Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Breaking Down Your Door For Speech Still Illegal for Moment

As I covered in a few posts, most notably this one, WI liberals decided it was a good idea to break down people's doors in the early AM on "suspicion of collusion" relative to Walker and PAC money. You know, the kind of "collusion" that the NY Times, MPR, WaPO, CNN, NBC, CBS ... do every single day! In California they have even made this charge "guilty unless proven innocent" in direct violation of UN human rights law, which the US is a cosigner of! 

So for the moment, such attacks are still illegal ...

"The appeal was a long shot because the case concerned a matter of Wisconsin law. But the relentless persistence of the left in trying to prosecute political speech shows what could happen if the U.S. Supreme Court gets a five-judge liberal majority. The progressive censors will gin up cases to overturn legal precedents like Citizens United and SpeechNow v. FEC that have made it harder for government to regulate who can join with allies to influence elections."
If it was going to be "harder for both sides", one might lament the loss of freedom, but be able to at least tell themselves "it will help keep big money out of politics". As it is, it is a highly visible move to single party rule as TP owns 80% of the media, entertainment, education, the legal system and both the federal and state bureaucracies.

The Party has complete freedom of speech and all the money it needs to blanket everyone with it's message. For the moment, they can't put the opposition in jail quite for doing the same quite as easily as they would like, but one can plainly see it from here.

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Illegal To View Wikileaks

Perhaps the age of Hildebeast has dawned early. See, if the leak is about "The Party" (TP-D), then it is illegal, immoral, cowardly, likely fake,  and very probably a felony for a citizen to look at it.

If it is about the opposition, it is courageous, truth to power, honorable, and all must be made aware of it it and assume it's veracity!

We really DO all understand this now -- it is just the early stages of seeing TP actually say it directly.

"” Also interesting is, remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents,” Cuomo says. “It’s different for the media, so everything you’re learning about this, you’re learning from us.”"
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Sunday, October 16, 2016

T S Eliot on MoveOn.org

The linked essay is not very long, but quite difficult -- at least to me. The overall effect it had on me is related to the current force of the the collective present "you didn't build that" in the attempt to destroy the idea of "individual effort", and the related (and largely successful) focus to cut off the "now" from the past so fully that only a tiny minority of people in the present have even a tiny awareness of the richness of the culture and tradition that made this present but dying world possible.

It might be said that it is dying of "natural causes" in that it requires at least some level of effort for even a genius to be aware of the richness of the past that made the present exist. The decision to willfully cut ourselves off from the massive collective triumphs and failures of history, and at the same time create an ethos in which the individual of the present is devalued except in relation to an imaginary collective of the present -- and ever the present, moment, bereft of even the events of very recent years. This may be "natural", but it is not culture nor civilization.

I say "imaginary collective", because what passes for some vast "collective wisdom of the present" is really only the "story of the day" ... whose "value" is only relative to whatever today's narrative is from the vast manipulative organs of the "The Party".

Thus, there is NOTHING "timeless" ... all is temporal, and temporal only in the sense of NOW, meaning this minute. So, at this minute, I went to Moveon.org and was completely unsurprised to find the very organization named to "Move On" from any "distractions" relative to sexual harassment by Bill Clinton engaged in disqualifying Trump based on ... allegations of past harassment charges!

TODAY, the "values" are completely changed -- and that is perfectly in tune with the operation of "the Party". There is no history at all -- even of the past hour. The vast bulk of the populace knows nothing but the moment, because that is the way "The Party" finds the most effective to attaining their goals.

The whole essay is well worth the time -- the following is just a snippet that captures a bit of what has befallen us.

" Yet if the only form of tradition, of handing down, consisted in following the ways of the immediate generation before us in a blind or timid adherence to its successes, “tradition” should positively be discouraged. We have seen many such simple currents soon lost in the sand; and novelty is better than repetition. Tradition is a matter of much wider significance. It cannot be inherited, and if you want it you must obtain it by great labour. It involves, in the first place, the historical sense, which we may call nearly indispensable to anyone who would continue to be a poet beyond his twenty-fifth year; and the historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional. And it is at the same time what makes a writer most acutely conscious of his place in time, of his contemporaneity."
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Saturday, October 15, 2016


Actually it was BO himself who made the role model remark, but the point is simple. When POWER is your only "morality", hypocrisy is impossible. There is nobody in the elite of TP that has any problem with Trump's behavior, it is all and purely politics.

The memory of the sheep in BOistan is so amazingly short, and the propaganda so thick, that they are scarcely able to remember anything beyond what the media told them to think in the last hour.

The following is from Wikipedia:
The MoveOn.org domain name was registered on September 18, 1998 by computer entrepreneurs Joan Blades and Wes Boyd, the married cofounders of Berkeley Systems, an entertainment software company known for the flying toaster screen saver and the popular video game series You Don’t Know Jack. After selling the company in 1997, Blades and Boyd became concerned about the level of "partisan warfare in Washington" following revelations of President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. [2] The MoveOn website was launched initially to oppose the Republican-led effort to impeach Clinton. Initially called "Censure and Move On," it invited visitors to add their names to an online petition stating that "Congress must Immediately Censure President Clinton and Move On to pressing issues facing the country."
So 18 years ago, "The Party" (TP-D) decided that even after "feminism" and countless hours of employees being lectured that "sexual harassment is whatever the woman FEELS is harassment", as with any other law, TP was above it. "The law" is just one more thing for TP to use for it's own political purposes, while it's own members in good standing are able to be completely immune to it. MoveOn was one of the mouthpieces to make this truth clear to the sheeple on the issues of sexual harassment, rape, etc.

