Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Atlantic Semi Spots The Chaos

How American Politics Became So Ineffective - The Atlantic:

According to science, language, like life, is an "emergent phenomenon" -- which is scientific for "damned if we know where it came from"! They like to sound more sophisticated than that -- it "emerged" via "memes" in populations where some forms of wording conveyed proper meaning better than others and thus "were selected". How? Well, like the Heisenberg compensators in the Star Trek transporter, "very well".

Whole rafts of things in human existence are unsurprisingly "emergent", since according to Darwin, all life is emergent, and thus humans themselves are an example of "stuff that showed up because it must have worked better than other stuff".

Free Markets are emergent. Culture is emergent. Darwin's Cathedral tells you that religion is emergent. The linked article tells you that political parties were emergent from the basic framework of the Constitution. So far, political scientists have not tried to assert that the Constitution "emerged" from some primordial soup of ancient memes and the "founders" are merely "myth", but give them time.

In any case, Trump has the folks at the Atlantic trying to figure out "what went wrong?", and it is entertaining at least to observe their thinking.
"Americans have been busy demonizing and disempowering political professionals and parties, which is like spending decades abusing and attacking your own immune system. Eventually, you will get sick."
See, political parties, "middlemen", local hacks, toadies, sycophants and all sorts of flora and fauna "emerged" to magically make the American political system work -- but we failed to understand that you can't have a "political market" without "market makers", and thus "attacked our immune system" (the "political professionals" acted as gatekeepers) ... an "immune system" if you will.
The middlemen could be undemocratic, high-handed, devious, secretive. But they had one great virtue: They brought order from chaos. They encouraged coordination, interdependency, and mutual accountability. They discouraged solipsistic and antisocial political behavior.
Ah yes, "order from chaos". Me thinks that the column authors targeted a WEE bit too precisely here. In a truth free, value free, culture free nation, do you really expect that "political parties" can bring "order from chaos"? My assertion is that we attacked our CULTURE -- which was based on RELIGION, and the problem that the Atlantic perceives with "political parties" is just a SYMPTOM ... like "liver spots" on the skin being a sign of a failing liver -- but they want to treat the spots!
Middlemen have a characteristic that is essential in politics: They stick around. Because careerists and hacks make their living off the system, they have a stake in assembling durable coalitions, in retaining power over time, and in keeping the government in functioning order.
It used to be that religion, culture, community, family, truth, values and a whole lot of other stuff including the Constitution "stuck around". The columnist has a pretty high expectation of the powers of "political middlemen".  The article writer actually gets it right early on in the article:

The core idea of the Constitution was to restrain ambition and excess by forcing competing powers and factions to bargain and compromise
The Framers worried about demagogic excess and populist caprice, so they created buffers and gatekeepers between voters and the government. Only one chamber, the House of Representatives, would be directly elected. A radical who wanted to get into the Senate would need to get past the state legislature, which selected senators; a usurper who wanted to seize the presidency would need to get past the Electoral College, a convocation of elders who chose the president; and so on.
If you summarize the relatively long article, the author is really attempting to constrain democracy by party political patronage!  Naturally, as a liberal, he is only REALLY worried about Trump, but he DOES point out that Bernie, Cruz and Trump are all "political psychopaths" -- meaning that they don't care what their political parties think.

The problem is in the paragraph I quoted above -- we were NEVER intended to be a "democracy" AT ALL!  but rather a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. The ONLY "democratic election" was to be for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES! There would be no need to try to hack political parties to subvert the democracy needed to elect the House!  The death of party politics is just one more symptom of the chaos engendered by directly electing the Senate, neutering the Electoral College,  and abandoning the Constitution with it's amendment process!

The left is unable to see that ever more massive government is NOT American, nor even sustainable ANYWHERE -- no matter how much party patronage you have. He can only see that "parties losing power" (the Republican party) has given rise to two "pathogens" in his mind -- the Tea Party and Trump. Take a look around. Are brontosauruses still in existence? Are blue whales being replaced by "mega blue whales"? SCALING PROBLEMS EXIST! Bigger IS NOT always better!

