Saturday, February 20, 2016

Recent History, For the Left Eye Only

Turned Around - The New Yorker:

I have a deep appreciation of the superior ability of the general lefty brain to generate narrative, if I ever complete my fiction work, it will be a MIRACLE!

From the POV of the left, "the big story of the last 50 years" is the rise of the RIGHT!
The biggest story of the past fifty years in American politics has been the ascendancy of the right, and it’s a story of apostasy. At each stage of the conservative movement’s long march to power, crucial aid was provided by heretics from the left. Progressives recoiled from the New Deal and turned reactionary; ex-Communists helped to launch National Review, in the nineteen-fifties; recovering socialists founded neoconservatism in the sixties and seventies; New Left radicals turned on their former comrades and former selves in the Reagan years.
Yes, forced bussing, Medicare, massive increases in welfare, Abortion on Demand, affirmative action, feminism, Political Correctness, gay rights/"marriage", open borders, massive increases in government regulation of all aspects of our lives, BOcare, states legalizing pot, etc, etc, all took place during the "rise of conservatism"!

The article really needs to be read to be imagined -- let alone believed. The idea that "people tend to move from left toward the right"  as they age is covered, with some of the standard epitaphs like "mugged by reality' inserted, but then the creative brain waves this as the meaning of the commonly noted left to right movement with age:
It’s like blaming your spouse for your own unfaithfulness. Political conversions are painful affairs, as hard to face up to as falling out of love or losing your religion. Or maybe harder. Religious faith, being beyond the reach of reason, doesn’t have to answer gotcha questions about a previously held position. There’s a special contempt reserved for the political apostate—an accusation of intellectual collapse, an odor of betrayal.
Got that? There IS no reason for people to move right -- it is embarrasing (to them) that some do. They are "apostates", "betrayers" ... or maybe they just had an "intellectual collapse"!

See the left has been unable to achieve utopia (yet), and there is no question that MUST be due to "the rise of the right"!
Chambers thought he was defecting to the losing side, and even now conservatives feel like a beleaguered minority; meanwhile, the right has secured power in just about every American institution except the academy. Political correctness is, in part, a reaction to the defeat of the left’s egalitarian dreams, the kind of mutation that occurs in isolation from the larger gene pool. If you can’t overturn Citizens United, you can at least rename a university building.
See, the "right" has "some position" in most institutions -- "except education". They have "media",  Fox and Talk Radio, and it is hard to shut them completely off on the Internet!  Note how the idea of a Constitution is simply GONE -- the idea that "free speech" means that you have to have MONEY if you want to speak to 300 million plus people is simply bunk! Citizens United just needs to be "overturned" -- the fact that there are ANY conservatives around is too much of a "rise".

And so, for "The Party", any vestige of conservatism is WAY too much! Oh, and our country has slipped so far RIGHT that we are overdue for a giant "backlash" -- that will no doubt usher in the utopia that the left is certain is just around the corner!

Perhaps BS?

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Scalia and Ginsburg, Buddies and Hope

Read Justice Ginsburg’s moving tribute to her “best buddy” Justice Scalia - Vox:

I am reminded of Job 1:7

The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it."

God and Satan are definitely opposed, but they interact rather civilly in Job, and it has always at least bothered me emotionally. What I want to see is Elijah in with the prophets of Baal:

1 Kings 18:37-38 Answer me, O LORD, answer me, that this people may know that You, O LORD, are God, and that You have turned their heart back again." 38 Then the fire of the LORD fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.

My understanding of Job is a premonition of Christ. Job was a just man, whom God allowed Satan to attack so that God might be glorified and that we might ponder the miracle of the perfect sacrifice of Christ each Lent. Job was tested up to the point of losing his earthy life -- he questioned God, as did Christ,  ("My God my God, why has Thou forsaken me?") but he did not succumb to do Satan's bidding and curse God. God is big enough for all our questions,

That Satan would come before God when called is no mystery -- God is outside time, and Satan is already defeated.

