Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The US Education Cartel Centennial


One of the MANY areas that I'm aware of severe problems in, but unable to spend the time to really go in depth is the sorry state of education in the US. I have to admit that given the level of union / "The Party" (D-TP) control, the only viable alternatives seem to be private schools and home schooling to keep some TINY semblance of a few minds that have had a background for critical thought, values and independence. Here is a post that covers how hard the left fights even the TINY amount of choice there is in education today.

The linked article covers the travesty of 20K education "researchers" of the "American Education Researchers Association" (AERA) descending on Washington for their century conference. As the linked article states:

In fact, AERA has a long history of scholarship that seems more interested in promoting personal political agendas than in actually researching education.

Right. The article is worthy of a read if you are not familiar with some of the tripe that counts as "research" for this group of propagandists, here is a sample:
More than a decade ago, we started occasionally highlighting some of the work on display at AERA’s annual fête. Many of the scholarly offerings were so sad they were funny. Over the years, we flagged such priceless gems as “Cyber-Sista Cipher: Black Female Students’ Color Consciousness and Counterstories as Hush Harbor in and for Universities” and “The Formation of the Subjectivity of Mail-Order Brides in Taiwan and Their Educational Strategies Toward Their Children.” If that is not the American academy at its finest and most relevant, it’s hard to know what would be.

I have a post that covers ONLY the fact that our schools are completely wired for the WRONG ECONOMY. Yet another area we are in terrible shape!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sex Scandal Selectivity or Horse Head?

The attention to Dennis Hastert -- EX House Speaker since January 2007 is rather impressive. I find it VERY sad that he apparently abused four boys back when he was a High School wrestling coach in Illinois 40 years ago.

The linked article is by a guy named Ken Rudin who is on MPR every Monday to talk about politics -- it is from '98 as the Washington Post was doing it's duty as a wholly owned subsidiary of "The Party" (D) in defense of Democrat Slick Willie walking the halls of power with his pants around his knees.  I find the following video to be a great remembrance ... "I Let An Intern Go Down on Me". We naturally don't hear much about Slick, since he was and is a "Good Guy", certified wonderful by TP as well as his "hell, have you seen my wife?" currently running for POTUS!

Certainly the loss of standards in our nation is one of the few truly "Bi-Partisan" efforts, and I use the term "Bi" very mindfully, but the "standards" for defending reprehensible behavior are FAR from bi-partisan.

I find the following from the linked article to be especially expositive:

Reps. Dan Crane (R-Ill.) and Gerry Studds (D-Mass.)
The House ethics committee on July 14, 1983, announced that Crane and Studds had sexual relationships with teenage congressional pages – Crane with a 17-year-old female in 1980, Studds with a 17-year-old male in 1973. Both admitted the charges that same day, and Studds acknowledged he was gay. The committee voted to reprimand the two, but a back-bench Georgia Republican named Newt Gingrich argued that they should be expelled. The full House voted on July 20 instead to censure the two, the first time that ever happened for sexual misconduct. Crane, married and the father of six, was tearful in his apology to the House, while Studds refused to apologize. Crane's conservative district voted him out in 1984, while the voters in Studds's more liberal district were more forgiving. Studds won reelection in 1984 with 56 percent of the vote, and continued to win until he retired in 1996.

Remember, this column is from 1998, and the WHOLE PURPOSE of the article is to exonerate Bill Clinton of paying any price for multiple acts in the workplace that would have gotten teenagers dismissed from McDonalds! The "standard" of TP for exoneration of their own is conveniently "others have done it" -- certainly a HIGH "moral standard".  US corporations are hard hearted enough to not want to pay even minimum wage for employees to have even "consensual" sex in the workplace, and if the sex involves a managerial employee it is ESPECIALLY prohibited by Federal Statute. Strangely, this holds even if "others have done it" -- if that was the "standard", Cain would have gotten all future murderers off.

Note that Gerry Studds, a Democrat has sexual relations with a 17 year old male, BUT, he was a Democrat! (admitted Gay even!) hey, NO PROBLEM! The Democrats in his district were happy to keep electing him until he retired!

Sure, **I** find sex with a 17 year old male as "worse" than sex with a 17 year old female, but I'm smart enough to know that to the extent that "liberals" have anything called "morals" at all, it ought to be "equivalent" ... or "something". From what I can see, the biggest determinant of "morality" is the location of an "R" or a "D" next to your name.

Hell, in the current "moral climate", how would one even IMAGINE such a thing as "morality"? Yes, yes, I understand, Hastert was an "R", so therefore he is subject to the awful charge of "hypocrisy" because he claims some "morals" -- where the D's are clear that they don't have any stupid "moral standards" at all!