I signed up for IBM because I really thought that a large corporation had distinct advantages -- it did, but it also had big DISADVANTAGES -- as does big government, or the EU, or ANY large organization or organism!

What he fails to see is that when there is no culture, no truth, no standards, no shared common values, then for a nation founded on IDEAS, there is NO COUNTRY -- just a rotting massive hulk where EVERYTHING is rotting, and the political parties are just one small example!

Trump, Hildebeast, BO, Bernie, political middlemen,  etc are ALL just symptoms!

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Fraudulently Losing

Pretty much all of us except the MOST highly gifted have experienced the shock of being a fairly big fish in a smaller pond, moving up, and finding that we were not as special as we thought. Maybe we were hot stuff in a smallish high school and breezed through -- got up to college and discovered the first semester that the competition was a lot tougher. Maybe we were so smart we made it out to the world of work before we realized that "book smart" wasn't everything, and a few years of experience put us in our places.

Such experiences are pretty much good for us and a "right of passage", when they force us to "kick it up another notch", but most of us also know that a whole bunch of freshman headed home after that "bad semester" or "bad year" -- for whatever reason, they were not able to find that extra gear.

Universities bring in thousands of new freshmen every year -- they have a very good handle on who is "MIT material" and who might do better at a "Nice Big Ten School", or maybe two years at a community college to hone the skills a bit.

"Affirmative Action" doesn't allow that. Some set of students of color MUST be admitted, so the standards need to be lowered. Those students may be very excited to be "accepted at MIT", but if they struggle and fail there, they may fail to recover and thus fail to get the education that would have enabled them to succeed -- they WERE smart enough to succeed, just not at MIT!

Meanwhile, some other student -- these days likely a person of Asian decent, possibly even a female, who DID have the grades and would have succeeded, is denied that chance.

But minority students admitted to institutions whose academic standards they do not meet are all too often needlessly turned into failures, even when they have the prerequisites for success in some other institution whose normal standards they do meet. 
When black students who scored at the 90th percentile in math were admitted to M.I.T., where the other students scored at the 99th percentile, a significant number of black students failed to graduate there, even though they could have graduated with honors at most other academic institutions. 
We do not have so many students with that kind of ability that we can afford to sacrifice them on the altar to political correctness.

If the US was still winning at global competition, perhaps we could afford that loss of skill, but we have succeeded in making ourselves noncompetitive on the world market!  Naturally, uttering this is "racist" -- even if the student not getting the slot is an Asian female!

The costs of our foolishness are high and we are LONG past being able to afford those costs!

Extreme Tribal Logic, Pro-Choice, NRA

The Gosnell Memory Hole | commentary:

When all issues are primarily political and most of the population is a member of a political tribe that gives no quarter to the other tribes, then sort of discussions or reasoned debate become nearly impossible.

The linked article calls out how the recent widely hailed SCOTUS decision in Whole Women's Health vs Hellerstedt in TX that essentially outlaws state regulation of abortion clinics completely fails to recall the horror of Kermit Gosnell and his putrid house of horrors killing full term babies and women seeking abortions in Pennsylvania. The Gosnell story received very little coverage even though he was convicted and women lost their lives -- the BIG issue is "abortion always easy, close to free or free in cost, and very very available". To the extent possible, WITHOUT REGULATION! (could be the last thing that "liberals" think that about -- they are intent on regulating how much your toilet flushes for example!).

If the general public could think of the MSM on the issue of abortion like they are schooled to think of the NRA on the issue of guns, they might start to sense the world of tribal extremes.

Forget "common sense" -- we have two ideological camps that increasingly hate the other camp and want to see them "defeated / dishonored / destroyed ... preferably DEAD". Kill the NRA, kill anyone that wants to restrict / regulate / control abortion, etc.

The NRA of course doesn't ACTUALLY expect everyone to have a gun including felons, nor is it against ANY registration of guns -- or certainly not against guns functioning properly and being "safe" to the extent that they don't blow up and injure the operator.

