Saturday, October 29, 2016

Liberal Family Tradition

James Comey Broke with Loretta Lynch and Justice Department Tradition - The New Yorker:

I am SHOCKED, shocked I say, to see that Democrats have suddenly discovered that they are HUGE respecters of tradition! How wonderful!

It would be great if we could "all get along" and still have freedom and liberty. In human history, comity was manufactured by the intimidation of the weaker to follow the stronger or SHUT UP!  and if they failed to comply, banishing or killing them. China, North Korea, Cuba and Islamic states still follow this time honored tradition.

The widespread belief in Christianity coupled with Greek philosophy provided a framework on which Western civilization was able to arrive at a set of transcendent beliefs that were shared by 80-90% of all educated people. Even better, those beliefs allowed for not only not killing the 10-20% that did not agree, but had a bias toward allowing their beliefs and even LOVING them in spite of their not agreeing on basic tenets of an extremely large group. Those values were what made "Western civilization" more that just a "big tribe".

While transcendence is about more than reason, in the Western case, reason, coupled with "The Enlightenment" was the base from which the democratic republics sprang. In the US, the church was separate from the state, but it's existence was assumed -- as Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other".

Without even a tiny attempt at consistency, there can be no reason nor truth. Democrats have ZERO respect for tradition in reality. The base bedrock of humanity -- marriage, gender, respect for life, private property, free speech, the Golden Rule,  or the right to bear arms. Not a single element of the strongest of traditions and codified law in human history is so much as a momentary consideration to the left as they steamroller all of them and treat anyone believing in tradition as "racist, sexist, homophobic, reactionary, etc".

"Liberals" DO have one gigantic "tradition". It is the tradition of having only one consistent principle -- POWER!!! On all else, they twist in the wind -- usually being wholly against any mention of "tradition" as they trample the sacred into the mud as if it were yesterdays garbage. But nearly as important to their efforts as complete INconsistency, is their ability to be completely shameless. They have no compunction at all to trot out "tradition" when it suits them as if it was actually something they were concerned about!

We can't "get along", because one of the supposed "American" parties as sworn allegiance to BOistan and as it has been for years now, it is TOTALLY obvious that they will stop at NOTHING to achieve total control and begin the operation of cleansing BOistan of all who disagree with their world view.

The left has one "tradition" that is "sacred" -- totally and utterly destroy your opposition  by any and all means possible. The more bloody and painful, the better.

I'm reminded of Hank Williams Jr -- listen to the following and consider "why do we kill and imprison?" ...

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Democrat Dog Found Alive

Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa - The Washington Post:

In a nation with a lick of common sense, nobody but a worthless party hack would even try to peddle a story this stupid, let alone a supposedly "major news outlet"  -- it is a case of the old saw of "a man accused of killing 3 men and a dog, promptly produces the dog alive".

Democrat vote fraud is old and well understood -- the Daley machine in Chicago was especially egregious, but it is "Bad, and Nationwide" (the song is just entertainment, otherwise unrelated).

So, unsurprisingly, the official position of the media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) is usually that "there is no such thing as voter fraud" ... see scholarly article here. Since "there is no such thing", we need no voter id, where we MUST have a picture ID to for example "mail a UPS package". Ballots can be mailed all over, even a couple months before the election.

Oh, but wait, some poor disoriented Trump supporter in IA has been found engaging in "voter fraud". I've run into snowbirds that pioneered absentee ballots, because "they lived in both places" -- all the state offices were different anyway, and they "voted for the same top of the ticket so it didn't matter". It is pretty clear to anyone that cares about fair elections that there are millions of cases of voter fraud in BOistan every election, and there used to be in the US as well. At least 90% of them happen to be Democrat -- but their standard position is "it doesn't exist" -- except if you find a disoriented Trump supporter to make an example out of.

It's a new nation -- apparently they are experimenting a bit more with the idea of claiming there is no DEMOCRAT voter fraud, while at the same time deciding to cast aspersions on the votes of the opposition.

