Monday, December 21, 2015

Trump Truthful Compared to Hildebeast! ISIS "Slick" Recruitment

Hillary Clinton camp to Donald Trump: 'Hell no' apology -

Hildebeast sets a VERY low bar for truthfulness! No wonder, lying is a Clinton family tradition, and we have already had a LOT of experience with that!

So she says that Trump is being used in ISIS recruitment. Well, unsurprisingly, no evidence of that, but there IS someone she might know on an ISIS recruitment video -- her bimbo chasing hubby Slick! Talk about a "Slick recruiting video!".

The ISIS video is worth watching, they may be evil, but they actually DO believe in something as opposed to this sorry area of N America. How about these slogans for Amerika?
  • One nation, 51 genders, and too many sexual preferences to count
  • Land of convenience and home of dead babies
  • We USED to be America -- won WWII, went to the moon, decided to get drunk and stoned and call ourselves history. 
  • Exceptional Like Greece! -- Without the cool thinkers 
  • Following the has-been tradition of England Since 1932!
  • Killing our culture, our babies and ourselves because we deserve it! 
  • We're so moral we destroyed ourselves to avoid God's judgement. 
  • Our people aren't responsible enough to have guns. Can we send you home from Gitmo with some?
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POTUS (Potty of the US)

Finally, an Explanation for Hillary Clinton's Long Bathroom Break - First Draft. Political News, Now. - The New York Times:

I can only imagine if the press had a chance to go after W or say Dan Quayle on an incident like this.

On the purely human level, it IS funny -- Hillary is on the high side of thinking herself to be "royalty", and the fact of human life is that even the greatest human king or queen sitting on a throne sits on their ass ... and in fact sits on the more mundane porcelain "throne" as well to deal with the facts of biology.

I didn't waste time watching the D's "debate", but this was prevalently featured on conservative media -- I discovered today, not nearly so prevalent on the MSM.

Even queen Hildebeast needs to obey the call of nature!

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The Bitter Onion Awakens

Obama Accuses Trump of Exploiting Working-Class Fears - The New York Times:
President Obama said in a radio interview airing on Monday that Donald J. Trump, a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, is exploiting the resentment and anxieties of working-class men to boost his campaign. Mr. Obama also argued that some of the scorn directed at him personally stems from the fact that he is the first African-American to hold the White House.
While I often find "The Onion" to be more factual than NPR, NPR doesn't have the intention of being as entertaining as The Onion, and in that lack of entertainment value, they truly excel!

Mr all time exploiter in chief thinks that Trump is exploiting the "resentment and anxieties of the working class"!! Well, I'll be damned, I guess that is somehow less "honorable" than exploiting the resentment and anxieties of the NON-WORKING CLASS!

I guess that is unfair, BO also exploits the CRIMINAL CLASS -- as in Ferguson, Baltimore, etc and his push to release thousands of felons from prison. I suppose in BO's "Amerika", having the gumption to go out and do some crime amounts to being "highly motivated"!

Nobody ought to be worried about ISIS, minority thugs, the IRS investigating conservative groups, less and less people working, etc, but we ought to ALL be worried about "Climate Change", law abiding people with guns, "racism", "anti-Muslim sentiment" (even though anti-Jewish is far more prevalent) and a host of other "ills of the American culture" that BO really wants to "correct".  Bad things like "freedom of speech" (see Citizens United),  bad things like people living where they want (see AFFH) ... and of course the biggie that just keeps on giving, er, rather TAKING if you are or were stupid enough to work and/or save money!

BO broke a lot of new ground in exploitation and it got him elected -- things that work tend to be repeated, so we can expect to see a LOT more of it!

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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Affirmative Racism

President of Minnesota's Rochester College faces backlash in her first year | Inside Higher Ed:

The current president of the local community college has managed to create a local debacle to compete with BO nationally on the local scene. Naturally, the "cause" of this is assumed to be "racism" -- Rochester is just too lily white and definitely needs to "get it's mind right". It got to be too much for even MSCU, and she was forced to resign -- too bad BO could not be forced out!

