The decline covered in the linked article is old news to readers of this blog -- I found the following paragraph to be especially well put.
And now our civilization is likewise demonstrating its own shortness of breath, with Europe a few decades ahead of us on the downslope. Europe is utterly exhausted. It believes in nothing – its churches are empty and that hopelessness has translated into a demographic death spiral. Europe does nothing new and merely feeds off of the fading triumphs of the last century. Its politics are frozen in a cycle of failure even as the barbarians it unwisely invited into its midst establish their own internal kingdoms. The elite is no longer composed of citizen-soldier-politicians in the mode of the ancient Roman patricians, or even the modern Winston Churchill. Instead, it is all bland bureaucrats, terrified of losing power and using their regulatory cudgel to squelch the unrest by marginalizing the unsatisfied and outlawing the speech of the uncooperative.
And with the Arctic Circle sitting right between North America and an increasingly belligerent Russia, the Navy needs to be sure its subs and crews can handle the conditions.
Russia? BO assured us in 2012 that "the cold war has been over for 20 years".
Chicago is on track for 700 murders this year under BO crony Rahm Emanuel.
Chicago police stops have dropped 90 percent -- from more than 157,000 up to this point last year to roughly 21,000 so far this year. No coincidence that the city is experiencing its bloodiest start in nearly two decades. The latest data shows violence has not relented since January, with both shootings and murders sharply rising.
BO is pardoning criminals and police forces around the nation are battening down the hatches as they are hyper-scrutinized for even protecting their own lives from the rising tide of increasingly violent thugs.
"The Party" (TP-D) is pretty certain they have successfully wired the demographics this time by immigration and killing any form of voter ID, thus allowing massive vote fraud, that they will be able to prevent any rise in the "law and order voter".
Even discipline in school is now "racist", and on the mean streets, cops are far better served to just stay in their cars and let the thugs kill each other -- hoping that the collateral damage will be minimized and they can just move in after the fact and pick up the bodies.
Detroit is the model for the the "TP city" -- DC, Baltimore, St Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and Chicago are cities on the way to "The Detroit Model" -- here in Minnesota, our own N Minneapolis is a local version.
I'll take my chances in Emmetsburg Iowa, I don't need a front row seat like the liquor store owner in this little promo for the ObamaNation. (abomination)
Eventually, even a very slow nation will learn the difference between "justice" and "punishment".
The article covers the fact that Bernie Sanders (BS) is Jewish, but basically nobody knows it -- and he very much likes it that way. He is PROUD to be a Socialist -- he rarely admits that he is a Jew.
God creates, works in love and light and provides both free will and Grace. Lots of people like to question the existence of God, many of them consider the "proof" of his non-existence to be evil.
Virtually nobody questions the existence of evil -- which would indicate that those who question God because of evil find evil to be a completely natural element of the universe. Interestingly, they are often those who somehow, even after consigning God to non-existence due to the existence of evil, find the nature of man to be "good", (randomly I'm sure) with the mysterious origin of "natural evil" to be somehow due to "society, male privilege, religion, etc". How these "evil elements" arose from "good human nature" remains a mystery -- but one they are quite comfortable with as opposed to the idea of a good and loving God.
Those that work against God love to work in darkness.
Karl Marx was a Jew—and also an anti-Semite. He was steeped in the works of 19th-century French theorist François Fourier. Paul Johnson, in his magisterial History of the Jews, quotes Fourier’s contention that commerce was “the source of all evil” and that the Jews were “the incarnation of commerce.” Thus was the elimination of commerce inextricably tied to the elimination of the Jews. Ethnic eradication was part and parcel of socialism, in Marx’s eyes. Indeed, in Johnson’s view, “Marx’s theory of communism was the end-product of his theoretical anti-Semitism.”