Old technique, new area -- deficit in opposition administration? HUGE problem. Democrat? Probably not as big a deficit as it should be! Sexual harassment by Democrat? Oxymoron, never happens. Opposition? The only way that anyone could NOT believe in any accusation wholeheartedly is if they are a misogynist!

We could go on for pages -- BOistan is a world with no actual reality, only "political reality".

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Hillary Winning With WWI Vets -- Bringing the Country Together

I've heard that for the Civil War, the Democrat vote is now 97% from BOTH SIDES! Talk about "bringing the country together".!

The black vote, the felon vote, the Undocumented Democrat vote (formerly" Illegal Alien"), ALL 97% ... just like  scientists and Global Warming!
(Yes, I DO know that "Duffle Blog" is like "The Onion", but in order to be funny, something has to have some shred of truth -- and sadly, we all know that it does. 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Hillary Weinered!

Did Huma Commit Perjury? | Power Line:

The truth is indeed MUCH stranger than we could ever imagine it to be. It truly is not what you know, but WHO you know. I understand that the left has lost it's capacity for irony, but could there be any two women who have less capability to pick men than  Huma "Mrs Weiner" and Hillary, "Mrs Free Willie"?

Today’s bombshell news, of course, is that the FBI has found a substantial number of emails from Hillary Clinton to Huma Abedin on the computer (desktop, I assume) that Huma shared with her husband, Anthony Weiner. The FBI was examining the computer’s hard drive to investigate whether Weiner had conducted a crime by sexting with an underage girl. Imagine the astonishment of a tech guy at the FBI who found, not only Weiner’s illicit texts, but a trove of emails from Hillary Clinton.

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thomas Being Replaced On Court?

About the groping allegations against Justice Thomas [With Comment by John] | Power Line:

The left is positively giddy about their prospects. They expect a Hildebeast landslide, taking the Senate and maybe even the House!!! If their dreams play out, we are likely to see a completely new era.

Why NOT have a flurry of allegations against Clarence Thomas? Trying to adjudicate the "he groped me 17 years ago" is impossible. The democrat women and the media line up and say "women don't make these things up, if she says it happened, IT HAPPENED. If you disagree, you are a misogynist"!

What more is needed? Remove him from the court and a thorn in the side of the left is gone under a cloud -- OH HAPPY DAY!

The age of the woman president is upon us -- let the women rise up and smite whomever they find to be objectionable!

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

BOcare Fails, Friends With Benefits

I understand that only an idiot would think that Trump still has any chance. I was CERTAINLY there for all of 2015, and into 2016. Even though I hedged a bit, I was sucked into "ding, dong, Trump is dead" on April 13th

The media is absolutely certain that Trump is dead -- so much so that WaPo is willing to point out the obvious. BOcare is a giant failure, and like Romney on Russia, the Republicans were right.
This would be big news at any point in this election: The signature achievement of the outgoing Democratic president appears to be fulfilling many of the doom and gloom predictions Republicans made when the law passed. Costs are rising for many. Major insurers — like Aetna — are dropping out. And the law, which has never been terribly popular, isn't faring any better in most credible polling these days.
I will not give up hope for Trump until he concedes -- certainly NOT because I "like him", nor even because I believe that he would be "good for BOistan", whatever the hell that means.

Pretty much, I would just enjoy listening to MPR the morning after should he win.

Do I "think he will win", "do I care"? These are both really hard questions at this point in my life -- I truly loved America. It's ideas, it's vision, it's values -- I am so lucky to have grown up in that once great nation.

I know I will never be part of BOistan -- I now know what a true "alien" feels like. Undocumented Democrats (formerly "illegal aliens")  in  BOistan at least agree with the tenets of BOistan ... no law, no morality, no borders, no shared values ... just a "territory with benefits", similar to the modern  male / female relationship of "friends with benefits (sex)".

