Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Last Time IBM Grew Sales, I Worked There

IBM has been dead money in Ginni Rometty era - Jul. 21, 2015:
IBM hasn't reported a year-over-year increase in sales since the first quarter of 2012. That was also Rometty's first quarter as IBM CEO. (She took over the company on January 1, 2012.)
It might be nice to imagine that it "had something to do with me". No chance -- but I do speculate a bit that my demise and the drop in IBM have related causes.

The last project I worked on was a way to move internet access (digital data breakout) to cell towers "Node B's"  .. moving logic related to being able to do data operations (caching at a minimum, but potentially much more) at the first link between the cellular end node (your phone) and the cellular network.

A nice piece of technology and we got a bunch of patents, but as the Bible says "without vision the people perish" -- as do projects and jobs. It didn't make enough revenue quick enough for the new CEOs taste, so the project was canceled with me along with it.

IBM's business  from the '60s on was being the ruler of the computing industry -- IBM up to 1990 and beyond being built on the momentum of the 360 architecture including Operating Systems (MVS, TSO, VM, etc) to run it as well as DBMS (Database) CICS (Transaction Processing), IMS (inventory and general hierarchical DB ops) ... and a lot of other expensive alphabet soup we could just go on listing.

IBM first lost it's way in the PC era -- creating the modern PC market (with Apple as an also-ran in those days), but failing to be able to exert control in the way IBM did from the 60's through the 70's in it's other markets. Disastrous projects like "Token Ring"  and  SNA -- IBM's  massive bureaucratic behemoth attempt at doing what Ethernet and TCP/IP do so elegantly and well, along with the ill fated OS/2 -- IBM being dumb enough to trust Bill Gates -- as well as not really understanding that in the PC market in those days, "he who wasted the most MIPS wins!".

When you were once exceptional -- as IBM and America once were, the rest of the world takes special joy in seeing you go down. And since the early '90s, IBM has never been able to come up with a vision for the company that would allow it to move into some new form of greatness. The IBM name has become more associated with expensive technical parlour tricks like "Deep Blue", the chess playing computer and "Watson", the Jeopardy computer. While IBM itself is in increasing "jeopardy", these slights of hand have been entertaining to many, but the results speak for themselves.

IBM attempted to shuffle hardware, software and services in various mixes. First to SOFTWARE, hardware and services -- but never really could. Too many powerful hardware people in too many high positions. Then it moved to SERVICES ... with software and hardware fighting in the background and much of services being managing customers moves away from IBM hardware and software.

When there is no overall vision for people to line up behind and in general work towards, they fight for survival for their own piece of turf. Tivoli (systems management software) developed the brilliant strategy of being a "service" wedded to expensive software. When you installed the mega expensive Tivioli package you were locked in to a long term mega expensive services contract to keep it working -- because it took a LOT of people spending A LOT of time on site to keep it running, and as a bonus (for IBM), it ate expensive hardware CPU cycles like an NFL offensive line eats steaks during training camp!

While this generally sucked for customers -- so much so that I and a group of IBMers visiting a customer were threatened with removal from the building if we so much as MENTIONED the word "Tivoli" again -- at the places that it could be enmeshed, it was a major revenue source. Revenue source for that little corner of IBM named "Tivoli" -- but a good way to help get IBM thrown out of a lot of places.

As a flip side, the S/38 -> AS/400 -> i5/OS -> iSeries-> IBM i ???  that I worked on for decades was explicitly designed and largely delivered on being a computer that you could lock in a room somewhere and run your business for years -- even forgetting where it was. (as a few customers famously did, even apparently closing off the room on the AS/400 and not being able to find the source of their computational resources).

You may now be validly wonder if this is going anywhere beyond sour grapes. Maybe not -- but here is the punchline. Computing that is "just there" is exactly what Cloud promises to deliver. IBM certainly had the foremost experts on "Utility Computing" (think of it like your electric power) in the aging iSeries crew  -- of course not without their own set of problems as in being unable to separate the utility delivered from the specific architecture they had used to provide it. The separation from functionality desired from specific example mechanisms is always a challenge.