The really sad part of this is that the natural moral sense of Christians and Conservatives can be used against them so transparently. When MoveOn was founded, they were "prudes, scolds and hypocrites" -- ANY sexual  matter that could be dug up on a Republican, was grounds on which their opinion on Slick was totally dismissed as "hypocrisy". People with moral standards are always beset by hypocrisy -- TP has the ultimate solution, no morals ... just POWER!

No matter what charge was brought against Slick, "it had nothing to do with the important job of the presidency" ... and we desperately needed to "Move on". It was shouted from every corner -- "The  French were laughing at us" for our "prudish attitudes on men in power". That always makes me change my positions -- nothing like cheese eating surrender monkeys finding a position "laughable" to turn my thinking around!

The true bottom line here is simple. TP has **NO** other concerns than POWER, and Conservatives and Christians DO. Most likely the charges will work, and in this case even better than the DUI "news" about W, brought out the weekend before the election to manipulate it. There is very little doubt it cost him 5-10% nationally -- especially in states like Florida.

It is hard to really care about BOistan. Things like Slick Willie establishing that the president need not be a person of any character or moral standard is exactly what makes either Hildebeast or Trump fully acceptible candidates for tribal chieftain of BOistan. "The standard" here is simply whatever TP decrees to to be.

The only quote I found worthy from the linked article is how far out of touch Paul Ryan is -- we ALREADY LIVE IN BOISTAN !!! Look around you! America was lost thanks to people like Ryan who failed to stand up and strongly oppose BO. Had the Republican party opposed BO half as hard as they oppose Trump, we might still have a country. They are just stopping at nothing to KEEP IT the way they want now.
“In the America they want… government is taken away from the people, and we are ruled by our betters, by a cold and unfeeling bureaucracy that replaces original thinking,” Ryan told an auditorium of students. “It is a place where the government twists the law — and the Constitution itself — to suit its purposes. A place where liberty is always under assault, where passion — the very stuff of life — is extinguished.” 
“That is the America Hillary Clinton wants,” he continued, adding, “If given control of Washington — if given control of Congress — it is the kind of America she will stop at nothing to have."

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Friday, October 14, 2016

Feminism, Clinton, Porn and Trump

Stop Blaming Only Boys For ‘Pornland’:

I've never read 50 Shades of Gray ... only read enough about it to suspect that I don't need to. I believe that somewhere between Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, 50 Shades, and this article we see the fullness of the fruits of feminism.

My jaded view of feminism has something like the following points:
  1. Anything men can do, women can do better. 
  2. A woman needs a man like a submarine needs a screen door 
  3. Women should not be some sort of "stand by your man and bake cookies" sort. 
  4. Pretty much everything in western civilization was created to subjugate and rape women. 
  5. Women want and deserve IT ALL, right F**king **NOW**!!! 

Slick Willie was pretty much the pinnacle of feminist power -- women got to decide which guys get to abuse which women and which don't. "Sisters" that failed to understand that Slick was privileged were slut shamed and maligned with self righteous indignity by the "sisterhood" of feminism. It you want to be a "sistah" in feminism, you better learn to dance to the tune that the sistah leaders call. Power was achieved -- it may not quite be the power that most women had imagined, but somehow, earthly power never really is.

Being a sistah means that you know which dominant female is boss, and you bow accordingly. This varies slightly from the male code which says Slick Willie, BO, whatever -- You think you got it? Drop your SS detail and let's see who is the real boss. But I digress -- I realize that is a really poor attitude from the "The Party" (TP-D) perspective -- males are supposed to bow just like women to the superior powers of TP, lest they need to be gunned down in the street like dogs. I may need just a tiny bit more training yet.

This article seems to have discovered that there is a snake in the garden of left wing perfection. Yet again, the problem seems to be those damned males, the young ones in this case. They seem to think that just because there aren't any morals and they get to watch free porn in any quantities they want, that young women ought to provide the same services as female porn-stars. While the article doesn't mention it, I can't imagine that Slick getting BJ's in the oval office with impunity, and now Trump admitting that if you are rich and famous enough, women let you pretty much have carte blanche would have any effects on the impressionable youth.

Does anyone REALLY think this is "new"?
While things like responsibility, love, provision, and steadfastness often won’t naturally set a woman’s heart aflutter, social standing and respect do play a role. We, as a society, are quite capable of respecting such traits, and in the past, this is precisely what we did. Men were honored and respected for being good husbands and fathers and young men for possessing traits that would one day make them such, until feminists declared war on such things. 
Instead, we have taught our youth their only responsibility is to follow their own hearts, that love is a flighty emotion that comes and goes like the wind, that provision is redundant because women are 100 percent self-sufficient in every way, and that steadfastness is imprisonment. We set these as the standards for judging boys and then wonder why the most popular young men fail to pursue these things.
I find this article a bit wistful. Even back in the days of the Bible, the king never had any problem gathering a LARGE harem -- say something like 1K wives and concubines in Solomon's case. Rich men throughout history have very rarely lacked a fairly nubile female or two around them. Lacking power, I suspect Slick Willie would have moderate appeal at best -- likewise Trump without money.

