Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Time Fails to Cover BO

Power Line: Time Tries to Salvage Obama's Gaffe

I expected the PL guys would be back to refute Time's lame attempt to "pump up" their pressure and mathematics "differently abled" candidate. They didn't disappoint.

The core reason that Time's defense fails HUGELY is that neither they or BO consider the 1 TRILLION known US reserves in oil shale. It takes $80 oil to make that worthwhile, but in case Time and BO failed to notice, $120 is greater than $80.

I'm SURE that his royal highness BO, he with the total lack of ego will be MORE than willing to simply say "I was wrong", unlike that evil Bush. I'm just waiting for that, and it isn't like he hasn't had opportunity!

Here are a few that he could get started on. It will probably takes us 6 months into a BO administration to get the "Scent of BO Calendar" going, but it could be a good one!

  • I was wrong about the 10K dead in a small town in Kansas! (real number 12)
  • I was wrong about 57 states with 2 to go ( real number of states 50 ... God only knows how many BO had really been to)
  • I was wrong about Iran being "just a tiny country". (70 million people, 500K army, active nuke program, sits on major oil reserves ... and a whole lot more)
  • I was wrong about the Surge (said it would make Iraq situation worse, it did the opposite big time)
  • I was wrong about tire pressure saving more fuel than we could develop domestically. ( 90 million in unlikely theory from tire pressure per year, total known domestic oil reserves counting oil shale (viable at $80 oil) 1 Trillion plus barrels ... takes 11 thousand years of tire pressure to equal our known domestic reserves)
... to be continued and continued ...

Fill Your Tires With BO (Again)

Power Line: Obama Doubles Down

Most Americans will be spared the whole discussion since the MSM knows it is a loser for BO and they are watching out for him. They will publish enough of something to make it SEEM like he "MIGHT be right" ... and certainly Republicans are generally wrong, and it is unfair and probably racist to not agree with BO.

If any leading Republican had uttered anything like this it would be treated like what it is:
  • a foolish political gaffe ... all that is required for that is for the crowd not to like it, and the video shows that much.
  • representative of a real lack of knowledge about energy, transportation, drilling and a lot of other stuff. BO is really like what the MSM liked to claim Reagan was. When BO leaves the script, he stinks.
  • violation of one of the "prime directives" ... if you find you are in a hole, stop digging.
  • an object of derision in both the MSM and sometimes even more devastating the nighttime humor shows.

Were Bush to have said the same thing, we would be treated to endless columns and "news" articles on how "dangerous" it is to have someone that foolish in a leadership position and how the fact that he is there is a sign of "big money, conservative media manipulation of the foolish public and American's unwillingness to look at "facts"".

The MSM will cover for BO and he will eventually get it right. He isn't nearly as smart as he sometimes comes off, but given the fact that he gets as many trys as he needs to get it right, he eventually will.

Naked BO

American Thinker: Emperor Obama's New Clothes

I'm not going to give any teasers. READ THE WHOLE THING!!!

The fog of BO and that threat of being called a racist hasn't felled everyone yet!!!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Lefty Embarrassed at MSM Bias

The case for covering the Edwards scandal. - By Mickey Kaus - Slate Magazine

Slate is pretty far to the left, but even they are starting to get embarrassed by the covering for John Edwards long term affair with recent documented dalliances while his wife battles cancer. Some conservative scandal mongers have covered it a bit, but like most things of this type where the person in question has a "D" behind their name, the objective of the MSM is to keep it as quiet as possible, and they have done a pretty good job of that here.

Do I personally see it as news? A little, for much the same reasons as Kaus lists below--if Edwards ever had any qualifications to suggest he might be presidential material, it MUST have had something to do with his "character/ability to sway audiences with rhetoric". Since he CERTAINLY had no other skills or experience to suggest that "president" was a reasonable aspiration for him (much like Obama), the importance of his character would seem to rise.

Kaus talks about Bill Bennett as an example whose gambling addiction the media LOVED "outing". I'd say the list is long--very hard to beat their coverage of authorities finding a vial of Viagra in Rush Limbaugh's personal belongings as he re-entered the country. I think one COULD question if the issue of Rush using Viagra is worthy of national news attention--but then we know that people with views like Rush OUGHT to be punished! That is what "free speech" is about if you are from the left.

They also at least adequately covered the Gingrich affairs, including the cheating on his first wife that had cancer as if that kind of behavior was objectionable and very worthy of coverage-again, if you are the kind of person that would put an R next to your name. Edwards is a D, but maybe some of the lefties are starting to see that it is POSSIBLE for ones biases to go too far? Nah, wishful thinking.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Isn't It Nice To Own the Media?

The Tire-Gauge Solution: No Joke - TIME

I suppose the MSM will be coming out with some headlines that say "The Surge Worked, BO and all the Democrats were wrong"? How about "The Economy isn't in a recession, that takes 2 quarters of negative growth"? Nope, don't think so.

