Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Dreams from My Father
I made it through the subject book, by (unbelieveably), our president, Barack Hussien Obama -- but generally known as "Barry Obama" in the book. As I went through the book I thought how different the treatment of BO than of W. For W, the issue of if he did or did not fly a jet during some period in the National Guard in the early '70s was worth using documents that turned out to clumsily forged in an hour long special and a ton of other media coverage to try to discredit him even when running for his SECOND term.
For BO, most people don't realize that he was known as "Barry" up until college and that he seems very much to be largely a black racist, even though he is half white. The degree to which he idolized his absent black father, who turned out to have anything but a model life is utterly amazing. If he has any god at all, it is the "false god" of his vision of that father. His poor Grandparents, who actually made all the sacrifices to raise him get very little credit, and his white mother gets the shortest shrift of all.
The other thing that hits me is "this is what you get when you remove God from the life of a person". What does BO really think? One can read through 457 pages and suspect very strongly that he has no idea other than it is somehow "shared, better, different" than anything humans have thought before. Why? Well, because BO is special, and even though a lot of folks try to tell him "it's not all about him", the subtext is that he really doesn't buy that, it **IS** all about BO!
A lot of what he says, he puts in someone elses mouth, but since he claims to have written the book, that isn't really much of a dodge -- why put something in their mouths if you think it is not worth people hearing said?
p 258. "The first thing you have to realize ... is that the public school is not about educating black children. Never has been. Inner-city schools are about social control. Period. They're operated as holding pens, miniature jails, really."
Later -- "Just think about what a real education for these children would involve. It would start by giving a child and understanding of himself, his world, his culture, his community. That's the starting point of any educational process." (his italics)
There you have it -- US culture is NOT black culture. A bit later yet, "I teach them that Africans are a communal people". This guys name is Asante, and BO never has a negative comment on the views from him that he includes, and he later invokes him as one of his key friends.
p406. "What Granny had told us scrambled that image completely [black supremacist muslim] causing ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House Nigger." Being a black supremacist, not wanting any intermarriage with whites -- that is a GOOD image. Working for white folks in Africa? Well, the "N word" isn't all that positive."
p 438. "All to rarely do I hear people asking just what it is we've done to make so many children's hearts so hard, or what collectively we might do to right their moral compass -- what values we must live by. Instead I see us doing what we've always done--pretending that these children are somehow not our own".
Well, we USED to be a Christian nation -- there are a known set of values there. "Love your Neighbor", "Do unto others", "First cast the log in your own eye...", etc. Knowledge that man is fallen, and it isn't WE that turn human hearts hard; human hearts ARE hard until they are redeemed by Jesus, and even then, constant attachment with word and sacrament is required. "Obamanation" (abomination) is what happens when sovereign God is converted to a relativistic hodge-podge of tribalism, pop psychology, new age gibberish and polytheistic meanderings. BOs religion is BO -- at one time it was his "false father", but when he found the truth of that mirage, he left it behind.
p 87, "Gotta have them ribs .... And pussy too. Don't Malcom talk about no pussy? Now you know that ain't going to work."
Nice quote for a president to be writing in a book, huh? Suppose if he had an "R" next to his name, a few of those might have gotten a little more play?
His favorite quote from Reverend Wright, based on the play it gets is from his "Audacity of Hope" sermon, the only one that we really know that BO attended and actually listened to.
p293. "...where white man's greed runs a world in need". For me, that sums up the "BO experience" -- we have a President that is a black supremacist.
Unfortunately, after reading this book, it is very clear that we have much more to fear than "fear itself". I didn't cover the Kenya part of the book, but suffice it to say, "He is Luo" -- that is his tribe. I'm not sure there is any point that he says, "I am an American" -- at one point I think he said he was "a citizen of the world". It appears to me that to the extent he has any grounding at all, it is African tribalism. How well does that work for a country of 300 million? Well, I guess we get to find out now!
Change As Ice Cream
Who worries about "the cow" when it is all about the "Ice Cream?
The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year. The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest. I decided we would have an election for a class president.
