Saturday, December 21, 2013

There is no Excuse for Your Life

‘Duck Dynasty’ and Quackery -
It’s impossible to know if Robertson recognizes the historical resonance and logical improbability of his comments. But that’s not an excuse.
It may be impossible to know in the case of Robertson, but we can be absolutely certain that Blow has no clue. I think we are all ignorant, so I give him an excuse there. Eternally though, he doesn't have one, so I hope he is right on that front.

He provides a great example of the totalitarian viewpoint. You have no right to see things from your own perspective and life experience. Your life is invalid.  You MUST take the perspective that the State pounds into your head ... on gays, on race, on the environment, on guns, on religion, on EVERYTHING. What the hell part of "totalitarian" is that you are missing???  We are going to try VERY hard to get people to only think what they are told, but if we fail with the "kind way", it is clear that "other measures" will be needed.
Robertson’s comments conjure the insidious mythology of historical Southern fiction, that of contented slave and benevolent master, of the oppressed and the oppressors gleefully abiding the oppression, happily accepting their wildly variant social stations. This mythology posits that there were two waves of ruination for Southern culture, the Civil War and the civil rights movement, that made blacks get upset and things go downhill.
The world indeed is host to a number of "insidious mythologies". We are just scratching the surface on the fiction of the recent  "if you like your policy you can keep it" mythology. Our soaring debt shows the mythology of FICA and Medicare. It is a long list. Something like 90% of our country at least mostly believes in the "benevolent federal master", with the "contented ever nearer to slaves" willingly giving up more of their freedoms day by day for "security".

Humans live in myth ... the myth that we have control of our lives, that our loved ones will be there tomorrow, that we will get up in the morning, that we are somehow "secure" in this life. Our myths are always erased sooner or later, often only for us to attempt to reinstate a new myth to replace the old.

So we find some religion that we cling to, that we believe to be true by faith. In my case, it is Christianity, in other cases it is "social justice", or even the abiding faith that this is only a big random crap shoot with no meaning beyond pleasure. Christianity has the distinct advantage of not being disprovable until after death. "Social justice" is not happening in this mortal coil, and even the most excited adherent will eventually figure that out ... or as they lay dying, they will realize that their pursuit doesn't provide them much comfort. Likewise pleasure ... it gets tougher to get your "kicks" with a walker.  and on it goes.

Our world views, our "myths" are usually pretty easy to spot. Blow is certain that the current US tumble to totalitarian control of everything including our thoughts, to the exclusion of our personal life story is "reality", and having a personal viewpoint that might even include Christ, like Phil Robertson is "staggering ignorance", that "conjures insidious mythology".

The 2nd amendment is all that really remains to block Blow's myth coming true and guys like Phil and I being "re-educated" to think as he does -- or get an early entrance to eternity to find out the REAL big picture.

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You Will Be Made to Care!

A&E fowls up 'Duck' flap: Column:

Excellent column, well worth the read.

I am reminded of "Cool Hand Luke" and the "What we have here is a failure to communicate". DD has apparently messed with the "man with no eyes".

The ratchet of totalitarianism tightens slowly but inexorably once the restriction of LIMITED government has been lifted.

It is true that DD is not a 1st amendment issue. YET.  However the action of A&E and the broad set of "liberal" groups that would never watch the show, but now demand one of it's key guys be removed for quoting from the Bible shows that our culture has become very willing to censor free speech and thought to the degree possible.  When the Rule of Law has been replaced by Rule of Mob as it has been here, the heavy hand of the state is not far behind the mob.

Christians are told to "turn the channel if you don't like it" ... but of course the popular culture is oppressive, inculcated in the public and advanced education and entertainment / "news". We are soaking in it ... and have as much choice to "turn it off" as we do to stop breathing. We could withdraw like the Amish, but otherwise our options are few to none.

Consider the opposite case. How likely is it that a gay will forced to read GQ or watch DD?? Turning the channel is a totally easy option there, but not good enough in this case. People must be forced to see it the gay way.