That is the world today -- we need to feel some sense of "moral outrage" over Hastert (which I do), but feel none over Slick Willie ... which I also do, but am obviously in error on.

What concerns me at a deeper level is if Hastert is intended to be the "horse head in the bed" letting anyone who dares oppose TP know that "YOU ARE VULNERABLE"!

Why should they waste the time going after Denny Hastert? He has been out of power since 2007! Unless, THE POINT is that TP has got the goods on ANYONE that dares oppose them. Given the Internet, the NSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, EPA, etc, it is nearly certain you are actually guilty of a bunch of felonies -- and if you aren't, how hard is it to create an internet trail indicating that you are selling explosives, secrets, child porn, drugs, etc ?

Maybe the REAL message of Hastert is from the TP Godfather.

Trump On "Colored People's Time"

Oh, wait ... it was NY Mayor de Blasio making an "innocent joke", so "no harm, no foul" ... it is at the 8:50 mark or so if you REALLY need to watch it. OMG, there is a good chance that this Tele-tubby will actually be the president of what USED to be a country that some of us cared about?

I'm imagining the media would have treated this the same if it was somebody endorsing Trump or Cruz, right? Hey, we may as well believe in fairy tales since we live in an insane asylum!

NY Times off by Trillion Trillion

The Times Was Told There Would Be No Math | Power Line:

One might think that before you type in a "Trillion Trillion" and then your editor maybe even proofreads your article (hopefully after MORE than "a few", because one would WANT an excuse!), you MIGHT pause at such a number! Compared to 561, we are talking BIG error!

But if you did, you would not be the "paper of record", the brilliant "Gray Lady"!

An article on March 20 about wave piloting in the Marshall Islands misstated the number of possible paths that could be navigated without instruments among the 34 islands and atolls of the Marshall Islands. It is 561, not a trillion trillion.
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Sunday, April 10, 2016

NPR Supports Prayer in Schools!

How one Minnesota school district handles a rising immigrant population | PBS NewsHour:

It is quite touching to see the lengths that the left is capable of in order to provide strong support for the MUSLIM religion in the public school system.
In St. Cloud’s middle and high schools, the district allows prayer time for students, including Muslim students, as federal law requires. The rooms used for prayer are open to all students to observe their beliefs and are used for other purposes throughout the school day. Districtwide, school lunch menus provide pork-free options for students, ... 
At the bottom of the article there is this disclaimer ...
CLARIFICATION: This story has been updated to describe the uses of the private rooms the St. Cloud district has set aside for student prayer.
All of us that have been alive the past 20 years or so have seen ANY organization that REMOTELY can be identified as having ANY sort of moral values not in complete lockstep with the State Religion of Secular Humanism to be COMPLETELY BANISHED from public school property. Boy Scouts, Christian Church prayer groups, etc,

All of a sudden, Muslims -- who believe in stoning gays, cutting the hands off thieves and treating women as property are considered VERY important.

It doesn't stop at special rooms and times for prayer -- no, it includes special foot washing stations,  which although MPR likes to chortle about every now and then, the media has a tendency to say not much at all about.

As we all know, it is ALL ABOUT CHRIST! Our secular state doesn't really hate "religion" at all -- in fact, it loves it's own PC Secular Humanism so much that to go against it is increasingly a CRIME, as in "hat crime", worthy of prosecution under the law. It is no wonder that they find Sharia Law to be exceedingly reasonable!

What needs to be SCRUPULOUSLY avoided in the public schools and square is CHRISTIANITY! Islam is obviously to be understood, tolerated, and even catered to!

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Friday, April 08, 2016

The Hollowness of BS, The GE Example

Against BS, GE edition | Power Line:

Those of us who never had any illusions about BS being anything but a vacuous windbag have no potential to be "DISillusioned", because we were never  "illusioned". BS made a mistake and did an actual interview with the New York Daily News, who asked actual questions like "Name 3 companies that exemplify corporate greed at it's worst", he could only come up with "GE", a 125 year old US company whose CEO was a big BO supporter! He couldn't name any others.

He also failed to name any laws that the big Wall Street Bankers had broken -- since he always complains that "none of them went to prison". BS is a socialist for goodness sake! In a proper socialist banana republic, the dictator just says "off with their heads"! He doesn't need no stinkin reason!

All of it is worth reading and even following some links -- BS is even MORE clueless than I would have actually imagined. I would have actually expected him to have some semi-reasonable answers to such questions! What is more, he has never visited a major GE plant in Vermont, nor did he have any clue of GE jobs or economic impact in the state he purports to represent! Here is a quote from GE CEO Immelt ... perhaps he needs to reassess which political party he supports if he wants to stay in business. "The Party" HATES actual profit making, product and job producing business!