We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote. To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members. We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have. We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot. The class had done a great job in their selections.
Both candidates were good kids. I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support. I had never seen Olivia's mother.
The day arrived when they were to make their speeches Jamie went first. He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best.
Everyone applauded. He sat down and Olivia came to the podium. Her speech was concise. She said, "If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream." She sat down.
The class went wild. "Yes! Yes! We want ice cream." She surely could say more. She did not have to.
A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn't sure. Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it? She didn't know. The class really didn't care. All they were thinking about was ice cream.
Jamie was forgotten.
Olivia won by a landslide.
Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream and fifty-two percent of the people reacted like nine year olds. They want ice cream.
The other forty-eight percent of us know we're going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess.
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not
President Reading to School Kids Good Again
So will we get a bunch of media jokes now about "Moon Over Star" as we got about "My Pet Goat" when the press was forced to cover what Bush was doing when he heard the news about 9-11? Late night media folks saying "I didn't know he could read"?
I bet not. Another good question to ask would be "Which public school do your girls go to President Obama?"
Public schools are apparently good enough for other peoples kids -- just not his.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Poor Daschle
If the President had an "R" next to his name, this story would be very simple and the hammers would be hammering away like the following:
1). Daschle looks criminal. If a regular American had half as much of a tax problem, they would be in the pokey.
2). If Daschle isn't criminal, then he has to be so incompetent that he defies description -- how could such a person get such huge money as a lobbiest without engaging in the worst possible kinds of influence peddling?
3). Most likely he is to some degree BOTH criminal and corrupt. How could the President pick such a man? Why would the President stand by him? How could the folks in his own party be willing to defend him? The whole Republican party must be horribly corrupt and this President must be BOTH corrupt and incompetent as well. We are in terrible trouble as a nation.
BUT, BO is a Democrat as is Daschle -- so the MSM wrings their hands that such a "good man" was brought down by a "simple tax mistake", and isn't he great and good for bowing out? Oh, and BO, well HE is great because he has "admitted a mistake"! Gee, isn't that special -- were he a Republican, after Richardson, Geitner, Daschle and Nancy Killefer (his "Chief Performance Officer" all had to withdraw, he would at a minimum be branded as "incompetent". How can anyone that is that poor a judge of character expect to run a country? Good for BO that he is a Democrat, when the mistakes start on the oath of office, a Republican would nearly be toast already.
I hear the BO revenue strategy is to just keep appointing Democrats and he will be able to pay off the debt in just Democrat back taxes -- then he even screws that up by appointing Judd Gregg (a Republican)!
Monday, February 02, 2009
Nice Home Theatre
$6 million for a home theater seems a bit high, but it really looks like nice stuff!
What You Don't Report
The MSM controls thought more often by what they DON'T report than by what they do. Hear any complaints abut the FEMA response to the ice storm in Kentucky? Guess what, you aren't likely to either -- because the idea is to impress you with BO, not have you look at him critically.
How about BO's use of energy, what he serves for dinner at the WH, etc? I'm not saying that they OUGHT to be issues, I'm just saying that when the MSM is trying to make a President unpopular, there is NO LIMIT on the crap that is used to make him look as bad as they possibly can.
It is going to be very hard for BO to do wrong from the MSM POV for a good long while.
Snowy Boiled Frog
Global Warming is now Climate Change and ANY "changing weather" is due to human input of carbon into the atmosphere. Pay no attention to reports of record cold, snow and such other than the realize that for the "sophisticated media consumer" (those that stick with "the name brands") -- what we need to focus on is the reduction of carbon. We have already established the fact of "climate change".
Oh -- campaign finance reform in the US? Not an issue -- we don't care how much is spent on an election as long as "the right side" wins!
Deficits? Did anyone ever complain about those? "Bigger is better"!
Just follow the random thought walk, consistency is NOT an issue!