The term "liberal" is such a classic example of Orwellian double speak. One would believe that a "liberal" would be defending the speech wherever, ESPECIALLY "unpopular speech". At one time the ACLU would even defend Nazis ... although, Nazis are a lot closer to current "liberals" than DD!

"NOT liberal", or "controlling" or "fascist" is a much more accurate term for today's "liberals" and "progressives". You will be made to get your mind right ... even lip service is not sufficient. You MUST see the world their way!

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Friday, December 20, 2013

BOCare: Less is More

Utter Chaos: White House Exempts Millions From Obamacare's Insurance Mandate, 'Unaffordable' Exchanges - Forbes:

Great column.

No surprise here, more people lost their insurance than have gotten insurance so far under BOcare.
Here’s how we got to where we are. As many as six million Americans who purchase health coverage on their own have seen their plans canceled, because they don’t comply with Obamacare’s newly-imposed regulations. On the other hand, the bungled rollout of the law’s website has meant that only tens of thousands of Americans have been able to enroll in new coverage under the law. This means that by January 1, 2014, less people will have health coverage under Obamacare than before.

Now we have The Great and Powerful BO admitting that BOcare policies are "unaffordable".  Sooo, we have the exemptions that Republicans wanted, but BO considered to be non-negotiable so shut down the government.
Last night, in a stunning reversal, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that Americans who have had their plans canceled will be exempt from enrolling in the exchanges, “because some consumers were finding other coverage options to be more expensive than their cancelled plans or policies.”
We have a president that shut down the government rather than do an extension LEGALLY under the Constitution, **BUT ... AMAZINGLY*** he now does it ILLEGALLY on his own. I guess he really is King BO since 90% of the media could care less.

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The Myth of Reagan's "Welfare Queen"

The Welfare Queen: Reagan Vindicated Again | Power Line:

As the link points out, she WAS of course factual, but that isn't what the narrative of the myth says, so it will live on rather than the truth.

It is like Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss.he left hated Nixon, Chambers and of course McCarthy for convicting an "innocent man". The evidence was pretty irrefutable even then, but with the fall of the USSR, the KGB files were opened and we got to see the verification of his status from that side.

The myth of Hiss being innocent is still what lives on for the left.

I would be completely unsurprised to see the planet slip into the next ice age in the next few hundred years with the GW rebranded as "Climate Change" folks watching the plants die and the snow pile up into continental glaciers while billions die, lamenting it was "human caused". Snow covered solar panels and frozen wind turbines will be a fitting monument to human hubris.

Myth, belief and faith are marvelous ways for humans to deal with the ultimate questions of meaning and eternity which are unanswerable scientifically. They have drawn man together in working social units for millennia, and in the case of Western Civilization, created a Judaeo Christian motivated culture that once conquered the "world" .. the human part at least, and went a long way toward blunting the harshness of the "natural" life for a couple hundred years.

Our brains only work on stories/myth. If we give up transcendent myth, then we become slaves to earthly myth with predictable disastrous results.

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An Inconvenient Shooting

The highly inconvenient Arapahoe High School shooter | Human Events:

I was pleasantly surprised Sunday to see this as the banner headline on CNN:

I was  very glad to see CNN request prayer for this young woman clinging to life in a coma, I'm afraid I have more imagination of the horror for her family than I would like, but the depth of the anguish gives new meaning to tragedy for those that love her.

But why? Don't they usually demand further gun control? Don't they usually delve deeply into the potential motivations of the shooter?

The linked Human Events article covers the details, but essentially the MSM is at a loss to know what to say:
  1. It happened in Colorado. They just passed hugely draconian gun control laws. Why did they not work? Clearly not a question that the MSM thinks you need to even think about.
  2. The shooter used a shotgun ... the "good gun", endorsed by no less than VP Joe Biden. Nuff said. 
  3. There only being a single victim is most probably because the school had an armed deputized officer on site who correctly and courageously  ran to the gunfire and forced the shooters hand. Likely to see any thanks for a job well done? NOPE ... this is what the NRA suggested after Sandy Hook last year and was duly castigated for being "insane, unreasonable, ridiculous, etc".