This isn't the first case here in Rochester. We had a black superintendent of schools here for 3 years named Romain Dallemand who caused lots of problems and left under a cloud for Macon Georgia -- the message from many at the time was as well, "Rochester is racist". He ran up 26+ million in Macon and fled to Haiti rather than face prosecution -- I'm guessing that his choice of hiding locale was "racially motivated"!

It is clear that the community has a problem ... students of color in our schools are being disciplined disproportionately as well! The problem is at least statewide -- Minneapolis is taking steps to INSURE that less blacks are disciplined their ratio is 10 to 1, and we KNOW that it CAN'T be the case that black students commit more infractions than white students!

I know this will come as a SHOCK to you, but BOYS are commonly greater discipline problems than girls to tune of 2x - 5x! It is CERTAINLY impossible that boys could actually cause that much more disruption, so the ONLY possible explanation is anti-male bias. Right?

We hear the same discussion on incarceration rates -- but as I've pointed out before, the homicide rates for young blacks are HORRIBLE! But that can be blamed on "racism" as well.

The base problem is that the left believes that ALL situations that they want to "fix", CAN be "fixed" by government action, WITHOUT any bad effects. Since in the real world, those assumptions are provably not true, they create a huge number of problems and cost A LOT of lives, but since their belief in "positive social change through government" is a RELIGIOUS BELIEF, not subject to modification by factual information, the deaths and large community problems have to continue and be made worse so liberals can "feel good" about all that they have done and continue to do!

There is the old joke of the Republican who can't swim that walks by a dock and sees a person drowning 100' out. He picks up a rope, ties it to a float, ties the other end to the dock and throws it out as close to the person as he can and encourages them to swim for the float.

A Democrat comes along on the same scene -- throws a bunch of ropes and floats out randomly, tying them to nothing and heads off to do their next good deal of the day!

In fact, that is generous -- the Democrat would blame some previous administration for there not being better swimming lessons, no signs up to "don't go in the water if you can't swim", and no public paid minority lifeguard earning a "minimum wage". Taxes must be raised on the "wealthy" to insure that nobody else drowns! (never let a crisis go to waste!).

The Democrat policies of the '60s ... "urban renewal", welfare, aid to dependent children, etc have destroyed the black culture and emasculated the black male to where a life of substance abuse, crime, violence and incarceration is the norm. Putting a few people of color in positions they are not able to succeed in makes the situation worse, as does not providing discipline and standards in the school systems, but TP **CAN'T** admit that they have created a horrible mess -- that "mess" is a core of their voting base, and even more important, it is the core of their vote fraud machines in large US urban areas!

As abortion shows, if millions have to die so TP can maintain and gain power, TP sees that as a SMALL price to be paid!

So the only path is to "double down" -- more programs, more people of color in jobs they can't handle, less discipline for blacks in schools. The nation is heading for a brick wall -- FLOOR IT!

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

We're Plucked!

The first really fits with this one  ....

OK, Power Line was really good this week ... a little seasonal modern philosophy! Perhaps the world would  be better off if some folks guardian angels maybe gave them just a LITTLE shove ??

Coordination, Burden of Proof

The NYT Just Disappeared A Devastating Obama Admission:

Public Radio and based on FB posts from liberals, "The Party" (TP-D) spent some time this past week on the horrors of the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling and "Big Money" on politics. Most horribly of all,  "coordination".  In CA they passed a new law that makes "political coordination" a "crime" in which if you are charged, the burden of proof is on YOU to "prove you are innocent".

