Sunday, December 08, 2013

Making Gun "News" Via Fabrication

The real tragedy of America's gun violence – Global Public Square - Blogs:

No unusual shootings going on, SO, let's MAKE some negative gun "news" as a "public service" BANNER HEADLINE:

Naturally, since the facts don't fit the narrative of our anti gun story, let's make some up!
And we do have an actual experiment. In the aftermath of its own Newtown-like massacre, Australia changed its gun laws. The result? Homicides and suicides plummeted in the decade that followed. Of course, like all real world problems, the link between guns and violence is a complex issue. But one rarely has so much evidence pointing in the same direction.
Only a couple of tiny problems here:
  1. One would have THOUGHT they would have stated "GUN homicides and suicides plummeted" ... because of course homicides and suicides were unaffected. People just used other means! 
  2. However, they are STILL WRONG, not even GUN RELATED HOMICIDES and SUICIDES DROPPED! Here we have that from the noted right wing media outlet Time Magazine ... Stating in the headline "Australia's Gun Laws: Little Effect"
So in fact the entire article is nothing but a lie!! But there is MORE! We make the gratuitous snarky claim that "does ANYONE think that we have 12x the psychologically troubled people"?
America's per capita gun homicide rate in 2009 was 12 times higher than the average of Canada, Germany, Australia and Spain. Does anyone think that we have 12 times as many psychologically troubled people as they do in these countries?
Note the persistence of their use of GUN HOMICIDE as opposed to HOMICIDE. Unfortunately for the news MAKERS at CNN the Time article gives us an answer:
Firearm homicides in Australia were declining before 1996 and the decline has simply continued at the same rate since, McPhedran says. (In 2002-3, Australia's rate of 0.27 gun-related homicides per 100,000 people was one fifteenth that of the U.S. rate.)
So PRIOR to the great leap forward of Australia gun confiscation, the rate was 15X in the Aussies sane advantage, but AFTER it was only 12x!! So what is "anyone" to think? Rounding up the guns caused 3 points MORE psychosis relative to US?? It CERTAINLY wasn't guns, right?? They were confiscated! But the Aussies got WORSE by 3 pts relative to the US.
In a world where sane people held sane discussions, there are LOTS of "reasonable thoughts" here:
  1. There may just not be enough statistical Australian data to provide accuracy at the level that comparisons are being made. (invalid statistical set)
  2. It IS possible that mental health policy in Australia is different than the US. Prior to us deciding that being "free" was a "right" even if you were insane, and having the mental institutions patients released in droves to be the "Homeless" of the Reagan years, a lot of these shooters were in institutions. It IS actually very possible that the Aussies kept 3.38 more people per 100K institutionalized! (.27 person per 100K and 4.05 person per 100K ( 4.05 is .27x15) is 3.88 people per 100K)
  3. While we are at it, is it REALLY "impossible" that there are 3.88 more crazy people per 100K WALKING AROUND in the US than in Australia? There are 33 obese people per 100 (ONE HUNDRED) people in Mississippi vs 21 per 100 in Colorado, or a difference in obesity of 12% between two states in the US. A difference of 3.88 out of 100K on the other hand is .00388 % !!! 
We know this answer folks. This BANNER HEADLINE ARTICLE is 100% false anti-gun PROPAGANDA foisted on unsuspecting people who largely buy it hook line and sinker by a media bent on removing their rights under the Constitution.

In case there is any doubt of that, they point that out at the end of the article ... the 2nd Amendment doesn't mean what it says! So there!

Why is it we can't all get along? Because given the elites and the MSM, there are a large set of people playing with their own "facts", and they want to use those fabricated facts to take away basic human rights like the right of self defense!

OZ (BO) Admits He Is Humbug!

Review & Outlook: The ObamaCare Buck Finally Stops -

As a nation loses more and more of it's will to think independently, one of the BIG warning signs is the loss of irony. If you are confident you understand irony and why it is important to humans, you can just skip to the bold below.

Since our education today is so minimal and our meaningful social interactions even less (meaning CIVIL social discussion on critical issues), I'm including a link to this SHORT and I think well executed definition of irony.

The usage called out by the linked article is essentially BO stepping into the puddle that he just criticized others for falling into ... the criticism of government.