My theory as to "why Satan?" is bound up in "Free Will". God is pure love. Pure love is obedient -- especially to pure good, knowledge and power, but God's Creation, first in the form of Satan, later in the form of man, rebelled and fell.  So the story of creation, already known and complete to God, is the story of redemption, of which we are part.

There is no mystery in Scalia being to willing to befriend Ginsburg. He was a tremendous practicing Christian, his faith demanded it. For Ginsburg though, it is quite amazing.

As a lapsed and non-practicing Jew, she is clearly a rebel in the Satan mold (as are all our fallen natures). No matter the God given role for women, she has rebelled and left Judaism and her zeal for the sacrifice of millions of children to Moloch has more and more consumed her as she has aged, being unwilling that any should have the power to save even fully viable babies from slaughter.

If Satan were to repent, would he be saved and all creation snap back to perfection? I'd like to think so, but I KNOW that were Ginsburg to submit to the will of God, the joy in Heaven would  be great (as it is when any sinner repents).

I'm out visiting my Granddaughter, and it is Lent, so I have an example of new life and promise close at hand, and am trying to walk toward Easter with the faith that God can renew even this nation.

Would it not be amazing if Ginsburg were to realize at the funeral of her friend Scalia that hope was indeed not dead, and she could even at this late point in her life come to Christ, then having an eternity to spend with her "best buddy"? Watching the media turn on her as she changed her opinion on a number of 5 to 4 decisions not yet announced, changing them from now 4-4 to 4-3 would be nearly as wonderful as watching the fire from heaven come down and consume the sacrifice, the altar, and the water in the trenches.

Faith and Hope are inexorably linked. I got to see Reagan and the revival of America in the '80s from the stain of the 60's and '70s. I have a Granddaughter. No matter how dark it seems, wonderful things CAN happen -- even in this "Vale of tears".

They WILL however happen on the final Easter! Though millions of innocent die around us, our Hope is certain!

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Friday, February 19, 2016

Even The Left Misses W

Donald Trump makes me miss George W. Bush - The Washington Post:

As the left drives the nation deeper and deeper into the abyss, even THEY miss the combatants of times past, in this case, George W Bush, Eisenhower can amazingly, even the embodiment of evil, Karl Rove!

As the ever excreble EJ Dionne puts it here:
"I had a twinge of nostalgia watching George W. Bush campaign for his little brother in South Carolina Monday night."
Ah yes, "civility". Prior to W, no president had been treated as badly as longly by the MSM. Dionne now finds Trump calling people "liars" to be unseemly -- when W was in office it was the daily harangue from all points left!

But mostly, W’s cameo in the 2016 campaign served as a reminder that, not too long ago, conservative politics wasn’t so beastly. Bush, wading into the manure pile that is the 2016 Republican primary fight, was pleasant, civil and decent.
Being on the left means having no memory, because consistency is something that must be avoided at all costs. Pretty much any conservative of a decade or so ago seems worthy of praise at the latest level of constant cultural decline -- it's just that the left looks at it as "progress" day to day, except when they look across today's isle.

LBJ begets Nixon. Carter seemed like the worst things could become on the left, but then there is BO, who shows every sign of giving us Trump.

As we tumble down the abyss, even the lefties realize that things are getting worse -- but they can't see it in their own candidates, and find lawlessness, scandal, rank partisanship, etc from their own to be "refreshing" -- as long as it is the "conservative" ox that is gored.

At this late stage of decline, the funhouse mirrors start to even make the proprietors of the carnival, those of TP to feel a bit nauseous at times. Good preparation for that stale urine smell in the hallways of the grey cinder blocks of socialism. A strong stomach is required to stand in line with a hangover waiting for whatever the all powerful state has available today -- toilet paper? rot gut alcohol? maybe some stale bread or even some nether cut of meat.

In 10 years, we will certainly miss Trump. It's like any state moving moving toward socialism.

Somebody asks, "How are you doing?" ... Oh, pretty good. Worse than last year, but better than I'll be next year!