But the abortion rights people ARE there! They explicitly don't care if places that provide abortions are regulated to be safe in their practice of medicine, clean, or even be run by a doctor that has proper credentials and is allowed to see patients at a nearby hospital! No, as long as that baby can be murdered, they want NO RESTRICTIONS -- and they mean NO RESTRICTIONS!

In comparison, the NRA is positively "progressive" -- it CERTAINLY wants guns to be regulated to be safe, accurate, reliable, etc, it STRONGLY supports training for everyone that uses guns in safety procedures, range rules, etc, etc., and it is even very active in trying to have CURRENT registrations / background checks, etc ENFORCED with ACTUAL PENALTIES -- but as we see over and over again, violators of current gun laws -- straw purchasers, etc are let off with little or no enforcement.

We live in the age of insanity -- there is really no other explanation for people who are supposedly "pro-woman" applauding the removal of any sort of regulation on procedures to be carried out on their bodies for the pre-medicated murder of their children. They don't care if "reasonable medical procedures" are followed, they just want those babies D E A D -- and that is ALL that matters!

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Monday, June 27, 2016

EU Readys Hair Dryer and Toaster Attack

First They Came for My Commode . . . | Power Line:

The 1.6 gal flush limit is a a classic -- we use handicapped toilets, the poor man's version of the Clinton Foundation for flushing.  (the Clinton Foundation gets around tax laws, the handicapped toilet gets around ... never mind, if you are not smart enough to figure it out, you really need to go to a different blog!)

Can't they just get it over with and come for our guns so we can FINALLY have this "bloody mess" (in honor of the Brits) over one way or another?

"Gun Control" -- get the assailant (or Federal agent) in the sights and SQUEEZE until the threat is terminated, then repeat as needed ...

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Kill The Facts

Democratic Party Hate Kills? | Power Line:

The picture in the linked has been floating around -- gays blame Republicans for a Democrat Muslim killing 49 of them.

Marketing truly is EVERYTHING -- I blame George W Bush!

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Clinton Donor Suffers Tragic Home Barbell Death

Coroner: Former United Nations (UN) official John Ashe died when barbell fell on his neck |
A former president of the U.N. General Assembly awaiting trial in a bribery scandal died in a weightlifting accident when a barbell he was lifting from a bench dropped on his neck, an autopsy revealed Thursday.
Prosecutors said a billionaire Chinese businessman and others had funneled over $1 million to Ashe while he served as president of the 193-nation assembly from September 2013 to September 2014. The billionaire Chinese real estate maven, two diplomats and a humanitarian organization officer were among others charged in the case.

Maybe Ng figured all that stateside fuss about the Clintons was forgotten when he made a series of brief trips to New York with suitcases of cash on a total of 10 occasions between July 12, 2013, and July 5 of this year. The amounts ranged from $200,000 to $900,000, for a total in excess of $4.5 million.
The UN official being John Ashe, one-time president of the General Assembly and still the permanent representative from Antigua and Barbuda.
Here is Ng in happier times with one of "his folks".

Nothing up here folks ... "what does it matter now anyway?". No question it was all a "simple accident" -- be VERY careful if you are going to testify in the vicinity of the Clinton's!

"Accidents" DO happen!

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VOTE TRUMP! History Is Not A Movie

I've enjoyed some Ken Burns movies -- The Civil War especially. I'm not going to bother to quote anything from his screed -- the same rancid out of touch rhetoric applies to Hildebeast and BO just as well or better -- and as I've said before, at least Trump will CERTAINLY have opposition, Hildebeast won't! If one could die of sanctimony, Ken Burns would no longer be with us.

We definitely need our own "Brexit" from the oppressiveness of people with Burn's attitude. There is a good reason that folks like Slick Willie get BJs in the oval office and wore a $60K watch while talking about income inequality in Davos Switzerland  --- BECAUSE THEY CAN! We live in a system where guys like Burns would NEVER point out the truth about Hildebeast, Slick Willie or BO, but he can say anything he wants about Trump with impunity. Our Founding Fathers would have challenged him to a duel and put a slug through the little slug.