If you have wandered into this Blog and are a happy consumer of only MSM views, shut your eyes and get out now. Return to the warm and comfortable "climate controlled" environs of the MSM pot!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Even $18 Billion Has "Another Side"
BO, the Democrats, and the MSM seem in a huge hurry to demonize Wall Street on their "bonuses". It SEEMS like "free theater" -- hammer away at the street that has lost so much money in '08 and "show them a lesson". Actually, it is amazing what quick studies folks in the business world actually are, they already HAVE the "lesson". Business is the current whipping boy and Washington is going to throw pork around to whomever they think will net them the most votes -- so, they are not lending, buying stocks, investing in new products, nor moving forward with production, because everyone with half a brain looks at everything being done and says "there is no way this can work, we are in for a long term horrible economy". BUT, BO, the Dems, and the MSM still don't get that -- they think these actions are "good for business", so they are basically declaring war on business.
Want to make a bet on how well that works? Look at where the Dow is, job losses, GDP, consumer outlook, housing starts, and a whole host of other stuff, and you can see how confident most people are (not).
A few quick facts about Wall Street bonuses. The pretext for the
political outrage was the New York comptroller's report this week on
the aggregate data for bonuses in 2008. That "irresponsible" bonus pool
of $18 billion was for every worker in the New York financial industry,
from top dogs to secretaries. This bonus pool fell 44% in 2008, the
largest percentage decline in 30 years. The average bonus was $112,000;
bonuses typically make up most of an employee's salary on Wall Street.
The comptroller estimates that this decline will cost New York State $1
billion in lost tax revenue and New York City $275 million. Both city
and state may have to announce layoffs.What is more, the "Wall Street" of popular and fevered imagination
isn't coming back anytime soon, if ever. Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns
and Merrill Lynch are gone, kaput. Enough bankers have been ruined or
fired to sate class resentments for a lifetime. The remaining big two,
Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, are no longer formally investment
banks but are now under the supervisory control of the Federal Reserve.
The Wall Street business model is broken, and not at a particularly
opportune moment for the economy.Mr. Obama wanted to hit a populist nerve this week because he knows
he may have to ask Congress for another $1 trillion or more to revive
the banking system. He also knows that the core of the economic crisis
is a lending system that remains frozen in a vast lake of toxic,
mispriced securities. In short, the credit system is on strike (see
above).The U.S. is a long way from getting out from under this burden. The
danger of targeting what capitalists we have left for abuse or
prosecution is that they will stay on strike, as they did in the 1930s.
It won't be pretty this time either.
Rush Hit's a Nerve?
Gee, commander Q-Ball comes back to defend partisanship. So, on the Iraq war, the DEMOCRATS in the Senate were over 50% in favor of the war resolution. The Democrats in the House of course new it was going to pass with 215 Republicans voting for it, but 82 of them still joined the Republicans. So, **IF** we followed the "proportional popular vote idea", we would have STILL gone to war!
How about "regulation"? Well, it was REPUBLICANS that wanted to increase regulation on Freddy and Fannie to head off the sub-prime crisis, and it was DEMOCRATS like Charlie Ranglel and Barney Frank that defened the program because it allowed poorer people to get homes.
Slick WIllie would have never had a surplus without the combination of the Republcian Congress and the Internet Bubble -- the "surplus" was a function of Republicans cutting the rate of growth in medicare (and taking a lot of heat for it) and taxes on captial gains taken during the bubble. As we see now, when Democrats control congress, they are good at MUCH larger deficits! 2x -- 3x ... I don't think we even know. It is and was CONGRESS that sets the budget! The President just signs it.
So Carville needs a bit of history study before he does his responses.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Being Democrat Means Not Paying Taxes
Could it really be any more clear? Democrats are ALL for a bunch of high taxes -- and over and over and over again, they don't pay them. Franken, Daschle and Geitner being the latest, but it is basically a constant. Since the IRS is a bunch of mostly Union Democrats, is it just sort of an "inside joke" that the stupid Republicans can complain all they want, but the way it works is that they pay and the Democrats just walk away? Unless of course they have to go through confirmation hearings, and THEN , they just do what Democrats always do "they gave it back" -- or in this case "they pay them".