"Honor your father and your mother" is the 5th Commandment, so it is unsurprising to see Satan providing us with another inversion. "Hate your father and your mother" -- and so of course, your own race and blood line! Marx found commerce to the source of evil, Jews to be the incarnation of commerce, so elimination of the Jews as been part of the Communist and Socialist (see NATIONAL Socialist) agenda throughout the 20th century. When consistency is COMPLETELY not an issue, theoretical elimination of YOURSELF is only one more inconsistency -- thus we have $100 million dollar woman Hillary inveighing against "the rich" and Bernie part of a tradition of eliminating the Jews.
What does any of that have to do with “Zionists”? The answer goes back to Marx: “The contradiction which exists between the effective political power of the Jew and his political rights, is the contradiction between politics and the power of money in general. Politics is in principle superior to the power of money, but in practice it has become its bondsman.”
In other words, money talks. And in Marx’s view and the view of his descendants, it speaks the language of the Jew, who represents power. If that power is going to be devolved back into the hands of the people, where it belongs, it must be wrested from the Jew.
When we were visiting Denver in December of '14 and took in the Light Parade, we got to witness a "Black Lives Matter" protest walk through carrying signs and chanting -- we were rather shocked to see "Free Palestine" posters as part of the group. We should not have been -- the movements are linked, antisemitism is part and parcel of the "movements of the people", here we have Jeremiah Wright (YES, BO's old pastor) inveighing against Israel.
Citing what he called the “three-headed demon” of “racism, militarism and capitalism,” Wright implored the gathering to “stand beside our Palestinian brothers and sisters, who have been done one of the most egregious injustices in the 20th and 21st centuries.”
Ah what a fetid stew the left boils in their Satanic caldron of hatred and death. Hate the whites, hate the Jews, hate those that create wealth, hate those that protect and keep order (police and military) -- hatred for law, Christians, civilization even for their parents and their own blood. When they finally come to power, they always have some "inner power group", the KGB in the USSR or the SS in Nazi Germany that even rules over the military and normal police with terror.
Remember, our current sitting disaster of a president sat in Rev Wright's church for 20 years, and of course BO himself in his own autobiography talked of trying to "filter his mothers white blood" and finally found his true self as a "proud Luo Tribesman" and picked up the mantle of his father and grandfather to "destroy the colonial powers" (America, England ...)
There seems to be universal political agreement that even if Roe-V-Wade was overturned and states were allowed to protect the unborn, killing them should be a "victimless crime".
I'm CLEARLY not a politician -- so that probably is the only "reasonable / non-crazy / winnable / etc" POLITICAL position. I'm surprised, but I'm surprised a LOT these days.
Morally though, it seems to me that taking the life of an unborn baby is either wrong or it isn't. If it is not wrong, then why would it ever be made illegal? If it IS made illegal, how did we get to the position that it is "politically insane" for there to be a penalty for breaking the law?
Let's say that Jamar Clark's (black man killed in scuffle for policeman gun in November up in Minneapolis) girlfriend decided that after probably being beaten many times, maybe with huge emotion, soul searching, reticence, etc that she was going to take matters in her own hands and kill the bastard.
Now depending on circumstance -- was he in the act of beating her, did she "fear for her life", etc, she may well get off with self-defense (and I'd be fine with that) ... however, if after a certain beating she just decide when she got up early to eviscerate him with a butcher knife, there would be a trial and a penalty. "Soul searching, thinking she had no options, etc notwithstanding.
I know I'm WAY out on a limb here -- even the WSJ asserts that "nobody holds the penalty position".
My question then is whether the battle for the unborn is not already lost then. Jamar Clark had a nasty criminal record, had beaten his girlfriend bad enough for EMTs to be called and was interfering with them forcing them to call police. This information was considered (as it should be) immaterial relative to his life being lost in a scuffle with police. He was "innocent until proven guilty". Had the officers been found to not have acted properly they would have been charged with some level of "manslaughter" -- or possibly even murder.
If a baby in it's mothers womb is NOT human life, then why regulate abortion at all? It can't be "killed" any more than your appendix can -- which is why pro-choice people hold the position that they do (at least the ones that care about morals). No "tissue rights".