My vision is that within the next "10 years", someone -- Google, AT&T, Verizon, HP, Oracle ... or someone new, maybe even Apple, or some Chinese company. Will figure out that the Internet is best served from the Node B -- no reason to have a bunch of wires anymore. May as well have all the storage, software, etc managed by "someone else" at the first hop on the network. "Information Technology" (IT) becomes a task of interfacing with a "provider" -- just like electricity or water today.

Like all "visions", this may well not happen, or happen significantly differently  -- and there are LOTS of "technical / legal / business / regulatory / etc" hurdles left in making it happen -- HOWEVER, this is being written on a Chromebook using Google's "Blogger" ... Gdrive is my go to place to put data, photos, etc now. A lot is happening down this road.

Kinda like the old Six Million Dollar Man -- "we have the technology" -- or more to the point, at the time I left IBM we had people with the knowledge to provide computing capability that could be locked in a closet and forgotten (like a Node B), and we had some of the seminal technology to deliver that computing from the first hop from your cell (or laptop, iPad, etc).

Plus, the name IBM hadn't sunk as badly as it has and continues to do now -- while the numbers are rapidly shrinking, there were and likely still are companies that could see IBM as being the the right company to have a "vision" for Cloud Computing that would be worth turning that critical function over to as they do their electricity generation.

Today we have IBM as "dead money"  -- the world of "if" is sometimes bittersweet.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Little Climate Ice for Your Summer Drink

Arctic expedition to study global warming put on hold because of too much ice [photos] | Twitchy:

Here in the upper midwest we are enjoying a quite moderate summer -- somewhat on the wet side, maybe a bit on the coolish side, but generally very normal.

In Hudson Bay they appear to be having some significant ice problems -- like "worst in 20 years".

Do either of these mean anything relative to climate on a global scale? Only if aggregated with LOTS of other data and trend lines over LONG periods -- at least 100's of years.

Just like news of heat waves, droughts, and now all "extreme weather" -- but while the media will focus on those and be certain to at least mention "Climate Change", a whole bunch of ice in Hudson Bay is not a story you will likely see much of ... nor for that matter the recent released (with ALL sorts of caveats!) story of arctic ice growing 33% in 2013 alone.
"It would suggest that sea ice is more resilient perhaps - if you get one year of cooler temperatures, we've almost wound the clock back a few years on this gradual decline that's been happening over decades," said Rachel Tilling.
Sometimes even "settled science" has a few "twists" like finding that at least a significant cause for the melting of one of the glaciers in Antarctica that has been a GW poster child is geothermal ...

Always remember -- the stuff that you DON'T see reported is often what is really important to having anything close to a real picture.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Scarlet H, Fooled Again

Articles: Every Day, A New Way to Hate:

No ... not Hillary! HATE -- the all purpose way to brand those that fail to rigidly follow all the doctrines of the left.  (although it is not hard to see the connection!)

There was once a book called "The Scarlet Letter" -- it talked of the evil of the Puritans labeling Hester Prynne with a scarlet "A" for Adultery.

Our natures all carry the desire to be "better" -- on the whole, the urge is beneficial for our development as individuals and societies. But our natures also include the desire for "shortcuts" ... for example the idea that by labeling others as "less worthy", our status can be artificially improved with no effort save our adherence to some set of rules or conventions.

Our nation has taken a nasty leftward lurch in the past 6 years -- the work ethic is at lows not seen since the sad 1970's, and all manner of leftward social thought is in rapid ascension. "Puritanism" is part of our wiring  -- it can be directed in any direction. When the standards used for morals for thousands of years are torn down, the same impulses that enforced those standards need a mooring -- so they find it.

So now you either applaud gay "marriage" or you get a Scarlet H. Same for having the opinion that the Confederate Flag is a symbol of the old south -- with all sorts of connotations, both positive and negative -- as all human symbols embody. Transgender -- the list will just grow and grow as the new puritans grow in power.

I'm including The Who, "We Won't Get Fooled Again" because of it's line "Meet the new boss Same as the old boss", but unfortunately, that is not true. The "old boss" was a limited government purposely hamstrung by a Constitution and a careful separation of powers. The "new boss" has no limits -- God is replaced by a "government god". Earthly and flawed, but with Promethean powers. We have been fooled -- very likely for the last time.

