Thursday, May 18, 2017

Science Leads Scientists To Find Themselves Superior

Is this why Stephen Hawking doesn't believe in God? - CNET:

In a majopr confirmation of confirmation bias, scientists have followed the well trod path of bees, birds and wildebeast in finding their own kind most attractive.

Scientists have declared intelligence (as they define it)  the most important feature of human development, and have declared themselves the top of the evolutionary pyramid.

"New research from the Ulster Institute for Social Research in Northern Ireland and Rotterdam University in the Netherlands examined the "robust negative association between religion and intelligence.""
"The Pope is Stupid, God is so stupid he doesn't exist, and we are pretty sure that chicks will dig us because we are smart now",  said Dr Dweezle Waznuski. "I've never been able to actually work up the nerve to talk to a girl before, but I'm pretty certain that I'm going to get very lucky now and smart scientists like me will take over the world!"

Previously, the "smarter set" has been slightly shall we say "unlucky at love", but PHDs in labcoats everywhere hailed these results as "nearly certain to turn the tide"!

The researchers concluded that religion is an evolved instinct, while intelligence "involves rising above our instincts." After all, intelligence and all that comes with it does often involve controlling our instincts in order to allow our minds to reach rational conclusions.

When Dr Waznuski was asked if producing offspring was a rational choice or an instinct, he became very confused and started to sob, causing the interview to end.

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The Party Declares It's Champion

Beginning with FDR, flexing it's muscles in Watergate, and growing more powerful ever after, The Party (TP-D) has created, nurtured, and made it's main instrument of power the Administrative or Deep State (DS). No matter what temporary occupant sits in the White House or party sits in control of Congress, the Deep State abides, and it is not a comfort to those that loved America, liberty, or morality. As the linked New Yorker column puts it:

Washington is a lawyer’s town, built on protocols and rules. If this tends to make happy-hour conversation in the city a little more pedantic than the American norm, then it also has its advantages, among them a fanaticism for records.
As I've often written, lawyers in the US are "The House" as in the gambling sense, and the number one rule of gambling is "The house WINS!". It has to, or there would be no Vegas, State Lotteries, or Casinos dotting the landscape. At any moment, lawyers are always the majority in all the legislatures and the US congress, plus they have their own branch of government, and since at least the early '70s, they also own the now most powerful "hidden in plain sight" branch of government, the Deep State.

The common thread is lawyers. Both political parties are significantly by and for lawyers, with TP being especially by and for lawyers. I'm not trying to say that lawyers are "bad people", merely that as lawyers, they have been schooled to view the world in a very specific way, and that way is not what America was -- lawyers are indeed people, but WE THE PEOPLE are not to be subserviant to a ruling lawyer class. This is why government was to be strictly LIMITED!

In addition to the question of whether Trump’s Presidential campaign colluded with the Russian government, there is now the question of whether he interfered to stop an investigation—whether he, as President, obstructed justice.
 As the excellent cartoon at the top reminds us, "obstruction of justice" is "TP normal". IRS decides to target conservatives ? Lois Lerner takes the 5th, a bunch of computers turn up wiped, and BO declares it over -- hey, don't expect the Deep State to investigate itself!

BO's justice department goes after a conservative reporter trying to find out about leaks?  Well, most people don't even know it happened -- and it is CERTAINLY no concern for goodness sake! The "good guys" (BO) went after the "bad guys", (Fox News) ... nuff said! What is the use of having a huge weapon like the DS if you can't use it to destroy your enemies?

Many "progressives" have pointed out how "scandal free" the  BO disaster was ... to the blind, coal tar and snow may as well both be pure white! BO decided the investigation of Hildebeast on 60 Minutes "She had no intent to break the law, and no secrets endangered national security" -- oh thank you great and powerful BO for decaring the conclusion of FBI "investigation" prior to it being over! (no "obstruction" there!)