Is it possible for the pro-life position to have any moral standing but not deal with the question of there being a penalty for killing the unborn baby?
I can't see how.
I don't say that the penalty for "first offence, especially underage, extenuating circumstance" has to be large, but we definitely live in a society where if an underage male is accused of ANY form of "sexual harassment", there is no compunction whatsoever for the system to identify them as a "sex offender" with a trail that may follow them for life.
I think Trump handled the question badly for sure, but I had never realized that the official position of the pro-life movement was that there could be no penalty for women getting an abortion if Roe V Wade was ever overturned.
Given that moral position, I can't imagine how it ever will be.
I continue to subject myself to an hour or two of MPR a week, and since November, a liberal might say that I've been "the victim" of WAY more coverage of Jamar Clark than a rational person should be subjected to.
During the hours that I listen -- typically in snippets from 9:30 AM to 1:00PM, the coverage of this has been INCESSANT, and the CONSTANT is "Jamar Clark, unarmed black man victim of police shooting in Minneapolis". MANY times we also covered the "witnesses say he was handcuffed and on the ground at the time he was shot" -- sometimes they even said "executed".
When you have your hand on an officers gun you are NOT "unarmed", and when you are shot, you are a "suspect" or now "perpetrator". Let's try this out -- "Jamar Clark, a violent domestic violence perpetrator was shot and killed in a struggle for a police officers gun"!
COUNTLESS representatives from "Black Lives Matter", "Justice for Jamar", NAACP, the University of MN, black political leaders and various community members and activists were given a HUGE amount of time to talk, and to summarize their points:
The Minneapolis Police Department is racist, "their narrative" should not be covered AT ALL.
The entire idea of "police" is "White Privilege", the entire idea of "law" as it exists today is "White Privilege". MPR is racist, continues to dispense the "racist police propaganda".
The idea of "truth" as a "racist construct". The ONLY truth that counts here is the TRUTH of the Black Community -- Jamar Clark was handcuffed, on the ground, and executed.
Here we have a short summary by the local head of the NAACP from the article.
"Your entire narrative today was to push the propaganda of the Minneapolis Police Department," said Raeisha Williams, communications director for the Minneapolis NAACP and a candidate for the Minneapolis City Council. "You, Mr. Freeman, did not give a fair and accurate portrayal … and let me tell you: If the city burns, it's on your hands.""
We FINALLY heard the police side yesterday -- not very much in the article above.
Jamar Clark beats up his girlfriend at a party bad enough that EMTs are called.
EMTs arrive, they get the girlfriend in the ambulance, clark is fighting with EMTs trying to get at girlfriend again, EMTs call police.
Police are less than two blocks away, they arrive, tell Clark to get hands out of pockets, he refuses.
Officer Ringgenberg takes Clark to ground and Clark continues to resist, he gets his hand on Ringgenberg 's gun, which Clark has moved toward Ringgenberg 's back. Clark has hand on gun, Ringgenberg is fighting for control and tells partner -- "He's got my gun!"
Partner Schwarze puts gun in Clark's face and says "Let go of the gun or I'm going to shoot you!"
Clark says "I'm ready to die" ... Schwarze feels that in order to save the lives of his partner and possibly himself and others around, he has no option and shoots him.
Clark's DNA is found on the gun and Riggenberg's belt, No DNA from Clark is found on the inside of the handcuffs, there are no marks on Clark's wrists from handcuffs.
The "20ish" witnesses variously say "he was handcuffed in front", "he was handcuffed in back", "he had one handcuff on", "he was not handcuffed".
The BLM narrative usually consists of merely "he was handcuffed, on the ground and executed" -- I've never see them asked to extend this any as to what we have to believe to believe their story. It would have to be something as follows:
Two racist police officers get a call, they show up and find a black man scuffling with EMTs.
They grab him, handcuff him, throw him to the ground, and within 60 seconds of their arrival they decide that with two EMTs standing there plus about 20 witnesses, it is a good idea to execute him in cold blood, so they do.