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God Loves Obama

Jonah Goldberg: If Obama really wants to reduce ‘meanness,’ now is his chance | Opinion |

God DOES love Obama of course! He loves ALL of us, even me! To God, ALL lives really do matter. As Jonah puts it ...
Well, let no one say the moral arc of the universe does not bend toward second chances.
Indeed -- the universe is wired so we ALL get a LOT of chances to turn from our wicked ways, and at a very minimum practice some flashes of consistency between our actions and our words.

Repentance and redemption! The chance to "get it right this time with the help of God"! It's Lent, it is the perfect time to reflect on how much opportunity Christ has blessed us with the see the error of our ways, repent and begin afresh!

Just before Scalia died, BO uttered the following:
In Springfield, Illinois, last week, President Obama commemorated the ninth anniversary of his bid for the White House. He admitted that one of his “few regrets” was his inability “to reduce the polarization and the meanness in our politics.”
It's as if God heard him and said "OK Barack, here is a chance!".
Obama could prevent all this strife. He could say he will leave this appointment up to his successor. Or he could appoint a conservative during the Senate recess (Sen. Ted Cruz, anyone?) who would serve only until the end of the following session. That would preserve the power balance on the court for the time being.

Such diplomacy would go a long way to prevent — or at least reduce — further polarization and meanness in our politics.
Just imagine how much healing such a change of heart could engender! It might even go a long way toward moving the scales of retribution back to the time of Bork. A way to let actions show the truth of an honest heart bent to reduce the "polarization and meanness in our politics"!

God never gives up. He continues to give us ALL opportunities to take actions to reach out and heal this broken world and nation.

Obama is certainly a person for which it is VERY easy to be cynical about his statements and real motives. God has given him a great opportunity to show what is really in his heart!

Praise be to God!

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

BO Regrets of Obstruction

Hit the wrong key on this one and it got posted before ready. Sorry -- pleading white line fever from 12 hours on the road!

Here WH discussion on BO "regrets" he voted to filibuster Alito as a Senator:
And frankly, looking back on it, the president thinks he should have just followed his own advice.” (What is sin? “Being out of alignment with my values.”) It’s fair to doubt the genuineness of Obama’s contrition. Still, what else has he ever regretted, other than failing to “explain” his policies better?
When there is no God and you set yourself up as god, (as BO clearly has), "sin" is when you don't live up to your OWN values -- or to be more precise, when you get CAUGHT not living up to YOUR OWN values. How convenient -- do you seek absolution for your "sins" from yourself as well?

The rest of the article is good, but pretty much "inside baseball" on Senate machinations over nominees. Since we are going to hear A LOT about "obstructionist Republicans" the rest of this year, I thought this was interesting ...

Even if Democrats don’t win this year, a young and able nominee could be considered again by a future Democratic president in the 2020s. George H.W. Bush nominated John Roberts to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in 1992, but the Senate failed to act and the nomination expired. George W. Bush nominated him again in 2001, but Sen. Patrick Leahy, then chairman of the Judiciary Committee, refused to hold hearings. Roberts was finally confirmed in 2003, after Republicans took the Senate.

Got that? Democrats held up John Roberts effectively from 1992 - 2003 with two separate opportunities, in which they stiffed him TWICE!  Not something we heard a lot of crying of alligator tears from the TP controlled MSM over is it???

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

BO, Shit From Shinola

Obama’s shinola | Power Line:

It's never been very clear what BO actually knows when he is off a teleprompter, but he is certainly convinced that the rest of the country's intelligence level would make "The Jerk" look like a genius in comparison.

Oh, yes, there are ALL SORTS of good reasons why BO voting for a filibuster as a Senator was not "divisive", "partisan", "obstructionist", etc. He just couldn't come up when asked without a teleprompter feed!

Hey, it was "THE PARTY (D)" doing the filibuster! Those are the GOOD GUYS!

But this is the Supreme Court. And it’s going to get some attention. And we have to ask ourselves as a society a fundamental question: Are we able to still make this democracy work the way it’s supposed to, the way our Founders envisioned it? And I would challenge anyone who purports to be adhering to the original intent of the Founders, anybody who believes in the Constitution, coming up with a plausible rationale as to why they would not even have a hearing for a nominee made in accordance with the Constitution by the President of the United States ,,,
Ah yes, Mr "Constitution"! Let the EPA make and enforce laws over the objections of congress, shove through healthcare "reform" as a "tax", decree your own immigration policy by executive order and use the IRS to attack the Tea Party. I'm sure I'm missing some -- besides, the BO Court itself treats the Constitution as used toilet paper already!