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55 Million Lives That Don't Matter

Brit Hume Delivers the Best 1.5 Minute Commentary on Abortion Ever Heard on Network News | TGC:

I mostly put this out to save the link to the Britt Hume commentary.

In the Democrat party saying "All lives matter" needs an apology.

To think, "liberals"  used to love to say things like "a society can be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable" ... now they seek to hide selling the body parts of the most vulnerable.

"Progressives" just keep on "progressing".

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Monday, July 20, 2015

Trapped On An Ancient Starship

There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
The  linked article has spotted a problem -- they think. People are getting dumber -- but compared to what? Some list of "facts" that they feel are important? But WHY do they "feel" that those particular facts are important?

What is REALLY disturbing is that they never even mentioned Philosophy, Literature or Theology. If you want to study knowledge, it gets kinda scary when somebody trying to be judge and jury on intellectual pursuits fails to drag out the $5 word "epistemology"!

In order to decide if people are "dumber", you need some standard to compare to. You need to understand something about what it would mean to be "knowledgeable" -- or even WISE! If man wants to be the measure of all things, what does that "measure" look like and why ought I agree to any specific measure?

"God and Man at Yale", "The Closing of the American Mind", "A Conflict of Visions", "Ideas Have Consequences"  are great set of books to understand the basic shape of the problem. I did a shorthand version here linked to a GREAT article if you want to dig a slight bit deeper.

Philosophy was the Queen of the Academy -- along with Literature and Religion. Meaning, values, a sense of "being a part of something important" and LASTING -- say "Western civilization", "Christianity", "America" -- the old one, with a Constitution.

Our technical focus is a major part of this problem -- it gives us "stuff". Some "stuff" is useful and good, but much of it only distracting and alienating. "Stuff" also has a giant bias toward the idea that the latest hootch to drip from the still of "knowledge" is better than the 20 - 30 or 1000 year old "Scotch of Wisdom". If the latest is always greatest, then the past is useless -- so our lives are inherently useless going forward except for whatever personal pleasure we can have in our short stay in this mortal coil. The promised brighter more technically advanced future always makes the lives of the poor dwellers in the present to be pitied.

The core problem is the doctrine of "progressivism" is that it is the inherent enemy of meaning. Without meaning there is no way to choose what is "the good". When man has no concept of what is of ultimate value,  there can be no "body of knowledge" to be achieved to be an "educated person". (how could anyone pick what was of value? the "future" is assumed to be of greater "value")

All we have are equally valued atomized "facts", and the ones of those that are closest to "fact" are only about "stuff" (matter). Even the very concept of "truth" has become largely discounted in many "intellectual" quarters. "Everyone has their slice" -- but nobody knows what it is a slice OF. What it all degenerates into is POWER -- might becomes right. The article degenerates into pure politics masquerading as "intelligence".

74% of Republicans in the U.S. Senate and 53% in the House of Representatives deny the validity of climate change despite the findings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and every other significant scientific organization in the world;
If you do science, even if 100% of all organizations domestic or intergalactic claim that "Climate Change" is gospel deduced from unicorn farts, if the earth doesn't warm as they predict (and it hasn't so far), they are STILL wrong! An attempt to claim that it is somehow "Republicans" that are "stupid" for failing to read the unicorn fart "truth" is a sure sign of a strong need to look up epistemology -- especially the "scientific method" part! Sometimes a PHD is just a lot of wasted time and money to be more expensively (and usually arrogantly) wrong.

As Freeman Dyson put it so well:

The most questionable of these beliefs is the notion that the science of climate change is settled and understood. The biggest of all climate changes have been the ice ages, which have covered half of North America and Europe with kilometer-thick sheets of ice. Ice ages happened repeatedly in the past, and we are about due for another one to start. A new ice age would be a disaster far greater than anything we have to fear from climate warming. There are many theories of ice ages, but no real understanding. So long as we do not understand ice ages, we do not understand climate change.
If you want to go look at what we know about the history of the earths climate, go look at the cycles of the previous 500K years and then explain to Freeman and I how that happened. That would be an excellent start at understanding how "smart" it is to claim "settled science".