Why is loss of the ability to detect or use irony a warning sign?

  1. The use of the Socratic method is indispensable to teaching the art of critical thought. Indoctrination can't work via that method because an intelligent and clear thinking student will often turn the tables on an arrogant and self important teacher trying to indoctrinate under the cloak of authority. So today, rote learning of the desired responses is the order of what we call "education". 
  2. There is no computerized test for irony. It is HUMAN ... and therefore related to DIVINE since man is created in Gods image. As with all human activity that is not God directed, the outcome tends toward the opposite of the stated objective.

    In the case of "secular humanism", things like the Socratic Method, irony, theology, and true philosophy have to be replaced by rote learning, name calling, anger, exclusion and similar tactics. "Uncomfortable" (for humanists) viewpoints like Christianity have to be removed from education and the public square. Viewpoints other than those proffered by the humanist need to be marginalized and eventually named "hate speech".

    Other examples of "humanism" creating the opposite (See Orwell to better understand):

    "Freedom" -- Becomes "Democracy", then Mob Rule, then Tyranny

    "Welfare" -- Becomes Dependency, Destruction of family, complete spiritual and physical destruction of person.

    "Liberal" -- Becomes Political Correctness, Totalitarian control of all of life and thought from birth to death by "experts" blocking out all thought which disagrees with current Statist objectives. (See "Road to Serfdom") 

So BO comes out and says:
"The challenge, I think, that we have going forward is not so much my personal management style or particular issues around White House organization," he said. "It actually has to do with what I referred to earlier, which is we have these big agencies, some of which are outdated, some of which are not designed properly. . . . The White House is just a tiny part of what is a huge, widespread organization with increasingly complex tasks in a complex world."
GOT THAT????? Big government is the problem! The Government has gotten too big and too complex for the poor little White House, and by extension the Great and Powerful BO himself (Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!) to execute the socialization of 1/7th of the US economy!

Had our press and people not lost the ability to understand irony and what it means for our existence, this would be FRONT PAGE NEWS!!! ... and perhaps the Great and Powerful OZ (BO) would have to come out from behind the curtain and admit even more explicitly to poor little Dorothy and Toto (the American People) that he is indeed a Humbug, a traveling nostrum salesman with no great powers whatsoever.

But we are no longer enough of a nation to even understand how exposed that man behind the curtain is, so the huge smoking, belching and thundering of our MSM and Elites will keep mesmerizing the masses even after the curtain of BO's extreme smallness and incapacity being lifted by his own hand.

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Saturday, December 07, 2013

Superpowers Return to Moon, Get Web Site Working

China launches its first moon rover mission:

While the declining US is busy trying to get a web site up to help deepen our multi-trillion deficits*  via a new health care "benefit",  China is attempting a soft landing on the moon with a rover this weekend.

China's plans include exploiting the moon for solar energy, mining and manufacturing.

They are spending 10's of billions on space including a manned program (they have their own manned space station). They seem to believe that there is some future beyond paying off debts and caring for a declining and dying elderly population.

Crazy fools. The intelligent folks are sitting around freezing here in the US worrying about Global Warming and anxiously awaiting new reports on our exciting new web site!

Ah, Irony. I used to love the US space program. Now I'm just bursting with pride that it looks like we my be making progress with an actual working web site!! ... at least BO says so, and if you like that, it must be true!  What a country!

*counting what the Fed is printing to buy bonds for nothing
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When Will the Wind Blow or Sun Shine?

Green Weenie of the Year: The Wind-Talkers | Power Line:

or what will the temperature be in a few days? A few days ago it was going to be in 20's tomorrow for a shooting event at the gun club. Now it says 18 degrees. Somehow it is shocking to nobody that our weather geniuses can predict the warming of our temperatures 100 years in the future to a half a degree, yet they often can't get within 5 degrees on the temp 3-5 days from now!

Oh, BTW, that is NOT the same as saying you know I will die someday, you just don't know when. It is more akin to predicting my weight on Jan 1 and the day I die within a pound (although MUCH harder, since the planet is even bigger than me. EVEN on January 1!!!)