Could that happen? I suppose, but if this is what police forces in the US are like, especially in heavily Democrat states and cities like Minneapolis, one would expect at LEAST 100's if not thousands of young black men executed by police each year in this country. Our news media and for certain MPR would not have the hours to do the coverage! They would need 10-20 stations in the Twin Cities alone just to cover the police killings of "unarmed black men".
Since Fergusson MO it has been clear that "The Party" (TP-D) and it's media arm wants to whip up racial tensions to increase turnout for the 2016 elections, so EVERY opportunity is fanned to fit the story line of "white police murder unarmed black man".
Left wing narratives are so ubiquitous that we often don't see how selective they are. When the violence is Islamic, we MUST NOT generalize -- there are no "root causes" except possibly "W invading Iraq". The incident is the incident -- nothing more general can or should be discovered.
When there is a mass shooting in the US, we MUST generalize about the "problem of gun ownership". What may appear to be the proximate cause -- the perpetrator is a raving lunatic who ought to have been locked up long ago, such complicating factors are "avoiding the REAL issue of guns in America". The blood is "really on the hands of the NRA and every gun owner in America".
When a black man is shot by police, we completely ignore proximate causes and purely generalize to "racism" in police forces and the general public. In the Clark case, it is interesting that nobody cares about the girlfriend and the relationship of domestic violence and substance abuse to the incident.
In 2011, the most recent year for which such data is available, black females were murdered by males at a rate of 2.61 per 100,000 in single victim/single offender incidents. For white women, the rate was 0.99 per 100,000.
If Clark had not been beating up his girlfriend there would have been no call and no death. He also had a blood alcohol level over the legal limit as well as evidence of other drugs in his system. Perhaps if he had not been high he would not have been neither abusing his girlfriend or resisting arrest? But substance abuse is a "victimless crime".
One more case where the vast majority of the public are simply sheep bleating to the narrative that TP and it's media arm choose to apply to fit whatever story they seek to use to increase their political power and control of the masses. "Follow the money" is indeed a worthy maxim, but "be aware of the narrative" is possibly even more critical as TP consolidates it's power over a largely blind public.
Another paper, published in 2011 by the Williams Institute, used survey data to attempt to count the transgender population. It estimated that 0.3 percent of the population, or 700,000 adults, identified that way.
So let's be VERY generous here and conclude that transgender is a "real problem". I assume that even the most jaded among us would consider being a paraplegic a "real problem" and conclude that a very few of them are "faking it".
So WHY are we AT ALL CONCERNED about people with "gender issues" having to use the bathroom that fits with their biology?
Do we think it is HARDER to be dealt this unfortunate blow of feeling like you are not comfortable with your gender than it is to have to deal with not being able to move your legs?
We have sports teams, states and cities talking about boycotting NC because they officially state that men should use mens bathrooms and women should use women's bathrooms.
Not a lot of solid information on the incidence of pedophilia ... Wikipedia lists it as "less than 5% in males" as an incidence -- COMMON compared to trans at .3 or less! Does access to a women's bathroom give better access to pedophiles that want to prey on young girls?
The insanity in this is so great that it defies comprehension:
We are paying COMPLETELY INORDINATE attention to one very odd group of people many of which are quite likely are most simply "disturbed", while other groups of similar size who are CLEARLY disabled and forced to deal with MUCH more difficult circumstance (paraplegics, blind, etc) are of very little concern to the elite.
The exposure of children and vulnerable adults in the 99% of the population so that the <1% "don't feel embarrassed" is utterly insane. We are in the process of GLORIFICATION of "trans" people -- see Caitlyn Jenner. "Trans pride" will vie for "gay pride" in the elite quarters. Why would they hide?
The bottom line here is again the attack on all of created order -- destroy the Church, destroy the Family and now destroy Gender -- this is important PURELY to destroy the natural order. That is the complete and total reason for this happening!