I often feel like Spock (sorry Spock -- FIGURATIVELY, I know you don't "feel"!) on one of those old Star Treks where they come upon the planet or ship which "the old ones" built, but the current residents have no clue as to how it operates. Western civilization was built by "the old ones", and well over 90% of even highly educated moderns have no clue of why it once operated successfully and is now it is falling apart with a stagnant economy, mass addictions, tribalism, suicide, shootings, bombings, etc.

As the article notes -- the decline is becoming more and more obvious and precipitous, but the knowledge of how we rose and why we are falling as a civilization is nearly lost.  The writers of the article assume "decline" to mean "doesn't meet their standard", but they have no basis for that standard beyond "popularity" -- which is not a standard of science, and certainly not of wisdom, theology, or philosophy. 

Oh -- and mixing political hackery with pseudo intellectualism makes for a rather unsavory stew.

I think Kirk and Spock usually blow up the computer at this point.

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Walker in Council Bluffs

Scott Walker comes to Council Bluffs | Power Line:

Good little report on Walker's visit to Council Bluffs IA.
His main theme is that the current good GOP field consists of fighters and winners. He is different because he has fought and won. Powerful message.
The article is short and worth the read. At least conservative politics in the US still involves connecting with people, and that is Walker's main strength. No giant unions of teachers and government workers (I repeat myself) are going to be marching door to door in lockstep for the Republican nominee, so they have to do the retail politics on their own. An aloof Faux Queen like Hildebeast (kudos to Michelle Obama!) wouldn't have a prayer.

Also, as they mention, he is a tough politician that wears his toughness lightly -- in the very worthy tradition of Reagan.

The US is beyond saving -- but at least for us old guys, a slower crash might make some difference.

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Walker in Council Bluffs

Scott Walker comes to Council Bluffs | Power Line:

Good little report on Walker's visit to Council Bluffs IA.

His main theme is that the current good GOP field consists of fighters and winners. He is different because he has fought and won. Powerful message.
The article is short and worth the read. At least conservative politics in the US still involves connecting with people, and that is Walker's main strength. No giant unions of teachers and government workers (I repeat myself) are going to be marching door to door in lockstep for the Republican nominee, so they have to do the retail politics on their own. An aloof Faux Queen like Hildebeast (kudos to Michelle Obama!) wouldn't have a prayer.

Also, as they mention, he is a tough politician that wears his toughness lightly -- in the very worthy tradition of Reagan.

The US is beyond saving -- but at least for us old guys, a slower crash might make some difference.

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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Holocaust 2015, Till Death Do Us Part

2015 has become yet another horrible descent in the abyss of cultural and moral decay in this lawless region of the north american continent. The tiny remaining minority of decent people keep thinking there must be a bottom, but there isn't! 

Abortion gives insight into the world that would have been if Germany had won WWII and "undesirables" continued to be killed in mass and their "tissue" used for whatever purpose their murders invented. The sacrifice of children has always been a mark of the most primitive pagan cultures. Cannibalism is another -- is the trafficking in the body parts of murdered innocents better or worse than cannibalism? Does it matter? 

For the vast majority of humans still drawing breath in 2015, but bereft of the morals and culture that define what it is to be human, it just doesn't matter. They want their "free stuff", and they have sunk so low that they see each new abomination as a "victory". They just nod to "whatever", and they only "care" if they are told to care. 

There is no moral bottom -- depravity has no principles, so it lacks the mercy of limits. Thanks be to God that human life remains limited however!  We will only be exposed to the depravity till death does us part!  

Chattanooga, Charlotte, Military Carry

Soldiers want OK to carry concealed weapons on base | Army Times |

Military installations on the US are largely "gun free zones" or has we regularly discover (Ft Hood),  "free slaughter zones". Unless you are "law enforcement",  Police or Military Police -- no gun. So you are a target.

So if you are a Muslim and want to shoot some infidels, what better location than a military installation -- including thousands of recruiting offices across the country?

The first requirement in joining TP ( THE Party, "D") is giving up independent thought. Just like being with "the in crowd" in High School. Check your brain at the door and be quick to pick up on the rules for what it is you are supposed to think, say, wear, do and even what sort of language you are are to use. Some examples:

"Terrorist"? If the perpetrator is named "Muhammad", you have to be VERY careful about any statements and ESPECIALLY any sort of "association" -- with "Muslims, Islam, etc". Even if proof positive is provided that said perpetrator was trained by ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, PLO, Al-Shabab, etc, etc it would be VERY wrong to suggest any "pattern" here! (if you are liberal, you DON'T see one!!!)