Here we have a quote on the obvious from the not very right wing LA Times:
 "Green energy is the least predictable kind. Nobody can say for certain when the wind will blow or the sun will shine. A field of solar panels might be cranking out huge amounts of energy one minute and a tiny amount the next if a thick cloud arrives. In many cases, renewable resources exist where transmission lines don’t."
So it isn't very reliable, it costs too much to build without subsidies, and it kills tons of birds, bats and even Eagles.

Show them an oil soaked duck and they cry big tears. Show them piles of dead birds and bats and even a few eagles, and they yawn and extend the killing permits for 30 years.

Environmental thinking reminds me of liberal thinking on military action. If we can likely be successful and it is good for our national interests, then it is a BAD idea. If the action is neutral to negative for American interests and our prospects for success are small, then the liberal is all set to dive in!

When we used to be a rich world power, this may have been OK. Now that we are a declining debtor nation, it is less humorous!

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Friday, December 06, 2013

Never Met, Lived With, Just Did Some Weed

Obama lived with Kenyan uncle prior to law school, White House says – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs:

It's only a minor detail ... previously they "never met". Now BO lived with him 3 weeks and saw him "occasionally". Nobody cares.

The lack of curiosity about BO is pretty amazing for the MSM considering how wonderful they find him to be! They certainly were VERY interested in any possible (or even manufactured) element of W's past that was less than "Presidential".

Here is an article from Huffpo that talks about his "Choom Gang" of pot smokers, how he would jump in, grab the joint at say "intercepted" so he got more than others (why does that sound like him?), etc.

Here is a nice picture that was apparently published in Time at one point that Snopes "doesn't care" on Apparently it IS Barry, but it may or may not be weed. Again, it is not what one would consider "flattering", so we never see it.

Finally we have this "don't care" 

While "Birthers" have been booed down almost as hard as Global Warming "Deniers", it is pretty well known that Barry used whatever means he could to "operate" from Hawaii to Occidental to Columbia ... if being a "foreign student" got some $$$ it seems pretty clear he was "from Indonesia" ... or Kenya. Whatever worked to get the aid, scholarship, stipend, book deal, etc.

Was he born in Hawaii? Sure, he probably was ... but he also had 5 or so Social Security cards under "Barry Soetoro", "Barack Soetoro", "Barry Obama", etc

It seems that he used being "Kenyan" in his biography as a way to generate more interest ... or the book company did. But whatever.

The point is, it isn't an issue! The MSM has immensely enjoyed bringing up Reagan's divorce, less than flattering movies,  the fact some of his children were estranged from him. W's supposedly checkered National Guard stint, his DWI, and other supposedly damning aspects of his past were also common fare.

I'm just observing that it is MUCH different with BO.

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Thursday, December 05, 2013

Duck Dynasty vs Elites

Duck Dynasty baffles New York:

It really doesn't "baffle" NY, NY ****HATES*** DD!!

The fantasy would never happen. The DD guys would roll their eyes, go off to some other enjoyable pursuit, and wait for the PETA dweebs to get tired and bored. Certain to happen VERY soon.

BTW, were it to actually happen, Ellen would be road kill just like the other fools.

We are SUPPOSED to live in a "pluralistic society" ... you screw whatever sex (and no doubt soon "species" and "age") that you like, and we all leave one another alone. "Civilized"

Let's not be beholden to any tired old religious morals! (uh, "civilization" for a few thousand years was equal to religion, but never mind)

Oh wait! ANIMALS! Now THEY have RIGHTS .. that certainly exceed any unborn human babies so-called rights, and really any supposed "rights" that "non-native" humans think they have! (If you are "native",  kill at will)

In the perpetual "liberal" (fascist) view of "rights for me, none for thee", whatever gay pride marcher in naked regalia has pretty much UNLIMITED "rights", but the DD guy in cammo with a shotgun is supposed to kowtow to your random Hollywood Elite.

Ah, the fantasy universe that can only be reified by the VERY strong arm of the state.

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Canonization of the Mob Experts

Gaseous Anomalies, Or What Would We Do Without Expert Forecasts? | Power Line:

We were confidently told in the 70's that the "energy crisis" was ABSOLUTELY caused by the FACT that the planet was running out of oil. It was more certain than global warming is today.

In the '90s and early 2Ks we were even more confidently told that there were no oil reserves in the US that could POSSIBLY allow us to be energy independent.