The difference now of course is that any concept of  sexual "morality" is a tired joke. Copulate with whomever and whatever you desire -- with 58 genders on Facebook, you have to be something of a satyr to even arrive at what gender you desire through "scientific testing means" -- and let's face it, in these scientific times, how else can you know "truth"?

So, for the "normal teenaged male", what possible reason might he have to curb his desire for sexual gratification? As the article points out, many of the girls are tripping over themselves to give the high status males what they want so they can receive "attention" -- and why not? certainly you aren't going to drag some "moral" out of the cellar to try to convince them otherwise!

I remember back in football, when the wide receivers, QB's and such got all the girls. Some poor lineman would see some lass and be all smitten and talk with a wide-out who might say "oh, I had her already -- nothing special". After the movie "Predator" came out, I came to think of those guys as the "Pre -date-ers" ... they "pre-date" the most desirable girls. These days, the lineman get the added "advantage" of one of the pre-daters sharing some naked pictures of your object of desire. Ah, "progress". It is reminiscent of the old medieval "right of the first night".
This female-driven dynamic is clearly at work in the high school porn culture as well. The article complains about boys trading pictures around like some kind of social currency and amassing collections, but if this is an accurate observation, then it is precisely the boys with the biggest collections of currency that the girls are finding attractive and providing with sexual access.
I find "barbaric" to be too judgemental in the following. "Natural", "fallen", "sinful" would all be better -- King David saw a beautiful woman, desired her, had her, and murdered for her. This is NOT anything approaching "new". Remove religion and morality, and "nature" takes it's course ...
Sexually barbaric women, however, gravitate towards hypergamy: the tendency to continually trade up to the highest-status man available. In other words, women are attracted to things like social standing, power, and wealth—yet another non-surprise. Accordingly, barbaric men prefer polygamous promiscuity while barbaric women prefer serially monogamous promiscuity. But when serial monogamy has worked out so badly for men, one can hardly blame them for refusing to go along with it any longer. If promiscuity is okay, why not have it his way instead of hers?
Which brings us to today. The current assumption by TP is that Trump can be defeated by the same poison that Slick Willie used to defeat morals and the right. "MoveOn.org" was founded on the idea that Clinton was a GREAT president, and WHATEVER accusation of sexual misconduct might be brought or proven against him, the country DID NOT CARE and we ought "Move ON"! 

Naturally, today, the call is the opposite -- ANY sexual charge raised against Trump ought to be totally disqualifying! The "power" of feminism is that they get to decide who gets sexual "favors", or even sexual carte blanche, and who does not. THAT is the "big win" for which women gave up the sanctity of marriage, reverence for motherhood, etc 

If a woman happens to be abused by a powerful man of TP, well, then learn to enjoy it -- just like men that fail to kneel to TP need to learn to enjoy whatever TP decides is their lot. "Equality" has been achieved -- proper political position is the way to power for ALL, male and female, and improper political position is the way to subjugation and abuse -- but it is like Dr Strangelove. Talk about "progress", they would have to have put an intermission in the movie if Slim Pickens was to list all the things that are "without respect today" .... 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Comedy, Diversity, Trump

It wouldn't take a lot of cynicism to say that Gaffigan might be protecting his livelihood (BTW, "Gaff Again" is a great comedic name!). Comedy always involves making fun of someone at some level, and the left in this country certainly doesn't find anyone making fun of them to be funny. If they ever completely move all the unwashed masses in flyover country to re-education camps, comedy is dead.

Making fun of "Dear Leader Hillary" would be a good way to end up with a painful death! Before it gets you the death penalty however, it will get you the misogynist label, since as MPR was saying yesterday, while BO brought out all the racists in the Republican party, Hillary is definitely bringing out all the misogynists!

You see, all the universities, Wall Street, the media, and any sentient human that can understand that the elite knows what is good for them has NO REASON to oppose "The Party" (TP-D), so the ONLY reason that they would be in opposition is racism against BO, or sexism against Hillary. Those are the facts -- if you argue with them you are either too stupid to understand, or too evil to change your mind.  Concerned about BOistan having 150T in debt and unfunded liabilities? RACIST! SEXIST! Shut the F UP!

See how sophisticated argument works?

So maybe Gaffigan is just trying to protect his business, but I still thought the following couple paragraphs were refreshing.
Gaffigan’s emphasis isn’t so much on persuading others of your argument, but of respecting the complexity of someone’s decisions, even if you find them questionable. Several years ago, Gaffigan was on a comedy tour with a libertarian and an Occupy Wall Street member. “And all three of us are friends,” he says. “I kind of like people with different opinions. And I’m not dismissive of – I mean I might casually say ‘you’re crazy’ but I mean I love these people and I also learn from them.” Of course, when issues beyond economics, like race and gender, enter the landscape it’s much harder to be so understanding, but this does a good job of humanizing a Trump supporter, and showing their perspective in a way that isn’t some caricature rooted in pure racism and misogyny. We may not ever agree, but talking to a Trump supporter can help us understand one another. 
Gaffigan urges us not to be dismissive. Talk to people who are different from you. Widen your friendship circle, watch a wide range of news media; vary the sources through which you interpret the world.
Those few of us that are actual conservatives are getting so rare that we MUST talk to people that are "different from us". Hell, basically 95% of the population is pretty radically different from us!