BO ENDORSED HILDEBEAST ON JUNE 9th and Comey didn't fold the investigation until July 5th! Now, ostensivly, it was Slick Willie meeting with his boss on a plane in AZ on June 30th  that convinced Comey"it's over", rather than the POTUS endorsing a person under investigation by the FBI, but REALLY folks! The POTUS ENDORSES a person under active FBI investigation to take his job and that is NOT "obstruction"? Hello? Welcome to BOistan! Does not endorsing her for POTUS more than "imply" that "she is a nice lady and I hope the FBI can get by this so she can take my job". Even TP has not YET put in a CONVICTED felon ... many of them are felons, they just don't do the "conviction thing" because, well ... TP!

Anyone that is semi awake understands that in TP controlled BOistan, anyone that is not a TP member in good standing is someone that TP would see as needful of "investigation" -- and certainly, a  president that is non-TP REQUIRES "investigation".

Perhaps the "BOistan Constitution" should just say that "in the unlikely event that a person that is not a TP member in good standing is elected, a set of "Special Prosecutors", "Commissions", "Independent Councels", "Czars", etc  must be immediately appointed to investigate what are clearly "high crimes and misdemeanors", because someone not sworn to fealty to TP has ostensively gained power!" To TP, that is certainly a MAJOR crime!

We really didn't need to investigate BO ... his own book made it clear he wanted to destroy "the colonial powers" -- and he did a hell of a job on at least one of them!

Can Trump beat these bastards? Who knows, but BOistan  SUCKS!

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Not Being A Democrat Evidence of Criminal Intent

Preliminary thoughts on the “Comey memo” [UPDATED] | Power Line:

Last July, and again just early in May,  Comey told us that Hillary could not be prosecuted because he could not "prove criminal intent", the Democrats and the MSM cheered loudly.

“We could not prove that the people sending the information, either in that case or in the other case with the secretary, were acting with any kind of the mens rea — with any kind of criminal intent,” Mr. Comey said.
We all inherently know this to be true -- most of us have friends, or even personally had the experience of being pulled over for speeding or even DUI, telling the officer "I didn't intend to break the law" and the officer immediately expressing his apology for intruding on our lives and being sent on our way. Purity of intent is the all purpose get out of jail free card. I'm guessing that if you have a "Ready for Hillary" bumper sticker, officers likely never even pull you over.

In the past couple of days while the "Comey memo" and the "secret disclosure to the Russians" have filled the news, I've been struck by how "intent" has shifted. Let's assume that the felons leaking the information were "true D's" and 100% accurate with only the pure intent to destroy Trump, a case of obvious virtue.

But given that, how can we be so certain of Trump's intent in his no doubt honorably reported by felons "crimes"? It seems obvious --  he is an R. 

I believe we all understand that in BOistan, "intent" counts more than "rule of law", and not being a D is prima facia evidence of criminal intent, while being a D sets a high bar indeed as malice of intent must be proven "beyond a shadow of a doubt". For D's, setting up servers, deleting tens of thousdands of emails is not really "evidence" without being able to see into the very soul of the Democrat in question, so no crime can be prosecuted. Comey looked into Hillary's soul, saw "she was a good person", so he was able to put the investigation behind him.

Clearly Flynn is NOT a "good person", so any suggestion that he might be and thus would not have committed whatever crime the felon leakers assert he committed (again, we assume their motive is completely pure and honorable, so the fact of their felony in leaking is not really criminal) ... thus the mere suggestion that someone working in an R capacity is somehow a "good guy", is in itself "interference" -- it goes against the metaphysical truth of D=good, R=evil!

After all, BO endorsed Hillary for POTUS over a month prior to Comey ending the investigation after his boss, Loretta Lynchmob  met with Slick Willie on the plane in AZ. 

We seem to move ever closer to the point where not pledging allegiance to "The Party" (TP-D) and the POWER it represents is itself a crime! 

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Raised Weiner Points At Hildebeast

Weiner raised again | Power Line:

One of my emotional proofs of the existence of God is stories like "The Weiner".

What are the odds in a universe of the highly unlikely, where the odds against our existence have been calculated by our best scientists to be 10 with HUNDREDS of zreros AGAINST us even existing, that a man named "Weiner" would keep showing up in Democrat politics, and he is married to the chief aide to their presidential candidate? Who also has a guy with "weiner problems" as a spouse.

