Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rules For Radicals

"A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals", by Saul Alinsky.

This book is considered the "bible" for the Community Organizer, which is of course the only non-governmental position of any stature ever held by BO, and has been regularly in the news with the ACORN scandals.

The book is quite well written and very (surprisingly) honest. Alinsky is not only highly intelligent, but I'd assert he portrays the outlook of the modern "liberal" as directly and well as anyone that I have read. The key points here are PRAGMATIC and REALISTIC -- while many liberals (Lakoff being a great example) are highly intelligent, they often never get down to what it is that they are really trying to get done and how they are going to accomplish it. Alinsky does, and everyone that doesn't share the liberal class warfare view ought to be warned through actually reading this.

On the cover notes, you will find:

"Lest we forget at lest an over the shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer."

Everyone that believes they share the "progressive" view would be well served to get down to brass tacks and understand what it is that they are signing up for!

Page 31, last paragraph:
Those that would be critical of the ethics of Lincoln's reversal of positions have a strangely unreal picture of static unchanging world, where one remains firm and committed to certain so-called principles or positions. In the politics of human life, consistency is not a virtue.
There, stated with clarity is what I have long observed as the only core and unchanging liberal position. "Consistency is not a virtue". In fact, I'd argue that it isn't even "an issue" -- their view of reality is such that it is a concept that simply doesn't register. Before you sign up, realize that true "liberals" and "progressives" eschew any idea of fixed thought on anything but what they want --**power**!!!  EVERYTHING else is completely fungible if it leads to a centralized totalitarian state where they have total and absolute control. "Women's rights", "Income Equality", "Climate Change' ...  all just means to the end of totalitarian control.

The second element of liberalism that I believe this book shows with clarity is that of "ends and means" -- we often know the CLAIMED ends of liberals. "Peace, harmony, removal of want, dignity for all, equality of everything, etc", but what they are often lacking in just what MEANS must be employed to achieve their goals. Not Alinsky. Page 142 and 143 cover a good example of a tactic he was extremely proud of, although just the threat got what he wanted. The "shit in".

I'm not going to quote a lot, essentially it is the realization that when people get off a plane, they often have to use the restroom. So Alinsky and company had a plan to have blacks fill all the stalls at all the bathrooms at O'Hare and then have a set of roving black men to fill the urinals in the area of the airport where flights were coming in. Here he is enjoying what this would entail:
One can see children yelling at their parents, "Mommy I've got to go", and desperate mothers surrendering, "All right then, Do it right here". O'Hare would soon become a shambles.
It turned out that this tactic was "leaked" (and Alinsky takes great joy in that "Freudian slip"), so the Alisky demands were met without them having to actually do this, but the willingness was not in question.

The need for use of bathroom facilities for ourselves and our children is something that humanity all shares. I remind you that this book is THE BIBLE for Community organizers!! They, and our current president see Saul Alinsky as a GREAT MAN! I'd say there is a good deal of difference between the founder of Christianity, Jesus, healing and holding the children and feeding the masses, and the founder of ACORN and BOism taking glee in the denial of the most basic of human needs to children. Not really surprising if you see no problem with killing them in their mother's womb I guess.

That is because I foolishly believe in a level of morality that transcends simply getting what I want through taking it from others by any means  -- and often find it hard to believe that there are those like Alinsky and his acolytes, Hildebeast and BO, that do not share that form of morality.

Page 43, near the bottom.
Moral rationalization is indispensable at all times of action whether to justify the selection of the use of ends or means. Machiavelli's blindness to the necessity for moral clothing to all actions and motives -- he said "politics has no relation to morals"--was his major weakness.

All great leaders, including Churchill, Gandhi, Lincoln and Jefferson, always invoked "moral principles" to cover naked self-interest in the clothing of "freedom" "equality" of mankind, "a law higher than man-made law", and so on. This even held under circumstances of national crisis when it was universally assumed that the end justified any means. All effective actions require the passport of morality.
More accurately than "the passport of morality" would be the "cloak of morality". As you read Alinsky, you realize that the ends always justify the means!

