Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Drugged, Drunk, or Sick?

Hillary's Bombing Response: Was She Drugged, Drunk or Just Sleepy? | Sunshine State News | Florida Political News:

So even though she calls it a "bombing", when asked about Trump calling it a "bombing", she indicates we should "wait until we know more". How many times do we have to say "support the first responders"?

In these days of the internet, hiding things just isn't as easy as it used to be!

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Jason Falconer, Michael Brown, Heroes (St Cloud)

Jason Falconer is the Concealed Carry permit holder that ended a pretty obvious Jihadi stabbing rampage in St Cloud MN. I say pretty obvious because the attacker made a reference to "Allah" during the attack and asked someone if they were "Muslim". Governor Dayton and Public Radio have not been able to come up with any possible motive for the rampage, or "tragic incident" ...

"I implore citizens of St. Cloud, and really, citizens throughout Minnesota to rise above this tragic incident and remember our common humanity, and our shared citizenship, and our shared desire to live together peacefully and constructively for the benefit of ourselves, our families and communities," Dayton said.
Here we are, all sharing this wonderful "shared desire", and somebody goes off and starts stabbing people and talking about "Allah" and "Muslim" for no reason at all -- but clearly the attack is completely unrelated to "Allah" and "Muslims".

We all know the name of Michael Brown -- the young black choir boy who was executed in cold blood while holding his hands up and saying "don't shoot"! The horror of this racist execution shocked the nation and started the "Black Lives Matter" organization. Brown's mother has written a book about his execution and the fact that white people created a bunch of lies about the incident -- she was on stage at the Democratic Convention this past summer. 

In the real world, Michael Brown was a huge kid living the thug life who knocked over a convenience store for a few cigars on, then fractured in bone in the officers face trying to get his gun away from him and ended up fatally shot -- it was investigated all the way up in the BO administration and the black Attorney General and the black President went with the "made up white folks story".

Jason Falconer will be pretty much unknown and St Cloud will be forgotten because it doesn't fit any narrative that is useful to "The Party" (TP-D) and it's wholly owned media. The linked article is well worth a read. We have imported and grown more than  enough Muslims already for us to have an increasing number of bombings, shootings, stabbings, etc where "Allah" is mentioned -- even thought TP is careful to tell us that "Islam has nothing to do with it".

It turns out that the mall at which the incident happened is SUPPOSED to be a "gun free zone", and technically, Falconer was breaking the law by carrying. I'm guessing that fact will get VERY little coverage, but why not?

Well, because the TP narrative is;

More guns make people less safe. You are safer in a  place with a sign that says "no guns" than you are in a place without such a sign. People that think a gun could possibly make them safer are being mislead by the NRA and the gun industry.   
Islam is a religion of peace and there is nothing we need to do to better control immigration of Muslims nor to watch any of the existing Muslim population for signs of radicalization. Anyone who suggests otherwise is racist, islamophobic, and not a real American.
We all know the narrative, and that narrative will go on -- just like Black Lives Matter and the "Michael Brown was a victim" narrative. Those are TP narratives -- they keep blacks in the TP vote column at something like a 95% rate. BOistan is run by TP, their narratives win.

"Heroism" is not something that TP is comfortable with. It smacks of individualism and individual training, action and responsibility. TP is about BIG government, big bureaucracy, "you didn't build that", collectivism, "Stronger Together". "Heroism" to TP is about things like your sexual preference or your gender -- "being open and honest", "standing up for your rights", "speaking out against Trump" ... that sort of thing.

Guys like Falconer are not something to be encouraged at all, and in fact, are downright scary! Oh, TP may say a couple nice things for a bit because they feel they HAVE to, but their narrative is still "gun free zones" and eventually a gun free country.

Michael Brown is a TP "hero". Jason Falconer is a name to be forgotten ASAP.

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Monday, September 19, 2016

Hillary, Sid and Birtherism


Nixon had Hunt, Colson and Liddy -- "The Plumbers", Hillary has Sidney Blumenthal -- that we know of, the Clinton Crime Family (CCF) is a lot more secretive than Nixon was, and at least 10x as paranoid. Hey, Nixon never had ANYONE to compare with "Commander Cue-ball", drag a $50 bill through a trailer park James Carville.