As the article says, this act is WAY past old!
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SCOTUS Nomination Solution

How Republicans Can Win the Supreme Court Media Battle | Ricochet:

Most of the thoughts in this column have been flitting through my head, the author saved me the time of trying to write them. Not sure if I would have come up with the "War Games" reference, I love it!

He suggests that the key to "not playing" is for all the Republicans to utter the following:
“We believe it is the obligation of the next president of the United States to nominate a successor to Justice Scalia. Such a dramatic shift in the balance of the court, so close to an election, should carry with it the voice of the people.”
Democrats are MUCH better than this, partially because the media helps them -- how often to do hear the exact same lines about "war on women", "income inequality" or "anti-science". At least in this battle we won't hear the old shibboleth about "balance on the court"!

Conservatives have a TERRIBLE tendency to be direct and truthful. These are of course VIRTUES in the real world, but they are awful disadvantages in politics. The idiotic Mitch McConnell statement about "not nominating" is a great example. True, helpful to the nation, and direct -- and politically disastrous!

Jonah Goldberg has an excellent column on how if BO ACTUALLY wanted to "reduce meanness", the Scalia death just gave him a great legacy opportunity:
In Springfield, Illinois, last week, President Obama commemorated the ninth anniversary of his bid for the White House. He admitted that one of his “few regrets” was his inability “to reduce the polarization and the meanness in our politics.”
I do feel that God REGULARLY gives BO GIGANTIC object lessons in potential humility and repentance -- call ISIS the "JV team" and they immediately take over huge sections of the mideast, say "red line" and they cross it right away and you have to get help from the adult in the room, Putin!  Utter "we have ISIL contained" in the AM and that very afternoon (here) ISIS attacks in Paris!

Now this ... lie that your "regret" is "polarization and meanness" when you are the main instigator of it,  clearly relish it, and a couple days later God calls home one of the greatest jurists in history who is kind, loving, brilliant, and loved by even the hard left winger Ruth Ginsburg! If BO actually wanted to reduce "polarization and meanness", as Jonah points out, it would be EASY!
Obama could prevent all this strife. He could say he will leave this appointment up to his successor. Or he could appoint a conservative during the Senate recess (Sen. Ted Cruz, anyone?) who would serve only until the end of the following session. That would preserve the power balance on the court for the time being.
Anyway, I think the Republicans need to go ahead and fake like they are going though the process -- hold hearings, say a lot of stuff about what kinds of issues this is going to be critical in -- presidential decrees on Climate Change, immigration, guns, and who knows what. Rulings on the forced funding of government unions, etc, etc.

Then of course have a big dramatic vote in "September" where the Republicans would have SOME fairly unusual level of control on the messaging, where the candidate is rejected -- with a lot of rememberance of of Bork.

But, it is unlikely that they can pull that off, and it is unlikely they can stick to message.

They don't play politics well, and they don't NOT play politics well. That is why the ONLY conservative approach is to REDUCE the size and intrusion of politics in all our lives, which is the principle the country was founded on.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Slick Gets Some British Coverage

Former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller says Bill Clinton was so-so in bed | Daily Mail Online:

Yes, Slick Willie -- only the prudish right wing sorts care about such prurient details,. Oh sure, she claims that her life was threatened, but nobody but "the vast right wing conspiracy" would even give such things the time of day!

Looks like the "vast conspiracy" is world wide!

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Hillary Barks Like A Dog!

Truth is stranger than fiction -- although Hillary certainly DOES do a LOT of fiction!

Here is Bill Murray in "Caddy Shack" showing us how we ought to respect "barking like a dog"

The cause of the subprime crisis was a Carter era program called "The Community Reinvestment Act" designed to give home loans to people that couldn't really qualify. What could go wrong with THAT? A bit more on that here ... 