Jimmuh Carter was an INSULT to "history", Slick Willie was an insult to even the concept of character, BO is an insult to Luo Tribesman, and Hildebeast is an insult to demons in Hell. We used to have a country -- now we have an insult to it's memory!

I'm finally starting to get EXCITED about voting for Trump -- a Trump win would make Ken Burns just as mad as Reagan winning, the Republicans taking the House in '94, Brexit, and some flunky not getting his tea to his "hisorianship" when he wanted it all rolled into one.

Maybe he would do a documentary on his hissy fit -- I'd definitely watch THAT!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Calling God Names

Is the God of Jews, Christians and Muslims a homophobe? - LA Times:

The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. What does it mean to attempt to call God names, like some child on the playground?

Atheism is easy to understand -- "*I* am god. *I* define morality, truth, meaning, etc -- *I* "pull myself up by my bootstraps". It works as well as a spiritual solution as it does as a way to physically fly.

But how does one even begin to get their head around the idea that they ostensively want to claim there IS a "god", but they are worried that he is "homophobic"?  I'm pretty sure they are "just kidding" -- they would like the intellectually VERY shallow idea that you can somehow believe in an actual creator of the universe, and then psychoanalyze him. We'll play along, but REALLY?

First of all, the God of Judaism and Christianity is NOT the same as the god of Islam. The Hebrew God is a God of order -- the Islamic god is a god "beyond order", which might easily be cast as "chaos" making the rather unsurprising conclusion that the Islamic god is Satan. See detail here.

If there is no god, then homosexuality and not having children is the very definition of "non-adaptive" as we see clearly as Muslims, Hispanics and Mormons take over the west. A not very detailed study of evolution will  inform you that those who fail to breed fare rather badly in the "survival of the fittest". The "selfish gene" that is so "selfish" that it decides that masturbation or being gay is appropriate is the definition of "too selfish to survive".  The future belongs to those who show up. Sorry Western civilization.

If there is a God, it appears that he might understand genetics and offspring -- shocking though that may be to those bent on psychoanalyzing the infinite. Removing non-adaptive characteristics from the gene pool may appear draconian, but when you are omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, you get to decide. When GOD makes the same claims as your average atheist -- **I** AM GOD, **I** define truth, meaning, etc, it bears a lot more gravitas than a sniveling shitting, puking, soon to be worm eaten mortal making pronouncements from their "high horse" (children's rocking horse?).

I just finished Nietzsche's "Zarathustra", and will try to blog on it "soon", but the hubris is so thick it makes you really wonder about divine justice ... from Wikipedia.

In 1889, at age 44, he suffered a collapse and a complete loss of his mental faculties.[10] He lived his remaining years in the care of his mother (until her death in 1897) and then with his sisterElisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, and died in 1900.
So Mr "superman", who railed against compassion, was forced to spend the end of his sorry life in the care of his mother and sister.   Certainly an intelligent man, but not a wise one. Just a little sampling of the kind of "thought" in the linked article.

Because I am a Christian, I suppose I more easily mock the views of another Christian, like Dan Patrick, toward my homosexuality, than I would mock a Muslim. But the wider problem with the Abrahamic religions remains: How will the new sexual freedoms of the West meet the religious conservatism of the East, especially as immigration has made distinctions between West and East moot in West Detroit or East London?
"I am a Christian" ... but I mock God and other Christians. I am proud to declare myself homosexual in direct opposition to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but I seek no forgiveness. No, "the problem" is with the "Abrahamic religions"!  What will happen to these "sexual freedoms"? They will surely die -- with the Western civilization that spurned both the law of God and the law of survival of the fittest. Oh, and as for the author of the article? Well, God will be the judge of that.

Let us pray that God shows compassion on a remnant of believers who will be saved from this pit of cultural insanity and hubris.

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

The World Is New Again!

I drove to work yesterday listening to NPR and thinking how much they sounded like the day after Reagan was elected or the day after the Republicans took control of Congress in the '94 election. Shocked, dismayed, confused,  -- their certain model of the world damaged.

As I covered here, the idea that ever larger, more powerful and more centralized political institutions were "inevitable" goes back to at least "The League of Nations" which decided that WWI was to the "War to End All Wars" -- the experts were certain they had the answer.