Unlike Benghazi, nobody died in Watergate, and there was just a little tape erased rather than THOUSANDS of emails.

So Trump says Hillary started "the birther thing" -- and there are at least two sources that agree. Not that we are likely to hear much about either.

I'd say that BO -- or a "clerical error" started "the birther thing". Here is HuffPo explaining the fact that a publishers memo for BO's book "Dreams From My Fathers" listed his birthplace as Kenya.  Maybe the publisher was owned by Trump so it was all part of a conspiracy to elect a president so bad  that Trump could take over and blow up the world!

Man that Trump guy is EVIL! I wonder if he has a white cat?

Just imagine if W had been a Democrat and the whole "W was AWOL" -- or whatever the problem with his record as a fighter pilot was supposed to be, and Dan Rather eventually admitted that "heck, I guess he served honorably in the National Guard just like his discharge says".

Not that I'm waiting around for that, but really, how stupid does the media really think we are?

If Fox News had forged a Kenyan birth certificate, got caught, and Bill O'Reily had been forced to resign over the debacle, I'd say "even steven".

The Donald just played them like a fiddle, and they apparently can't even figure out that he is pulling their strings!

Hillary Equal Opportunity Thief

Everyone knows about The Clinton Fund -- Funds, for Clintons, but even her supposedly legit campain steals from her hapless small time donors. The only "access" involved in their small donations is for her campaign to illegally siphon extra money out of their accounts -- and we know that the Clintons are all about money and power!

This isn't new behavior, she did it in her first campaign as well.

"The New York Times reported in 2007 that Clinton’s first presidential campaign had to refund and subtract hundreds of thousands of dollars from its first-quarter total often because donors’ credit cards were charged twice. Additionally, it was reported that Clinton had to refund a stunning $2.8 million in donations, three times more than the $900K President Barack Obama’s campaign refunded."
What a wonderful woman -- shaking down sheiks for 10's of millions of dollars on one hand, while stealing from poor old grandmas with the other!

Hildebeast is an equal opportunity thief! I guess that is what "equal opportunity" has always meant to "The Party" (TP-D).

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Godless Cultural Suicide

Western Culture – Moral Suicide | National Review:

Just read it -- and weep, if you have soul. If you have no soul, you are not likely don't read this blog anyway ... I assume this "decline" seems positive to you, so masturbation on a public street is a "step forward".

I'll include the close, but it is short, sad, and worth realizing that we threw it all away. As I've said elsewhere, Christianity is growing in China, South America, Russia and Africa. I expect the Blessing of the Lord will bring one or all of those places to become the locus of goodness in the world.
There is no way to prove that God exists. But what is provable is what happens when societies stop believing in God. They commit suicide.
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Fallon Trump Ruffle, TP Media Control Fail

People Are Justifiably Infuriated With How Jimmy Fallon Handled Trump | Huffington Post:

You have to LOVE the editors note from the Huffpo story:

"Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S."
No real need to respond to any of them, but the last is especially pungent  -- he promised to ban new immigrants, UNTIL we could figure out how to vet them. Something that European countries are now doing realizing they imported a bunch of terrorists. "Serial liar"? The left often claims there is no such thing as "truth", so what would a "lie" be again?

If Trump's hair had turned out to be a toupee or obvious hair weave, or a solid sprayed chunk, or anything remotely embarrassing, I suppose Fallon would be a hero. Sad that the world can't work so you have absolute control over EVERYTHING -- the left pines away for the day (likely not far away) where they have a 2-min delay on the national news feeds, cut them off if anything like Hillary's stumble happens, and claim it never happened -- under penalty of interrogation, torture, concentration camp, or death to any that claim otherwise.

They pine away for the level of control of old National Socialist Germany, USSR or today's China. Shouldn't Google only show you GOOD things about Hillary and bad about Trump? People can get confused otherwise!

So apparently Trump came off like a regular guy on the Fallon show, and after all the abuse of his hair from MANY quarters, it looked pretty darned real ... so Fallon is a goat with TP.

