Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Fish Rots From the Head

The White House - Blog Post - Facts Are Stubborn Things

Note, the MSM doesn't find anything "chilling" about THIS!! Hey, turn in your neighbors to the BO White House! We'll decide what to do about their "misinformation"!!! Naturally, the cud chewing lefty sheep find this to be very comforting. They regularly have trouble fully explaining the latest BO program that is going to "improve care, be less costly, cover everyone and allow you to keep all the same choices you have to day with no negative impact"!!! Hey, who could be against THAT, and why in the world would you ask any questions about it!!

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Worries on the Left

Obama's healthcare horror | Salon

Please read this, Camille Pagila is a lefty with impeccable empty headed views on creating a perfect world with a few simple government programs.

But somehow liberals have drifted into a strange servility toward big government, which they revere as a godlike foster father-mother who can dispense all bounty and magically heal all ills. The ethical collapse of the left was nowhere more evident than in the near total silence of liberal media and Web sites at the Obama administration's outrageous solicitation to private citizens to report unacceptable "casual conversations" to the White House. If Republicans had done this, there would have been an angry explosion by Democrats from coast to coast. I was stunned at the failure of liberals to see the blatant totalitarianism in this incident, which the president should have immediately denounced. His failure to do so implicates him in it.

A "strange servility"? Apparently Camille has missed most of her lefty compatriots quietly chewing their cuds when Democrats held power in the past.

In case you doubt that she is actually a certified Bush hater, and therefore obviously intelligent in the eyes of the MSM and it's followers ...

Aug. 12, 2009 | Buyer's remorse? Not me. At the North American summit in Guadalajara this week, President Obama resumed the role he is best at -- representing the U.S. with dignity and authority abroad. This is why I, for one, voted for Obama and continue to support him. The damage done to U.S. prestige by the feckless, buffoonish George W. Bush will take years to repair. Obama has barely begun the crucial mission that he was elected to do.

Imperial Congress

John Fund: Congress’s Gulfstream Jet Scandal Is Just the Beginning -

Naturally a corporate CEO wanting to leverage his time by using a Gulfstream is something that ought to be pointed out as wasteful of money and damaging to the environment.

Congress though, not THAT is a completely different story!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Bloom Coming off BO Rose?

Dorothy Rabinowitz: Obama’s Tone-Deaf Health Campaign -

Are the masses waking up and starting to smell the stench of BO rather than the lofty airs that the MSM has been telling them are associated with BO? One can only hope. It is going to take a WAVE to get even minimal leverage to right the ship in the next election. Even I would not have believed the level of damage that BO has been able to wreak in 6 short months.

The president has a problem. For, despite a great election victory, Mr. Obama, it becomes ever clearer, knows little about Americans. He knows the crowds—he is at home with those. He is a stranger to the country’s heart and character.
He seems unable to grasp what runs counter to its nature. That Americans don’t take well, for instance, to bullying, especially of the moralizing kind, implicit in those speeches on health care for everybody. Neither do they wish to be taken where they don’t know they want to go and being told it’s good for them. 

Who would have believed that this politician celebrated, above all, for his eloquence and capacity to connect with voters would end up as president proving so profoundly tone deaf? A great many people is the answer—the same who listened to those speeches of his during the campaign, searching for their meaning. 

It took this battle over health care to reveal the bloom coming off this rose, but that was coming. It began with the spectacle of the president, impelled to go abroad to apologize for his nation—repeatedly. It is not, in the end, the demonstrators in those town-hall meetings or the agitations of his political enemies that Mr. Obama should fear. It is the judgment of those Americans who have been sitting quietly in their homes, listening to him.

Un-American Protests

Column: 'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate - Opinion -

Remember when it was "chilling" for some to claim that it was "un-American" for the NYT to sensationalize Abu Grab and to leak classified documents on rendition programs and other supposedly covert activities? They thought that such activity was bound to embolden more terror and to make the US out to be the bad guy. Wow, folks that think like THAT are "radical" -- let's see how the left thinks about people making statements about BOcare.

However, it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue. These tactics have included hanging in effigy one Democratic member of Congress in Maryland and protesters holding a sign displaying a tombstone with the name of another congressman in Texas, where protesters also shouted "Just say no!" drowning out those who wanted to hold a substantive discussion.

Well now it is "un-American" to protest your government adding trillions of dollars to the debt for BOcare. This is an America where you have no right to oppose the will of BO and Nancy Pelosi. "Change" has come to pass!!

It is interesting to note which side is offended by what. Conservatives tend to be offended by flag burning, not supporting the nation at war and chants and disruptions at campaign events. Democrats are offended that not everyone agrees with them at a Town Hall meeting. One might wonder if the "Town Hall" is supposed to be more like the local Politburo? Where we all get together to say the same thing?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Simple Truth

Remove the complexity and often the truth is quite simple!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Who's Nazi Nancy Now?