There was the little problem of WWII, but the experts were undaunted -- The United Nations fixed the small flaws in the League, and as we know, we have had no wars since then -- in any case, as this article says, it was assumed that the move to "world government" was inevitable -- eventually the world would be ruled by a single organization, likely even a single person in charge of a massive bureaucracy. The "elite" would be those who rose through the single state controlled, directed, and approved educational / indoctrination system and rose through the bureaucracy, schooled in toadyism, back stabbing, and the stilted and obscure language of bureaucracy to take their place at the top of the "Brave New Order".

But maybe not -- perhaps the future does not have an already decided end. Perhaps the future is what we make it!
And so we launch yet another phase in human history, where what’s old — nations pursuing their own interests — is new again. On one end of the European continent sits Russia, a nation that is flexing its muscles and seeking to reclaim its traditional power. On the other end is Britain, a nation that has reclaimed its independence and now faces an uncertain future defining its new relationship with the world. 
Across the ocean, America faces its own crisis. Our technocratic elite has constructed its own self-serving system — one that mirrors the very system that Britain rejected yesterday. Our politics are more uncertain and chaotic than at any time in decades.  
We can’t predict what will happen. But one thing I do know — history never truly had a “side.” Instead, it is the story of action and reaction, and no outcome is inevitable. Britain has acted. The world is set to change, and history can’t tell us what’s next.
Hail Britannia!

Country, Elites, Experts, Brexit

This was the day the British people defied their jailers:

I got to listen to a lot of NPR on the way up to Barron and back on Wednesday. They were confident that Brexit would fail, the EU would be saved, and had already started pointing out (since it was failing) that there was a "linkage" of the kind of Neanderthal Brexit move with it's xenophobia and suspicion of elites and experts, and the knuckle dragging campaign of Trump, he of poor fundraising and certain loss in the fall -- losing just like Brexit, watch the results on Thursday.

Yesterday I hard that the "fix was in" -- the big/smart money had done their own "exit polling" and used high price experts, and the smart / rich / powerful were going to roll in the really big money as Brexit failed "fairly narrowly".

We commoners need to get our minds right -- in 2012, "big money in politics" as was allegedly used  by the Romney campaign was a horrible evil, significantly blamed on the SCOTUS and the awful "Citizens United". The other big topic on Wednesday was what an AWFUL fundraiser Trump was compared to Princess Hildebeast, and how WONDERFUL it was that she has BAGS OF CASH, and Trump is way behind. Big money in politics for YOUR SIDE is indeed a beautiful thing!

This AM on the way to work, NPR was a bit of a funeral dirge. They did point out that one of the reasons that the "experts were wrong" was that they actually go heavily with the bookmaker odds -- which in MONEY were WAY in favor of "stay" ... trouble is, it was relatively few folks betting lots on "stay", but LOTS of folks betting a LITTLE on "leave". So far the left has not totally removed vote counts, so one rich guy voting actually counts less than 10 poor guys voting -- imagine that!

Let's step back a bit. The central idea of the left is that ever more centralized control is guaranteed to make for a "better world", because smarter and smarter experts can be brought to bear on controlling the economy and everything else for optimum results. The very best world would be with a single very very smart individual controlling everything!

Thus, States, cities families, businesses and certainly individuals in the US should have little or no power, and all the power ought to be in DC, and ideally in the hands of only the president -- as long as they are a member in good standing of "The Party" (TP - D).

But even national boundaries are too small for the ultimate optimization -- ONE global power with the appropriate massive bureaucracy of "experts" is CERTAINLY the "only reasonable way to run the world" if you a leftward thinker.

CONTROL, POWER and CENTRALIZATION! These are the "values" of the left elite. The idea that the "masses" are somehow "better off" as long as the elite gets their way is an "article of faith" -- decreed daily by TP and all it's world wide media minions. The masses have no right not to be blissfully happy in their sub-1K sq foot public or semi-public housing, 3 squares a day, with cable, internet and suitable entertainment.