Prior to Trump, I would have said that it COULD NOT happen on the Republican side, because there, you are destroyed if you mis-spell "potato"  (of course the "funny" part is that even major newspapers often spelled it "potatoe" up until '92!). There are now new rules FOR TRUMP ... somehow. I'm not sure anyone has really figured out why that is ... but naturally, I've tried.

God exists AND he has a sense of humor!

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Nixon, Slick, Trump, Lucy

In the early '70s, at what then Democrats considered the nadir of their power, having fallen from owning the presidency, plus huge majorities in congress including over 60 votes in the Senate during most of the '60s, to losing the presidency in a landslide to Nixon for a second term, the Satanic Political Grail was discovered -- "Scandal and Coverup".

It is a brilliant strategy really -- always applicable as long as political power is your only objective and you are willing to destroy your very nation to get it. It only requires a "leak" (or a news outlet willing to imagine a "leak"), enough media and political people to keep the story going, a public willing to rely on the word of a felon (most of the base leaks are felonies) over the word of their elected officials, and as we have seen over the last 40 years, a political party stupid enough to not understand Lucy from Charlie Brown.

Sometime around '92 after "Iran Contra" had drug on from the '80s long enough for an indictment of Cap Weinberger to be issued 4 days before the '92 election, the Charlie Brown of political parties -- the R's, figured out that Lucy and the Democrats have similar interests.

One of the key "Lucy questions" is as follows":
"To the central question, are there Republicans who have the guts to challenge Trump and one day go to the White House la Nixon, like Barry Goldwater, Hugh Scott and Robert Griffith and tell him in person: "It's time to go.""

This is where Slick Willie enters the picture.  While Nixon may or may not have committed any crimes, the "standard" that the supposedly highly concerned and moral D's and the MSM had established was "lying to the public, and doing a coverup". Such a standard was asserted to be "patriotic and bi-partisan", however the Slick Willie affair (pun intended) would give us total proof it was not.

There aren't any Democrats that put the nation ahead of political power, so perjury, direct lies to the American people, any sort of "decency" as a presidential standard, etc went completely out the window in the late '90s. The D's and the MSM (but I repeat myself) made it clear that this idea of "courage" in this context was actually a one way street that they were willing to laughingly call "courage" when R's hung themselves, but nothing  that a D ever even considered. ("Democrat Morals" see situational, see oxymoron, see power)

So, under BO, lying about films causing Ambassadors to be killed, using the IRS to attack your politcal opponents, extra Constitutional exec orders, spending funds never appropriated by Congress, being sued, and losing, etc, etc became "business as usual". Not even worth having a discussion with the D's about enforcing the Constitution -- that isn't something they do. POWER is their game! 24K emails show up missing at the IRS and Lois Lerner takes the 5th? Ho hum ... what parts of Deep State, D,  and MSM do you not understand?

And thus we descended into and now live in BOistan.

Firing an FBI Director is actually completely within the scope of a president's authority -- if you check carefully, the FBI is under the executive branch. When Slick Willie fired William Sessions on July 19th, '93,  it was such a sad event that it caused Vince Foster to commit suicide. The Snopes attempt to call the FACT that the firing happened one day before old Vince turned up dead is a "mixture of true and false", BECAUSE there **IS** no suspicion involved! How true your "fact" **is** from the left depends on how unfortunate it may be -- if it is really unfortunate, enven direct facts like dates are only "mixed". (also, your definition of "is")

As my readers know, we live in a country where "facts" are now completely partisan. It is extremely true that correlation does not equal causality. It does not however follow that correlation is completely un-interesting when one party is involved and total proof of wrongdoing if the other is implicated.

In our present insane universe, "where there is smoke there is fire" has to first be poltically tested -- D involved? Smoke unrelated to fire. R involved? Truism stands -- GOTTA be SOMETHING there!

The Deep State is in "go for it mode" -- probably up to guys like "we do whatever it takes for the media to like us" Johnny McCain if they can take Trump down. We knew this would happen after all ...

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Left is Death, Carson to Colbert

Stephen Colbert Is No Johnny Carson | National Review:

Or as Prager put it, "Whatever the left touches it ruins".

