What Did Obama Do As A Community Organizer? by Byron York on National Review Online
This is a little on the long side, but has some good information to understand BO's strengths and weaknesses. The summary:
- "The Hope is the product". BO tends to make the easily led believe him, but he doesn't have a lot of history of DOING much of anything but getting himself to the next level of power.
- He claims to be about "bringing together", he is really a far left partisan. Here he is in his own book on Ronald Reagan, a guy who won 48 out of 50 states in '84--how is THAT for "together"!
Obama wrote in his memoir, Dreams from My Father.
Ah yes, Reagan and his MINIONS were carrying on their DIRTY deeds! ... and every state but Taxachusets and Leftysota voting for him!
- He is a SUPER organizer, but he has a hard time figuring out what ought be done with the organization. He is sort of an "organizer savant". He has managed to pull together a very big political machine, but it isn't clear at all WHY other than "Hope and Change".
This is a little on the long side, but has some good information to understand BO's strengths and weaknesses. The summary:
- "The Hope is the product". BO tends to make the easily led believe him, but he doesn't have a lot of history of DOING much of anything but getting himself to the next level of power.
- He claims to be about "bringing together", he is really a far left partisan. Here he is in his own book on Ronald Reagan, a guy who won 48 out of 50 states in '84--how is THAT for "together"!
Obama wrote in his memoir, Dreams from My Father.
“Instead, I’d pronounce on the need for change. Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds. Change in the Congress, compliant and corrupt. Change in the mood of the country, manic and self-absorbed. Change won’t come from the top, I would say. Change will come from a mobilized grass roots.”
Ah yes, Reagan and his MINIONS were carrying on their DIRTY deeds! ... and every state but Taxachusets and Leftysota voting for him!
- He is a SUPER organizer, but he has a hard time figuring out what ought be done with the organization. He is sort of an "organizer savant". He has managed to pull together a very big political machine, but it isn't clear at all WHY other than "Hope and Change".