Oddly, the "experts" are OFTEN wrong -- they were wrong about the idea that homes could be purchased by people with no credit history nor ability to pay the mortgage, because "homes would always go up in value". Thus, the  "great recession".

They were wrong that the USSR was a permanent fixture and Regan was a fool to suggest otherwise.

They were wrong that we were entering an ice age in the 1970's and they were wrong that the world was out of oil in the '70s. BO was very wrong when he said that it was impossible to frack our way to less than $2 gas, you could "keep your doctor" or that "al quaeda" (and terrorism) was "on the run".
BO told the UK to stay in the EU, it doesn't appear that everyone listens to "the one" as well as they are supposed to.

In the big picture, the elites assured us that there was no god in heaven and that they and their "education" were god -- "the fittest" survived, they were the "fittest", so we ought to all quit having children which were a "burden" since the planet couldn't support them.

Now, forty years later they inform us that we MUST have open borders because the population is not large enough to support the plans of the elite going forward -- they believe that brown skinned masses will be more compliant, accept even less housing and "stuff" and hopefully do a MUCH better job of shutting the F up so they don't need to listen to the damned "bitter clingers".

Why or why should common people want a "nation" or a "community" or "pride", or most stupidly of all a religion or creed when they can have all the sex they want, free stuff, and total freedom from responsibility? I'm sure that many an hour has been spent in deluxe hotels, private jets, yachts and such over excellent cabernets discussing the total ungratefulness of the unwashed masses for the obviously huge responsibility to make certain that the masses of sheep were tucked safely in their concrete warrens copulating indiscriminately -- full protected and TOTALLY birth controlled of course! Breeding masses of unwashed are a threat to the environment!

So is this the sign that the masses are actually smarter than  the elite imagines, or merely an aberration? We will get an important 2nd look in November!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Dilbert, Hypnosis, Trump

How to Un-Hypnotize a Rabid Anti-Trumper | Scott Adams Blog:

If you want to go through the linked column, I think it is worthy relative to understanding persuasion. I very much enjoy that Adams indicates that if a "rabid anti-Trumper" is concerned about "his potential SCOTUS nominees", they have likely given the matter some thought and it is reasonable to just "agree to disagree". It shows he believes that rational people can come to different conclusions that ARE "thought out".

Adams is observing Trump from the POV of a "technical nerd persuasion scientist", here is his disclaimer at the end:
Note: I endorsed Hillary Clinton for my personal safety, because I live in California. But my political views do not align with any of the candidates for president. 
Personally, I would do better under a Clinton presidency. If Clinton gets elected, no one will blame me for anything she does in office. But if Trump wins, my blogging about his persuasion skills will make it look like my fault every time he does something you don’t like. I don’t need that trouble. 
Also, as a top one-percenter, I’m winning under the current system. Trump is the only candidate who has the persuasion skills to increase tax rates on the rich, so #imwithher, for selfish reasons.
He is a top 1%er -- so he can get around the massive taxes that those of us in the 98-80th% percentiles have to pay. I applaud his honesty!

He  uses four specific objections that are "media brainwashing" ( being hypnotized in his lexicon. "heavy persuasion" )
  1. Trump is a loose cannon that will offend other countries and may start nuclear war. 
  2. Trump is terrible at business because he has had several bankruptcies 
  3. Trump is a racist 
  4. Trump is anti-woman  and anti-GBLT 
He goes through what is essentially the "reverse hypnotism" that the media has worked on people to persuade them of these 4 ... factual objections, asking questions, obvious fallacies (Mexico is a country, not a race), obvious truths ( "all humans are biased" ), you WANT a president that discriminates against non-citizens. The job is President of the US, not "World Citizen" like the current putz!

It's worth the read, but not critical -- just be aware (as everyone that reads this blog ought to be) that most of what the media drives into our heads day after day after ... is pure propaganda, sloppy thinking, or downright lies intended to persuade us to support what is best for the 1% -- who of course run the media on BOTH "sides". 