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Headline Hugging And Kissing

Latest Trump accuser says he hugged, kissed her without permission -

People that have not spent time in corporate BOistan are not aware that "sexual harassment" is ENTIRELY in the eye of the accuser. If the accuser says "you were staring at me", that is sexual harassment and it is treated seriously. In my case, a female employee felt "harassed" because she was not included in the planning for a bachelor party of another employee. That earned me a trip to a middle man agers office and the news that my record at IBM now included a charge of "sexual harassment".

The sexual harassment law is completely about power. We always had laws against rape and assault, but sexual harassment gives a new level of power to women that is unprecedeneted in human history. "Hate Speech" does the same -- the mere charge if "I heard someone yell the N*word" can be raised against a group like the Tea Party and it is taken extremely seriously.

Power is about asymmetry. We certainly see that there is nothing that Trump supporters can be called that is "hate speech". In fact, even when an Islamic person attacks and kills tens of people, it is not only not a "hate crime", and it is immoral and "narrow minded" to suggest that their race or religion was a factor in their attack.

A mark of BOistan is how the asymmetry of law works. For women or minorities making charges against  a member of "The Party" (TP-D) -- like Slick Wille, even serious charges like rape or assault are treated as "suspect, unproven, probably politically motivated" if they see the light of day at all. When the tables are turned, any charge -- "hugging and kissing a decade ago", or the asserted hearing of an offensive word are deadly serious, in fact "headline news".

And so it goes in BOistan. In America, equality of TREATMENT of people before the law was a major part of what made America exceptional. In BOistan, UNequal treatment is a major part of the power of TP in all aspects of life.

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Saturday, October 22, 2016

You Will Say What You Are Told

U of T prof told to use gender pronouns students want | Toronto & GTA | News | T:

Thou shalt speak as the political class tells you to speak.
These laws are the first laws that I’ve seen that require people under the threat of legal punishment to employ certain words, to speak a certain way, instead of merely limiting what they’re allowed to say,” Peterson said. “So the law’s put words into our mouths.”
Laws to tell you what you MUST say and laws to tell you want you CAN'T say. What could be simpler. You can't say "the N word" ... it is "hate speech".

You MUST call those who define a new pronoun by the word they request. Does this include "His Majesty"?

No doubt even thinking such is soon to be punishable. In BOistan you MUST buy health insurance! What problem is there with telling you what you MUST say?

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You Will Say What You Are Told

U of T prof told to use gender pronouns students want | Toronto & GTA | News | T:

Thou shalt speak as the political class tells you to speak.
These laws are the first laws that I’ve seen that require people under the threat of legal punishment to employ certain words, to speak a certain way, instead of merely limiting what they’re allowed to say,” Peterson said. “So the law’s put words into our mouths.”
Laws to tell you what you MUST say and laws to tell you want you CAN'T say. What could be simpler. You can't say "the N word" ... it is "hate speech".

You MUST call those who define a new pronoun by the word they request. Does this include "His Majesty"?

No doubt even thinking such is soon to be punishable. In BOistan you MUST buy health insurance! What problem is there with telling you what you MUST say?

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Friday, October 21, 2016

Politifact Mostly Biased

Got that?

Now if you are a "liberal",  here are some of the thoughts probably going through your head:

  • If I go look at the two articles I could find SOME reason that it really isn't biased! 
  • "Conservatives" really HATE fact checking -- simple mistake, not big enough to matter, doesn't prove anything. 
  • Pure anger -- I'm not going to look at this stuff! People that put up things like this purely to cast doubt on people who deal in FACTS are NOT the kind of people that I choose to associate with! 
There are thousands of ways to ignore, discount and rationalize things we don't like. We ALL do that -- I certainly don't trust myself to be unbiased, because I KNOW I am biased. By realizing that universal fact -- that ALL are biased, we can possibly barely begin to "all get along". 

My view is that is not actually possible without belief in a "higher power" that puts the issues of this world in perspective. In my case, that is Christ, and I really can't imagine another that would be even so close in being effective to eliciting the desire to love even our enemies. 