I'm talking weirdos like me here. The kind that believe the Bible, believe that Western Civilization was actually superior to natives dancing around the fire pounding drums, that going to the moon was more impressive than stacking some big rocks up in a field -- you know, A REAL IDIOT!

We also know that except in RARE cases, we can't talk to the standard lefty because they will go completely ape that somebody has a different viewpoint that they do not agree with!

But yes, it might be nice if some of the left actually attempted to see those with other viewpoints than theirs as potentially sentient humans.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Prosecuting Political Opponents

16 Times Democrats Tried To Prosecute Opponents:

Naturally, "The Party" (TP-D) which controls the entire government bureaucracy, legal system and media is well acquainted with prosecuting their political opponents -- in fact, it has become pretty much their standard operating procedure, as the 16 incidences listed in the article point out.

Equally unsurprising is the fact that they find the idea that any loyal TP member in good standing might face prosecution as COMPLETELY abhorrent and beyond the pale. If such was possible, TP would not be TP -- the totalitarian owner of legal and extra-legal prosecutions for whatever deed or, "rumor" that TP happens to think might gain them something. It really doesn't make any difference what Bill and Hillary have done -- they loyal members of TP, which means that THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW ... and both they and other TP members are very proud of the fact that they have "never been prosecuted".

They are all one big happy crime family -- move up in TP, and you too can be immune to prosecution. It seems stranger and stranger that everyone doesn't just "get their minds right", and it seems pretty certain that Hildebeast will be sure that a lot more DO learn to kneel before her once she gets her sceptre.

I'd list a few others just to round it out a bit.
If we had the time, we could go on for at least 100's, and probably thousands or even millions. The case of the small time political person that speaks out in the opposition to TP,  and suddenly finds themselves with a very nasty IRS audit, EPA summons, zoning trouble, etc is pretty much a standard in the dwindling Republican ranks. "Keep your head down" is the mantra if you dare oppose TP.

Having Ted Kennedy highly visible for a long time in TP was a big plus. It is IMPORTANT to show the little people that if you have power you can ACTUALLY get away with murder! It is like the Mob roughing up and killing some folks to be certain that everyone understands who the REAL bosses are. TP is the BIG mob -- they need folks like Ted or Bill and Hillary around just to prove that they are above the law and you are not.

It looks grim right now for any opposition to TP. That is the way it has pretty much been since FDR, with a short small glimpse of hope during the Reagan years and the Gingerich House. Death of dreams, people and nations always tends to be dark -- it just goes with the territory. The powerful like to see their opposition TOTALLY removed -- they really don't want to even HEAR an opposing view!

TP is rather comfortable prosecuting their political opponents, and even if Trump should win, they will go on doing so. They own the legal system and the administrative law system -- even if they were to lose the WH, their power is so great as to make any real opposition for at least decades a total impossibility.

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Saturday, October 08, 2016

Grooming, Gas-lighting,and Gambits -- Pussygalore

Donald Trump’s remarkably gross comments about women - The Washington Post:

In a nation that drops the F-bomb about every other moment, "pussy" is now a really horrible word -- I think this James Bond was rated X.

The sheep in BOistan are now in the same spot as the typical victim in an abusive relationship. Here we have BO on the now supposedly terminally crude subject of "pussy".  Hey, no harm no foul, he is reading from the BOOK he wrote, where he also uses the "N word".

When you live in a totalitarian state, the state tells you what words are acceptable, what words are not, who can use them with impunity and who can't -- the state decides, get your mind right!

FIRST ... this is planned manipulation by "The Party" (TP-D). They had this this whole time, and they kept it to manipulate the election. If you can't understand that you are MORE blinded than the typical abuse victim.

"Grooming" it is what spouse abusers, child abusers, pimps, and totalitarian regimes do to their victims. They prepare them -- say in a spouse case, they are especially attentive, provide gifts, make sure that they spend LOTS of time with the prospect so that she has no friends and is totally sucked in to the abuser. Then they start with SMALL abuse -- and work up until the victim is so dependent and ashamed that they can't see any way out.

Totalitarians make certain that the bar is set to "anything goes" for the dominant party, and "any infringement is disqualifying" for those that are not loyal party members. In this case, we have Slick Willie ... serial ACTUAL abuser of women, and likely guilty of rape (the support in the link is from a LEFT leaning source), and Trump, guilty of "coarse locker room talk", which is amazingly not actually illegal (yet) for even non-party members!

TP makes it CLEAR that unless you cross "The Party", you too can have your way with women, taxes, words, etc -- Bill Cosby was OK for decades, but apparently didn't realize that his privilege was dependent on party allegiance. Obviously Trump was in the same boat -- on sex and on taxes, but he strayed in the only way that matters. He crossed TP.

On the non-TP side, we had W Bush. HAVING an Honorable Discharge was completely useless -- it needed to be questioned, up to and including using forged documents. If  BO had been a Republican, his producing a valid birth certificate would not have satisfied the media, they would have been running around trying to find out if it was fake,  having Dan Rather lose his job forging documents trying to prove it was a fake.