The regulation effectively shifts the burden of proof in cases of suspected coordination from the government to the candidate or outside spending committee.
Read more here:
Naturally, NPR was all in favor of this "marvelous idea" -- with nary a concern that it violates one of the most basic principles of justice -- "the presumption of innocence"!  The NPR assumption is that since the vast majority of the government bureaucracy and legal system is all left leaning, the constant coordination of all types that TP operates with will continue, and they will be able to jail conservatives trying to achieve a tiny fraction of the total coordination that TP uses every day!

Certainly a VERY "good idea" for TP! (it happens to break one of most basic of human rights, but TP!)

The linked NYTs article is just a TINY example of MSM / TP coordination. In an interview with NYT, BO declared:

In his meeting with the columnists, Mr. Obama indicated that he did not see enough cable television to fully appreciate the anxiety after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, and made clear that he plans to step up his public arguments.

This came out this past Thursday, but the NY Times quickly realized that this didn't really look that good for their guy BO, so the linked article shows the litany of changes they went through to get "on message". Nice to have our nations supposed "paper of record" daily coordinating activity with TP don't ya think?

  The original headline of the column that included the embarrassing quote was:
“Obama Visiting National Counterterrorism Center.”
By the time they had removed the offending quote and went through a few revisions, the headline read:
“Assailed by G.O.P., Obama Defends His Response To Terror Attacks.”
At least when you are member of TP, you are NEVER "assailed by the New York Times"!! ... In fact, articles and even headlines are tuned to put you in the best light possible and any opposition in the worst light possible! BO erroneously thought that he needed to "watch more cable tv", when "in fact" (as reported by the NYtimes), it was all the fault of the GOP all along!

If you have an R next to your name, having to raise money from outside groups is a "crime" for which you are GUILTY until you "prove yourself innocent" -- and we all know that proving a negative is a lot of fun. ( please PROVE you are NOT a space alien!)

We already know that "consistency is not an issue", but one might think that with the frequency that the left cites the "UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights", they MIGHT find it interesting that they suddenly find it an excellent idea to apply the exact INVERSE of article 11 to their "political enemies"!
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
The US is a supposed signer to these accords -- no word yet on the likelihood that NPR and CA are going to be prosecuted under the UN for violation of "basic human rights" ... oh wait, we can only assume that a conservative is like "fetus" just not really human, basically "deplorable"  ... and we know what that means!

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Capt Kirk to the Bridge! Meals on Keels

The Buoy and the Sci-Fi Destroyer | The American Spectator:

Mostly a post because I like one-liner humor.

Referring to the natural progression of problems that can arise on ships at sea; first you become a buoy, then you become a reef! Funny unless it happens to you ... and as was in the news recently and covered in the linked article, our new $362M destroyer "Milwaukee" had to be towed back to port after a couple weeks at sea due to "metal filings" completely stopping their propulsion systems. One likes to imagine that a ship that might face battle would be designed with some level of redundancy -- apparently not enough.

The Capt Kirk reference is relative to the actual captain of our new "USS Zumwalt" (James Kirk), a stealth littoral defense ship that runs $3 BILLION a copy! It also looks odd -- as the columnist opines "like the box a destroyer comes in".

"Meals on Keels" is a snide reference to His Potent Odiferousness believing that the Navy (and the military in general) is largely for "social engineering".

I firmly believe that **ALL** human endeavors, even mine, definitely need to have humor poked at them FREQUENTLY. From Adam on, the propensity of humans to be FAR "too big for their britches" is universal, and unfortunately it doesn't really go away once we get through our "terrible twos".

That's the biggest take away from the enjoyable article -- new technology will break, things will cost too much and commanders in chief will have random thoughts about what the military might do forever -- and hopefully we remember to enjoy our follies!

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Auto Deaths Down, Give Us Your GUNS!

Guns are now killing as many people as cars in the U.S. - The Washington Post:

In this age of the sound-bite, "Guns Kill As Many as Cars!" is no doubt what we will see often repeated. It is a tiny bit more "accurate" than "97% Of Scientists Agree on AGW!", but then "accuracy" isn't what matters today.