     "We learned from this" is something that never happens to the MSM nor the left in general! Let's face it, when you lack the humility to acknowledge there is a God that is WAY superior to your intelligence, "I screwed up" isn't really in your vocabulary. Their agenda is absolutely fixed and it makes no difference how many die until they get the Power and CONTROL that they want! 
  4. It appears that the shooter was a very argumentative left leaning sort. Certainly NOT the kind of thing that one wants splashed all over the media. Now if on the other hand the student had been RIGHT leaning? 
So a shooting that provides evidence very much in line with what the "Gun Nuts" have been saying forever goes by with the general public, MSM and left elite learning not a single thing!

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hating Jesus in Cammo

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Gives Drew Magary a Tour:

The link is the infamous  GQ article. As amazing as this may seem given my fashion propensity, I believe this to be the only GQ article I've ever read! It is very innocuous, has a goodly number of F-bombs (by the columnist), but it of course has the couple "offending comments" that are now exploding the real haters heads.

Phil goes WAY out there in terms of the modern thought police and earthily declares his sexual preference for female vs male anatomy, then paraphrases the bible on a NUMBER of sins that include homosexual sex.
“Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”
I await the outcry from the idolaters, the greedy, the drunkards, the swindlers ... but never mind. 

Let's be clear, this isn't about DD and Gays AT ALL! 

Keith Ellison is considered a MN national treasure because he is the first Muslim in the US House. NOBODY is going to have an interview with Keith quoting the Quran and get him to either declare he doesn't agree with his own Holy Scripture on homosexuality, role of women, how to deal with Christians, Sharia Law, and on and on. Why? Because it isn't RELIGION that Satan and the left hates, it it is JESUS! 

Go look around for an actual Muslim religious authority that condemns 9-11. You can't find one since they would no longer be a Muslim religious authority! But nobody cares because there isn't a lefty organization in the US that even cares at all about the facts on the Muslim views on terrorism, women, gays, etc!

You can't get the media elite as worked up about attempts to apply Sharia Law in areas of US cities AT ALL, but they will now go COMPLETELY NUTS over a beard duck hunter from the LA backwoods that prefers women to men for sex and quotes the bible!

Again, the reason is simple. Once one leaves JESUS behind, all sorts of zealotry is completely allowable and even encouraged  ... from Sharia to Veganism to Greenism to Black Supremicy, etc.

As Phil points out, Christ provides ETERNAL and REAL freedom ... but that isn't what man wants. Once Christ is rejected, man will seek his own bondage -- in Satism, Political Correctness, Environmentalism, greed, lust, addictions, etc

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation: that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Strip Search Diplomacy

Arrest, strip-search of Indian diplomat in New York triggers uproar -

I'm thinking that this is another one of the breakthroughs of the BO presidency that is going to be a huge boon to everyone on the planet just getting along!

I thought NYC had a BIG problem with Diplomatic Immunity due to the UN being there ... everything from rape, to parking tickets and unpaid bills, but WAIT, this is the age of BO! What is the sin that gets even a Foreign Diplomat arrested and strip searched!!
 But Bharara said Khobragade's treatment was justified. He cited an 11-page complaint that alleged she had promised in the visa application under which her housekeeper moved from India to the United States to pay her at least $9.75 per hour, the minimum wage in New York, and to require that she work no more than 40 hours per week.But the complaint alleges that Khobragade then had the housekeeper, who has been identified as Sangeeta Richard, sign a second contract, which paid her less than $3.31 per hour and required that she work much longer hours.
Ah, she brought someone in and paid them less than the the NYC minimum wage!! Obviously, "the moral issue of our time" (income inequality) has been violated, and the perpetrator MUST be punished!!! 

No doubt people from other countries will see the logic of this and realize that even Diplomatic Immunity has limits! If a US Diplomat breaks a similar level of cultural taboo in a foreign nation, the privileges of Diplomatic Immunity will be summarily revoked, and they will be punished accordingly. 

Why, in an Arab nation, I'm CERTAIN we would be JUST FINE with a US diplomat being caught in gay sex being either burned, stoned or thrown from a "high place". After all, that is something that THEY find to be "moral issue", so certainly we would have no problem respecting that!