The linked article is OF COURSE about Trump -- only it really isn't. Is it REALLY so hard for people to figure out why Trump is popular and actually could win? Is the media and everyone REALLY this dense?
Duality and obsession, his enemies’ and his own, fill Batman's stories. His enemies reflect and distort facets of himself. What psychopathologies lurk in the minds of supervillains like the Joker, the Riddler, Two-Face, and Catwoman? Are they really rogues and villains, or simply misunderstood victims of a heartless society? Do Batman and his foes depend on each other?
Figuring out Trump is easy, but is Hillary the Joker or the Penguin? She seems quite a bit more off her rocker than Heath Ledger's Joker, but she looks a lot more like the Penguin. Oh, and people like villains too -- LOTS of people liked Ledger's (and Nicholson's) Joker! If people didn't like villains, Hildebeast (nor Satan) would stand a chance!
Of the eight Batman films, four of them broke the opening weekend record. One of them came in third. One critically-dismissed (and eventually rejected) installment snagged the seventh biggest debut of all time while the current item has the eighth biggest debut on record as of today. Heck, at this moment, the 8th, 9th, and 10th biggest debut weekends are the last three Batman movies.
What is all this malarky about "Evangelical Christians would repudiate everything they believe in to vote for Trump"?
The media called them hypocrites for voting for Reagan as well -- first divorced president, not a regular church attender, product of evil Hollywood, bad father, hated the poor, warmonger. This is supposed to be new? Clearly, from the POV of the MSM, ANYONE that votes for ANY Republican is stupid, immoral, greedy, evil, Nazi ... oh, you get the point.
So they should vote for Hillary??? She has DECLARED that she is all for abortion, at least Trump CLAIMS that he has "repented". Evangelicals actually believe in repentance -- but it isn't like any of the past Republicans including Reagan have got rid of abortion either!
Humans are NOT rational, we are RATIONALIZING! Love is blind said the beautiful woman as she kissed the Moose (well, cow, but same thing). Trump says that he will "Make America Great Again" -- and most of his supporters hang whatever their view is of "Great Again" on that promise just like all the BO supporters hung their view of "Hope and Change". The difference for the media though is that they were so thrilled with BO, it never occurred to them that they were being driven by emotion.
CERTAINLY humans are motivated by their "hearts and loves" rather than by "their heads and logic". Damn, NEWS AT 11! Have these people missed Madison Avenue 101? Have they ever watched a beer commercial? A car commercial? ANY commercial?
The article is VERY right that Evangelicals are "in love with the world", their services have become too much like TV shows, their preachers often look pretty much like Trump, etc, etc, but that is nearly as true about Rubio as it is about Trump. At least some of us Lutherans have traditional liturgy for just that reason -- but we still have trouble with "loving the world". MAYBE the Amish do "better", but I doubt it (whose buggy is nicest, whose horse is more expensive, whose crops are better ... ) .... AGAIN, "It was for this reason that Christ came into the world!" ... we are saved by GRACE, NOT WORKS -- which of course the media (and apparently evangelical preachers see as "foolishness".
For a media that is COMPLETELY disgusted that anyone could EVER fail to vouch for the Christianity of BO, their judgement of Trump and evangelicals might contain just a tiny bit of hypocrisy!
Who is the most interesting candidate in the race? Is that REALLY a "hard question"? Movies, commercials, songs, novels, women's clothes (like a bikini, enough material to cover the subject, but not so much to lose interest!).
Add on top of this the fact that I've pointed out a number of times that after Slick Willie, four hour erection commercials, constant profanity, etc, etc, THE STANDARDS HAVE DECLINED!!!
BO proved that you didn't have to have ANY experience running ANYTHING to be president -- Hell, Trump is a model of preparedness in comparison.
Slick Wille proved you could have morals that made tomcats look like saints and be president.
I'm willing to grant that BO's birth certificate was OK, but the media / Democrats / intelligencia could have cared less if BO was a citizen or not -- just like they don't care about Benghazi, e-mails, etc.