So Hillary the dog barks just as untruthfully as she talks, but what does one expect of a dog? If you can't stomach the whole tape (and it IS hard), the woofin is at the end!

Was there ever any doubt she was a REAL (linguistic definition) Bitch ?? !

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MNsure, "Free" Still Not Free

Some shocked by estate claims after signing up with MNsure | Duluth News Tribune:

Since we live under the rule of bureaucracy, reading the whole linked article is probably worth it, though it is longer than it needs to be.

Bottom line, in the machinations of BOcare, MNsure and Minnesota Care, the "asset test" for MNsure was taken away because there is none for BOcare and you are REQUIRED to purchase health insurance by law now.

But Minnesota failed to add a form to the tall stack of forms that lets you know that they are putting a lien on any assets you have for the cost of your "free insurance".

My Dad is in a nursing home for at least awhile -- got to sit through a discharge from one facility under Medicare and into another where a "supplemental" was involved. Stacks of papers, lots and lots of questions -- the wheels of government grind the lives and fortunes of us all, but they make sure they gather a lot of data while they do it.

Freedom has never been free -- and the cost of tyranny is still infinite.

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Scalia Spectacle

Scalia, the Senate and the Media: A time for hypocrisy | Fox News:

We have no respect for even the dead -- be they babies torn from their mother's womb, or great jurists that come along only once ever few decades. Scalia was a mind and a spirit so far above the "average" that all those scurrying about braying nonsense about "replacing him" are cast in clear light as mental pygmies!

There is no "replacement" for Scalia! There wasn't for Reagan, for Churchill, for Einstein, or for other such giants. An infinite God gifts us with a few great men, and when they pass, we need to have a reasonable time to bless the gift and mourn the loss. We live in a fallen world that is temporal because it is fallen. Scalia understood that -- in his very soul. The most important thing that happens here is infinitely less important than  anything that happens in the spiritual realm! I wrote a bit about Scalia here, and there is a link in that post to an excellent interview with him. One little quote from that interview ...

Isn’t it terribly frightening to believe in the Devil?
You’re looking at me as though I’m weird. My God! Are you so out of touch with most of America, most of which believes in the Devil? I mean, Jesus Christ believed in the Devil! It’s in the Gospels! You travel in circles that are so, so removed from mainstream America that you are appalled that anybody would believe in the Devil! Most of mankind has believed in the Devil, for all of history. Many more intelligent people than you or me have believed in the Devil.
I'm not sure that the interviewer was convinced that there were currently or certainly in the past, any people more intelligent than him. Maybe Einstein -- but that is probably just a sop to false humility. It is left wing dogma that "all are equal" -- removal of standards and hierarchy enables them to replace all the wonderful complex relationships of family, friendship, community, nation and religion with raw unmitigated power. A day listening to NPR is enough to convince anyone with a shred of faith in God left that the Devil is alive and well and having a field day!

Where do Republicans get such ham handed disgusting politicians as Mitch McConnell? Kentucky I guess. He needed to say something nice about Scalia, that was all. Let BO make the first move! Sure, I'd assume that he will nominate someone too far left to be a replacement that a Republican controlled Senate should accept. SUPER ... drag out the confirmation hearings and reject them in "August"! Then it WILL be too late!

I got to listen to a lot of NPR yesterday. When a nation has been destroyed it has no memory or attention span. I must have heard the "precedent" of Justice Kennedy being confirmed in an election year 20 times. I maybe heard the name Bork twice, but it wasn't connected with the Kennedy confirmation. The Democrats owned the Senate and they forced Reagan to accept a very moderate justice that is now a "swing vote" after rejecting Bork in one if not THE battle that soured politics in the US to it's current sorry state. I answered my own question -- we get guys like McConnell because we have made politics into the most dishonorable profession possible!

The nations memory goes as it is destroyed because memory becomes tragic and painful. When a Republican is making a nomination -- even when they are in control in the Senate, the media spends much time and ink on the extremely important issue of "balance in the court" and "no litmus tests" and the CRITICAL importance of "Stare Decisis" (precedent). For NPR and the NY Times, these STRONG principles are most holy when a Republican is making a nomination!

