Thursday, October 02, 2008

Slow Joe Bag O Donuts

An Everyman on the Trail, With Perks at Home -

Yes, Joe is really a pauper for a Senator. His little hovel of a 6,800 sq foot lakefront home worth something close to $3million pretty much proves that! He does knock down about $250K a year, again, peanuts for a Senator. Easy to see why he feels that taxing the snot out of anyone that makes over what he makes is "patriotic". Somehow, I bet for a guy that makes $100K it is just as "patriotic" to make those "greedy folks" that make over $100K pay through the nose. Hmm, come to think of it, I bet that kind of logic works with a lot of people independent of income! "The folks that make more money than ME ought to pay A LOT more in taxes ... of course, **I** pay TOO MUCH in taxes and ought to pay LESS!!

I think I just restated a piece of human nature!

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