No need to prosecute, the only thing that a Democrat can EVER do is "make an honest mistake". How could it be anythng but? They don't purport to have any moral standard, so doesn't that simply make "getting caught" an "honest mistake"?
Sides of a Coin
This is very well written, the whole thing should be read. The highlight is:
In fact, Bush hatred and Obama euphoria -- which tend to reveal more about those who feel them than the men at which they are directed -- are opposite sides of the same coin. Both represent the triumph of passion over reason. Both are intolerant of dissent. Those wallowing in Bush hatred and those reveling in Obama euphoria frequently regard those who do not share their passion as contemptible and beyond the reach of civilized discussion. Bush hatred and Obama euphoria typically coexist in the same soul. And it is disproportionately members of the intellectual and political class in whose souls they flourish.
He is a good writer and he brings in the fact that when our people aren't schooled in a perspective of "transcendence" (although he doesn't call it that), then we are in grave peril. What is beyond our petty passions and peccadilloes? The sweep of human development? God? Philosophy? Love?
or nothing? so often today it is nothing.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Why Democrats Like High Taxes
Because they don't pay them! My God, the guys WIFE lobbies and makes millions of dollars and the corrupt stooges avoid the taxes! The ones that THEY are so very much in favor of!!!
One just can't be a hypocrit and a Democrat -- when you have no values, you can't be expected to follow any!!
I love this line:
Still, there is always a silver lining. One good thing about
electing a Democrat as President is that, as he nominates fellow
Democrats to senior positions in the Executive Branch, millions of
dollars in unpaid tax liabilities come to light and are belatedly paid
to the IRS, with interest. It is, perhaps, the most tangible advantage
of electing Democrats to office.
NYT On The Coronation of BO
This is almost a parody of itself. Jesus Christ deserves this level of adoration and even more -- BO is VERY human, and deserves exactly the same respect as George Bush almost never got. BO is a rookies rookie -- his accomplishments are few, the expectations on him are enormous -- Maria Kalman's expectations are beyond all reason!
It is funny -- in a strange, scary, embarrassed, pitiful, weak sort of way. How much of a slave can a human mind be to a projection of their own hopes and dreams onto just another dirty, limited, fallible, self-centered and mortal human?
Apparently, far beyond a level of the merely ridiculous.
BO Apologizes for America
Charles points out the dual foolishness of the idea that America has "disrespected Muslims" in the past 30 years -- Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq -- all to help Muslims. And the dual even more foolish idea that relations were somehow "good" 30 years agao -- when the Iranians took the US hostages in '79.
What Charles doesn't mention that is obvious to one that is 20% of the way through "Dreams from My Father", BO is one mixed up weird dude -- lots of use of the "N word", black rage, racism against whites, etc -- BO is very much a guy that lives in the world he imagines that he lives in, reality be damned.
So he probably DOES think that the late '70s were some sort of "golden age of US Moslem relations" -- and that we have been "Arab nasty" for the past 30 years -- or maybe he just said what was on his mind at that moment. The idea that he is some sort of an actual brilliant guy that thinks though everything he does in some sort of super way is really only a media fabrication anyway. This is the guy that had a guy that is now a convicted felon help him get a sweetheart deal on his $1.6 million home and didn't see any corruption that needed to be reported in IL politics.
I'm sorry America has BO.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Welcome To Socialism Comrade
The nasty Republicans are "partisan" for voting against the greatest glob of pork fat in world history. How quickly the tables turn from the "principled and courageous opposition" the Democrats always provided against Republican measures. I can't wait for the first filibuster -- what was once a threatened "sacred measure of the founders" when weilded by Democrats to prevent Republican court nominees from passing the hallowed halls of the Senate is very soon to become "an obstructionist anachronism". I wonder what has changed?
The Democrats are out buying votes again by the TRILLION. Yes, yes, the Republicans gave into the allure of pork for a few measly 100 Billion, but now the old pros are back in town and tripe is being slathered out by the TRILLION, and where are the MSM complaints? Uh, it isn't big enough?