Thursday, July 07, 2011

Never EVER Trust A Democrat!!

Say No To the Dems’ July Surprise | Power Line

Will the Republicans get snookered again as they did just a few short months ago in the BO Christmas massacre?? I really hope not, but I'm not confident at all. With the MSM braying that the Government will "default" before it prioritizes interest and debt payments higher than other spending, the temptation to blink will be large.

How may times do Republicans have to be fooled before they wise up??

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

BO To Fly Coach?

Obama targets private jets, 'Big Oil' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

BO flys around in the grandest of private jets, but others should not. He got into that in his 2nd book ... he seems to really have "thing" against private jets as a business tool.

So he takes solid aim at .03% of the deficit with some hard hitting rhetoric on private jets -- and even USA Today notices that this is a complete counterproductive waste of time!!

Is BO more hampered by his Ideology or his Incompetence? It gets hard to judge sometimes. 

Friday, July 01, 2011

WI Bargaining Limits Go Into Effect: Sky Falls

Union curbs rescue a Wisconsin school district | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

Oh, it didn't? It is having a POSITIVE effect on school systems in the state already? Now THERE is a story that really doesn't deserve any media coverage!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

350% Debt

The number that's killing the economy -

Total US private and public debt to GDP ... 350%. 3.5x amount of debt as GDP ... the last 3 years, even though the government hasn't helped any, we lowered it from 370% to 350%

Prior to the great depression? 300% ... 3x.

Prior to 1870's depression? 166%

When you as a people, corporation or government take on too much debt, you have to keep working hard to create wealth and use a good deal of it to pay down your debt. There really isn't any other good alternative.

Note to folks that want to keep spending. 1st rule of holes. When you are in a hole, STOP DIGGING!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Facts, Deficit, Default

RealClearPolitics - If Budget Talks Fail, U.S. Does Not Have to Default on National Debt

Nice and short and very clear. Last Bush / Republican budget WITH those horrible tax cuts and two wars ended up with a $161 BILLION deficit, not a $1.6 TRILLION monstrosity like BO and the Democrats.

Why? Less spending and better growth numbers. We MUST get back to those kind of numbers RIGHT NOW and quit braying about "default" if the Democrats can't get some fresh taxes so they can spend 5x whatever they would take in!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

When Will We STAND UP!!!

TSA stands by officers after pat-down of elderly woman in Florida -

If we want government "by and for the people", eventually we have to stand up and be heard!!!! Political Correctness and no profiling have ALWAYS been completely ridiculous and antithetical to a free people. Are some terms offensive? Sure, but not as offensive as making them "hate speech". Can profiling run amuck? Sure, but obviously so can NOT profiling!!! The only difference is that not profiling makes everyone subject to the idiotic whims of the state and it's jackbooted thugs.

90 year old women and 6 year old kids. Old America had the right idea ... tar and feather these TSA thugs and run them out of town on a rail! or put them in stocks in the center of town and leave them stand for a few days and see how smart they look.

When We The People allow INSANITY to become the order of the day, it means that we no longer have the capacity to govern ourselves. BO, the size of the deficits, not drilling but opening the strategic reserve for political purposes, the head of the ATF running guns to Mexico, TSA Abuses ... the list just goes on forever.


BO For All Seasons

RealClearPolitics - Like Chauncey Gardiner, Obama Is Profoundly Aloof

One looks at our current situation and wonders if anyone is actually awake in the WH? Barone does a good job, but he leaves out a few ... the gun running ATF head? The weird Afgan election strategy against his generals? War Powers Act? ... it just goes on and on. Very well done article "first we have the spring and the summer" ...

TX to the Rescue?

George F. Will: Another Texas governor ponders a run for the White House | Full Comment | National Post

Good column. More jobs created in TX from 2001 - June 2010 than in the other 49 states COMBINED!! Since June '09, TX has created 37% of the US net new jobs.

Wow, the previous governor must have done a great job too -- I wonder who HE was?

People, what WORKS, and what FAILS??? Why oh why do we continue to ignore what works and keep doing what FAILS???

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Ex-Gay Friend -

My Ex-Gay Friend -

Very interesting read, kudos to the NYTs for publishing.  Can Gay's change? Pretty interesting that we would like to think that pretty much any other human behavior is potentially changeable through willpower, faith, psychology, training, rewards/sanctions, motivation, etc, etc ... why not same sex attraction? Can a serial womanizer ever reform? Could Tiger, Bill Clinton, Arnold or Weiner ever reform and settle down?

Which sounds like the more natural evolutionary development? A strong attraction to the opposite sex or a strong attraction to the same sex. Evolutionary experts tell us that "the selfish gene" ONLY cares about being passed on through offspring ... meaning that same sex attraction would be???

America used to be the land that believed in starting over, self-creation, redemption, the new world and the new life ... Gatsby was a model, you could become whomever you wanted in America.

Maybe it is remotely possible you could lose interest in the same sex??

A Dirty BO Secret

Obama’s Illegal War in Libya -

Even the NYTs quietly agrees that the war Libya is illegal under the War Powers Act??? Wow, how quiet can they be? Remember when waterboarding (that we do to our own special forced troops) was declared "torture" by the media and the Justice Dept lawyers (John Yoo, etc) had ruled WITH then President Bush???  Well, this time, the Justice Dept lawyers ruled AGAINST BO and he had to have a WH lawyer provide the ruling, and the WH lawyer promptly resigned. Another "Winning The Future" (WTF) moment!!

FICA Insanity

Raise, Don’t Save, Social Security -

OK, FICA is broke, so we ought to RAISE the amount paid under FICA!!  Insanity truly knows no bounds!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beck Viewers Better Informed than Stewart Viewers?

Is Jon Stewart Correct that Fox News Viewers Are "the most consistently misinformed media viewers"? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Who knows ... but it appears that the data isn't exactly what at least Stewart would have you believe. The video at the end is really worth a view -- apparently sanity wasn't a 100% phenomenon at the "Rally to Restore Sanity". Hmmm ...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

TX vs CA

RealClearPolitics - The Texas vs. California Example

Just read it. This comparison is so obvious and easy that the mind numbs at what it is that liberals are clinging to in their ideology. It seems they are completely willing to take the country to bankruptcy rather than simply admit the extremely obvious truth that their policies don't work!!!

Freedom to Work!

Power Line - Boeing Heats Up

The MSM has pretty much stayed away from the BO administrations vendetta to dictate to Boeing what states it may or may not build multi billion dollar plants in. This is really nothing more than an edict to US business saying "do it the BO way or get the hell out of the country".

I'd rather keep the business and get rid of BO ... and ASAP!!! We need Boeing and others like them MUCH more than we need BO!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Palin Derangement Syndrome

American Way: Sarah Palin email frenzy backfires on her media antagonists – Telegraph Blogs

Gee, Sarah appears to be a hands on governor and mom, struggling to balance work and family, with strong religious convictions. Who would have thought?

Denigrating Palin has become the replacement for denigration of Bush up till say '10. All the supposedly smart and "in the know" people would throw out some barb from time to time expecting instant approval from all around them. It would just be embarrassing for anyone to admit that they were SO STUPID to defend Bush or now Palin!!!

Well, maybe for some I guess. I always rather enjoyed not going with "the in crowd".

My only criteria for President next year is "ABBO" (Anybody But BO) ... if it is Palin, then I could support her 100%. At least we've established a new low bar for the Presidency with BO.