Friday, May 03, 2013

The Horror of Attempted Heterosexuality

Ed Driscoll » Dispatches from the Department of That Which Cannot Be Said At Any Tme:

Oddly, although Howard Kurtz could not speak of the horror of Jason Collins having had a girlfriend,  "The View" happened to be playing on a set right in front of me while I was doing 30 min on a Precor. While I was not paying close attention, it APPEARED that it was "Gay Day" and they had some ex-singer from an apparent boy band on, and they were talking about throwing their bras at him and flashing him in earlier years ... but, he is gay now,  somewhat disappointing to the girls on The View, however, as good liberals, they are totally great with it outside the fact that it would have cut into what they were thinking when watching him in their past.

Seems like a lot of girls kinda like gay guys in somewhat the same way as vampires -- they are sometimes cute, and I guess they assume that the gayness works kind of the same as the no blood would work for a male vampire. A bit like "synthahol" on Star Trek.

Anyway, they seemed to be discussing some connection with Collins, which sounded like he had this "girlfriend" for like "8 years" ... or something, "a long time for a woman of that age, thinking that she was going to marry him ..." was a View girl talk concern I think.

So apparently, this is something like being black. If you are black you can talk about whatever race-wise  and it is A-ok, but not if you are white ... unless you are TOTALLY certified as having 100% in-liberal club handshake hope to die creds. Which I think Howard used to have, but he must have missed some memo or something. Similarly, if you are gay, then it is OK to talk about things like the horror of attempted heterosexuality, but not if you are into sex with the other sex.

This is quite difficult for me,  because I thought that Bi, confused, trans, and probably a few other things were A-OK too if you had the liberal brain. Just to show what a backwoods hick I am, I have hard time understanding how one would for example distinguish between a "bi-marriage" of say two guys and 4 or 5 women and polygamy, which is definitely double liberal sinful. I'm thinking Polygamy is really bad because Mormons do it, and apparently with only with one wife at a time, so that is BAAAD!!

They don't seem to talk much about the Bi-marriage, but when they go for "marriage freedom", it is ALWAYS  GLBT, and I would swear that the B was for Bi and the T was for Trans ... which is a whole other deal. Lots of times in engineering it is the "boundary conditions" that are the most difficult, and may even make one have 2nd thoughts about the feasibility of something. The idea of "Bi and Trans" in marriages seems "boundary" to me ... you have a great "gay marriage" and then somebody decides to change sexes. etc.

But thinking like "guys being guys" (I guess like only conservative guys, cuz liberals would never think this way), they could just "liberal sinfully" leave out the gay part and have a couple small legal polygamous marriages. I guess liberals would never do that -- leave out the holy gay thing and all, because it would be like sacrilegious for them, sort of a Taboo, like cannibalism or something.

Anyway, enough confusion for today.

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The Unspeakable Right

Opinion: The euphemism imperative - Rich Lowry -

The following sums it up well, but it is worth the short and easy read.
President Barack Obama was proud to become the first sitting president to address Planned Parenthood last Friday. But not proud enough to utter the word “abortion.” 
The right to abortion is the sneakiest, most shame-faced of all American rights. Its most devoted supporters don’t dare speak its name. They hide behind evasion and euphemism and cant.

Read more:

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"Coming Out" Courage

Jason Collins exposes media double standard on 'coming out' | The Detroit News |

Extremely well written column on the Collins story double standard.
 "Jason Collins was the man credited with courageous behavior this week, but truth be known, it's people like Broussard and fellow Christians in the military whose valor is every bit the equal. They're facing the actual bigotry that the politically correct crowd only imagines them to be practicing."

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Marriage and Family Not So Bad

Brenda Heist, Pennsylvania Woman Missing Since 2002, Found Alive In Florida Keys (VIDEO):

Yes, marriage and family can be rough, but before you take off, a look at this before and after!

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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Boobs over Breathing : Government Medicine

Annals of Government Medicine | Power Line:

I suppose my thoughts on this are just one more sign of my age. Somehow, in my late teens, early 20's, I would imagine that the government selected trade-off would have made more sense. Maybe it was just a younger guy making the decision?

Anyway, I guess two round, firm and slightly plump cheers for government medicine. We are supposed to all be in favor of it now or be racists, right?

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The Rich Have the Federal Reserve, The Poor Have Harry Reid

Obama's 'Fairness' Economy Has Backfired | RealClearPolitics:

Well written, concise, reality based article, read it all, but here is a sample.

The left's answer to this accelerating disparity under Obama will, no doubt, be more regulatory burdens, more tax hikes (the president is still obsessed with closing loopholes on private jets -- a rounding error, in his budget), more deficit spending and more programs that smooth over all the unjust vagaries of life. Most often, these solutions erect barriers to mobility for small businesses and entrepreneurs -- the types of people who help alter the dynamics of mobility. Despite what you may hear, more revenue for government doesn't create wealth. A freer economy and more societal stability do.
Read more: Follow us: @RCP_Articles on Twitter

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Weather, Climate, Science, Religion

Here we have a shot of our back deck this fine May 2nd AM. Were it not for a set of control freaks trying to use "science" as a religion in order to control the behavior of people, we would be able to just "talk about the weather" as man has done since he could communicate.

