Monday, December 10, 2012

Bush Tax Cuts Now Good??

The Left’s Flip-Flop on the Bush Tax Cuts — The American Magazine

Wow, who knew?? Every Democrat and MSM person has said for over a decade that "The Bush cuts were tax cuts for the RICH!!". Now, suddenly BO wants MIDDLE CLASS people to call their congressmen and tell them they must agree with BO and raise JUST the taxes on the "rich" or THEY will have to pay up to $2K more a year??

Apparently Americans actually are gullible enough to go for this.  They hear the tax cuts called one thing for over a decade, suddenly, the story changes and "presto chango", the $3T over 10 years of tax relief for the middle class is really good (at least now) ... but the $800B over 10 years, 8 DAYS of spending each year, of tax relief for the top 10% that pays 70% of the taxes already (by these calculations, many have that number even higher for the top 10%), THOSE taxes have to be raised, or BO is going to force the taxes to be raised on everyone.

Let's see. The Bush tax cuts only benefitted the wealthy, and now going over the Fiscal Cliff and raising taxes on everyone  is all the Republicans fault!!

Yup, information you can believe in!

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Why We Fight on Budgets

Bargaining and Its Limits - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

We fight because there is no shared view of America. The Democrats have built a fully formed "United States of Europe" with cradle to grave welfare assistance, protective laws, regulation, now medical care, and a massive old age medical and income security.

Wonderful. Except for the small fact that as in Europe, it necessitates UNlimited government, which was what made the US "exceptional", highly successful, and a world leader.  Sadly, as well, as in Europe, even UNlimited government is insufficient to supply all the "needs", since as been known forever, "needs" are infinite, but means are not.

However, my view is that the last election says that we have crossed this rubicon. We are no longer the America of the Constitution, Rule of Law and the therefore LIMITED Government with the rest of the liberty reserved to the PEOPLE.

We now need to wait for messy reality to take both the US and Europe back to some much sadder plane where MAYBE the wisdom of the US founders can be re-understood and the prospect of a brighter future to work for can once again be seen through the ashes of what we once had.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Advent, Atheists, Accountability

The Real Root of Atheists' Anti-Christmas Rage - Doug Giles - Page 1

Most atheists don't really care so much about God, it is HELL that trips them up. They DO NOT want accountability, no way, no how. The idea that there is an eternal consequence to their arrogant faithlessness is where they break with the faithful, since it is obvious that an ultimate God would have ultimate rights to judge them, God must go!

But there is nothing new or courageous about rejecting God. It is part of the base human package and Satan is ever willing to assist us in that rejection.  We ALL reject God by our very nature. -- we want to be in charge, right, and have everyone acknowledge that!

Christ comes for each of us personally with the whole package. The faith to believe,  love for even those that hate us, and the joy of knowing that his ways are just beyond our imagining. Giles seems too strong on the judgement (law) and too weak on the Grace (gospel).

Atheist is just another word for human. Except through Grace, there is no faith, no love, no hope, no joy. So in this Advent season, we pray for  ourselves to remain in Grace, that all would allow the Good Shepard to find them,  and especially for those we love to allow the love and joy of Christ to bring them home to the fold.

Insane BO Clown Bully

White House Plan on Fiscal Crisis Draws G.O.P. Ire -

 Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner presented the House speaker, John A. Boehner, a detailed proposal on Thursday to avert the year-end fiscal crisis with $1.6 trillion in tax increases over 10 years, $50 billion in immediate stimulus spending, home mortgage refinancing and a permanent end to Congressional control over statutory borrowing limits
 Give me more taxes, more spending, AND permanently let me just run up the credit card.

BO ran on "the top 1% need to pay more tax" ... $800B over 10 years, $80B a year, 8 days of spending. He wants to double that to 16 days of spending, but it won't last that long since he wants to continue to increase spending.

Plus just throw away the debt limits!!!