Colbert said on live network non-cable TV of the president of a once-great nation that; "The only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s c***holster.”

This from the part of the political spectrum that expects what men say to each other in ostensively private conversation is to be judged harshly. Really? By what standard? We live in a failed state where Colbert and much worse is the standard ... that is what "the left" has brought us. 

As I've covered before, "left and right" are nothing less than "Satan vs God". Jesus sits on the right hand of God the Father. There are many people that follow the left that would even consider themselves to be Christians, but it is the definite home of the atheist, the communist, the abortionist and the immature of all ages. 

And, of course, it is inconceivable that he would have used the language Colbert used. Kids could watch The Tonight Show, because he — and we — lived in a pre-Left age, when grown-ups thought that they had a responsibility to be good models to young people, in other words, to be adults. But the Left has never been comfortable with growing up.
I was privliged to grow up in that Great America ... maturity, standards, CLASS, decency, patriotism, respect ... all "Gone With the Wind". Replaced by BOistan ... meaningless destruction, the mark of Satan, the mark of our age.

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Conviction, Guess The Party?

Ex-Florida Congresswoman Convicted of Taking Money Meant for Charity -

Not very hard to guess -- if it isn't in the headline, you know ... have to read a long way in this one before they tell you. For some reason, those that are all excited about "helping" tend to more often than not find a way to "help themselves"!

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None Blacker Than 11, Comey

The end of America and the entrance to BOistan was a painful time, however we have lived in a "joke of a stan" for at least 3 years now. If one can't enjoy dark political humor, there is really none left.

I found the BO years to be the "Wizard of Oz" presidency, perhaps "Spinal Tap" is the metaphor for this one. For those of you unaware, just watch it, a little refresher ...

The video in the linked article is a worthy watch for perspective -- or really for an introduction to lack thereof. If the "stupid party" (R) has learned anything since Watergate (and that is always doubtful) it ought to be that "The Party" (TP-D) assumes it is the RULING PARTY at all times, because if nothing else it owns the "Deep State" -- all the alphabet soup of agencies including DOJ, FBI, NSA, CIA, etc, and naturally, they are at WAR with Trump. If the R's don't stay solid, TP wins again.

McCain will blather -- he loves the sound of his own voice a little bit more when there is a microphone in front of him, and apparently his true genius is fratricide, but if the party has a LICK of sense, this will be a complete yawn -- go on with some boring "investigations", let the D's continue to stew in their own juices.

As soon as an R is elected, there ought to be a ticker running on the news stations all the time "Democrats seek Special Prosecutor" ... does the "reason" really matter?

Hey, at least we know "this is it", this is as dark as it gets ... "worse than Watergate", the previous darkest of all -- the sun actually came up here in Rochester this AM. I'm certain that DC looks like Mordor, I wish they would put out some video of the big eye on top of the Washington Monument, that would be COOL!

When Comey testified that he decided to close the investigation of Hillary because Slick and Lynch met, that was enough for me.

I find that Scott Adams has an interesting view as always here ...

Now we have a bizarre situation in which both sides (Demcrats and Republicans) wanted Comey fired, but they had different reasons for wanting it. Democrats were upset that he might have torpedoed Hillary Clinton’s campaign by talking about the Weiner laptop discovery of additional Clinton emails close to Election Day. And Republicans hated Comey for not pursuing a criminal case against Clinton for her email server misdeeds. That’s the perfect set-up for cognitive dissonance. I’ll explain: 
Democrats and the Opposition Media reflexively oppose almost everything President Trump does. This time he gave them something they wanted, badly, but not for the reason they wanted. That’s a trigger. It forces anti-Trumpers to act angry in public that he did the thing they wanted him to do. And they are.
I wonder along with I think everyone (Trump himself?) if he truly has an agenda beyond "stirring the pot and getting a lot of attention".  I agree he is a "master persuader" as Adams points out, the question is what is the persuasion about vs "hey, look at me!".

What Trump does every day is hold the mirror of our own national tribalism up to our faces as I covered here.

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Weird Moment You Know You Are a Sheep

The weird moment on Colbert’s show that captured our political whiplash - The Washington Post:

The sheep have no mind of their own ... they follow their master. Which is GREAT if their master is Christ, but pitiful when their master is Steve Colbert, MSNBC, Fox, or NPR.