Highway deaths have been dropping -- less drunk driving, better safety features, better roads, etc. SO ... since highway deaths DROPPED, let's report the equivalence to guns! Simple!

But wait, SUICIDE accounts for more than half of the "gun deaths", and suicide is rising SO FAST that total suicides ALONE are a larger cause of death than  car crashes! But that isn't so much of a headline is it? "The Party" doesn't gain power by reducing suicide deaths -- in fact, TP is the party of death -- making suicide easy / assisted / etc is something they FAVOR!

While TP may occasionally try to correlate suicide with guns, they won't spend a lot of time on it since such gun happy locales as South Korea (#2), Japan(#17), Finland, Belgium, Iceland (#33-35) appear before the US at #50. We are however rising fast as TP rapidly sucks all meaning from life. They would be HAPPY with whatever suicide rate we ended up with as long as they could get the damned guns off the streets so their path to total power was at least cleared of that hurdle!

But no doubt we will get to hear about this "startling statistic" that "Guns kill as many people as cars!" ... possibly even MORE as suicides continue to rise and car deaths hopefully continue to fall.

No reason things have to make sense if they support the TP agenda!

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Allah Praised, Christ Removed

Virginia district cancels school over Islamic lesson anger - The Washington Post:

Imagine people being offended by their kids copying "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his  messenger"? How backward. How non-inclusive. How "un-american" -- or at least in opposition to what WaPo and TP have decided is supposed to be the "creed", "high mindedness" or "sophisticated educated thinking" of today.

Had somebody put up a Christmas Tree, had a Christmas Program, or (horror!) said "Merry Christmas" to their class, the ACLU would be involved, teachers and administrators would be being fired, sued, etc, and the national media would be screaming about Separation of Church and STATE with extreme umbrage and in total support of even a single complainer who was forced to (gasp) view a Christmas Tree!

As it is, WaPo is disappointed that people took offence in something as non-offensive (to them) as repeating what millions of Christians over the centuries  have died rather than repeat, and even today at least thousands are being beheaded, burned, stoned, etc for failing to comply with.

We have been treated to supposedly "righteous" outrage over manger scenes, The Ten Commandments, silent prayer and yes, even  "Merry Christmas" on a frequent basis, and especially in this season, for decades now.

Not ALL the sheeple appear to be completely ready for the next phase beyond the removal all connection to Christ in anything public, and replacement with "whatever", including Allah or Santa.  So WaPo is disappointed they have more "education" to do!

Every human has a religion. What is yours? Do you worship the State? Science? Money? Mother Earth? Your own ego? (I think they are trying to decide if that is called "BOism" or "Trumpist")

Here yet again, we see that it all comes down to Christ -- the ultimate divider and uniter. He divides the ages into BC and AD, and he unites mankind into Blood Brothers in Christ, or divides to all the various "doers" working to gain some sort of afterlife or to distract themselves to the belief that this is all there is. Not even the WaPo is offended by Allah or Mohammed ... they know they are dead and imaginary and so the idea of someone copying a statement of faith in them gives no offence.

But "Merry Christmas"? Or very recently even "Thoughts and Prayers" uttered by Christians is enough to bring out the torches and pitchforks and go on a hunt. Much fear in their reaction I sense! (it is Star Wars day ;-) )

TP hates Christ, so they hate Christmas.  It seems that the chief TP sacrament of abortion is their ritual of "remembrance in death" of the one infant that made it to the manger and to the cross that they would have MOST liked to abort. With each of the millions of deaths of the most innocent, their hearts quiver with renewed hatred for the spirit of that one babe they most wanted extinguished and they still fear above all else.

There is another way ... it is the best of seasons to allow that spirit to enfold you. It isn't just "captive Israel" that longs for his return in glory!