THE HORROR! How could someone from India even THINK that they would get away with paying someone the kind of wages that they would pay them at home in India in this country! FOR SHAME! Clearly we have a COMPLETE AND TOTAL RIGHT to force our most sacred of laws on even foreign diplomats! 

Hard to imagine anyone not seeing the brilliance of BO on this one.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

The Defining Challenge of our Age!

Why Inequality Matters -

Both BO and Paul Krugman are convinced that Income Inequality is the "Defining Challenge of our Age". I'm not going to go look for links to quote today, but I bet that pretty much the exact same thing has been uttered over "Global Warming", "Racism", "Gun Violence" and maybe even "Intolerance" .. as "Challenge of the Age".

It is the age of "crisis" for sure, but still it is interesting to see that "hunger", "refugees", "epidemic" or "war" were not on that list. There are a lot worse lists of challenge that could be easily had.

Note also that "inequality" has replaced "poverty". In a world where most of the poor have smartphones, cars, cable, big screen TVs, video games, etc, and are bothered by obesity rather than hunger, it was time for re-branding. So much as "Global Warming" was re-branded to "Climate Change" as things began to cool (see first snow in Mideast in 112 years), "poverty" was due for an " upgrade" ... as in "Poverty 2.0, Income Inequality".

One thing REALLY nice about "inequality" is that it will still work out when ALL the "bottom quintile" have 2K Sq ft living space, two baths, a health-club membership, free medical, dental, a yearly vacation to a warmer climate (needed due to "Climate Change"), free education, two late model cars, guaranteed retirement income, and a minimum of $100K in investments ... and so on.

Why? Because as long as Paul Krugman and BO are around making what they make, with the lifestyle they have,  there will STILL be "inequality"!  What is more, even if all the "poor" all have their very own "Inequality Force One", there will STILL be "inequality".

The sad part however is that LONG before we are faced with that "crisis", the actions that BO and Krugman applaud will return us to where food, clothing, shelter and any prospects for a life other than  total despair again become the issue of the day. At that point, they MAY realize that people and nations have MUCH more pressing problems than taking money from one persons pocket and putting it in anothers, which is 80% of what our current "government" ( Federal Mafia?) does. Zero remains zero, as long as there is economic progress, economic inequality gets "worse".

Uninterestingly to anyone that has a basic understanding of reality, the more "redistribution" that as been done, the worse the "inequality" has gotten! But this never was about helping anyone, it was and is about acquiring more power for the ruling Democrat Party

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Shooter Socialist, Never MInd

Denver Post Shamefully Omits Key Detail About Arapahoe High Shooter | Independent Journal Review:

I'm NOT saying that this is definitely true ... in fact I could not care less what his political leanings were. The fact is he did a despicable thing I guess "fortunately" with a shotgun based on the willingness of the left to go nuts had it been an AR.

EVENTUALLY there WILL be a shooter that can SOMEHOW be identified as "right wing" ... maybe by Facebook, some rally they attended, their church, etc. For this the media salivates and just about every time they jump the gun and claim that the shooter was "associated with Sarah Palin (Tucson), "With the Tea Party" (Aurora),  or "Has to be Right Wing, it is Hitler's B-day" (Boston, was a bombing, not a shooting, but being left means you always have Hope for SOME things!)

But alas for the left,  all the shooters so far have been either "left leaning", or so incoherent one could not figure out much of anything about them except how disturbed they were.

It is a sad state of affairs when one feels"glad it wasn't an AR or a pistol", but in fact are very sad because had it been, the poor 15 year old girl would have been much more likely to survive since there is nothing much more deadly than a shotgun at close range. If it HAD been an AR however, we TOTALLY know what the media would be saying even with only 1 dead (the shooter) and one critical.

The left has a dilemma though. They want to collect guns, but they are pretty sure that if they come for all the duck guns and fancy over and under Brownings out there, it isn't going to go well with the electorate!