Today we KNOW that the "experts" and the "Settled Wisdom" was completely wrong on both counts.

We are headed to sub-zero temps here in Rochester tonight and tomorrow night ... something that has not been an early December phenomenon for the past decade or so, but was certainly more common 30 - 40 years ago. We will no doubt hear that this is "weather" as opposed to "climate" ... something that I would whole heartedly agree with. I'd also say that anything less than 100 years is ALSO "weather".

My view from my lifetime, the reasonably accurate records since late 1800's, reasonably accurate documentation of things like the "little ice age" and "medieval warming period" in the last couple thousand years, plus the 450K years of records in the Vostok ice cores is that the "settled science" of human caused global warming is in the process of discovering the chilly effects of reality as "peak oil" already has.

"Progressivism" is highly dependent on the theory that "experts" can lead mankind to heaven on earth by "educating / conditioning / training / modifying" the "common man",  or "proletariat".

There are really only 3 major problems with this:

  1. The "experts" are often wrong. 
  2. The "experts" are no "better / intelligent / moral / etc" than the "common man" ... they just think they are. In fact, they are SURE of it!
  3. Once corrupted by power, the mere mortal "experts" will go to ALL lengths to "prove" that they are "correct / superior / moral / etc". The "all" includes sanctions against those who would dare question their position up to and including death. Millions have been the victims of this in the USSR, Nazi Germany, China, Cambodia, North Korea and other egregious examples in the last 100 years or so. 
Right now our own 2nd place progressive Poobah, Slow Joe Biden, is arguing with the Chinese Poobahs over wether the Chinese should or should not expel some US journalists for pointing out that the Chinese Poobahs are "corrupt". 

Joe and BO prefer to keep a lapdog media, audit some tea party folks, keep close surveillance on everyone's communications, and just call their opposition names (so far). The BO admin meeting with the Chinese is like the Godfather mob getting together with the the Sopranos mob to discuss methods! 

One thing is certain, both sets of "experts" will be RIGHT! (or in this case, LEFT!) 

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Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Civilly Hoping for Scott Walker Death

Lib Editor Apologizes For 'Insensitive And Inappropriate Joke' Moments After Hollywood Actor's Death | Independent Journal Review:

Liberals are always so nice and conservatives so mean. How can we even blame them for wishing that conservatives would just DIE. We deserve it after all.

Perhaps they will eventually train us to be civil. It helps that they tend to not provide much general publicity of their actual feelings about nasty folks like Christians and Conservatives!

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Sunday, December 01, 2013

The Self Made Billionaire Next Door : Menard

Meet The Best Hardware Store In the Nation, And The Midwestern Billionaire Who Built It: John Menard Jr. - Forbes:

Growing up in N WI in the '60s, the Menard's Shed was pretty ubiquitous. As I got to Eau Claire for college in the early 70's, the store/distribution center was growing like topsy on the NW side of town where I would drive in for school.

When I hit Rochester in '78, we had a good sized one well out of town to the SE on 14, today there are two ... a big one on the S side, a decent sized on across 52 from where I live, and a mega new one going up N of me on the W side of 52, which will replace the one on the E.

How do people become Billionaires? Lots of ways ... new innovative products that are transformed into monster businesses by guys like Gates and Jobs. Buying and owning quality businesses like Buffet. Being entertaining and savvy like Oprah.

Or in the case of Menard, or Walton, just taking a plain old retail niche and doing it a better way and growing their business.

Is this still the land that can be done in? The fact that Menard's is PRIVATE may indicate something of the modern requirements to operate with less government supervision to make it big.

But it at least COULD be done. Let's hope it still can.

People or PC?

A Very Dangerous Game - Thomas Sowell - Page full:

In America today, that is an easy answer.

For those of you that don't read the alternative media, it is the "Knockout Game", and it is coming to a street near you if you have not heard of it already. If it is up to the BO administration and the MSM though, you won't be aware of it until the side of your face is caved in and you get a starring spot on a celebratory YouTube. Talk about your "15 min of fame".

As always, Sowell covers it so well I have little to add ... other than he is black, brilliant and totally fearless as always!

Read it and weep for the decent nation that was once America.
"Apparently political correctness trumps human lives. 
Providing cover for hoodlums is a disservice to everybody, including members of every race, and even the hoodlums themselves. Better that they should be suppressed and punished now, rather than continue on a path that is likely to lead to prison, or even to the execution chamber."