Having a belief in SOMETHING that transcends "you in this moment" is worthy, even if it can't be Christ. Without such a belief, our current culture is all about me, me, me, and now, now, now.  

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Nixon, Gore, Trump -- "Stuff" Flows Downhill

In defense of Al Gore | Power Line:

The linked article defends Al Gore as having "every reason to contest the election", which of course he did.

So did Nixon in '60. Nixon likely had a better chance of winning than Gore did, and of exposing some nasty voter fraud in the process, but he did not contest the election so Americans were allowed to believe the country was less corrupt than it already was for awhile longer.

Both Kennedy and LBJ also had their version of "The Plumbers" (and worse), as had probably every president back to at least Teddy Roosevelt, and likely beyond.

What Nixon, and the presidents before him had that neither modern candidates or the general public has today, was "respect for the office, and love for the country" -- as did the media, people in congress, and the public in general. It seems fitting that Nixon, a man who held the fiction that the presidency and the process of winning it needed to be "above reproach" and was willing to put his not insignificant ambitions aside to protect it, was also the point at which "The Party" (TP-D) decided that they would take him down -- and of course the presidency with him.

Republicans, always the ones who believe like Lucy that TP "is really playing honest this time", naturally went along, which is what REALLY took down Nixon. Fast forward to Slick Willie, walking the halls of power with his pants around his knees, and TP lined up to "damn the corruption, JUST WIN BABY!".

So Al Gore followed suit relative to "the process" -- arguing the election was invalid. Power Line thinks Trump has "a right" to do "the same thing" -- and clearly TP does NOT think he has that right.

The point however is that "Stuff" flows downhill! Nixon was willing to "put the office and the country first" -- and was rewarded by TP by being destroyed with a lot of collateral damage to the country and the office. TP naturally doesn't care about that -- POWER is their only concern.

Slick Willie took us down another level, and TP was there to allow him to do it. Shortly after, Gore ratcheted us down yet another -- completely overturning that Nixonian ideal of "country / office before personal ambition". Naturally, TP was fine with that -- and many in TP continued to call W "illegitamate" during his entire term, further damaging both the office and the nation.

BO established the "standard" that anyone can truly be president -- no executive experience necessary. Trump is a GIANT of executive experience next to BO!

The next ratchet down will be WORSE than Gore! Maybe it will be Trump that says that millions of illegals voted (who could tell?), ballot boxes were stuffed, etc. Perhaps the country can be without a successor for many months -- or maybe years as things drag out in a 4 to 4 court and who knows what kind of fractured congress.

The ratchet has been grinding downward since at least Wilson. America was a truly great nation -- it took a long time to kill it, but TP has clearly gotten the job done!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hildebeast -- Can't We Just Drone Him?

The Ron Paul article is worth a read as well. I think we already live where Paul is concerned we "might" live.
Assange’s fate, whatever it turns out to be, limns our own: if he goes down, then, in a sense, so do we all. Because what that means is that there’s no room for truth-tellers in our world, and no tolerance for heroes. And that’s not the kind of world I care to live in.

Sorry Ron, you live in BOistan, and it is already "that kind of world".

Oh, and Snopes considers the leak "unproven" (they likely still wonder about Alger Hiss),  goes through a long attempt to obfuscate it, and gives the "ultimate denial" from Hildebeast at the end ... "If I said it, it was a joke"!

Gotta love it! They certainly give Trump credit for the "it was a joke" in off the cuff remarks don't they? This would have been a "joke" at a State Department meeting, and if you read the whole thing it sounds like it went on for a bit more!

Does ANYONE honestly not see Hildebeast saying this? Oh, I know, "The Party" and her defenders won't admit it, but if they listen to Darth, I think we ALL know the truth!