So the strategy is "divide and conquer". Go for the fairly small set (still millions) of AR owners, then the pistol owners (larger, but still smaller than shotgun). So they demonize ARs and pistols and Slow Joe talks about "buy a double barrel and shoot it off on the balcony". Naturally his advice is tactically idiotic and illegal in nearly every moderately urban neighborhood, but never mind, he is a Democrat. What would you expect?

The left controls the narrative, so shotgun killings by folks that might mean left are not that big a deal. AR killings are HUGE ... the more killed the better, that fits the narrative.

The narrative is CRITICAL, it is how the 90%+ think, because that is the story they are fed. We hear very little about first snowfall in 112 years in the Mideast, because that doesn't fit the Global Warming narrative.

Much like "follow the money", "follow the narrative" (and then THNK FOR YOURSELF!) is excellent advice!

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Snow in Bethlehem, Egypt, First in 112 Years

Mideast Storm Dumps Snow on Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah - Bloomberg:

There seems to be some colder weather in the Mideast as well. As one of the Jerusalem folks said:
 “Jerusalem has never seen anything like this,” Ya’alon said on a visit to the regional Home Front Command center. 
Again, as I would say if it was record heat that has "never been seen", never is a very very long time ... Jerusalem has been BOTH much hotter and much colder than this event! 

Lots of great pictures here

This is the first snow in Egypt in 112 years. I'm absolutely certain that if this was a 112 year heat record somewhere it would NOT be covered as "global warming". Right?

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Attacked by Average Person of Indeterminate Sex and Race

Racial Profiling Comes to Minnesota | Power Line:

Seems that many of the crimes around the U of M are allegedly being carried out by what are no doubt erroneously described as "young black males". Oh for shame. That supposedly educated people in a supposedly advanced progressive state like MN would be so biased as to describe a perpetrator in such an obvious racist and sexist manner!

I'm thinking that in the tradition of George Zimmerman, "White Hispanic", many of these perpetrators are likely "Black Hispanics", or "Black Whites", or ideally "Average Persons of Indeterminate Sex and Race"!

I believe that the universal description ought to be "Average Person of Indeterminate Sex and Race" ... for Shaquille O'Neil, Danny Devito, Michelle Obama or Laura Bush. We are all really the same when one thinks about it ... at least in a modern "progressive" sort of way.

We live in a country where "equality of result" is possibly our last remaining value, let's celebrate it!

I can hear the nightly news now "Police are looking for an Average Person of Indeterminate Sex and Race who raped and killed another Average Person of Indeterminate Sex and Race in the U of M DinkyTown area last evening. If you have information about this crime, pleased contact police."

Eventually, we will all be "just people" in a race free, gender free and sexual orientation free world. (no doubt ageist, spiecist, sizeist, etc will be conquered as well) So it will be plainly and simply "One person raped and killed another person last night".

At that point, we can all feel really good about ourselves ... well, maybe except for the dead person and those that care about them, but on balance it will be a far more just world, so we can all feel just a bit smug about that!
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Hard Facts of Soft Landing

Chinese spacecraft lands on moon -

So China takes another step on achieving what those of us young in the 60's were almost universally enamored with, the race to put a man on the moon.

Unlike the US in those days however, China has a plan for the moon. They seek to "exploit" it for energy, manufacturing and possibly military purposes.

"Exploit" ... I might have just went with "use", but I purposely put in the "dirty word". It isn't a dirty word, it is the essence of humanities march up from the muck. Our large brains allow us to "exploit" our situation to greater advantage than others. Alas, they also allow us to chew our cud and contemplate our navels.

I still believe that China's big weakness is lack of freedom, **BUT**, I realize that is totally a "hope and belief" vs some supposed guarantee of history. I BELIEVE that freedom will defeat tyranny, and that that faith in God will defeat faith in Man (government, government systems), but even very solid historical evidence gives no guarantee for the future. Sadly there is no time limit ... it may be true, but it may be a thousand years in coming again once the light of America is fully snuffed.

China has used technology to "lengthen the leash" on their people. If one thinks of the old USSR as an actual prison with walls, guards and locks (the Berlin Wall makes that analogy pretty easy), China is more like a bunch of folks running around with ankle monitors.