RealClearPolitics - Nancy's Nazi Shock: Did She Forget the Bush Years?

A nice jaunt down memory lane of the Bush years. Gee, who would have ever thought of likening someone you didn't like to Hitler or a Nazi!! Wow, we have NEVER seen that before!!

How short some memories are. Nazis were "National Socialists" -- gee, which side of the spectrum are socialists normally on? But wait! There IS a correlation -- Republican = evil = Nazi!! There, that makes sense!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Republican Mobs

Democrats say Republicans staging town hall protests -

I've never been to a major Republican campaign event where some number of Democrats didn't show up to demonstrate on the street outside, try to cover the speaker with boos or chants, or just yelling. In order to see Newt Gingerich speak 15 years ago, I had to walk through a line of chanting democrat and union protesters (they stopped and let me through nicely -- it helps to be 6'4" 250+).

They were being LED by the Democrat that was running for congress from this district and received more coverage from the local media than Speaker of the House Gingerich. I think every national Republican convention for at least the last 8 years has been heavily demonstrated against and typically had someone have to be carried away during the major acceptance speech. I've never heard the media have nary a negative word to say about it, nor have I seen where they publish some Republican complaints about it.

So Democrats have been turning Republican events into shout-fests forever, but somehow it is "evil" if Republicans say something? Staged? The protest over Newt just being here was completely led by the Democrat that was running for Congress. What is that?

The insanity builds -- BO and his Democrat cronies are spending TRILLIONS of $$$ that they don't have and anyone that doesn't agree with them is supposed to just shut up?? How close are they to trying to FORCE the opposition to shut up?? Are any of the sheep starting to hear some warning bells here?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Utopia vs Freedom

RealClearPolitics - Utopia Versus Freedom

Sowell states the obvious that it seems that nobody understands these days. One man's utopia is another man's hell. Our country was founded in the ideal that I have the freedom to try to find MY utopia as long as it doesn't interfere with your freedom to find yours!! Freedom ALWAYS means **RISK** ... human's are vastly flawed, and things are not here to make us happy (one would think that death might be enough of a clue of that fact for even the most non-observant). Therefore, we have a right to PURSUE happiness -- not "have it". A right to "have it" is a guarantee that the vast majority will have anything but happiness and that "unalienable right" to pursue it will have been squandered in the bargain.

The other very operative factor is that it IS possible for individuals to have significant freedom. but it turns out to NOT be possible to have utopia in this world (again, death is a nice clue). So the trade-off is giving up the real for the fictional -- a very bad trade.

I don't need to quote it, it is short, just read it!

Moderates on Healthcare Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Gov't-Run Care Is A Study In Soaring Costs

With the country deep in the left ditch, the term "moderate" seems to have fallen completely out of fashion. When we were only on the left shoulder with extremely moderate Republicans like Bush and McCain in the drivers seat, the current crop of socialists were of course "moderates", but now that we are buried in the left ditch with little apparent hope of rescue, "moderates" are no where to be found. It seems that the MSM and the bulk of the lefties just can't imagine the use of the moderate term for ANYONE that isn't on the left. "Moderate" is good, left is good -- if you look at the world that way, and that is just how they think.

I'd argue that Boschwitz and Penney are a pretty moderate combination, and they are even prone to this currently completely missing thought of "common sense". If we are going to sign the government up for a gigantic medical entitlement, ought we not look at how they have done with the two giant entitlements they have today in the medical area -- Medicare and Medicade??

What kind of impact did Medicare, the first large government health insurance plan have in budgetary terms? Medicare rose from $5.1 billion in 1968 to $436.0 billion in 2007 an astounding increase of 85.5 times over the 40-year period. Will ObamaCare be better?

Their article goes over all the comparisons with the rest of the budget, but the bottom line is that about the only thing the government seems to be able to do at an ever decreasing percentage of the budget is defense.

The Answer is Always Left

Commentary: Why Obama's plans are stalled -

BO's 2nd 100 days haven't been as stellar as the far left ditch was sure they would be. Why is that? Well in 2nd position, there are of course still those evil Repbublicans, but when one has a 60 vote majority in the Senate, even your more sophisticated lefty has to realize that it is hard to JUST blame the Republicans. The problem?

One of the biggest challenges has been the division within the Democratic Party between a handful of centrists and the liberal base. The tensions immediately became apparent when moderates forced Congress to reduce the size of the economic stimulus bill back in February.