For Clarence Thomas, the bar was that he MAY have mentioned an X-rated movie and possibly a pubic hair on a coke can to an employee that continued to follow him to multiple jobs for a decade -- but as a conservative, that was "sexual harassment". Yes, he squeaked onto the court, to be a pariah for the rest of his life -- a "win" if you oppose TP. Let that be a lesson to you!

Slick Willie dropping trou in front of employee Paula Jones and asking her to "suck it" either never happened, was politically motivated, or was "acceptable". All manner of ACTUAL groping, staining, and even rape accusations were  just fine for Slick -- but for Trump, the "new standard" is that "crude locker room talk" is now completely disqualifying.

Naturally, "The Republican Party" -- now pretty much another wholly owned subsidiary of TP, has a whole bunch of rats jumping ship. They will do all in their power to hand this to TP -- but as a famous head of a crime family once said; "What difference, at this point, does it make?". Certainly, many Republicans can be excused because they hold moral standards higher than all politics, and feel they can't actually vote for Trump because he is "coarse". They DO need to remember that Jesus said to "render unto Caesar", and Caesar was NOT a "nice guy". He also told us to love our enemies, not to avoid having any.

For the bulk of the sheep, they have been gaslighted so badly that they no longer believe their own minds -- only what TP tells them. BO ended the war in Iraq, but he didn't make the decision to pull the troops out. Bill Clinton says that Obama Care is "crazy", but Hillary supports it.  We get along fine with Russia and Mitt Romney was an idiot for thinking otherwise ... or, Russia is our worst enemy -- or both. Oh, Russia is trying to "manipulate our election" -- and the Washington Post just pulled a tape of Trump out that they have had forever -- and they are trying to? Oh, wait a minute, Wikileaks just pointed out that Hillary told Goldman Sacks what we all thought she would for a $650K bribe  -- BUT TRUMP!

Spun, manipulated, gaslighted -- the BOistan sheep run to the fences and cower in confusion. 2008 was sad, 2012 was tragic, but in 2016 it is clear that this is moral and intellectual wasteland that richly deserves just what we are seeing. It is getting more than a bit humorous, and it appears that the clowns are being sent in nationally! How fitting!

BOistan is built on the rotting corpse of America -- and we are really only in the early stages of the stench. Excrement smells badly, but rotting flesh is especially pungent. Remember, it IS BAD, and it is going to STAY BAD for a good long while, but if you decide to not vote for Trump, you are deciding to deepen our loss of free speech, religious freedom and shredding of our already terribly tattered Constitution.

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Thursday, October 06, 2016

The Week Dilbert Became A Target

The Week I Became a Target | Scott Adams' Blog:

Scot Adams endorsed Trump with one reason being that he doesn't want to pay 75% in death taxes. These days, endorsing Trump is expensive -- it could even be dangerous.

But it was probably because I asked people to tweet me examples of Clinton supporters being violent against peaceful Trump supporters in public. I got a lot of them. It was chilling.
BOistan is past the point of allowing free speech -- Dinesh D'Souza went to jail, the maker of the supposed Benghazi causing video went to jail, Walker supporters in WI had their doors beat down, NY state is trying to prosecute Exxon for questioning Climate Change, NC keeps losing business over bathroom laws -- the list just keeps growing.

But hey, you can keep drawing multi-million dollar salaries for taking a seat during the Start Spangled Banner -- at least BO approved "free" speech is still just fine!

The big problem here is that  close to 50% of the country thinks this is just fine as long as "their side" is the one that is doing the criminalizing of speech.

In BOistan, first they come for Dilbert, then they come for you.

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Monday, October 03, 2016

The Creation Science Oxymoron

I took an hour this past Sunday evening to attend a "Creation Science" presentation -- maybe a bit of nostalgia for my youth as a fundamentalist Baptist.

The speaker was Dr Robert Carter, affiliated with Creation Ministries a business dedicated to the idea that the earth is 6K years old and they can prove it "scientifically".

First of all, let me say that I'm sure that many of the people taking part in this are well meaning and truly believe that they MUST somehow "debunk evolution" in order for people to believe in God, the Bible, and Jesus. I'll refer to them as "Young Earth Creationists" (YEC)

My main concern here is idolatry -- focus on the physical over the spiritual. Thomas could only believe if he thrust his hand into the side of the risen Savior. YECs seem to think that belief in the miracle of God taking human form and dying for our sins requires that we thrust our minds through "science" into the physical world and SEE that it is created via "scientific" knowledge.

My view is that our original sin lies in us seeking knowledge and power in the physical world, rather than relying on "The Word" of God -- meaning Christ ("and the Word was with God")" and the Bible (in that order). Science and thinking in a materialist manner puts the creation ahead of the creator. The choice of the material "fruit" over the WORD of God was the fall.

Science is all about stuff (material), but God didn't create ONLY stuff. He created man "in his image", which is SPIRIT, not "stuff" (matter) ... our consciousness, which science also can't measure, and therefore does not exist to science.  Science deals with what humans are able to perceive, or they create machines to perceive and MEASURE the scientific (materialist) view of "what is". If it can't be measured, it doesn't exist for science. The consciousness of the scientist that is doing the measurement isn't part of science -- which I suspect is part of the reason for "quantum effects". The quantum superposition doesn't "collapse" until a consciousness (spirit) could view it) --  Schroedigers cat is in the superposition of dead AND alive until a consciousness views the result.