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Let It Burn

Jeb is not the most important Bush in the 2016 campaign - The Washington Post:

I look at the disarray in the world, the country, and the Republican party and the emotional response is definitely "let it burn". The use and reuse of the "Mission Accomplished" picture, when the banner was FOR THE SHIP, which they put up when they came back from one of the longest deployments in recent history is a mark of what passes for "journalism" in The Party (TP-D) controlled media, but is really just partisan propaganda.

 It's from OVER A DECADE AGO ... back then, both BO and Hillary were committed to being AGAINST gay "marriage", and BO was AGAINST raising the debt ceiling! But "old positions" for TP members are down the memory hole instantly, and propaganda pictures against the opposition are FOREVER ... embalmed and on display like Stalin in the old USSR.

We could take all sorts of FACTUAL things relative to BO ... like his voting against raising the debt ceiling as a senator and then his castigating Republicans for their concerns with his MUCH bigger deficits and "rub them in over and over" (if we had a conservative MSM), but the fact is that the majority of this country just doesn't care. They bleat to the TP drum and they will continue to do so until it gets REALLY bad -- and even then, my sense is that the will to "something better" if it involves work, risk, commitment, principles, etc as opposed to "give me free stuff and blame others" is that we no longer have what it takes to compete in the real world.

My summary of the BO debacle is this video:

When there is no such thing as "truth" or "responsibility" and a nation abandons its Constitution, there is simply nothing worth saving left.

We are still yammering about decisions and events of '03 ... that war was won, and then lost by BO in the meantime, and TODAY IS TODAY -- yet the sort of abject hypocrisy on display in the video is ignored and the MSM continues to focus on a moment that they actually know to be completely FALSE from 2003! It is what happens when nobody cares about their country -- only about "their side winning".

At some point if we were to still have a nation, we would have to go FORWARD toward "something" that a large majority of people would actually believe in! Something like a Constitution, or "self-evident TRUTHS", or actually being "under God" or "endowed by our Creator" ... something more than "give me my free stuff RIGHT NOW!".

But apparently, like the 1930's is it going to take  something BIG in our face like WWII --  9-11 to a 10, 100 or 1000x before either we capitulate for good or pull up our panties and DO SOMETHING!

I don't think we have a choice at this point but to just watch the current world and country burn, and then hope that something arises from the ashes. It may not, but it is clear that we are going to have to fall a LONG way more before a significant number of people face the reality of today.

I've never cared so little for politics since I got out of college. Perhaps a vote for Trump "gets it over with quicker" ... which unfortunately seems like the best of the very bad alternatives!

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Fact Checking the Left

Debunking 5 Phony Statistics Liberals Love To Toss Around - John Hawkins - Page full:

In the past couple of years, "Fact Checking" has become a cottage industry for the MSM. Naturally, they always conclude that Republican candidates are darned near "fact free", and left wing candidates "occasionally make honest mistakes". Shocking I know.

Five standard left wing "facts" that are COMMONLY used are debunked here:
  1. 1 in 5 college coeds have been raped. 
  2. Abuse of wives peaks during the Super Bowl (heard that one on MPR a couple months ago)
  3. 50% of marriages end in divorce
  4. 19% of the population is gay
  5. 97% of scientists agree on global warming
I'd put #5 at #1 ... it is so ridiculous and SO commonly used that it deserves that spot. A good number of Republican "lies" / non-factual statements, etc come from them disagreeing on global warming. The left "declares it settled", so any Republican that disagrees is "lying" -- a tidy advantage of owning the media, the universities and the entire government bureaucracy!