How sad. So the Huffpo pines away for Letterman, and no doubt Pravda.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016



Joshua McDonald, a conservative Christian who lives in reliably Republican territory between Washington and Richmond, supports Donald Trump for president. He doesn’t know a soul who’s for Hillary Clinton. 
Ellen Tobey, an office manager in the liberal college town of Charlottesville, will vote for Clinton. She knows of no close friends or relatives planning to push the button for Trump.
We increasingly live in a country where we don't know each other. People sort themselves by their political leanings and refuse to associate with those who think differently from them, and we increasingly think that is OK. Our humanity can be reduced to our worldview, and those that are not of our tribe are not worth knowing.

When the vast majority believed that this vale of tears was only a "preseason" for eternity, such an attitude was simply unacceptable. Family relationships, community proximity, traditions, culture, "good fellows well met" were FAR more important than the myriad of petty political squabbles that were ultimately of no real importance. But no longer.

Somewhere on the road to supposed "utopia" of every man being his own priest, philosopher and bartender, we became islands. Once, "no man was an island", but now we increasingly are -- not only "islands", but our own planets, or even universes. The pain of trying to understand those that could think differently is simply too much to contemplate.

We were once a "melting pot" -- with a set of shared values and an identity that surpassed our own perspective. No longer -- now our "tribe" is all there is, and "the other" must be shunted aside lest we are "triggered" to attempt to defend our fragile tribal identity.

Our sexual preferences are "out of the closet", but our fragile world view is completely closeted and confined to our ghetto of like minded tribe members -- and this is "progress".

BOistan is a house completely divided -- and it has fallen.

Flags, Songs and the Constitution

Obama: Kaepernick ‘exercising his constitutional right to make a statement’ - POLITICO:

Unsurprisingly, BO finds Colin Kaepernick's "protest" to be just fine.

“My understanding at least is he’s exercising his constitutional right to make a statement. I think there’s a long history of sports figures doing so,” he said.
Indeed ... so would a Confederate Flag be similarly protected? How about someone who doesn't believe that gay "marriage" is a "right" not baking somebody a cake? Or even someone so backward that they believe men should use men's bathrooms and women use women's?

The Constitution was once about EVERYONE having the right to their views -- even Illinois Nazis. The idea of a "pluralistic society" was that people were allowed to think differently, and it went deeper than the "law". Independent and ESPECIALLY unpopular thought was part of America.

We no longer live there.

If Kaepernick wants to wants to "protest", he certainly can, but nothing about "freedom of speech" means "freedom from consequence". The NFL could easily tell him that if he wants to take a seat, he can stay seated -- as in not come on the field of play again.

What we have now is a country where "The Party" decides what is acceptable speech and what is not. Increasingly, the consequences of that speech are handed down by party leaders, and the vast majority of the cowed populace follows in lock step. They await their "signals" from on high and they follow compliantly like the sheep they have chosen to be.

The don't want to get a label -- racist, homophobe, islamophobe, denier, etc because those labels have teeth. They can lose friends, family, even their jobs. Independence is no longer valued -- compliance is valued, and independence is seen as dangerous. Something that needs to be removed from sight. If TP says what you do is OK, it is ... if not, you suffer the consequences.

BO and company have regularly used the Constitution as toilet paper -- what counts as a "constitution" today is essentially "whatever TP says it is". They invoke it when they feel like it, and ignore it completely when they don't .

So in BOistan, you stand, sit, talk or shut up at the pleasure of TP -- and unless there is a miracle soon, that is the way it is going to be for a very long time.

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I've Got the Blue Dress Pneumonia

Hillary Clinton Health: Dishonesty Is Now Established | National Review:

A good article on how the Clinton lie machine and the MSM create the falseness that swirls around the Clinton Crime Family.

It is interesting to revisit the story of the blue dress, since that one went through a couple of "spin cycles".