There are NO MORAL STANDARDS remaining for president of the US! (Bill Clinton)
There are NO STANDARDS OF EXPERIENCE remaining for president of the US! (BO)
The elite powers that be have been JUST FINE with establishing this as precedent, so why the hell not just elect somebody "interesting"?
LOGIC? After the last eight years somebody wants to talk about LOGIC???
Oh, never mind ... animal rights protesters disrupted EASTER services at St Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan, using bullhorns and screaming about people eating tasty animals!
My standard points:
This is the most subtle and effective of media manipulation techniques. The media doesn't care about Christians and it is generally fine with PETA types. Ho hum, hardly hear about it. You can't react to what you never hear.
HOWEVER, if some Trump supporters really did interrupt a Muslim worship, ALL HELL would break loose! The media plays us like marionettes!!!
This was St Patrick's on EASTER! EASTER is **THE** holiday for Christians, it DEFINES Christianity! If our media had .00001% as much interest in "religious tolerance" for Christians as they do for Muslims, this would be a BIG STORY!
I'm not paying much attention to BO and TP as they whine about the SCOTUS nomination. But Sowell had a very good conclusion to this column on the obvious. If the SCOTUS interpreted the Constitution rather than making laws as they are sworn to do, SCOTUS nominations would probably sail right through.
Chief Justice Roberts himself practically repealed the 10th Amendment's limitation on federal power when he wrote the decision that the government could order us all to buy ObamaCare insurance policies. When judges act like whores, they can hardly expect to be treated like nuns.
Politicians, journalists and judges should all spare us pious hypocrisy.
The "religion of peace" aided the Christian celebration of Easter by killing 69 and wounding over 300 others, mostly women and children at a park in Lahore Pakistan.
Because of the innocent setting, an unusually high number of those injured were women and children. But the attack, claimed by a splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban, intentionally targeted Christians, the perpetrators say.
It would be a real shame if anyone would "falsely characaterize" such an attack as having ANYTHING to do with Islam!
The religious group [Christians] makes up only 2% of the population, and tensions are high between them and a hardline Muslim core which wants to see a strict interpretation of Islamic law take precedence in Pakistan's legal system.
I'm sure that "Islamic Law" really has nothing to do with Islam -- perhaps BO will wag his finger at us soon and enlighten us!
It's important to realize that the 3rd party people are not all a bunch of cranks! They have level headed thinkers like Zoltan of the Transhumanist Party, who has a lot of well reasoned thought of exactly the kind you can hear from 3rd party people nearly every day -- sometimes MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY if you have a wide enough circle on Facebook!
I have come to one realization about 3rd party types. The way you discover you have met a 3rd party type is the same as how you know you have met an Atheist or a Vegan.
LOTS of times ... and point out how YOU should be one too! They make street corner preachers and Mexican hawkers look shy by comparison.
For those of you not up on the intricacies of transhumanism, here is their party platform:
In addition to upholding American values, prosperity, and security, the three primary goals of my political agenda are as follows:
1) Attempt to do everything possible to make it so this country’s amazing scientists and technologists have resources to overcome human death and aging within 15-20 years—a goal an increasing number of leading scientists think is reachable.
2) Create a cultural mindset in America that embracing and producing radical technology and science is in the best interest of our nation and species.
3) Create national and global safeguards and programs that protect people against abusive technology and other possible planetary perils we might face as we transition into the transhumanist era.
A lot of third party thinkers primarily thrive on abusing the 95% of people that think mundane problems like 19T in debt, unfunded liabilities of 120T, less and less people working, more and more on the dole, and Americans dying of substance abuse and suicide in droves and the rape of the Constitution are of passing interest. How boring.
Guys like Zoltan are more positive -- for starters, ending human aging and death in 15-20 years, probably in the morning! So far, it isn't "97% of scientists" like Global Warming on this bandwagon, just an "increasing number". But hey, wouldn't you want to live forever even if the temp went up a degree or two? I've written on this kind of technical positivity before, Zoltan is not alone ... See Singularity.