ABSOLUTELY a crazy acting alone. NO CONNECTION to Islam, and even if it should be shown by extreme evidence that the person was acting DIRECTLY under influence of a specific Mosque, Imam, etc, well, there is NO CONNECTION!!! Islam is the "religion of peace"!

White shooting Blacks"? Clearly a Terrorist linked to all sorts of racism represented by the Confederate Flag!! IMMEDIATE action MUST be taken in order to root out any symbol of this clear organization to which this person was CONNECTED!! No chance it is just a crazy acting alone! Tear down flags, statues, demonstrate, etc. ACTION REQUIRED!

Picture of Muhammad (not the TN shooter!)? Incendiary! Anyone who exhibits one is insanely seeking violence (they must WANT to be beheaded)! We have not quite got the gumption to fully outlaw them yet, but we are trying! Such images are hateful and need to be done away with!

Confederate flag? Likewise -- tear them down. Vandalize sites that have them. Fire people that show one. Take TV shows of the air if one is shown in them.

Crucifix in urine? Gay flag? Anti-Christian speech?  No problemo -- Christians have NO RIGHT TO BE OFFENDED!!! A cross in urine is "art". PRIDE in your sexuality is positive! It deserves to be flaunted in any way you see fit -- those that don't like it can "change the channel / cover their eyes / etc". (oh, if you are Muslim, we are sorry ... try to be quiet. We are OK with you being against homosexuality, it is your heartfelt religious belief, and we respect that for Muslims!)

All of this ought not ever be discussed and certainly not written down. In today's world, tough questions should never be asked of left leaning politicians like BO, as evidenced by the mini-tempest last week when Major Garrett asked a tough question. A non-independent left leaner may not even entertain the idea of "why is there a different standard when questions are asked of those in the middle or right?" Why any even vicious question about "not caring about troops being killed", etc that could be thrown up to W or Cheney was APPLAUDED ... and loudly! "Truth to power" and all that.

BTW -- other than losing some of his cool, BO did fine on the response. He was of course lying, but he does that all the time and very well. His "agreement" is a complete and total sell-out, but that is beside the point. The POINT is the question of it being  legitimate to ASK him hard questions. If one is "right wing" enough to believe in there being more than one political side to issues, then either the answer is YES, or it is ALWAYS no! One simply can't have any shred of independent thought and be angry about the question being ASKED to one side and not the other!

The point of this post though is that you can no longer be a "popular main stream American" and even raise the kind of questions I am raising here.

You have to be 100% against the confederate flag -- no room for "tradition, history, individual preference, etc".

You have to ignore all evidence of the fact that a very large set (not "all") people of Islamic belief are intent to achieve victory over Western Culture and especially Christianity, by violence if necessary, because they believe we are "The Great Satan". The leaders that BO has made an "agreement" with REGULARLY call the US The Great Satan -- they believe it. In the same way that I assume that lefties believe that if we follow whatever their policy de jour is that it will somehow lead to "a better future" (to the extent they have a handle on what "better" is) ... or at least feel it is worth it for their own "going along to get along" that they will continue that they act like they believe that.

You have to be 100% on board for "whatever" from gays.

You are OK with our military not being able to defend themselves on bases domestically. There is no outcry to let them be armed. There is no outcry that domestic Islamic Terrorism is a FAR greater threat than "confederate flags" -- but there is no call to action here!

You care less about a young woman being gunned down in the street of a "sanctuary city", but you were well on board with "Black Lives Matter" ... and you see no problem in this because it aligns with what you know to be "the correct/popular thought".

I could just keep listing things, but you got the point and feel like I do, or you quit reading long ago.

It isn't just a difference of opinion anymore -- the left has become so dominant in this country that all forms of thought and conversation are saturated with "correct" or "reactionary / right-wing / Fox News / etc" instant categorization.

We know how we are SUPPOSED to think on all issues -- some of us just don't think that way.