I'd argue that even though the media claims there to be many mindless Trump followers, there are few. The MSM has made quite sure that anyone that is not their abject follower has a mind of their own -- it is harder to make someone with a mind of their own become convinced that they oght to bleat however their shepherd asks. Christ is of  course the GOOD SHEPHERD ... bleating to his call is a joy. Steven Colbert? Well ...

The news of James Comey’s political demise had broken less than 10 minutes before Stephen Colbert began his late-show taping on Tuesday evening. And when he informed his live audience, trapped in a dead-zone soundstage — “the FBI director has just been fired by Donald Trump” — they initially reacted by breaking into cheers. 
This was a man, after all, that Colbert’s liberal-leaning viewership had viewed as a bad guy. He raised Hillary Clinton’s email scandal from the dead; he might have cost her the election. 
“Wow, wow,” Colbert said, appearing taken aback by the applause. “Huge, huge Donald Trump fans here tonight.”
The poor sheeple hadn't been told what to think yet, and they have no minds of their own. Their leadership had told them Comey was a BAD MAN ... he was one of those evil people that had cost St Hildebreast the office they had been assured she richly deserved and was guarenteed to get! Many TP leaders had called for Comey's ouster -- certainly the ouster happening must  be GOOD NEWS!

Much like retailiation for the use of  chemical weapons by Syria -- why the great BO had drawn a "Red Line"!! which would normally seem quite warlike if someone with testicles was saying it.

But wait, this was TRUMP -- and the Russians were UNHAPPY, but how can THAT be? Didn't TP and BO tell us that the now evil Russians formerly of "the 1980's called and wanted their foreign policy back", but now morphed into evil even though they keep us in space -- were the GOOD guys in Syria? Why BO and John Kerry assured us those same Russians had removed ALL the chemical weapons from Syria!

Why, it is as if TP and it's media arm are themselves confused -- certain, but certainly wrong -- and thus the masses sitting in the stands for "Bread and Circuses" become confused. Who do they cheer, and who do they boo? They certainly  no longer can figure it out for themselves, they must be TOLD!

And so they bleat.

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Sunday, May 07, 2017

Mind Numbing Reality and Opposition

Before Trump was elected, I covered the fact that he would be strongly opposed from BOTH SIDES ... Democrats and Republicans have been in power in DC for a LONG time, and they BOTH like power. They also like to use that power to improve the lives of themselves and their friends, so lots of cushy appointed positions have been added to our behemoth federal ship of state.

If you want your mind numbed, read through the linked column of some of the "missing":

At the State Department, Rex Tillerson is operating with 110 fewer presidential appointees than he should be. He’s missing a deputy secretary, a chief financial officer, an undersecretary for management, an assistant secretary for legislative affairs, an assistant secretary for intelligence, a coordinator for counter-terrorism, a representative to the European Union, and a special envoy for North Korea. There are no ambassadors to Germany, Canada, France, the Holy See, India, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, or South Korea, and there is no permanent representative to NATO.
I'm not sure I can complete my day knowing that we are missing an ambassador to the Holy See!

This particular article is from National Review -- it is mildly suspicious of Trump's competence relative to this ... many of those on the left are SCATHING! Total confirmation that Trump is massively incompetent!

Usually, in order to judge something like this we need to ask the Henny Youngman question "How's your wife?" .... "Compared to what?". Due to the wonder of the internet, it is very easy to find such comparative material. Here is some from the NY Times, May 2nd 2013, a similar time into the SECOND term of BO.

Hmm, so we have media writing articles about something that looks to be an issue in at least all recent administrations, and we are to be concerned? So what do we glean from this?

  1. Our government is so huge it is beyond human comprehension. EVERYONE is lost ... the media, the population, the government bureaucrats themselves, etc. 
  2. Media primarily sells words and they have to keep churning them out all the time -- left, right, etc, it is words, words, words, and any level of PERSPECTIVE, let alone "wisdom" is completely lacking. 
  3. So here we are, left on our own to try to figure it out ... therefore, NEVER trust the media, ANY media! 