I found the following paragraph to be especially "3rd partyish":
Personally, I despise the Two-Party system in our country. It’s completely un-American, and is just another form of monopoly—except with two heads ruling instead of one. To help fight it, we should embrace explosive personalities who can destroy a political system that favors big money and special interests—neither of which Sanders, Trump, or McAfee need or are beholden to.
Come November, the race will likely come down to Trump and Clinton, but the real winner might be the growing Libertarian Party—and by implication, other Third parties—by putting forth a loud personality who can get America cheering in a very different way. That is progress, indeed.
I'm sure that Zoltan despises death and aging as well, and don't we ALL despise "big money and special interests"? Well, special interests other than our own of course! ... and were we to come into some "big money", I'm guessing that the more honest among us might not despise that as much anymore either!
But he DOES have a point, which is actually the one that 3rd party people are ALWAYS, incessantly, constantly ... oh well, you get the idea ---- making.
We have to do SOMETHING different!
Any weirdo put forward by one of the existing parties is inherently NOT DIFFERENT ENOUGH! For most 3rd partiers, the difference of a Trump or a Sanders is lost because ... well, they are NOT A THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE ... ergo, "not different"! It's kind of like sporting a mohawk, a bone in your nose and maybe horns screwed into your head. Don't you get it??? I'm DIFFERENT!!!!!!
However, Zoltan is way more specific than your typical 3rd partier. He realizes that 3rd parties have a LOOOOOOOONNNGGG tradition in America of LOSING -- by A LOT! Like the "good ones" maybe pick up low single digits of the vote. So, Zoltan wants to ACTUALLY do something different -- he isn't a stick in the mud like other 3rd partiers that want to just run "Gary Johnson" again.
Last time out, Gary picked up .99% of the vote, more than the other 3rd partiers combined, and the most for a 3rd party since 2000! Talk about "making a difference"! Why 95-99% of the people remain so stupid as to not see the significance of .99% of the vote is something a 3rd party person will NEVER understand.
Well, Zoltan thinks John McAfee would be the kind of excitement needed to maybe BREAK 1%!!!!
My view is what they REALLY need is "McAfee - Zoltan" --- I even did their campaign poster for them!
I think the McAfee poster at the top of the post would be something that BOTH the Republican and Democrat establishments would seriously consider if it looks like Trump is winning -- which I guess just goes to prove that "both parties are the same"!
Hmm, well, the Dictator Summit maybe didn't impress EVERYONE! The old revolutionary Fidel has some harsh words for his "brother Obama". I'm guessing this will get very little play -- we know what a greatly admired international statesman BO is!
“We don’t need any gifts from the empire,” Castro wrote in a scathing article, addressed to “Brother Obama” and published in Granma, the Cuban Communist Party newspaper."
The column author is pretty sure that Trump means the end of the Republican Party and current conservative movement. I found the key part of his thesis to be here ...
The nature of politics is such that campaigns must offer something of value. If you tell a guy that he needs to solve his own problems, then what does he need you for? There must be an answer to the question: what are you going to do for me? Many conservatives don't like that, feeling that the only acceptable limited government answer should be "nothing." But "nothing" will never be a winning campaign platform. There has to be something. There has to be a product with features and benefits, and it has to be better than what the competition is offering.
He seems to be starting from the "pinata model of politics" -- "what's in it for ME"? His answer to what the "future" of a conservative movement ought to be is "no racists and lots of education".
Something tells me that no matter what happens, "Conservative / Republican / Liberty / ???" or whatever the "old Republican party" becomes, or possibly what a new 3rd party is about has to be A LOT clearer than the current Republican party, which as pretty much returned to the pre-Reagan status of "Democrat lite".
First of all, The Democrat Party, "The Party" (TP) is EASY to define:
Socialist / Fascist economic policy.
FREE STUFF!!!! Medicine, education, food, drugs, housing, abortions, birth control, cell phones ... keep thinking, TP will try to give it to you!