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Friday, July 17, 2015

"Progressives", No, We Really DO Want A Police State

Liberals Lose to Scott Walker in Wisconsin Again, Again - The Daily Beast:

Reading this makes it clear that the left desires a police state rather than "politics", which can be "corrupt" ... I mean, if there is "another side", then the the "progressive" forces (which are ALWAYS the "moral" ones) have to deal with opposition. Having an opposing party is "corrupt".

The "no coordination rule" is like all the other campaign finance rules -- it is designed to stop CONSERVATIVE political speech. NBC, ABC, NPR, George Soros,, the Clinton Foundation, loads of other PACs, University Organizations, Unions, etc, etc can operate in LOCK STEP with the Democratic Party for fundraising, policy -- ANYTHING!

Other than the case of GOVERNMENT Unions overtly operating as part of the Democrat party, I have no beef.

While "progressives" find the fact that there are conservative organizations, and they talk to each other to be somehow "corrupt", the only case I find to be corrupt is the case of the government union acting in concert with one political party. The MSM, the educational apparatus, thousands of left wing organizations, and of course unions all talk and act 100% in lock step from the Democrat side.

Knocking down doors in the middle of the night and running secret investigations is EXACTLY what the left ALWAYS does -- USSR, Nazi Germany, China, Cuba, etc, etc -- and WISCONSIN!

The thin veneer separating us from the totalitarian police state has never been thinner -- it is so thin in fact that a number of people now openly advocate for a Police State to remove removal of all political opposition.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Walker Derangement Syndrome -- A Good Sign

Walker Derangement Syndrome Off to a Fast Start | Power Line:

When you stand for something, you are BOUND to have enemies! Reagan was HATED by the MSM, the elite and the left of course. He was VERY successful.

Walker has successfully brought Wisconsin back from a virtual socialist backwater, now showing some signs of economic growth. He has also stood up to public unions -- the first politician to do that since Reagan stood up to PATCO.

He has experience, he has backbone, AND, he is willing stand up to the high and mighty arrogant powers of the left. At this point, I'm convinced he is the best option that Americans that would like to see some shreds of American greatness survive a bit longer have for 2016.

The state of America today is a bit like having the Sta Puft Marshmallow man show up to your house fire -- not good at all, but better than no marshmallows!

BTW, it seems that Walker did his announcement with NO TELEPROMPTER! ... Just imagine how brilliant the press would think he was if he was a D!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Baby Parts For Sale -- Who Cares?

Baby Parts for Sale :

Not a single MSM source has picked this up that I could find, though it is getting coverage in the conservative space. Snopes is still non-committal, and it MIGHT be related to James O'Keefe who brought down ACORN by taking covert videos of them helping bring in illegal alien underage girls for prostitution -- the left was really ticked about ACORN being brought down. Illegal alien underage girls for prostitution? Why would THAT bother them???

Let's face it -- what part of NO MORALS is it that people are always failing to get? If you will kill a baby, sanction gay "marriage", be fine with gay "parents" having a sexualized young boy dancing in a gay pride parade, then what could it possibly mean to draw some sort of a "moral line"?? To even think of such a thing calls one with the idea into question as not being fully on board with the cool folks agenda!

No limits is no limits -- your betters have spoken, you best stand and applaud! Oh ... and BTW, take down those OFFENSIVE Stars and Bars! Learn to do as you are told -- and enjoy it!

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CNN Solar Ice Age, The AGW Memory Hole Begins

In 10 years or so, "Anthropogenic Global Warming" is very likely to be in the same class as "Reagan risks war with USSR" and "The World is out of oil" are today.  That the world was out of oil was "settled" for the learned, following,  and media classes in the late '70s. The long term certain success of the USSR and the rank stupidity of challenging them was similarly certain past the mid '80s.

"Always certain, frequently wrong" has been the mantra of the "rulers, intelligentsia, experts, chattering classes" since we sat around the campfire in skins -- the average man is always much more willing to listen to someone that is CERTAIN, so the Shamans always are.

Mooses on the other hand, never are -- but we do observe present and past,  what actually happens, and ALWAYS point out that "predictions are hard to make -- especially about the future!" (Berra).