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Breaking Down Your Door For Speech Still Illegal for Moment

As I covered in a few posts, most notably this one, WI liberals decided it was a good idea to break down people's doors in the early AM on "suspicion of collusion" relative to Walker and PAC money. You know, the kind of "collusion" that the NY Times, MPR, WaPO, CNN, NBC, CBS ... do every single day! In California they have even made this charge "guilty unless proven innocent" in direct violation of UN human rights law, which the US is a cosigner of! 

So for the moment, such attacks are still illegal ...

"The appeal was a long shot because the case concerned a matter of Wisconsin law. But the relentless persistence of the left in trying to prosecute political speech shows what could happen if the U.S. Supreme Court gets a five-judge liberal majority. The progressive censors will gin up cases to overturn legal precedents like Citizens United and SpeechNow v. FEC that have made it harder for government to regulate who can join with allies to influence elections."
If it was going to be "harder for both sides", one might lament the loss of freedom, but be able to at least tell themselves "it will help keep big money out of politics". As it is, it is a highly visible move to single party rule as TP owns 80% of the media, entertainment, education, the legal system and both the federal and state bureaucracies.

The Party has complete freedom of speech and all the money it needs to blanket everyone with it's message. For the moment, they can't put the opposition in jail quite for doing the same quite as easily as they would like, but one can plainly see it from here.

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Illegal To View Wikileaks

Perhaps the age of Hildebeast has dawned early. See, if the leak is about "The Party" (TP-D), then it is illegal, immoral, cowardly, likely fake,  and very probably a felony for a citizen to look at it.

If it is about the opposition, it is courageous, truth to power, honorable, and all must be made aware of it it and assume it's veracity!

We really DO all understand this now -- it is just the early stages of seeing TP actually say it directly.

"” Also interesting is, remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents,” Cuomo says. “It’s different for the media, so everything you’re learning about this, you’re learning from us.”"
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Sunday, October 16, 2016

T S Eliot on

The linked essay is not very long, but quite difficult -- at least to me. The overall effect it had on me is related to the current force of the the collective present "you didn't build that" in the attempt to destroy the idea of "individual effort", and the related (and largely successful) focus to cut off the "now" from the past so fully that only a tiny minority of people in the present have even a tiny awareness of the richness of the culture and tradition that made this present but dying world possible.

It might be said that it is dying of "natural causes" in that it requires at least some level of effort for even a genius to be aware of the richness of the past that made the present exist. The decision to willfully cut ourselves off from the massive collective triumphs and failures of history, and at the same time create an ethos in which the individual of the present is devalued except in relation to an imaginary collective of the present -- and ever the present, moment, bereft of even the events of very recent years. This may be "natural", but it is not culture nor civilization.

I say "imaginary collective", because what passes for some vast "collective wisdom of the present" is really only the "story of the day" ... whose "value" is only relative to whatever today's narrative is from the vast manipulative organs of the "The Party".

Thus, there is NOTHING "timeless" ... all is temporal, and temporal only in the sense of NOW, meaning this minute. So, at this minute, I went to and was completely unsurprised to find the very organization named to "Move On" from any "distractions" relative to sexual harassment by Bill Clinton engaged in disqualifying Trump based on ... allegations of past harassment charges!

TODAY, the "values" are completely changed -- and that is perfectly in tune with the operation of "the Party". There is no history at all -- even of the past hour. The vast bulk of the populace knows nothing but the moment, because that is the way "The Party" finds the most effective to attaining their goals.

The whole essay is well worth the time -- the following is just a snippet that captures a bit of what has befallen us.

" Yet if the only form of tradition, of handing down, consisted in following the ways of the immediate generation before us in a blind or timid adherence to its successes, “tradition” should positively be discouraged. We have seen many such simple currents soon lost in the sand; and novelty is better than repetition. Tradition is a matter of much wider significance. It cannot be inherited, and if you want it you must obtain it by great labour. It involves, in the first place, the historical sense, which we may call nearly indispensable to anyone who would continue to be a poet beyond his twenty-fifth year; and the historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional. And it is at the same time what makes a writer most acutely conscious of his place in time, of his contemporaneity."
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