Leveling -- no matter what somebody does, or doesn't do, "outcome" ought to be basically the same.
NO RESPONSIBILITY! ... to work, stay married, take care of your kids, take care of your parents, etc. Don't want to have a baby? KILL IT!
NO traditional MORALS! 58 genders and LOTS of "preferences". If you want to live life leading with your sex organs, this is your party! Drugs? No issue! Telling the "truth"? No such thing other than what TP says it is! Theft? TP takes from who they want, keeps what they want and gives the rest to who they want. Lawlessness is as close to "virtue" as they come.
Anti-Christian. Muslim is great. Wiccan? Far out! Whatever -- just keep quiet on that "Jesus stuff"!
Anti-American. TP would rather be part of Europe. America was bad -- sexist, racist, imperialist. That is why TP killed it and are very happy they did! BOistan is NOT America!
Anti-White. Since the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, the TP has been replacing white people with browns and blacks. They are pretty much done -- and in 10-20 years this is a non-white country. White people -- TP hopes the door whacks your ass on the way out!
COMPLETE LOYALTY TO TP!! No unapproved speech. Certainly no guns, TP is "giving" (stealing and transferring) you everything to make you "happy" -- so BE HAPPY and SHUT UP about anything political except praise for TP. Got it??? I
Here is my cut at a start of what a new party needs to stand for:
Philosophically rooted in the value of Transcendent Principles, No specific Federal Church, but certainly States are allowed to have churches that support the agreed and understood Transcendent Principles. (See "Ideas Have Consequences") (Islam is not one of those religions) Religion and Philosophy are the roots of the nation -- politics and science are servants of the eternal order.
Capitalism and decentralized markets are the basis of economic policy.
Individualized education that seeks to bring out the unique gifts of each individual while insuring that all that are able have a deep understanding of religion, philosophy, rhetoric, language, history and classical literature and the arts. None may take part in any aspect of governance unless they can pass rigorous standards in the history, meaning and imperatives of culture and civilization.
All elements of society must guard against the twin perils of education on one hand becoming indoctrination with no room for innovation, and on the other, becoming a value free stew of disordered and undifferentiated data.
Wisdom is the beginning and the end of education.
Local and State Rights -- See Switzerland. Federal government handles national defense and referees interstate commerce. "City States" are the rule. Thousands of laboratories of what works and what does not, with the freedom to fail, and fail badly being one of the values held in greatest esteem.
Family, Church and Community are the recognized and cherished building blocks of society.
Excellence in service to God, Family, Church and Community is the objective of every citizen.
Inheritance is important and encouraged
Both the past and the future are more important than today. Family history, Church History, Community History are all items of sacred reverence.
The trinity of Family, Church and Community is the rock upon which the individual can boldly risk much in gaining their unique mission for a meaningful life.
Well, a raw start. At some point I believe it is critical that at least some have some idea of "where to go from here" once the present state of TP fully fails. Perhaps it will be in a seceded new nation from Texas to the Canadian border -- perhaps the heartland of Canada may join with Alaska to have a great nation from Alaska, Northwest Territories to the Gulf of Mexico abandoning the east and west coasts to live with their chosen depravity.
I like to dream dreams of a hopeful future. It's Spring, just past Easter ... it is so easy to abandon hope as we look at the mess that TP has wrought, but we need to keep Faith, Hope, Love and Truth alive in our hearts and minds!
I've covered this a number of times, but it is always worth reading the wisdom of Sowell.
One of the reasons why both pro-Obama and anti-Obama observers may be reluctant to see him as fascist is that both tend to accept the prevailing notion that fascism is on the political right, while it is obvious that Obama is on the political left.
Back in the 1920s, however, when fascism was a new political development, it was widely -- and correctly -- regarded as being on the political left. Jonah Goldberg's great book "Liberal Fascism" cites overwhelming evidence of the fascists' consistent pursuit of the goals of the left, and of the left's embrace of the fascists as one of their own during the 1920s.