  1. Dress rumor came out, Clinton camp panicked, hunkered down. 
  2. Time passed while Monica negotiated to get immunity from the fact she had perjured herself saying "there was no relationship". The dress was part of that negotiation. 
  3. Clinton camp decides there is no presidentially stained dress, thinks it is a great idea to use this "crazy story" against the "vast right-wing conspiracy". 
  4. Dress shows up, Clinton credibility shot, BUT, "new story" spun out  -- poor Slick Willie was "entrapped" by Monica -- 21 year old intern "takes advantage" of supposed leader of free world. Being a Clinton means you NEVER take responsibility! 
We see the same pattern here -- anyone who claimed her health was an issue was "a conspiracy theorist", crazy, sexist, etc ... oh, OOPS ... 

A nation not propagandized to the level where 90% of the folks are afraid to utter anything not in lock-step with "The Party" and it's MSM, would laugh out loud at the keystone cop Clintons idiotic crime family. Sure, they kill some people -- but so did Charlie Manson, and that certainly didn't make him a genius! 

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Hildebeast Avoids Water

The inside story of Clinton’s sick day - POLITICO:

I've joked about Hillary and the Wicked Witch of the West for years -- but it turns out that I may have been right. No matter how the press tries to humanize her, the stories of her tirades, nasty language, browbeating staff and sometimes actual violence like throwing things have become rather well known even with a media fully intent to hide her negatives.

Now we find she doesn't like to drink WATER??!! It is so unbelievable as to make one question the sanity of reality. A woman who is supposed to be a legitimate contender for the presidency of a nation of over 300 million people is so out of touch with her humanity that she doesn't want to drink WATER and her staff struggles to get her to do so ????

"The real issue is chronic dehydration, exacerbated by her lung problem and Clinton’s reluctance to drink water, which has become a source of tension with her staff. “She won’t drink water, and you try telling Hillary Clinton she has to drink water,” said a person in her orbit – who described a frenzied rehydration mission that included multiple bottles of water and Gatorade."
When a nation forsakes God, it is given over to the perversion of it's own desires -- even to the point of avoiding water it appears. Other than trying to avoid breathing, is there ANYTHING more unnatural than a human who avoids water?

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A Sowell That Matters

Thomas Sowell: Education, and other racial issues | New Hampshire:

Just go read it, it is brilliant. I've made attempts to discuss all these issues in this blog, but I lack Sowell's intellect, education, writing talent and standing as a black man to discuss them. He covers minimum wage, police interaction and education with a force I will never muster.

A teaser:

Despite all the dire social problems in many black ghettos across the country, problems that are used to excuse widespread academic failures in ghetto schools, somehow ghetto schools run by KIPP and Success Academy turn out students whose academic performances match or exceed the performances in suburban schools whose kids come from high-income families. 
What is even more astonishing is that charter schools are being opposed, not only by teachers’ unions who think that schools exist to provide guaranteed jobs for their members, but also by politicians, including black politicians who loudly proclaim that “black lives matter.”

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Parasitic Worm Named After Obama

No, really ... truth is often stranger than fiction.

Other presidents have mountains named after them. They’re the namesakes for high schools, boulevards, space centers, libraries, airports, and elk. George Washington has the capital of our country named for him, for crying out loud. 
But how many of them have the dubious honor of being the namesake for a parasitic worm?
No word on if the parasitic worm finds this objectionable -- talk about only caring what our own species thinks about things!

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How The Clintons Get Away With It

The whole article is well worth the read -- it does a great job of summarizing how the Clintons, DNC and media work together to allow the Clinton Crime Family to continue to operate.
As my colleague Sean Davis notes, here were a few headlines that captured the tone leading up to that Hillary’s new story: 
CNN (Aug. 24, 2016): Clinton’s health is fine, but what about Trump?
New York Post (Sept. 4, 2016): Dr. Drew loses show after discussing Hillary’s health
Washington Post (Sept. 6, 2016): Can we just stop talking about Hillary Clinton’s health now?
Sarah Silverman (Sept. 8, 2016): “I think anyone bringing up her health is a fucking asshole” 
That’s how it’s done. When they finally do learn about the lie or the wrongdoing, we can employ an array of weapons to fight back.
Up until the "Pneumonia story" came out, anyone questioning Hillary's health was "a conspiracy theorist, sexist, idiot, etc".