Damn!! Those Democrats just aren't far enough to the left!! Not only do we need to get to one party rule, it is imperitive that party be ideologically pure! Note the "slight" difference here that Bush -- he of perscription drug benefits, trying to save FICA with private accounts, and No Child Left Behind (Federal involvement in education) -- HE was a "hard core radical right wing ideologue". Note the lack of "ideology" on the left -- what would it take to find a left wing ideologue? Apparetntly there is no such thing.

For most of the MSM, my guess would be that if we were left of China, they would still find a few too many "moderates" outside of prison somewhere that were causing trouble.

Monday, August 03, 2009

What Do You Think???

Boston officer's apparent racial slur may get him fired -

Just read the link and tell me what Boston Officer you think of? Notice the pictures.

The guy on the top is Jim Crowley the officer involved in the Gates arrest, the guy on the bottom is Justin Barrett the guy who sent the note. Barrett had nothing to do with the arrest, yet the fact that the note was sent was linked below the CNN headline about the Gates incident.

One wonders how many crank notes the Boston Globe gets on a daily basis? What percentage do you suppose they publish??

Does the MSM try to "subtely" influence what people think via "assumed relationships"??

How many times did we hear from varies media and Democrat sources that "Bill Clinton was set up"?? Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky were "openly rumored" to be "plants". Even the first lady talked on national TV about "the vast right wing conspiracy", yet to the majority of the left, anyone that even claims that there is a media bias is "a nutcase".

At the very least, the "message" that covering some officers screed note to the Boston Globe gets across is "The Boston Police are Racist". Who benefits from that message?

I think it is pretty hard to argue anything but that the Boston Globe and CNN thought it would be good to plant the seed that "the Boston Cop" had sent a racist note, so he was a racist. I bet over half of their readers looked at it and said "SEE!! The cop is a racist!!!"

Losing Prosperity for Equality

RealClearMarkets - Is Economic Equality Worth the Loss of Prosperity?

Naturally, the MSM and the left will assure us that this is a "false choice" -- they ought to know, they are getting pretty expert at them lately -- "BO stimulus or depression, BO healthcare or "nothing" (whatever that means). Their thinking is that one DOESN'T need to have those "animal spirits" of capitalism in order to have "prosperity". How do we know if they are right? Well, let them get rid of all the capitalism and make everyone dependent on the state for basic food, and then we can see ... of course when we get there, we may no longer be able to do anything about it, but then that would be OK with the lefties as well. Must be Bush's fault!!

The radical idea that all men should be equal before the law, each free to pursue happiness using his own means, created a nation of innovators that transformed the world. American culture had little tolerance for hereditary privilege, instead celebrating the self-made man accepting unequal outcomes as the price society pays to motivate entrepreneurial risk. Our founding social contract gave almost everyone a shot at riches but guaranteed outcomes for none. The system lasted 200 years because the same market that rewarded innovation eventually spread its fruits to even life's laggards. In the historical blink of an eye material luxuries became necessities became basic human "rights."

Saturday, August 01, 2009

A Contrast Worth A Trillion Words

American Thinker Blog: Obama's revealing body language (updated and expanded))

It is worth looking at the picture that leads the story and the one that ends it, and then just spend a moment on the contrast. BO is pictured by the MSM as "compassionate, caring, a man of the people, non-partisan, approachable, etc" ... in other words, all things good. Bush on the other hand "pompous, arrogant, partisan, out of touch, uncaring, only thinks of the rich, ... in other words, all things bad.

The press assigns those characteristics to those men because those are likely the feelings that they have as they think of them and their policies. BO promises that he will make OTHERS do a whole lot of "caring and compassion", but what will he himself do? How "caring and compassionate" does a giant government bureaucracy on the public dole staffed by union employees with nearly total job security but zero capacity to improve their position by better performance become?

One look at Bush helping the oldest Senate Democrat down the stairs shows more about compassion than 100 slick speeches read off a teleprompter in my book. One look at Crowley helping his accuser who ripped into him while he calmly did his job as an officer down the steps while BO is completely oblivious to the needs of his friend shows who it is that needs "teaching".

We live in a nation where the 24x7 coverage of everything makes it SEEM like it is "the words that matter", but in fact both individually and as a nation, it is eventually who we ARE that speaks so much more loudly than what we SAY. We have lost sight of that, and unfortunately the vast majority of Americans continue to follow the words of the MSM and charlatans telling them that "it is all someone elses' fault, the rich can bail us out, trust the government not yourselves ...".

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Serious Look At The Gate's Debacle

iowahawk: Cambridge Police Profiling Still A Grim Reality for Harvard Faculty Assholes

If the term A**hole is too offensive, then skip this. If allowances can be made in the interest of very well done satire, then highly recommended.