Science seeks truth in matter, and has chased matter to the point where it becomes waves, particles, quarks, strings, fields, quanta and all sorts of wispy ghosts that behave more like quantum spirits than "stuff". The search for the "truth" of matter has led to "spooky effects at a distance". Both time and space have become "relative". Perhaps energy is all there is -- or "data", or perhaps, spirit -- dare we say it -- God?

Looking at matter will never provide eternal truth. Matter isn't eternal -- as far science can tell the physical universe will die in cold entropy or a super hot "big crunch" according to physics. Long before either of those happen, physical life will be gone -- in a mere universal heartbeat of a few 10's of billions of years next to the vastness of eternity.

The Bible says that God created the earth. It doesn't say how and it doesn't say when.  Certainly it can be "wired" to give someone the impression that the earth "must" be a certain age, just as the Catholic church once persecuted those who said that the earth orbited the sun, because Joshua 10:13 says "So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.".

They were completely certain that the sun HAD to move, since the Bible "said so", so it was better to kill a heretic who failed to believe this "truth" than to allow such madness to spread. As all of us who share the  beginning of wisdom ought to know each day, their (and our) God is too small! If you follow the link, you will be taken to my review of a small book by that title that has a very large message. It is US who attempts to put an infinite God into a box and explain how he MUST operate.

As I've repeated too often, I'm willing to let God create the world via any mechanism he chooses. He may have created it "during" the time I wrote this sentence -- and it would all look exactly like it does now. Not to "fool" anyone, but because that is how God chose to create it! He is beyond time and space -- and certainly beyond the thoughts of man.

I used to work on the startup code for a large operating system where we created a "boot image" and loaded that into the memory of the computer. If you looked at it when it started running, you could assume that a whole bunch of things had "happened", that really had not. They had been set up so they appeared that way because that is how they needed to be to work with the rest of the operating system -- not to "fool people".

This is but a single possibility. To believe that understanding the MECHANISM of how God may have created somehow helps us understand an eternal God is counterproductive to faith. Becoming mired in a never ending argument over matter, cells and calendars is to miss God -- that he is eternal, spirit, light, love and not of this physical universe (except as Christ).

Western civilization is dying because it has put it's faith in matter rather than spirit and truth. Science is ONLY about measurement and mechanism, and proudly so. It has, nor recognizes,  a soul, nothing at all that is spiritually human. To science, we are all "naked apes", soulless animals living meaningless lives in a meaningless universe. Science is "psychopathic" -- it denies consciousness and values since they are not observable or measureable. Science is a TOOL ... like a hammer, like a computer. (psychopaths don't see others as "conscious")

CREATION -- even the puny human form of a new song, painting, novel, technological innovation or flower arrangement, is outside of science. The divine creation is a gap so large that God needed to become human in the form of Jesus Christ in order to bridge the gulf created by sin -- one of the chief of which is our idolatry of matter over spirit.

"Creation Science" demeans creation and attempts to use "science" in it's own idolatry of the physical -- to say with doubting Thomas, that "faith is NOT enough, I muse SEE the marks of creation"! Our current "Standard Model" of physics is "timeless", defined by mathematics that make time relative -- it says that what is happening now has always been happening and always will be. If you add in quantum mechanics, everything that "could be happening" is  (each "decision" causes a "fork" creating a new universe from that point on.

So "true" evolutionists are turning on physics -- they want a NEW MODEL that shows that what we see "can happen" with no outside intervention or "timeless principles" it may well take 10 to the 400th or 10 the google UNIVERSES, but ANYTHING is more palatable to them than "timeless".

Apparently anything  other than a timeless God is palatable to young earth creationists as well -- no matter how many strange "flood hoops" they have to jump over to have their 6K year cake.

My bottom line concerns with young earth creation are:

  1. Idolatry -- the desire to put the physical ahead of the spiritual. The idea that "unless I can physically touch the risen savior, I will not believe", transposed to "unless the physical evidence viewed by science in the world aligns directly with Genesis, I will not believe that God created the earth / universe".
  2. Moneychangers in the temple. YEC is an opportunity for some to attempt to profit from the creation of a cult like set of followers that feel that their "faith" (actually if it is proven by physical evidence, it is not faith) depends on physical defense of 6K year creation. Which is of course is not faith at all : Hebrews 11:1 11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
  3. Loss of spiritual authority and increased loss of youth to paganism.  The modern world has no shortage of idolatry for the physical. The battlefield of the spiritual has been virtually abandoned, and the YEC movement wants to abandon the spiritual in the case of creation and fight on the physical plane as well. It is as if Elijah had joined the pagans in cutting himself to obtain the attention of the true God. 
That being said, I understand their desire. The idea of a "physical slam dunk" that PROVES the existence of the God that many of us love and fervently believe in, tempts our minds like a beautiful woman draws our eyes. When we see our children wooed away by science that is spiritually dead and devoid of even the recognition of humans as conscious, our very souls weep and cry out in pain we cannot begin to voice.