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Progressive -- Sixty Million Dead, Sixty Million Displaced

Refugees, Displaced People Surpass 60 Million For First Time, UNHCR Says : The Two-Way : NPR:

"Progressivism", which I call "Regressiveism" is "working as designed" in the US and world wide.

Progressivism is Statism, meaning the worship (acceptance without question) of ever larger and more intrusive government. Socialism and Communism are it's chief ideologies, but the concept is simple -- centralized ever increasing state control with "the experts" defining what is best for the less capable, less educated, or "unenlightened" masses (proletariat).

On the world stage, it demands "one world order" -- The Eurozone, the United Nations (eventually with added coercive power), or one or a few states that will agree to keep everyone else in submission. "All cultures are equivalent, none are exceptional", which in translation means that there must be "one ring to rule them all" -- when nothing is exceptional or worth seeking, then "good" is defined as "equivalence", and "bad" is defined as "anyone that is not in agreement". Such "equality" requires the destruction of any who would seek "excellence", "advantage", "movement toward a higher state of being".

The outcome of the primaries in the US this year shows how far it has "progressed" here. The Democrat result was predetermined by the "super delegates". The "voting" was a formality.

On the Republican side, the elite of the party still want to ignore the outcome of the votes and execute some sort of a takeover at the convention. The thirst for power is completely bi-partisan -- the elites of both parties agree that the masses are fools that can't be trusted. Their view of "democracy" is everyone in agreement that the elites ought be in charge and run things "properly".

The election of BO proved that the masses ARE fools. How could they be otherwise? The concept of "the good / the excellent / the righteous / the sacred / etc" has been destroyed. The BEGINNING of wisdom is the fear of God -- no God, no meaning, no purpose -- all is vanity and "foolishness".

So 60 million innocents have been sacrificed to "convenience" ("choice")  in the US, and 60 million refugees are now the global wages of the chaos of "no dominant power" on the world stage. Chaos abhors a vacuum -- the perversion of that is "nature" abhors a vacuum, which in a random, godless, purposeless "creation" means that nature and chaos are synonymous.  The symmetry is it's own message.

Chaos also abhors life -- for life is more ordered than death, decay and dissolution. Satan is the lord of chaos, death and dissolution, and as always he arranges for the inversion of truth and thus calls the regression to nothingness "progress".

The wages of our path are preordained,  none should be the least surprised at the spectacle before us.

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Due Process And Other Words That Don't Matter

A post-American column worth reading. If Goldberg fully understood the words that even he is saying his cause would be #NeverHillary rather than #NeverTrump. His own column makes the case -- at least Trump would be opposed! 

In a world where there is no truth and no agreed principles, words indeed do not matter -- only POWER matters, which is what BO uses constantly. What he clearly means is that HIS words matter -- more than the Constitution, more than the Bible, and clearly FAR more than those who have been declared "persona non grata" by "The Party" (TP-D).

Let’s start at the top. President Obama once famously said (more than once, actually), “Don’t tell me words don’t matter.” Fast-forward to this week, when in a tantrum of biblical proportions, the furious president said . . . words don’t matter. Responding to complaints from Donald Trump and others that he won’t say the words “radical Islamic terrorism,” Obama huffed, “Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction.”
"Due Process" which means that there must be a known and "fair" process before a citizen can be deprived of their rights under what used to be the American Constitution. Now Senators care nothing for those words that don't matter in the face of raw power.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) thinks the constitutional requirement for due process is “killing us.”

When words don't matter, there is no truth but that which power demands be given service. "Due Process", that which was the basis for any right of free men needs to be done away with. Who is at fault for this latest killing"? According to TPs paper of record, the NY Times, "Christians and Republicans".