It’s easy to make hollow campaign promises and take cheap shots in speeches and during editorial board sessions, but U.S. companies have to deliver for their employees, customers and shareholders every day. GE operates in the real world. We’re in the business of building real things and generating real growth for a nation that needs it now more than ever. I’m proud of all that we do, and how it all figures into “the moral fabric” of America is so plain to me.

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BO Democracy At Steak, $33,400


President Barack Obama says a functioning American democracy is what’s at stake in November’s elections.

Hmm, so after his dictatorial stenchfulness set the bar for refusing to negotiate with the opposing party in congress by refusing to even ENTER into any form or negotiation, preferring to declare their positions "extreme" and dare them to "shut down the government", since he had the media on his side, he now thinks it is "dangerous" to elect anyone that isn't a "compromiser".

How quaint!
He says it’s important to elect leaders who believe compromise isn’t a dirty word, who listen to those who disagree and respect other people’s views.
Yea, right! How many times have we seen the wagging finger schooling us poor unwashed masses on what it is we have "wrong" or "extreme" now, and his "biggest failing" is in explaining everything to the idiots that are the American people?

At least we don't have to listen to Professor Skid Mark very much longer -- although I'm sure he will be regaling all sorts of foreign despots, criminals and terrorists for MUCH more a plate as he builds his post-dictatorship pot of gold to probably a billion or more. Most of it hidden in foundations, trusts and off-shore shell corporations.

Actors Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Julia Roberts and Gwyneth Paltrow were among the approximately 100 people there, along with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat. Tickets cost $33,400 per couple.

Slick Willie Makes BLM Headlines

Bill Clinton confronts protesters who say his crime reforms hurt blacks | Reuters:

Perhaps Psychology Today will run an article on Slick Willie -- he pretty much torpedoed Hildebeast's '08 candidacy by basically saying that "BO was an other Jessie Jackson ... wouldn't even be a factor at all if he wasn't black". The "not a factor if not black" is true of course, as is the fact that Hildebeast would be a real laugher if not female, but Slick sure as hell ought to know that "The Party"has NOTHING to do with "truth"!  (it's coin is POWER)

Hildebeast DESPERATELY needs black votes, and the official story is that ONLY black lives matter, and the VAST number of blacks in prison, arrested, etc are only because of RACISM!

Maybe Slick has not been listening to NPR enough? He needs to get his narratives straight!

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Thursday, April 07, 2016

Hildebeast Calls Baby Human

Inevitable, Eventual, Irritable - WSJ:

I've been on the road a lot so didn't get to this. The MSM has of course not covered the fact that Hildebeast slipped up and called a baby an "unborn person" or "child" -- it SIMPLY ISN'T DONE!

I'm guessing she is quite jealous of the "sense of humanity" that she sees around her, and sometimes feels sad that she sold her soul to become Satan's minion.
Mrs. Clinton even stumbled trumpily over the abortion question. She “ran afoul of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the abortion debate Sunday when she said constitutional rights do not apply to an ‘unborn person’ or ’child,’ ” the Washington Times reports, adding: “Describing the [unborn child] as a ‘person’ or ’child’ has long been anathema to the pro-choice movement, which argues the terms misleadingly imply a sense of humanity.”
At least no one will ever accuse Mrs. Clinton of implying a sense of humanity.

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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Species Neutral Bathrooms?

Transgender woman Eva Tiamat Medusa removes ears and nose to become 'dragon lady' | Daily Mail Online:

Former male became female, now becoming "Dragon" and prefers to be referred to as "it" because it no longer identifies as human.

When "progressives" say that "progress" will continue, they are SERIOUS!

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‘C’ Is for Corruption

‘C’ Is for Corruption - WSJ:

... and as the article points out at the end, also for CLINTON, which is really just a synonym for corruption. The article covers what we need to know about the "Panama Papers".

The central summary paragraph is here:
"But nobody can be surprised by any of this. And nobody should look away from the central lesson of the scandal, though they’re trying. To wit, the story here isn’t about tax evaders and offshore accounts, deplorable as they may be. It’s about public policies and incentives that make a career in politics an expedient route to personal enrichment. "
The Clintons established the rule in the US that another "C" ... Character was not something required in a president.

In a world with no moral standard and a general agreement that "truth is relative", it is hard to even fully understand what someone means by "corruption". Slick and Hildebeast have amassed at least many 10's and probably hundreds of millions after leaving office by various "fees, honorariums, kickbacks,  retainers, etc". Certainly the BIG payoff will come if she gets the White House.

Everyone knows that BO will be doing the same. When you are a member of "The Party" (TP-D) in the US, the current situation is a lot more like Putin in Russia than it is for Iceland's President who had to resign. Looking at the history and current Clinton operation, it is clear they are completely above the standards of "normal Americans" as is BO.