Since most of the media is left wing, the vast majority of the "fact checkers" are left wing as well, and unsurprisingly, they choose which statements ought to be "checked" and they "check" them with their biases firmly in place. Unsuprisingly, it certainly looks to THEM that Republicans are pretty much "liars", and Democrats are basically speakers of gospel! What a shocking surprise --- but of course if you dig just a tiny bit, who really needs to be checked are the "fact checkers".
There is a "truth gap" in Washington, but it doesn't exist along the lines the fact checkers would have you think. It was Obama who said you could keep the health care you had if you liked it, even if Obamacare became law. It was Obama who said the Citizens United decision would open the floodgates of foreign money into U.S. campaigns. It was Obama who said Benghazi happened because of a YouTube video. It was Obama's IRS that denied conservative political groups had been singled out for special scrutiny. And it was Obama who promised that taxes would not go up for any American making less than $250,000 per year.
 All of these statements and plenty more are demonstrably false, though some people still pretend there is truth in them. As the Lichter study demonstrates, it's not so much fact checkers that are needed as it is fact checkers to check the facts being checked.

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Dreaming Of Equally Lawless Destruction

Obama Power: Cruz or Trump Can Use It Too:

The main topic of the column is the old playground ethic of "anything you do to me I will do to you twice has hard and twice as nasty!" -- revenge, as the Klingon's say, "Is a dish best served cold" (so does "The Godfather" BTW).

The thing is, that conservatives tend to be aware that the ethics of the playground, as understood at least since ancient times, as in an "eye for an eye" needs to be LIMITED. You don't understand "an eye for an eye" as being limited? Oh, it IS ... VERY ... compared to "kill them all -- women, children, oxen, slaves, ....) People like BO ... who proudly claims that the true identity of being a Luo Tribesman, subscribe to the "law of the jungle", that of "tooth and claw", that which Hobbes claimed we created Leviathan with it's "law" to make more just, thus trading some of our freedom for the benefits of law.

Law found it's power in ancient things like "The Ten Commandments", or "Hammurabi's Code", and demanded to be revered -- but reverence is unknown on the playground, in the jungle, or with the tribe, so we have returned to our "roots" -- meaning NO LAW!

I really don't think it is very likely that ANY Republican will be elected next year, and I firmly believe that if that unlikely event happens and it is anyone other than Trump, the playground ethic of revenge from this column will hold no sway. Conservatives believe in not just the rule of law, but even in divine power beyond law,  precedence even, as in not overturning things like "Roe v Wade", even though they are noxious usurpations of the rule of law.

HOWEVER, if Trump is the whirlwind that we reap, then absolutely -- all bets are off, and our new King will behave much like BO. I'd see him as "better" than BO since a lot of what he might do would at least be AN ATTEMPT to "Make America Great" rather than "Attempts to make America Like Greece" as we have seen BO doing, but lawless just the same.

The sad thing is that once law is traded for power, we live in the jungle -- the path of restoration of law is very unclear at best, and most likely goes through things getting MUCH worse, followed by one or more revolutions, after which MAYBE our people come to their senses and realize that LAW means "agreed to LIMITS for ALL", not "if I can get MY judges, bureaucrats, lawless president, etc elected, then I will run roughshod over YOU with impunity".

TP (The Party) DID get all that, and they HAVE been running roughshod -- but at some point, it always slides into Totalitarianism. Trump may be that point, or it might be delayed a bit -- or Hillary may well be that point. She has declared that she will do "something about guns" via "
executive order", which means that she has promised to take an explicitly unconstitutional action, thus violating in advance the oath she would take if she won the office.

The "round up the guns" might bring on the war that officially ends the America that has already ended as a culture and an ideal.

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Monday, December 14, 2015

Gender Is Fluid, Orientation is Fixed

Why I Won't Label My Sexuality:

OK, COSMO was the ONLY article that I could find to anchor my "random neural firing of the day". On my way home from workout and running a couple errands ... a little slowly as the rain changed to snow during my workout and it is white now, I was treated to a conversation on NPR about how racist MN is.