We as a nation voted this bozo in AND kept the GOP congress. We clearly deserve what we get.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Facts About Presidents, Spending and Deficits Since Reagan

The Facts About Budget Deficits: How The Presidents Truly Rank - Forbes

When looking at the facts, the following things  need to be remembered:

  • CONGRESS sets the budget of the US. Reagan was hurt badly by a Democrat congress, Clinton helped mightily by Republican one. 
  • REAL GROWTH is the ONLY hope!! Not inflation, not borrowing, not even consuming. Turning the nation back to making things of value, selling them at a profit, spending less than that profit and investing the rest in something that goes up in value!
  • Reagan did a lot of great things, but he spent a lot of money and a lot of the "growth" was just borrowed money --- public and private. 
  • The late '90s Internet Bubble  and '03-'07 Housing Bubble are very hard to factor in this ... Not much to be done about it, just a fact. 

The $29K Better than $69K America

When Work Is Punished: The Tragedy Of America's Welfare State | ZeroHedge

It is better for a single mom to have a $29K job and get the benefits then it is to have a $69K job and get off welfare!!!

Talk about DISincentive!!

The other really frightening statistic in this article:
The punchline: 110 million privately employed workers; 88 million welfare recipients and government workers and rising rapidly.
When something can't go on forever, it won't!!  ... even if people vote as if it will.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lose Arm or Leg??

My faith in the CBO is about the same as my faith in other government agencies, but one has to use SOMETHING for sources. It is pretty clear that the switch to Democrats in '07 was devastating, and the big reason for that is that the difference between the two parties is pretty much R - we drink a handle of vodka a day, D - we add a mixture of crack and heroin to the vodka.

Would you rather be a rose colored 58% of GDP in the hole or 90% in 2022?? I say "rose colored" because this doesn't count FICA, Medicare and a bunch of other stuff. We are ALREADY over 100% of GDP in the hole if you take the rosy glasses off just like our ACTUAL unemployment is well over 10% and well over 20% for folks in their 20s and 50s.

So now we have a decrepit economy and our choices really really suck. Left side, do the "responsible thing". Damned if you do. Right side, continue down the road to perdition. Damned if you don't. Like kicking smokes, booze, drugs, starting to exercise, taking up exercise, etc, on the "next day basis" (think "next 5 years" for country), doing the "right thing" sucks worse ... especially right away.

 The "Fiscal Cliff" is really just "a reasonable start". A "deal" ... like the completely stupid and useless 8 days of revenue from "taxing the rich" is just dropping a few more shots on your supposed way to quitting drinking. BUT ... as I've said before. Republicans, the current party of "being a drunk isn't as bad as being a drug addict" needs to clean up and start talking very straight.

 My advice is to give the Democrats what they want and start COMMUNICATING things like this chart about how really senseless their policies are, but in the interest of "compromise", here you go -- there is a congressional election in 2 years. If the D policies have worked, vote us out. If not, we would really like your consideration then and in 2016, providing there is anything recognizable as a nation left.

 Romney was right about the stuff, just wrong about the percentage. It isn't 47% takers, it is 50.x%". He clearly stated that he was NOT the candidate of stuff, and the American people said "give us our stuff". They want the binge to go on. Yes, the death of America is maybe already a reality and certainly likely with that approach, but the Republicans have become AT BEST enablers by marginally slowing the decline.

It is time for the nation to reach bottom, and either then seek a different course, or just cease.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Demography, Destiny, Racism

Demography Is Destiny - Ann Coulter - Page 1:

How can it be that your race defines how you will vote? Is there ANY way that can be true other than assumptions about demography that are just as racist as Slavery and the subsequent Jim Crow South that the Democrats presided over for 100 years post slavery??

Hispanics especially, but certainly Orientals and even a significant percentage of Blacks believe in strong families, hard work, individual responsibility, religious faith, sanctity of life, etc ... "Republican" values, formerly known as American values.

