I got to listen to Terry Gross interview Scott McClellen on his "Bush Admin tell all". Terry thought it might be "impeachable" that the Bush administration was "really driven by the idea of democracy in the Mideast more than WMD, but they pushed WMD because that was more salable". Wow, the horror, an American President that believes in democracy. Good thing that is a rarity -- I'm sure BO won't fall into that trap.
I wonder why Scott "came clean"? It is interesting to note that there is an insider book by Doug Feith who was actually in almost all of the meetings leading up to Iraq. (War and Decision") that is 5th on the Amazon best seller list. The NYT won't review that one, and I've never heard NPR do any interviews with Feith, even though he is much more accomplished on many fronts and a lot more of a heavyweight than McClellen. I wonder what the difference is?
Oh, Feith's book is heavily noted with a lot of references to documents that at least could be checked out in the future -- McClellen's is "anecdotal". It is how "he sees things". One just can't "lie" about "how you see things" (unless you are Bush or Cheney).
If you want to be popular with Democrats and the MSM, show that you have no personal character and turn on a Republican. Don't worry what you say, it need not really have any semblance of truth. It will be taken as gospel, you will be a hero in the media, and called "courageous". You will be amply rewarded for your "courage". There will be no questions asked and you will be welcomed with open arms by the liberal elite with any past sins you may have forgotten.
Try the same thing against a Democrat? Point out that you were sexually harassed (Paula Jones, Monica, Kathleen Wiley, Juanita Broderick), or that you were there when supposed purple hearts were earned (Swift Boat Veterans for truth ... all 200+ of them), and you will be demonized from the first instant you open your lips. "Politically motivated", "liars", "must be paid off", "they asked for it", "loose women", etc.
Your past will be searched for any indication that you have ever done anything less than 100% in keeping with perfect character. If you have, your character will be duly assassinated and you will fall to the only sin that a liberal really recognizes, someone claiming to have some morals that is a "hypocrite". Even if you are blameless, you may well be still taken down in any way that can be created--the idea of a "liberal moral" is an oxymoron after all, "whatever gets the job done" will be the operative approach.
Is McClellen right, or is Feith? It may be hard to tell in the real world, but if we like to let the MSM make our decisions for us, it will be easy.