I love the left's sudden interest in history when one of theirs has an issue. When Slick was staining blue dresses, we all had a crash course in Jefferson and Sally Hemings! Now, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, or any past president that had a cold is suddenly something to be discussed. I happen to know that Winston Churchill had pneumonia while in office -- I'm just waiting to hear that from some recent history leftish history buff.

Normally, history is of NO USE to the left -- the latest is always greatest, that is "progressivism". Anything THEIR person does is "old news" a week after it happened -- however an alibi from 200 years ago is reason to ignore poor behavior. "Thomas Jefferson did it too!".

The brains 80% of BOistanis are pretty much mush -- the propaganda has just been being poured on too long and too thickly.

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100% Of Political Supporters Racist

Yes, half of Trump supporters are racist - The Washington Post:

The fact is that 100% of humans "prefer people like them" -- it is wired into the wetware. As "liberals" have become more powerful, they DEMAND that people at least claim to be "like them", or they will throw one of their labels on them --- "racist, sexist, islamophobe, homophobe, climate denier, etc".

To a person capable of independent thought, it is obvious that screaming labels at somebody is taking part in exactly the same kind of generalization, objectification, stereotyping, etc that the accuser (TP) is accusing their target of. They are merely taking advantage of the fact that their tribe is dominant, so they can place the label, write the articles, and demand that everyone agree with their position or the targets unwillingness to bow is taken as proof of their label being "real", while TP is "right".  As they say, "it is good to be king" (in the dominant party).

"Trump supporters (or half of them) are racist, white, elderly, disaffected, uneducated, angry, less intelligent, afraid of losing status, etc, etc" is the same type of statement as "Blacks are prone to crime, poorly educated, emotional, on welfare, lazy, violent, unpatriotic, etc". Like all generalizations, there is both truth and falseness in both cases, but for the dominant party ("The Party" (TP-D)), the first generalization is pretty much gospel, where the second is "racist".

As Kierkegaard said "Once you label me, you negate me". The power to reduce a person to a mere label is a truly awesome power. The fact that TP is able to increasingly accomplish this and hold sway over so many minds who are either too brainwashed or too afraid to question the power of TP lest THEY be labeled shows how totalitarian our situation has become.

The proper label for TP is FASCIST -- using raw power and complete absence of morals to declare their position to be "godlike" merely on the basis of raw political power.

Christianity gives mankind a potential to rise above our condition by declaring that ALL are flawed and power is meaningless next to morality, which is transcendent. (might has no bearing on RIGHT!!) Take transcendence away, and the only possible order is based on power and coercion rather than love and the God given order which created Western civilization.

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Monday, September 12, 2016

TP Resisting Trump

How the government could resist President Trump’s orders - The Washington Post:
In a real sense, this town exists to serve the liberal, constitutional order, and President Trump would face fierce and sustained resistance to his “because I say so” threats to that order — not only from the other party but from his own, and from the nonpartisan civil servants who run the government day to day.
Opposing anyone that is not in "The Party" (TP-D) has been the standard since the 1930s. FDR was opposed to government unions because he thought the opportunity for corruption too large. Today, most of the Federal bureaucrats are unionized and their union is one of big contributors to TP -- a rather cozy deal.

When a "liberal" is in the WH, then any concerns of the "constitution" are the fact that it was written by "old white guys" and is "reactionary". Federal union workers that are 90%+ members of TP are "non-partisan"? Oh, that must be why they can be counted on to fight Trump!
Federal workers are in a strong position to resist. One scientist who has spent 35 years at the Environmental Protection Agency (and who asked to speak on the condition of anonymity to discuss political matters) said that after the “hostile takeover” of the agency under Ronald Reagan, career folks initially tried to work with political appointees. But when they concluded that they were really being asked to break laws on water, air and waste, they began complaining to Democrats on Capitol Hill, who held oversight hearings. “And there was a certain amount of setting the political people up,’’ the scientist said, by telling House staffers preparing the hearings what questions to ask and then watching Reagan’s appointees get “slaughtered.”
As we can see, the idea of "The Party" resisting anyone that is non-TP is not new at all. As I wrote before, one thing we can count on is that Trump will have LOTS of resistance!

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