BUT, they have been convinced to vote "tribally" ... they have been sold a bill of goods that it is REPUBLICANS that are "racist", while it is assumed that a group of people will continue in perpetuity to vote counter to their own beliefs because:
  1. They would be ashamed to vote "against their race". 
  2. Their race is ALWAYS going to be some sort of an underclass that is going to require a lot of government largesse. 
Unless one believes some races are actually inferior, is either we keep allowing in a large number of minorities that need massive government services. OR, if Democrats are able to perform the magic they have on Blacks on Hispanics by breaking up families through welfare and making them a permanently dependent subculture that is guaranteed to vote Democrat. Since Democrats are so certain of "Demography/Destiny", I have to assume they expect to keep open borders / massive welfare state forever??

Yes, Democrats clearly believe that non-whites are "racially incapable" of voting other than for entitlement. Do Republicans believe that?? I sure don't. It is up to Republicans to point out the racism in the Democrat message and assumptions and to win these segments to voting for the values that they actually agree with!!

What has and is being done to Blacks by the Democrat Party in this country -- from Slavery to Jim Crow, to Welfare Dependency is the greatest single tragedy of America. To allow it to happen to Hispanics is unconscionable!!

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

White Crowd Laughs and Applauds at Black Man Defeat!

Overwhelmingly white crowd laughs at and applauds defeat of black politician | The Daily Caller

See, it is RACIST when one doesn't support a Black man !!!

WTF??? E-Mail????

What the heck, FBI? - The Week:

The nations top spy and another 4-star general think e-mail is SECURE??? WTF???

That to me is the strangest part of this story. Old powerful guy cheats with younger woman ... uh, older story than David and Bathsheba.

"Sudden revelation day after election" ... yea, right. I thought BO ran as Santa, doesn't he know who is naughty and nice??

But if our "super smart intellectual elite" is convinced that e-mail is secure, they might think a nation can borrow 40% of what it spends and have 10% of the people pay 90% of the remainder ... oh wait, they DO believe that!! Better go practice shooting. bye.

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Joy In Stalinist Amerika: Reaganomics Dead!

Michael Tomasky on How Mitt Romney Finally Killed Reaganomics - The Daily Beast

Kind of reminds me of "God is dead", "The end of competition", "We are all Keynesians now", "The end of big government", etc.

The principles that kicked off the Reagan revolution, and even the Bush economy (Record stock market, $165B deficit in 2007) are going to go away at about the same time as gravity and women enjoying having their hair done.

Of course liberals want them "repealed" ... along with competition, merit, investment, Christianity and hard work, but while they can stop things for a good long while, growth and life tend to find a way.

Dirty Harry Election

They want a tax increase. What are you going to do?? Give them one ...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Let Democrats Have Their Way!!

Dear Republican Congress, Give Obama and His Boys Everything They Want - Doug Giles - [page]

I really think that Giles is on to something here. We have had enough divided government to soften the level of disaster since the Democrat congress takeover in '07, but it has allowed muddled thinking.

The Democrats want to tax the rich. The removal of the W tax cuts is $80B added revenue a year assuming the "rich" don't change their behavior to get less income. The government spends $10B a day. We are arguing over 8 days of spending!

What if Republicans went on TV and said "Here is what we believe will happen, but people want compromise, so here it is. Please learn from it.".

It would at least be a different approach!

Voter Fraud

Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud - Rachel Alexander - Page 1

Remember DieBold and all the left wingers screaming bloody murder about vote fraud in '00 up until '06?? In '06, it was suddenly no longer an issue!

'10 showed us that fraud has a limit. One can't have TOO  many districts where the number of registered voters exceeds the population, but as this article shows, you can have SOME and get away with it.

There is a very easy to understand why electronic voting was an issue and now it isn't -- the left figured out how to keep their fraud numbers up using the new form of voting, so they are fine with it now.

There is an easy explanation for why they are so against Voter ID now -- it would affect their fraud vote totals, so they block it any way they can.


Death - A Nice Opportunity for Regret -

Death, or last Tuesday. Wait, that is redundant.

Very well done article.  Read it all,  but this really spoke to me.
If you have no sadness or remorse, you are a liar or a denier, or worse still, you haven’t lived. No one makes it through a life without words better left unsaid, poor judgments or thoughtless omissions. I can barely make it through a day without all three.