Yesterday it was made clear multiple times that BOTH Hillary and BS would demand that any nomination they made would absolutely vote to overturn Citizens United!

Well, we got no class, and we got no principles ! Perhaps we need to replace the old national anthem with this ... more appropriate to what we are now!

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Dilbert On Trump

Scott Adams Blog:

I used to love the Adam's cartoon strip, "Dilbert" when  I worked at IBM. It was almost spooky how well he understood the typical mindless inanity of modern corporate life. He understood it because he was an engineer at AT&T and at least smart enough to make "Mensa" ... so maybe not a genius, but smart.

He opens with the following:
It isn’t unusual for members of the public to hate politicians. For example, lots of people hate President Obama. Some of that hatred is because of his policies, some is because of racism, and I assume there are a few other reasons. But I have never seen anyone who was literally afraid of him on a visceral level. 
Trump, on the other hand, actually scares people. I have seen people’s bodies twist up and go into full panic at the thought of him being president. I’m talking about actual, literal, bodily fear, as if a monster is already in house and you don’t know where it is hiding. Even professional members of the media feel this fear. 
And yet I feel none of that fear – not even a trace amount. To me, Trump looks like the safest candidate in the history of presidential elections, and I don’t even share his politics on a number of topics. So I have to ask myself why I have zero fear of Trump while so many others are in full panic mode. Should I be more afraid?
Adams never seems to "figure it out" in the column ... as an intelligent engineer, he is trying to be logical. Fear may have a logical basis, but it is only an emotion.

People that hated W or hate BO are not afraid that either of them would directly take them on and cut them down to size if they tried to heckle them. People DID fairly regularly scream things at W, and I'm not sure he ever took on a heckler.

If you hate Trump, unless you have a BIG ego and lots of skills, loud voice, etc, it is nearly certain that if you took your hatred up against him, he would chew you up and spit out out like used sunflower seeds! So they feel fear!

The other aspect I think is that Trump is an "unknown". I certainly was very concerned about what BO would do, and unfortunately those concerns proved to be largely founded -- BOcare, gigantic debt, disregard for the Constitution. loss of US stature around the world, terrible economy, and awful decrease in number of Americans working. I'm concerned about Trump, but policy wise, mostly because he is unknown.

I strongly dislike Trump because he is obnoxious, has no conservative credentials that I can identify, is more concerned about himself than anything else, and he coarsens an  already nasty US political stage.

The column is a worthy read though -- Adams is not the only very intelligent person that I know that is excited about and backing Trump. I think their hopes are FAR too high, in a very similar way to the hopes that the Obama Zombies had in '08.

Human "saviors" are never real!

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Debate Into Darkness

Nobody Won the South Carolina Debate -- Conservatism Lost:

The linked column is unfortunately a very worthy read. I don't watch the debates, I read the analysis. As created and typically executed for the Republicans, they are made for TV spectacle, not reasoned exchange with ideas rather than egos at the center.

When a nation is destroyed, EVERYTHING gets destroyed -- especially if it is a nation founded on IDEAS. I'm sure  the Trump supporters feel completely justified in the Star Wars "release your anger" approach to this election. Conservatives are human, so we ALL understand that feeling ... the problem is that is the DARK SIDE!

It's short, just read it, this is the closing.

On a day when an American lost a great patriot — a Supreme Court justice who defended the Constitution and upheld its vital principles until the very day that he died — it was particularly sad to see the hijacking of constitutional conservatism in a race that is quickly degenerating into a dangerous farce at the very time when the nation so desperately needs principled, courageous leadership. Dear candidates, if you can’t win, step aside. If you can win, step up. Otherwise, we are lost.

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5 Unarmed Black Men Shot Within Days

5 U.S. law enforcement officers shot dead within days -

Suppose that headline might get some attention? It was 5 Law Enforcement Officers ... never mind.

There are about 21M black men in the US, with about half of them (49%) being aged < 34 ... so 10.5 million. If 5 of them had been shot it would be 5 out of 10.5 million.