The article is a good read -- essentially, the Clinton  / BO consortium proves that the US is pretty much "Brazil" at this point relative to corruption.

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A Rehab Challenge

Texas man set to die said he drank 12-year-old victim's blood - CBS News:

We live in a wonderful society where people are basically good and can be rehabilitated by proper treatment.
Vasquez told detectives he took a ring and gold necklace from Cardenas and that Chapa, using a shovel, also participated in trying to decapitate the boy. "The devil was telling me to take (the head) away from him," Vasquez said, adding that "it couldn't come off."
I keep wondering if BO doesn't have similar voices; "The Devil was telling me to destroy the morality of the nation, kill the work ethic and remove any future hope in the population -- it was hard to get it all done in just eight years, but I did my masters bidding to my greatest ability so expect great rewards ..."

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Racially Undesirable Wages


Regular readers likely know that "progressives" in the early 20th century were largely racists and politically leaning more toward Fascism, which was popular right up till things went bad in WWII and it didn't turn out so well, at which point they became "liberals" which used to mean "small government, lots of personal liberty".

They were well aware that raising the minimum wage priced entry workers out of the labor market entirely, and at that point they unabashedly called that a bug rather than a feature. They ran Jim Crow in the South and White Supremacism was a major part of their operation right up to the 60's (See Voting Rights Act and Robert Byrd).

In 1910, 22% of the U.S. workforce was foreign-born. A Who's Who of American economic reform warned that immigration was leading to “race suicide,” what President Theodore Roosevelt in 1907 called the “greatest problem of civilization.”

It's a good article covering what minimum wage laws actually do to the labor force and business. At this point in history, the left is on the "have over half the population on the government payroll and we win!" model, so throwing people out of jobs -- black, white, brown, green or whatever is a WIN!

Today, "Climate Change" is the "greatest problem of civilization" if you believe "progressives".

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Get Trans-Serious **NOW**!!!!


I suspect that many people feel about the gender / bathroom thing as I felt about the "gay thing" for decades. "Yucky, tiny number of weird people out in San Francisco, it's a fad, it will blow over -- and if it doesn't, it is so unhealthy even without AIDs that they will die off ... or some variation".

**** WRONG !!!!!!!

Imagine how many alcoholics we would have if we treated alcoholism like gays or not transgender? "Hey, you were born to drink -- you would be untrue to your nature if you didn't drink! ... HAVE AT IT! ... the State ought to provide you with booze and a place to drink!!!!"

Go read the whole linked article ... but I thought the following was especially good. With PayPal deciding not to go to NC because they demand genders use their own bathrooms, this latest madness is RAPIDLY gathering steam!

Unfortunately, when it comes to transsexuals we make two huge mistakes. 
First, we encourage them to embrace their mental illness. We don’t do this with depression, schizophrenia, paranoia, multiple personality disorder or almost anything else because it’s a terrible idea. It’s like telling someone who’s depressed that he’s worthless and everyone else would be better off without him. We would be appalled if anyone did that; yet encouraging someone to mutilate himself in a futile attempt to change genders is an even more horrible thing to do to another human being. 
Our second mistake is that instead of having sympathy for people in that position, wishing them well and hoping for their recovery, we insist that everyone else cater to their mental disorder. There’s no law that says you have to stop cutting your hedges because your paranoid neighbor is suspicious of it. There’s no law that says you have to ask a person with multiple personality disorder whom he’s speaking to so you don’t shock him if you call him the wrong name. So, why are we willing to violate the privacy of half the population at one of their most vulnerable points during the day in order to cater to a mental disorder that afflicts a fraction of a percent of Americans?

How BO Lost The West

Deterrence: How America Lost It:

An excellent column covering in about as short a form as possible the foreign disaster of BO. Summary paragraph here, but a worthy read. It isn't just BO that doesn't know what happened -- it is the vast majority of Americans. But just like a bullet speeding toward your head, not knowing about it doesn't mean that the impact isn't really messy.

In Obama’s sophomoric view of the world, there is no connection between the 21st-century appurtenances that he takes for granted as president — trips on state-of-the-art Western planes, predicated on a global air-traffic-control system, run on sophisticated Western gadgets and all underwritten by Western free-market capitalism — and an established postwar Western order led by the United States. He will see no contradiction between his rhetoric and his own looming lucrative, hyper-capitalist post-presidency and the sources of capital that will fuel it. Instead, capitalism, national security, and globalization are seen as occurrences that just arose out of nowhere (cf. his recent advice to Argentina to adopt tenets of either Communism or capitalism, as if they were simply morally neutral choices), as if Nairobi designs new smartphones, Lima offers the world new ideas in municipal sewage treatment, China’s pharmaceuticals are superior to Western counterparts — or Islam taught us about medicine, navigation, and religious tolerance.

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