Turns out it is MORE racist than Mississippi and Alabama BECAUSE, some of the statistics -- like gap between white / black on test scores, gap in income, prison population, getting arrested, etc are WORSE in MN, but PR believes that CAN'T be true, because MN is "progressive". I'm not going to spend time on this (little things like if MORE white people are earning more and there is a LOWER percentage of black people, it seems like the numbers might be skewed), but "whatever". For the blacks in the conversation it was ALL due to white racism, and to the progressives, it HAD to be something else, but they were at a loss to explain it ... such is the left.

Somebody commented on a post on FB that "gender is fluid, and it is WRONG to try to make it fixed", and my brain fired, did a Google, and here I am.

Is it not ALSO wrong to try to assert that sexual orientation is "fluid"? Is not the idea of counselling to change from gay to straight one of the "new abominations" (the old ones are all now legally protected classes!) I could swear that in the same universe that I'm currently occupying people recently said things like "a person that is gay is exactly the same as people that are heterosexual, only with the orientation to being gay -- and it is ALWAYS going to be that way for them! It is COMPLETELY FIXED and they MUST act on it, or they are not true to themselves!

NOTE:: This is completely different for alcoholics, who we are told also are "made that way", but for them, nobody that I know suggests that "They MUST drink, to not drink would be a LIE!  They would not be being true to their NATURE!" ... Just for the record, my belief is that we ALL have "tendencies", to A LOT of stuff, good, bad, or indifferent. Our genetic tendencies, our upbringing, our choices, chance, etc and a whole set of factors make for "behaviors" to arise from "tendency". While some tendencies are VERY strong, "compulsions" even, WITH THE HELP OF GOD (or "higher power" it you must), we all have hope of being "more than our tendencies".

We used to have "GLBT" ... which was Gay, Lesbian, BI-sexual, and Transvestite ... and they have completely the same "rights" as the tired old "H" for Hetero ... and boring "He made them male and female". (although exactly what "Bi-sexual marriage" was or is (since it IS a "right"), is not really defined).

But already we now have "GLBTQ" where "Q" is typically either "Queer" or "Questioning". A "definition from proximate link:
"Queer retains that critical edge against regimes of the normal of assimilation and privilege," Octavio R. González, an English professor at Wellesley College told USA TODAY Network.
I'd have to say they have possibly arrived at the best "definition" of what it means to exist in the broad swath of N America between Mexico and Canada today. "Critical edge against regimes" -- I certainly feel that against the TP (The Party-D)  regime of BO! ... "the normal of assimilation and privilege". Hmm, I'm guessing he doesn't mean "the normal" of universities, the MSM, entertainment, government bureaucracy and the domination of TP, but what does he mean? "White people"? or just heterosexuals? I'm not in favor of the current regime, and I definitely don't want to be assimilated into TP, so maybe I'm "Queer"??

As you might guess, Q is not likely to be the last letter ... "A" is either "asexual" as in not having any, or "allies" meaning whatever someone comes up with (assuming it isn't something weird like Christian heterosexual), you are "allied". There is also "I" for "intersex" which at one time covered the tiny percentage of people who really do have crossed sexual organs, but now apparently includes people like "Bruce/Caitlyn" Jenner who are modifying themselves ... as opposed I ASSUME to "transvestite" who are dressing only, or "Queer" which is "defined" above  ??? ... I think I'll go with Young Frankenstein on what it actually means.

There are a lot of letters left in the alphabet ... when there is no truth, only relative opinion, then truly none of us can "know" anything relative to the ever changing "culture". There are a lot of letters left in the aphabet and we will probably run out, or have to use each for multiple meanings like we already are for the A and the Q. Your first reaction might be that I'm being facetious here, but remember, Facebook has 51 genders!

The words of Lewis Carroll explain it well:
"‘When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.'
‘The question is,' said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things."
‘The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master—that's all.'"
Consistency is not an issue, WHO IS MASTER is the issue! So there are more genders than letters in the alphabet, and they are FLUID, but sexual orientation is FIXED ... genetically, and it CAN'T BE CHANGED! Thus saith "the masters".

Wonderland was a very reasonable place compared to whatever the current madhouse we exist in might be called!