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Fake Turkey, Fake Life, Fake Nation

Media feasting on Bush 'fake' turkey claim; false story still repeated 10 years on - Washington Times:

I ran into this today after posting this yesterday.
“It’s a real theme in so many people’s minds, it’s almost got a religious aspect to it,” said Tim Blair, a columnist at The Daily Telegraph in Australia who has tracked the story over the past decade and said it has taken on a life of its own, playing on people’s perceptions of the former president. “If you’re of the anti-Bush faith, it’s a touchstone. It’s the book of turkey.”
Yes, and there is "the book" of "misunderestimated", "Mission Accomplished", "Bush Lied", and countless others. Back then, raising the debt ceiling was in the words of a certain BO "a failure of leadership" ... today of course NOT raising it is "unpatriotic", "holding the people hostage", etc, etc.

... and the MSM fails to even point out the obvious hypocrisy as BO brays on. Not very likely they will be dwelling on any fake stories 10 years after the fact with BO!

I probably knew 10-20 people that were deep in the throes of "Bush Derangement Syndrome" during his time in office, and no doubt most of them still are. (the condition seems to be terminal).

The problem is that when politics is a religion, it isn't politics, as it generally is not on the conservative side because the majority of people on that side have REAL religion! ( eternally effective vs not even real at all, a wonderful trade)

The media and the left want to reduce this all to "both sides do it", but in point of fact, the whole education system, NPR, NBC, NYT, etc, etc are a lot different from a few Christian schools, NRO, a few Bloggers, Fox News and Talk Radio. More people maybe ought to treat NPR exactly like Fox News and "Harvard Studies" like "Liberty University Studies" (meaning ALL have their specific biases and axe to grind), but I really doubt that is happening anytime soon. So I keep hammering.

My thesis is that ALL people have religion, marriage and children -- and many other things, because they are wired into the species. The objects of those elements were also ordained ... God, Husband/Wife, real human children.

Modern America has so cut ties with reality that people replace God with Politics, Diet, Job, Status, Possessions, etc and claim they have no religion. Only they still do, it is just false.

And then they get Married ... to their "significant other", or their job, or their cause, or their house, and believe that they are "free of marriage". Only they are still married ,,, just not naturally so. ("Gay marriage" is just one tiny example of fake marriage.)

Then they have their pets, or their relatives kids, or their birds, or their social cause, or "the poor" on which they lavish the attention naturally intended for children.

While this all goes on the real country falls in ruin, families cease to exist, and the population of "Caucasians of European decent" falls below replacement level and withers away. Which is considered "good", and to not consider it good is "racist", since pride in your heritage is racist if your heritage is not Black, Hispanic, or American Indian. (Asian heritage seems to be OK as well ... possibly because they have seen fit to commit demographic suicide for their own reasons as well ... misery loves company).

Over half of America and greater percentages than that in Europe, China and Japan live in a Fake World. They have lost their connection with both the real and the spiritual universe -- a condition that I believe is unavoidable once the connection with the spiritual is lost. The Spiritual is more real than the material (seen by modern man as "real"), so once it is lost, the obviously UNreal material universe (see quantum mechanics) has no anchor.

America is especially vulnerable because it was founded on an idea. You remember, that ALL men are CREATED equal, endowed by their CREATOR ,,,"

Other nations are founded on race, ethnicity, religion or territory. If there is no Spirit and no Creator, then there is no America, because America WAS that fundamental idea,

Since we are a nation founded on an idea, the educational system and the MSM turning away from the fundamental basis of our existence as a nation is more than just "partisan" or "divided" or "progressive". It means that vast swaths of our population truly are no longer Americans, because they no longer believe in the idea on which we are founded.

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Saturday, November 30, 2013

BO Bagger, Emmerson Stupid

Obama (Allegedly) Uses ‘Tea-Baggers’ in Handwritten Response to Texas Teacher; Only Center-Right Notices | NewsBusters:

I give this story about a 50/50 or maybe slightly less of being true. The nice thing about being loved by the MSM is that most likely, BO won't even have to deny it, true or not. Where W OTH had to put up with all sorts of CONSTANT rumors and innuendo from everything to 9-11 being a Conspiracy, to "God having told him to invade Iraq", etc.

