locker rooms for their actual rather than imagined sex is declared a national pariah!

What an optimistic Christmas surprise to see this like of positive thinking arise from the wreckage of BOistan!