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Clinton's Love Child -- Rubio!

The Half-Hearted Case for Rubio - The Daily Beast:

I'll admit it, I really like Scott Walker, and I HOPED (too much) that he would be the candidate. I also held out some lesser hopes (very faint) that there was some TINY shred of decency and character left in "The Party" (TP-D), and that the combination of a sneering, arrogant, unlikeable, congenital liar, felon, idiot,  combined with what used to be the biggest political sin of being completely unlikeable and a terrible campaigner, would give us an easier TP candidate -- BS is as good a designated initial as one could imagine for a TP candidate!

But no, it is Hildebeast, and it looks like Trump will be hanging around for awhile yet. I still REFUSE to believe that I will have to choose between Trump and just staying home -- which is probably not going to happen, so in that universe that I refuse to visit yet, I will vote for Trump -- BECAUSE, we have SEEN how bad Hildebeast is at merely being Secretary of State! At least we haven't SEEN Trump as president (not that I want to) ... but in a world of picking between a "likely disaster" and a "KNOWN disaster", I have to go "likely". Besides, there were Top Secret e-mails on her private server, which is a FELONY ... and I still believe in laws even if the rest of the country does not.

It is what it is ... which means that LAUGHTER is even MORE critical, so thusly I encourage you to go read PJ and get used to the idea of Rubio. I find the assertion that Rubio was fathered by Bill Clinton to be pretty much a certainty next to "there were no classified documents on my e-mail server" (which we KNOW to be false, and disqualifies her all by itself!) !

So I guess I'm a Rubio guy ... maybe a little more tepid than PJ, but he makes a "good case" ...
Rubio was born in May 1971. Do the math. 
In September 1970, where was Bill Clinton? 
Maybe in Miami on Yale Law School’s extra-early Spring Break? 
You heard it here first. It’s the kind of news that will get Marco the media attention he needs. He’ll be on all the morning talk shows and Ellen and The View talking about overcoming emotional obstacles in his journey to reach closure with his personal issues and accept himself for who he really is.
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Friday, December 11, 2015

Hate Crimes Against Muslims

Jews Are Still the Biggest Target of Religious Hate Crimes - News –

We have been admonished a good deal the past week to be VERY careful about what is said about Muslims.  The following graphic gives an interesting view of Hate Crime statistics, at least as gathered by the FBI in the US.

Strangely, at least in 2014, Hate Crimes against JEWS led by a WIDE margin with basically 60%!!

Anyone hear BO chiding the US to be less hatful of Jews? ... No, I didn't either.

Also, if you add "Catholic", "Anti-Protestant" (I wonder if the "Hate Crimes" against Catholics are non "anti"???), plus "Anti-Multiple Religions", you get 14% ... same as anti-Islamic.

I'm not really interested in digging into this a lot, but since there is yet another category for "anti-other", when the whole chart is purported to be Hate Crimes due to "religion", can we surmise that "anti-multiple" is actually throwing the rest of "Christian" into a bucket, or is Christianity ALL "Protestant or Catholic"? Could be, but anyway, there as AT LEAST 10% against Christians, which is pretty darned amazing when you realize that the US was once a "Christian nation"!

(it is gratifying to see the big 1% applied to Atheism as a "religion" ... it is, but a lot of Atheists are unhappy with that).

This is from a pro-Jewish source -- something in itself which "The Party" (D) tends to take with MORE than a grain of salt, as opposed to say from an "Islamic source", which is pretty much treated in TP and the media as gospel -- "racist" or "Islamophobic" to think otherwise!

Jews OTOH ... well, we KNOW about THEM, don't we?  ... as BO's old Pastor Reverend Wright, or Louis Farrakhan  might say, "never trust a Jew!".

When TP and the media are merrily manipulating us, what they DON'T talk about is very often even more important to be aware of than what they do.

Happy Hanukkah!

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