Why does "progressivism" (certainly the theft of this term from those who believe in actual human liberty and dignity ought to be abhorrent to any reader of this blog by now!) still live on? Because when you couple "consistency is not a virtue" with joy at the prospect of the most basic denial of human dignity to even children, with the underlying essence that there IS NO MORALITY, yet one must "fake it for the masses", you have something "powerful". (as one often says of BO, "powerful, but power isn't everything"!)

In reading this book, I'm reminded of Luke's question to Yoda in Star Wars, "Is the Dark Side stronger?". Yoda says "no", but one wonders. In this universe, those that believe are assured that Christ is already victorious, but day to day I find that question is always a challenge to my faith. As the Psalmist often says -- how much must we endure Lord?

Page 194:
The middle classes are numbed, bewildered, scared into silence. They don't know what, if anything, they can do. This is the job for today's radical-- to fan the embers of hopelessness into a flame to fight. To say, "You cannot cop out as have many of my generation!" "You cannot turn away--look at it--let us change it together!". ...

It is a job first of bringing hope and doing what every organizer must do with all people, all classes, places and times --communicate the means or tactics whereby the people can feel that they have the power to do this and that and on.
Hope and change, for "this and that and on". What is the "it" that is being changed? To the organizer , it doesn't really matter -- the system, the corporation, capitalism, America, the Constitution, society, white folks thinking,  ending Christianity --- "hope, change and action", that is what is important. Revolution, movement, CHANGE!! This was written in 1971, but until the US has becomes a totalitarian leftist state, the battle cry will be the same. BO is just more direct about it than recent liberals.

I could go on and on. He does actually cover "the rules", there are like 12 of them. I love the 5th rule -- "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule."

I strongly suspect that many of our media friends are well aware of this one. Immediately during the Bush administration from the media to the late night talk shows, the ridicule of Bush and Cheney became universal. Sometimes it had some basis in truth, most times it was simply a caricature that was used to denigrate them. It worked extremely well with 80%+ of the population, the dark side IS very strong at a minimum.

Note the difference with BO. It is HARD to find him being ridiculed -- in fact, based on the most recent "hate speech" bill signed into law, is it even LEGAL to ridicule him? He is a black man after all. We know that BO read and used the tactics in this book with regularity. He venerated Alinsky. Is it out of character for him to limit speech such that one of the tactics that he knows like a Christian knows Prayer would be illegal to be used against him?

READ THIS BOOK!!! If you are a "liberal" read it and decide if the tenets laid out here are really what you have in mind. Don't believe me on how important this book is to your own movement. LOOK IT UP YOURSELF!!! This is the BIBLE of our current "messiah" BO! This book is dedicated to Lucifer -- are you?

If you consider yourself conservative, moderate or Christian (and note, in reading this book, there is NO WAY that any Christian can be a Community Organizer and venerate Saul Alinsky), then READ IT to know your enemy!

We are in grave danger.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity

Read the subject book by Mark A. Knoll for a Church book club. Very well done and somewhat surprising book. I grew up in a fairly far-out fundamentalist Baptist church that occasionally brought in people from Wheaton College in Chicago. Since that church was so fire-breathing anti-Catholic (the Catholic church was "the Harlot" of Revelation, "the woman that sits on seven hills") I expected something of that view here. Noll is a professor at Wheaton, but either Wheaton has changed, or Noll is quite the liberal for that school.

The biggest impression that hits me is the same one that happens every time I read about church history -- one has to be fairly "liberal minded" in one way relative to Christianity to NOT be a Catholic. The story of the Christian church for most of it's history is very much the story of the Catholic Church.

The biggest thing I learned about was "The Great Schism" in 1000 to 1100, where the Orthodox and Roman church split. The disaster of the 4th crusade of 1202 sacking Constantinople was also a revelation to me.

