Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Racism Under New Management

RealClearPolitics - 'Out of Context'

Sotomayor has indicated that her "latino woman better than white man" statement was "taken out of context" ... to which Sowell replies:

What could such statements possibly mean-- in any context-- other than the new and fashionable racism of our time, rather than the old-fashioned racism of earlier times? Racism has never done this country any good, and it needs to be fought against, not put under new management for different groups.

Sowell goes on to make the following unarguable point:

The very idea that a judge's "life experiences" should influence judicial decisions is as absurd as it is dangerous.

It is dangerous because citizens are supposed to obey the law, which means they must know what the law is in advance-- and nobody can know in advance what the "life experiences" of whatever judge they might appear before will happen to be.

Whey bother to have a written Constitution? laws? Bible? anything? If new versions can be made up out of whole cloth at any moment because of somebodies "life experience", "compassion", or just plain "whim". The "standard" that is being foisted on us at every turn now from car companies to the Supreme Court is "no standard at all". The rule of law is dead -- all hail the power of BO!

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