Saturday, October 04, 2008

Liberals Rethink Free Speech

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Liberals Rethink Free Speech

Good article, the only thing he is wrong on is that it is a "rethink". Yes, yes, BO and company is already trying to suppress political speech, but this isn't a new activity for the left and we certainly haven't seen anything yet if he gets elected.

Ever since the US lefty socialist/fascist/communists stole the term "liberal" from the conservative right where it belongs, people get confused. The left has ALWAYS hated unregulated POLITICAL speech, it is freedom to burn flags, scream obscenity and show pornography is the speech that they seek to protect. The only political speech they want to allow is that which agrees with them.

The collective left will ALWAYS be STRONGLY against the speech of those that believe in individual responsibility, transcendent meaning of any sort, and values that are other than fluid and relative. They have always and will always seek to stamp true freedom of thought and speech out through any means possible including the incarceration or murder of those that speak or think in ways they see as "lying", "hateful", or "divisive". They believe that we ought be one big happy collective that operates exactly as they think we ought operate!

Thinking differently from a lefty is about the most immoral thing that they can imagine!

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