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Thursday, May 04, 2017

Historty, Hatred, Civil Wars, The Liberal Mind

Trump’s woefully ignorant beliefs about the Civil War and Andrew Jackson - The Washington Post:

Understanding the liberal mind is one of my passions. The key is nearly always "consistency is NOT an issue" ... in fact, it is typically seen as something to be avoided from the left. It estabilishes truth as being contextual and fungible and therefore allows many times failed collectivist doctrines to be seen as "new and untried". 

Consistency is a basic human problem/challenge -- the two logical ways to handle it are to attempt to achieve it, or deny that it is possible, and by extension to "feel good", not desireable. 

In this case, nearly anyone that has scratched the surface of American HIstory, in which the Civil War looms large, has wondered "Why here?" ... slavery died around the world with increasing moral outrage and application of technology to slave tasks. Yet here it meant war. 

The left TYPICALLTY finds war to be justifiably abhorrent -- nearly any level of negoitaion / bargaining / even capitulation is considered superior to the application of violence. 

I DO understand the current level of left wing emotional hatred of Trump, and in this instance, that seems clearly operative. Trump said it, we hate Trump, ergo ... 

I'm a follower of NPR as part of my balanced media diet. I commend them as to not being willing to abandon all intellectual honesty and even stand by quietly. because they know better. 

The "dumbing down" of America since the 1950s has led us on a direct path to where we are today. The courage of those on both sides to do what NPR did in this case is probably the only way out without the current "Cold Civil War" turning unfortunately "hot". I pray that eventually we follow such wisdom.

In an interview that aired Monday, President Trump…

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Milbankian Causal Insanity

Now we know: Bill Clinton cost his wife the presidency - The Washington Post:

This rather insane column is a solid insight into how the leftist mind works.

1. Hillary Clinton sets up an illegal private server in her basement that is thinly defeneded from hacking.

2. She uses the server during her time at the State Department to hide her illegal foundation activities in the "Clinton Fund" ... funds, for Clintons, as well as storing / transmitting multiple documents classified "Top Secret' ... an eat off a tin tray felony.

3. She repeatedly lies about was on the server "personal yoga schedules", NOTHING classified in any way, etc, etc.

4. So she gets investigated ... and any other American would go to prison. HOWEVER
The specific reason he cited: Bill Clinton’s decision to board Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane in late June, when their planes were both on a tarmac in Phoenix. “The capper was — and I’m not picking on Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who I like very much — but her meeting with President Clinton on that airplane was the capper for me,” Comey said. Comey decided to “step away” and announce, without consulting the Justice Department, that Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be charged.
Ergo ... "Hillary losing was Bill Clinton's fault"!!!!

Let's rewind -- first of all, I'm no fan of Slick Willie.

Second, even in the "proximate causes" area, are we expected to believe that the Attorney General of the US has no ability to decline a private meeting with the well-known husband of a target of an investigation by her own agency? Clearly Comey thought there was DEFINITE meaning in her decision ... My boss is willing to break protocol and publicly meet with the husband of an investigation target, ergo, we are NOT going to prosecute this particular target ...

But seriously folks. WHO is it that set up the server in the first place and willfully broke a ton of laws in the process? HILLARY CLINTON!!!!

In the lefty universe, there is no truth, so there can be no causality. It's "the Russians fault", "Comey's fault", etc, etc. Even someone running for the highest office in the US from the left does not bear responsibiliuty for their own behavior nor the operation of their campaign. In the lefty world, they are NEVER responsible!

My personal guess is that "Deploreables" cost her enough votes to lose ... along with fainting in public, lying repeatedly, rigging the primaries and getting caught, etc, etc. She has to be the most unlikeable person to ever run for the presidency and that is saying a lot!

The AMAZING thing is that even with all that, she still only lost by an electoral landslide -- which in my book is more indicitive of the level of vote fraud in the country than anything else. A lefty can be a complete charlatan, run as such, and because the "dead, imaginary and undocumneted democrat" vote still goes 100% for them, they still win the popular vote!