The "turning points" picked were the following:

  1. The Fall of Jerusalem (70) -- the church pushed out of it's cradle.
  2. The Council of Nicea (325) -- The origin of the creed most Christians agree with.
  3. The Council of Chalcedon (451) -- Politics and the Church
  4. Foundation of the Benedictines (530) -- The importanc e of monks to the church
  5. The Coronation of Charlemagne (800) -- Church and State rule Europe
  6. The Great Schism (1054) -- East and West divide.
  7. The Diet of Worms (1521) -- Martin Luther and the Reformation
  8. The English Church Splits (1534) -- The state splits from Rome
  9. The Founding of the Jesuits (1540) -- The great Catholic missionary movement
  10. The Conversion of the Wesleys (1738) -- Religion as personal piety
  11. The French Revolution (1789) -- Secularism turns on religion
  12. Edinburgh Missionary Conference (1910) -- Roots of ecumenicalism
  13. Further turning points in the 20th century
I rather enjoyed the book, but it is one that most folks would find quite dense and overly detailed -- for "the masses" I would suggest something lighter, but then without all the detail, it is very hard to see the reality of the importance of the church to western civilization.

How Stimulating

Stimulus creates 650,000 jobs - White House says - Oct. 30, 2009

Love the CNN headline, even the BO administration only lies with "saved or created", but CNN has to trump it up to "CREATED"! NPR takes the highest figure stated "saved or created" a MILLION jobs and reports it as gospel.

Ah yes, I can remember after 9-11 when the economy had turned around but the MSM was trying to mute it -- it was ALWAYS called a "jobless recovery" and a typical headline would go "Job's Fall 20,000 Short" ... when you read the article you found out that 250K jobs had been "expected" by somebody (the guy writing the article?),  but ONLY 230K were actually created, so "The Bush policies had failed again". Those were the days!

Nice Noonan

Peggy Noonan: We're Governed by Callous Children -

The biggest threat to America right now is not government spending, huge deficits, foreign ownership of our debt, world terrorism, two wars, potential epidemics or nuts with nukes. The biggest long-term threat is that people are becoming and have become disheartened, that this condition is reaching critical mass, and that it afflicts most broadly and deeply those members of the American leadership class who are not in Washington, most especially those in business.

It is a story in two parts. The first: "They do not think they can make it better.
I agree. I was around in '78-'82 and I think Peggy calls it perfectly:
I talked this week with a guy from Big Pharma, which we used to call "the drug companies" until we decided that didn't sound menacing enough. He is middle-aged, works in a significant position, and our conversation turned to the last great recession, in the late mid- to late 1970s and early '80s. We talked about how, in terms of numbers, that recession was in some ways worse than the one we're experiencing now. Interest rates were over 20%, and inflation and unemployment hit double digits. America was in what might be called a functional depression, yet there was still a prevalent feeling of hope. Here's why. Everyone thought they could figure a way through. We knew we could find a path through the mess. In 1982 there were people saying, "If only we get rid of this guy Reagan, we can make it better!" Others said, "If we follow Reagan, he'll squeeze out inflation and lower taxes and we'll be America again, we'll be acting like Americans again." Everyone had a path through.
I think I had a special seat, because I voted for Carter, listened to the "malaise", started reading about this thing called "conservatism" that my schooling had never exposed me to and then hoped that Reagan was right. I also got to watch while in '80-'82 the country was in worse shape than now and the majority of my college friends and even many of the people at were were "sure we had made a mistake with Reagan". BUT, BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats were "sure they had an answer that could return the country to prosperity". Now we don't. I really don't know anyone other than maybe BO himself that truly believes in BOnomics. We are going to borrow prosperity from the Chinese? Seems pretty doubtful to even the most optimistic.

I talked with an executive this week with what we still call "the insurance companies" and will no doubt soon be calling Big Insura. (Take it away, Democratic National Committee.) He was thoughtful, reflective about the big picture. He talked about all the new proposed regulations on the industry. Rep. Barney Frank had just said on some cable show that the Democrats of the White House and Congress "are trying on every front to increase the role of government in the regulatory area." The executive said of Washington: "They don't understand that people can just stop, get out. I have friends and colleagues who've said to me 'I'm done.'" He spoke of his own increasing tax burden and said, "They don't understand that if they start to tax me so that I'm paying 60%, 55%, I'll stop."