The surge and the economy are both factual looks at current conditions / past predictions. The predictions of how much one MIGHT save IF all the tires were properly inflated ... PLUS all the discussions about "2030" give a lot of leeway. I think one only has to look at the video and look at the crowd to know the truth-nobody that lives in the real world believes that there is ANY chance that folks are going to run out and all get anal about tire inflation. I'd think the "logical thing" for Dems to do is pass a law REQUIRING everyone to have auto-inflate on tires. Now THAT would make perfect Democrat sense ... spend 100's of billions across the country to save 100's of millions or low billions. But maybe given that by "some calculation", they could be "right"?

Of course, the MSM LOVES to talk about "What if we HADN'T gone into Iraq" ... or "What if we had put a bunch of controls on fuel use long ago and far awy". Their level of curiosity is MUCH lower about how about if we had been drilling 40 years ago, doing nuke plants, developing oil shale, etc. There seems to be sort of a "localized curiosity".

Dark Knight

The Dark Knight, reviewed. - By Dana Stevens - Slate Magazine

I found this little gem in this review of this summer's blockbuster:
The long, intricately braided story that follows will include vast wiretapping networks, suicide-bomb threats, and moral clashes over torture and prisoners' rights. In short, Chris Nolan does more nuanced thinking about the war on terror than we've seen from the Bush administration in seven years. And despite a falsely heroic closing speech from Gary Oldman's character, police Lt. Jim Gordon, the movie seems to arrive at much the same conclusion about Batman as Americans have about Bush: Thanks to this guy, we're well and thoroughly screwed.

Is the Bush administration supposed to "expose their identity" as the Joker wants Batman to do? Isn't the message of the film that there are really really evil people out there in the world, and in order to deal with them SOMEONE has to walk extremely close to the edge of evil but not fall over it? In the movie, DA Dent clearly fell over--bigtime, and I thought a bit much and a bit easily, but Batman is "still out there, still protecting"-at an extremely high cost to himself. Lost love, lost family, extreme life danger, lost friends, maybe even a lost Lucius Fox.

How HAS the Bush administration kept the US safe from attacks since 9-11? Part of it is certainly going on offense, but is that all of it? Unlike the Clinton administration that liked to crow about any little thing they did to maybe thwart terror, the Bush administration has been remarkably quiet. In intelligence, quiet is good, in politics, it is suicide, but Bush seems to have been very willing to pay that price.

While the Clinton motives were always crystal clear -- money, sex, power, adulation, the Bush motives are a lot less clear. One doesn't see a bunch of harried worries about "his legacy". The MSM is of course sure that they KNOW that legacy will be "worst president ever", but folks tend to forget that what follows is also important. Clinton presided over times that APPEARED to be quiet, but in retrospect were a period when the greatest post communist threat was building. Bush started dealing with that threat, and for some reason, if keeping the country safe is something people like, with very good results.

How well will BO do on that front? I think that result will have some bearing on how Bush is actually judged by history.

Oh, the Dark Knight is worth seeing. Very dark, but well acted, good effects.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

What is Wrong With This Picture?

Look at it closely. Would you:
1). Leave it as is
2). Tear out the tile above the accent between the upper and lower cabinets.
3). Add tile above the accent around the tub with a new accent strip on top of that to bring it all up to a "higher match leve"?

Yes, "getting it right" can be tough!

Inconsistent Ignorance

Power Line: Barack Obama -- fighting to keep us ignorant

The MSM has been bent out of shape every time the Bush adminstration had anything to say that was less than fully cheerleading for Global Warming amoung other things. It was always "chilling" (odd designation fro global warming!). It seems that there is something BO would just as soon keep us all ignorant about though-what kind of oil reserves we might have if we looked! He doesn't think we need any inventory of that!

So is the MSM concerned that he isn't willing to "look at the science"? Nope. Odd isn't it? They are supposed to unbiased and all.

BO on Your Shoulder

Kinda cute, but kinda scary if you really think about it.

Remembering The Late '70's

Presidential vote could help Dems get 'magic' Senate majority -

Nice of CNN to let me remember more of those "glory years" for the Democrats of the late '70s. They had vanquished the evil "Tricky Dick" Nixon (Democrats have always been respectful of Repbublicans, NEVER "divisive" like those evil Republicans). In '77-'79 they held 61 seats, there was no Fox news, no Rush Limbaugh, and America was a GREAT place!!! Well, double digit unemployment, inflation and interest rates might not quite seem what many of folks of today looking for "change" have in mind, but for a lot of lefties, not even that matters.