"Weather", like "shit", or "death" just happens. It is NOT like taxes ... taxes are actually under mans control and in even our natural social state up to a few hundred people living in a "tribe", there were no taxes. We have gotten so stupid, we seriously need to go back to basic definitions.

Science is about making ACCURATE predictions about phenomenon like climate and weather and then using MEASUREMENT to verify that the predictions match over LONG PERIODS OF TIME. A theory named "Climate Change" can certainly explain everything, which means it explains nothing. Predicting the climate will change is like predicting that the value of the stock market will change. If it is anything, it is religion.

SUCCESSFUL religion however is something that can be used to explain life from a transcendant perspective. Christianity has been around for 2K years and is one of the main drivers of what we used to call "Western Civilization" -- what gave science the gift of seeing an ordered and understandable universe. Without Christianity it is extremely doubtful if science would be any where near to the level of capability they were at before they began their "post modern" decline.

Snow in May is just that, snow in May. This will be our "ALL TIME record snowfall" here in Rochester, but of course that is absurd. We only have records for at best 100 years, which is a TINY amount of time even from a young earth biblical fundamentalist view. From the view of any good scientist, it is laughable ... this spot in MN would have been covered under over a mile of ice for tens of thousands of years at intervals of 10-20K for at least a few million years. "Snowiest on record" ... what a crock!

What we have misplaced is our place in reality and the universe. We are either pitiful little globs of protoplasm, here for but the blink of an eye in a purposeless cold random universe, or we are eternal souls, created and loved by a God whom wants us to be with him for an unimaginably wonderful eternity.

What we ARE NOT is some self-appointed deity that has any clue what is "natural" for either a God created or random accident of a universe, planet, etc. It snowed in May. It may snow in June -- the only month it has NOT snowed somewhere in MN even in our puny record keeping is JULY! Get used to it. It is EXACTLY as interesting (or not?) as last years record highs!

Christian Monsters

Michael L. (Mikey) Weinstein, Esq.: Fundamentalist Christian Monsters: Papa's Got A Brand New Bag:

It is quite disturbing reading, the paragraph that I quoted is a "good" summary, but I don't really think it fully captures the anti-Christian hate. Note, this is from Huffpo -- sadly, a major MSM outlet.

There are a set of organizations out there looking to stamp out Christianity, and you don't have to read much of this to realize they would find violence in doing it to be completely acceptable. The "Southern Poverty Law Center" (SPLC) is one of them, they are very commonly quoted as a source in MSM articles critical of Christians.

 This isn't a topic that requires much in the way of logical response ... it is obvious that Mikey is very pro-gay, but he is also a lot less concerned with Islam than Christianity. One might surmise he is simply insane on that basis, and that may be.  However, evil ALWAYS hates good ... but proper good hates only the sin, not the sinner. There is a very strong message in the fact that Mikey finds  Islam to be "good"  (or at least "comparatively OK") for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear.

 "If these fundamentalist Christian monsters of human degradation, marginalization, humiliation and tyranny cannot broker or barter your acceptance of their putrid theology, then they crave for your universal silence in the face of their rapacious reign of theocratic terror. Indeed, they ceaselessly lust, ache, and pine for you to do absolutely nothing to thwart their oppression. Comply, my friends, and you, too, become as monstrously savage as are they. I beg you, do not feed these hideous monsters with your stoic lethargy, callousness and neutrality. Do not lubricate the path of their racism, bigotry, and prejudice. Doing so directly threatens the national security of our beautiful nation."

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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Gay Player "Bangs With Shaq"

[WATCH] President Obama says gay NBA player can still “bang with Shaq”:

Nobody would EVER make fun of a presidents phrasing!

They really really need to keep BO on 100% teleprompter!

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Climate Scientists Come to Terms With Lack of Global Warming

Read more:

Great headline.

Here is a reaction from those ever thoughtful Warmists that is really helpful to scientific discussion:
This has frustrated some environmentalists who recently sent a letter to major news networks urging them to have more coverage on global warming, and to stop portraying the issue as a “two-sided debate” by featuring global warming skeptics.

Got that? No need to have anything covered like there are "two sides" even when your own models don't track reality ... much better to go with you models. 

Oh, and as I mentioned before, James Hanson, apparently a true scientist and former Warmist darling is likely to be getting death threats: 

Establishment media outlets have been reporting about the unexpected stabilizing global surface temperatures over at least the last decade, and even former NASA scientist and environmental activist James Hansen has recognized the decade-long lull.
"Unexpected", ah yes ... very much like how bad economic news like this months job figures or construction starts is "unexpected" under lefty policies, and how so many things under say the Reagan administration were "unexpected" to the media ... massive economic growth, dropping fuel prices and the demise of the USSR were all SHOCKING to those of the lefty world view. 

When in doubt, work to control the narrative, NEVER question your world view!!

Indoctrination vs Education

Is Thinking Obsolete? - Thomas Sowell - Page 1:

Top notch from Sowell.