The only "physical matter" that proves the spiritual is the person of Jesus Christ. All other attempts are idolatry -- often well meaning idolatry, but idolatry just the same. At one time I wished it were not so, but I believe I understand more of the reason that God demands we worship him in SPIRIT and Truth.

Being flesh, we are so drawn to the physical that if any form of the physical save the person of Christ, present at Calvary and in Holy Communion was really worthy of our study and adulation, we would be inexorably drawn to that form to the exclusion of Christ, writing books, creating web sites and holding endless discussions on the minutia of this "physical truth", rather than worshiping "The Way, the Truth, and the Life". We might possibly even build a physical "Ark" as a talisman for the spiritual protection of Christ through the waters of this world.

Only the Trinity is eternal, however we share an eternal future though not an eternal past. We will know the HOW, WHEN, WHY, etc of creation -- for now, let us have faith that God Created!

Sunday, October 02, 2016

NYT, No Tax For Me, Not For Thee

The NY Times apparently broke the law to publish Trump tax information -- but we know that they will face no prosecution, since they are the top mouthpiece of "The Party" (TP-D). It turns out they also have gotten a lot of financial breaks from TP, and in 2014 paid no taxes.
However, I do not need to lecture The New York Times on that topic because it knows that lesson well. After all, the newspaper of record has its headquarters in a building built on landseized by the government under the power of eminent domain from ten different owners, some of whom did not want to sell, implying that the government exercise of power saved the developer money. In addition to that benefit, The New York Times also received $26 million in tax breaks in exchange for keeping jobs in New York City.

More recently, for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014. In other words, their post-tax profit was higher than their pre-tax profit. The explanation in their 2014 annual report is, “The effective tax rate for 2014 was favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.” If you don’t think it took fancy accountants and tax lawyers to make that happen, read the statement again.
TP becomes more and more bold it it's exercise of raw and obviously corrupt power. Trump has naturally made use of every tax benefit and the power of government to get what he wants for a long time.  So has the NYT. The lesson here is that the NYT remains the mouthpiece of the TP in good standing, and Trump has strayed -- badly.

So Trump is now to be subjected to the standards of "the little people", you know, "the bitter clingers". The ones that live in "flyover country". TP is certain they are above the law, and they probably are -- the thinnest of reeds would involve Trump being elected and by some MIRACLE being able to change the rigged system. Assuming of course he even wants to.

Why should he? I certainly can't imagine -- our system is so obviously corrupt and broken that the idea that it could be "saved" is the most wishful of wishful thinking. BO is certain that America is dead and BOistan will survive for awhile by consuming the rotting corpse.

No rules, no morals and no shame. The very definition of BOistan.

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The Gold Standard In Lying

Did Hillary Clinton Call the Trans-Pacific Partnership the 'Gold Standard' in Trade Agreements? : snopes.com:

Hillary definitely sets the gold standard it brazen lying. We were told in school (back when I went) that even as a young boy, George Washington could not lie -- I think most of us knew that this was a mythological story, but in those days the nation and the educational system still recognized that mythology was an important part of human existence and creates truths that have far more human meaning than mere "facts".

Hillary is willing to tell us that she has NEVER told a lie, and she never will! As the Snopes link shows us, she lies and lies about her lies constantly -- and then even her supporters claim that she is truthful. In fact, more people believe in Bigfoot than believe she is truthful.

The standard answer this election is ... BUT TRUMP!

That objection may be correct, I don't know since Trump has never been an elected political leader before, and therefore has taken no oaths on truthfulness, supporting the Constitution, etc. The US historically was the country on the planet that held businessmen in the most esteem, but nobody takes oaths on Bibles before they take a position in business. It USED to be that a person who sought office expected to be held to a HIGHER standard, especially if that office was the presidency. It was Bill Clinton who established that the president could be held to a LOWER standard, since any manager at a McDonald's in America would be dismissed for having consensual sex with an employee during work hours.

Do I believe Trump has lied as a candidate, and as a person? Sure,  but his lies didn't get anyone killed as Hillary's did in Benghazi, nor did they destroy any moral standard for the presidency has Hillary's lies about Slick Willie's infidelities did. Perhaps her BIGGEST lie was to claim that she was not some "Tammy Wynette, stand by your man woman" -- when in fact, she WAS, so much so that she helped remove any moral standard for the presidency, thus enabling both herself and Trump to meet the low standard of "no moral standard".

Hillary's (and Bill's) lies (and their acceptance by their own party and enough of the public) created the lack of standards that got us to 2016.

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Friday, September 30, 2016

His Majesty

There may be hope for the future yet. The University of Michigan decided that everyone has the right to "pick their pronoun", and Grant Strobl chose "His Majesty".
“’His Majesty’ is not a pronoun, but neither is zir or zi,” His Majesty told me. “None of them are recognized in the English language. Everything is completely arbitrary now. You can identify as anything you want.”
Indeed ... His Majesty has correctly discerned the meaning (or lack thereof) when there are "no rules" and each individual is their own "god" or "king".  "You can identify as anything you want" ... for good and ill.
“If they want me to be tolerant of their pronouns, they have to be tolerant to my new title,” His Majesty said. “Many of the students on campus who call for diversity – they only want diversity for ideas they agree with.”
Ah yes, the crux of the problem with the left ruling order. "Diversity and pronoun choice for me, but NOT for THEE!".