I wonder if some country has any insane criminals or something that they could send us like Castro sent over to help the crime levels in Miami and Atlanta like he did in the Mariel boatlift of '80? Ah yes, the brilliance of having Democrats run the country. We seem to have forgotten just how much "change" can really happen.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Gore Sends Son to Space

Al Gore Places Infant Son In Rocket To Escape Dying Planet | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

I may start using the Onion as my only news source once we enter the age of global BO. This one is a real hoot, you need to read it all. A teaser:

EARTH—Former vice president Al Gore—who for the past three decades has unsuccessfully attempted to warn humanity of the coming destruction of our planet, only to be mocked and derided by the very people he has tried to save—launched his infant son into space Monday in the faint hope that his only child would reach the safety of another world.

"I tried to warn them, but the Elders of this planet would not listen," said Gore, who in 2000 was nearly banished to a featureless realm of nonexistence for promoting his unpopular message. "They called me foolish and laughed at my predictions. Yet even now, the Midwest is flooded, the ice caps are melting, and the cities are rocked with tremors, just as I foretold. Fools! Why didn't they heed me before it was too late?"

Al Gore—or, as he is known in his own language, Gore-Al—placed his son, Kal-Al, gently in the one-passenger rocket ship, his brow furrowed by the great weight he carried in preserving the sole survivor of humanity's hubristic folly.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

How Bad Can Presidents Be? (malaise)

Here is a YouTube of the old peanut farmer himself telling us that "the end is very near". By golly, it is 30 years later and we are still here! Not only that, we seemed to have MUCH more and MUCH cheaper gas once we got Mr doom and gloom out of there. Can the world get darker than Jimmuh? I bet we are about to find out!

Inflating Tires With BO

Power Line: Get This Man A Teleprompter!

My God, inflating our tires is going to save as much as we could pump by drilling! If Bush said this, the MSM and all the comedians would be HOWLING about how stupid he was! Thank God for YouTube! and the net! This stuff would never see the light of day without it.

Yeah sure, that could happen ... in 11 thousand years or so!!!

Hollywood Courage That Makes You Say WOW!

Washington Times - VOIGHT: My concerns for America

A Hollywood guy that has kept completely mum on his obvious conversion over a lifetime from the propaganda the left. No doubt this will cause him a loss of friends and maybe worse, but it is the kind of courage that is going to be needed in MUCH larger amounts to prevent this country from being lost forever to fascism / socialism / nihilism if the likely election of BO comes to pass.

Worth reading it all, but here is a teaser:

The Democrats have targeted young people, knowing how easy it is to
bring forth whatever is needed to program their minds. I know this
process well. I was caught up in the hysteria during the Vietnam era,
which was brought about through Marxist propaganda underlying the
so-called peace movement. The radicals of that era were successful in
giving the communists power to bring forth the killing fields and
slaughter 2.5 million people in Cambodia and South Vietnam. Did they
stop the war, or did they bring the war to those innocent people? In
the end, they turned their backs on all the horror and suffering they
helped create and walked away.

Maybe I WILL Vote for BO?

While I strongly believe that Republicans failed to realize that actually GOVERNING was less pure than being the opposition, and thus assisted in the MSM / Democrat dismantling of the Bush administration post Katrina, I'm starting to think the the logic Mr Beck comes close to here is actually right.

I think the odds of McCain being elected are slim in the extreme in any case, but if he WERE elected, wouldn't that really just give the forces of the left a scapegoat to point to while they did most of what they wanted anyway with both houses of congress strongly in their corner? Billy C fought a lot of the policies of the Republican congress when they were elected, but after those policies started to work, he took the "high road" and claimed credit for every success that he could. Triangulation from the left worked great for Billy and the Dems, not so good for Republicans. The Republican congress took all the heat for the controls on spending and Slick took all the credit for the balanced budget that resulted -- really good if you are a Democrat.

McCain is sort of a much less conservative Bush, and Bush was a more moderate conservative than Slick Willie was a moderate liberal. The last "conservative" we had was Reagan, and he was pretty darned moderate on everything but the USSR as well. So, we STILL haven't even REALLY tried conservative policies, even given all the howling of the media and the Democrats. Right now it is obvious that there isn't ANY potential for us to try conservative policies, SO, do we want to have the band-aid peeled fast or slow?

I remain worried that the big issue here is that BO may not be recoverable at all--we may slip into a fascist "nanny police state" where you MUST do what the state says is good for you, which includes no freedom of conservative media, no armed populace, no real individual control of finance, loss of more at least Christian religious freedom, etc. ... essentially, we all become "wards of the state" -- or incarcerated/dead. BUT, even if McCain somehow miraculously got elected, that would likely mean that the fascist risk just got held off another 4 years and got worse while being held off.

Being conservative means being reality based. It strongly appears that the best we can do given the current mood of the country is to give the left their heads, suffer the likely economic disaster, and hope and pray that the backbone of the American people still has enough mettle left so we will be able to ward off a descent into fascism.

While the Carter years were a nasty time that took until '83 to recover from, we DID recover! Without Carter, we would likely never have had Reagan and the world could be a lot sadder. Conservatism means optimism, BO may be bad enough to usher in a whole new golden age in as little as 4 years, but more likely, more like a decade.