I've covered this a number of times in this blog, but it is interesting to see CNN and others now realizing that the sun might have something to do with climate! (the "scientists" they quote still aren't sure -- I wonder if they will figure it out if it really

Note also the willingness to make a prediction only FIFTEEN YEARS into the future by the solar guys! .., vs relying on predictions 100 years into the future as the AGW crowd does. I guess they have to, since their 15 year predictions have already been shown to be total bunk.

Anyway, it might be a good time to buy tracks for my Ranger! Just imagine how HAPPY the AGW folks will be if the HORROR of a few inches of sea level rise is actually replaced by inability to grow crops over the bulk of the food producing areas of the planet! How WONDERFUL! Cutting the number of humans and vastly increasing the number of polar bears! -- enough to warm the cold heart of a Warmist!

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"Escaping" Our God Given or Random Advantage

I tried to escape my privilege with low-wage work. Instead I came face to face with it. - The Washington Post:

The author of the column definitely successfully escaped any advantage he had as a writer -- or probably he just never had any natural advantage (talent) in that area. Either God created a system in which those with advantages flourish, or such a system arose out of the chaos of randomness for unknown reasons. In any case, advancement, and even survival demands that advantage be discerned from disadvantage and the advantages be utilized toward what those with working advantages deem proper  -- either to follow the will of God, or to just thumb our noses in the face of a cold and random cosmos.

There must however be a "human lemming" switch built in somewhere that forces a human culture, once it has achieved sufficient (clearly temporary in the US case) dominance, to declare itself "unfit / unworthy" and go the suicide way. Let me "escape" any advantage I have -- certainly my "privilege".

Somehow I can't see a cheetah cursing it's speed and deciding to wear weights on its ankles because it has "a speed privilege it can't escape". It is absolutely clear that Vladimir Putin is not soon going to wash his hands of health, wealth and a strong character just because he feels bad for what a weak fool BO is. ISIS is likewise not going to be giving up any of their advantages just because BO thought they were "JVs", but now says "it will take a wider and longer approach" to defeat them. Apparently the US has REALLY been successful in giving up any military advantage we might have had -- we are now locked in a long term undefined struggle with the "JV team"!

I'm quite certain our "friends" the Iranians will sort out the mideast to whatever form they feel to be their advantage once they successfully have the bomb -- with nary even a first thought, let alone a second, of if they are justified in using their nuclear privilege, so generously bequeathed by their benefactor BO!

The race goes to the swiftest, the strongest, the smartest, or sometimes just to those that wait for fools to hand over the advantages they have with no thought that tomorrow's "privileged" may not be so inclined to benevolence.

In fact, one needent read much Islam to KNOW for certain that our options are "convert or die" -- they are more than fine with either choice.

Hope and Change indeed.

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BO Ally Against Arrogance Rises

“Evil Never Sleeps” | Power Line:

The remaining tatters of the once great US are "the evil that never sleeps" to BO's anointed mideast nuclear regional power. In complete agreement with BO's analysis of his "Dreams" book, the US and the western powers have been "arrogant" -- so the world can be made much better by taking them down a peg -- or two or three.

Israel? After his buddies in Tehran have stated so many times that they WILL reduce it to radioactive ashes, one must assume that BO shares that as the proper "justice" for the Jewish state -- finding blacks that are not virulently anti-semitic has always been a challenge. In Jeremiah Wright's church, the evil of the Jew was nearly as damnable as "God damn America!". A suicidal nation picks it's means of destruction and calls it "choice".

Iran's own state news says it best -- it must be a banner day for anti-colonialists everywhere to see a former British Colony and US ally before it's abandonment by Carter rising to the inevitable destruction of Israel -- yet another British creation. Britain was the power that BO's grandfather and father fought against -- how sweet for BO who pledged himself to pick up their task crying on their graves.

The impending collateral damage of 8-10 million jews as Israel gives its life to the nuclear victory pyre as Iran rises will no doubt be a day of even greater glory for BO.

In the words of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, “The campaign against arrogance is one of the principles of the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the Holy Quran mandates the drive against arrogance.”
Within this context, there should be no respite from the campaign against arrogance, even after the conclusion of the nuclear talks with the P5+1 group (the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China).
It is hard to imagine, but I'm sure there will be those who claim "shock" the day the mushroom rises over the Holy Land -- I can't accept their sincerity.

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