I must admit jealousy for the young mans parents -- but in this vale of tears, they are most likely atheist liberals and saddened beyond measure. Ah, fate ... a last quote from "His Majesty".
“As a Christian, I believe that all lives are valuable,” he told me. “I love all people. And I have no problem with people choosing a designated pronoun.”
Long may he reign!

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Science, Feminism, Knowledge

Here is a quote from the feminist looking for a PHD in education. 
Initial exploration of the STEM syllabi in this study did not reveal overt references to gender, such as through the use of gendered pronouns. However, upon deeper review, language used in the syllabi reflects institutionalized STEM teaching practices and views about knowledge that are inherently discriminatory to women and minorities by promoting a view of knowledge as static and unchanging, a view of teaching that promotes the idea of a passive student, and by promoting a chilly climate that marginalizes women.
While the Federalist takes a very dim view of her thinking, even the Federalist may need to back up and understand the big picture framework a bit.

  1. Scientific truth IS purely material, it's objectivity is what makes it scientific. It ignores man, it asserts that it would be the same if man never existed. It is discovered, not created. It's THEORIES are created, but they are created to be TESTED and VERIFIED. It has no moral sense, "right and wrong" are merely "works or fails to work as per theory".
  2. Theological truth is revealed. It is ultimate and is beyond the physical, but "in with and under" the physical.  The partial awareness of theological truth by thought and emotion is revelation. God gives us what we need.Theological truth always requires a "leap of faith".
  3. Philosophical truth is either derived from theology or created purely by human reason. It defines human knowing, and the relation of theology (or rejection of) is critical to that knowing. It also requires a "leap of faith" as in "I think, therefore I am" or "the universe is understandable by human senses and has an order that persists over time and space" (the basis for science). 
So I actually agree with the feminist on science in a strange way. It DOES ignore women, but only in the same way it ignores all of mankind as being irrelevant to the truth of science.

Our educational system has thrown out philosophy and religion and attempted to replace them with science. Science has NOTHING to say on either topic -- it is the study of the MATERIAL, religion (other than pure idolatry) is the study of that which is NOT material, save for the incarnation of Christ, fully God and fully man.

Science is a BRANCH of philosophy, that part that deals with what is knowable about the material world and why. In a justly ordered world, Religion is the king of the university and philosophy the queen. The rest of the branches of study are their "subjects" -- subject to the order and wisdom provided by religion and philosophy, with their meaning (as opposed to their "practice" or "mechanism" drawn from the king and queen).

For a bit more detail on the purview of science and the effect that our improper usage of science has wrought, see "The Face Of God".

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Reason Is White

I've got to hear a lot of African Studies, NAACP and Black Lives Matter people talk on MPR in the last year. The following is from a white PHD of philosophy and religion at east coast schools like Villanova.
I think that what modern philosophers call “pure” reason — the Cartesian ego cogito and Kant’s transcendental consciousness — is a white male Euro-Christian construction.
To the extent that the Greeks, Romans and Jews are "white", that would be a correct statement.

Given that racial assumption, Western Civilization is "white".

The author uses the following rather obtuse paragraph to make the claim that "race is destiny" -- who you are, how you turn out, are all determined by your race.
Were I there, there would be “here.” That is a simple thought whose depth we never plumb. In my own work I cite it frequently to criticize the idea of “the one true religion.” We have seven grandchildren and when the last one was born I remember thinking that a little black child was also being born that day, as dear and innocent as our granddaughter, who was going home to a desperate situation where the odds will be stacked against her. We begin with an originary natal equality and then we crush it. “Switched at birth” stories, like Mark Twain’s “The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson,” have a deep ethical and political import. Were I there, there would be here. That should transform everything.
If he was correct, the planet would be a homogenous tribal culture devoid of philosophy, science, technology, etc. How you were born would be your destiny and "progress" would be an unknown term -- like the English language, nations like England, writing, etc.

Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Washington Carver, Martin Luther King, Thomas Sowell, and uncounted other blacks would not exist, because "race would be destiny". I submit that we do not live in that world
People who try to walk a mile in the shoes of the other, to live among and dedicate their lives to working with the oppressed, are also sensitive to the fact of their own privilege. They know they can never truly identify with them. They understand this paradox but it doesn’t paralyze them. This problem also comes up in Christian theology — God intentionally assumed our mortal condition but it wasn’t an inescapable plight visited upon the divine being without its consent.
One of the most cherished aspects of the left is the paradox of the "victim without choice". Blacks are asserted to have no choice, and no chance. Similarly, whites always have "privilege" -- they created the entire framework of the modern world -- the very concept of reason itself. Even God is denied the power to save -- he had a choice, so can't be a "true victim" in the universe created by the professor.
I came to philosophy through religion and theology and as a result philosophy has always had a salvific and prophetic quality for me. It has always been a way to save myself, even as in antiquity philosophy did not mean an academic specialty but a way of living wisely.
God and creation are denied -- free will is very nearly denied, yet somehow, miraculously, the author arrives at the power to "save himself" -- to be his own ultimate, to be his own god.

Postmodernism -- a rather long word for insanity.

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