“While the precise motivation for the rampage remains unclear,” the New York Times editorialized, “it is evident that Mr. Mateen was driven by hatred toward gays and lesbians.” “Hate crimes don’t happen in a vacuum,” added the Gray Lady (I’m referring to the Times, not Clinton). 
“They occur where bigotry is allowed to fester, where minorities are vilified and where people are scapegoated for political gain. Tragically, this is the state of American politics, driven too often by Republican politicians who see prejudice as something to exploit, not extinguish.”  
The killer was a registered Democrat. The source of his hatred was not the Christian Coalition but radical Islamism. He stated this motivation clearly during the shooting and for months prior. He reportedly also considered attacking that notorious gay hangout Disney World. Would we be hearing about the pernicious, right-wing, anti-cartoon-character climate if he’d opted for that target?
When territory is ruled by a single party, the ONLY thing that matters is THE WORD OF THE PARTY! The fact that the killer was Islamic and trumpted his allegiance to ISIS **DURING** the killing does not fit the TP narrative, so it is discounted -- "Republicans, Christians, guns" ... those are the problem, and if you do not buy that, you need to get your mind right! 

Sex As Religion

It’s Dangerous to Believe -- Religious Freedom & the Sexual Revolution | National Review:

A worthy read on how the modern secular sexual revolution has become a dime-store religion complete with it's dogma, saints, sinners, heresy, etc. It's main credo is:

The first commandment of this new secularist writ is that no sexual act between consenting adults is wrong. Two corollary imperatives are that whatever contributes to consenting sexual acts is an absolute good, and that anything interfering, or threatening to interfere, with consenting sexual acts is ipso facto wrong.
As the title of the authors book indicates "it's dangerous to believe" -- I'm not sure if she reaches the same conclusion as many thinkers have, that you WILL believe in something. Breathing is "dangerous" as well -- if your air supply is cut off, you die. Likewise, if your belief system falls apart, madness, depression, suicide, violence, etc are all real potentials. Atheists are often the angriest people you meet -- attempting to be their own god with faith in either just themselves, or the idea that "science" is not belief and requires no faith -- a fallacy that I've covered in detail in the past

The other problem with humans and belief is that it really would not be "belief" if there wasn't something inside of us screaming that we are right and others are WRONG! Not surprisingly, the reason that Christianity was such an adaptive religion for cultural blessing (for those of you that discount divine blessing) is that it didn't force church and state into one dominant coercive force like Islam's Sharia, or secular humanism's demand that the state be the one true religion. 

Christianity demands that we love our neighbor even as we may justly hate their sin. The church of sex demands that all buy in to the dogma of their worship. 

The bedrock of contemporary progressivism can only be described as quasi-religious. The followers of this faith are, furthermore, Kantians regarding these beliefs, in the sense that the philosopher’s categorical imperative applies: Exactly like followers of other faiths, they believe both that they are right, and that people who disagree are wrong — and that those other people ought to think differently.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Hold Them By The Nose, Kick Their Ass

Articles: Bang: Trump's Second Barrel Explodes at Jihad:

Who knows what Trump is up to? I sure don't -- I didn't expect him to win the nomination. I knew he was going to really shake things up, but win? I was nearly as blind as the "experts".

But since he DID win, I'm willing to consider that there may be some real method to his madness that most people have no clue on. He sure has BO pissed off, which is damned good in my book for anyone that cares about America!

It's Patton's "hold 'em by the nose, and kick 'em in the rear." It's Muhammad Ali's "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Trump knows this stuff.
I'm not all that certain it is really that sophisticated. Like the 2 year old being killed by the alligator, the American media and Americans are TOTAL suckers for "if it bleeds it leads". The more sensational, tragic, bloody, stupid, senseless, etc, the BETTER! This fascination is what is really meant by "pornography" -- the guttural, animal level fascination with the completely exposed pain, gore, raw emotion and humiliations of life. It is what man developed "culture" to rise above, and what Satan wants us to remain completely focused on.

In the political circus, the MSM plays the role of Trump from the left -- they demean, humiliate, RIDICULE --- as Saul Alinsky, self-described friend of Satan said, nobody can survive ridicule in public.

But so far, Trump can! He can smirk and fire back at the attackers and survive! He certainly doesn't do it with "teflon" like Reagan used to, but rather with NY "moxie" and a swagger that makes the left cringe so hard they can't speak clearly in response.

Does he have some grand Pattonesque strategy? Who the hell knows -- but I'm interested in trying to understand what is happening rather than just listening to the standard experts who were completely wrong on him so far!

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