The USSR was not able to control radio and the onslaught of Internet technology, so the people in their prison became too aware that they were in a prison. China is a different culture, more prone to following central authority, AND more interested in the idea of being "the greatest on earth" ... "Chinese Exceptionalism". Not BO American Exceptionalism
 "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism. "
The Chinese are on to the  OLD kind of American Exceptionalism ... the TJR, JFK, Reagan sort. The kind that took us to the moon and defeated the USSR. Can that work with a modified Communist framework of greater economic freedom but still centralized planners holding the keys to the "ankle monitors"? I guess we are going to sit back and see. 

Why is China doing this? I'd argue that there is a natural part of human nature that seeks to expand, grow, learn, become, lead ... "be exceptional". However, it needs to be NURTURED ... there needs to be training to see what is uniquely special about your family, community, culture and nation. 

The US used to have that in spades. God, Family, Community, Country. We were a Christian Nation, "Under God", proud of our heritage, liberty, personal responsibility and self-reliance. 

No more. We sold the soul of America for "security". We sold the desire to grow and expand for "sustainability". We sold our spirit to "multiculturalism" and "pluralism". 

So we see one more sign that the world has a new leading nation. A new nation that will set the model for mankind going forward. BO has won another victory in achieving the dreams that he received from his father. The dream of seeing the "colonial powers" (including America) brought down to or below the level of his tribe and country (Luo and Kenya). 

I strongly suspect that our landing will not be soft, and the depths to which we fall will defy even my rather dark imagination. 

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Appalling Error of Thought on "Poor"

The Appalling Stance of Rand Paul -
Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, said Sunday on Fox News: “I do support unemployment benefits for the 26 weeks that they’re paid for. If you extend it beyond that, you do a disservice to these workers.” 
This statement strikes at the heart — were a heart to exist — of the divide between conservatives and liberals about whether the social safety net provides temporary help for those who hit hard times or functions as a kind of glue to keep them stuck there.
The whole column is covered right there ... although it drones on.

The error is that Rand Paul is commenting on ALL HUMANS ... himself, Charles Blow, me, you, EVERYONE ... NOT on "the poor".  Conservatives have met the poor and they is us (to paraphrase Pogo)  ... we are ALL poor in one or more ways. Poor in spirit, poor in intelligence, poor in knowledge, poor in motivation, poor in wisdom ... the list is endless.

The world we live in provides us various motivations, some of them relatively gentle, some of them very harsh. A moment of inattention on the wrong road in the wrong conditions can be fatal ... without a 26 week recovery period, nor any chance for a do-over. Many things can impact our lives which make our road infinitely harder ... Charles Krauthammer is paralyzed and in a wheelchair, yet he is independent because while he is "poor in physical capability", he is strong in mind and motivation.

Blow (author of column) compounds his error of thought by name calling. Conservatives can have no heart if they disagree on the best methods for the motivation of ALL.

Humans ALL need the threat of the "lump of coal" to provide us with motivational assist from time to time, lest we become a "poor nation" as opposed to a "nation with some poor".

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Would You Die for a Couple Million?

Why Most Rich 1 Percenters Would Give Anything To Be Among The 99% - Forbes:

Modern man has a lot of trouble with the obvious. The 99% would rarely be willing to change position with the vast majority of the 1%, but the vast majority of the 1% would exchange places with the 99% in a heartbeat.

Why? The 1% are mostly at advanced age, and most of the 99% are young.

What is youth worth? As for all of history, far far more than the young will realize until it is FAR too late for them as well!

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The Passive Agressive Presidency

Charles Krauthammer: Obama the oblivious - The Washington Post:

Good one by Charles. BO is only oblivious to things that are not about HIM!

He gets VERY excited whenever he "pivots" to a new running "squirrel" (new topic), just like your family pet. Then the squirrel runs up a tree, or like Garfield, he delegates catching the squirrel to "Odie" ... then forgets all about it.

He will return later to blame others for things not coming out as everyone wanted them to, or as he promised them to ... but of course that will not be HIS fault in the least!

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