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Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Trump, 2016 Election, Media

Donald Trump can't stop talking (and talking) about the 2016 election -

You have to love the media -- story after story about how "Trump can't stop talking/thinking about 2016" ... and they are certain that it is going to HURT him bigtime (you know how the MSM is always concerned about what is best for Trump!).

Here is the NY Times with BO in Missouri in July of 2010, a full year and 1/2 after his narrow loss in Missouri while taking the presidency in 2008. Strangely, the Times seems to be very OK with BO thinking about 2008 in 2010, and even making extensive trips to Missouri based on the 2008 results.

I suppose one conclusion could be that the media loves Trump and hated BO, so they are trying to help Trump now by pointing out the error of his ways, while back in 2010, they hated BO, so they faked like it was a good idea to waste time on Missouri based on 2008 results.

Or it might be the reverse -- which I believe.

Further evidence for either my view or the thought that the liberal press is of AT LEAST two minds is this artiicle headlined "Democrats Say They Know Exactly Why Hillary Lost". Hint, it's not Russians, it is low black turnout and BO voters that crossed over to Trump, possibly by way of Sanders.` I could SWEAR I've read more than a few retrospecitves of the 2016 election from the left. If they can't give up thinking about it is it REALLY any surprise that Trunp hasn't?

How many presidents quit thinking and talking  about their great victories before they die? I'd say NONE. Obviously, the MSM will continue remembering BO's victories as they remember Slick Willie's victories very fondly for a very long time. Reagan's victories, W's victories, and now Trump's victory are naturally hated.

What is new about any of this? Nothing ...

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Word Deniers, Meaning Deniers

Climate Changes Activists: Science Deniers | National Review:

Jonah gets into my topic a little bit in the linked column. We all understand that the term "denier" is intended to bring up the image of a HOLOCAUST "denier" and thus mentally put those whose opinions on climate change differ from those who see it as an immediate existential threat in the most horrid light imaginable.

The word "denier" ties people labeled with it to those who would deny the closest thing to metaphysical evil recognized in the post-modern, post-truth materialist west. It is the medieval equivalent of labelling someone "demonic or satanic" ... it is "beyond the pale", and any remotely decent modern person should be willing to do ANYTHING to avoid that label from the POV of the priesthood of the left.

But does it work?

It has an effect. As Orwell covered so well in "Animal Farm" and "1984", language control by the powerful has a HUGE effect on the human psyche. The level of indoctrination of the youth is certainly the reason we see riots at Berkley over the very IDEA that they would be "exposed" to the horrors of speech from people identified as being as close to metaphysical spiritual evil as our insane modern world can imagine.

So they riot. Their actions are similar to burning Joan of Arc or witches in the past. They see the horror of what has been conjured to be "the ultimate evil" as simply beyond their capacity to resist -- it must be STAMPED OUT!  Like Odysseus having his ears plugged with wax and being tied to the mast so he would be saved from the siren's song, they do their modern version so they can resist the horror of Ann Coulter. What if some heard her siren wail? It is too horrible to even contemplate.

The insanity of this world however is that on one hand, post-modernism would tell us that words are only meaningful in terms of power. There is no "truth" ... not philosophical, not scientific and certainly not transcendent / theological. The only "truth" **IS** POWER, thus the riots.

Is the descent into violent physical power being the only coin of the realm being carried out by intellectuals that understand all of this, or is it merely an accident of leaving the world of transcendent meaning behind?

Since I refuse to look at my opponents on the left as idiots, I'm forced to pretty much assume malevolence on their part -- unless they can read, understand, and refute "Ideas Have Consequences".

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Monday, May 01, 2017

ESPN More Selective

Here's Some Evidence ESPN's Politics Are Impacting Its Audience | National Review:

Much like the Democratic Party, ESPN seems to feel these times call for being "more selective" relative to their market. The D's of late want to "focus their appeal" on on those who are excited about killing babies ... tepid aquencence is just no longer sufficient. Science? oh, you have to be FOR the new branding of that as well which includes "sex junk".

ESPN viewership in OH used to tilt RIGHT (oh, horror!), but they "fixed that", now the much smaller viewership tilts left. SUCCESS!

The Spinal Tap clip is a classic!

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