He felt government doesn't understand that business in America is run by people, by human beings. Mr. Frank must believe America is populated by high-achieving robots who will obey whatever command he and his friends issue. But of course they're human, and they can become disheartened. They can pack it in, go elsewhere, quit what used to be called the rat race and might as well be called that again since the government seems to think they're all rats. (That would be you, Chamber of Commerce.)
Peggy doesn't know the half of it. The left could care less about any thoughts of "motivation", I believe that many more of them than anyone realizes would just as soon put the "tax cows" in big concentration work camps right now. Why can't the "disenfranchised" just be awarded what they want? Isn't it "selfish" of someone that studied hard, built skills and is marketable to not make as much money as possible so it can be handed to those that didn't develop any skills and have no intention of doing so?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dismantling America

RealClearPolitics - Dismantling America

Sowell has another good one. Not that there was an awful lot of America left after Lincoln, TR, FDR and LBJ ... but it seems that BO may well apply the Coup De Grace.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We Were Warned

Works and Days » All Falling Down . . .

Not that anyone that isn't completely blind didn't see that BO was a disaster before he was ever elected, but it never hurts to look reality in the maw. I like his closing:

I hope I am wrong about all of the above, and that human nature really has magically changed in the era of Obama. So close your eyes, listen to the Messiah’s voice, and repeat: “Debts will be forgiven by creditors; inflation will not follow from massive borrowing; breakthroughs in solar and wind will power our cars and heat our homes; enemies will admire our compassion and join us to achieve world peace; and terrorists are either misunderstood or provoked needlessly by our bellicosity that alone stands in the way of peace.”

Believe all that and you can lay back and enjoy the age of Obama.

No Kidding

‘Jobs Created or Saved’ Is White House Fantasy: Caroline Baum -

Maybe some folks outside of the 40% of people that are conservative and Fox news will finally realize just how stupid a "created or saved" statistic is.

This is a nice little point not covered in the MSM that might make your stomach drop a bit if you know anything about business:
No wonder capital spending plans were at an all-time low in the third quarter, according to the NFIB monthly survey.
All-time low? Oh my god! It makes sense, it is just about as sobering as the two wars that are now falling apart under the mismanagement and dithering of his royal BOness.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Anyone for "Ism"?

Old cartoon, but it is a problem that never goes away. "Let me sell you something that is too good to be true" -- retirement without savings, "free" medical care, guaranteed wages, "freedom" from personal responsibility. The ranks of the gullible are always significant.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Atlas Hugged

Mark Sanford on Ayn Rand | Newsweek Books |

Rather interesting little writeup on Ayn Rand by Mark Sanford, yes, THAT Mark Sanford. Interesting how Slick Willie was a far worse womanizer, and Teddy K even managed to kill his young lover, yet they are still just fine. My gut reaction to Mark Sanford is the same as it is to Slick and Teddy -- however I suspect that neither of them either are or would have been writing anything in praise of the ideals of Ayn.

Secret Polls

Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group

If one listens to the MSM, music, and watches movies, it seems that conservatism is some fringe viewpoint shared by only a very few folks of lower intelligence, lack of education and most likely "clinging to their guns and religion". How strange that Gallup has kept track, and since '92, self-identified conservatives are always around 40% of the population, and self-identified liberals are always around 20%.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Left View of BO Fox Attack

Fox News -

I like to read both sides. The defense is essentially:

  • Fox news really IS biased -- with a list of folks that work there that have connections to Republicans. What isn't mentioned is that in poll after poll 90+ % of the mass media are Democrats and many people in the current MSM once worked for Democrats. Whose kettle is the most black? It is very hard to tell, but since Fox stands pretty much alone on the conservative side other than talk radio, it isn't hard to see how they may have some degree of a "bunker mentality".
  • Nixon was a lot worse than BO. Probably true -- I really think Hitler was a lot worse than W as well, but that didn't stop a lot of people from trying to make the association. I'd like to think that given the CONTEXT, where Nixon had essentially zero media friends and BO has a bunch, Nixon had very little party power in congress and BO has a bunch, Nixon inherited a war in which 10's of thousands had died and we had 500K in the field, while BO inherited 2 wars which we were winning, and are still winning on one of them --- etc, etc. The point is, Nixon had it just a teeny weeny bit tougher than BO. I don't recall multiple assassinations and riots last year as I do from '68. Watergate and the enemies list also didn't occurr in Nixon's first year of his first term -- BO is in a different time when I think we all thought that anything like the Fox attacks was past us, he has near absolute media power, wanting to get to absolute power ought given any thinking person pause and last I recall, Nixon didn't run as "the messiah of openness and light". Given CONTEXT, I find the BO-Nixon comparison to have far more merit as something to consider relative to a "dangerous direction"  than W-Hitler. Hey, Bush didn't even had a symbol -- BO does. The swastika wasn't bad prior to Hitler -- what might the future of the "rainbow O" be?
It is interesting to watch a far left outlet rise up in defense of attacks on a free press. When your guy is in power and your ethics are all situational by design, the world looks MUCH different.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Nothing to Trickle

RealClearMarkets - Paul Krugman, and the Middle-Class Champion Myth

Since the '80s, the left has howled in anger and laughter at "trickle down economics" -- the idea that "a rising tide lifts all boats". They have worked hard statistically and rhetorically to claim the the rich have gotten richer, but the poor are no better off. Much like thinking of global warming while the snow piles up in MN on the 23rd of October, they have managed to do this while the "poor" have cell phones, flat panel tvs, high speed internet and their most prevalent health problem is obesity.

Shrinking the "wealth gap" by making everyone worse off is a cynical way to "champion the middle class".

To some, Paul Krugman is a champion of the middle and lower classes given his desire to shrink the gap between those with and without money. But for his views on the dollar alone, it's apparent that his reputation lacks merit.

Krugman's support of weak currency policies erode the earnings of those who can afford it least, reduce the investment necessary to create jobs and wages, and drive down the very investment returns necessary to lift the fortunes of those seeking to increase their wealth. Far from a champion of the middle and lower classes, Krugman's views correlate with wealth destruction, and if implemented, his ideas will only shrink the wealth gap insofar as all of us will become worse off.

I Applaud the MSM!!!

RealClearPolitics - White House Tactics Go Too Far

No cynicism, apparently even the MSM has a limit:
At first, there was little reaction from other media. Then on Thursday, the administration tried to make them complicit in an actual boycott of Fox. The Treasury Department made available Ken Feinberg, the executive pay czar, for interviews with the White House "pool" news organizations -- except Fox. The other networks admirably refused, saying they would not interview Feinberg unless Fox was permitted to as well. The administration backed down.
As Charles does a great job of pointing out, this administration is going where none has gone before with heavy handed authoritarianism. Sure, Nixon had his "enemies list", but since it was published and laughed at, it is clear that it had no real meaning. This is different. BO and company is singling out and making direct attempts to destroy Fox news. It is time for Americans to start to get the message that there are plenty of issues that go beyond politics, because if we don't, we will all be towing the line to one view "or else". Where "or else" means people that dissent being investigated, taxed, regulated and boycotted -- BY THE GOVERNMENT! Wake up and smell the BO!
The signal to corporations is equally clear: You might have dealings with a federal behemoth that not only disburses more than $3 trillion every year but is extending its reach ever deeper into private industry -- finance, autos, soon health care and energy. Think twice before you run an ad on Fox.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Supporting BO for a Million?

The Associated Press: Analysis: Courting doctors in health care battle

So 250K doctors and med students split up $250 Billion in money?

Would you support BOcare for a MILLION DOLLARS??? So BO and the Democrats are bribing Doctors a million bucks EACH to support BOcare!! How does that grab you for corruption?

Now the bill's supporters are making a play to lock in the American Medical Association, the organization that says it represents 250,000 doctors and medical students in every state and congressional district. The principal enticement, a $247 billion measure making its way to the Senate floor, aims to wipe out a scheduled 21 percent rate cut for doctors treating Medicare patients and replace it with a permanent, predictable system for future fee increases.