There are something a bit less then a million police officers ... 900K is a common number. So the 5 officers shot is 5 out of a million (I'm being generous here).  One doesn't have to be much of a statistician to arrive at "10x the problem".

Of course if the young black men were the headline, the outcry would defy imagination.

Yes, the link is from CNN, it **IS** being covered, but looking at both CNN and Fox this AM, it isn't visible on either of their front pages, nor is it available on my supposedly "popularity based" Google News clipping service.

Naturally you don't have to look very long in conservative media to read about it -- this one being about the obvious difference in BO response to Ferguson, Baltimore, etc rather than to police being gunned down.

However, there is another interesting aspect here, as there commonly is in "conservative media". True conservatives are very aware that reality is not ideologically based! There are MANY sides, one of which was covered in a great article over at NRO in 2014 that I happened to recall ..
Imagine if I were to tell you there is a large group of government employees, with generous salaries and ridiculously cushy retirement pensions covered by the taxpayer, who enjoy incredible job security and are rarely held accountable even for activities that would almost certainly earn the rest of us prison time. When there is proven misconduct, these government employees are merely reassigned and are rarely dismissed. The bill for any legal settlements concerning their errors? It, too, is covered by the taxpayers. Their unions are among the strongest in the country.  
No, I’m not talking about public-school teachers. I’m talking about the police.
The article DOES point out the fact that many / most officers are excellent, and why conservatives have a knee jerk response to support them for good reason (order vs chaos), but gives ample food for thought.

The nation was founded by brilliant and COMPLEX men. Men that knew that living, leading and thinking in the real world required assimilation of many views and paradoxes and seeing to apply timeless principles to their ordering while even considering "the human element" ... emotion, intuition and perhaps revelation.

Nothing ... or at best (worst?), very little, is simple. Humility an important place to start. I also often find that an "opposite shift of perspective ... black vs white, democrat vs republican, female vs male, atheist vs christian, christian vs muslim ... can help to clear the fog of bias and ideology.

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Trump/Sanders -- Magic In BO Hell

Sanders and Trump: Magic sells - The Washington Post:

There is Bipartisan  agreement that current America is a disaster. BS carefully avoids who is at fault, but he is absolutely clear on how bad it is. Hillary isn't clear on anything other than  she is woman so should get the job via affirmative action, the same way BO did. Here is Charles on the subject ...
But the starting point of the bipartisan critique is the social, economic and geopolitical wreckage all around us. Bernie Sanders is careful never to blame President Obama directly, but his description of the America Obama leaves behind is devastating — a wasteland of stagnant wages, rising inequality, a sinking middle class, young people crushed by debt, the American Dream dying. 
Take away the Brooklyn accent and the Larry David mannerisms and you would have thought you were listening to a Republican candidate. After all, who’s been in charge for the last seven years?
Who indeed -- if you listen to BO or the media, it is either W or the evil Rs in congress.
The added factor is the Obama effect, the depressed and anxious mood of a nation experiencing its worst economic recovery since World War II and watching its power and influence abroad decline amid a willed global retreat.

The result is a politics of high fantasy. Things can't get any worse, we hear, so why not shake things up to their foundation? Anyone who thinks things can't get any worse knows nothing. And risks everything.
I think the point Sir Charles misses is that for the vast majority of relatively non-political Americans, they can't IMAGINE how it could get worse. Since '10, when the R's took over congress, the media and BO have been in full throat demonizing them -- but they returned them to power in '12 and '14 ... in '14 with the biggest R majority in the house in 75 years.

Sure the press gives BO all the support it can, but the economy sucks, America is obviously losing on the world stage on a number of fronts, and BO's constant scolding only really resonates with the 20% core Democrat zombies.

So "magic" sells better than "scolding" ... and certainly better than "4 more years" (Hillary), or "Something like the congress you see in the presidency (Rubio).

My hope at this point is for Cruz who DOES have some real plans -- but BOTH the MSM and the Republican establishment hate him, and he isn't Trump!

Cruz vs Sanders would give America the most choice we have had in a long time -- but I'm starting to think it will be Trump / Sanders ... dueling sorcerers!

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