I was especially struck by the similarity of the following of my being brought up in hard core fundamentalist Baptist church. "Thought" consisted of their particular dogma and pointing out that all who were not in agreement were obviously bound for hell.
Moreover, the moral perspective that goes with this prevailing ideological view is all too often that of people who see themselves as being on the side of the angels against the forces of evil -- whether the particular issue at hand is gun control, environmentalism, race or whatever.
No matter if the subject is; gun control, income distribution, environmentalism, gay issues, or a host of others today, the MSM / elite perspective is fundamentalist.  To hell with the Constitution, thousands of years of history, the Bible, real science (the falsifiable kind), and a host of other elements of good and common sense-- the elites are "morally right", and to disagree is to risk loss of employment, rights, freedom of speech, and if you persist, loss of your freedom in incarceration.

While I defend the right of that old church to have any beliefs they want, the very core of America was that in the public square, diversity of thought was to be celebrated and stood up for. Even and especially the "wacko sorts".

We may all have hated Skokie Nazis, but the ACLU once defended their right to spew their hate. No more. Today our MSM and elites tow a "party line" that allows no diversity of thought. You WILL celebrate all aspects of homosexuality, you WILL finally give up your 2nd amendment rights, you WILL submit to BOcare and whatever other federally mandated coercion can be dreamed up.

Their power is not yet totally complete, but their objectives absolutely are, and their progress toward them ought to be more than enough for any thinking American to be concerned and vigilant.

Christians Honored for "Coming Out"

Breaking: Pentagon Confirms May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith:

Oh wait, sorry. It is washed up 2nd string centers on horrible NBA teams that are honored for coming out as gay.

Christians in the military? Oh, they can be COURT MARTIALED.

Welcome to "religious freedom" in the US today!

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Van Halen, World Views, Folk Wisdom

How Van Halen Explains the U.S. Government - Bloomberg:

I love the discussion of the "no brown M&Ms" contract requirement and the reason why it was done. That alone is worth reading this.

What the author fails to recognize is that if setting up for a Van Halen show is too complicated for many venues, there is literally ZERO hope for a Federal government to deal with salmon -- LET ALONE HEALTH CARE!!!

To be human is to be limited. We need to get VERY serious about studying Switzerland with it's 26 loosely federated Cantons. One of the richest countries on earth and the safest place to put your money. There ought to be as many management approaches for salmon  as there are little river regions that have salmon in the nation.

Things CAN'T be specified  by law or contract. Not setting up a Van Halen concert, not making drugs or firearms illegal and certainly not how people should think about anything at all. People are limited. Government is limited -- it can INCREASE THE LIMITATIONS to the point where one has North Korea with starving people resorting to cannibalism, but it is NOT an engine for good.

Government is an EXPENSE, and government at the level we have now is a bottomless pit that makes a combination drug and gambling habit look like "good stewardship" by comparison!

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Boo-Hoo BO, Go Home!

Dana Milbank: At Obama’s press conference, a presidential bystander - The Washington Post:

BO showed up for the press conference he had scheduled 45 min late and at one point commented, “Well, if you put it that way, Jonathan, maybe I should just pack up and go home,” Obama replied. “Golly.”

Slick Willie gave much the same sort of a performance at a press conference in '95. Democrats are used having things go their way from birth, and especially when they get to the WH. Bad things are always someone else's fault, and the good things that fall their way are 100% due to their greatness -- not even a god above to thank. 

What a contrast to W. Hated by the MSM from day 1, and mercilessly pounded after re-election in 04 managed to always stay positive, even saddled with one of the largest mythological "failures" in history after the Katrina comedy show of LA and NO government incompetence if not malfeasance. (Nagin is under indictment)  Meanwhile MS right next door with worse damage in many cases did well by comparison. 

Even the election of complete Democrat opposition braying about "Iraq is un-winnable" in '06 could not stop him from carrying the victory home in Iraq with less help from the Congress, Media or Public than any President in my memory.

The Federal Deficit was $161 B in '07, and then the Democrats started driving the ship! Through it all, W soldiered on, honored to be President, looking to his God for strength to deal with the disappointments and never sounding like a whiny, petulant child. 

Poor BO. His mastery is being elected with the help of an admiring media. His weakness is that he has no clue what he is doing.  His "Community Organizer" career was much the same, he just wrecked a lot less than the once greatest nation on earth.  

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tebow Comes Out!

Tim Tebow Can Be Great, Just Not in the NFL | Bleacher Report:

Oh, wait, he already has come out ... as a Christian. That makes him "controversial".  He had been declared unfit for the NFL immediately upon entry as I talked about in "Christian Hate Speech".

Does ANYONE really think it is "courageous" to come out as Gay today? Could ANYONE write something like this about whatever his name unknown from the equally unknown Wizzards who recently came out as "the first openly gay person in US professional sports"?? (with a glowing banner headline on CNN).

We have pretty much descended to Roman times without the lions (yet) ... Note, real lions, not the Motor City Kitties!

Bring on the debauchery, throw the Christians to the MSM!!!

The lions were more fair minded!

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