Thursday, September 04, 2008

Lieberman a Liar Too

Democrats attack Lieberman, saying he lied to delegates -

Democrats are always the truthful ones. Strange how a practicing Jewish guy that was their own VP candidate in 2000 is taking the time to get up there and "lie" in front of the Republican convention and is supporting the Republican candidate. There is no way that such a guy could be principled and standing up for what he believes to be true!

So John McCain, a guy that the press AND the Democrats LOVED when he was disagreeing with how Bush was carrying out the war in Iraq, against the Bush tax cuts, part of the "gang of whatever" that prevented Republicans from using the "nuclear option" in the Senate to get Bush appointments through is now "just like Bush"!

Could it be possible that Lieberman and McCain are still where they always were -- standing up for principles that they believe in, while the Democrats and the media have slid farther and farther to the left? If someone sees BO as not doing an effective job of "reaching across the aisle", that makes them a LIAR?

McCain has a long history of being bipartisan. I tend to disagree with a Republican being bipartisan because of exactly what we see here. As long as that bipartisanship is damaging to the Republican cause, the MSM treats the bipartisan Republican as a HERO, but as soon as those bipartisan actions could aid them in a contest with DEMOCRATS, that history is completely lost and they are "another Bush" (or whomever the Republican MSM demon of the day is).

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