There is such a double standard it defies belief. I ran across this relative to Tim Tebow the other day .. try to imagine if Tebow was Gay, or Muslim, or even Black, rather than Christian one could only imagine the outcry.

Of course, that would pale in comparison if a conservative commentator suggested that somebody defecate in Michelle Obama's mouth ... as a opposed to Sarah Palin's mouth. How civil can one get??

Oh, it is ALL OK since it is SO stupid to compare debt to slavery. Remember how stupid Emmerson was?

“A man in debt is so far a slave.”

Slavery / debt is a VERY common comparison and has been FOREVER! I'd bet dollars to donuts that if one did some looking they could find an utterance from his worshipfulness BO to that effect. Why not? When one is in debt, their treatment in the future is handed over to the one who owns the debt. Will the Chinese treat our offspring better or worse than Negro Slaves were treated in pre-Civil War America? 

One might want to look at current N Korea treatment, Japanese prisoner of war camps and current Chinese treatment of Tibetian prisoners before one started calling Emmerson stupid!

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pushing You In Front of the Train

Good article. My title comes from its reference to the old "if you had to decide to push one person in front of a train to save 5 others, would you?" To most of us it seems obvious that the answer is "no", but to a number of people -- and I'd bet it is an increasing number, the answer is "yes".

Of course any Democrat would be happy to push "the rich, the responsible, the successful, the religious", or some other group that they dislike in front of the train in favor of some group they deem more "worthy".

The whole article is worth a read, but I really liked this paragraph:

The generation that voted in Barack Obama as president is new in American history. They were raised to mistake support of grievance-mongering for caring, special treatment for justice, and self-indulgence for sacred rights. They were taught to reject and be ashamed of our national values of freedom and responsibility. Freedom makes those who are irresponsible look bad, because they fail. Millennials mistake conservatives' love of freedom and responsibility for cruelty and racism. They have been taught people's problems are always society's fault, not that people learn from mistakes and grow strong by solving their own problems. They've bought the Big Lie that government can and should solve people's problems.


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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We're All Democrats

“Remember boys, we’re all Democrats” | Power Line:

Or at least those in power are -- in both the executive branch and increasingly the judicial.

Why suddenly go for the "Nuclear Option" at this juncture?

Two reasons:

1). The one covered in the linked article. Because the DC Circuit Court hears the cases relative to the BO power grabs when law is made by executive fiat. As in "you can keep your health insurance for another year because **I The Supreme Ruler** have declared it!! You didn't know we had a Supreme Ruler? Well, you certainly wouldn't by listening to the MSM, but there is no other explanation for what BO did to delay the employer mandate and to suddenly declare invalid policies valid for ONE MORE YEAR!

2). A diversion from the disaster that is BOcare. We can expect a constant stream of these ... Oh! Thus just in! We have capitulated to the Iranians on their Nuclear Program and called it a diplomatic coup! Why don't you all chatter on that for awhile and pay no attention to BOcare, website promises or otherwise!

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Don't Throw Me Into the Filibuster Brier Patch?

Filibuster Rope-a-Dope? | Power Line:

An interesting angle. Since the "Progressives" succeeded in changing election of Senators from being a function of the Governors and State Legislators as the founders intended, to being direct statewide election in each state, the Republicans have never had a 60+ advantage in the Senate.

The Senate is the chamber most likely to end up in Republican hands from time to time given "land power" vs population power of each state having two Senators ... BUT, it is likely their advantage will be by a NARROW MARGIN rather than the full 60 vote trump card.

So the Democrats may have just blasted their own foot! Those that don't bother to read a history book or think for a bit can hardly complain.

Oh, I can only imagine the weeping and gnashing of teeth if the Republicans repeal BOcare with 51 votes and do a rule change to appoint a conservative to the SCOTUS at some point!

So am I a hypocrite? YES, that is why doing the the power grab was a mistake of epic proportions as I covered here.  We are ALL hypocrites! Short sighted, limited in our appreciation of the complexities and subtleties of changes we make in law, society and institutions like the Senate.

The "Progressives" rip out the very cornerstones that were the common ground that allowed us to live civilly, and then lament the loss of civility!

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